Plastic Waste Concrete-Litrature Review

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Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482

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Use of different forms of waste plastic in concrete e a review

Raju Sharma a, *, Prem Pal Bansal b
Department of Civil Engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, 160055 Mohali, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Thapar University, 147001 Patiala, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The consumption of various forms of plastics is a challenging environment protection issue. All forms of
Received 7 March 2015 consumed plastic become waste and require large areas of land for storage because several tons of waste
Received in revised form plastics cannot be fully recycled at once. The low biodegradability of plastic and the presence in large
2 August 2015
quantities of waste plastic negatively impact the environment. Previously, various studies were per-
Accepted 12 August 2015
Available online 22 August 2015
formed to identify safe and environmentally friendly methods for disposing of plastics. Recently, various
forms of plastics have been incorporated in concrete to prevent the direct contact of plastics with the
environment because concrete has a longer service life. However, this method is not a dominant method
Waste PET bottles
for disposing of waste plastic. This paper presents an overview of some published research regarding the
Waste polyethylene use of waste plastic in concrete. The effects of waste plastic addition on the fresh, mechanical and
Concrete thermal properties of concrete are also presented in this paper.
Shredded plastic fiber © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plastic fiber reinforced concrete
Solid waste plastic


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
2. Fresh and mechanical properties of plastic fiber reinforced concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
2.1. Properties of concrete in the green state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
2.1.1. Workability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
2.1.2. Fresh density/dry density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
2.2. Mechanical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
2.2.1. Compressive strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
2.2.2. Split tensile strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
2.2.3. Flexural strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
2.2.4. Modulus of elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
2.2.5. Thermal conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
2.2.6. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPVT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
3. Various field applications of plastic fiber reinforced concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481

1. Introduction materials, shopping and garbage bags, fluid containers, toys,

household industrial products and building material. However, the
Currently, various forms of plastics are used around the world. benefits of plastic use are suppressed by its harmful impacts on the
Large amounts of plastic are used in packing films, wrapping environment. Subramanian (2000) reported that plastics are a
small but significant component of waste streams. The plastic
wastes accounts for 10.62 ± 5.12% of the total stored wastes in the
* Corresponding author. old landfill, among which, 69.13% is plastic bags (white PE plastic
E-mail addresses:, (R. Sharma). bags accounted for 11.34%; colored PE plastic bags 29.77%; other
0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
474 R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482

plastic bags 28.02%), and 30.87% is other plastics (incl. PP, PVC, PS, methods for safely disposing of used plastics. Polyester concrete
etc.) (Zhou et al., 2014). Papong et al. (2014), Badia et al. (2012), (PC) products can also be used for the long-term disposal of PET
Raghatate (2012), Nampoothiri et al. (2010) and Dullius et al. waste (Rebeiz and Craft, 1995). Previously, various studies were
(2006) revealed that thousands of years are necessary for the performed to determine safe and environmentally friendly
biodegradation of plastics. This results in the accumulation of methods for disposing of plastics. However, increasing the service
plastic wastes and causes serious environmental problems due to life of plastics by incorporating them into concrete is one possible
littering and illegal landfilling or incineration. Saikia and Brito environmentally friendly approach for their safe disposal. Araghi
(2012) reported that waste plastics reduce the water permeability et al. (2015) reported that the concrete containing PET particles,
of soils and affect soil fertility, which often results in the blockage of as an alternative aggregate, has better resistance against sulfuric
wastewater drains. In developing countries, the growth rate of most acid attack in industrial structures and sewer pipes.
cities exceeds 4% per annum. The issue at stake is that the 20e40% The expected benefits of inserting waste plastic in concrete are
of municipal revenues spent in most countries to manage the waste presented graphically in Fig. 1. The first column in Fig. 1 shows that
is not enough to handle the rising trend of the waste generated the usable lifespan of concrete is much greater than its non-usable
(Othman et al., 2013). India generates approximately 56 hundred life span. In the second column, the lifespan of usable plastics is
thousand tons of plastic waste annually, of which Delhi alone much lower than its waste service life on earth. In subsequent
contributes 689.5 tons each day. Approximately 60 percent of the columns, the uses of different waste products in concrete are
total plastic waste in Delhi is collected and recycled every day, shown. From these columns, it can be concluded that the inclusion
while 40 percent remains uncollected or is discarded as litter. of waste products, such as fly ash and waste plastics, can be used to
Plastic solid waste can primarily be treated by re-extrusion, me- safely dispose of waste products.
chanical, chemical and energy recovery schemes and technologies A large study was conducted to study the use of various forms of
(Al-Salem et al., 2009). Zhanga et al. (2010) reported that the plastics in concrete, such as waste plastic flakes (Rai et al., 2012),
quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation has rapidly polyethylene terephthalate particles (PET) (Araghi et al., 2015;
increased in China due to growing urbanization, population growth Cordoba et al., 2013; Rehmani et al., 2013), high density poly-
and industrialization. The total amount of MSW increased from 31.3 ethylene waste (HDPE) (Naik et al., 1996), plastic coarse aggregate
million tons in 1980 to 212 million tons in 2006, and the waste (PCA) (Saikia and Brito, 2013, 2014; Benosman et al., 2013; Mathew
generation rate increased from 0.50 kg/capita/day in 1980 to et al., 2013), PET waste (Fraternali et al., 2011), shredded fibers of
0.98 kg/capita/year in 2006. The increasing demand and decreasing polythene bags (Bhogayata et al., 2013; Sivaraja et al., 2010), PET
landfill space are forcing to researchers for finding the alternative bottle fibers (Foti, 2013; Ramadevi and Manju, 2012; Sivaraja et al.,
plastic solid waste disposal (PSW) options. 2010), granulated plastic waste (Ismail and Al-Hashmi, 2010), and
The only material that is analogous to plastic that is currently polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (Kou et al., 2009), as shown in Fig. 2.
used in India is concrete (Bhogayata and Arora, 2011; Kumar and The various forms of plastics used in previous research studies to
Kaushik, 2003; Sivaraja and Kandasamy, 2007). Currently, approx- replace different constituents of concrete are shown in Table 1.
imately 370 million cubic meters of concrete are consumed in India (PETCORE, 2012) reported using recycled polyethylene tere-
every year, which is expected to reach approximately 580 million phthalate (RPET) flakes in concrete. Based on the consumption of
cubic meters by 2022. Although the use of these materials is RPET fibers and flakes, Ingrao, 2014 reported using RPET fiber for
increasing daily in their respective fields, the service lives and manufacturing panels, which resulted in the consumption of
properties of the products are different. Concrete structures are recycled PET fibers without compromising the durability of the end
constructed to serve humanity for several years, while the service product. Recently a cradle-to-grave study conducted by Dormer
life of plastics is much shorter. Because the disposal of plastics after et al. (2013), on carbon footprints produced by recycled poly-
use increases ecology strain, it is important to find different ethylene terephthalate, It was found that the cradle-to-grave

