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Grabbing attention: the importance of modal density in advertising

Paul White
Visual Communication 2010 9: 371
DOI: 10.1177/1470357210382194

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visual communication


Grabbing attention: the importance of

modal density in advertising

Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

This article compares marketing communications mediated by conventional
media (street posters) with those employing a convergence of old and new
technologies (posters, SMS texting, Bluetooth transmitters). The author
first analyses in detail the famous Lord Kitchener poster created in 1914
and shows that the semiotic and modal structure of the Kitchener poster
became a template on which many subsequent communications have been
and still are based. He then goes on to compare the semiotic and modal
structure of the famous Kitchener poster with the New Zealand Army inter-
active recruitment posters created by Saatchi & Saatchi (New Zealand) in
2007. Building on Rodney Jones’s notion of sites of engagement as sites
of attention and using Sigrid Norris’s concept of modal density, this article
analyses the New Zealand Army interactive posters and shows how com-
munications in the age of information overload are more likely to be suc-
cessful if they find new ways of getting and keeping attention. Furthermore,
it suggests that multimodal discourse analysis can have an important and,
as yet unrealized, role to play in refining the study of advertising and market-
ing communications effectiveness.

attention • mediational means • modal density • multimodality • salience
• sites of engagement

This article investigates the modal composition (Kress and Van Leeuwen,
1996) of several posters that build on the semiotic template modeled in the
Kitchener poster, and the resulting modal density (Norris, 2004) experienced
by the viewer. Modal composition is the hierarchical structure that communi-
cative modes occupy in any given mediated action or message. Modal density

SAGE Publications (Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC: Copyright © The Author(s), 2010.
Reprints and permissions:
Vol 9(4): 371–397 DOI 10.1177/1470357210382194

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is defined as ‘the modal intensity and/or modal complexity through which a
higher-level action is constructed’ (p. 79). Jones (2005) defines a higher-level
action as having a clear opening and closing and as ‘made up of a multiplicity
of chained lower-level actions’ (p. 11). This article argues that various modal
compositions result in a different modal density for the viewer, thereby com-
pelling the viewer to pay greater or lesser attention to the poster. This argument
is developed by incorporating Jones’s (2005) notion of sites of engagement as
sites of attention. After the discussion of modal composition and the resulting
modal density for the viewer, the article investigates the NZ (New Zealand)
Army interactive posters created by Saatchi & Saatchi in 2007, comparing their
modal composition and the resulting modal density to the Kitchener poster.
Here, the article illustrates that new technologies greatly affect the depth and
richness of attention a social actor employs when interacting with the com-
munication. I conclude by ����������������������������������������������������
suggesting that the concept of modal density is par-
ticularly valuable when used specifically to assess the level of attention that a
social actor employs in responding to unsolicited marketing communications.

In 1914, artist Alfred Leete created what has arguably become one of the most
famous posters in the world. It features a portrait of Lord Kitchener above
the words, ‘“Your country needs YOU”’ and was used by the British Army to
recruit soldiers in the First World War.
The American adaptation of Leete’s successful design appeared in 1918,
featuring the mythical figure of Uncle Sam above the words, ‘I WANT YOU
Britain built on the fame of the original Kitchener poster in the Second
World War and issued a version with a portrait of finger-pointing Winston
Churchill above the words, ‘DESERVE VICTORY!’
In 2008, a finger-pointing Barack Obama presents himself as the new
‘face of America’ on a web banner urging young people to sign up to become
Obama Precinct Captains.
From the many imitations of the Kitchener poster that have been used
in advertisements, I examine a 2005 magazine advertisement for the Oman
International Bank. It presents a finger-pointing woman and the headline, ‘It
could be you.’
In 2007, advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi (New Zealand) created
what they call a series of ‘interactive posters’ which are gaining a worldwide
reputation.1 They deliver the challenge, ‘Have you got what it takes to join the
New Zealand Army?’


The Kitchener poster (Figure 1) is seminal as an icon of visual communication.
The poster mediates a highly personal appeal to potential army recruits and

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Figure 1  Alfred Leete’s British Army First World War recruitment poster.

seeks to elicit more than an intellectual response – its purpose is to cause peo-
ple to go and sign up. Three pertinent and quite recent studies (Kress and Van
Leeuwen, 1996; Van Leeuwen, 2004, 2005) analysing it from semiotic and mul-
timodal perspectives show how the poster successfully mediates its message
and engages the viewer. The three salient semiotic features of the Kitchener
poster are the gaze, the pointing finger and the text ‘YOU’. While Van Leeuwen
(2005) has most recently argued that these three coalesce to form a kind of
chemical reaction, his point is that these modes do not act as a chain reaction
but, rather, visual and verbal modes work together to mediate the message.
The direct address to the viewer is mediated by the eyes, which look directly at
the viewer, and the pointing finger which ‘elaborates’ that look (Van Leeuwen,
2005). The modes of gaze and gesture act together to make contact with the
viewer and demand something of them (Kress and Van Leeuwen, 1996). The
image as a whole realizes a demand that ‘the viewer enter into some kind of
imaginary relationship with’ the producer of the poster (p. 122). In this case,

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Figure 2  James Montgomery Flagg’s U.S.A. Army First World War recruitment poster.
Reproduced courtesy of Tranz International Library Ltd.

