Cpte01 PDF
Cpte01 PDF
Cpte01 PDF
• Explain what physics is about.
• Explain why mathematics is the
language of science. (1.2)
• Outline scientific methods. (1.3)
THE BIG Science is the study
• Describe circumstances under
which a hypothesis, law, or
IDEA of nature’s rules.
principle must be changed or
hat would it be like to live in outer space? At
abandoned. (1.4)
first thought, we might think this question
• Determine whether a
hypothesis is scientific. (1.5)
is for astronauts. But on second thought,
we realize this question is for everybody, for all of
• Distinguish between science
and technology. (1.6) us are in outer space. At every moment we are
• Distinguish among science, art, riding on planet Earth, which has been in outer
and religion. (1.7) space for billions of years, hurtling completely
• Describe how progress today out of human control in orbit around the sun.
differs from progress thousands Although more than 130 objects beyond our
of years ago. (1.8) solar system have recently been found, our
small life-supporting planet is special to us—it
is our home.
discover! We can’t control Earth’s motion, but we
MATERIALS water, television
have learned the rules by which it moves—rules
screen or computer monitor, that were painstakingly discovered by investiga-
magnifying glass, newspaper tors throughout much of human history. The study
EXPECTED OUTCOME Students of nature’s rules is what this book is about. These
should notice that images on rules in physics are surprisingly few in number, explaining
an electronic display and in such things as why Earth is round, why its rainbows are colorful
newspapers are produced by
arcs, and why skies are blue and sunsets are red. Understanding
tiny colored dots placed close
together. nature’s rules adds richness to the way we see our world.
1. These images are produced discover!
by tiny colored dots. From a
distance the eye-brain system What is the Relationship Among Art, Analyze and Conclude
mixes the colors together. Science, and Technology? 1. Observing How are the color images you see
2. Outdoor electronic displays 1. Carefully place a drop of water on a television on television and computer monitors, in news-
are produced by larger screen or computer monitor. papers, and in Pointillist paintings produced?
colored dots.
2. Look at the screen through the droplet. 2. Predicting How do you suppose the images
3. Pointillist paintings are on outdoor electronic displays are produced?
based on the science that 3. How close to the screen must you be to see
the eye-brain system can individual dots without looking through the 3. Making Generalizations How do art, science,
mix small colored dots droplet? and technology converge to bring us the
together to produce an 4. Use a magnifying glass to examine a color color images that are so much a part of our
image. Technology has image in a newspaper. daily lives?
used this science to create
electronic displays.
Spend only one class period on
Chapter 1. Though this material
1.1 The Basic Science—Physics is important groundwork for
science in general, it should not
Much of science today is what used to be called natural philosophy. be considered material to study.
Most new discoveries
Natural philosophy was the study of unanswered questions about occur where science Save deeper digging for later.
nature. As the answers were found, they became part of what is now fields overlap—in
called science. biochemistry and
The study of science today branches into the study of living biophysics, for exam-
things and nonliving things—the life sciences and the physical sci- ple. Study more than
ences. The life sciences branch into areas such as biology, zoology, one field of science! 1.1 The Basic
and botany. The physical sciences branch into areas such as geology, Science—Physics
astronomy, chemistry, and physics.
Physics is about the
Physics is more than a part of the physical sciences, it is the most CHECK nature of basic things
basic of all the sciences. Physics is about the nature of basic such as motion, forces, energy,
things such as motion, forces, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, matter, heat, sound, light, and
and the composition of atoms. Chemistry is about how matter is the composition of atoms.
put together, how atoms combine to form molecules, and how the
molecules combine to make up the many kinds of matter around Teaching Resources
us. Biology is still more complex and involves matter that is alive. So • Reading and Study
physics supports chemistry, which in turn supports biology. The ideas Workbook
of physics are fundamental to these more complicated sciences. That’s • PresentationEXPRESS
why physics is the most basic science. You can understand other sci- • Interactive Textbook
ences much better if you first understand physics. This book presents
physics conceptually so that you can enjoy understanding it.
What is physics about? 1.2 Mathematics—
CHECK The Language of
1.2 Mathematics— Common Misconception
The Language of Science Physics is applied mathematics.
