Nptel: Multimedia System - Video Course

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NPTEL Syllabus

Multimedia System - Video course


Introduction to Multimedia System: An overview of multimedia system and

media streams architecture and components, synchronization & quality of
service (QOS).

Audio and Speech: Data acquisition, sampling and quantization, human
speech, digital model of speech production, analysis and synthesis, psycho-
acoustics, low bit rate speech compression, MPEG audio compression.

Images and Video: Image acquisition and representation, bilevel image Computer Science
compression standards: ITU (formerly CCITT) Group III and IV standards, JPEG
image compression standards, MPEG, H.264/AVC video compression and Engineering
standards, Transcoding.

Multimedia Communication: Fundamentals of data communication and

networking, Bandwidth requirements of different media, Real time constraints:
latency, video data rate, multimedia over LAN and WAN, Multimedia
conferencing, video-on-demand broadcasting issues.
Hypermedia Presentation: Authoring and publishing, Linear and non-linear Knowledge of CS’s Core and System
presentation, Structuring Information, Different approaches of authoring Courses on Programming, Data
hypermedia documents, Hyper-media data models and standards. Structure, Algorithms, Operating
System, Database and Networking.
Multimedia Information Systems: Operating system support for continuous
media applications: Media stream protocol, file system support for continuous Coordinators:
media, data models for multimedia and hypermedia information, multimedia
servers, databases and content management. Prof. Rajeev Kumar
Department of Computer Science and
EngineeringIIT Kharagpur

Module No. Topics No.of Hours

1 Introduction to Multimedia System 6

2 Audio and Speech -- Basics 4

3 Audio and Speech Codecs 6

4 Images and Video -- Basics 4

5 Images and Video Codecs 8

6 Multimedia Communication 6

7 Hypermedia Presentation 4

8 Multimedia Information Systems 6

Total 44


Text Book:

1. Jerry D. Gibson, Toby Berger, Tom Lookabaugh, Dave Lindergh and

Richard L. Baker Digital Compression for Multimedia: Principles and
Standards Elsevier, 2006.

2. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt, Multimedia: Computing,

Communications, and Application, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Reference Book:

1. Khalid Sayood Introduction to Data Compression 3rd Edition, Elsevier,


2. Asit Dan and Dinkar Sitaram Multimedia Servers Elsevier, 2006.

A joint venture by IISc and IITs, funded by MHRD, Govt of India

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