the imaginary role the social actor is required to adopt is the pseudo identity
of a soldier. The role that is demanded of the viewer is itself signified by other
visual features in the poster, specifically Kitchener’s uniform and Prussian-
style moustache that combine with his authoritative gaze to create a military
tone. We might expect the text in this context to make some kind of demand,
or even give an order, but that is not what is mediated. The function of the
text is to issue a request rather than an order. ‘YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS ...’
expresses this request for assistance. ‘YOU’ not only extends the message of
the visual and confirms the personalization of the appeal, it also completes the
declaration of the poster.
While it is clear that the Kitchener poster directs the reader’s eye from
the most salient feature (the pointing finger) to the next most salient feature
(the staring eyes) and so on in a demonstrable reading path (Figure 7) which
accords with the grammatical norms of conventional visual design (Kress
and Van Leeuwen, 1996), Van Leeuwen (2005) has argued that there is no

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Figure 3  British Army Second World War recruitment poster.

linear chain of communication stages involved in the way the Kitchener poster
mediates its message. The semiotic sequence can be identified but all modes
‘fuse’ in the realization of appeal, demand and personalization to achieve a
single multimodal communicative action (Van Leeuwen, 2005). The message
that is mediated using the combination of visual and verbal mediational means
can be summed up as the declaration, ‘You are the man for the job.’ Or in
modern terms, ‘You are the person for the job.’
I would go further and suggest that, because all modes ‘fuse’ to achieve
the single multimodal communicative action, the modal density employed by
a viewer that interacts with the Kitchener poster is high. This assertion is based
on Norris’s (2004) notion of modal density, which allows us to examine the
depth or quality of attention a social actor must engage in to respond to any
mediated communication. In the case of the Kitchener poster, the easy flow-
ing, circular, clockwise reading path and the employment of very few com-
municative modes (gaze, gesture, language) to mediate the message mean

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Figure 4  Web banner of Obama recruiting for Precinct Captains. URL (

that a viewer’s construction of the higher-level action of ‘reading’ the poster

is condensed or, to use Norris’s term, ‘intense’. When an action takes on high
intensity, it indicates high modal density. High modal density in turn indi-
cates that the viewer employs a high level of attention in order to respond to
the poster. Thus, I suggest that the fusion of semiotic features and its simple
reading path are at the core of the Kitchener poster’s success in mediating its
message powerfully.

A formula for success

Since 1914 there have been many imitations of the Kitchener semiotic formula
that demonstrate its influence over the last century. To illustrate that influ-
ence, I look at two other posters in the same genre – official wartime/govern-
ment communication – and then two examples which are visual parodies used
as marketing communications.
Four years after the appearance of Alfred Leete’s original Kitchener
poster, the United States of America not only entered the First World War

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Figure 5  Advertisement for the Oman International Bank (2005). URL (

as Britain’s ally but also appropriated Britain’s concept of recruitment poster

advertising. In 1918, James Montgomery Flagg created the Uncle Sam version
of the Kitchener poster (Figure 2), which went on to become famous in its
own right. While the similarities between the Kitchener and the Uncle Sam
posters are apparent, the differences when explored from a multimodal dis-
course perspective are significant.
The Uncle Sam poster is similar to the Kitchener poster in employing
the modes of gesture, gaze and language to mediate its message. What is imme-
diately obvious on seeing the Uncle Sam poster is the influence of colour on all
three modes. As with the Kitchener poster, the most salient semiotic features in
the Uncle Sam poster are the pointing finger (the mode of gesture), the staring
eyes (gaze mode) and the text (the mode of language). Unlike the Kitchener
poster, the most salient feature in the Uncle Sam poster is the staring eyes,
rather than the pointing finger. The eyes’ superior salience here is a result of
three things. First, the pointing finger is seen at the end of an arm which is far
less foreshortened in perspective than Kitchener’s; it does not seem to emerge
so dramatically from the background. Second, the text is clearly positioned
in front of the figure of Uncle Sam and the arm reaches just over the top

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Figure 6  NZ Army campaign created by Saatchi & Saatchi (New Zealand).

of the type. In the Kitchener poster, the text and the ‘suggested body’ of the
Kitchener figure are almost on the same visual plane. Certainly Kitchener’s
pointing finger extends much further into the visual foreground than Uncle
Sam’s. Third, the use of the colour in the image, particularly in Uncle Sam’s
red cheeks gives the mode of gaze dominance over that of gesture.
The salience of the text in the Uncle Sam poster also differs dramati-
cally from that in the Kitchener poster. The Uncle Sam poster employs colour
to dramatize the text ‘YOU’, as well as increasing the size and salience of the
lexicalized statement in relation to the image. If we compare the realizations
of mediated message in the two posters this becomes even more apparent (see
Table 1). In the Uncle Sam poster the mode of language operates in all three
realizations, whereas in the Kitchener poster the lexicalized ‘YOU’ is not what
initially makes the demand on the viewer’s attention.

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Figure 7  Salient features in Alfred Leete’s British Army First World War recruitment poster.