FACT Although mathematics is a
Science was transformed in the 1600s when it was learned that nature language of physics, it is not the
can be analyzed, modeled, and described mathematically. When only way to study physics.
the ideas of science are expressed in mathematical terms, they are Teaching Tip Explain that
unambiguous. The equations of science provide compact expressions physics equations are systems
of relationships between concepts. Physics equations are guides to of connections, following the
thinking! They don’t have the double meanings that so often confuse rules of logic. They tell us what is
connected to what, and what we
the discussion of ideas expressed in common language. When sci- The superscript 1.2
can ignore.
entific findings in nature are expressed mathematically, they refers to a note to the
are easier to verify or disprove by experiment.1.2 The methods of text. Notes are listed
in Appendix G, which
mathematics and experimentation have led to enormous successes begins on page 891.
in science.
CONCEPT When scientific
Why is mathematics the language of science? CHECK findings in nature are
CHECK expressed mathematically, they
are easier to verify or disprove by
a b
1.3 Scientific
Methods 1.3 Scientific Methods
Key Term The Italian physicist Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) and the English phi-
scientific method losopher Francis Bacon (1561–1626), shown in Figure 1.1, are usually
Teaching Tip Point out that credited as the founders of the scientific method. Scientific methods
the scientific method is only a are extremely effective in gaining, organizing, and applying new
guide to good science practice.
Most discoveries happen by trial
knowledge. Scientific methods generally include some, if not all,
and error, experimentation, or of the following:
accidental discovery. 1. Recognize a problem.
Scientific methods 2. Make an educated guess—a hypothesis—about the answer.
CHECK generally include 3. Predict the consequences of the hypothesis.
some, if not all, of the following:
recognizing a problem, making 4. Perform experiments to test predictions.
a hypothesis, predicting,
performing experiments, and
5. Formulate the simplest general rule that organizes the main
formulating rules. ingredients: hypothesis, prediction, and experimental outcome.
Although this method is popular, it is not the universal key to
Teaching Resources discoveries and advances in science. Trial and error, experimentation
• Reading and Study without guessing, and accidental discovery account for much of the
Workbook progress in science. The success of science has more to do with an
Physics is a way of find- attitude common to scientists than with a particular method. This
• PresentationEXPRESS
ing knowledge, how
• Interactive Textbook things get to be known,
attitude is one of inquiry, experimentation, and humility.
what is not known, and
to what extent things What are the steps of a scientific method?
are known (for in sci-
1.4 The Scientific ence, nothing is known
Attitude absolutely).
1.4 The Scientific Attitude
Key Terms In science, a fact is a close agreement by competent observers
fact, hypothesis, law, principle,
theory who make a series of observations of the same phenomenon. A
scientific hypothesis is an educated guess that is not fully accepted
Teaching Tip Distinguish
among hypothesis, theory, and
until demonstrated by experiment. When hypotheses about the rela-
fact. Point out that theory and tionship among natural quantities are tested over and over again and
hypothesis are not the same. not contradicted, they may become laws or principles.
2 2
Teaching Tip Acknowledge
the common misunderstanding
If a scientist finds evidence that contradicts a hypothesis, of what a scientific theory is,
law, or principle, then the hypothesis, law, or principle must be as revealed by those who say,
changed or abandoned. A scientist must be prepared to change or “But it is not a fact; it is only a
abandon an idea. The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) theory.” Many people have the
For: Links on hypothesis mistaken notion that a theory is
claimed that an object twice as heavy as another falls twice as fast.
Visit: www.SciLinks.org tentative or speculative, while a
This false idea was held to be true for nearly 2000 years because of fact is absolute.
Aristotle’s authority. In modern science, however, a single verifiable Web Code: csn – 0104
Teaching Tip Impress upon
experiment to the contrary outweighs any authority, regardless your class that a fact is not
of reputation. immutable and absolute, but
Scientists must accept their findings even when they would like is generally a close agreement
them to be different. They must distinguish between what they see by competent observers of
a series of observations of
and what they wish to see. Scientists, like most people, have a vast
the same phenomena. The
capacity for fooling themselves.1.4 People have always tended to adopt observations must be testable.
and retain general rules, ideas, and hypotheses without thoroughly Since the activity of science is
questioning their validity, even after they have been shown to be false. the determination of the most
Most often when an idea is adopted, particular attention is given to probable, there are no absolutes.
cases that seem to support it, while cases that seem to refute it are Teaching Tip By concept,
distorted, belittled, or ignored. we mean the intellectual
framework that is part of a
Scientific Theories Scientists use the word theory differently from theory. We speak of the concept
of time, the concept of energy,
the way it is used in everyday speech. In everyday speech, a theory is
or the concept of a force field.
the same as a hypothesis—a supposition that has not been verified. A concept encompasses the
A scientific theory, on the other hand, is a synthesis of a large body overriding idea that underlies
of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses various phenomena. Thus, when
about certain aspects of the natural world. For example, physicists we think “conceptually” we
employ a generalized way of
speak of atomic theory; biologists speak of cell theory. looking at things.
