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Safety Tip: Store firearms securely, inaccessible to children and unauthorized users.

6 First Shot
8 Range Bag
10 Know Your Cartridge: .40 S&W
12 Gun Digest Digital/Letters to the Editor

14 Defensive Handgunning RICHARD MANN

18 Collector’s Corner JERRY LEE

20 AR Essentials TIGER MCKEE

24 Precision Rifle Shooting RYAN CLECKNER

26 Reloading Bench PHIL MASSARO

30 Modern Gunnery STEVE GASPAR

32 Guns & Gear STAFF REPORT

34 .45 ACP vs. 9mm DOUG LARSON
40 The Perfect 10: The Evolution

46 Perfecting Your Pistol Skills:

Drills For Semi-Autos RICHARD MANN

54 Dial 380 For Assistance:

.380 ACP Pistols For Defense

60 40 Years A Champion:
The Classic CZ 75 ROBB MANNING

66 ‘Non-Women Guns’ For Women


74 Micro Magic: Ruger’s LCP II DICK JONES

111 Using The ‘S’ Word: A Case Study
On Suppressors BRAD FENSON


84 The Gun Digest Marketplace
103 Show & Auction Listings


The new Nighthawk Custom T4 in .45 ACP is
a redesign of Nighthawk’s earlier T4 in 9mm.
This .45 ACP T4 has a number of features that
make it well-suited for carry.

Cover image by Richard King.

GUN DIGEST - THE MAGAZINE (ISSN: 1938-5943) is published monthly plus extra issues in: Jan., Feb., Apr., June, July, Sept., Dec. 18 times per year. These are published by Krause Publications, a division of F+W, 700 E
State Street, Iola, WI 54990. Periodicals postage paid at Iola, WI 54945, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to GUN DIGEST - THE MAGAZINE, Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142. Copyright
© 2017 Krause Publications. GUN DIGEST - THE MAGAZINE and its logo are registered trademarks. Other names and logos referred to or displayed in editorial or advertising content may be trademarked or copyrighted.
The Publisher and advertisers are not liable for typographical errors that may appear in prices or descriptions in advertisements.

4 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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The Fallacy Of “Women’s Guns” EDITOR LUKE HARTLE

hat’s the statute of Now, you might or might not be

limitations on stu- as slow on the uptake as I was when RICHARD MANN, PHIL MASSARO
pidity? Is 7 years it comes to handguns for women, TIGER MCKEE
long enough? If so, but either way, I highly recommend
that means I can you check out Kat Ainsworth’s fea- ADVERTISING SALES
(888) 457-2873
talk about it now. I’m referring to a ture about what we’re calling “non-
moment in time that you can like- women guns” on page 66. The right VP, NATIONAL SALES/BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
ly relate to: The day I introduced gun for your daughter/girlfriend/ MICHAEL CASSIDY (407) 625-0992
my significant other to shooting. wife who’s learning to shoot isn’t
It was a beautiful fall day, my small or lightweight or cute or pur-
gear bag sagged under the pleasant ple or pink or any other cliche’. It’s STEVE MADSON X13441
weight of ammo in waiting, and simply the one that fits. You might
we had the range all to ourselves. have to try different calibers and BRAD RUCKS X13486
Settling in at a bench, I unpacked configurations to find that perfect
everything needed for my fiancé’s fit, but it’s best to start by not fol-
inaugural shooting lesson, includ- lowing stereotypes. BYERS MEDIA
ing a gleaming new piece of hard- When I convinced my nov- KEN BYERS
ware: A Ruger LCR in .38 Special. ice shooter to follow me back to
Fail. the range again, we went with a (989) 928-6925
As awesome as the LCR is as a SIG Sauer P250 in .380. Plenty AUTUMN IFLAND
carry gun, it most assuredly isn’t of weight, mid-size frame, right-
(989) 928-1068
the gun to teach a new shooter sized caliber for a learner. Things
with. This point was driven home went well, and progress since ADVERTISING ASSISTANT
when my eager student fired it then has been nothing but steady VICKY KOSS
five times, set the gun down and and pleasant. Stepping up to a
refused to reload it. 9mm from there was a non-issue. GUN DIGEST MEDIA, LLC
“We’re done here,” she declared, Now that I’ve been forgiven for PRODUCTION DIRECTOR GREGORY KRUEGER
and then muttered a couple of un- my faux pas of so many years ago, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUSAN PIOTROWSKI
ladylike comments while check- the only thing we disagree on VIDEO PRODUCER TERRY BOEDER
ing her right hand for contusions. when it comes to guns is which ONLINE PRODUCT MANAGER BEN SOBIECK
“But …” I started. Then, in the one we’re going to buy next. And PRODUCTION COORDINATOR MARK LILLA
smartest move I made all day, I that’s not a bad thing at all. NEWSSTAND SALES SCOTT T. HILL
shut up.
What went wrong? Everything.
Subscription Services
First, I had made up my mind US and Canda: 1-800-829-9127
about what a women’s gun should Outside the US: 386-246-3417
PO Box 421751, Palm Coast, FL 32142-1751
be. Small and lightweight. Wrong
and wrong. Small guns, in many
ways, require more skill to shoot
accurately than larger guns. And as
far as weight goes, light guns kick
more, regardless of caliber. Just be- Find us on Facebook!
cause I like my LCR doesn’t mean
it’s a good choice for everyone else Follow us on Twitter!
— particularly a new shooter. @gundigest

6 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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A Carry Friendly .45 Auto

Nighthawk expands its concealed carry focus with the T4, now in .45 Auto. // LUKE HARTLE

anufacturers take a lot of different stances with the slide, and the front of the slide has cuts designed

M when they build a firearm. Some focus

strictly on function to keep the cost mini-
mal. Others focus heavily on form and
beauty — freakishly impressive engraving
paired with the most stunning hardwoods
this world has to offer. And each has its place and appeals
to a specific audience.
But then there are others that have it all: functional beau-
ty built around a utilitarian design where it’s obvious that
to reduce weight. And of course, the 1911 design maximizes
magazine capacity.
Perhaps most interesting is the fact that the frame of the
T4 .45 Auto is “thinned” just like Nighthawk’s Lady Hawk,
which gives the gun a sleek profile for easy concealment in
addition to reducing the overall weight of the gun. This is
especially beneficial for shooters who have smaller hands
and struggle with full-size .45 or double-stack guns. 
And because it’s a Nighthawk, the T4 contains the Ever-
every little detail has been thought through … where even last Recoil System, which was modified to fit into the small-
the tiniest features just make sense. er T4 frame, thus reducing felt recoil and decreasing recov-
Nighthawk Custom took this approach when they rede- ery time between shots. The front slide tapers in toward the
signed the T4 specifically for the .45 Auto — and more spe- crowned barrel, giving a unique look to the T4.
cifically, for the shooter looking for a concealed carry .45
Auto that features as much form as it does function.
Through Nighthawk’s touted “One Gun, One Gunsmith” HIGHLIGHTED FEATURES:
design and build philosophy, the three biggest drawbacks – Finish: Black nitride
to a .45 Auto were addressed first: muzzle controllability, – Forged officer-size frame
magazine capacity and overall size. – Match-grade .45 ACP bull barrel
Reliability was the most important consideration when (also available in 9mm)
plans for the new T4 began — the gun was originally built – Everlast Recoil System
as a 9mm offering and is still available as such — which – Coarse front and rear cocking serrations
is why Nighthawk utilized the 3.8-inch match-grade barrel – Carry cut on the front of the slide
over the, in their words, “more popular but less reliable 3.5- – Heinie Ledge Straight Eight Tritium night sights
inch or shorter barrel.” The barrel is crowned and recessed – G10 black alien grips
– 25 lines per inch checkered front strap and mainspring housing
– Shortened slide stop and beveled frame
– Lightweight aluminum Nighthawk Custom tri-cavity trigger
– Completely dehorned for comfortable carry
– New ultra hi-cut front strap

If this gun has a single drawback, it might be the price,

at just under $3,500. That said, it’s imperative to remember
that this isn’t just another .45 Auto built to fill a hole in a
manufacturer’s pistol lineup. This is a .45 Auto built specifi-
cally for concealed carry, crafted around a package full of
some of the best custom options on the planet, where each
gun is built by a single gunsmith — and that level of atten-
tion demands a premium. GDTM

For a full review of the new T4

Photo: Richard King

in .45 ACP, keep an eye open in

upcoming issues of Gun Digest.

8 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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RAPID FIRE // KNOW YOUR CARTRIDGE from Gun Digest’s “Cartridges of the World.” Order at

The Potent .40 Smith & Wesson

This cartridge was developed as an in-house joint Until quite recently, none of
venture between Winchester and Smith & Wesson the factory loads available actual-
within 6 months from the time it was first discussed ly took full advantage of this car-
in June 1989. Mr. Bersett at Winchester, and Mr. Mel- tridge’s potential. Several now of-
vin at S&W, were primarily responsible for this car- fered actually generate about 500
tridge’s development and standardization. ft.-lbs. of energy in typical guns.
At that time, the FBI had been working with the This is serious power for such a small package and
10mm Auto, developing a load that met its criteria rivals the best the .45 Auto can offer. However, such
for bullet diameter, weight and velocity. The folks at a powerful and compact package requires compara-
Winchester and Smith & Wesson realized that the tively high pressures. High peak pressure and a short
power level the FBI had settled on could easily be barrel equate to high noise and muzzle blast. Never-
achieved using a much shorter cartridge. This would theless, for its purpose, this has to be considered a
facilitate accuracy and allow use of a smaller, more superior cartridge design. It has already completely
comfortable grip frame. eclipsed the similar .41 Action Express. GDTM

.40 S&W Auto Loading Data and Factory Ballistics

Bullet (grains/type) Powder Grains Velocity Energy Source/Comments
135 JHP Universal 7.5 1,324 524 Hodgdon
155 JHP Universal 6.6 1,186 482 Hodgdon
180 JHP Universal 5.8 1,046 435 Hodgdon



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10 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

When I’m not in the shop wrenching on my bike, I’m probably

dialing my guns or hammering on them at the range. I
train whenever I can and I know what happens when my
adrenaline’s pegged. Even the best guys I know can’t always
go front sight when the blood’s pumping. That light doesn’t
lie and the laser doesn’t miss. The right gear is huge, and my
Laserguard Pro is the most important thing I’ve got.




The 6.8 Stopper considered, and either would be a good Now available at


carry gun. At 23 ounces, the Kimber is

I saw your brief write-up on the 6.8
Remington SPC at billed as the lightest production six-shot
a little while back. I’ve had an AR .357 Mag. revolver. Some might argue GUN BOOKS
chambered in 6.8 since 2006 — and that “super-light” and “.357 Mag.” don’t
I love it! For hunting, it kills much always go together, but it really moves
better than I ever thought it would. into shooter preference and tolerance at
For plinking or training, only the cost that point. Plus, you can always use .38
keeps the 5.56 NATO alive for me. Special +P loads as well. The Cobra is a
Then again, reloading helps. little heavier and chambered in .38 Spe-
— Steven Schumacher, cial +P. I was able to shoot one quite a bit
online comment at a Colt media event last fall. It’s a good
shooter, and with its weight and shape,
Thanks for the comment, Steven. The 6.8 the felt recoil is pretty minimal. I’m glad
Gun Digest Great Guns
SPC certainly packs added punch into you liked the article, and thanks again for
2018 Daily Calendar
the AR-15. At reasonable distances, it’s sharing your comments.
By Gun Digest Editors
a highly capable round for medium game — D. Warden, Managing Editor
such as deer, and it’s a proven hog slayer. If you like looking at guns, dreaming
It might not have the legs of some AR about guns and, of course, shooting
Thoughts On ‘Over Capacity’
cartridges (such as the 6.5 Grendel), but guns, then Gun Digest’s Great Guns 2018
I read an excerpt from one of your Daily Calendar is sure to offer your daily
it wasn’t designed for that purpose, being
built as a close- to intermediate-range books that had been posted online firearm fix. From the newest tactical
cartridge. It’s definitely not as affordable regarding capacity and concealed designs to the sleekest sporting firearms,
as the 5.56 NATO, but if you’re using carry handguns. I have to say, a you’ll find them here.
it to hunt, you likely won’t put as many J-Frame Smith is still a hard gun to This fascinating collection of photos
rounds downrange as you would a typical beat for daily carry. will add some excitement to the firearms
rifle in 5.56 NATO anyway. — TR Graham, Fort Worth, TX enthusiast’s 2018, one day at a time.
— Gun Digest Staff Gun Digest Great Guns 2018 Daily Cal-
Thanks for your comments. You’re not endar makes a great treat for you. And
wrong about S&W’s J-Frame being a at 4.5 inches square in size, it makes the
Summer Carry Considerations great carry revolver. They’re conceal- perfect addition to any desk, reloading
Enjoyed reading your article online able, lightweight and plenty capable for bench or gunroom. From the editors of
about 13 great summer carry guns. defense. As with any revolver, capacity is Gun Digest, the World’s Foremost Gun
The only suggestions I’d make are more limited than with most semi-autos. Authority, we wish you good shooting!
that you mentioned in passing the It’s always humorous to see the responses
Kahr CM 9mm, but they also make when we run an article discussing capac- Order at and
the CW — which is lower-priced than ity in carry guns. Some, like you, feel search for Item R6623. Use Promo Code
the CM versions — in .380 Auto, a five-shot wheelgun is enough. Others “GDSHIP” and get free Shipping!
9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP. I have want as many rounds as they can man-
one of each, and they’re terrific! Also, age. And there are ardent supporters on
when you mentioned Kimber, don’t both sides. The debate can rage, as it did
forget that they just came out with when we posted this to the Gun Digest
their first revolver, and also the new Facebook page, with revolver aficiona-
Colt Cobra has just come out. Both dos being called some variation of “old
are .38 Special +P rated, which I’m school” or “old timers” — or worse —
sure would fall in with other revolvers and fans of high-capacity semi-autos be-
as good carry guns. Thanks again — it ing called “tacticool” wannabes or “mall
was an interesting article. ninjas,” or, again, something worse. In
— Big D, online comment either case, the most important thing is
to have situational awareness, familiarity
Thanks for commenting. You’re absolutely in the operation of your firearm and utter
right about Kahr’s CW series. I think I confidence in your weapon’s reliability.
mentioned one in there, the CW380 as an 13 Summer Carry Guns To Beat The
— Gun Digest Staff
alternative, but it’s true that all of those Heat ... Any Time Of Year
in that CW line are pretty lightweight, When the weather heats up, some
concealable options, with none more Questions or comments? If so, we’d shooters ditch their usual carry pieces for
love to hear your feedback. Submit your
than 20 ounces empty. And they’re quite letters to the editor through email at: lighter, more concealable guns. Check
affordable, too. Kimber’s new K6s and out our list of 13 of the top summer carry
Colt’s new Cobra were both options I also guns in the Gun Blog at

12 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017


Innovative Defensive Ammo, A Modern Carry Vest

Quick shots for those dedicated to the art of wielding a handgun.


One of the eternal truths of carrying a packing heat. Although I do not think items you’ve purchased at the mall or
handgun concealed is that if it’s hard the photographer’s vest is as much of a the crap your kids decide they don’t
to hide, you will not carry it. Humans universal symbol of something under- want to carry anymore. It has an in-
are vain creatures who relish comfort. stood as is say, the Golden Arches. I do ternal pocket with zip and an inter-
We buy clothes we hope are comfy think they’re dated. I still like a vest to nal smartphone pocket. There’s also
and make us look good. Where the cover up my hog’s leg, and the one I’ve a cool net lining, and the vest is cut
problem arises is finding garments recently become attached to wearing is for freedom of movement.
that accomplish those things while the Ternitz Vest from Jagdhund-USA. There’s even a removable right or
still allowing us to conceal a handgun This is a functional vest with two left shooting pad for those who like
we can shoot with skill, and that we large front pockets and a large rab- hard-kicking rifles. The lengthened
hope is capable of stopping a fight. bit pocket on the back. Now, you back section helps hide your gun,
The classic answer was a photogra- might not need to tuck a dead rab- and it’s just as at home with a dress
pher’s vest. However, they’ve sort of be- bit in there on a daily basis, but it’s shirt as it is with jeans. „
come the “here’s your sign” that you’re just as handy for shoving in small

The Jagdhund-USA Ternitz vest is a great garment for

concealed carry. It’s also well designed and well made.