The extent to which text (lexicalization and typography) is employed

as a mediational means to mediate the message in the Uncle Sam poster differs
from its use in the Kitchener poster.
Moreover, the reading path seen in the Uncle Sam poster (Figure 8)
is quite irregular when compared with the simple elegance of that designed
into the original Kitchener poster. Thus, the semiotic modes do not ‘fuse’ as
seamlessly here as in the original and the modal density employed by a viewer
interacting with the Uncle Sam poster is less intense because of this. This find-
ing is significant when we look at other imitations of the Kitchener poster.
Rather than imitate the fusion of modes that the Kitchener poster employs
so successfully, most imitations favour either the visual or the language mode
as dominant mediational means and the reading paths they display help to
intensify or dilute the modal density employed by viewers.
I look first at a Second World War poster produced in Britain and fea-
turing a portrait of Winston Churchill (see Figure 3). There can be no doubt
that it takes its inspiration from the Kitchener poster.

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Figure 8  Differences between the British Army and USA Army First World War
recruitment posters.

The foreshortening of the pointing finger is almost identical to that

employed in the Kitchener poster. Only Churchill’s head, pointing arm and
bow tie produce the powerful image. Similarly, Kitchener’s presence is con-
structed as a disembodied head and pointing arm. The similarity is so close
to the original that the pointing finger and the direct stare are the most sali-
ent features of the poster. The word ‘YOU’ is implied by Churchill’s point-
ing finger. The mediated message of this poster is YOU DESERVE VICTORY.
In purely semiotic terms (Table 2), the Churchill poster employs even fewer
elements than the original, but its message is mediated with perfect clarity.
Finally, the most significant visual difference between the Kitchener poster
and the Churchill poster is the use of colour. The Churchill poster employs
colour that references a notion of ‘true blue British’ to mediate the patriotic
appeal of the communication, whereas the Kitchener poster mediated its
patriotic appeal using the language mode COUNTRY (see Table 2).

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Table 1  Realizations and mediational means (1)

Realization ‘Kitchener’ – mediated by: ‘Uncle Sam’ – mediated by:

Finger pointed at viewer Direct gaze
 Direct gaze Unsmiling expression
Unsmiling expression Finger pointed at viewer
Military uniform Symbolic hat
Military moustache Lexicalized 1st and 2nd person
Typography – YOU
Frontal angle Frontal angle
 Finger pointed at viewer Finger pointed at viewer
Involvement Direct gaze Direct gaze
Typography – YOU Lexicalized 1st and 2nd person
Typography – YOU
Finger pointed at viewer Finger pointed at viewer
Direct gaze Direct gaze
 Lexicalized 2nd and 3rd person Lexicalized 1st and 2nd person
Lexicalized request ‘need’ Lexicalized demand ‘want’
Authoritative subject ‘country’ Authoritative subject ‘U.S. Army’
Typography –YOU Typography –YOU
Authoritative colour – red, white
and blue

Table 2  Realizations and mediational means (2)

Realization ‘Kitchener’ – mediated by: ‘Churchill’ – mediated by:

Finger pointed at viewer Finger pointed at viewer
 Direct gaze Direct gaze
Demand Unsmiling expression Unsmiling expression
Military uniform
Military moustache

 Frontal angle Frontal angle

Finger pointed at viewer Finger pointed at viewer
Direct gaze Direct gaze
Typography – YOU Lexicalized 2nd person
Finger pointed at viewer Finger pointed at viewer
 Direct gaze Direct gaze
Lexicalized 2nd and 3rd person Lexicalized 2nd person
Appeal Lexicalized promise ‘deserve’
Lexicalized request ‘need’
Authoritative subject ‘country’ Authoritative subject ‘Victory!’
Typography – YOU Authoritative colour – blue

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Figure 9  Reading path of the British Army Second World War recruitment poster.

Once again, the reading path described by the Churchill poster (Figure
9) is simple and moves in a clockwise direction using fewer semiotic modes
than the Kitchener poster, which creates an even more seamless fusion. Thus
any social actor who engages with the message employs a high modal density.
This, in turn, indicates that the viewer employs a high level of attention when
responding to the poster.
Turning now to more recent times, the Kitchener poster seems to have
lost none of its resonance. Advertisers and governments have long recognized
the potency of the Kitchener poster ‘formula’. That formula is still very much
in use in 21st-century communications.
The Democratic Presidential campaign of 2008 features an online
expression that can be seen in Figure 4. This web banner draws its inspiration
from the Uncle Sam version of the poster and the similarities between the
two are deliberately overt. The banner projects Barack Obama as the new and
first ever black ‘face of America’. He appears inside a semicircle of stars that
references Uncle Sam’s top hat and similarly signifies the states of the Union.
Red, white and blue colour realizes the patriotic appeal. The three most salient
semiotic features and modes (pointing finger/gesture; staring eyes/gaze; YOU

