Iiit Bhuvaneshwar

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International Institute of Information

Technology Bhubaneswar
(A University established by Govt. of Odisha)


Important Dates

Submission of online application commences on : 3rd April, 2018

Last date for submission of online application: 30th April, 2018
Date of Written Test (Tentative) : 26th May- 3rd June 2018
Commencement of classes: 15th July, 2018

Information Brochure

International Institute of Information Technology Bhubaneswar

(A University Established by the Government of Odisha)
Gothapatna, PO: Malipada, Bhubaneswar - 751 003
Phones: 91.0674. 3060505/3060508, Fax- 91.674.3060509
Email: admission@iiit-bh.ac.in
Web: www.iiit-bh.ac.in
About the Institute
IIIT Bhubaneswar owes its origins to the initiative of the Government Odisha. It is a
result of the desire of the Government to establish a world class institute of Information
Technology in the state. The Management of the institute is in the hands of a Board of
Governors, consisting of representatives from the Government of Odisha, Leaders from
the IT industry and eminent academicians. IIIT Bhubaneswar has become unitary
University in January 2014, after the enactment of IIIT Bhubaneswar Act. (Odisha act of
IIIT-Bhubaneswar focuses on quality and rigorous education, quality resource, academic
infrastructure, technology and innovation. These initiatives will help IIIT-Bhubaneswar
achieve pre-eminence in India and beyond.
The Institute offers Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral programmes in various
engineering disciplines. The Institute started offering M.Tech. Programmes in 2007 and
B.Tech. Programmes in 2009 and Doctoral Programmes in 2014.
Our vision is to be a unique institute imparting education, training, research, and
consulting in technology and related fields to develop human resources who will lead the
economy and the society in the coming decades.
The mission of IIIT is to be a knowledge seeking Institution of higher learning that will
educate students in technology and other disciplines of scholarship. The Institute will
work closely with the Industry and other users of the technology to develop and deliver
technological solutions to enhance their competitive position.
The Institute is committed to the entire value chain of knowledge creation, diffusion and
preservation to meet the challenges of the century. The Institute will borrow best
practices in education delivery systems, research and consulting practices. Leveraging
technology to bring about next generation practices will be a key to this strategy.
The Institute is dedicated to creating a community of students, faculty and scholars with
passion for learning, creativity, innovation in all aspects of academic pursuit.
The Institute will cultivate values of honesty and transparency, respect for the individual,
commitment to quality and high standards, passion for performance and sensitivity to
social and ethical issues.

Academic Programmes (M.Tech.)

The Institute offers M.Tech. programmes in the following disciplines
1. Computer Science and Engineering (In take capacity of 25) with specialization in
Data Science, Computer Vision & Image Processing, Information Security,
Computer Networks.
2. Electronics and Communication Engineering (In take capacity of 18) with
specialization in Signal Processing, VLSI & Embedded System.
3. Electrical Engineering (In take capacity of 18) with specialization in Power
System Engineering.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 2

The objective of these programmes is to develop professionals suitable for higher needs
of the Industry and Academics. The programmes aim to develop problem solving skills,
learnability, multiskilling and multitasking abilities and spirit of enquiry and adventure.
Besides, these programmes also emphasize on collaboration and teamwork, human
relation skills and attitude.
The M.Tech. programmes are divided into four semesters. The first two semesters will
involve class room teaching, labs, in-course projects. The 3rd and 4th semesters will be
used for an independent project or in-company internship. The academic session will
begin in August 2018 for the 1st year new entrants.
The M.Tech. curricula consist of core and specialization subjects. The core subjects
expose the students to all the fundamental and emerging areas of the respective
disciplines. The specialization subjects are designed to offer the students a choice list of
subjects of higher order to expand their interest. The specialization subjects evolve with
the newer technologies and development in the Industry.
There are a few things special about our curriculum. Each course where applicable will
involve lab components, tutorial components and in-course project components. The
courses involve team work in projects, assignments and other learning components
which is an integral part of the learning approach.
The degree will be awarded to students who successfully complete the required credits.