14 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Black Hills has chosen an interest- I tested .380 Auto, 9mm Luger and
ing bullet for its new Honey Badger .38 Special Honey Badger loads in
line of defensive handgun ammu- 10-percent ordnance gelatin from
nition — it’s a bullet that does not compact handguns, and the minimum
expand. Lehigh Defense engineered depth of penetration was 14 inches. I
the bullet, and Lehigh makes its was surprised at the damage inside the
own ammunition but also partners gel blocks; it mirrored that of conven-
with other manufacturers looking tional hollow-point bullets at similar
for modernized projectiles. It has a impact velocities for all three cartridg-
long history of working with various es. Of course, with gelatin tests we can
military and government agencies to only speculate how a bullet will per-
create unconventional munitions … form in the real world.
I’m talking stuff like nanometal (ex- I asked Jeff Hoffman at Black Hills
ploding) bullets. The manufacturer’s why he chose Honey Badger as the
extensive experimentation with non- name for this line of ammunition.
expanding bullets allows them to cre- Hoffman said, “Because this bullet,
ate projectiles capable of delivering like the small but ferocious Honey
wounding patterns similar to what Badger, does not care about things
is expected from expanding bullets, that cause others to fail.” What he was
without sacrificing penetration. talking about is the ability of this bul-
Honey Badger bullets are solid cop- let to defeat intermediate barriers like
per but have either three or four deep clothing, wallboard, plywood and auto
scallops around their circumference. glass, and still be lethal. Since it’s not a
These cuts extend to the bullet nose hollow point, and because it does not
where they come to together, creating expand, there’s nothing to fail. „
either a three- or four-pointed, sharp-
edged star. On impact, these scallops
— rotating at an intense velocity —
force tissues outward by dynamic fluid
dislocation. It works to increase the ra-
dius of the hole the bullet creates.

The unique non-expanding Lehigh Defense bullet

used by Black Hills in its Honey Badger line provides
a modern take on defensive handgun ammunition. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 15

PHOTO: Gunsite Academy


“Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.” That quote was at-
tributed to Wyatt Earp by his biographer Stuart Lake. I’m
guessing what Earp really said was something like, “You
need to be fast, but you better hit what yer a shootn’ at,”
and then Lake exercised a little poetic freedom.
It took about a half-century for someone to better
explain Earp’s credo. Jeff Cooper, founder of the Ameri-
can Pistol Institute — now the raven-logoed Gunsite
Academy — best explained what Earp was advocating
with his own credo, “diligentia, vis, celeritas” or “DVC”
for short. These Latin words translate to “accuracy,
power and speed.” DVC became the motto of IPSC (In-
ternational Practical Shooting Confederation) and the
foundation of the competitive shooting matches they
endorse. Incidentally, Cooper was the founding presi-
dent of IPSC, too.
The message Cooper and IPSC are trying to get across
is exactly what Earp was trying to say in 1931. You must
effectively balance accuracy, power and speed. In other
words, you should apply as much force — to the correct
spot — as fast as you possibly can. Essentially, you’re
solving a gun-fighting triangle in order to be as lethal as
possible. This is clearly good advice. The real question is,
who said it better: Earp, Lake or Cooper?
And, finally, we’ll leave you with another quote, one
I’ve committed to memory from John Steinbeck: “The
purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible vic-
tory in defense. The sword is more important than the
shield, and the skill is more important than both. The
final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.” Stein-
beck was an American author who won the Nobel Prize
in Literature. He wrote, Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of
Wrath and East of Eden. Ever heard of those? GDTM

Richard A. Mann is one of today’s most popular gun writers. He’s

contributed to numerous publications and authors the blog Empty- Mann has also authored several firearms books, including
API/Gunsite founder Jeff Cooper lecturing on the range. Gun Digest’s own Handgun Training for Personal Protection.









One of the most misunderstood aspects of Cooper’s DVC is that the triangle you must balance is ever-changing. You might need an equilat-
eral balance or you might need more accuracy due to distance. You also might need less power if you’re limited in your physical abilities.

16 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

T4 .45 ACP


Remington’s First Semi-Auto

The Model 8, and later the Model 81 Woodsmaster, was a classic John Browning desi ned
semi-auto, and one of the earliest to see real success.

he Remington Model 8 semi-automatic rifle was years it was known simply as

T one of the many firearms designed by John M.

Browning. Its history goes back to the turn of
the 20th Century when Browning was grant-
ed a patent for the rifle on October 16, 1900.
Production didn’t begin until 1906, and for 5

Here are some estimated values of the Model 8 and Model 81

the “Remington Autoloading
Rifle.” The designation became
the Remington Model 8 in 1911,
and its production run lasted un-
til 1936, at which time a few de-
sign changes were made and the
Model 81 was introduced.
Browning made an agreement with Fabrique Nationale
(FN) in Belgium to manufacturer the Model 8 as the FN
series, courtesy of Standard Catalog of Firearms 2017 Edition:
Model 1900 with sales limited to areas outside the United
Model 8 States. The FN model was in production from 1910 until
Add 35 percent for .25 Remington caliber. Add 75 percent for Grade C, 1929 and was not a big success. Only 4,913 were made and
100 percent or more for higher grades. these were sold mainly in Western Europe and Canada.
The Model 8 was essentially a rifle version of the
Standard Grade
Browning Auto-5 shotgun. The 22-inch barrel was cov-
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor
$1,400 $1,200 $800 $550 $250 $125 ered by a full-length tube enclosing the recoil spring. The
rifle operated on the same type of long recoil action as
Model 8A the Auto-5, in which the barrel and bolt move to the rear
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor of the receiver when fired. They then unlock to eject the
$1,600 $1,300 $900 $600 $300 $150
fired round and move forward to chamber another one.
Model 8C
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor Leading The Pack
$3,000 $2,500 $1,500 $900 $500 $300 As one of the first successful semi-autos, the Model 8 be-
Model 8D Peerless came quite popular. More than 160,000 Model 8s and 81s
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor
were sold from 1906 until 1950, when the 81 went out
$6,000 $5,000 $3,500 $1,750 $800 $400 of production. Here’s a breakdown of production figures:

Model 8E Expert Remington Autoloading Rifle (1906-1911) ..............26,000

NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor Model 8 (1911-1936) ................................................80,600
$7,500 $6,000 $4,000 $2,250 $1,100 $450
Model 81 (1936-1950) ..............................................55,581
Model 8F Premier Total production ............................................ 162,181
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor
$10,000 $8,500 $7,500 $3,750 $1,600 $700 The Model 8 gave birth to several new cartridges: .25
Remington, .30 Remington, .32 Remington and .35 Rem-
Model 81 ington. The .35 Remington was the most popular and still
Standard Grade. Add 300 percent for police model with high-capacity magazine.
is today. These are all rimless cartridges and were designed
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor
$1,100 $900 $750 $500 $250 $125
to reliably operate from the Model 8’s five-round fixed
magazine. The most sought-after chambering for the Mod-
Model 81A el 8 is the .25 Remington. Buyers should be expected to
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor pay a premium of 30 to 35 percent for this caliber.
$1,200 $1,000 $850 $500 $250 $125 The Model 81 was introduced in 1936, and the .25 Rem-
Model 81D Peerless ington was dropped a year later. The .300 Savage was added
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor in 1940 and the .32 Remington was not made after WWII.
$7,500 $6,000 $4,000 $2,250 $1,100 $450 Since very few .25 Remington Model 81s were made, a pre-
mium of 30 to 35 percent would also apply for this model.
Model 81F Premier The Models 8 and 81 were both offered in high-grade
NIB Exc. V.G. Good Fair Poor
$10,000 $8,500 $7,500 $3,750 $1,600 $700 models with engraving and better walnut stocks. These
were known as the A, C, D, E and F grades, sometimes

18 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Photo courtesy Remington Society.

The high-capacity magazine indicate

es that
s a w e rcemen t was
customized by the Peace Officer’s E
Company of St. Joseph, Missouri.

auto rifle. At least one of Model 740, a gas-operateed semi-auto

the rifles was a Browning that picked up the Woodsmaster nick-
BAR, and it’s likely that, name from the earlier M Models 8 and
referred to as Standard, S cial, in addition to Hamer’s 81. The 740 evolved into the 742,
Peerless, Expert and Premier grades. some of e ot rs were l 7400 and 750 through thee years, with
Another special series was the Police 8s. News reports at the time said the 750 being discontinueed at the end
Model. These models featured higher more than 130 rounds were fired into of 2016, leaving the R-15/R-25 AR-
capacity magazines holding 10,10 15 or Clyde s Ford V-8
Bonnie and Clyde’s V 8, killing centerfire semi-auto
types as the only centerfi
20 rounds, some with larger fore-ends them instantly. There were subse- rifles in the Remington line. GDTM
and some featuring engraving for indi- quent reports that Frank Hamer’s rifle
vidual police departments. The Peace was a Model 81, obviously incorrect
Officer’s Equipment (POE) of St. Jo- since the 81 was not introduced until
seph, Missouri, was the major source 1936. His Model 8 is on display at the A life-long shooter, hunter and firearms
aficionado, Jerry Lee built his career in the
for these customized police rifles, and Texas Ranger Museum in Waco.
firearms publishing business. He’s the editor
another was Hawkeye Protective Ap- The Model 81 remained in produc- of Standard Catalog of Firearms and the Gun
pliance Co. of Des Moines, Iowa. tion through 1950, and it was 5 years Digest Annual, and he authored Standard
Remington recognized an oppor- before Remington replaced it with the Catalog of Ruger Firearms.
tunity to extend its market for the
Model 81 and, in 1938, began plans to
create Special Police models, in some

cases working with the POE company.
Limited numbers of these Model 81
Police Models were manufactured, but
no source apparently has info on how

many. Buyers should expect to pay a ®
substantial premium for one of these.


The most famous Model 8 is the Bon-
nie and Clyde rifle. This is the rifle Accessories for your Military Firearms
carried by former Texas Ranger Frank 24/7 ORDER CENTER
Hamer, who came out of retirement in
1934 to go after the infamous depres- 616-682-6039
sion-era bank robbers Bonnie Parker
and Clyde Barrow. Hamer bought his
Model 8 in .35 Remington at Petmeck-
ey’s Sporting Goods Store in Austin
and had it fitted with a 20-round mag-
azine by the POE company. He trailed
Bonnie and Clyde for several weeks be-
fore leading the assault — really more
of an ambush — on May 23rd, 1934,
on Louisiana Highway 154 in Bienville BRITISH ENFIELD RIFLE
U.S. WW2 M1936 Musette
Parish that abruptly ended the couple’s SLING KHAKI - $12.99
Allied Flag Set - $24.99 Bag with Shoulder strap Khaki
career in the banking business. marked JT&L® 1942 - $29.99
The posse included six police offi-
cers, four from Texas (including Ham-
er) and two from Louisiana. Each one
had a shotgun, handgun and a semi- SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 19

Trick Out Your AR’s Trigger

If you’re looking to enhance the performance and accuracy of your stock AR, upgrade that trigger first.

Lightweight, or match, triggers are great for

recreational or competitive shooting, but for ARs
intended for duty or defensive use, a pull weight of
about 4.5 pounds is as low as you want to go.

he AR is a great firearm. special tools. There is no “fitting” re- the result is full-auto fire. Modifying

T It can be used for almost

anything. There are plen-
ty of aftermarket parts to
work with, so you can cus-
tom configure it to fit any
particular application. One of the first
areas you should address is the trigger
group. Regardless of the application of
your gun, a good trigger will make get-
quired to swap out the AR trigger. As
long as your receiver is within spec —
which most are — all that’s required
is to remove the old parts and install
the new. And if you’re not sure about
what you’re doing, have a qualified
gunsmith address this for you.
Do not, under any conditions,
modify the stock trigger components.
the factory components is dangerous.
Luckily, you don’t have to rework
anything. There is a host of aftermar-
ket companies offering great triggers
for the AR. Once you decide what
you’re going to do with the AR, you
can then select the appropriate trigger.

Match vs. Defensive Triggers

ting accurate hits easier. These parts are heat treated, but only The first decision to make is between
The AR’s Mil-Spec trigger is pretty on their very surface. Polishing/grind- a competition trigger for matches or
rough. It feels gritty. As you press ing or removing material will take off a trigger for defensive and patrol use.
the trigger, it catches and grabs on the hard surface, leading to rapid wear Match or competition triggers are
the rough areas. However, one of the on these areas. It might work great ini- usually highly modified, varying in
coolest features of the AR is its modu- tially, but you’ll soon experience dou- shape and weight significantly from
lar design. It’s simple to swap out vari- ble-taps, which are shots fired as you the original designs. Some are adjust-
ous components, often without any reset or release the trigger. Sometimes, able. They have a very smooth ac-

20 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Installing a new trigger in your AR is a simple gle-stage trigger requires
process. If you’re not sure about what you’re
doing, then have someone else install it. While one smooth press, from
it’s a simple modification, you can get things beginning to end, to fire
wrong, which creates a dangerous firearm. the shot. You start press-
ing and, at some point,
the shot fires.
A two-stage trigger has two phases.
As you press and take out the first
stage, you hit a “wall,” which is a
distinct point where you start to feel
increased resistance. This is where the
second stage starts. Apply a little more
pressure, and the shot fires. This pro-
vides a break point you can feel; you
know when the shot is about to fire.
For newer shooters, this can cause a
flinch, tensing up in anticipation of
the shot that’s coming. For an accom-
plished shooter, this can be an advan-
tage: You’re able to fire the shot exactly
when you want.