Fig. 1. Effects of using waste products in concrete.

R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482 475

Fig. 2. Different forms of waste plastic: (a) Polyethylene (Raghatate, 2012), (b) Sample of waste plastic (Rai et al., 2012), (c) PET-aggregates PC (Saikia and Brito, 2013), (d) PET-
aggregate PF (Saikia and Brito, 2013), (e) PET aggregate PP (Saikia and Brito, 2013), (f) Short laminar fiber (Foti, 2011), (g) Sample of ‘O’ fiber (Foti, 2011), (h) Shredded fiber
(Bhogayata et al., 2013), (i) Hand Cut fiber (Bhogayata et al., 2012a,b), (j) Granulated Plastic (Ismail and Al-Hashmi, 2010), (k) polyethylene terephthalate (Fraternali et al., 2011), and
(l) polyethylene terephthalate (Fraternali et al., 2011).

carbon footprint of 1 kg of recycled polyethylene terephthalate 2.1. Properties of concrete in the green state
trays containing 85% recycled content was 1.538 kg CO2e.
This paper focuses on the results obtained by various researchers 2.1.1. Workability
after adding various forms of plastic to concrete. Most research Workability is the property of freshly mixed concrete which
shows that the addition of plastic affects the workability, compres- determines the ease and homogeneity with which it can be mixed,
sive strength, modulus of elasticity, split tensile strength, thermal placed, consolidated and finished. The controlled concrete can be
conductivity and slightly enhances the abrasion and flexural workable as per the set requirements, but the addition of other
strength. In addition, it is recommended that the surface of the mineral admixture and waste material affects the workability of
plastic does not react with the matrix. The surface of the plastic must concrete. The addition of waste plastics affects the amount of free
be treated with a reactive material, such as silica fume, metakaolin, water available in concrete and, consequently, the workability of
slag, so that the pozzolanic reaction enhances the strength of the the concrete. The effect of the addition/replacement of various
concrete by reacting with the surface coated material. forms of waste plastic on workability is presented in subsequent
subsections. Effect of replacement/addition of PET particles. Rahmani et al.

2. Fresh and mechanical properties of plastic fiber reinforced (2013) reported that the PET particles have more specific surface
concrete area as compared with the natural sand due to their mercenary
shape. Hence, there would be more friction between the particles
Various researchers have studied the use of various forms of leading to less workability in the mixtures. Saikia and Brito (2014)
waste plastic. The effects of replacing or adding plastic on the reported the effect of plastic particle shape on the workability of
properties of concrete in the green state and the mechanical concrete. Three different shape plastic particles, shredded fractions
properties of concrete as studied by various researchers are dis- with a fine range (PF), shredded fraction with coarse range (PC) and
cussed in this section. heat treated pellet in spherical/cylindrical (PP), were used. The
476 R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482

Table 1
Use of waste plastic in concrete.

Author Form of waste plastic used Use in concrete

Araghi et al., 2015 Grinded PET particles with a maximum size of 7 mm, estimated unit weight Replaced Natural aggregate with PET particles by 5%, 10%,
was 464 kg/m3 and specific gravity of PET particles was 1.11 g/cm3 and 15%
Saikia and Brito, 2014 3 distinct types of plastic particles used Shredded fine flaky plastic particles 5%, 10% and 15% replaced natural aggregate with each type
(PF), Shredded coarse flaky plastic particles (PC), heat treated pellet- shaped (PF, PF, PC) of plastic particles
spherical/cylindrical (PP)
Rahmani et al., 2013 Grinded PET particles with a maximum size of 7 mm, estimated unit weight Replaced sand with PET particles by 5%, 10% and 15%
was 464 kg/m3 and specific gravity of PET particles was 1.11 g/cm3
Bhogayata et al., 2013 Metalized polythene waste bags with an average size of 1 mm  2 mm. Used as plastic fibers in concrete. Added 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5% of
the volume of concrete
Ramadevi and PET bottles used as fiber Replaced the fine aggregates in the concrete with 1, 2, 4, and
Manju, 2012 6% of the PET bottle fibers
Bhogayata et al., 2012 Non recyclable plastic waste used as a macro fiber of 60 mm  3 mm and Addition of polyethylene fibers at different proportions
shredded fiber (size considered as very fine random palettes) (from 0.3%, 0.6%, and 0.9%e1.2% of the volume of concrete)
Malagaveli, 2011 HDPE used as fiber Added fiber from 0 to 6% in the concrete mix
Prahallada and Plastic fiber obtained from cutting waste plastic pots Addition of fiber with the 0.5% volume fraction based on
Parkash, 2013 distinct aspect ratios of 30, 50, 70, 90, and 110
Suganthy et al., 2013 Pulverized plastic used in the form of granules of 1 mm size Sand replaced with 25, 50, 75, or 100% of plastic granules
Foti, 2013 Used in three dissimilar forms: PET used in circular fiber with a width of Added at 1% of the weight of concrete in all three forms
5 mm, as strips with two overlapping half bottles, and as a strip with four
overlapping layers
Recycled PET aggregates
Saikia and Brito, 2013 Recycled PET aggregates Replaced natural aggregates with the plastic aggregate at 5,
10, and 15%
Rai et al., 2012 Plastic flakes as a fine aggregate Replacement of 0, 5, 10, 15 percent sand
Cordoba et al., 2013 Recycled PET flakes Three different sizes were used, 0.5, 1.5, and 3 mm. For each
size, three different concentrations of PET particles were
considered, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0% by volume
Raghatate, 2012 Small pieces of plastic bags Addition of plastics from 0 to 1% in the concrete matrix
Fraternali et al., 2011 Recycled PET and virgin polypropylene Addition of fiber by volume with 1% for both types
Ismail and Al-Hashmi, 2010 Granulated plastic waste Replaced sand with 5% or 10% Granulated plastics and 0
e50% iron
Mahdi et al., 2010 Depolymerized through glycolysis to produce the unsaturated polyester Four different groups with PET to glycol ratios of (1:1, 2:1).
resin used as a binding agent to produced polymer mortar and polymer Each group includes a distinct dibasic acid, initiator and
concrete promoter
Ochi et al., 2007 Plastic pallet as a fine aggregate (introduced a distinct method by which Added fiber for hand mixing with a volume content of fiber
monofilament used a raw material for the PET fiber and mixed at a fiber 0.76%. The concrete mixer-volumetric fiber contents were
content as high as 3%) 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5%

