Multimedia System
Multimedia System
Multimedia System
h,^a*w*,s 40
4.8 Methods of controlling Animation
4.9 Display of Animation
4.10 Transmission of Animation
Unit 5: Data Compression (8 Hrs)
5.1 Need for Data Compression
5.2 Compression Basics
5.3 Storage Space
5.4 Coding Requirements
5.5 Lossless and Lossy Compression techniques
5.6 Source, Entropy and Hybrid Coding
5.7 Lossy Sequential DCT- based Mode
5"8 Expanded Lossy DCT-based Mode
5"9 JPEG and MPEG Compression
Laboratory Works
Labs consist of at least 8 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the
Teaching Methods
The teaching faculties are expected to create environment where students can
upgrade themselves with the current scenario of computing and
with the help of topics listed in the syllabus. The general teaching pedagogy be .dY
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment External Assessment Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical
20 20 (3 Hrs.) 60 (3 Hrs.)
Text Books
1. Ralf Steinmetzand KlaraNahrstedt, Multimedia: Computing, Communications and
Applications, Pearson Education Asia
2. John F. Koegel Buford , Multimedia Systems, Pearson Education Asia
Reference Books
1. Fred Halsall , Multimedia Communications, Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards,
Pearson Education Asia
2" Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt, Multimedia fundamentals, Pearson Education Asia