Fei Europe Brochure 8 9
Fei Europe Brochure 8 9
Fei Europe Brochure 8 9
Hotel Palace,
Berlin, Germany
The Front End of Facebook.com/ @fei_Innovation
Innovation Group FrontEndofInnovation
Today, everything needs to be better,
faster and more simplified in order
Happy Plating Swiss Federal
to stay relevant. What was new and Institute of
Innovation Director
trending a few months ago, has Ewald Babka Technology
already been replaced with a bigger, Senior Research
Deutsche Telekom Fellow (Technology
more disruptive idea. For those SVP Innovation and Innovation),
responsible for driving innovation Heinrich Arnold ETH Zurich
Philipp Bubenzer
across the company, the stakes
EUROPE COVERS have never been higher and the
RWTH Aachen
University Technical
THE FULL INNOVATION competition has never been fiercer. Professor of
Technology &
University of
SPECTRUM This year, global leaders in innovation
Frank Piller
Senior Executive
Henrik Morgen
will unite to answer the age old Arcelik
question, “how do we successfully Innovation Hochschule
Process & System Luzern/
integrate innovation into business?” Swiscom
FEI Europe 2016 answers this Manager Professor in
question with one simple phrase: Iffet Iyigun Product Innovation
Patrick Link
“the power of we.” By listening to Roche
Move fast and break and collaborating with the biggest Global Head of
University of
Nova Gorica
and brightest innovators the world
things. Unless you has seen, innovation becomes an
Bryn Roberts Professor in
New Media
are breaking stuff, explosive flow of creativity rather Pearson
Peter Prug
www.feieurope.com #FEIEurope
8:00 Registration / Welcome
8:45 10th Anniversary Welcome with Peter Meier
9:00 How Will Future Trends Influence Tomorrows Business and What are the Future
Competencies We Need Ewald Babka, Innovation Director, Happy Plating
Dave Birss, “A User Guide to the Creative Mind”
10:20 Networking Break
10:50 What Drives Change in the Digital Space Heinrich Arnold, SVP Innovation, Deutsche Telekom
11:30 Innovation is Not an Island Nathan Coleman, CEO and Innovation Chief, The Elephant Pants
12:00 Lunch
13:15 High Res Avatar Creation Process Vladimir Puhalac CEO, DoobGroup
14:00 “Leveraging Local Innovations to Drive Global Competitiveness and Cost Advantage”
Herald Gruebel Executive Vice President of R&D, AVTOVAZ
14:45 Networking Break
15:15 Collective Insight 2.0 – Moving Towards a Corporate Utility
Colin Nelson, Director of Enterprise Innovation Consulting at Hype Innovation
16:00 New Tools and Methods for Customer Value Creation in Open Innovation Ecosystems
Hannes Erler, Director of Open Innovation Networks, SWAROVSKI
Danny Williams, Chief Innovation Officer, IBM
17:15 Hunting For The Adjacent Possibility – Beyond The Eureka Moment
Julian Swan, Co-Founder, The Imagination Factory
8:00 Registration / Welcome
Markus Durstewitz, Head of Innovation Methods and Tools, Airbus
Caspar Berry, Risk Taking & Decision Making Expert and Professional Poker Player
Nicklas Berman, Entrepreneur, Investor and Futurist
10:45 Networking Break
Stream A: Strategy and Implementation Stream B: Culture and Leadership
11:15 Transformation Through Innovation – Reinventing Innovation for Existing
Stora Enso’s Way to a Renewable Materials Companies Gweltas Radenac, Head of Product Develop-
Company Axel Wizemann, Director of ment, Avenir Telecom
Strategic Innovation, Stora Enso
12:00 “Design Thinking, Data Analytics – A Interdisciplinary Education For Innovation is Tough,
Hybri–d Model” Patrick Link, Professor in Product But it Pays. Gweltas Radenac, Head of
Innovation, Hochschule Luzern/Swiscom Product Development, Avenir Telecom
12:45 Lunch
13:45 “Building Successful Public-Private Innovation Behavioral Innovation: A Primer on How to Leverage
Partnerships: Do’s and Don’ts” Henrik Morgen- Senior Social Psychology for Innovation Success
Executive Officer, Technical University of Denmark Heinrich Arnold, SVP Innovation, Deutsche Telekom
14:30 Innovation Meets Strategy Dr. Jan Schoening, Head of “Applying Lean Startup in Large-Scale
Global Technology Management, Bioprocess- and Phar- Organizations” Bernhard Kowatsch, Head of
maceutical Development, Biopharmaceuticals, Boehringer Innovation Accelerator, World Food Programme and
Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG Robert Opp, Director of Innovation and Change, World
Food Programme
15:15 Networking Break
15:45 Launching the Speedboat Christine Wienhold, Building an Innovation Culture Sven Grave, Idea
Innovation Manager, EnBW Manager, WILO SE
16:30 OPEN Session. If interested in speaking, please con- OPEN Session. If interested in speaking, please con-
tact Ffion Thomson at ffion.thomson@informa.com tact Ffion Thomson at ffion.thomson@informa.com
17:15 Conclusion
9:00 How Will Future Trends Influence Tomorrows Business and What are the Future
5 OCTOBER, 2016 Competencies We Need
Ewald Babka, Innovation Director, Happy Plating
Ewald Babka will discuss how future trends influence the development of ideas with respect
to our technologies Babka will explain how we select the (hopefully) right ideas under predict-
ed future circumstances. In other words: “How can we analyze and develop trend oriented
competencies resp. how will competence oriented trend analyses influence our business?”