results indicate that the slump of fresh concrete increases slightly improved when up to 2% of HDPE fiber was added and began to
with the incorporation of PP aggregate and with the inclusion of PF decrease when more than 2% was added.
and PC aggregate slump value decreases sharply and further de-
creases if the content and size of this type of aggregate increases.
Batayneh et al. (2007) reported that the matrix prepared by Effect of replacement/addition of plastic flakes/pellets/small
replacing 20% of fine aggregates with waste plastic reduced the pieces. Ismail and Al-Hashmi (2010) reported the effects of using
workability by up to 25%. mixed iron and plastic granular wastes in concrete. In this case,
plastic granular wastes were added into the sand mixture at 5%
weight. The granular waste plastic used in the concrete had broad Effect of replacement/addition of plastic fiber. distribution, dimensions with lengths and widths that varied from
Bhogayata et al. (2012) reported that the workability of concrete 0.15 to 12 mm and 0.15e4 mm, respectively. The addition of 5%
decreases as the addition of waste plastics in concrete increases by plastic waste decreased the workability by 25%, whereas addition of
up to 25%. Nibudey et al. (2013) reported the effects of plastic fibers 30% iron filling results in an increase of workability by 50%. Rai et al.
with aspect ratios (l/d, length divided by diameter of fiber) of 35 (2012) reported the effects of using waste plastic flakes in concrete.
and 50 on the workability of concrete. The plastic fiber was added In this study, 5%e15% of the waste plastic flakes were replaced with
to the concrete at 0%e3% of the weight of the cement. The work- sand with a fineness modulus of 3.2. The results indicated that the
ability decreased when using aspect ratios of 35 and 50. The workability decreased by up to 37% as the amount of waste plastic
maximum slump of the controlled concrete occurred at 67 mm for flakes increased. The addition of waste plastic flakes to the concrete
the M30 grade of concrete. The slump value decreased to 32 mm for mix at 5%e15% without a superplasticizer resulted in a decrease in
an aspect ratio of 35 and to 22 mm for an aspect ratio of 50. the slump value from 55 mm to 35 mm. The same decrement rate
Prahallada and Parkash (2013) studied the effects of adding fi- was observed in the workability of the waste plastic mix concrete
bers at different aspect ratios on the workability of concrete. Waste with a superplasticizer. The results described in the above literature
plastics with aspect ratios of 30, 50, 70, 90 and 110 were used. The correspond with the evidence provided by Soroushian et al. (2003),
workability of the concrete increased up to an aspect ratio of 50. who indicated that the addition of any discrete reinforcement re-
Thereafter, further increases in the aspect ratio resulted in de- sults in a slump loss. Choi et al. (2005, 2009) concluded that the
creases in the workability. The poor workability after including surface texture and shape of the fiber are prominent factors for
plastic fibers with larger aspect ratios potentially resulted from the improving workability. These factors require more attention to
hindrance imposed by plastic fibers during the flow of green con- establish a deterministic design approach for preparing reinforced
crete. Malagaveli (2011) reported that the workability of the matrix concrete with plastic fiber.
R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482 477

The literature review shows that addition or replacement of 45

waste plastic in concrete results in loss of workability of concrete.