Why should you join M.Tech. in IIIT-Bh?

Our master’s programmes have a very specific focus. Our focus is on creating
researchers and academicians. Hence, for most of the master’s students, the education
does not stop in a master’s degree. They continue to pursue doctoral education. The
curriculum is designed to help the student goal towards becoming a researcher or an
The class strength our master’s programmes is very small. The small class size helps in
increased interaction among the students and the faculty members. The small size of the
class is a conscious decision to make the programme experience richer and immersive for
the students and the faculty.
The Institute continuously invests in newer labs, hardware and software tools. For
instance, AR/VR tools, Hardware which supports high-end computing for Data science,
Block-chain and AI, Smart grid lab are being procured this year. These infrastructures are
useful for students to explore cutting-edge areas of research and technology.
One challenge for pursuing master’s programmes is expenses involved. The Institute
makes all efforts to make it easy for students pursue master’s programmes financially.
Apart from GATE scholarship available for CSE programme, the Institute provides
scholarships for most students.
With emergence of Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, many companies are looking
for students who have some degree of expertise in these areas. The master’s students of
the Institute are specifically trained in these areas. They will have a big advantage for
such jobs.
Each subject is taught using project based learning approach to make the students
experience the technology intimately.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 3

The one year project component helps the students: (a) to pursue a research area of
interest leading to a research output in terms of publications or (b) work as an intern in a
company devoted to R&D and product development.

Some of the recent achievements

Our Masters students have done well in recent days and a few of their achievements are:
 Two of our M.Tech. students are winner and runners up in Smart Indian Hackathon
organized by GoI in 2017.
 Our M.Tech. students have significant number of publications in some of the
reputed journals and conferences.
 Many of our M.Tech. Students are offered to join Doctoral programmes in some of
the reputed Institutes and Universities in India and abroad.
 Many of our M.Tech. Students are placed in companies in domains like IoT and Data
Science etc.


M.Tech. (Computer Science & M.Tech. (Electronics and M.Tech. (Electrical

Enggineering) Communication Engineering ) Engineering)
 B.Tech/B.E from
 B.Tech/B.E. from any  B.Tech/B.E from any
any recognized
recognized universities recognized universities in
universities in
in CSE/IT. Electronics and
Electrical, Electrical
 M.C.A from any Electronics and and Electronics,
recognized university Electronics and
 M.Sc.(Computer Electronics and
Electronics and
Science) Instrumentation,
Instrumentation and
 Any Equivalence of the Control, Electrical,
above (Recognized by Electrical and Electronics.  M.Sc. (Electrical)
Govt. of India/ Govt. of
 M.Sc. (Electronics)  Any Equivalence of
the above
 Any Equivalence of the (Recognized by
above (Recognized by Govt. of India/
Govt. of India/ Govt. of Govt. of Odisha)
Candidates who expect to complete the final part of their examinations by June 30, 2018, can also
apply. Offers of admission to such candidates, if made, will be provisional and will be automatically
cancelled in the event of their failing to complete all the requirements for obtaining the degree before
June 30, 2018.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 4