The theories of science are not fixed, but rather they evolve as they
Teaching Tip Explain that
go through stages of redefinition and refinement. During the past hun-
prediction in science is different
dred years, the theory of the atom has been refined as new evidence from prediction in other areas. In
was gathered. Similarly, biologists have refined the cell theory. the everyday sense, one speaks
The refinement of theories is a strength of science, not a weak- of predicting what has not yet
ness. Competent scientists must be experts at changing their minds occurred. In science, however,
prediction is not so much about
when confronted with solid experimental evidence to the contrary of what will happen, but of what is
a theory, or when a conceptually simpler hypothesis forces them to a happening and is not yet noticed.
new point of view. More important than defending beliefs is improv- A scientist predicts what can and
ing upon them. Better hypotheses are made by those who are honest cannot happen, rather than what
in the face of experimental evidence. will or will not happen.
The scientific attitude accompanies a search for order, for uni- If a scientist finds
formities, and for lawful relations among the events of nature. These CHECK evidence that
enable us to make predictions. By better understanding nature, we contradicts a hypothesis, law, or
principle, then the hypothesis,
can better control our destinies. law, or principle must be changed
CONCEPT When must a hypothesis, law, or principle be or abandoned.
CHECK whether a hypothesis
4 4
1.6 Science,
1.6 Science, Technology, and Society Technology, and
Science and technology are different. Science is a method of
answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solv- Common Misconception
ing practical problems. Science has to do with discovering facts and Science and technology are
the same.
relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with
FACT Science is finding things
establishing theories that organize and make sense of these facts and
out; technology is doing them.
relationships. Technology has to do with tools, techniques, and proce-
dures for putting the findings of science to use. Teaching Tip Explain that
both science and technology
Science and technology are human enterprises, but in different in themselves are neither
ways. In deciding what problems to work on, scientists are guided by good nor bad. What people or
their own interests, and sometimes by a desire to help other people governments choose to do with
or to serve their nation. Most often scientists are driven primarily by them can be good or bad. It is
the responsibility of all of us to
curiosity, the simple urge to know. They pursue knowledge, insofar
see that science and technology
as is possible, that is free of current fashion, beliefs, and value judg- are wisely used to promote the
ments. What scientists discover may shock or anger some people, general well-being. Responsibility
as did Darwin’s theory of evolution. But science by itself does not and authority should go together.
intrude on human life—technology does. Once developed, technol- Do they? In discussions of science
and technology and their side
ogy can hardly be ignored. Technologists specifically set out to design, effects, a useful statement is,
create, or build something for the use and enjoyment of humans, You can never do just one thing.
often for the betterment of human life. Yet some technology can have Doing this affects that.
adverse side effects or create other problems that must be solved.
Although technology derives from science, it has to be judged on how
it affects human life.
We are all familiar with the abuses of technology. Many people
blame technology itself for widespread pollution, resource deple-
tion, and even social decay. The blame placed on technology often
obscures its promise. That promise is a cleaner and healthier world. It
is much wiser to combat the dangers of technology with knowledge
than with ignorance. Wise applications of science and technology can
Science is a way of
lead to a better world.
learning how to tell
Science and technology make up a larger part of our every- the difference
day lives than ever before. Humans now have much influence over between what is
nature’s delicate balance. With that power comes a responsibility to known and what isn't
maintain that balance, and to do that, we must understand nature’s known. It provides a Science is a method
basic rules. Citizens must be knowledgeable about how the world way of thinking that CHECK of answering
allows us to make theoretical questions; technology
works in order to deal with issues such as acid rain, global warming,
sound judgments. is a method of solving practical
and toxic wastes. The scientific way of thinking becomes vital to soci- problems.
ety as new facts are discovered and new ideas for caring for the planet
are needed.
Teaching Resources
What is the difference between science and
CHECK concerned with light first as a wave and then as a particle. To the person who knows
discovering and recording
natural phenomena, the arts
only a little physics, waves and particles are contradictory. Light can
are concerned with the value be only one or the other, and we have to choose between them. But to
of human interactions as they the enlightened physicist, waves and particles complement each other
pertain to the senses, and and provide a deeper understanding of light. Similarly, people who
religion is concerned with the
source, purpose, and meaning think! are either uninformed or misinformed about the deeper nature of
of everything. both science and religion often feel they must choose between them.