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typography/language) are clearly characteristic of the Kitchener/Uncle Sam
formula. The pointing finger here is shown at the end of a fully extended arm
in a foreshortened view that gives Obama’s stare greater semiotic weight than
the pointing finger itself. Note also that Obama’s head, unlike Uncle Sam’s and
Kitchener’s, is turned to the left. The effect of this is to emphasize that, while
the image is iconographic, the individual portrayed is radically different from
the original icon.
The mode of language is employed in the Obama banner to mediate
more than the explicit message. As in the Kitchener and Uncle Sam posters,
it also asks the reader to enter into an imaginary relationship. Noticeably,
Obama is not a military figure and the appeal is not for soldiers, but the care-
fully chosen text injects a military tone nevertheless, with the word ‘CAPTAIN’
in the directive. Even the lexical phrase ‘sign up’ adds to that effect. Although
it is commonly found on many websites, here the text ‘sign up’ also serves to
reinforce the military tone of the message and reference the original Uncle
Sam poster. The overall effect of the text is to subtly suggest that if you become
an Obama captain, you are serving your country.
How seamlessly this communication is constructed though is the key
question we need to consider. The reading path described in the Obama ban-
ner (Figure 10) is neither simple nor circular. It moves in more than one direc-
tion: from left to right to left again. Moreover there are six semiotic features
for the eye to take in (eyes, finger, YOU, APPLY NOW, ‘BECOME ...’, ‘CLICK
HERE ...’) and once again, compared with the original Kitchener poster, the
modal density employed by a viewer varies in intensity. The viewer constructs
the higher level action of reading the words ‘I WANT YOU’ and ‘APPLY NOW’
easily. These two semiotic features ‘fuse’. After that, there is a noticeable break
in the modal density employed. Readers have to make a conscious effort to
seek out the rest of the text. They have to re-engage their attention at the same
level as they employed it when taking in the most salient five words above.
Modal density, therefore, is lower than in the previous example.
It may not be surprising to find a ‘legacy’ of the Kitchener poster in
communications that occur in European and western societies, but there is
also evidence that the Kitchener semiotic formula influences communications
across the globe. The 2005 advertisement for the Oman International Bank
illustrates the point (Figure 5). The foreshortened perspective pointing fin-
ger is the most salient semiotic feature here (mode of gesture), the staring
eyes (mode of gaze) connect with the viewer and the use of ‘you’ (mode of
language) in the text are the elements that link this advertisement with the
Kitchener poster. There the similarities end. The eye-catching visual formula
and modal composition of the original is being used to gain the viewer’s atten-
tion. Again the modes of gesture, gaze and language mediate the message, but
there is no seamless fusion of modes mediating the complete message. Rather,
gesture, gaze and language fuse to gain attention, but then the viewer must
refocus attention to the text on the right-hand side of the image (Figure 11).

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Figure 10  Reading path of Obama’s web banner recruiting for Precinct Captains.

A reader of the Oman International Bank advertisement must

attend to the text on the right of the picture in order for the full message
to be mediated successfully. The viewer must engage in the action of read-
ing to get the full message. That higher-level action of reading involves the
mode of language (in this case paying close attention to text), which now
assumes the highest modal density in any social actor’s interaction with the
Gaining and keeping attention has always been at the heart of every
social action (Jones, 2005) and is crucial to every information processing
activity (Olshavsky, 1994). Whether a social actor refocuses from the point-
ing finger to pay close attention to the text on the right in a real-life response
to the advertisement or whether a viewer’s attention is lost before or at some
point midway through it, we cannot say. What can be said is that the Kitchener
semiotic formula has been used to gain the reader’s attention. Yet because this
advertisement does not mediate its message in the seamless way suggested by
Van Leeuwen (2005) in his analysis of the original Kitchener poster, the modal
density employed by the reader is diluted or less intense. Thus it is reasonable
to doubt whether this change in focus by the reader actually occurs.

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Figure 11  Similarities and differences between the advertisement for the Oman
International Bank (2005) and the British Army First World War recruitment poster.

Sacharin (2001) has said that gaining attention and keeping attention
in the age of information overload is vital. I therefore now turn to a close
examination of the 2007 NZ Army posters as an example of unsolicited mar-
keting communications which have been carefully designed to successfully
gain and keep high levels of attention in an age of information overload.


The NZ Army campaign has a number of elements that work in the following
way: Bluetooth transmitters are fitted to outdoor poster sites. When a person
walks past the poster, their cell phone rings and they receive an SMS text mes-
sage. The SMS text message reads: ‘This is a training exercise for the NZ Army.
You must rendezvous with a field engineer in your immediate area. You have
30 secs to locate him and text back the co-ordinates’ (Figure 12). If the person
accepts the challenge, they then have to look around for a location in which
they might find the ‘field engineer’; the NZ Army poster is located nearby. The
NZ Army poster itself (Figures 6, 13, 14) is subtly divided into a numbered

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and lettered grid. When the person looks closely at the poster they might dis-
cover the grid location of a camouflaged soldier and then be able to send back
an SMS text reply with the correct co-ordinates locating the ‘field engineer’,
so completing the mission. If the correct co-ordinates are texted back within
30 seconds, the respondent receives the following SMS text message in reply:
‘Congratulations. You’ve transferred vital information for terrain analysis to
the hq. You’ve got what it takes. Go to to achieve your full
potential’ (Figure 15). If incorrect co-ordinates are texted back or the ‘mission’
takes longer than 30 seconds, the respondent receives the following SMS text
message in reply: ‘Sorry, you need a little more practice. Go to for
further training, more missions and to achieve your full potential.’ (The URL is the regular NZ Army website, which allows visitors to
explore all aspects of a career with the NZ Army and then make an application
to join the armed forces online. The URL is a website specially
designed to engage visitors in ‘missions’. These missions are in the form of
online games which mirror various army exercises, from basic training to tank
driving. There is a link to, where an online application
can be made.)
I will show how, in the 2007 NZ Army recruitment drive, new tech-
nologies converge in a multimodal communication that mediates an even
more overt and specifically personal appeal to the potential recruit than the
Kitchener poster does. It also extends the idea of the social actor entering
into an imaginary relationship with the producer of the communication.
The NZ Army campaign has to establish contact in an age of information
overload; something that was not the case in 1910. Thus the NZ Army does
not rely on either the visual or the mode of language to gain the atten-
tion of potential recruits. In fact, the social actor can completely ignore
the NZ Army poster. Instead, contact is established directly, via an aural
mode, when their cell phone tone indicates that an SMS text message has
been received. Responding to the cell phone tone is the equivalent action
to meeting the gaze of Lord Kitchener. The difference, of course, is that the
social actor is in no doubt whatsoever that the message about to be medi-
ated via cell phone is directed explicitly at them. Whereas Kitchener may be
pointing in your direction and you may feel that he is addressing you, but
that cannot be tangibly confirmed – Kitchener could be looking past you to
someone behind.
As with the Kitchener poster, the NZ Army communication demands
that the social actor enter into an imaginary relationship. In this case, the
demand is mediated using the modes of gesture and gaze. It is even more
overtly asserted in the modes of language and text via the SMS text message
itself (Figure 12).
The social actor is cast in the role of active soldier immediately, not
just potential soldier. Hence, the text of the NZ Army communication does
not make an appeal, like the Kitchener poster, it issues a direct order. In 1917,