How to Apply:
Visit the website www.iiit-bh.ac.in to apply on line for the M.Tech. Programmes offered.
Please note that only on-line application shall be accepted. The online transaction ID of
payment has to be kept ready at the time of filling the online application form, since the
online transaction ID has to be entered in the application form.
 Candidates applying for multiple programmes shall have to apply separately.
 Online transaction can be made via debit / credit card/net banking.
 Click on the link given in the website for admission.
 Register using your name and e-mail id. An email containing the password will be
sent to your e-mail id.
 Login using the email id and the password. You can do the following:
o Make on-line payment of non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/-
o Fill in the application form and edit it later
o When the form is completely filled in, commit the form. Editing will not
be allowed after that
o Print the application
o View Notice Board
 Keep on visiting our Website to view important announcements regarding the
admission process.
You are required to send the following by speed post/hand delivery so as to reach IIIT
Bhubaneswar latest by 7th May 2018.
 Printed copy (duly signed by the candidate) of the application form submitted on
 A recent passport size photograph, pasted on the application form.
 Self-attested copies of the following documents:
i. 10th mark sheet and pass certificate
ii. 12th or Diploma mark sheet and pass certificate
iii. B.E./B.Tech./Graduation mark sheet and pass certificate
iv. Post-Graduation mark sheet and pass certificate (in the cases of MCA and
M.Sc. applicants)
v. GATE score card (in the cases of GATE qualified applicants)
 Printed copy of the transaction slip of Rs.1000.00 (Rupees one thousand only).
Your admit card will be sent to you through e-mail. You are required to paste your
photograph in the space provided in the admit card and bring the same for the entrance
test. (You shall paste the copy of the same photograph already sent along with the copy
of the on line application form).
Entrance test
There shall be a written test for the candidates who would not have qualified in the GATE. A
candidate is considered qualified if the marks secured are greater than or equal to the
Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 5
qualifying marks mentioned in the GATE score card for the category for which valid
category certificate, if applicable is produced. The written test shall be conducted in the
following seven places across India*:
Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.
The candidates are required to give at least 3 choices of the places for written Test in
order of preference. The written test will be held during the week (27th May-3rd June
2018). The exact venue, date & time shall be communicated to the candidate through e-
mail. The same information shall also be available in the admission website.
*The test shall be held in the above said centres subject to a considerable number of candidates otherwise
the students will be asked to appear the test in the nearest centre.
The written test shall be of two hour duration consisting of multiple choice type
questions carrying 1 and 2 marks. Total mark of the written test is one hundred (100).
There will be negative marking for every wrong answer.
GATE qualified candidates in their respective branches are exempted from the entrance
test. However, they will have to apply on-line and pay the non-refundable application fee
mentioned in the How to Apply section.

Syllabus for written test:

M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering):
English: Vocabulary, comprehension etc.
Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and
sequential circuits; Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating
Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C and C++; Functions, Recursion,
Parameter passing, Scope, Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked
Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps.
Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space and time complexity, Worst
and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide and
conquer; Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest
paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching. Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average cases) of
time and space, upper and lower bounds, Basic concepts of complexity classes P, NP,
NP hard, NP complete.
Operating System: Processes, Threads, Inter process communication, Concurrency,
Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU scheduling, Memory management and virtual memory,
I/O systems.
Databases: ER model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database
design (integrity constraints, normal forms), Query languages (SQL), File structures
(sequential files, indexing, B and B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control.
Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow
and error control techniques, Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and
sockets, IP(v4), Application layer protocols (ICMP, DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP),
Basic concepts of hubs, switches, gateways, and routers.
Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic, First Order Logic.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 6

Probability & Statistics: Conditional Probability, Mean, Median, Mode and Standard
Deviation, Random Variables, Distributions, uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson,
Set Theory & Algebra: Sets, Relations, Functions, Groups, Partial Orders, Lattice,
Boolean algebra.
Combinatorics: Permutations, Combinations, Counting, Summation, generating
functions, recurrence relations.
Calculus: Limit, Continuity & differentiability, Mean value Theorems, Theorems of
integral calculus, evaluation of definite & improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total
derivatives, maxima & minima.
M.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering):
English: Vocabulary, comprehension etc.

Digital Electronics Circuit, Analog Electronics Circuit and 8085 Microprocessor:

Number Systems: Introduction to Binary Numbers, Data Representation, Binary, Octal,

Hexadecimal and Decimal Number System and their Conversion

Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Basic Logic Operation and Identities, Algebraic Laws,
Logic Gates, Useful Boolean Identities, Algebraic Reduction, Complete Logic Sets,
Arithmetic Operation using 1’s and 2`s Compliments, Signed Binary and Floating Point
Number Representation

Combinational Logic Design: NAND and NOR Logic Implementations, Equality

Detector, Line Decoder, Multiplexers and De-multiplexers, Binary Adders, Subtraction
and Multiplication