Dave Birss, “A User Guide to the Creative Mind”
In this session you will explore what it is that separates the good from the great and learn
how to go about doing it yourself.
12:00 Lunch
Innovation isn’t 3. What does a collective insight program look like once it becomes mainstream?
4. We’ll consider where collective insight programs are heading through examples from
all lava lamps 16:00
leading organizations
New Tools and Methods for Customer Value Creation in Open Innovation Ecosystems
& beanbags. Hannes Erler, Director of Open Innovation Networks, SWAROVSKI
Due to the arrival of the digital age and hyper connectivity transcending the walls and silos of
traditional business, as well as through the explosion in the speed and ubiquitous availability
of technologies and materials from science and knowledge networks around the world, the
landscape of modern innovation ecosystems has completely transformed the way in which
innovation takes place.
Old models and processes simply do not work in the new world of multipoint communication,
fast failure and immediate learnings. There are many methods, best practice examples and
unique success and failure stories around. Swarovski has shown with its recent Open Innova-
tion approach how a network of over 60 industry/science partners can be created through the
definition of strategic search arenas from which new value for customers can be derived.
Danny Williams, Chief Innovation Officer, IBM
Danny Williams will talk about the importance of both the creative and methodical aspects
of innovation. Generating ideas is a creative exercise that requires a certain mind-set and
environment to be productive. Delivering the innovations requires a shift into a more traditional
project delivery behaviour, without which you just have a set of great ideas but no real outcomes.
He will discuss different approaches for idea generation as well as the elements he has seen as
critical to the successful delivery of innovation.
17:15 Hunting For The Adjacent Possibility – Beyond The Eureka Moment
Julian Swan, Co-Founder, The Imagination Factory
This session explores the process of Human Centred Design innovation, with examples of
how The Imagination Factory has practically delivered solutions using technologies from
different industries and eras (even centuries apart) to innovate. The Imagination Factory is
www.feieurope.com #FEIEurope deliberately set up to facilitate collaboration and freedom for the team to pursue their own
design/ business opportunities.
8:00 Registration / Welcome
Markus Durstewitz, Head of Innovation Methods and Tools, Airbus
Innovation is at “the heart of Airbus”. It means that we are open for the new and enable ways to realize innovations
within the organization quickly. Innovation is about managing change. It challenges the status quo when looking
at future trends and exploring fresh ideas. To create successful innovations, we have to understand user needs
and the critical points of the current business. For example, how can we anticipate the impact of an ongoing
digital transformation? Digitalization is a key driver and accelerator for change for industry and air transport.
6 OCTOBER, 2016
Innovations are developed to satisfy user needs, to create value for the customer and to generate additional
revenues. With the presentation we will have a look on how to get there and make innovative ideas fly?
Caspar Berry, Risk Taking & Decision Making Expert and Professional Poker Player
Uncertainty has obviously been at the forefront of our minds a lot in Europe the last couple of months or so,
and possibly for the last decade. And yet we all still have to make decisions in this uncertain landscape. As it
looks like it’s here to stay it may be time to adopt a new form of decision making that moves away from trying
to guess the future accurately to one more suited to this unpredictable terrain. Former professional poker player
Caspar Berry takes us on a tour of the ways in which poker players regard their uncertain world and how we
can apply this approach to the innovation, change management and leadership conundrums of our time.
Nicklas Berman, Entrepreneur, Investor and Futurist
Nicklas Bergman is a serial entrepreneur, technology investor and futurist. With vast experience from
navigating through turbulent and uncertain environments, he is a perfect guide when trying to understand
what the future will bring. This session will open your eyes to what’s coming next.