The flow of green concrete reduces due to the heterogeneous

Compressive Strength N/mm²



mixing of plastic. Generally, the amount of waste plastic added in


concrete, in any form adversely affects the workability of concrete, 30

however, addition of very less amount of plastic in concrete shows


improved workability. Nevertheless, when plastic is added in large
amount, the workability of concrete decreases due to the resistance 20
offered by the fibers to the movement of aggregates. This behavior 15
also followed by pellets, shredded form and flaks.
2.1.2. Fresh density/dry density 5
The results show that the density of concrete is reduces on 0
direct inclusion of waste plastic in concrete mixes. The effect of Saikia and Brito,2014 Pelisser et al.,2012 Cordoba et al., 2013
addition of waste plastics in different forms, as reported by various (Plastic Particles ) (PET Fiber) (Plastic Flakes)
authors has been presented below.
Fig. 3. Effect of addition/replacement of different forms of plastic on compressive
strength of concrete. Effect of replacement/addition of PET particles. Araghi et al.
(2015) studied the effect of sulfuric acid curing on concrete con-
taining 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% PET particles as an alternative aggre- mixes were prepared, contained 30%, 40% and 50% iron filling waste
gates. It has been observed that the weight loss values for samples with 5% plastic waste (M1, M2, M3). For waste modified-concrete
containing 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of PET particles are 13.47%, 10.26%, mixes M1, M2, and M3, the fresh density values were 0.04, 1.22,
8.98%, 6.57%, respectively. So samples with 15% of PET particles and 4.46% higher, respectively, than the fresh density value of the
have lower weight losses and better resistance against sulfuric acid control mix. Whereby, the dry density for mixes M1, M2, and M3
attack. Rahmani et al. (2013) concluded that when an amount of exceeds that of the plain mix by 3.39, 4.17, and 8.04%, respectively. It
natural sand in concrete is replaced with PET particles which have can be noticed that dry density values are slightly greater than fresh
different gradation, more pores in concrete would be formed due to densities values for each mix. This could be due to the pozzolanic
plate and narrow shape of PET particle. Moreover, the surplus water effect of waste iron, which provided a surface around the waste
in the concrete specimens, which does not participate in water and plastic that could react with the other constituents of the concrete
cement reaction makes some tiny channels in concrete and results and produce more dense concrete following 28 days of curing.
in more pores after drying. Therefore, addition of PET particles in Chowdhury et al. (2013) concluded that reductions in bulk
concrete and increase in water to cement ratio in concrete con- density are directly proportional to plastic aggregate replacement
taining PET particles results in lower unit weights of concrete. and can be attributed to the low unit weight of plastic. Hannawi
Saikia and Brito (2014) reported the reduction in the density of et al. (2010) observed a concrete dry density of 1643 kg/m3,
fresh concrete as the content of plastic aggregate increases, because which is lower than the minimum dry density of 2000 kg/m3
the particle density of plastic aggregate is very low compared with required for structural lightweight concrete.
natural aggregates. Based on the literature review, it was also concluded that only
the insertion of plastic fiber in the concrete reduced the wet and Effect of replacement/addition of plastic fiber. (Nibudey et al., dry density of the concrete as unit weight of waste plastic is less
2013) revealed that the dry density decreased from 25.382 to than the concrete ingredients. Same behavior for both wet and dry
25.185 kg/m3 when plastic fibers were added at intervals of 0e3%. density was observed as density of plastic is not affected by water.
These authors concluded that the density of concrete decreased However, the addition of minerals to the concrete reinforced with
when any form of waste plastic was added. plastic fiber resulted in a greater dry density (Ismail and Al-Hashmi,
2010). The mineral admixtures react with the matrix, and addi- Effect of replacement/addition of plastic flakes/pellets/small tional pozzolanic reactions improve the performance of concrete
pieces. Rai et al. (2012) reported that increasing the waste plastic reinforced with plastic waste fiber.
content decreases the fresh and dry densities of concrete. The fresh
density decreased by 5%, 8.7% and 10.75% when 5%, 10% and 15% of
the sand was replaced with waste plastic flakes. This result, 2.2. Mechanical properties
potentially occurred because the density of the waste plastic was
70% lower than that of the sand, which reduced the fresh and dry 2.2.1. Compressive strength
density. The lowest dry density obtained during the experiments Compressive strength is the most important property on which
was 2210 kg/m3, and the lowest fresh density was 2340 kg/m3, as the categorization of concrete depends. Before using concrete, it is
shown in Table 2. Ismail and Al-Hashmi (2010) observed that important to know the compressive strength of the original and
including iron at 0e50% with 5% granular plastic waste moderately treated concrete when any other material is used to replace the
improve the fresh and dry densities of the concrete. Three concrete concrete ingredients. To understand the effect of addition of waste

Table 2
Dry density and fresh density with respect to the mixture proportions (Rai et al., 2012).

Mix % Plastic Cement (kg) C.A (kg) F.A (kg) Waste plastics w/c ratio Mix proportion Fresh density (kg/m3) Dry density (kg/m3)

M30 0 423 1282 469.00 0.00 0.44 1: 2600 2430

M30 5 423 1282 445.20 08.76 0.44 1:3.03:1.052:0.021 2460 2320
M30 10 423 1282 421.73 17.50 0.44 1:3.03:0.997:0.042 2370 2260
M30 15 423 1282 399.00 26.40 0.44 1:3.03:0.943:0.060 2340 2210