Drop-In vs. Standard

Today you have the choice between a
drop-in trigger group and a “standard”
group. Drop-in trigger groups are self-
contained units pre-assembled within
a housing. You remove the old parts,
tion, and normally a greatly reduced ing a few court cases where “hair” trig- slip in the new trigger group and in-
pull — the amount of pressure re- gers were major factors. stall the pins to retain it.
quired to drop the hammer. A light- In Ayoob’s first case as an expert The standard parts are just like the
weight trigger is fine on the range, or witness, Florida v. Luis, the light trig- Mil-Spec originals. There are separate
an AR set up for specific applications, ger was critical to the manslaughter components that you assemble inside
such as a “special purpose rifle” for charge against Alvarez, a police of- the receiver. Both types of triggers
hunting or sniping. They are not for ficer. In Santibanes v. Tomball, the work very well, although the drop-in
defensive or patrol use. lawsuit “alleged negligence because triggers have started to gain popularity,
A match or competition trigger the officer had created, ‘with the best especially with competitive shooters.
should not be used for defensive or of intentions,’ a trigger pull lighter For competition triggers, or a “spe-
patrol work. Under stress you lose than the gun’s manufacturer specs cial purpose rifle” for surgical shoot-
dexterity in the fingers. During a vio- for ‘duty/self-defense use.’” Although ing, I recommend Geissele or Timney.
lent confrontation, you’ll be mov- these cases involved handguns, the Geissele offers several designs for the
ing, using different firing positions same can be applied to the AR. AR, featuring standard-type compo-
and fighting. A trigger that’s too light If you’ve been following along with nents to install. Timney specializes in
leads to negligent or unintentional this column, or if you’ve been around drop-in trigger units.
shots fired. We see this occur during ARs for a while, you know gear selec- For general-purpose or defensive
drills on the range, which means it tion is dictated by the anticipated use trigger assemblies, I highly recom-
will definitely be a problem under of your rifle or carbine. This consider- mend ALG’s ACT trigger group. This
stress when lives are on the line. ation is also mandatory when select- group comes with all the parts need-
A light trigger can be a legal liability. ing a trigger. The wrong trigger can ed — trigger, hammer, disconnector,
“Common custom and practice” is the lead to embarrassing or tragic results. springs and pins — to install in the
key phrase. For the AR, this means a With the right trigger, however, the AR. The ALG parts are Mil-Spec in size
trigger of at least 4.5 pounds or more. AR will do anything you need. and shape, but they have polished and
Going with a trigger that’s lighter than coated surfaces that provide a smooth
what is accepted for the purpose has Single- vs. Two-Stage Trigger action and crisp break. The group
been a major factor in court cases. Mas You’ll also need to decide between a comes with two hammer springs: One
Ayoob discusses this in his classes, cit- single- or two-stage trigger. The sin- provides a 4.5-pound trigger pull, SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 21


To know exactly what the trigger and the other a 6-pound pull. This is
weight is, you’ll need to use a
gauge or weights. Don’t trust a great trigger, especially considering
what you “feel.” A good trigger the price, which is about $70.
will be smooth with a crisp and Before you go out and spend a lot
consistent break to fire the shot. of money on a trigger for your AR, re-
search and study not only what’s avail-
able, but also determine how you will
use your gun. Go to the range and ask
other shooters what they use. When-
ever possible, test fire them. Eventu-
ally, you’ll discover what trigger best
suits your purposes. Once you’ve got
it installed, then work dry fire to learn
the trigger, and live fire to check your
results. While a good trigger won’t
make up for insufficient skills, it will
make it easier to get consistently ac-
curate hits. GDTM

Tiger McKee has been working with the

AR-15 platform for more than 30 years and
is director of Shootrite Firearms Academy in
northern Alabama. His new book, AR-15 Skills &
Drills, is available at his site,, or at


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22 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017


Addressing Air Pressure

At extended ranges, air pressure alters bullet flight — and impact — more than you might think.

n the past three columns, we’ve

I dissected how gravity and wind

are the two main variables that
affect your bullet’s path. Yes,
other environmental variables
matter, too; however, they only
change how much of an effect gravity
and wind will have.
The reason your bullet falls more by
the time it reaches a 900-yard target
than it does for a 100-yard target is be-
cause it was exposed to gravity longer.
Therefore, the longer it takes a bullet
to reach the target, the more gravity
and wind will move the bullet off of
its original flight path.

A Bullet’s Speed
There are three variables that deter-
mine a bullet’s speed on its way to
the target:
1. The initial speed of the bullet
2. The efficiency of the bullet
3. The external and environmental
In discussing a bullet’s speed, we’ve
already covered the initial speed of the
bullet and the aerodynamic efficiency
of the bullet (Editor’s Note: For more
information bullet efficiency and bal- Air pressure is an environmental variable that certainly affects your bullet’s trajectory.
listic coefficients, see “Precision Rifle Less air pressure, other factors being equal, results in a faster velocity for the bullet.
Shooting” in the Fall 2017 issue of
GDTM). Now it’s time to explore en-
vironmental variables. Therefore, a bullet will slow down Can You Handle The Pressure?
The environmental variables that faster in dense, thick air than it will More air pressure results in denser air.
affect a bullet’s path are: in less-dense, thinner air. Why does The air’s pressure will change based
1. Air pressure this matter? A bullet that slows down on certain weather patterns and also
2. Temperature more will take longer to reach a tar- the altitude. As a general rule, air
3. Humidity get — and be moved off of its original pressure is lower the higher you are
There are also things called “spin path more by gravity and wind. above sea level, and vice versa.
drift” and the Coriolis (and Eötvös) This is because air actually has some
Effect that can change your bullet’s Remember this: mass and is pulled down by gravity.
path. However, we’ll save those for fu- Denser air = slower bullet = At higher altitudes, there are fewer air
ture discussions. lower impact on a target molecules being pulled down on your
head than there are at lower altitudes.
Air Density Going forward, we’re going to ex- Compare this to water pressure. The
Each of these three listed variables plore each of the three variables that deeper you go into water, the higher
can change the density of the air. Put affect air’s density individually be- the pressure. The same phenomenon
simply, a bullet doesn’t travel as well cause each are extremely important causes this — there’s more water above
through dense, thick air as it does to understand. In this column, we’re you that gravity is pulling down on.
through dry, thinner air. going to explore air pressure. However, it’s not always true that a

24 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

higher altitude will have less air pres- evation. By using station pressure, you on the Vortex Optics website.
sure. Weather patterns can also have might see that the air pressure at posi- By recording the effect of gravity on
an effect. Typically, when a storm is tion “A” is 29 inHg, while the air pres- your bullet at different distances at a
coming, the air pressure drops. sure at position “B” (3,000 feet higher) certain air pressure, you can then ad-
Therefore, you could be hiking a is 27 inHg. This shows that the air will just the air pressure in the various soft-
mountain with an altimeter in your be thinner at position “B” and you ware solutions to see the change it will
hand, which measures the air pres- can expect your bullet to get to the have on your bullet’s path. Also, there
sure and tells you your altitude. As you target faster and not fall as much due are tools that you can take with you
hiked up the mountain and watched to gravity if air pressure is the only into the field that will measure the air’s
the altimeter, you’d see your elevation variable that changed. If the weather pressure at your location and also com-
measurement go higher as you hiked patterns were similar between these pute the corrections for your bullet.
into less dense, lower-pressure air. If two locations, the barometric pressure
you stop to take a break and you no- would be the same. The Bad News
tice that the altimeter keeps going up, Unfortunately, it’s not quite this sim-
that’s a sure sign that a storm is coming Air Pressure’s Effect ple. You can’t just look at air pressure
— the air pressure is decreasing even On Your Bullet’s Path and assume that shooting at higher al-
though you’re not changing altitude. There’s no standard change to every titudes will result in a faster bullet that
Air pressure is typically measured in bullet’s speed and path due to air pres- doesn’t drop as much. Other variables
the amount of mercury that’s pushed sure changes. This is because bullets are also going to affect the air’s den-
up a measurement column (in either of different initial velocities, aerody- sity. The one we’ll cover in the next
inches or millimeters). For example, namic shape and weight will all be- column, temperature, often has the
an air pressure of 29.95 inHg (inch of have differently. Despite the different opposite effect of air pressure.
mercury) means that the actual pres- behavior among individual bullets, Colder temperatures result in dens-
sure of the air on the mercury in a the net effect is still the same — less er air and slower bullets. And where
gauge is enough to push the column air pressure results in a faster bullet. do we often find colder temperatures?
of mercury 29.95 inches up the mea- To figure out how air pressure That’s right — higher altitudes. GDTM
surement column. changes your particular bullet’s path,
you are going to have to use ballistic
Barometric vs. Station Pressure software. There are many applications
Air pressure is usually measured and de- available for your smartphone that Ryan Cleckner is a former special operations
sniper with multiple combat deployments. Today,
scribed as “barometric pressure.” Baro- can compute this for you, and some
he’s a firearms attorney, sniper instructor, univer-
metric pressure, which you probably manufacturers of bullets and scopes sity lecturer on Constitutional Law, and owner of
hear about on your local weather report, also provide free software. For exam- RocketFFL. His recent book, Long-Range Shooting
is useful in day-to-day life because it has ple, I’m a big fan of the free software Handbook, is a top seller at
been corrected to remove altitude as a
variable and instead only focuses on
the weather patterns. This is helpful for
weather reports because the barometric
pressure reading allows for the air pres-
sure to be compared between Denver
and New Orleans. This is not helpful,
1 yr (18 iss) 2 yrs (36 iss) 3 yrs (54 iss)
however, for shooting long range. U.S. $24.00 $39.95 $54.95
When shooting long range, we want (Circle your desired subscription term.)
to know the actual pressure of the air
through which our bullet is flying. An SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM
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cities is not helpful for shooting. Name _______________________________________________________________
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mercury for every thousand feet of el- THE MAGA ZINE SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 25


Put A Crimp In Your Style

Handloading ammo for your favorite handgun shouldn’t be difficult, but you should never skimp on the crimp.

andgun cases generally

H aren’t a difficult pros-

pect to load for, but the
crimping process might
require some additional
attention in order to keep
things as consistent as possible. There
are, generally, two types of crimps:
1. Roll crimp: Where the mouth of
the case is physically rolled into
the bullet’s cannelure
2. Taper crimp: Where the case
mouth is left alone and the side-
walls are squeezed against the
bullet to keep things in place

Roll With It
Revolver loads using a bullet with a
cannelure utilize the roll crimp. The
true hard-kicking magnum cases, such Revolver cartridges with a cannelure require a roll crimp to prevent bullet slip in powerful
magnums. Most semi-auto pistol cartridges, on the other hand, generally utilize a taper crimp.
as the .44 Rem. Mag., the .454 Casull
and the .500 S&W, will easily cause a
bullet to slip forward out of the case
mouth. This bullet slip — also referred
to as pulling crimp — can and will
cause your cylinder to lock up tighter
than a drum, and the fix is not easy.
So, I make sure to put a nice, heavy roll
crimp on all my revolver cartridges.
The process is rather simple and
uses the seater die to apply the crimp.
What I do, while setting up my dies, is
to make several dummy cartridges to
get the crimp and seating depth per-
fect before I start loading cartridges.
Inside the seating die, at the very top
of the die, is a small shelf that rolls the
case mouth toward the center point of Cartridges such as the .45 ACP headspace
the case. It takes some experimenta- on the case mouth and require a taper crimp.
tion — and several ruined cases — to
find the proper amount of crimp by
adjusting the seating die body up and
down until you get it right. Roll crimping works best if you keep or just slightly shorter (I’ve had a few
Once you do find it, and lock the all your brass trimmed to the same runs of brass that actually came short
die body down in the press, you’ll be uniform length. If your brass isn’t from the factory), so as to keep it all
all set — that is, until you switch bul- uniform, the short cases won’t have neat, tidy and uniform.
lets. A different bullet will most likely enough crimp, and the long cases will
have a slightly different seating depth, have too much crimp, bulging the Taming The Taper
and you’ll have to adjust the seater it- case and making for feeding problems Taper crimping is the preferred crimp-
self until you get the cannelure cen- in the cylinder. I like to trim all my ing method for the autoloading pistol
tered perfectly on the case mouth. cases to the SAAMI-specified length, cartridges and for revolver cases using

26 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

bullets with no cannelure. A separate extremely uniform results. I’ve used while not overworking your cases. The
crimping die is employed, which will this method for making ammunition Profile Crimp dies might take a bit of
squeeze the case walls tightly against for the .44 Rem. Mag., .38 Special and getting used to, but once you’ve got
the shank of the bullet. .357 Mag., and I’ve noticed a marked things adjusted properly, you might
Because almost all of our popular improvement in accuracy and uni- find yourself wondering how you ever
rimless pistol cases — think 9mm form velocities throughout. lived without them. These dies can
Luger, .40 S&W and .45 ACP — use Don’t get too crazy with the amount help wring the most accuracy out of
a good, square case mouth for head- of crimp you apply; a light profile an already solid target pistol.
spacing, a roll crimp wouldn’t be a crimp will hold things nice and tight They are also available with a mi-
good idea, and the taper crimp is
more than adequate to keep the bul-
lets where you seat them during the
violent cycling of the action.
Applying any roll crimping to a
cartridge that headspaces off the case
mouth will definitely affect the case
length, and it will create possible
headspace issues, including errant ve-
locities. The taper crimp method also
works for the wheelguns, either in lieu
of a roll crimp — again, for bullets
with no cannelure — or in conjunc-
tion with a roll crimp, to further keep
things in order and in place.
I’m a huge fan of the Redding
Micro-Adjustable Taper Crimp dies
because they’re furnished with a mi-
crometer adjustment at the top of the
die to allow the loader to precisely ad-
just the amount of crimp applied to
the cartridges. It’s especially handy if
you use a progressive press because
you can quickly and accurately adjust
the crimp should you switch brands
of brass and find you require more or
less. These dies allow for more pre-
cise adjustment, using the microm-
eter in lieu of adjustment via the die
body, which relies on the pitch of the
threads and that can introduce a bit of
unnecessary slop into the mix.

The ‘Combo’ Crimp

There’s a third method, a combina-
tion of the two types, designed for use
with those cartridges that don’t head-
space off the case mouth. The Redding
Profile Crimp Dies combine the roll
crimp and taper crimp for the ulti-
mate in uniform crimping. These dies
require the bullet to be seated first —
and they must be seated to very tight
tolerances in order to achieve the best
consistent results — and the crimping
is done in a secondary phase.
The cases then have both a roll
crimp and taper crimp applied, giving SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 27


crometer adjustment, as the Micro-

Adjustable Profile Crimp die, giving
the same precise adjustment that the
Micro-Adjustable Taper Crimp dies
do. As a side note, Redding produces
these crimp dies for many of the pop-
ular straight-walled rifle cases, such
as the .45-70 Govt. and .458 Win.
Mag., and many of the older black-
powder-era cartridges like the .38-40
Win. and .32-20 Win.
Your crimp is a key part of the hand-
gun ammo equation and can easily
even out your velocities and tighten
up your group sizes. After all, that’s a
huge part of the reason we handload
in the first place. A little bit of extra
attention to the crimp will go a long
way toward producing the best am-
munition available. GDTM

Philip P. Massaro is president of Massaro

Ballistic Laboratories, which creates custom
handloaded ammunition. In addition to his
frequent contributions to the Gun Digest Annual,
he has authored several Gun Digest books. His
newest work is Big Book of Ballistics, available at

The author really likes the Redding Micro-Adjustable Taper Crimp and Micro-Adjustable Profile
Crimp dies because they feature a micrometer adjustment to precisely fine tune the amount
of crimp applied to cartridges.

28 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Extraordinary Firearms Auction
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There’s A New
Mag In Town
MBX Extreme’s Basepad Extension and
Inter-Loc System offer speed and stability
for all genres of shooting.

xtreme sports tend to lead to unique innova- The MBX Extreme Inter-Loc Base Pad and Stabilization System provides

shooters with extra capacity as well as a stable shooting platform.
tions that might not otherwise occur. Consider
drag racing for example. Nearly 100 years ago,
drivers raced each other on a straight quarter-
mile raceway. The desire to win led to improve- Cobb started modifying magazines and guns for peo-
ments in engines, tires and transmissions — ple, eventually starting a business called Mag Blueprint-
anything that could make a car go faster. Early advances in ing. When he finally got his FFL, Cobb had to come up
drag racing even led to better aircraft engines that helped with a new company name, and he started with “MB”
the United States in World War II. from Mag Blueprinting.
Shooting sports has its share of people who invent things “I noticed every company had a three-letter acronym. I
to help with speed and accuracy. Many shooting disci- put an X on there and, well, Extreme sounded good, too,”
plines, such as 3-gun, employ what’s known as “time-plus” he quipped. MBX Extreme was born.
scoring. That is, the winner is the fastest shooter after add- “Originally, I started with tuning magazines,” Cobb add-
ing in any penalties for missing targets. A shooter’s need ed. “After a while, I couldn’t get magazines because they
for speed leads tinkerers down the innovation path. Adrian weren’t available. I could see there were some design issues
Cobb is one of these firearms innovators. with what was out there. I sat down and set out to design a
Cobb’s story begins in California by way of the United magazine that people would want.”
Kingdom. Originally from England, he moved to the Gold- Over a couple of years in his shop, Cobb designed,
en State at the age of 21 after marrying an American citi- tested and failed, until one day he made a magazine
zen. There he got involved in racing Triumph motorcycles that worked. His company still makes high-quality pis-
and eventually car racing. A self-taught engineer, he modi- tol magazines for the following styles: STI, Caspian/
fied engines and cars as he strived to go ever faster. Tangfolio and Para/Armscor.
“I basically learned engineering skills from the ground
up,” said Cobb. As time went on, I started to do competi- Playing The Field
tive shooting. The two sports are similar in that there is a In the same way that drag racing has classes such as top-
timer and you try to go faster and faster.” fuel dragsters, funny cars or pro stock, 3-gun and other
timed shooting sports have classes based on gear. Magazine
lengths are regulated as a way to level the playing field in a
given class. Working within the constraint of length, Cobb
Stabilizing “wings”
may be added to designed magazines that would hold more rounds.
either side of a “I try to design things that people have overlooked,” said
single base pad Cobb. “I used to tune magazines to hold 29 rounds or 21
or to two coupled rounds or whatever, and in the competitive shooting world,
base pads without
the use of tools.
having an extra round can be a big advantage.”
A few extra rounds might not seem like much of an ad-
vantage at first. However, when a match might be decided
by tenths of a second, an unnecessary magazine change
can prevent a trip to the podium.