10:45 Networking Break
Stream A: Strategy and Implementation Stream B: Culture and Leadership
11:15 Transformation Through Innovation – Stora Enso’s Reinventing Innovation for Existing Companies
Way To A Renewable Materials Company Axel Gweltas Radenac, Head of Product Development, Avenir
Wizemann, Director of Strategic Innovation, Stora Enso Telecom
Currently, there are many challenges facing the world, Established organisations have a tough time being
climate change, population growth, resource scarcity and innovative. Additionally, “innovation” itself is a Head of Innovation
issues around land use. We need to do more with less
and cannot continue as we have done so far. Stora Enso
somewhat vague concept, and many players lack a
clear idea of what it might mean for them.
Methods and Tools
has started a transformation and structured innovation However, it is not necessary to develop innovative
Markus Durstewitz
that has an important role in this transformation. Axel capabilities entirely from scratch. By following a path
Wizemann will discuss what Stora Enso has done in the shown by designers, we can develop homegrown
past and how they plan for the future. innovation processes and a culture of creative thinking.
12:00 “Design Thinking, Data Analytics – A Hybrid Interdisciplinary Education for Innovation is Tough,
Model” Patrick Link, Professor in Product Innovation, But it Pays. Peter Prug, Professor in New Media,
Hochschule Luzern/Swiscom University of Nova Gorica
Up to now, there is no real joint approach combining Radically transversal, interdisciplinary and
systematic Data Analytics and Design Thinking. Patrick intergenerational innovation methodologies can make the
Link however, implemented an iterative approach that most precious aspect of education get (back) to business
consists of a joint process with the combined tool box, -- the open and eager approach to new knowledge. In
a joint mindset, and a team consisting of experts from this session, Peter Prug will discuss his background and
Design Thinking, Data Analytics, as well as domain experience with project “MyMachine” and its implications
experts accompanied by a facilitator. on the future of education and innovation.
12:45 Lunch
13:45 “Building Successful Public-Private Innovation Behavioral Innovation: A Primer on How to
Partnerships: Do’s and Don’ts” Henrik Morgen- Leverage Social Psychology For Innovation
Senior Executive Officer, Technical University of Denmark Success Philipp Bubenzer, Senior Research Fellow
This roundtable addresses key aspects critical (Technology and Innovation), ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Risk Taking & Decision
to the initiation, implementation and operation of Institute of Technologyk Making Expert and
international public-private innovation partnerships. The behavioral approach has revolutionized Professional Poker
Particular attention is given to good practices economics and finance, but not yet innovation
versus common pit-falls in the earlier stages of large practice. We still tend to approach innovation Player
international consortia building, the management decisions as mostly rational choices. This talk will Caspar Berry
of emerging cross-disciplinary innovation projects provide real-life evidence that the opposite may be
or programmes, as well as organizational and true. Bubenzer will focus on the topic of identity
cultural aspects of project ideation, visioning and (cognitive self-categorization) and show to what
development. extent our self-identification with the company can
make or break innovation projects.
14:30 Innovation Meets Atrategy Dr. Jan Schoening, Head “Applying Lean Startup In Large-Scale Organizations”
of Global Technology Management, Bioprocess- and Bernhard Kowatsch, Head of Innovation Accelerator,
Pharmaceutical Development, Biopharmaceuticals, World Food Programme and Robert Opp, Director of
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG Innovation and Change, World Food Programme
Change is constant. A successful innovation strategy Harnessing the power of startups is crucial for large
needs to balance different interests and drivers to scale organizations to stay leading edge or risk to
enable a sustainable growth and ensure technology become irrelevant. The United Nations World Food
leadership. Boehringer Ingelheims’s Technology Programme, the United Nations front-line agency
Innovation Strategy (TIS) for Biopharmaceuticals fighting hunger worldwide, has built up an Innovation
pursues this goal and tries to make best use of the Accelerator. The Innovation Accelerator supports
creativity of the internal brain pool in alignment with WFP internal and external entrepreneurs in their
the company’s strategic goals. Strategic partnerships start-ups/innovations for zero hunger across the
and external innovation complements the internal globe. Robert Opp and Bernhard Kowatsch will Entrepreneur, Investor
approaches in an ever changing environment. discuss different models of how startups’ innovation
can be leverages for large scale organizations. and Futurist
15:15 Networking Break Nicklas Berman
15:45 Launching the Speedboat Christine Wienhold, Building an Innovation Culture Sven Grave, Idea
Innovation Manager, EnBW Manager, WILO SE
Christine Wienhold, Innovation Manager at EnBW, In this session, Sven Grave will start with a short
Germany’s third largest energy supplier, will provide introduction of the actions that can be taken to
some insights in the EnBW Innovation Campus positively influence development of an innovation
and its way to build internal startups. Afterwards culture. After that, the participants will be asked
the audience will discuss a possible framework to share their experiences and the measures they
to successfully scale these startups without have taken (or plan to start) to develop an innovation
transforming them into “small tankers”. culture. Each of the measures/actions reported will
be allocated to one of the categories of the model.