C. A e Coarse Aggregate, F. A e Fine Aggregate, W/C ratio e Water Cement Ratio.

478 R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482

plastic in various forms, on compressive strength of concrete, the concrete for up to 60 days with 0.5% metalized polyethylene
several studies carried out by researchers are summarized below fiber resulted in the same strength pattern as that of normal curing.
and shown in Fig. 3. The addition of fibers with combinations of fly ash showed rela-
tively good chemical resistance without any significant losses in Effect of replacement/addition of PET particles. Rahmani strength. Prahallada and Parkash (2013) observed an increasing
et al. (2013) observed that the 5% replacement of fine aggregates trend of compressive strength up to an aspect ratio 50. The per-
with PET particles yields better results in compression. On 5% centage of the compressive strength increase was 11%. Beyond an
replacement compressive strength of concrete increases by 8.86% aspect ratio of 50, a decrease in the compressive strength was
and 11.97% for a water cement ratio 0.42 and 0.52 respectively. observed.
However, with further increase in PET particles to 10% and 15% the
compressive strength of concrete decreases due to weak cohesion Effect of replacement/addition of plastic flakes/pellets/small
between the texture and the PET particles. PET particles act as a pieces. Rai et al. (2012) reported the effects of adding super-
barrier and prevent the cement paste from adhering to natural plasticizer on the mechanical properties of waste plastic flakes in
aggregates. As a result, concrete strength decreases gradually. concrete. In this case, 15% of the fine aggregates were replaced with
Saikia and Brito (2014) studied the effect of the addition of three waste plastic flakes, and the compressive strength was reduced to
different shape plastic particle such as shredded fine shaped (PF), 9.52%. The strength decreased due to the lower adhesive property
shredded coarse shaped (PC) and heat treated pellet (PP) on the of the plastic surface relative to the cement paste. However, after
compressive strength of concrete. The study revealed the 28 days replacing 15% of the sand with waste plastic flakes in the concrete
compressive strength of concrete with 5%, 10% and 15% PP aggre- mix, the compressive strength increased by 5%. Cordoba et al.
gate is more than 75% of the compressive strength of reference (2013) reported that the optimal size of PET plastic flakes in con-
concrete. The 25% strength loss occurred due to the less interaction crete is 1.5 mm when 2.5% of the fine aggregates are replaced. The
of PET-aggregate with cement paste and therefore weak interfacial PET plastic flake sizes used in this study were 0.5 mm, 1.5 mm, and
transition zone (ITZ). The strength achievement of PF and PC is less 3 mm, and the percentages of replacement were 1%, 2.5%, and 5% by
than the PP aggregate. volume. It was also reported that the compressive strength value of
concrete made with PET depends on (a) the PET flakes, (b) the Effect of replacement/addition of plastic fiber. concentration of PET flakes, and (c) the curing time. Scanning
Bhogayata et al. (2013) indicated that the targeted mean electron microscopy results indicated that the compressive
compressive strength of the controlled concrete was 42 MPa. The strength of concrete improves when smaller PET particle sizes are
treated concrete was prepared using fiber prepared from metalized used at lower concentrations.
polythene waste bags. The average size of the fibers was Raghatate (2012) concluded that the compressive strength of
1 mm  2 mm, with proportions of 0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%. The concrete is affected by the addition of plastic pieces. For concrete,
compressive strength of the concrete, prepared with 1.5% metalized prepared with 0.20%, 0.40%, 0.60%, 0.80%, and 1.00% plastic, the
polythene fiber was reduced by 56.43%. This reduction in strength decreased as the percentage of plastic increased. The
compressive strength likely resulted from the presence of macro addition of 1% plastic in concrete resulted in a strength reduction of
fibers in the concrete, which potentially interrupted the bonding approximately 20% after 28 days of curing. Suganthy et al. (2013)
and complete hydration of the cement paste and aggregates. concluded that a gradual decrease in strength occurred when re-
Bhogayata et al. (2012a,b) investigated the effects of the addition of placements of up to 25% were used, and that the strength rapidly
waste plastic in shredded form and manual hand cut fibers to decreased when replacements of 25%e50% were used. When more
concrete on concrete strength. Overall, the strength of the concrete, than 50% of sand was replaced with plastic materials, the variations
prepared using hand cut manual fiber decreased more than that of in the concrete strength were small. The granular pulverized plastic
the concrete prepared using shredded fiber. Replacing more than used in this experiment varied from 1 to 1.7 mm. Mahdi et al. (2010)
0.6% of the concrete volume with fibers made from plastic bags concluded that the compressive strength of concrete with a PET to
with thicknesses of less than 20 microns reduced the strength by up glycol ratio of 2:1 is more than that of concrete with a ratio of 1:1.
to 30% relative to the control. When 1.2% of the concrete volume Higher PET to glycol ratios were not investigated because they
was replaced, the strength decreased by up to 50% relative to the would cause the polymer components to become brittle. This
control. These authors suggested that preparing concrete by adding experiment was conducted between three distinct groups. The
polyethylene fibers with a thickness of less than 20 microns could groups were divided based on the glycol ratio and the initiator
be suitable for non structural works in which the strength of the used. The initiator promoter combinations taken were Methyl ethyl
concrete is not a primary concern. ketone peroxide (MEKP) and cobalt naphthanate (CoNp) in group I
Ramadevi and Manju (2012) observed that the compressive while Benzoil peroxide (BPO) and N, N-diethyl aniline (NNDA) in
strength increased when up to 2% of the fine aggregates were group II and III. The compressive strength of the polymer concrete
replaced with PET bottle fibers and gradually decreased when 4% in group I is greater than that in group II. In addition, the
and 6% of the fine aggregates were replaced. The strength of the compressive strength of the polymer concrete in group III is greater
concrete with 2% PET bottle fiber increased by 19.23% relative to the than that of group IV. This result may be caused by the presence of
control concrete mixture. Thus, the replacement of 2% of the fine phthalic anhydride in groups I and III, which provide better sites for
aggregates is reasonable. Malagaveli (2011) showed that the the formation of cross chains.
compressive strength increased at 7 and 28 days when 3.5% HDPE The majority of researchers observed that addition of waste
fiber was added. The compressive strength increased by 7.69% after plastic in various forms such as flakes, shredded form, pellet,
28 days of curing when 3.5% HDPE fiber was added. When more polyethylene fiber, granular pulverized plastic and PET plastic
than 3.5% was added, the strength of the concrete began to flakes results in reduction in compressive strength of concrete, as
decrease. Bhogayata et al. (2012a,b) indicated that the control shown in Fig. 3. Frigione (2010) reported that lower adhesive
concrete had a compressive strength of 26.65 MPa following strength between the plastic surface and the cement paste is the
normal curing. The maximum compressive strength of a sample reason of the reduction of compressive strength. However, few
cured in acid was 25.42 MPa, which was similar to that of the researchers (Malagaveli, 2011; Ramadevi and Manju, 2012; Pelisser
control sample. Overall, the results showed that sulfate curing of et al., 2012; Rahmani et al., 2013; Prahallada and Parkash, 2013)
R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482 479