Sequential Logic Design: General Properties, Latches, Clock and Synchronization,

Master-Slave and Edge-triggered Flip-flops, Registers, RAM and ROMs, C-MOS

BJTS and FETs: DC Biasing, Small Signal Analysis of BJTs and FETs

Feedback Oscillators, Op-amp and Power Amplifiers: Principles and Applications, Ideal
Op-Amp, Differential Amplifier, Op-Amp Parameters, Slew rate, Op-amp
Configurations, Open-loop and Closed-loop Gain, Differentiator and Integrator, Power
Amplifier classification and Characteristics

8085 Microprocessor: Introduction to the general concept of microprocessor

organization, I/O sub-systems, programming the system, ALU, instruction execution,
instruction word format, addressing modes, address/data/control bus, Assembly
Language Programming of 8085 microprocessor

Analog and Digital Communication: Signals And Spectra: An Overview of Electronic

Communication Systems, Signal and its Properties, Fourier Series Expansion, Fourier
Transform, Orthogonal Representation of Signal.

Amplitude Modulation Systems: Need for Frequency translation, Amplitude

Modulation(Double Side Band with Carrier DSB-C),Single Sideband Modulation(SSB),

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 7

Frequency Division Multiplexing, Radio Transmitter and Receiver

Angle Modulation: Angle Modulation, Tone Modulated FM Signal, Arbitrary Modulated

FM signal, FM Modulators and Demodulators, Approximately Compatible SSB Systems

Digital Base band and Pass band Transmission: Sampling, Quantization, ADC using PCM,
Delta and DPCM, Concept of matched filter and correlation receiver, BASK, BPSK,
DPSK, QPSK, BFSK modulation techniques, BER Calculation, Information Theory and
Channel Capacity

Digital Signal Processing: The Z-Transform and Its Application to the Analysis of LTI
Systems, Direct Z-Transform, Inverse Z-Transform, Properties of the Z- Transform,
Causality and Stability, Pole-Zero Cancellations

Discrete Fourier Transform: Its Properties and Applications, Frequency Domain

Sampling: Frequency-Domain Sampling and Reconstruction of Discrete-Time Signals,
Discrete Fourier Transform, Properties of the DFT: Periodicity, Linearity, and Symmetry
Properties, Multiplication of Two DFTs, Linear and Circular Convolution

Digital Filters: General Considerations: Causality and Its Implications, Characteristics of

Practical Frequency-Selective Filters; FIR Filters: Symmetric and Antisymmetric FIR
Filters, Design of Linear-Phase FIR Filters by using Windows, Concept of IIR Filters

Microwave Engineering: Transmission lines: The Lumped -Element Circuit model for a
Transmission line. Wave propagation. Field Analysis of two wire & Co-ax Transmission
Lines. Terminated transmission line. Reflection coefficient

Rectangular and Cylindrical waveguide: Design & analysis to support various modes.
Field solution for TE and TM modes, Field patterns of power flow through waveguide
Microwave Amplifiers and Oscillators: Two cavity and Reflex Klystron, Velocity
Modulation, Electronic Admittance. Output Power and Frequency Multicavity

Magnetron: Principle of Operation, Ordinary type (O- Type) TWT - Principle of

Operation as an amplifier.

Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic, First Order Logic.

Probability & Statistics: Conditional Probability, Mean, Median, Mode and Standard
Deviation, Random Variables, Distributions, uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson,

Set Theory & Algebra: Sets, Relations, Functions, Groups, Partial Orders, Lattice,
Boolean algebra.

Combinatorics: Permutations, Combinations, Counting, Summation, generating

functions, recurrence relations.

Calculus: Limit, Continuity & differentiability, Mean value Theorems, Theorems of

integral calculus, evaluation of definite & improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total
derivatives, maxima & minima.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 8

M.Tech. (Electrical Engineering):

English: Vocabulary, comprehension etc.

