Feelings and Emotions Detailed Lesson Plans
Feelings and Emotions Detailed Lesson Plans
Feelings and Emotions Detailed Lesson Plans
1-Lesson focus:
-Listen for gist and recognize the structure of a lecture.
-Predict the sequencing of ideas and make inferences.
-Respond to a text and make a coherent formal speech.
-Distinguish between fact and opinion and demonstrate critical
thinking and judgement.
-Respond to a text and support and siscuss the organizational
pattern of advice,a newspaper article ,and a book or film review
-Form new words with the prefix “self-“
-Derive adj from nouns and verbs from adj using “en”
3-Grammar points:
-Using modals to express advice,obligation,prohibition,necessity.
-Expressing likes ,dislikes and preferences
-Report current events.
-Use appropriate modals to express:advice,obligation….
-Write a descriptive newspaper article about feelings and emotions
expected from Algerian women and men in various situations.
-write a review article of a film or book(a comedy,tragedy,love
Unit Four: Keep Cool!.
Ss: The students give various answers.
T: Which adjectives best describe these two
Ss: Apple one is sad while apple two is happy.
T asks Ss to look at the pictures and
answer the questions
-Do you know the comedians in the
picture ? if yes,name them.
-Do you think that they are funny? if yes,is
it because of their comic gestures or their
verbal jokes?
-What is comedy?do you think comedy
teaches us lessons?
-In what ways are performances by
foreign comedians similar to or different
from those by Algerian comedians?
-Ss give different answers(the questions P Pens
are open-ended) Pencils
15 To listen for Ss should have T-Ss, Ss-Ss While –Listening
mins specific an opportunity Task one:Listen to the interview and
information to listen for reorder the statements A-E
And discuss comprehension Ss listen to the interview again and do the
humour and task
sick humour A-Humour is recommended because of is Textbo
good effects on our health and social ok
behavior. Pens
B-Comedy teaches us moral laws. Pencils
CHumour is closely linked with national paper
Ss-T D-It is advisable to avoid‘sick humour’
Must= obligation/mustn’t=prohibition
Have to=necessity
Don’t’ have to=lack of obligation
Ought to=advice
Task 2:In pairs T asks them to prepare a
short dialogue between school
psychologist and student.Asking for and
To practise the Ss need t o ask giving advice using should /ought to
10mn use of should for and give
and ought to advice with -Ss act it out
should and
ought to
5min .
10 To distinguish Ss need to Ss-Ss, T-Ss VOCABULARY
min different identify N and Task one:Consider the list of words in
words’ families adj having VAT the box .Write them in the table that
positive and follows.
negative Positive Negative
meanings/conn- N ADJ N ADJ
8mn Key:
To practise N ADJ N ADJ
words Fun Funny Stress Stressful
formation Humour Humou Worry Worried
/word rous Sicknes- Sick
building s
through Help Helpful
affixation and Joy Joyful
enrich pps Comedy comic
Task two:
Turn the adjectives written in bold type
To reinvest in the text into verbs by adding suffix
10mn lexical items in “en”
context. Then rewrite the text using the
verbs(make the necessary changes)
To reinvest Broaden-deepen-widen-shorten-darken
lexical items in roughen-soften
10mn context. Task three:
To train pps to T asks Ss to form new adjectives and
form nouns by adding the prefix “self” to the
adjectives and words in the box.Then arrange them in
nouns using the table p170
“self” Key:Positive
N:Self pity/self-deception
To activate the Ss need to
prior interpret pictures
knowledge and discuss the
and make content.
10mn them predict Sequence two:Read and consider
the content of
the text.
Pre- reading
Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:
-Oral correction