observed that addition of PET and HDPE fiber in small amount re- 3.5% and began to decrease when the HDPE fiber content was
sults in an increase in compressive strength but addition of large increased from 3.5 to 6%.
amount of PET particles reduce the strength (Saikia and Brito, 2014) A study performed by Prahallada and Parkash (2013) indicated
as shown in Fig. 3. The mechanical property of PET and HDPE are that the split tensile strength increased up to an aspect ratio of 50
better as compared to polyethylene fibers which results in and that the tensile strength decreased beyond an aspect ratio of
improvement in the strength of concrete. The aspect ratio of fiber 50. The tensile strength increased by 13%. Nibudey et al. (2013)
also plays the significant role in performance of concrete. observed that the tensile strength increased for aspect ratios of
35 and 50 when fibers were added at 1%. The controlled specimen
2.2.2. Split tensile strength strength was 3.48 MPa, and strengths of 3.87 MPa and 4.13 MPa
The split tensile strength of concrete is generally calculated to were observed after the addition of fiber at aspect ratios of 35 and
understand the behavior of concrete in tension. The direct mea- 50. The waste plastic used with a specified aspect ratio in the
surement of tensile strength of concrete is difficult. As, It is almost concrete performed better than the concrete that directly included
impossible to apply truly axial load in direct tension. So, behavior of shredded plastic fiber waste.
concrete in tension is studied by doing indirect testing of concrete
in tension. The split tensile test is a good indirect method of finding Effect of replacement/addition of plastic flakes/pellets/small
out the tensile strength of concrete. The effect of the addition/ pieces. Raghatate (2012) elucidated the increments of split tensile
replacement of various types of plastic with on the split tensile strength across increments of different percentages of plastic
strength of concrete is discussed below. pieces. The addition of 0e1% of plastic pieces was conducted suc-
cessively using 0.2% intervals. The test results were evaluated at 7,
14 and 28 days. The split tensile strength results following 28 days Effect of replacement/addition of PET particles. indicated that the strength increased by 26% when plastic pieces
Rahmani et al. (2013) reported the tensile strength decreases due to were added at 0.8% and then decreased when greater amounts of
the negative effect of smooth surface texture on the bond strength plastic pieces were added. Albano et al. (2009) reported the split
and increased surface area of PET particles as compared to sand. tensile strength starts decreasing as the different sizes of PET ag-
Saikia and Brito (2014) revealed that the split tensile strength starts gregates are added in the concrete mix.
decreasing as the amount of PET particles increases. The maximum It can be concluded from the literature that the tensile strength
and minimum reduction were observed in PET flaky coarse aggre- of concrete with encapsulated plastic only increases slightly when
gate (PC) and heat treated PET particles (PP). The worst perfor- small amounts of plastic are used and then decreases as more
mance observed for PC is attributed to the high w/c ratios of these plastic fiber is used due to the less effective utilization of plastic for
mixes. The splitting tensile strength of concrete is strongly influ- plastic fiber bridging action. Moreover, the strength of the concrete,
enced by the characteristics of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ). largely depends on the amount of plastic added to the concrete, the
The smooth surface of the plastic particles and the free water at the size of the plastic, the physical and mechanical properties of the
surface of plastic aggregate can cause a weaker bonding between plastic, the treatment of the plastic by any chemical before inclu-
these particles and the cement paste. In case of concrete containing sion into the concrete and the uniform mixing of the plastic in the
PP particles, after reaching the ultimate strength, most of the PP in concrete. These parameters require more attention to develop
the concrete matrix do not fail, but they are debonded from the precise methods for creating effective plastic fiber reinforced
cement paste, which is additional evidence of the poorer bonding concrete.
between the PP and the cement paste.
2.2.3. Flexural strength Effect of replacement/addition of plastic fiber. The ability of structural member to resist failure in bending is
(Bhogayata et al., 2013) reported that the addition of fibers at up to termed as flexural strength. The flexural strength of concrete is
1.5% reduces the split tensile strength by 43%. Overall, 93 specimens evaluated by three point loading or four point loading test. The
were cast, including controlled concrete and concrete mixed with affect of addition/replacement of different forms of plastics on
polyethylene fibers (1 mm  2 mm), in proportions of 0%e1.5% and flexural strength of concrete is discussed below.
at intervals of 0.5%. Fly ash was also added in different proportions,
varying from 0% to 30%. The maximum tensile strength of the Effect of replacement/addition of PET particles. Saikia and
control concrete was 3.96 MPa, which was reduced to 2.26 MPa Brito (2014) concluded that the flexural strength of concrete de-
after addition of up to 1.5% plastic fibers (by volume). Reductions in creases as the amount of PET particles increases. In the study fine
the surface tensile strength were negligible when plastic fibers aggregates were replaced with 5% 10% and 15% PET particles were
were added at 0.5%e1%. The surface tensile strength of the replaced with PET aggregates. It is concluded that as the amount of
controlled concrete was 1.36 MPa. After adding plastic fibers at 1.5% any type of PET-aggregate in concrete increases the flexural
by volume, the surface tensile strength was reduced to 0.65 MPa. strength decreases. However, the heat treated PET particles (PP)
The addition of plastic fibers reduced the surface tensile strength of performed well as compared to PET flaky fine aggregate (PF) and
the control concrete by 56%. Ramadevi and Manju (2012) concluded Pet flaky coarse aggregate (PC). The post cracking strength im-
that the split tensile strength of cylinder increases upto 2% proves on replacement by PC and PF aggregates due to their shape
replacement of the fine aggregates with PET bottle fibers and then and sizes. It was also observed during the testing the PC and PF
decreases slightly with further increase in replacement (4% and 6%) particles bridged the crack and prevented brittle failure of the
of fine aggregates with PET bottle fibers. The replacement of 2% of specimen during the test.
fine aggregates is reasonable because it results in a high split tensile
strength relative to other percentages. However, some studies have Effect of replacement/addition of plastic fiber. Rai et al.
shown increment of split tensile strength, but most studies have (2012) reported that the flexural strength of concrete decreases
indicated lower tensile strength. Malagaveli (2011) conducted an with the addition of plastic fiber. When fiber is added from 5% to
experiment to evaluate the split tensile strength of concrete at the 15%, flexural strength decreases from 4 MPa to 3 MPa. In addition, it
ages of 7 and 28 days with HDPE fiber contents of 0e6%. Overall, the was reported that superplasticizers do not significantly affect
split tensile strength increased by 14% when the fiber content was flexural strength and that the surfaces of plastic waste fibers
480 R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482