The Birth Of The Inter-Loc System

One of Cobb’s latest developments is the Inter-Loc System
for magazines. This patent-pending gear is a magazine ex-
tension system for black rifles that allows the shooter to

30 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

The MBX Extreme Inter-Loc System
can be used to stage a rifle in a
position that’s easier to pick up.

couple and decouple two magazines without the use

of tools. The base pads are machined from alumi-
num and come in a variety of colors, and they attach
to Magpul Gen 3 magazines. The system also has
“wings” that may be attached to the sides of the base & STABILIZER SYSTEM
plates to provide a stable rest for the shooter, and this
too may be done without tools. CALIBER: 5.56mm
In most competitions, shooters who use a bipod on their
rifle are pushed into the “open” or unlimited class where MAGAZINE TYPE: 30- or 40-round Magpul Gen 3
there are few, if any, gear restrictions — resting one’s rifle ATTACHMENT: No tools required
on coupled magazines is usually permitted without hav-
ing to go to the open class, however. This is one place COLORS: Black, Blue, Red
where the Inter-Loc System shines. The platform the sys-
FINISH: Anodized
tem creates is extremely solid and not much different
than shooting from a bipod. MATERIALS: Aluminum
In addition to providing a stable shooting platform, the
advantages of the Inter-Loc System include capacity (add- MSRP: Inter-Loc Base Pad Extension
ing 4-5 rounds on a 40-round magazine), weight (helps
with dropping an empty magazine clear of the rifle) and Inter-Loc Block (joins two
versatility. The latter is due to the ability to change con- base pads together) $26.99
figurations without tools. Magazines may be coupled, Inter-Loc Stabilizer Support Set
decoupled, have wings added or removed with no tools. (2 wings) $29.99
This is a great advantage for competition shooters who MANUFACTURER: MBX Extreme
often optimize their gear from stage to stage.
Suppose for example a shooter used coupled mags with
wings on a 3-gun stage that required precision prone
shooting. The next stage might not have that requirement,
so the shooter may quickly decouple the mags, remove
the wings, and simply use the higher capacity magazines. When he first arrived in the United States, he found the
These adjustments can be done in seconds. Versatility is opportunities here captivating and unlimited.
also provided in the form of different colors. Colored pads “I was like a kid in a candy store,” remarked Cobb. “I
may seem like a fashion statement or novelty at first, but think you tend to appreciate the opportunities if you come
shooters often use different (expensive) ammunition for from a different country where there aren’t as many. Many
long-range steel rifle targets as compared to close-range pa- people I’ve met don’t really recognize how lucky they are
per targets. Color-coded magazine bases help keep things with all you can do here and the freedom you have. I think
organized, and they are easy to identify under pressure. this gives me a certain drive because I didn’t have these op-
Cobb has been surprised at how people have used the portunities [in England] and, suddenly, I did.”
Inter-Loc System more than anything else. It was clear from the conversation that Cobb not only
“It was originally designed to have the wings at the back saw the opportunities here in the United States, he pursued
and to be used as a platform,” said Cobb. “People have them aggressively. True to his racing roots, he gave no indi-
used them to stage a gun or use the wing to keep the grip cation of slowing down anytime soon. GDTM
up off the deck so they can grab the gun more easily. Some
people have liked putting one wing one way and one wing
the other way because they like the support it gives.”
Steve Gaspar is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in a number
In spite of his success with a variety of MBX Extreme of shooting and hunting publications and online. He is a contributor to
products, Adrian Cobb is probably just getting started. Gun Digest the Magazine and is an avid hunter and 3-gun competitor. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 31


All About Semi-Autos

The latest new guns, gear and ammo for shooters.

1 MTR Custom Leather shooting, even more moderately priced FMJ these Laserguards utilize Instinctive Activation
A2 Dual Purpose Holster training ammo can eat away at your pocket- technology that powers up the laser as soon
Holster choice, apart from gun choice, is one book. Although you don’t get the same feel as the firearm is held in a natural firing posi-
of the most important decisions you’ll make as popping off centerfire pistol rounds, one tion. This, of course, eliminates any searching
as an armed citizen who carries. Whether way to train with a reduced cost is to invest for an activation button in the high-stress
you choose to carry inside (IWB) or outside in a .22 rimfire conversion for your standard environment of a defensive scenario. The
the waistband (OWB) is another. Luckily, defensive pistol. Tactical Solutions offers four laser sights are easily adjusted for windage
MTR Custom Leather’s A2 Dual Purpose excellent options for the Glock 17/22 and and elevations, and the Laserguard hous-
Holster presents the shooter with both those 19/23 models. Machined from a solid piece of ing is simple to install and maintain, with all
options. The A2 Dual Purpose allows for easy heat-treated 4140 steel, the TSG-22 conver- necessary tools — and batteries for operation
conversion between IWB or OWB carry, mak- sions maintain a similar weight and feel to the — included. The red laser diode version goes
ing it highly versatile. It also has a number standard centerfire Glock models and feature for $229, while the green laser diode model
of other great features, including a custom a nitride surface treatment to resist wear and is $309. There are also Laserguard packages
combat cut for each weapon, a durable bull surface friction. Each conversion comes with that include a holster compatible with the
hide construction with heavy-duty industrial- a 10-round magazine, and there are threaded Laserguard-equipped Ruger LCP II, which run
strength nylon thread, a tuckable design and and non-threaded variants for the different about $10 or $20 more.
holster clips/belt slots with 1 ½-inch gun models. Pricing ranges from $380 to $405.
belts or 1 ¾-inch traditional belts. 4 Hogue HandALL
3 Crimson Trace Beavertail Grip Sleeve
2 Tactical Solutions Laserguard for Ruger LCP II Hogue has a hard-fought and well-deserved
TSG-22 Glock Conversions Crimson Trace is now offering two new La- reputation in the gun industry for its excellent
Training, while an absolutely essential part of serguard laser sights for Ruger’s popular LCP grip solutions, particularly for handguns. One
preparing yourself for a self-defense scenario, II .380 ACP pistol. One version features a red of the manufacturer’s latest is its new HandAll
can become cost prohibitive. Defensive laser diode, while the other utilizes a green Beavertail Grip Sleeve, which is available in
ammo is certainly not cheap, but after a lot of laser diode, which some prefer for its versatil- six different models that offer a precise fit on
ity. Like many of Crimson Trace’s products, a number of compact polymer pistols. Fits

32 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017


include the following: Glock 26/27, Glock rear for easier front sight acquisition in low 7 Federal Premium
42/43, Ruger LCP II, S&W M&P Bodyguard light. As a bonus, it’s easy to install by hand Train & Protect Ammo
380, Taurus TCP/Spectrum, S&W M&P Shield or with a sight pusher tool. In recent years, several ammo manufactur-
9mm/.40 S&W, Ruger LC, S&W M&P Shield ers have been introducing defensive and
45. It’s also available in black, OD green, flat 6 Springfield Armory practice loads that mimic each other’s
dark earth, pink, purple and aqua colors. Price Range Officer Elite Series feel and downrange performance. The
ranges from $9.95 to $12.95. Springfield’s Range Officer (RO) line has been intent here is to train with loads that
around for a while now, but this summer it feel and shoot as similar as possible to
5 XS Sights F8 Night Sights received a makeover in the form of Spring- those that you’ll carry on a daily basis,
Gunfights generally don’t occur under great field’s latest new pistol line, the RO Elite or which you’ll use to defend your home
light conditions. Periods of low light are far series. The line consists of four new models: in the event of a home invasion. Federal
and away the most common times for attacks the RO Elite Compact, RO Elite Champion, Premium is the latest company to intro-
to occur, which is why night sights are a RO Elite Operator and RO Elite Target. The duce such an offering, and it does so with
common, and particularly useful, upgrade for first two models sport a 4-inch stainless-steel its new Train & Protect ammo line. The
any defensive pistol. XS Sights recently de- match-grade barrel, while the other two uti- line features Federal’s new VHP (versatile
buted a fantastic new option in its F8 Night lize a 5-inch stainless-steel match-grade bar- hollow-point) bullet, which is built to offer
Sights (the F8 stands for figure eight), which rel. Upgrades from the standard RO that are precise performance at the range, as well
are engineered for optimal use in low- and found across the line include a self-lubricating as reliable expansion on impact when
changing-light conditions. The manufacturer and highly corrosion-resistant Black-T finish, needed for defense. So far, the ammo
researched how the human eye works in custom G10 grips, an ambidextrous safety is available in the three most common
low and/or changing light and developed and a lighter and crisper Springfield Gen 2 pistol calibers — 9mm, .40 S&W and .45
what it feels is the best conventional sighting trigger. With the exception of the Elite Target, ACP — though, as the line continues to
solution for those scenarios. The result is a all other models also feature a tactical ledge grow, it wouldn’t be too surprising if those
tritium-powered front and rear sight in a rear sight for one-handed manipulations. And options expand dramatically. Price ranges
figure 8 configuration, which pair with an all of these upgrades only run about $140 from $30.95 to $66.95, depending on the
orange front sight ring and a wide U-notch more than for the standard RO models. round count and the caliber. GDTM SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 33

.45 ACP vs. 9mm
The .45 ACP has long been one
of the most popular for personal
defense among those who carry, but
is the 9mm starting to edge it out?


Photo: Drew Warden

34 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

To celebrate the .45-caliber handgun cartridge, a
group of writers recently met at Gunsite Academy to
hile attending almost any caliber and shotguns

experience shooting semi-automatics, and single-ac-
a recent event are much better at stopping an
tion and double-action revolvers all chambered in .45.
where .45-cali- aggressor, but they’re not easy to
Contact range to long-range shooting and training
ber semi-au- carry — and, incidentally, they
was conducted using a Ruger New Blackhawk single-
tomatic hand- too are not perfect at immedi-
action revolver, a Smith & Wesson Model 25 Classic
guns, double-action revolvers ately stopping an attack. So, for
double-action revolver with Pachmayr Decelerator
and single-action revolvers were the time being, handguns are
Grips — both in .45 Colt — and a Nighthawk Cus-
shot at contact to long-range the method of protection that
tom 1911 chambered in .45 ACP. Black Hills supplied
targets in simulated self-defense most people rely on.
ammunition, and Galco provided holsters. Everything
situations, it brought to mind But, you say, on TV and in the
worked flawlessly, with each gun representing a step
the United States’ long-stand- movies, if a guy gets shot with
in the evolution of the .45.
ing love affair with the .45-cali- a handgun, he goes down right
In 1873 the U.S. Government adopted the .45
ber handgun round. Yet, many away. That’s the movies, and
Colt cartridge for its new standard sidearm, the
who carry a handgun as part of it’s Hollywood, where fantasy
Single Action Army revolver. It fired a 250-grain lead
their job choose to use other reigns. It’s not real life.
bullet that left the muzzle at about 900 feet per sec-
handgun cartridges, such as the In his book, Guns, Bullets, and
ond (fps), making it a powerful handgun round that
.40 S&W and 9mm Parabellum. Gunfights, Jim Cirillo, a real gun-
soon gained a good reputation for protection.
The disagreement about what’s fighter and member of the New
For nearly 2 decades, the Single Action Army
the best handgun cartridge for York Police Department Stakeout
in its .45-caliber chambering remained the official
self-defense never seems to end, Unit, states, “I have seen felons
government sidearm, but about 1890 it was replaced
and it probably never will until get shot with 158-grain .38 Spe-
with a revolver chambered in .38 Long Colt. The
someone invents a handgun that cial, 200- and 230-grain .45 ACP,
new cartridge proved to be inadequate though for
will always stop a felonious as- 115-grain 9mm hollow points,
stopping Moro fighters during the Philippine Insur-
sault immediately. 110-grain .30 Carbine and
rection, so the 1873 Single Action Army revolver
You see, handguns just aren’t 12-gauge 1-ounce slugs, and only
chambered in .45 Colt was quickly reissued. The .45
very effective fight stoppers. The two of those [many] incidents
Colt cartridge remained in government use then until
reason people carry them is be- were one-shot stops.”
John Browning’s M1911 that chambered the .45 ACP
cause they are easy to keep out Keep in mind that human spir-
was adopted in 1911.
of sight and they’re readily avail- it and determination varies. Some
Even though the government had adopted the
able in an emergency. Rifles in people intent on doing injury
semi-auto 1911, a double-action revolver chambered
in .45 ACP was pressed into use during World War I. At
Photo: Black Hills Ammo

Gunsite, the M25 Classic represented this class of guns,

although it was not one that was used during WWI.
The .45 Colt and the .45 ACP have about
the same ballistics, so the .45 could be called
“America’s handgun caliber.” It has served our
military, police and law-abiding citizens well for
more than a century, and, to some people, chal-
lenging its supremacy is heresy. –DL

When fired into ballistic gelatin to test the relative effectiveness of handgun The .45-caliber handgun round in America has evolved
rounds, the Black Hills 9mm (top) has about the same penetration as the Black from the .45 Colt introduced in 1873 (left), followed
Hills .45 ACP +P round (bottom). The temporary wound cavities are very similar, shortly after by the .45 Schofield (center) to the .45 ACP
with the .45 only slightly wider, but not as long. used in John Browning’s 1911 semi-automatic handgun. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 35

“So, the goal for a law-abiding citizen, who has no other that the goal is not to kill the
attacker, but to stop the attack.
choice to save his life or prevent serious bodily harm If the attacker turns and runs,
from a felonious attack, is to do as much damage as that’s a good outcome, but if the
necessary to quickly stop the attacker. Notice that the attacker is killed in lawful self-
defense, that’s a consequence
goal is not to kill the attacker, but to stop the attack.” the attacker assumed when
starting the aggressive behavior.
Given these realities of life,
to others will be stopped and it makes sense to carry a hand-
scared off at the mere sight of a gun chambered in the most
gun. Others will be stopped by a effective cartridge available
RUGER NEW MODEL minor injury or thumping them
with a fist. But a small number
that the shooter can shoot
accurately, quickly and can
BLACKHAWK will not stop unless they’re phys- carry discreetly. This is where
ically unable to continue. the argument begins. And the
CALIBER: .45 Colt For the last group, they must argument has been raging for
no longer be able to breathe, the decades with no clear winner.
blood supply must be interrupted
OVERALL LENGTH: 10.5 in. so that muscles and organs can It’s All In The Ammo
no longer function, a bone must The FBI and other law enforce-
WEIGHT: 39 oz. be broken so that the person can ment organizations are switch-
GRIPS: Black-checkered hard rubber
no longer control the body, or the ing to the 9mm Parabellum.
nervous system must be disrupt- Reasons include lower recoil
SIGHTS: Windage and elevation ed so that the brain can no longer generated by the 9mm round,
adjustable rear, front ramp send signals to the muscles. which makes it easier for many
ACTION: Single-action revolver
And even if the air or blood people to shoot accurately and
supply is cut off, a person can get back on target quickly for
FINISH: Blued still function for long enough follow-up shots. And a 9mm
to continue an attack and kill handgun can carry more rounds
CAPACITY: 6 rounds
a victim. So, the goal for a law- than the same-sized handgun
PRICE: $669 abiding citizen, who has no chambered in .40 S&W or .45
other choice to save his life or ACP. That’s an important con-
prevent serious bodily harm sideration given the rising fre-
from a felonious attack, is to do quency of group attacks by ter-
as much damage as necessary to rorists or gang members.
SMITH & WESSON quickly stop the attacker. Notice But probably the biggest rea-

CALIBER: .45 Colt



WEIGHT: 42.5 oz.