Electric Circuits: Network graph, KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh analysis, Transient
response of dc and ac networks, Sinusoidal steady‐state analysis, Resonance, Passive
filters, Ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem,
Superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Two ‐port networks, Three
phase circuits, Power and power factor in ac circuits.

Electromagnetic Fields: Coulomb's Law, Electric Field Intensity, Electric Flux Density,
Gauss's Law, Divergence, Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and
spherical charge distributions, Effect of dielectric medium, Capacitance of simple
configurations, Biot ‐Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Curl, Faraday’s law, Lorentz force ,
Inductance, Magnetomotive force, Reluctance, Magnetic circuits,Self and Mutual
inductance of simple configurations.

Signals and Systems: Representation of continuous and discrete ‐time signals, shifting
and scaling operations, Linear Time Invariant and Causal systems, Fourier series
representation of continuous periodic signals, Sampling theorem, Applications of Fourier
Transform, Laplace Transform and z -Transform.

Electrical Machines: Single phase transformer: equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, open
circuit and short circuit tests, regulation and efficiency; Three phase transformers:
connections, parallel operation; Auto ‐ transformer, Electromechanical energy
conversion principles, DC machines: separately excited, series and shunt, motoring and
generating mode of operation and their characteristics, starting and speed control of dc
motors; Three phase induction motors: principle of operation, types, performance,
torque- speed characteristics, no-load and blocked rotor tests, equivalent circuit, starting
and speed control; Operating principle of single phase induction motors; Synchronous
machines: cylindrical and salient pole machines, performance, regulation and parallel
operation of generators, starting of synchronous motor, characteristics; Types of losses
and efficiency calculations of electric machines.

Power Systems: Power generation concepts, ac and dc transmission concepts, Models

and performance of transmission lines and cables, Series and shunt compensation,
Electric field distribution and insulators, Distribution systems, Per‐unit quantities, Bus
admittance matrix, Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson load flow methods, Voltage and
Frequency control, Power factor correction, Symmetrical components, Symmetrical and
unsymmetrical fault analysis, Principles of over ‐current, differential and distance
protection; Circuit breakers, System stability concepts, Equal area criterion.

Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic, First Order Logic.

Probability & Statistics: Conditional Probability, Mean, Median, Mode and Standard
Deviation, Random Variables, Distributions, uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson,

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 9

Set Theory & Algebra: Sets, Relations, Functions, Groups, Partial Orders, Lattice,
Boolean algebra.

Combinatorics: Permutations, Combinations, Counting, Summation, generating

functions, recurrence relations.

Calculus: Limit, Continuity & differentiability, Mean value Theorems, Theorems of

integral calculus, evaluation of definite & improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total
derivatives, maxima & minima.

Final Selection:
The final selection shall be based on the candidates’ performance in the following:
 Performance in the written Test/ GATE Marks out of 100.
 Career Marks.
The selected candidates shall be informed by mail. The same information shall also be
available in the institute website.
Candidates, who are selected for admission based on the choice of programme exercised
by them, must indicate their acceptance of the admission offer and all related conditions
by paying the first instalment of fees as detailed in the offer of admission, before the date
mentioned therein.
The classes are expected to begin by 1st of August 2018. At this time, the students will
be given a manual of policies and regulations, which will be binding on them.

Publication of Admission Results:

The Admission results will be published in several rounds. The date for publication of
the results in different rounds will be posted in the admission website.
The candidates will be required to pay Rs. 50000/- as a token of acceptance of the
admission by the date specified in the admission offer letter / email.
The admission offer to the candidates who fail to pay the amount in time will be
For the seats remaining vacant, admission offer shall be made to the candidates in the
waiting list in the subsequent rounds.
A candidate who has accepted the offer may withdraw by sending an email to the
admission office. The admission office will seek confirmation of withdrawal before
effecting the same.
Policy regarding refund of amount paid for acceptance of admission offer:
Candidates who are offered admission and have accepted the offer may withdraw.
If a candidate, who is offered admission in a certain round and has paid the admission
fee, withdraws before the next round of results are declared will be refunded the entire
amount less Rs. 1000. For example, if a candidate was offered admission in 2nd round and
withdraws before the 3rd round of results are declared, an amount of Rs.49000 (Rs.50000
– Rs.1000) will be refunded.
If a candidate, who is offered admission in a certain round and has paid the admission
fee, withdraws after the next round(s) of results are declared will be refunded the entire
Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 10
amount less Rs. 1000 and Rs. 3000 multiplied by the number of rounds. For example, if a
candidate was offered admission in 2nd round and withdraws after the 4th round of results
are declared, an amount of Rs. 43000 (Rs.50000 – Rs.1000 - Rs.3000*2) will be refunded.
If a candidate, who is offered admission in a certain round and has paid the admission
fee, withdraws after the final round of results are declared and the classes commenced,
will be not be refunded any amount.
Amount to be refunded due to withdrawal from admission shall be done in the 1st week
of the month of August 2018 after the admission process is completed.
The refund will be done through NEFT to the bank account mentioned in the
application form.

The Fee Structure for the M.Tech. Programmes is given below.

Component 1st Year (in Rupees) 2nd Year (in Rupees)

Tuition Fee 66,000 per Semester 73,000 per Semester

Library & IT Services 6,500 per Semester 7,000 per Semester

University Registration Fee (One Time) 5,000

Institute Caution Deposit (One Time 13,000


Examination Fee 1,750 per Semester 2,000 per Semester

Student Welfare 1,000 per Semester 1,200 per Semester

Hostel Accommodation (triple sitter room) 10,000 per Semester 10,000 per Semester

Hostel Accommodation (single room) 20,000 per Semester 20,000 per Semester

Mess Fixed Overhead Charges (to be paid 2,250 per Semester 2,250 per Semester
by all)

Power Backup Charges As per Actual As per Actual

Life & Health Insurance As per Actual As per Actual

Bus Fee (for Hostel Boarders Only) As per Actual As per Actual

Other expenses such as mess meal charges, stationary, supplies, travel, notebook PC etc.
is to be borne by individual students.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 11

Aid and Assistance ship
The Institute offers different types of assistance ship to the M.Tech. students. The table
given below can be referred to know about the different types of assistance ship offered
at IIIT Bhubaneswar and the respective eligibility criteria to avail the assistance ship:

Programme Type of Eligibility Amount Valid No. of

Assistance in Rupees Through Assistance
ship ship

Computer MHRD Qualified 12300 per 2 years As per

Science & assistance in GATE month actual
Engineering ship*

Institute Qualified 11000 per 1st Year Up to 8

assistance in IIIT Bh month students
ship entrance
test** 12000 per 2nd Year

Electronics and Institute Qualified 11000 per 1st Year Up to 8

Communication assistance in GATE/ month students
Engineering ship Qualified
in IIIT Bh 12000 per 2nd Year
entrance month

Electrical Institute Qualified 11000 per 1st Year Up to 8

Engineering assistance in GATE/ month students
ship Qualified
in IIIT Bh 12000 per 2nd Year
entrance month

* As per the guidelines of the MHRD from time to time.

** Subject to fulfilling the academic criteria set by the Institute from time to time.
1. The Institute is also providing Governing Body Scholarship to the topper of the
programme amounting Rs. 20,000/- once per year.
2. The Institute shall also provide incentive for publication in SCI/Scopus indexed
journals during the programme as per the norms of the Institute.