decrease the adhesive strength between the matrix surfaces. Effect of replacement/addition of PET particles.
Malagaveli (2011) concluded that the maximum flexural strength Rahmani et al. (2013) concluded the reduction in modulus of
was obtained following the addition of HDPE (High Density Poly- elasticity of concrete can be due to small modulus of elasticity of
ethylene) fiber at 3.5% (by volume). In this case, the addition of PET particles and this reduction has an approximate linear rela-
HDPE improved the flexural strength of the concrete by 17.47% tionship with the increase of PET particle content. Saikia and Brito
relative to the control. The author concluded that a maximum of 2% (2014) reported that the PET flaky coarse particles (PC) and PET
fiber could be used for strength purposes. Ramadevi and Manju flaky fine particles (PF) contained concrete have lower modulus of
(2012) concluded that replacing up to 2% of PET fiber with fine concrete due to the porous concrete. The reason reported for
aggregates increased the flexural strength of the concrete, which porous concrete is the higher W/C ratio and lower modulus of
gradually increased up to 4% and remained constant after 6%. The elasticity of PET particles as compared with natural aggregate.
maximum flexural (45.77%) was greater relative to the control
when 4% PET fiber was used. Effect of replacement/addition of plastic flakes/pellets/small
Prahallada and Parkash (2013) reported results from waste pieces. Cordoba et al. (2013) determined the modulus of elasticity
plastic fibers prepared with aspect ratios of 30, 50, 70, 90, and 110. when using plastic particle sizes of 0.5 mm, 1.5 mm, and 3.0 mm
These authors observed that the flexural strength generally with distinct volume percentages of 1, 2.5 and 5%. The highest
increased up to an aspect ratio of 50 and decreased as the aspect modulus of elasticity was obtained with 1.5 mm PET particles at a
ratio increased beyond 50. The percentage increased in flexural concentration of 2.5% by volume following 28 days of curing. The
strength was 10%. minimum modulus of elasticity was obtained for a PET particle size
of 3.0 mm and at a concentration of 5% by volume following 28 days
of curing. Effect of replacement/addition of plastic flakes/pellets/small Mathew et al. (2013) observed the modulus of elasticity of the
pieces. Ismail and Al-Hashmi (2010) reported the addition of 5 and plastic coarse aggregate decreased by 22.12% relative to the natural
10% plastic granular waste and 0e50% iron improved the flexural coarse aggregates containing concrete. Hannawi et al. (2010) and
strength of the waste modified-concrete specimen. By changing the Choi et al. (2009) reported that the modulus of elasticity decreased
iron content, the adhesive property improved because additional as the plastic content changed.
pozzolanic reactions occurred. Batayneh et al. (2007) and Saikia The aggregate in concrete play a substantial roll for quantify the
and Brito (2013) revealed that the flexural strength decreased as mechanical properties of concrete. Majority of research shows any
the plastic waste aggregate content in the concrete increased. form of plastic decrease the modulus of elasticity of concrete. This
According to the literature, the flexural strength of concrete, property of concrete is degraded due to less modulus of elasticity of
largely depends on the elastic properties of the fiber and the con- plastic.
crete bending energy absorption. The maximum bending stress of
concrete occurs at its outer fibers. From Fig. 4 it can be observed 2.2.5. Thermal conductivity
that with addition/replacement of plastic particles/pelletes the Fraternali et al. (2011) measured the effective thermal conduc-
flexural strength of concrete decreases and it further decreases tivities of UNRC (Unreinforced Concrete), RPETFRC/a (Recycled PET
with increase in percentage replacement as larger percentage Fiber Reinforced Concrete) and PPFRC (Polypropylene Fiber Rein-
hinder the matrix reaction and cause of reduction in strength forced Concrete) by using the experimental apparatus described by
(Saikia and Brito, 2014; Rai et al., 2012). However, when PET fibers Frattolillo et al. (2003). A prismatic specimen with a size of
are added in concrete the flexural strength of concrete slightly 19.5 cm  19.5 cm  3 cm was inserted into the measurement
increases. chamber and subjected to heat transfer using electrical resistance
at the top of the chamber and a water cooling system at the bottom
of the chamber. The effective thermal conductivity was measured
2.2.4. Modulus of elasticity using the one-dimensional steady state comparative method. The
Previously, few studies have assessed the modulus of elasticity thermal conductivity of RPETFRC and PPFRC decreased by 20%
of plastic fiber reinforced concrete relative to plastic fiber mortar. relative to UNRC, as shown in Table 3. Dweik et al. (2008) reported
The effect of the addition of various forms of plastic on the modulus that the thermal insulation properties of cement mortar blocks
of elasticity of concrete is illustrated below. improved when sand was replaced with melamine formaldehyde
solid waste.

2.2.6. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPVT)

The Ultrasonic pulse velocity test is carried out to investigate
homogeneity and structure of concrete. Currently, few studies are
available for assessing the UPV (ultrasonic pulse velocity) of con-
crete containing plastic. The previous studies show that plastic
contained concrete has lower UPV due to development of pores.
Rahmani et al. (2013) observed the reduction in UPV with an
addition and increase in PET particle content in the concrete. The

Table 3
Thermal conductivities of the specimens (Fraternali et al., 2011).