GRIPS: Walnut

SIGHTS: Windage and elevation

adjustable rear notch,
front Patridge

ACTION: Single/double-action revolver


CAPACITY: 6 rounds

PRICE: $1,009 The S&W 25 Classic (left) and the Ruger Blackhawk (right) both performed
well at Gunsite when used with the fine leather holsters supplied by Galco.
Both guns were very accurate, even at long range.

36 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Photo: Ken Campbell / Courtesy of Gunsite

son for the switch is the recent improvement

in handgun round terminal ballistics. Accord-
ing to Dave Emery, wizard and senior ballisti-
cian at Hornady Manufacturing, an innovative
maker of a variety of ammunition, there’s now
very little difference in the actual terminal per-
formance in ordnance gelatin between premi-
um self-defense .40, .45 and 9mm projectiles.
Yet the disagreement continues. While some
excellent firearms trainers and experts, many
who have carried a gun for a living and partici-
pated in real gunfights, have switched from .45
ACP to 9mm, others still carry the .45 ACP.
No less than the late Pat Rogers, who I have
trained under and who has used a gun while
in the U.S. Marines and as an officer with the
New York Police Department, switched from a
1911 chambered in .45 ACP to a double-stack,
striker-fired 9mm polymer-framed pistol. And
many experienced gun fighters have done
the same. But others, like retired Sheriff Ken
Campbell, who is the Chief Operations Officer
at Gunsite Academy, still favor the .45 ACP.
Campbell points out that gelatin blocks are not
human and that humans are much more com- The double-action revolver is not obsolete and is still a viable choice for
plex and react differently than an inanimate, un- self-defense if its limitations are realized and the user has the proper training.

HOGUEINC.COM 1-800-438-4747
GRIPS P.O. BOX 91360, HENDERSON, NV 89009 SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 37

motivated blob of jelly. He recognizes the
improvement in self-defense bullet tech- Where I live, a lot of people carry discreetly. As such, the bad guy doesn’t know who is
nology that has resulted in better termi- armed and might shoot him. That makes every type of attack less likely, which makes
nal ballistics for the 9mm round, but the everyone much safer. And that’s exactly how it should be.
.45 ACP bullet has also improved. So, I’m not going to tell you — or anybody — if I carry a gun or not and what that
“I’ll stick with the bigger bullet,” gun might be. And you shouldn’t — unless required by law — let other people know
Campbell says. “Again, when technolo- whether or not you are carrying. But I can give you the reasoning I would use if I had to
gy fails, the .45 ACP makes a bigger hole. choose a gun to carry for personal protection in public.
Also, it has a greater chance of hitting Why should you care what I think? I’m just like many of you, except I’ve had hundreds
something vital since it is wider.” of hours of training in the use of handguns, rifles and shotguns from some of the best
But Campbell is rational and not trainers and gun fighting schools in the world. And I’ve done a lot of research on the
married to the .45 ACP just because of subject and learned directly from real gun fighters.
tradition. He recognizes that getting All of them have an opinion about what gun or caliber is best, and it’s reflected in what
multiple, fast and accurate hits in vital they carry when they have a choice. And the choice each person makes is right for them.
locations is more important than bullet So learn, get training and weigh the options. Then make your choice, but obey the law.
performance, and if he ever gets to the It’s hot where I live, so if I had to select a gun, it would have to be easy to carry dis-
point that he physically cannot control creetly in hot weather where a coat looks out of place. So small is better. But with more
the .45 ACP adequately, he will consid- terrorist activity, the rise in attacks by multiple assailants is increasing, so it would be a
er switching to smaller bullets. In fact, good idea to have as much ammo on board as possible. While a double-stack 9mm pistol
despite the 1911 .45 ACP heritage asso- sounds good, it might not be as easy to hide as a single stack. And the same pistol in .45
ciated with Gunsite, the school regular- ACP won’t hold as many rounds as a 9mm.
ly teaches students how to effectively I’m getting older, and my bones and joints don’t work as well as they used to. Af-
use other guns in other calibers. ter years of aggressive shooting, especially after shooting a lot of very high-powered
For some, the .45 ACP works best, handgun cartridges, I find that a gun in 9mm is much easier to control and more
but for others, the .380 ACP or an even comfortable to shoot during long periods of training.
smaller round is the right choice. There So, if I had to choose, I would not feel under protected by a sub-compact single-stack
is no way everyone is going to agree on 9mm semi-automatic. But this is just my opinion, and it’s all hypothetical anyway. You
this, so the debate continues. GDTM should do what makes sense for you. –DL

38 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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Since its introduction, the 10mm
Auto has been putting magnum
power into semi-auto pistols.

y introduction to

M the 10mm Auto

came in the fall
of 2014. I wanted
to try some hand-
gun hunting, and
I’m a huge fan of 1911-style pistols.
But the .45 ACP just didn’t have the
punch needed for deer and hog hunt-
ing — not at any sort of distance any-
way. I kept reading about this 10mm
Auto, though, available in 1911-type
pistols and with power nearly on par
with the .41 Magnum.
My first 10mm was a PARA Elite
LS Hunter with a 6-inch barrel, and I
used it on a couple of deer hunts that
fall. Unsuccessfully. Anytime I went
afield with the PARA, I either saw no
deer or they were 200 yards away. But topic — just post a question or a statement
in the spring of 2015 I took the PARA on a gun forum or Facebook. He’ll find you
to Texas in search of feral hogs. Seven and inform you.
hogs later, I was hooked. But during the past 3 years, I’ve had the
So, yes, I am a relative newbie to good fortune to shoot more than 15 dif-
the 10mm, but so is nearly everyone ferent models of 10mm pistols, reviewing
else. That said, if you require THE EX- several of them for publications. I’ve fired
PERT’s wisdom — on this or any other a couple thousand rounds of 10mm in that

40 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Photo: Corey Graff SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 41

time, using a dozen brands of ammu- lost power as distances increased. designed and loaded by Norma with
nition, on the range and afield — the According to various sources, Col. a 200-grain bullet. “Muzzle energy is
latter while taking wild hogs and deer. Cooper wanted a better combat pis- about double that of the .45 Automat-
These are among the things I’ve tol round, one with enough energy to ic,” the book’s authors note.
learned about the amazing 10mm. launch a 200-grain bullet at 1,200 fps. After the infamous 1986 Miami
Some have labeled Cooper as the “in- bank robbery — which saw two FBI
10mm Auto Basics ventor” of the 10mm. But gun writer agents killed by a pair of very well-
First, if you can shoot it well, the Richard Mann, who has researched armed bank robbers — the FBI looked
10mm is a much more powerful self- and written about Cooper more than for a new round; the FBI’s duty-issued
defense round compared to the 9mm anyone I know, says Cooper was more 9mm had proven itself generally inef-
or .40 S&W. The larger weight of of an “inspiration” to the genesis of fective against the two Miami hoods.
10mm bullets and the sheer ballistic the 10mm, not the guy who made it. The 10mm was the agency’s choice
superiority of the 10mm round make In 1983, the 10mm Auto was intro- — but only for a while. The 10mm’s
it so. Most 10mm rounds are loaded duced to the world in the form of the stout recoil and fairly expensive am-
with 180- to 200-grain bullets and zip Bren Ten semi-automatic pistol. The munition led the FBI to eventually
along at 1,150 to 1,250 feet per sec- initial ammunition, according to Car- switch over to the .40 S&W.
ond (fps) at the muzzle. This is why, tridges of the World, 13th Edition, was For nearly 20 years, the 10mm lan-
for example, handgun hunters use the
10mm — not the 9mm.
Second, it does take some time and The author with a Florida feral hog
practice for most people to learn to he dropped with one shot from his
shoot the 10mm well. The reason? PARA Elite LS Hunter 10mm.
It has considerably more recoil than
the 9mm or the .40 S&W. And more
than the .45 ACP, too, I’d argue, un-
less you are using .45 ACP+P loads.
Most pistols made for the 10mm
are considerably heavier than other
semi-autos, so they can be harder to
aim with consistency, too.
Third, the 10mm is a versatile round,
able to shoot farther and with more
power than most semi-automatics.
They are a lot of fun to shoot and to
hunt with, and they should be at the
top of every handgunner’s “to-do” list.

The Glory Days

The history of the 10mm is wrapped
up with Col. Jeff Cooper, founder of
the Gunsite training facility and the fa-
ther of the “Modern Technique” style
of pistol training. Cooper was a huge
fan of the 1911 platform. But he also
understood the limitations of the .45
ACP round. While the big, lumbering
230-grain bullet was a great fight-stop-
per at relatively close ranges, it quickly

Editor’s Note: The 10mm has gained enough

traction these past few years that there are more
manufacturers that carry a 10mm option than
those that have stayed out of the game. If you’re Shooting the 10mm requires a little extra effort
and practice, but you gain a lot in terms of power
in the market, be sure to look into these brands
over most standard pistol rounds. SIG Sauer’s
in addition to the author’s suggestions: CZ/Dan P220 in 10mm is a high-quality 10mm — accurate
Wesson, EAA, Ed Brown, Glock’s G40, Nighthawk and reliable, and with a cool Kryptek camo finish.
Custom and Armscor/Rock Island Armory.

42 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

guished. The occasional pistol was
produced, and ammunition offerings
were very limited across the board. 10MM FOR CCW?
But it certainly didn’t go away. Most of the 10mm pistols I’ve used It’s very concealable, with a 3.7-inch
have simply been too big for me to barrel and a weight of just 26 ounces —
The 10mm Renaissance comfortably carry in a hidden manner. about 1 pound less than most full-sized
PARA and a couple other gun mak- But there is at least one choice that 10mms. I have to wonder about recoil and
ers got the 10mm going once again looks very intriguing: the Glock 29 muzzle flip — but I’m going to find out, as
several years ago: PARA unveiled the Gen4 sub-compact. I have a G29 Gen4 on the way! –BMC
aforementioned Elite LS Hunter, and
from this the round and pistol began
its current steady resurgence.
Now, I doubt that the 10mm will
ever be as popular as its smaller 9mm
cousin. There’s too much recoil in the
10mm round for most shooters, and Great American
Outdoor Show
Feb 3-11, 2018
too much weight in most of the pis- For your shooting needs Booth #352

tols chambered for it. And that’s okay. Available where laws allow
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Top: The Glock 20 is used by many hunters

as backup protection in big bear country.
Bottom: STI’s Tactical DS 2011 is a high-
quality 10mm holding an impressive 17
rounds of ammunition. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 43

If you love your 10mm, you must feed it, and
there are more ammunition choices today in
Among the current 10mm pistol debuted the Long Slide Hunter
this caliber than ever before. Among those I
offerings on the market that I have in 10mm. A couple years later,
have used and do recommend, are:
used, and do recommend, are: Remington completely shut
BARNES BULLETS: The VOR-TX firing a down PARA — for reasons they
155-grain all-copper XPB Bullet is ideally ƒ Colt Delta Elite Rail Gun never really explained.
suited for whitetail deer and hog hunting. Colt was one of the few gun mak- The Remington R1 Hunter in
SIG SAUER: The Elite Performance FMJ in ers that kept offering the 10mm 10mm was introduced in 2016,
10mm is a solid range and practice round, in lean times, in the form of the and a lot of people figured it was
while the 10mm V-Crown load with a Delta Elite, a 1911 with a 5-inch just the PARA with “Remington”
180-grain JHP bullet is a great option for both barrel. This newest variation stamped on the side. Yes, they are
hunting and self-defense. has a rail beneath the barrel for both long slides, sporting 6-inch
mounting hardware. I put 300 barrels and finished in black.
FEDERAL PREMIUM: Federal’s American rounds through one recently, Actually, though, the R1 Hunter
Eagle line of range ammo includes the 10mm and it’s a solid, accurate pistol. strikes me as an upgrade. It feels
with a 180-grain FMJ bullet, and it’s a work- The Novak sights are a real treat. better in the hand than the PARA
man’s choice for practice. And what about for and has a sleeker look. Mine is
hunting? The Vital-Shok Trophy Bonded with a ƒ Glock 20 also a shade more accurate that
180-grain JHP bullet is tough to beat. The Glock 20 has been around for my PARA Elite!
HORNADY: The Critical Duty 10mm round many years, and it’s a nice hand-
with a 175-grain FlexLock bullet has “man gun: accurate, durable, lighter in ƒ SIG Sauer P220
stopper” written all over it. Gel tests say so, weight than most 10s and packs SIG’s P220 line started life as a
too. For hunters, the Custom brand is the lots of firepower with its 15-round .45 ACP, but a couple years ago
choice. It’s loaded with the 180-grain XTP magazine and one in the cham- the company launched the P220
bullet, a lead core covered by gilding metal, ber. For years, folks hunting in big Hunter in 10mm, which was a
for deep penetration on the toughest game bear country have favored this full-sized 10mm with a stain-
animals and reliable expansion. model as a back-up sidearm. less-steel slide and frame and a
5-inch barrel. The Hunter is fin-
REMINGTON: The Remington UMC in 10mm
ƒ Remington R1 Hunter ished in the Kryptek camouflage
is about the most reasonably priced choice for
First, a bit of PARA history. Rem- pattern; stippling on the back
the range I have found. It’s clean burning, too.
ington Arms bought up PARA a strap and grip panels provides a
TEAM NEVER QUIT: Team Never Quit was number of years ago. According damn solid grip, and the adjust-
created by retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell to Remington officials I spoke able sights are first rate.
(yes, the Lone Survivor guy), and his TNQ with, Remington put a good
10mm self-defense round fires a 155-grain solid deal of time, effort and money ƒ Ruger SR1911
copper bullet that’s very accurate, up close and to get PARA working right, and Ruger got into the 10mm game
40 yards away. The 125-grain frangible load is a once that was accomplished, it recently by offering its SR 1911 in
1,360 fps screamer (out of the R1Hunter) and is
fine for training on steel at close ranges.
WINCHESTER: I recently used the Winchester
Super X 10mm Personal Protection load with a
175-grain Silvertip JHP bullet. It’s proven very
accurate at 20 and 25 yards. I’m still waiting
for Winchester to make a Razor Boar load in
10mm for my hog hunting, though.
POLYCASE: PolyCase is scheduled to be
coming out with a new 10mm load firing a
91-grain copper and polymer bullet, rated at a
scary 1,800 fps out of the barrel. I used several
hundred rounds of this new ammo during Poly-
Case’s testing phase, and it’s accurate and con-
sistent, with no feeding or ejection problems.
Many more 10mm ammunition brands and
pistols are available today, too, and I expect a
good number of new entries in coming years.
Yes, it’s a great time to be a fan of the 10mm. The new Ruger SR1911 in 10mm, along with some American Eagle range
Jump in now, before the 10mm waters get and Federal Vital-Shok hunting ammunition, is a great combination for
too crowded! –BMC someone looking to step into the 10mm ring.