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Figure 12  SMS recruitment text message used by the NZ Army.

the action was internalized as an appeal to patriotism. In 2007, the action is

externalized as an invitation to ‘play’ soldiers. Where the Kitchener poster
successfully mediates an impression of military service, the NZ Army poster is
one of a number of mediational means that together mediate an experience of
military service.
Where the Kitchener poster mediates its military properties through
the visual mode simultaneously using the mediational means of uni-
form, Prussian style moustache and authoritative gaze, the NZ Army relies
on language mode cues: training exercise, rendezvous, field engineer and
co-ordinates. Now the social actor is involved in a search for the field engi-
neer and, in this stage of the multimodal communication, visual and lan-
guage modes operate. While the social actor is required to pay close attention
to the NZ Army poster, the poster itself does not conform to any hierarchies
of composition usually adopted by posters as mediational means.
The Kitchener poster, for example, directs the reader’s eye from the
most salient feature in a demonstrable reading path (Figure 7), whereas the
NZ Army posters offer readers no dominant salient feature to attract their eye,
demonstrate no reading path structure and do not signal themselves clearly
as army posters. The logo is conventionally placed in the bottom right-hand
corner, but it is relatively discreet in the overall design of the posters (Figures 6,
13 and 14). There is very little to attract the social actor to them as the location

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Figures 13 and 14 NZ army recruiting posters divided into numbered and lettered grids.

for the ‘field engineer’. Even the text, ‘Have you got what it takes?’ neither links
directly to the first SMS text message nor acts as an attention-getting feature
with high semiotic salience. It is in the actions of finding the poster and then
discovering the location of the camouflaged soldier that this 2007 multimodal
communication realizes fully its demand that the viewer enter into an imagi-
nary relationship with the NZ Army. Finally, there is an overt completion to
the communicative act in the NZ Army campaign that the Kitchener poster’s
integrated mediational means do not mediate. The NZ Army’s answering SMS
text message takes the social actor a step closer to transforming their pseudo
identity as soldier into reality (see Figure 15).
Referring to the original analysis of the Kitchener poster (Kress and
Van Leeuwen, 1996) helps to show how similar the realizations in the NZ
Army interactive posters are. A comparison of the mediational means that
achieve these realizations reveals the depth of engagement a social actor exhib-
its when responding to the NZ Army campaign (Table 3). It also illustrates
my contention that both campaigns can be defined as a ‘single multimodal
communicative act’ (Van Leeuwen, 2004). While the specific modal composi-
tion of each campaign differs significantly, the essential communicative struc-
ture – demand, involvement, appeal – remains the same. Furthermore, while
the modes employed in the Kitchener poster do not act independently but

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Figure 15  NZ Army SMS reply when potential recruit finds ‘camouflaged soldier’.

‘fuse’ (Van Leeuwen, 2005), the modes employed in the NZ Army campaign
are certainly interdependent but operate in a clearly demonstrable and pre-
scribed sequence to create the single multimodal communicative act.


No matter how we look at interactive communication – from a mediated dis-
course perspective or a marketing communications stance – studies acknowl-
edge that attention plays a crucial role in successful communication in the
21st century:

The problem of getting attention is no longer a simple matter. We’re

overwhelmed with the explosive growth in new media forms. We’re
confused by the rise of complex technologies … We can’t keep up with
the demand that we always be in touch, always on, always connected.
(Sacharin, 2001: ix)

The real currency of the information age is not information but atten-
tion … attention has always been an important principle in the micro-
economics of social action. (Jones, 2005: 152)

Analysing the 2007 NZ Army campaign as a multimodal higher-level action

and taking note of the modal densities employed by any social actor responding
to it sheds important light on the successful mediation of the communication. I
begin by looking at the mediational means employed in the campaign and the
social actions involved for anyone responding to the message.