Which of the following But if we have an understanding of science and religion, we can
involves great amounts
of human passion, talent,
embrace both without contradiction. (Of course, this doesn’t apply
Teaching Resources
and intelligence? to certain extremists who steadfastly assert that one cannot embrace
• Reading and Study both their brand of religion and science.)
a. art b. literature
c. music d. science
Answer: 1.7 How are science, art, and religion different?
• Interactive Textbook CHECK
6 6
1.8 In Perspective
1.8 In Perspective Doubt and uncertainty
More than 3000 years ago, enormous human effort went into the are hallmarks of science. Science types are those most
Most physicists feel it is engaged by the spectacle of
construction of great pyramids in Egypt. They were the world’s great- nature.
more interesting to live
est monuments to a vision of the universe. The Pyramids testify to without knowing than to
human genius, endurance, and thirst for deeper understanding. A few have answers that might
centuries ago, the then-modern world directed its brilliance to the be wrong.
building of great stone and marble structures. Cathedrals, synagogues, Teaching Tip Add skilled
temples, and mosques were manifestations of people’s vision. Some of technicians to the list of those
these structures took more than a century to build, which means that building today’s spaceships.
nobody witnessed both the beginning and the end of construction. Teaching Tip You can nurture
Even the architects and early builders who lived to a ripe old age never appreciation for science with
saw the finished results of their labors. Entire lifetimes were spent in “How-do-we-know”questions.
the shadows of construction that must have seemed without begin- For example,“How do we know
that electrons are smaller than
ning or end. This enormous focus of human energy was inspired by atoms?” “How do we know that
a vision that went beyond world concerns—a vision of the cosmos. antibiotics kill bacteria and not
To the people of these times, the structures they erected were their viruses?” “How do we know that
“spaceships of faith”—firmly anchored but pointing to the cosmos. dinosaurs died before the advent
Progress in our age is much quicker than it was of the first humans?”
thousands of years ago. Today the efforts of many of Teaching Tidbit “Anytime
our most skilled scientists, engineers, and artisans are anybody tells you that they are
‘absolutely certain’ of some
directed toward building the spaceships that orbit Earth, general idea, you can be assured
and others that will voyage beyond. The time required to that their conclusion is not
build these spaceships is extremely brief compared with scientific, because science never
the time spent building the stone and marble structures produces absolute certainty.”
of the past. Many people working on today’s spaceships —Art Hobson
were alive before the first jetliner carried passengers.
Where will younger lives lead in a comparable time?
We are at the dawn of a major change in human
growth, not unlike the stage of a chicken embryo before
it fully matures. When the chicken embryo exhausts the
last of its inner-egg resources and before it pokes its way
out of its shell, it may seem to be at its last moments. But
Progress in our age is
what seems like an end is really only a beginning. Are we CONCEPT
CHECK much quicker than it
like the hatching chicks ready to poke through to a whole was thousands of years ago.
new range of possibilities? Are our space-faring efforts
the early signs of a new human era?
Teaching Resources
Earth is our cradle and has served us well. But cradles, however FIGURE 1.3
comfortable, are outgrown one day. With inspiration similar to the • Reading and Study
NASA astronauts may
inspiration of those who built the early cathedrals, synagogues, tem- one day travel in this
spaceship of the future. • PresentationEXPRESS
ples, and mosques, we aim for the cosmos. We live in a challenging
• Interactive Textbook
and exciting time!
• Conceptual Physics Alive!
CONCEPT How does progress today differ from progress
DVDs Introduction to
CHECK thousands of years ago? Conceptual Physics
For: Self-Assessment
Visit: PHSchool.com
Teaching Resources
Web Code: csa – 0100
• TeacherEXPRESS
• Conceptual Physics Alive!
DVDs Introduction to
Conceptual Physics
8 8
Think and Explain
For: Self-Assessment 12. Refinements and
Visit: PHSchool.com improvements of scientific
Web Code: csd – 4270 findings are part of normal
scientific activity. Findings are
checked and cross-checked by
other scientists.
13. The distinction between
hypothesis and theory
Check Concepts •••••• Section 1.7 14. Answers will vary. Accept
8. How are science and the arts similar? and discuss all reasonable
Section 1.1 responses.
1. Why is physics the most basic science? 9. How do science and religion differ?
10. Why do citizens have a responsibility to
have some basic understanding of nature’s
Section 1.8
11. How does the rate of change of progress
differ today from the rate in previous