Mixture k (W/mK) 95% CI (W/mK) FRR %

UNRC 0.967 0.284 0.0

RPETFRC/a 0.793 0.251 18.0
Fig. 4. Effect of addition/replacement of different forms of plastic on flexural strength
PPFRC 0.756 0.139 21.8
of concrete.
R. Sharma, P.P. Bansal / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 473e482 481

addition of PET particles makes concrete porous. Therefore, lower attained 31 kN. Prototypes with reusable packaging showed a 20%
ultrasonic pulse velocity was recorded for concrete containing PET reduction in density also. Several valuable examples are available
contents. The waterecement ratio also affects the UPV. The higher for evaluating the benefits of using plastic fibers in construction
water cement ratio leaves surplus water in the pores of concrete, work. Various environmental issues can be resolved by using
which results in formation of empty holes during the dehydration plastic in concrete.
leading to a reduction in the UPV. Albano et al. (2009) also reported
the reduction in the propagation rate of ultrasonic pulse. Araghi
4. Conclusion
et al. (2015) assessed the effect of sulfuric acid curing on the ul-
trasonic pulse velocity of concrete with addition of 0%, 5%, 10% and
1. From the literature review, it can be concluded that the direct
15% PET particle in concrete, and based on the results, it was
inclusion of plastic in concrete does not effectively improve the
concluded that ultrasonic wave velocity decreased by 32.56%,
strength of concrete. However, it is useful to treat plastic sur-
22.56%, 32.75% and 20.7% respectively. It has been also concluded
faces with reactive materials, such as iron slag, silica fume, and
that the 15% PET particle induced concrete has better integrity and
metakaolin. In this case, the treated surface will react with the
higher density.
matrix and produce additional pozzolanic reactions.
Most studies have considered the permeability, carbonation
2. Workability of concrete containing waste plastic begins to
depth, drying shrinkage and water sorptivity to assess the prop-
decrease as the amount of waste plastic increases (Batayneh
erties of mortars mixed with plastic fiber. Previously, little data was
et al., 2007, Rai et al., 2012; Pelisser et al., 2012; Rahamani
provided regarding the above property including frost resistant for
et al., 2013).
assessing the various properties of plastic fiber reinforced concrete.
3. Addition of plastics in concrete, compressive strength of the
The durability of plastic fiber reinforced concrete requires more
concrete decreases. However, by using suitable mineral admix-
attention and substantial research.
tures (Ismail and Al-Hashmi, 2008; Choi et al., 2005, 2009) and
chemically treated plastic such as alkaline bleach treatment
3. Various field applications of plastic fiber reinforced
(bleach þ NaOH) (Naik et al., 1996) the performance of plastic
fiber reinforced concrete can improved
4. Addition of limited percentages of plastic in concrete has
Although countable practical structures and structural parts
resulted in small improvements in the tensile strength of con-
have been constructed of plastic containing concrete, the world-
crete (Batayneh et al., 2007). The increments of tensile strength
wide use of plastic fiber in construction without compromising
improvement result from the bridging actions of the fibers in
strength requires deeper and deterministic research regarding the
the concrete.
utilization of waste material in concrete. Concrete containing
5. The flexural strength of concrete improves with the addition of
plastics have been used in various projects and countries. Sasaki
plastic fibers in concrete. The plastic in concrete works like a
(2006) reported that PET fiber reinforced concrete was success-
crack arrester during the propagation of the crack (Pelisser et al.,
fully used in the Hishikari mine (Gold Mine) located in Kagoshima,
2012). Hence, improvements in ductility are also observed in
Japan. Evaluation of surfaces sprayed with PET fibers showed that
concrete that is reinforced with plastic fiber relative to con-
the surfaces were relatively smooth with no cracking, uplifting or
ventional concrete.
deviation. A volumetric content of 0.3% and PET fibers of 30 mm
6. The modulus of elasticity of plastic fiber reinforced concrete
were adopted in this application. The benefits of using fiber were
decreases as the plastic content increases in any form (Cordoba
observed during the addition of PET fibers to the matrix. Further-
et al., 2013; Rahamani et al., 2013 Hannawi et al., 2010; Pelisser
more, no pipe clogging or fiber ball formation was observed during
et al., 2012).
the application.
7. Durability of plastic fiber reinforced concrete is a major concern.
Ochi et al. (2007) reported that PET fiber reinforced concrete
Thus, extensive research of durability parameters is required
was applied to a bush road between Hayatogawa and Kanazawa in
because little literature is available regarding these parameters.
the Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan. In this case, 0.75% of the volu-
8. Mixing fibers in concrete is one major problem in the produc-
metric fiber content was used. The PET fiber was mixed by an
tion of fiber reinforced concrete. The properties of concrete vary
agitator truck and then applied on the road with a thickness of
as the plastic fiber content in concrete varies. Thus, future
13 cm. To assess the matrix, a survey was conducted after 6 months
research should focused on establishing a method for mixing
and after flaws was no longer observed in the pavement. The PET
plastic fiber in concrete, the shape of plastic fibers, the specified
fiber reinforced concrete was also used in March 2004 ‘Ehime’ to
aspect ratios of plastic fibers, and the surface properties of
form the slope where steel fiber replaces the sea front. In August
plastic fibers so that the fibers adhered to the concrete mix.
2004 and 2005, plastic fibers were used in two distinct tunnels, the
9. Plastic fiber reinforced concrete can be used for structures that
Fukuoka and Tottori tunnels. The length of fiber was 40 mm in both
are not subjected to heavy loads, such as park benches and stone
applications. In September 2005, plastic fibers were used to
curb. This can lead to reduce the amount of waste plastic.
construct a bridge pier in Kanagawa and the crack extension sub-
stantially decreased. Chowdhury et al. (2013) reported the use of
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