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Table 3  Realizations and mediational means (3)

Realization ‘Kitchener’ – mediated by: NZ Army – mediated by:

Finger pointed at viewer Ring tone
 Direct gaze Incoming SMS text message I
Demand Unsmiling expression Lexicalized statement ‘This is a
Military uniform New Zealand Army exercise’
Military moustache
Frontal angle Ring tone
Finger pointed at viewer Incoming SMS text message I
Direct gaze 1st Lexicalised order ‘You must
Typography – YOU rendezvous’
2nd Lexicalized order ‘You have
 30 secs to locate … and text back’
Physical location
Poster: grid, camouflage
Outgoing SMS text message
Incoming SMS text message II
Lexicalized acknowledgement
of involvement, You’ve
transferred vital information for
terrain analysis to the hq.
Finger pointed at viewer Ring tone
 Direct gaze Incoming SMS text message I
Lexiacalized 2nd and 3rd person Incoming SMS text message II
Lexicalized request ‘need’ Lexicalized reward,‘You’ve got
Authoritative subject ‘country’ what it takes’
Typography – YOU

The mediational means to an end

The NZ Army posters use four mediational means to deliver one message:

1. Street posters
2. Bluetooth transmitters
3. SMS texting
4. Internet websites

For the purposes of this article, I look exclusively at the actions mediated
by the SMS texting (enabled by Bluetooth transmitters) and street posters
as prime mediational means. (These lead respondents to the appropriate
website but how social actors interact once there is beyond the scope of this
According to Wersch (1998), new technologies not only alter
mediational means but vitally transform the actions they mediate. Using

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the example of pole vaulting as a social action that altered dramatically as
the mediational means of the pole developed, Wertsch makes the case that the
actions required to pole vault (technique of launching and rising) changed
fundamentally because the mediational means altered (a pole made from
bamboo, then aluminium, then fibre glass). The results of the social action
were also transformed by the new mediational means – world records were
broken, new standards were set.
Similarly, I argue that the mediational means of Bluetooth and SMS
texting used in the NZ Army campaign to invite a response to more tradi-
tional mediational means – a poster – fundamentally transform the social
action of responding to outdoor advertising. Equally important, I suggest that
these 21st-century mediational means have an influence on how much atten-
tion is being paid in the social action of responding to the mediated message.

A series of actions and a measurement of attention

According to Norris (2004), a mode acquires high intensity ‘when the higher-
level action that is being performed … would not be possible … if that mode
had not been intensified’ (p. 83). Modal complexity occurs ‘when the modes
that the participant draws upon … are intricately entwined’ (p. 87)
In this study, modal density is primarily defined in terms of modal
intensity. In only one action (texting back the soldier’s location) does modal
complexity define the modal density being employed. Overall, I assess the
quality of attention required to interact with the posters. A social actor
constructs their response to the NZ Army campaign through a series of
social actions which result in an interpersonal communication between the
social actor and an unidentified army personality. The first action involves
a social actor walking past the poster. From the video supplied by Saatchi
& Saatchi it is reasonable to interpret ‘walking past’ to mean even less spe-
cifically ‘walking nearby’ the poster. The poster itself is not the focus of
attention for the social actor, nor is it overtly designed to entice attention
(see Figures 6, 13, 14 and discussion in this article), yet it is a fundamental
mediational means in the NZ Army communication.
Focus is another important concept in the assessment of attention.
Norris (2004) states: ‘A participant in interaction focuses on a higher-level
action by employing high modal density’ (p. 95). Thus, where an action
demands a social actor to employ high modal density in order to construct
the action (or interact with the mediated message), I conclude that the indi-
vidual must be engaged in focused action and is therefore paying a high level
of attention.
The social actor’s prior focus, for example, is interrupted by their cell
phone tone, indicating an SMS text message has been received. Now, and for
only a few seconds, the mode of listening will have a higher modal density
in the social actor’s constructed response. Then the mode of object handling
gains modal intensity as attention focuses on the cell phone.

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The next action occurs when the social actor accepts the incoming SMS
text and constructs the higher-level action of reading it. The social actor con-
structs the higher-level action of reading by employing the modes of gaze (at
the cell phone screen), language (the text on the cell phone screen), and object
handling (the cell phone). These three modes can be said to have high modal
density in the action but language (the message) has the highest modal den-
sity because reading would not be possible if nothing appeared on the screen.
Thus the SMS text is now the focus of the social actor’s attention, not the
phone itself. The only way to be sure that a social actor’s attention is focused
on the SMS text message is when their reply is received. The actions which
now follow allow an assessment of the quality of attention the recipient pays
throughout the action of responding to the NZ Army communication. The
final action of texting the co-ordinates in reply provides confirmation of the
assessment of the levels of attention paid.
The SMS text message mediates a message intended to shift the social
actor’s focus of attention to the poster (Figures 6, 13 or 14), possibly for the
first time. This initiates a further higher-level action – locating the NZ Army
poster. I have already established that this action will not occur unless the
social actor has paid close attention to the SMS text message. The higher-level
action of locating the NZ Army poster is itself constructed by the social actor
employing the modes of gaze (towards the poster) and proxemics (to the
poster). Both these modes construct an action with high modal density since
locating the NZ Army poster could not be accomplished if the social actor did
not look for and move closer to the NZ Army poster. Again, the social actor is
paying close attention to locating the NZ Army poster. The social actor is now
involved (paying attention) in a ‘game’ which comprises challenge, reward and
the creation of an identity as a potential soldier. In order to play this game,
the social actor must engage in three more higher-level actions: first, finding
the field engineer in the poster; second, identifying the specific co-ordinates of
the field engineer’s location; and third, texting the co-ordinates back.
Norris’s (2004) methodology allows the assessment of levels of atten-
tion to be further refined by utilizing her concept of foreground, mid-ground
and background. This concept distinguishes, in a heuristic sense, three levels
of attention/awareness. For my purposes I need only refer to her definition
of an action being in the foreground of a social actor’s attention because I
am assessing what actions must occur for an individual to respond to the NZ
Army message. Thus, for example, the action of finding the field engineer in
the poster must be constructed through the modes of gaze (at the poster) and
proxemics (to the poster). Unless these modes are employed with high modal
density the social actor will not be able to locate the camouflaged soldier. In
other words, the social actor has to closely scrutinize the NZ Army poster to
find the camouflaged soldier hidden in it. In terms of mediated discourse
analysis and using Norris’s methodological framework, the communicative