44 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

that caliber. A fully adjustable Bomar
rear sight, a blacked-out front target
sight and a stainless-steel bull barrel
add up to very impressive accuracy.
The rubberized grips also provide a
solid hold.

ƒ Republic Forge 10mm Long Slide

Made one at a time by true 1911
craftsmen, Republic Forge is the
Rolls Royce of 1911s, with the
10mm Long Slide model a con-
tender for the best 10mm I’ve ever
used. Very accurate and extremely There are more 10mm ammunition choices today — from all the major manufacturers —
reliable, the Long Slide has a 6-inch than ever before, whether you’re looking for range or hunting ammo.
barrel, and it can be had in all man-
ner of color and finish options, barrel. Technically, the STI website As mentioned, the 10mm isn’t
various grips and Novak Night or does not list the 10mm as an option likely to win any peoples’ choice
Bomar sights. for the Tactical DS 2011, but it made awards anytime soon. There’s sim-
me one in 2016. It’s among the most ply too much gun and too much
ƒ STI Tactical DS 2011 accurate 10mms I have used, punch- recoil for it to gain the foothold the
Best known for its competition pis- ing 1.5-inch groups at 25 yards from 9mm has enjoyed. That said, the
tols, STI’s DS 2011 is an upgraded a rest. It also holds 17 rounds of 10mm will always be a performance
1911 with a double-stack magazine 10mm! What if I had to choose be- frontrunner in regard to the “bang
and a flared mag well, plus ramped tween this 10mm and the Republic you get for your boom.” GDTM
Tritium rear sights and a 5-inch bull Forge? It’s a coin flip every time. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 45

Essential training drills for your semi-auto handgun.

rills used to improve or racy are critical, but you must be able to

D test your ability with a de-

fensive handgun are gen-
erally universal in nature.
Most are structured to ap-
ply equally, whether you’re
shooting a revolver or semi-auto. Skills
such as sight alignment, trigger control,
tactics and basic safety practices are, for
the most part, general in nature.
run your gun. Here are a couple drills to
help you become faster and more accurate
with your semi-auto pistol.

The Reload Drill

You’ve probably heard the old gunfighter
advice to count your rounds in a gunfight
so you know when to reload. Considering
that top-level professional shooters often
The big difference with the semi-auto have trouble with simple math in high-
pistol relates to firearms manipulation, or stress situations, after the shooting starts,
“weapon-craft.” Shooting speed and accu- you’ll be lucky if you have any idea how

46 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017 SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 47
You can reload your handgun at any time,
or you can take advantage of all the
ammunition on board and reload when it
runs dry. There isn’t a single right answer
that covers every situation.
much ammunition is in your gun at
any given point. This drill will help
you keep your gun in the fight. “Shooting speed and
Fully load two magazines. Load
your pistol, and place the other maga-
accuracy are critical,
zine in your mag pouch. Using a shot but you must be able
timer, at the start signal, fire one shot
at a target positioned at about 3 yards. to run your gun.”
(We’re testing reloading speed, not ac-
curacy.) After the shot, immediately
reload your pistol while letting the
discarded magazine drop to the deck. Tactical Notes
Once reloaded, fire another round at Many firearms instructors have over-
the target. The time between shots — complicated the entire reloading pro-
your split time — is how long it took cess. They have speed reloads, tactical
you to reload your weapon. reloads — and they even argue about
How fast should you be? The an- the circumstances that dictate when
swer: as fast as possible. No matter how each should be performed. When I
fast you can do it, it’s not fast enough. was the firearms instructor at my de-
Keep track of your performance and partment, I only got to work on the
work to improve during every trip to range with the officers twice each year.
the range. A 50-round box of ammo That was sad, but so is the fact that
will give you 25 iterations of this drill, most carrying for personal protection
and you might consider doing it as get about the same range time. Given
frequently as every other time you’re that, I developed doctrine to keep it
at the range. (Editor’s note: For more in- simple. After all, simple solutions are
formation on reloading drills, see “Rules always good in stressful situations.
For Record-Time Reloads” in the Fall I didn’t try to teach officers to count
2017 issue of GDTM.) shots. Our Glocks held lots of ammo,

One of the advantages of the modern semi-automatic pistol is capacity as it relates to size.
They hold a lot more ammunition and are smaller and lighter than revolvers.

48 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

so our protocol was to shoot until you Too many defensive handgun shooters focus
thought you needed to reload or shoot all their efforts on shooting, but weapon-craft —
until you had to reload. Either way, the ability to run a pistol — matters, too.
any time you inserted a new maga-
zine into your pistol, you racked the
slide. The beauty of this approach is
that if your gun quit working because
of a stoppage, a reload and slide cycle
would most likely sort the problem
out. If it stopped because it was emp-
ty, the reload would most definitely
correct the problem.
Yes, if you’ve conducted a reload
with a live round in the chamber,
you’re sacrificing that round to en-
sure your gun is ready to run. But
keep this in mind: Just because your
gun is not at slide lock does not mean
it has a round in the chamber. You
could have possibly inhibited the
proper action of the slide lock when
the last round in the magazine was
fired, or it might have malfunctioned.
Unless you train on a weekly or at
least monthly basis, consider keeping
the reloading process simple. If you

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Once the magazine is
dedicate the necessary time, there’s a
inserted into the pistol,
place for a more comprehensive ap- you must release or rack
proach, but it’s not a necessity. the slide. You do not need
a special ledge-type rear
One-Hand Manipulation Drill sight for this; simply press
the slide against your boot
You might end up injured during a and forcefully push.
fight, or maybe you only have one
arm or one functioning hand to be-
gin with. Or, you might be using one
arm or hand to navigate with a light
or usher family members to safety.
Either way, you’re at a disadvantage,
and, like everyone in Africa says, you
need to, “make a plan.” You can shoot
and tend to a semi-automatic pistol
with one hand; it’s just something
that takes a good bit of practice.
Like the previous drill, fully load two
magazines: Load the gun, and place the
other magazine in your mag pouch.
Now, using one hand, fire a shot at a
target and then eject the magazine in
the pistol. Next, holster the pistol, re-
trieve the other magazine, and insert
it into the mag well. Now you must
establish a shooting grip, draw the

If you have to load your

semi-auto pistol with one
hand, secure it in your
holster first. This is much
safer and more secure
than trying to use a body
part other than your hand
to hold the pistol.

50 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

handgun, and then, using your belt or you might be able to execute this tech-
the heel or sole of your shoe, cycle the nique. However, if you’re manipulating
slide and engage the target. the pistol with your weak hand — your
strong hand could be the injured hand
Tactical Notes — and because most slide locks are
Some instructors will argue this is a on the left side of pistols, you’ll likely
great reason for using your thumb on struggle to depress the slide lock. Ad-
the slide lock to release the slide, but ditionally, the reason you might need
there’s a problem with this approach: to be fiddling with your pistol at all is
If the pistol is in your strong hand, because of a stoppage, not an absence SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 51

of ammo. In that instance, you’re go- continue to shoot the threat until it Tactical Notes
ing to need to cycle the slide to help is no longer a menace? It’s important to keep this drill in con-
ensure clearance of the stoppage. If you were faced with a charging text. It might or might not be some-
lion, I’ll guarantee you’d not shoot thing you’d ever replicate in a real life
High-Cap Hammer-Time Drill twice and then consider your situa- situation. Of course, predicting what
One of the main advantages of a tion — you’d shoot until you were will happen in a hostile encounter is
semi-auto pistol over a revolver is ca- sure those teeth and claws were no even less accurate than weather fore-
pacity. Unless you’re dealing with an longer bound for your body. This drill casts. However, it’s hard to dispute
ultra-compact handgun or one with will help you to continue to accurate- the need to be able to deliver multi-
a single-stack magazine, you’re likely ly pour lead into your target as you ple rounds on target fast, potentially
to have as much as 12 to 16 rounds also create or reduce distance. while moving forward or backward to
on board. This is a good thing when Place a target at about 2 yards. At create distance or obtain cover.
you’re trying to stop a meth-crazed the start signal, draw and begin shoot- As one of my professional hunter
fiend from filleting you with a rusty ing as you quickly move backward. You friends in Africa likes to say, “The big
blade. So, let’s take advantage of it. should be able to cover between 3-4 thing is,” semi-automatic handgun
Most defensive handgun training yards by the time you’ve fired six to cartridges like the 9mm, .40 S&W
drills utilize some rendition of the eight shots. Once at that distance, slip and .45 Auto are not reliable fight
double-tap — two quick shots to behind cover, step back out the same stoppers. So, the more internal dam-
center mass — or two shots to the side or the other side, and repeat the ex- age you can inflict, the likelier it is a
body and one to the head. I’m not ercise in reverse, firing six to eight shots “stop” will result. Remember, shoot-
suggesting anything is wrong with as you advance on the target, only re- ing the bad guy is not enough — you
either, but might it be a good idea to loading after the drill is complete. have to stop them. GDTM

Though it doesn’t replicate a tactical situation, the High-Cap Hammer-Time Drill
is great practice for learning how to pour multiple rounds on target while moving.





52 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

54 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017
The .380 ACP is little in
a lot of ways. But is it big
enough where it counts?

oughly 16 million Americans

R have obtained permits to carry

concealed firearms, and each
year more criminals end up on
the wrong side of a law-abiding
citizen with a personal defense
weapon. With the rising tide of CCW permit
holders has come a wave of new products to
suit their needs, everything from holsters to
cleaning kits to sights, to lasers and ammu-
nition. And, of course, there is a whole new
crop of defensive auto-loading pistols, too.
One caliber that has gotten a lot of at-
tention in recent years is the .380 ACP.
Designed by John Moses Browning and
first chambered in the 1908 Colt semi-
automatic pocket pistol, the .380 has been SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 55

cussed and discussed more than just So, where does the truth lie? ington’s RM380, Glock’s 42, Smith
about any other defensive caliber on Probably somewhere in the mid- & Wesson’s Bodyguard 380, SCCY’s
the market. Fans of the caliber believe dle, and that’s due to a number of CPX-3, Colt’s Mustang, Kimber’s Mi-
that it’s the ultimate concealed carry factors. First, not all .380 pistols are cro, SIG’s P238, Browning’s 1911-380,
caliber because it’s small enough to be created equal. Some have better trig- Walther’s PK380 and several others.
chambered in ultra-compact pistols gers than others. Some are striker- The rise in CCW permits has created
and generates moderate recoil while fired, while others are double-actions a great demand for small .380s, and
offering plenty of energy to drop an … and barrel lengths vary. Likewise, gun manufacturers roll out new .380
attacker at close range. There’s an- not all ammo is created equal. The models each year.
other camp, though, that believes the shooting public is learning that bul-
.380 is underpowered and overrated. let performance (or lack thereof) is Barrel Length
critical in a personal defense situa- Choosing the one that works for you
tion. Lastly, many shooters simply is largely a matter of personal taste,
decide on whether a cartridge is ef- but there are some important differ-
fective or not based on personal ences among the guns listed above.
tastes, and they don’t have any real Barrel length was already mentioned;
evidence to back their claims. the LCP, RM380 and Bodyguard all
have barrels that are relatively short
The Right .380 For You and make them easy to conceal. At
With the right ammunition, a .380 4.25 and 3.66 inches respectively, the
can produce effective results based on barrels of the Browning (full-size ver-
objective test data. Is it as versatile as sion) and Walther guns offer a longer
a double-stack 9mm? No, but it’s also sight radius. I’ve never found that an
easier to carry, and that’s the limiting extra half-inch of barrel length nega-
factor for many shooters. tively affects concealability (grip de-
So, how do you choose the right sign is more important when choos-
The great advantage of carrying a .380 is
.380 for you and your needs? ing a gun that won’t print), but it does
that these guns are so light and so compact There are a number of different .380 help with accuracy.
that you can hide them under virtually any semi-autos available today, includ-
clothing. Many .380s weigh 12 ounces or ing Kahr’s CT380, Ruger’s LCP, Rem-
less and are under an inch wide, meaning
you can conceal them under the lightest
warm-weather shirt and pants.


Let’s look at what the facts say about the .380 ACP and its capabili-
ties as a defensive option. Based on ballistic gel data that I gathered
from multiple sources, the .380 ACP bullets averaged somewhere
between 9 and 18 inches of penetration in ballistic gel at defensive There are a number of different .380 loads, but for personal de-
distances under 30 feet (with 12 inches of penetration with proper fense, a hollow-point bullet is key. Additionally, you’ll need to shoot
plenty of defensive ammo through your pistol to ensure that there
bullet expansion being considered effective for personal defense).
aren’t any feeding or function issues.
In large part, the deeper penetration results were a result of bullets
that did not expand and retained their profile as they passed through
the test. Failing to expand is good for producing deep penetration target will affect performance. You can’t choose the wardrobe your
on ballistic gel, but it’s bad news in real-life defensive situations attacker will be wearing, but you can choose your bullet and gun.
because a bullet that doesn’t open properly doesn’t create as much There are a number of great personal defense .380 loads, and they
hydrostatic shock or tissue damage. Only a portion of a bullet’s vary in construction. Some expand reliably at lower velocities, while
kinetic energy is transferred to the target if the bullet passes through, others require a stronger push to initiate expansion. Based on my
and unless that bullet strikes a bone or nervous tissue, it might not personal tests, both Federal’s HST and Hornady’s Critical Defense will
stop the attacker immediately, which can be disastrous. expand when fired from light, compact pistols at close range into
Bullet expansion results from a combination of factors. First, the bare gel, and I’m sure that there are several other loads that will do
bullet’s construction plays an important role. Second, the velocity the same. Pistols with longer barrels have an edge in terms of veloc-
at which the bullet is traveling is critical. Lastly, any barriers to the ity, and that ups the odds of expansion. –BF

56 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

The Angle On Actions
Gun design and action operation are also important consid-
erations. The guns listed above are double-action, double-
action-only (DAO), single-action and striker-fired pistols.
And while all of these will work, you’ll need to examine
the pros and cons of each when selecting the gun for you.
Striker-fired guns, for instance, offer a consistent trigger
pull. Double-actions, though, offer more assurance against
hard primers; if a round fails to fire because of a hard prim-
er, you can simply pull the trigger once more, and the ham-
mer will strike again. That’s not an option with striker-fired
guns, but, thankfully, hard primers are quite rare. Single- Mail-in rebate on
action guns require the shooter to operate the safety before
firing, but with some practice that becomes intuitive, espe-
cially if you only carry one firearm.
the world’s best
Packing Extra Pounds
handgun sights
No .380 semi-auto is heavy by pistol standards, but there
are some real lightweights in this group. Ruger’s diminu-
tive LCP weighs in at a scant 9.6 ounces without an empty
mag, and the Remington, Smith & Wesson and Kahr all
weigh around 12 ounces. The “heaviest” guns mentioned
are the Walther PK380 and Browning 1911-380 (full size),
both of which tip the scales at just 18 ounces.
In short, you can rest assured that none of the guns list-
ed here will be too heavy for daily carry. But a little extra
heft isn’t always a bad thing; some people, especially new
shooters, are recoil sensitive and don’t like the muzzle flip
inherent with short-barreled lightweight guns. The .380
doesn’t produce the kick of larger calibers, but in general
terms, the lighter the gun, the less effective it is at handling
Limit 1 per household.
recoil. The guns on the list measure from 5.1 inches to 7.5
inches long and vary from just under to just over an inch
wide. Concealment with any of these firearms is only an

issue under the lightest, tightest clothing. ALL TRITIUM PRO & TFO™
Capacity Considerations MAIL-IN REBATE Limit 1 per household.
Magazine capacity on these firearms runs from six to eight.
Again, larger guns such as the Walther and Browning have
higher capacities, and that’s important in personal defense.

