Lesson Plan (Articles)

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Subject Language Arts

Teacher Ms. Candice Khan
Grade level Standard 2
Time duration 15-20 minutes
Objective  Recognize articles
 Explain why articles are used
 Apply them properly
Materials Copy book and Pencil
Prior Knowledge What is a noun.
What is an adjective.
Intro  Ask students to define a noun (a person,
place, object, or idea), and then ask them to
define adjectives (words that describe
 Give a few examples such as "big
(adjective) dog (noun)" and "red (adjective)
house (noun)."
 Ask students to consider the words a, an,
and the. Ask them what part of speech these
words belong to, and listen to their
 Tell students that these three little words are
a type of adjective, called articles or
determiners, because they help us describe
nouns. They tell us whether we are speaking
of a specific noun or a noun in general.
Direct Instruction Show students the following sentences:
 Give me the blanket.
 Give me a blanket.
Put students in breakout rooms to discuss the
difference between the two sentences.
Invite students to share their thinking.
Tell students that “the” is a definite article
because it refers to a specific noun while “a” and
“an” are indefinite articles because they refer to a
more general sense of the noun.
In the example, the first sentence asks for a
specific blanket while the second sentence is
requesting any blanket.
Inform students that the indefinite article '"an" is
used before words that start with a vowel sound
(a, e, i, o, u).
Point out that words spelled with a consonant but
are pronounced with a vowel sound must use "an"
(i.e., an hour late, or an honorable person).
Tell students that nouns beginning in a vowel but
pronounced with a consonant sound use the
indefinite article "a" (i.e., a university or a unicorn
which both start with a Y sound).
Guided Practice Show students the following sentences:

 As soon as they walked in the gate, Amanda
and Avery made a beeline for the enclosure
where Penelope lived.
 They ran toward the bamboo plants growing
high above the fence around Penelope’s
Read the first sentence and demonstrate how you
identify the articles by circling them.
For each article you circle, explain to students
why the author chose a definite or indefinite
(i.e., in the first sentence, the author wrote "the
gate" because he is referring to a specific gate,
and he wrote "a beeline" because the characters
made a random beeline instead of a specific
beeline route).
Randomly call on students to read the next
sentences and circle the articles, while also
providing an explanation as to why the particular
article makes sense in the sentence.
Independent Practice Give a list of sentences and have the students
work in pairs to find the article/s in each sentence.
Differentiation Allow students to work with a partner for the
Independent Work Time
Review Ask students to choose one of the sentences given
and read the sentences aloud to the class with the

articles omitted.
Students will see how awkward the sentences
sound without them.

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