16:30 OPEN Session. If interested in speaking, please contact OPEN Session. If interested in speaking, please contact
Ffion Thomson at ffion.thomson@informa.com Ffion Thomson at ffion.thomson@informa.com
17:15 Conclusion The Front End of Facebook.com/ @fei_Innovation
Innovation Group FrontEndofInnovation
FRIDAY 8:00 Registration / Welcome
Gerwin Hoogendoorn the co-founder and chief innovation officer of senz°
7 OCTOBER, 2016 Gerwin Hoogendoorn the co-founder and chief innovation officer of senz° will share his
experiences in starting and scaling up the senz° company. The learnings are about trying to
conquer the world with the stormproof umbrellas and learnings about the senz° innovation
11:15 OPEN Session. If interested in speaking, “Innovate Your Way Out of Your Biases…
please contact Ffion Thomson at or Perish!” Baria Daye, Director of Open
senz° ffion.thomson@informa.com Innovation, Akira Foundation
Co-founder and Chief The innovation process is key to solving
Innovation Officer difficult problems and maintaining a
Gerwin Hoogendoorn competitive edge in today’s fast-paced world.
But when it comes to judgment and decision-
making, human beings are often subject
to a set of inherent biases and heuristics
that may lead to less than ideal outcomes.
How can we recognize those patterns and
outsmart them in order to innovate our
way out of our own cognitive limitations?
How can we incubate innovation in our firm
From start-up
culture and investment decisions? These
and many more questions will be explored
as Baria Daye takes you on a journey to
to scale-up. hack the inner workings of our brain at work.
From years of professional experience and
her educational background at Harvard
University Extension School, Baria will share
with you what it takes to unlock innovation
and sharpen your judgment and decision-
making skills, presenting the latest trends in
this “nascent” field of behavioral economics.
12:00 Data Science Capability in Life Sciences Top 10 Rules for Creating an Innovative
Bryn Roberts, Global Head of Operations, Roche Company Henry Warren, Innovation Director,
Data-intensity and -complexity characterize Pearson
many of today’s business, academic and Pearson is the world’s leading education
social environments. Lifescience R&D company. Innovation is of course very
is no exception, where the explosion of important to us. As a company we’re
genomics, imaging and electronic healthcare obsessed with creating delightful learning
data requires researchers to work with experiences that are as efficacious as they
incredibly complex information landscapes, are fun. However to continue to create
or “Big Data”. An integrated Data Science world beating products we needed to create
capability is essential to enable efficient and an innovation process that enabled us to
effective derivation of insights and decision- develop products faster and better. To do this
making. This session will describe the we ran a detailed research project, looking at
development of an integrated Data Science what lessons we could learn from other top
capability, highlight examples of its value, companies across the world from Microsoft
and discuss how similar approaches may be to Hiscox. Henry Warren will discuss this
implemented elsewhere. process and how successful it was.
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Innovation in the Age of Smart Products & Corporate Intrapreneurhip: Change
Services: How to Profit From Industrie 4.0 Management Through Innovative
and the Industrial Internet of Things Frank Companies Iffet Iyigun, Innovation Process &
Piller, Professor of Technology and Innovation, System Development Manager, Arcelik
RWTH Aachen University Iffet Iyigun will discuss Corporate
In this session, Frank Piller will provide an intrapreneurship programmes at Arçeşik
overview of innovative digitalization-based and expand upon the lessons learned
business models and how our innovation and improvements to be made. Arçeşik’s
system needs to adapt to benefit from these case includes important success factors
opportunities. & supporting actions that apply in many
different industries.
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Hear Stories of Success and Failure From Leading Innovators From Across the Globe:
IBM Arcelik Roche Pearson senz° EnBW WILO SE SWAROVSKI Airbus Word Food
Programme Akira Foundation Deutsche Telekom RWTH Aachen University Happy Planting
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG DoobGroup AVTOVAZ Avenir Telecom Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology And More!
www.feieurope.com #FEIEurope