Having two extra rounds offers more time between reloads,
which is a serious consideration in a self-defense situation.
Excluding TG965 models.
MAIL-IN REBATE Limit 1 per household.

Valid on purchases 8.1.2017–12.31.2017.

See for rebate
form, terms, & conditions.

Who says compact .380s aren’t accurate? This is a 25-yard group

fired through Browning’s 1911-380 using Federal HST ammo. This
level of accuracy isn’t absolutely necessary for personal defense,
but it definitely offers peace of mind. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 57

Of the many .380 fans I’ve met, it is in their budget.
only one said they carry a spare mag- In terms of cost, the
azine, so those two extra shots sud- guns listed here have MS-
denly become even more significant. RPs that range from $229
One great feature of most .380s is to $800. Street prices are
easy slide operation, something not likely a bit lower, so odds
always true of larger-caliber firearms. are there’s a pistol in your
In fact, I know of at least one individ- price range. Deciding which
ual who has suffered nerve damage, of these is comfortable is larggely
resulting in limited hand strength, personal, but because most of the guns Walther’s PK380 is a
and the only semi-auto he can com- listed include a magazine with h a finger double-action/single-
fortably manipulate is a .380. extension (or offer these maags as an action semi-auto .380
optional accessory), then only shoot- that’s sized perfectly
for daily carry and
The Fit, Feel And Finances ers with the largest hands will find range work. It even
It’s no secret many new CCW per- they don’t have enough grip space. comes with a rail for
mit holders select their new carry Shooters with really long haands and mounting lasers and
gun based on two factors: how the fingers might find that it’s diifficult to lights, something not
often seen on .380s.
gun feels and the price. You can dis- keep from “wrapping” the trigger, so
cuss nuanced features separating one it’s best to spend time at the local gun
pistol from another, but ultimately a shop handling each of these guns. Bet-
gun that sits well in the buyer’s hand ter yet, head to an event like the NRA
is the one they’ll choose — so long as Annual Meetings where you can ex-
amine every gun and get expert advice Walther’s PK380 is a ‘tweener of a carry
without the pressure to buy. gun — not as small as the subcompact
Is the .380 an effective self-defense .380s that slip in your pocket but not
cartridge? Evidence says it can be if quite as large as most 9mms. That
the distance is close and you choose just-right size means you get a light,
the right bullet. Compact, lightweight portable gun with a longer sight radius
.380s have the advantage of portabil- and more capacity.
ity and convenience … and any gun One thing that Walther has figured
that you have with you in a deadly out is how to make guns that are well
encounter is far better than one that balanced and comfortable to shoot, and
you’ve left at home. GDTM the company takes pride in building
guns that fit well and feel good.
“Like all Walther pistols, the PK380
Kimber’s Micro CDP is a lightweight single-action .380 features an extremely comfortable
that’s very light and is tough enough to withstand the ergonomic grip,” says Vice President of
rigors of daily carry. It isn’t the cheapest gun on the Marketing for Walther Luke Thorkildsen.
list, but it’s built to Kimber’s high standards. “Walther has become synonymous with
grip and trigger because we have found
that there is confidence in comfort.”
When faced with a life-and-death situ-
ation, you need to have complete faith
in your gun, and that faith is developed
by long sessions on the range. You’re far
less likely to spend time shooting a gun
that hurts your hand or leaves you cring-
ing with every trigger pull, so finding a
pistol with a good grip is more critical
than it might initially seem. Walther’s
PK380 has an ergonomic design that’s
slightly larger than some of the other
guns in this article, yet it’s still easy to
conceal. In addition, having those extra
rounds on tap offers a level of comfort
all its own. –BF

58 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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60 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017
The CZ 75 is the Czech
manufacturer’s flagship
pistol, and the lasting
design has endured mor
than 40 years of imitation.
ROBB MANNING SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 61

The iconic CZ 75 has been around for
more than 40 years, and its legendary
status places it alongside a small number
of other great pistol designs.

of the Iron Curtain. Only a few got to the United States. It would have
to hold it and shoot it, and most of made a fine military sidearm for
them raved about it immediately. someone, but of course that would
never happen with any of the War-
The Birth Of A Legend saw Pact countries — Czechoslova-
he CZ 75 is a masterpiece The CZ 75 was designed in 1974 by kia included — because of the re-

T in firearms design. It’s one

of the original “wonder-
nines,” a term coined in
the late 1970s. A wonder-
nine is a pistol that is
9mm (of course, hence the “nine”),
has a double-stack magazine (read:
high capacity of 12 or more rounds),
has a double-action trigger and fea-
CZ’s best weapon designers of the
time, brothers Josef and František
Koucký. Despite the Iron Curtain,
it was actually designed with export
to the West in mind, and it’s unfor-
tunate that it was never exported
quirement to use the 9x18 Makarov.
The CZ 75 was designed around the
9x19 Luger from the start, so it’s
only hope for use as a service gun
would have been with the West.
The CZ 75 is CZ’s flagship handgun

tures polymer, stainless or alloy con-

struction for ease of maintenance.
Remember, at that time, most po-
lice departments still carried .357 re-
volvers with a six-round capacity. It
was a big deal to have a gun that car-
ried, at a minimum, twice that. And
with the semi-auto that Americans
were most familiar with — the 1911
— you had to have a cocked hammer
to fire the first round because it was
single-action only. The ability to carry
the weapon on safe with the hammer
down, take the weapon off safe, and
fire it without manually cocking the
hammer was also a big deal.
Unfortunately, the CZ 75 didn’t
catch on in the U.S. upon it’s re-
lease, as it did elsewhere. Not many
Americans got to handle one be-
The CZ 75 has a relatively rare slide-inside-of-frame design. That and other characteristics
cause it was born on the wrong side illustrate just how different the 75 is from the Browning Hi-Power it’s often compared to.

62 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

“It’s unfortunate, though, that recreation

due to the communist system

that the CZ 75 was born under,
the design wasn’t patented.” This is your sport.
This is your escape.
This is focus and skill in
the form of a .22LR round.
— the centerpiece of all other new handgun production. ,}€µ €µ 8OO²8OË YbobY¢
It’s iconic. It’s a legend. It’s reached a status that few other
handguns have reached. That category includes the 1911,
Walther P38, Beretta 92FS, Walther PP/PPK, with the new-
Trusted by Jessie Duff: First-ever USPSA
est handgun to be added to that list being the Glock. Female Grand Master; More than 60 major
The 75 is an all-steel, locked-breech semi-automatic
handgun. Two locking lugs are machined into the top of
the barrel and, upon lock-up, fit into the matching recess
in the slide. It uses the Browning design to unlock the
barrel when the slide is pulled to the rear. The gun also
features a selective double-action trigger, which means it
can be carried cocked and locked (like the 1911) for a first-
round single-action pull, or it can be carried hammer down high-velocity semi-auto
for a first round double-action pull. The choice is yours. patented black oxidized case

The most notable feature of the CZ 75 is the slide rails fit

inside of the lower frame assembly, and not the other way
around. It’s generally the first thing people notice, and it
does give it a bore axis much lower than any other ham-
mer-fired handgun.
This design was first seen in the SIG P210, designed in
1949, and then in the CZ 75. There are not many handguns
that have been manufactured since then that incorporate
this into their design — the Bren Ten is one that comes
to mind — with the exception of 19 different companies
subsonic semi-auto
making clones and imitations. powerful silence

Flattery By Imitation
I feel inclined to say something about those clones. There
are some that are better than others, and I’ve even heard
that some of the clones are pretty darn good. It’s unfortu-
nate, though, that due to the communist system that the The world’s most accurate .22LR
CZ 75 was born under, the design wasn’t patented. So, no Available in convenient 300-round rec paks
one was paid for creating one of the most prolific hand-
guns ever made. Other than a communist worker’s salary,
no one was compensated for the design being used, and
there are no royalties paid.
Companies freely copied the design, and others poached
design elements from the pistol and incorporated them
into their own. It’s a shame, really, and for both the maker
and the consumer. The consumer suffers because, since CZ
had no control over the design, they also had no quality
control over the products that were made by other com-
panies. An example of this is Taurus, who makes a clone @EleyUSA /EleyUSA @EleyUSA
of the Beretta 92FS. They have the license to do so; they
paid for the license and rights to make it, and Beretta had
control over the quality. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 63

Even upon a basic visual inspection, it’s clear that the
CZ 75 and Browning Hi-Power are quite different. The
Hi-Power’s slide also must be locked back fully for disas- right infringement. Just
sembly, while the 75’s only needs to move back slightly. look down a gun store
handgun shelf and you’ll
see plenty of guns that are
awfully similar to one an-
In general, I like the slide-inside-of- similar to the K98 Mauser, but with other. This is not the case at all with
frame design of the 75, though it does improvements. It was so close, in the 75 and Hi-Power, however.
have one drawback: When charg- fact, that the U.S. government was The folks at Aim Surplus were kind
ing the slide to chamber a round, if charged with copyright infringe- enough to get me a good deal on an
you’re used to a large slab of slide to ment and was ordered to pay com- FN Hi-Power so that I could do a com-
grasp, this only has a narrow bit of pensation to Mauser. Two very big parison. Perhaps the general layout is
slide available for grasping, making it American gun manufacturers have in similar, but these are two very differ-
a little more difficult to rack the slide. recent times been charged with copy- ent handguns. First, disassembly starts
One comment I hear and read
about all the time is that the CZ 75
is a based, copied, improved upon A classic design that has stood the test of time and has proven
version the FN Browning Hi-Power. itself effective, the CZ 75 appears to be sticking around for a while.
Looking at schematics of the Hi-
Power and the 75, and having both
in hand, it doesn’t look close at all.
Other than a similar silhouette, the
design is very different, and even the
parts that serve the same or similar
purpose are shaped differently.
It’s generally pretty easy to tell when
one gun is copied from another. If one
company has some upgrades and can
make a particular weapon better, more
power to them — as long as it doesn’t
infringe copyrights.
The 1903 Springfield was very

64 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

very differently. The Hi-Power slide sign as well as nearly every specific
is pulled all the way to the rear and part. Even how and where the trig-
locked back, as the very different slide ger attaches is different.
catch/takedown pin is removed. The One problem I had with the safety
75 slide is only moved back about a models is that I accidentally thumb
quarter inch — just enough to line up the safety on when I’m firing. It
the two disassembly lines. doesn’t happen often, but when it
Both use partial guide rods, instead happens, getting it back in the fight
of full length rods. This design of fire- is not much different than having a
arm uses a device to keep the barrel malfunction. In fact, in the instanc-
from moving far. It allows it to ro- es in which it has happened to me, I The first book of its kind written in
tate down at the chamber, but it only thought it was a malfunction so my English, Gun Digest Book of CZ Firearms
moves back about 1/4 inch. In the de- immediate response was to go into examines everything CZ (Ceska zbro-
sign of the CZ 75, the takedown pin Immediate Action to clear it and get jvka). You’ll learn how the one-time
fits through a hole in the barrel lug, it operating again. It wasn’t until state-owned company became one of
similar to a 1911, where the takedown I pulled the slide back did I realize the most trusted names in modern gun
pin fits through a hole in the barrel there was a round in the chamber making. You’ll explore the company’s
link. The Hi-Power, though, is com- and there hadn’t been a malfunc- catalog of firearms, learning about leg-
pletely different, with the takedown tion, it was just the safety had been endary models like the Skorpion, CZ 75
pin fitting through a hole located in inadvertently flipped. and Vz 24 Rifle, and get a look at CZ’s
the guide rod. This then fits in a notch Through it all, the CZ 75 has con- future. This book is great for any CZ fan
located on the barrel. It’s a pretty tinued to win the popularity vote. It’s or newbies looking to learn more.
unique design; I’ve never seen that been successful on a massive scale for
cam hole located in the guide rod. more than 40 years, and here’s to an- Order at and
The entire fire control assembly is other 40 more. GDTM search for item S8135. Use promo
completely different as well, in de- code “GDSHIP” for free shipping! SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 65

‘Non-Women Guns’
For Women The best handguns for women often land
outside the pink-it and shrink-it category.
Photo: Corey Graff


66 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

onfession: My name

C is Kat, and my hands

aren’t small. My fingers
are longer than those
of many — most —
men, in fact. My palms
are too wide for women’s gloves. My
hands engulf sub-compact guns but
fit full-size double-stack 10mms. I am
a woman who shoots, and my hands
MODEL TYPE: Lightweight
Commander-style 1911
ACTION: Recoil-operated,
hammer-fired, semi-auto
BARREL: 4.25 in.
4 lbs., 5 oz.
SLIDE: Stainless-steel
are neither small nor weak. TWIST: 1:10 in. RH GRIP FRAME:
Men frequently ask me what hand- WIDTH: 1.34 in. Gray anodized aluminum
gun I recommend for the female in OVERALL LENGTH: 7.75 in. GRIP PANELS: Black rubberized
their lives. My standard response: Let HEIGHT: 5.45 in. SIGHTS: Drift adjustable Novak
them choose for themselves. WEIGHT: 29.3 oz. LoMount 3-Dot
With that said, here’s a list of top CAPACITY: 9+1 SAFETIES: Ambidextrous extended
handguns for women. And keep in TRIGGER: Aluminum, skeletonized, beavertail grip safety
mind: Many of the top choices don’t with adjustable over-travel stop MSRP: $979
sport pink grips or purple slides.

Smith & Wesson M&P45 Shield

When Smith and Wesson launched ounces empty. As a single-stack, it’s because they believe it recoils enor-
the M&P45 Shield in 2016, I was im- easier to conceal and simpler to grip mously, which isn’t true: .45 ACP
mediately intrigued. The M&P Shield with smaller hands while remaining recoils more than some, but it’s far
is a striker-fired model offered in mul- comfortable for larger hands. On the less than most people expect. It’s eas-
tiple calibers — 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 range, its design proved solid by re- ily mastered, and when you do, you
ACP — that’s earned a well-deserved coiling rearward with minimal muzzle might find yourself not only carrying
place at the self-defense table. The .45 rise. My average five-shot groups at 10 the 45 Shield, but also loving it like
ACP chambering is interesting, partly yards hovered at 1.5 inches and ex- Gollum loved the One Ring.
due to the challenge of controlling its panded to 2 inches at 25 yards.
recoil in a compact model. Why conceal carry (CC) a .45 ACP? Ruger SR1911
The 45 Shield was designed with Because its bullet diameter is .451 The Ruger SR1911 in 9mm is a Series 70
an aggressively textured grip to com- inch prior to expansion, after which Lightweight Commander-style 1911;
bat slipping; even pouring water over it’s even larger, and sometimes those this variant has an aluminum frame
the gun didn’t lessen its effectiveness. extra two millimeters are the differ- and 4.25-inch barrel. At 29.3 ounces,
It has an overall length of 6.5 inches ence between hitting and missing it’s somewhat heavier than the original
— 0.4 inch longer than the smaller vital organs or arteries. Many carry Colt Commander of 1949 and longer,
caliber models — and weighs 20.5 advocates shy away from .45 ACP too; its overall length is 7.75 inches.