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modes of gaze and proxemics take on high intensity. This high intensity is
a sign of the high modal density employed. The high modal density in turn
signals that the social actor is foregrounding the action of finding the field
engineer, no matter what else is going on around them.
Identifying the specific co-ordinates of the field engineer’s location
is an action that also employs the modes of gaze (at the poster) and prox-
emics (to the poster) with high modal density. Once again, the social actor is
foregrounding the action of identifying the specific co-ordinates of the field
engineer’s location; in other words, devoting the highest level of their atten-
tion to this task, no matter what else is going on around them. The social
action of SMS texting back the co-ordinates of the soldier is constructed by
employing the communicative modes of object handling (the cell phone),
gaze (at the cell phone screen), print (the text that is generated onto the
cell phone screen) and language (the actual co-ordinates being texted in
the reply). These modes are intertwined. As Norris (2004) points out: ‘the
employment of one mode is not possible without at least [one] of the oth-
ers; and a change in one of these modes would result in a change of the
higher-level action’ (p. 103). Thus, here is an example of high modal den-
sity constructed by employing both high modal complexity and high modal
intensity. More importantly, for my purposes, it is clear that the social actor’s
attention is of a very high level.
All these actions must be completed within 30 seconds of the social
actor receiving the initial SMS text message. Thus, what is critical is that
Norris’s (2004) methodological framework for analysing multimodal interac-
tion provides the tools to verify that the level of the attention being paid by the
social actor in order to solve the problem can be shown to be extremely high.
A high level of attention, however, does not necessarily equate to a long period
of time being spent on the action. SMS texting the characters ‘D6’ almost cer-
tainly takes less time than locating the NZ Army poster or discovering the
position of the camouflaged soldier within it. It is the intensity or level of
attention/awareness employed in any action that is most important to assess.
This becomes especially so in the age of media fragmentation and the contin-
ued rapid development of new information technologies.
The tangible response elicited by both the Kitchener poster and the
NZ Army interactive posters is the same – to apply to join up (see Table 4). In
the case of the Kitchener poster though, that eventual response by the social
actor cannot be tracked reliably back to the message mediated by the poster
for each individual recruit. Whereas, each recruit who responds to the NZ
Army message by applying online is clearly responding to the mediated mes-
sage of the interactive posters. (The documented commercial success of the
campaign1 strongly suggests that social actors did interact with the campaign
in significant numbers and therefore a high level of attention was evident in
their interactions.)

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Table 4  Measurable responses

Kitchener two-dimensional poster NZ Army interactive poster

Internalized response Internalized response
feeling of patriotism feeling of adventure
imaginary relationship – soldier imaginary relationship – soldier
Externalized response Externalized response
join up read SMS text message
search for poster
scrutinize poster
locate field engineer
text back co-ordinates
read reply
visit website
apply online

We live in an age of information overload and if unsolicited messages are to be
mediated successfully, then ‘getting attention and paying attention’, is funda-
mental to any successful communicative act (Jones, 2005). Despite proven ‘for-
mulas’ like that of the Kitchener poster’s semiotic template, new technologies can
fundamentally transform conventional mediational means (e.g. street posters)
and the social actions involved in responding to them, creating much more
involving sites of engagement for the respondent. Further I suggest, this is
necessary for conventional mediational means to remain effective when medi-
ating unsolicited messages in this age of information overload. In support of
this assertion I point to the richness of attention that is generated by the NZ
Army posters compared with the attention that can be verified as being paid
to the Kitchener poster or any of its subsequent imitations. Maybe Kitchener’s
pointing finger and his staring eyes stop social actors in their tracks. That is
certainly what they are designed to do. But how do we know that happens in
any individual case? Yet any respondent to the NZ Army campaign tangibly
demonstrates that they are paying attention to a series of instructions, whereas
a respondent to the Kitchener poster does not demonstrate their ‘paying atten-
tion’ until they turn up at the recruitment office. Whether they turn up at
the recruiting office as a result of seeing the Kitchener poster is also less cer-
tain than whether a person signs up in response to the NZ Army posters. Put
more simply, the Kitchener poster does not itself mediate the complex actions
that comprise actually signing up (locating a recruitment office, getting there
and filling out forms). The NZ Army Posters, though, demonstrably involve a
social actor in a series of actions that actually propel him or her towards sign-
ing up. Each action directs the viewer from one text to another (from SMS
message to poster to website to online games to online application). This is

