Thevenin's Theorem Lab: Voltage, V

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B.Sc. Engg.

Part-1 Odd Semester 2018

Department of Applied Physics and electronic Engineering
University of Rajshahi

Thevenin’s Theorem Lab

Thevenin’s Theorem is used to reduce a complex circuit into an equivalent series circuit containing a voltage source
and a series resistor.

 To calculate the current through (or voltage across) a component in any circuit,
 To develop a constant voltage equivalent circuit which may be used to simplify the analysis of a complex circuit.

Theorem: Any linear two terminal network can be

“replaced with” a single voltage source in series with a
single resistor (see Fig. 1 below). The voltage source is
called the Thevenin’s equivalent voltage, and the resistance
is called the Thevenin’s equivalent resistance.

How to Thevenize a given network:

Step 1:
Remove the resistor, RL through which you wish to
calculate the current or across which you want to know the
voltage. Label these terminals (where the resistor was
removed) ‘A’ and ‘B’. Calculate the voltage that appears
across these open terminals (between A and B). This is Figure -1: A network replaced with its Thevenin equivalent
called the open circuit voltage or the Thevenin’s equivalent
voltage, VTH.

Let’s consider the example shown in Fig. 2. Use the voltage

source, V, and the voltage dividing network made up of R 1, R2 and
R3. Here resistor R3 does not influence the voltage that appears
Figure-2: Open circuit voltage (Thevenin's
across the AB terminals. This is because no current is drawn voltage) calculation
through R3. This leaves only R1 and R2. It is seen that the voltage
drop across R2 is equal to 𝑉𝑇𝐻 and it is given by Eq. 1.
𝑉 𝑅2
𝑉𝑇𝐻 = − − − − − − − −(1)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

Step 2:
From the open terminals, (‘A’ and ‘B’) calculate the resistance Figure-3: Calculation of Thevenin's equivalent
“looking back” from the open terminals into the network as shown
in figure-3. Each voltage source must be replaced by a resistor equal to the internal resistanceof the voltage source
before the Thevenin’s resistance is evaluated. If 𝑅𝑖 = 0, then replace the voltage source with a zero ohm resistor
(short). The resistance seen from terminals AB is the Thevenin’s resistance 𝑅𝑇𝐻 is given by
𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑅𝑇𝐻 = 𝑅3 + − − − − − − − (2)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

B.Sc. Engg. Part-1 Odd Semester 2018
Department of Applied Physics and electronic Engineering
University of Rajshahi

Thevenin equivalent circuit

Fig.4 shows the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit with the load resistor, R L.

From the Kirchhoff’s law we know the current through RL is:

𝐼𝑅𝐿 = − − − − − − − −(3)
and the voltage across load (RL) is: Figure 4 : Thevenin’s equivalent circuit

𝑉𝐿 = 𝐼𝑅𝐿 𝑅𝐿 = − − − − − − − −(4)

How to write Laboratory Report (Sample)

Name of the experiment: Verification of Thevenin’s theorem

Theory: Any linear two-terminal network can be replaced with a single voltage source in series with a single resistor
( Fig. 1 ). The voltage source is the open circuit voltage measured at the load terminals and known as Thevenin’s
equivalent voltage. The series resistance is the equivalent resistance as seen from the load terminals with all sources
of emf are replaced by their internal resistance and known as Thevenin’s equivalent resistance.

Let us consider the circuit as shown in fig.2. Thevenin’s open circuit voltage VTH is measured using a voltmeter
from this circuit. It can be calculated from the following formula
𝑉 𝑅2
𝑉𝑇𝐻 = − − − − − − − −(1)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

The equivalent resistance can be measured from circuit as shown in fig.3. The value of Thevenin’s resistance can
be evaluated from the formula
𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑅𝑇𝐻 = 𝑅3 + − − − − − − − −(2)
𝑅1 + 𝑅2

Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of the network as shown in fig.1, is shown in fig.4. Therefore, circuits as shown in
fig.1 and fig.4 will be used to measure the load current (IL) through the resistor RL. Thevenin’s theorem is said to
be experimentally verified if the values of load currents ( original and equivalent circuits) are equal.

List of apparatus and components:

1. DC power supply
2. Bread board
3. Multimeter
4. Resistors
5. Connecting wires

B.Sc. Engg. Part-1 Odd Semester 2018
Department of Applied Physics and electronic Engineering
University of Rajshahi

Experimental Table: Experimental data for the verification of Thevenin theorem

Supply voltage, V = 5 V and 𝑅𝐿 = 1 K

Thevenin Thevenin Load current, 𝐼𝐿 (mA)


Resistor values equivalent equivalent Original Equivalent Measured load

No. of

(K) Voltage , Resistance , circuit circuit current difference,

Cal. Mea. Cal. Mea. (mA)
𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 Cal. Mea. Cal. Mea
1 2 3 1
2 0.1 1 2
3 0.22 2 3

The followings measures should be taken during the experimental procedures.
1. Supply voltage should be measured after connecting the power to the circuit.
2. Measurement of resistance is carried out using a digital Ohm meter.
3. Measurement range should be in appropriate position before measuring any quantity.
4. Circuit connections are made tightly.
5. Power source must be disconnected from the circuit during 𝑅𝑇𝐻 measurement.

Result and discussion:

It is seen from the table-1 that the difference in current through the load of original circuit and its Thevenin
equivalent circuit is approximately equal. Therefore, it can be said that the Thevenin theorem is experimentally

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