Resources and Infrastructure

The Campus
Our campus is located at Gothapatna, Bhubaneswar. It is a compact 23 acres campus
which houses classrooms, laboratories, library, hostel, faculty living quarters, sports
facilities, auditorium and many more.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 12

For a Knowledge based organization, Library is a vital asset. The IIIT Library has
excellent collection of books and journals on Technology, Management, and related
The collections also include working papers, audiovisual resources, dissertations, summer
projects, annual reports of corporate houses and bound volumes of periodicals.
Besides the print materials, IIIT Library has subscribed to various e- resources. Some of
the notable e-resources available are all publications of IEEE Computer Society and
ACM Digital Library.
In addition, the Library has a good collection of e-books. The table given below can be
referred to know about the library resources available in details:
Total Numbers of Books 28246
e-resources Product name
1 ACM DL (E-books, e-journals, ACM Conference, etc.)
IEEE (ASPP) + POP (145 e-journals, IEEE Conference
2 Proceedings)
3 Elsevier (Science Direct) (275 e-journals)
4 McGraw Hill Access Engineering (E-books, e-journals)
5 ebrary Academic Complete (135000 e-books)
6 British Council On Library Membership (20 user License)
7 Turnitin (10 user license)
8 National Digital Library

Laboratory Facilities
The Information Technology infrastructure is a significant factor in providing quality
education. Being an Information Technology Institute, we aspire to provide the IT
infrastructure which will empower and inspire to students to innovate and invent. IIIT
will be a technology playground imbibing the garage culture which had and continues to
create great technologies and products.
All the computers in the Institute are connected to the Campus’ LAN. In addition,
wireless hotspots are spread all across the campus making it possible to remain
connected anywhere in the campus, all the time. Each member of IIIT will have access
to a computer and the Internet. All the students will be required to have their own
personal Notebook PCs.
Computer LAB for M.Tech has 90 workstations, and Library has 8 workstations. The
classrooms are equipped with PCs, Tablet PCs, LCD projectors and multimedia Systems.
The Institute subscribes Internet Access through multiple ISPs including National
Knowledge Network (NKN). The total available Internet Speed exceeds 250 MBPS.
The Institute has built an impressive library of software packages useful for IT education.
These include Compilers, Office Productivity software, Data Base, Statistics, Operations
Research, Graphics etc.
In addition, the Institute is in the process of automating all its Processes including
Academic, Financial, Library, Placement and other Processes.
The Institute has a high performance computing (HPC) cluster with a maximum
computing capability of 3.4 TFLOPS. This HPC cluster is equipped with 12 computing
nodes along with a GPU node. Each of these computing node is an E5-2650 Intel Xeon
Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 13
processor clocked @ 2.0 GHz and the GPU node contains NVIDIA Tesla (Kepler K20)
GPU accelerator.
Electronics & Telecommunication engineering department has Communication and
Signal processing research platforms based on MATLAB /Simulink, LABVIEW and
Xilinx FPGA. Students can carry out both software and hardware based research
projects related to communication and signal processing. Department has hardware
platforms from National Instruments, Texas Instruments, Xilinx like Speedy 33, Smart
Camera, TMS 6713 etc.

Campus placement is an important deliverable from any higher form of education. IIIT-
BH is fully aware and conscious of this fact.
IIIT-BH believes that the campus placement is a result of the quality of our students and
the rigour of our process. Our programmes and processes of delivery will make our
students Industry Ready.
IIIT-BH has included industry interaction as an important component of our curriculum
design. Leaders from the Industry, experts from the industry share their valuable
expertise and experience with our student. This helps students in many ways. The
students are sensitized to the industry requirements and hence prepare themselves to be
suitable for industry. They learn practical tricks of the trade from the interaction with the
experts. They also learn business practices as it happens in industry.
Industry internship is designed to help discover industry practices from within the
industry. Working on practical projects will challenge the students to blend their
knowledge with demands from the peers and customers which is a key requirement of
the Industry readiness.

Reservation of Rights

This bulletin is applicable for admission to 2018-2020 batch only. However, IIIT
Bhubaneswar reserves the rights to make any changes in the requirements of admission
guidelines, curriculum, fees and regulations affecting students should these be deemed
necessary in the interest of the students, the Institute or the profession. Changes,
regulations, enactments, if any owing, to any regulatory bodies shall be applicable to the
Institute and the students. Any disputes regarding any related matters shall be subject to
the legal jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar only, and ought to be raised within one month of
declaration of the final results.

Information Brochure for Admission to M.Tech. Programmes 14

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