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what Scollon (2001b) calls a ‘funnel of commitment’ when describing a chain
of mediated actions where, once engaged in, no action in the chain can be
undone. In other words, each action reinforces the social actor’s commitment
towards a specific objective.
Scollon (2001a) has also argued that sites of engagement are not just
where actions occur but that actions can actually be seen as sites of engage-
ment in themselves. Similarly, the SMS text tone and the social actor’s action
in responding to it create the site of engagement; from then on, each subse-
quent social action engaged in extends and redefines that site of engagement.
Jones’s (2005) contention that ‘sites of engagement’ are more prop-
erly seen as ‘sites of attention’ is founded on the theory of attention economies
(Goldhaber, 1997a). The idea of attention economies specifically is that ‘in an
age of information overload, what gives value to information is the amount of
attention it can attract’ (Jones, 2005: 152).
As I have demonstrated, the NZ Army posters successfully gain the
social actor’s attention, hold the social actor’s attention (through a series of
actions) and the attention a social actor pays during the interaction is intense
(has high modal density). Moreover, while the NZ Army street posters remain
crucial elements in the site of attention, the information they mediate is argu-
ably more valuable to and valued by both the social actor receiving the mes-
sage and the advertiser disseminating the message than when a conventional
street poster alone (such as ‘Kitchener’) creates the site of attention in which
a message is mediated.
Goldhaber (1997b) states: ‘The currency of the new economy won’t
be money, but attention’ (p. 1). Sacharin (2001) asserts that in this age of
information overload ‘marketers who are more adept at gaining and hold-
ing the consumer’s attention will have the advantage’ (p. 41). In this scenario
I contend that multimodal discourse analysis can have an important and as
yet unrealized role to play in refining the study of advertising and market-
ing communications effectiveness. I am not alone in recognizing the role that
multimodal discourse can usefully take up in this field. As Van Dijk (1997)
has already pointed out: ‘the visual aspect of discourse was (and still is)
often ignored in discourse studies ... Studies of advertising, textbooks or tel-
evision programs obviously need such cross-media or multi-modal analysis’
(p. 6, original emphases). I suggest, however, that with regard to advertising
and marketing communications, multimodal discourse analysis can contrib-
ute in two specifically important ways: first, measuring levels of attention that
can be said to have occurred when social actors engage with such messages
gives verifiable value to those communications; and second, being able to
assess whether marketing communications are likely to elicit a high level of
attention in order to mediate their messages could help refine their design and
influence the form which those communications eventually take. To paraphrase
Sacharin (2001): in the 20th century we expected ads to do things to people; in the
21st century it may prove more effective to invite people to do things with ads.

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1. The NZ Army campaign created by Saatchi & Saatchi (New Zealand)
has been recognized as an outstanding example of advertising creativity
and effectiveness. It has won a number of prestigious advertising
awards: AWARD Gold (Australia), 2007; Cannes Silver Lion, 2008;
USA One Show, Gold, 2008; D&AD Award (UK), 2008; Effie, Gold
(NZ advertising effectiveness), 2008.

Goldhaber, M. (1997a) ‘The Attention Economy and the Net’, First Monday.
Goldhaber, M. (1997b) ‘The Currency of the New Economy Won’t Be Money,
But Attention: A Radical Theory of Value’, Wired 12. URL (
Jones, R.H. (2005) ‘Sites of Engagement as Sites of Attention: Time, Space
and Culture in Electronic Discourse’, in S. Norris and R.H. Jones (eds)
Discourse in Action: Introducing Mediated Discourse Analysis. London:
Kress, G. and Van Leeuwen, T. (1996) Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual
Design. London: Routledge.
Norris, S. (2004) Analyzing Multimodal Interaction: A Methodological
Framework. New York: Routledge.
Olshavsky, R.W. (1994) ‘Attention as Epiphenomenon: Some Implications for
Advertising’, in E.M. Clark et al. (eds) Attention, Attitude and Effect in
Response to Advertising. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Sacharin, K. (2001) Attention! How to Interrupt, Yell, Whisper and Touch
Consumers. New York: Wiley.
Scollon, R. (2001a) Mediated Discourse: The Nexus of Practice. London:
Scollon, R. (2001b) ‘Action and Text: Towards an Integrated Understanding of
the Place of Text in Social (Inter)Action, Mediated Discourse Analysis
and the Problem of Social Action’, in R. Wodak and M. Meyer (eds)
Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Sage.
Van Dijk, T. (1997) ‘The Study of Discourse’, in T. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as
Structure and Process. London: Routledge.
Van Leeuwen, T. (2004) ‘Ten Reasons Why Linguists Should Pay Attention to
Visual Communication’, in P. LeVine and R. Scollon (eds) Discourse
& Technology: Multimodal Discourse Analysis. Washington DC:
Georgetown University Press.

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Van Leeuwen, T. (2005) ‘Multimodality, Genre and Design’, in S. Norris and
R.H. Jones (eds) Discourse in Action: Introducing Mediated Discourse
Analysis. London: Routledge.
Wersch, J.V. (1998) Mind as Action. New York: Oxford University Press.

PAUL WHITE is senior lecturer in Advertising Creativity at Auckland
University of Technology and programme leader of New Zealand’s only
university adschool. Before embarking on his academic career, Paul spent 23
years working as a creative director for leading advertising agencies in both
the UK and New Zealand. His current research grows out of an interest in
multimodal discourse analysis and focuses on the interaction of people with
advertising messages in an age of information overload.

Address: Multimodal Research Centre, School of Communication Studies,

Auckland University of Technology, Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142, New
Zealand. [email:]

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