FRAME SIZE: Compact slim HEIGHT: 4.88 in. with flush magazine
CALIBER: .45 Auto GRIP: Polymer
ACTION: Striker-fired, semi-auto WEIGHT: 20.5 oz. (empty)
CAPACITY: 7+1 and 6+1 BARREL MATERIAL: Stainless-steel,
BARREL LENGTH: 3.3 in. Armornite finish
FRONT SIGHT: Steel, white dot SLIDE MATERIAL: Stainless-steel,
REAR SIGHT: Steel, white two-dot Armornite finish
FRAME WIDTH: .99 in. FINISH: Black
FRAME WITH SLIDE STOP: 1.05 in. MSRP: $479 SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 67

The P320 has been reliable not only for
myself but other long-time gun owners,
meaning it’s highly recommended.
SIG SAUER P320 There are multiple P320 variations,
CALIBER: 9mm/.357 SIG/.40 one of which is the P320 Compact.
S&W/.45 ACP This is the gun carried concealed by
ACTION: Semi-auto competitive shooter Annette Evans.
FRAME: Full-size (or compact) Evans carries the compact model
FINISH MATERIAL: Stainless-steel partly due to familiarity: “It’s the baby
(stainless-steel) version of my match gun, meaning it’s
SLIDE MATERIAL: Stainless-steel nearly identical to the gun I’ve shot
(stainless-steel) tens of thousands of rounds through.”
ACCESSORY RAIL: M1913 (M1913) She went on to attest to the gun’s
TRIGGER: Striker (striker) performance: “I’m completely confi-
TRIGGER PULL: 6 lbs., 3 oz. dent in the gun’s reliability, in how
(6 lbs., 4 oz.) well I can run the gun, and in how ef-
BARREL: 4.7 in. (3.9 in.) fectively I shoot the gun — qualities I
OVERALL LENGTH: 8.0 in. (7.2 in.) recoil is blunted by its design. My first demand of my carry gun.”
HEIGHT: 5.5 in. (5.3 in.) range session with it involved 100 During trigger time, the striker-fired
WEIGHT: 29.5 oz. empty rounds of Hornady and 200 rounds of P320 shines. It has a wider double-
(25.8 oz., empty) Polycase. There were no failures, just stack grip that fits both large and
MSRP: Starts at $679 pure precision and bliss. smaller hands — mine larger and Ev-
If you’re interested in the SR1911, ans’ smaller — and texturing assists a
be aware that it comes chambered in firm grip. There’s some take-up ahead
9mm, .45 ACP and 10mm. of the break; the trigger breaks at a
measured 6 pounds, 3 ounces. At 25
Even so, it can be concealed — yes you SIG Sauer P320 yards, the best group was with DRT
can conceal a full-size pistol — even as The SIG P320 received attention after 9mm 85-grain Terminal Shock, a five-
a smaller-framed woman. being selected as the winner of the Ar- shot 1.11-inch group.
Slinging lead, the SR1911 excels. It my’s XM17 Modular Handgun System The P320’s modularity is one of its
ships with Novak Low-Mount three- (MHS) competition. It then failed a drop greatest features: Grip modules come
dot sights; sights are drift adjustable test done outside U.S. testing parame- in small, medium and large; it has an
and provide a clear sight picture. But ters; basically, it might fire if the trigger interchangeable trigger group; and cali-
its true test wasn’t at my hands but has a heavier pull and it’s dropped in a bers include 9mm, .357 SIG, .40 S&W
those of my then-13-year-old daugh- specific way. SIG announced it will of- and .45 ACP. The full-size P320 has
ter, Grace. She was a 1911 newbie, fer upgrades, but here’s the bottom line: an overall length of 8 inches and an
and her first five-shot group at 10
yards neatly obliterated the 1-inch
bull’s eye on the Shoot-N-C target.
Grace’s hands are much smaller
than mine; her fingers are 1.75 inch-
es shorter and narrower, too. Despite
that, we both found the SR1911 of- REMINGTON RP9
fered a positive grip, natural trigger CALIBER: 9mm
reach and fantastic accuracy. At 25 ACTION: Semi-auto, striker-fired
yards using Hornady American Gun- CAPACITY: 18+1
ner XTP 115-grain ammunition, the BARREL: 4.5 in.
gun nailed a best five-shot group of TRIGGER PULL WEIGHT: 5 lbs., 10 oz.
1.41 inches. It’s a dependable, accu- SIGHTS: Drift-adjustable, three-dot white sights
rate gun, and Grace claimed it as hers. FRAME: Polymer
Oh, the SR1911 is also available in SLIDE: Stainless-steel
10mm. The 10mm model has a longer FINISH: Matte black
barrel and is difficult to conceal, but OVERALL LENGTH: 7.92 in.
it’s a superb choice for open carry or WIDTH: 1.3 in.
handgun hunting. It’s awesomely pre- HEIGHT: 5.5 in.
cise — my first five rounds of Polycase WEIGHT: 26.4 oz. (empty)
yielded a one-hole .538-inch group — MSRP: $489
and it feels natural. Also, its greater

68 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

empty weight of 29.5 ounces; the Com- You probably noticed these guns are 9mm and larger. Despite advances in ballistics, tests —
pact model has an overall length of 7.2 including my own — show .380 ACP doesn’t meet FBI standards for penetration. This doesn’t
inches and an empty weight of 25.8 mean it should be discounted, but that it’s best as a BUG (backup gun). In fact, the Ruger
ounces. Whether for open carry, con- LCP II is one of the more impressive pocket pistols of recent history with its vastly improved
cealed carry or range time, SIG has you trigger and surprising accuracy. It’s a great boot gun and executes tight groups at close
covered here as a woman who shoots. range. The .380 ACP is a snappy little cartridge meant for close-range use; the belief that
.380 ACP, .38 Special and other small calibers produce less felt recoil is patently untrue. –KA
Remington RP9
Big Green recently celebrated its
200th anniversary, and with it came
the RP9. There might appear to be pull and clean break. The reset is short, doubt the platform’s efficacy, consid-
similarities to the aforementioned simplifying follow-up shots and in- er that a 1918 Colt M1911 was self-
P320, but there are reasons to men- creasing accuracy. My Lyman Trigger defense expert Massad Ayoob’s 12th
tion it. In just a few short years, Rem- Gauge measured its pull weight at 5 birthday present. If a 1911 can win
ington jumped in the deep end of the pounds, 10 ounces, and though I do the attention of 12-year-old Mas, it
handgun pool, launching the R51 — enjoy lightweight triggers, the RP9’s can have yours, too.
twice — the RM380 and the RP9. Of does nicely. Five rounds of Polycase The Amethyst comes in 9mm and .45
this trifecta, all of which I’ve fired Inceptor 9mm 65-grain ARX pierced ACP, so I, of course, chose .45 ACP. I ran
at length, the RP9 stands out as the a target at 25 yards with a best group 10 different brands of ammo through
model of choice for ladies. of 1.67 inches. the pistol at various distances and expe-
It takes more than going “boom” rienced no failures of any kind.
for a handgun to win me over. So, al- Kimber Amethyst Ultra II It’s a single stack, so it’s slim for small
though its aesthetics are noteworthy Its bold purple slide grabs your atten- hands, but the G10 grip panels broad-
— it looks cool — it’s the trigger that tion, but the accuracy of the Kimber en the gun for a concrete grip. Even
makes this gun. The RP9 has a safety Amethyst Ultra II keeps it. The Am- better, it’s tall enough to prohibit dan-
blade trigger with a steady, smooth ethyst is a compact 1911, and if you gling pinkies; it has an overall height

of 4.75 inches and a 3-inch barrel, but address this cartridge.
it manages to retain enough bulk for Glocks are striker-fired polymer pis-
comfortable and decisive shooting. tols, and the majority are double-
The solid aluminum trigger has an stacks. The 27’s overall
extremely abbreviated measured pull height of 4.17 inches
weight of 4 pounds, 10 ounces, and leaves my pinkie
a glass-sharp break. At 10 yards with hanging; Pearce
Snake River Shooting Products Team Grip Extensions
Never Quit 155-grain HP Frangible on magazines solve
rounds, my best five-shot group — off- the issue without in-
hand — was 0.58 inch. At 15 yards, I terfering with conceal-
had no problem drilling the bull’s eye ment. Hornady Critical
consistently with a single-handed grip. Defense 165-grain FTX
The Amethyst is a reasonably light fired offhand at 10 yards
25 ounces, empty, and it’s highly con- produced a best five-shot group of .49 KIMBER AMETHYST ULTRA II
cealable. My one issue was the beaver- inch with the 27, and I shot a .53-inch TYPE: Compact 1911
tail grip safety, which began pinching group with the 26. The sub-compact CALIBER: .45 ACP (tested), 9mm
the pesky skin between my thumb 27 recoils more than full-size pistols, CAPACITY: 7+1
and pointer finger during extensive but it’s still negligible, and muzzle rise BARREL: 3 in., stainless-steel
shooting. Otherwise, it’s a well-made, is easily managed. The stock safety- OVERALL LENGTH: 6.8 in.
high-quality pistol. blade trigger has some take-up and a OVERALL WIDTH: 1.15 in.
At the range, several men referred clean, firm break. It has a tactile reset; OVERALL HEIGHT: 4.75 in.
to it as “cute,” which they quickly if you pay attention, follow-up shots WEIGHT: 25 oz. empty
swapped with “amazing” and “I want are fast, without take-up. CONSTRUCTION: Aluminum frame,
one” after I let them try it. There’s There’s no arguing the reliability of stainless-steel slide
nothing cute about a precise compact Glocks, and if there’s one thing required GRIPS: Purple and black G10
1911; it might be purple, but it’s a stel- of a self-defense gun, it’s that. There are SIGHTS: Tactical wedge three-dot
lar self-defense weapon. Kimber also numerous options for caliber and size. tritium night sights, fixed
offers it as the bright-blue Sapphire. If you prefer single stacks, there’s the SAFETIES: Ambidextrous thumb, grip
.380 ACP 42 and the 9mm 43. There and hammer safety notch
Glock 27 are sub-compacts, compacts and full- TRIGGER: 4 lbs. 10 oz.
What’s a gun list without Glock? size models; Gen 4 Glocks ship with MSRP: $1,652
Sadly lacking, in my opinion. Eleven interchangeable backstraps. Glocks
years ago, when my daughter was might be plastic,
three years old, my concealed Glock but they’re plas-
27 saved both our lives. I still own tic I trust with
that gun, a little pistol that’s proven not only my
its reliability through thousands of life, but also my
rounds and concealment in a long daughter’s.
list of states throughout the country.
It cycles in sub-zero weather, rips out
the bull’s eye whether I’m 15 yards
away shooting one-handed or firing GLOCK 27
prone — and feels good in my hands. CALIBER: .40 S&W
There are several versions of the ACTION: Semi-auto, striker-fired
sub-compact, or baby, Glock. The FRAME: Polymer
more popular models are the 9mm 26, CAPACITY: 9+1 (13/15/22 optional)
.40 S&W 27, 10mm 29, and .45 ACP BARREL: 3.42 in.
30S. The .40 S&W is losing popularity OVERALL LENGTH: 6.49 in.
partly because ballistics has improved HEIGHT: 4.17 in.
the 9mm’s capabilities but also due to WIDTH: 1.18 in.
a lack of knowledge. No matter how WEIGHT: 21.89 oz. empty
you slice it, the .40 S&W has an edge TRIGGER PULL: 5 lbs., 2 oz.
in velocity, energy and, subsequently, TRIGGER TRAVEL: .49 in.
a bigger wound cavity over 9mm. As BARREL RIFLING: Right-hand, hexagonal
mentioned earlier, one millimeter LENGTH OF TWIST: 9.84 in.
could be the hair’s breadth to drop MSRP: $549
your attacker. I would be remiss not to

70 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Republic Forge Defiant safety functions well.
Lightweight It ate everything I fed
If the name doesn’t get you, this it from hollow points
custom 1911’s performance will. to frangible ammo, and it
Republic Forge is known for its produced a best five-shot group of
high-end 1911s, which are hand- 1.22 inches at 25 yards with Poly-
made one at a time. I’ve had the case Inceptor 118-grain ARX.
pleasure of using various models If you want a custom-made
for hunting and self-defense, and I 1911, Republic Forge gets it done
consider the Defiant a must-men- with Made-in-America style. The
tion. Yes, it’s an expensive pistol, Defiant is one of many outstand-
but it’s also an impressive weapon. ing options.
The .45 ACP Defiant is a Com-
mander-style 1911 designed to The Handgun Bottom Line ACTION: Single, semi-automatic
become the classic in your gun There’s a gun for everyone regard-
WEIGHT: 30 oz. empty
family. Don’t misunderstand; this less of hand size, stature … or gen-
FRAME: Full-sized commander
is no safe queen. With a barrel der. Try different models before
FRAME MATERIAL: 7075 T-6 aluminum
length of 3.6 inches and an overall choosing one — let the lady of
SLIDE: 4340 carbon steel, heat-treated
height of 5.25 inches, it can and your life try them for herself — and
to 38-41 Rockwell
should be your EDC. Its skeleton- don’t restrict her to smaller cali-
BARREL: 416 stainless-steel
ized trigger has a measured pull bers. Buy the gun she’s comfortable
BARREL: 3.6 in.
weight of 3 pounds, 1 ounce and shooting and willing to carry, then
TRIGGER: Skeletonized
offers a consistent pull and crisp get proper training.
TRIGGER PULL: 3 lbs., 1 oz.
break. Muzzle rise is minimal, and As the late Col. Jeff Cooper said,
SIGHTS: Republic Forge Night Sights with
it provides a positive grip; all con- “The first rule of a gunfight is hav-
straight-eight Tritium configuration
trols are within reach for shooters ing a gun.”
MSRP: $2,995
with smaller hands, and the grip Get a gun. GDTM



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72 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

74 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017
The new Ruger LCP II is an excellent pistol
that’s easily concealed, has some great
features and is a solid shooter.


hen I was a young man was walking out the door, there was
working behind a gun always a remark about the value of
counter, the choices of chocolate grips, or perhaps filing off
truly small pistols were the front sight in the event someone
severely limited, and made the owner eat it or ingest it
none were more than marginally into some other orifice.
effective. The smallest were the .22 There were Remington-pattern
short and .25 ACP semi-autos that of- two-shot derringers available, but
fered less muzzle energy than many they were single-action, heavy and
air rifles currently available. When antiquated. High Standard made a
one was purchased and the buyer little double-action over/under .22 SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 75

guns, I reviewed the three most
The slide stroke on the LCP II
is smooth from front to back, popular .380 sub-compact semi-auto
which is ideal for some women concealed carry pistols. The guns
and older shooters. I chose for the test were the Ruger
LCP, the S&W Bodyguard and the
Glock 42. While all were similar as
sub-compacts, the three guns re-
vealed a noticeable difference in ap-
proach to the same issue.
The LCP was certainly the smallest
and lightest, but with tiny sights and
a challenging trigger. The Bodyguard
was a bit larger, still with a long stroke
trigger, but was a full featured semi-
auto with a slide that locked back on
the last round and sights that were
more usable at a slight cost in con-
cealability. The Glock was simply a
sized-down version of the standard
Magnum, and it was the best tiny gun the only guy who saw the PPK as an Glock product with all the features of
to be found. The bad news is that it effective stopper. any other Glock. It was smaller, but
offered only two shots and was pretty However, there’s a new reality with hardly a miniscule pistol. As a result,
heavy because it was all steel. modern defensive .380 ammunition; the Glock was easy to shoot, the Ru-
To get a small semi-auto in a more it’s now more effective than the stan- ger was easy to hide and I chose the
powerful caliber, one had to go to dard round-nosed lead 158-grain load Bodyguard because it had slide lock
guns the size of the Walther PPK that that 90 percent of law enforcement and second strike capability.
Mr. Bond made famous, and a PPK is officers carried just a few years ago,
not a tiny gun by the standards of to- and because of this, I consider a .380 a A Great Gun, But …
day. The PPK and other guns of a simi- viable concealed carry gun when you As I say almost every time I review
lar size were available in .32 and .380 simply can’t hide a bigger gun. a gun, we’re currently blessed with
ACP, and ammunition was full metal In the process of writing The Gun some mighty good choices in fire-
jacket only. I think James Bond was Digest Book of Concealed Carry Hand- arms, and it’s really hard to improve

TYPE: Semi-auto, internal hammer-fired


BARREL: 2.75 in., alloy steel


WEIGHT: 10.6 oz.

GRIPS: Integral with polymer frame

SIGHTS: Integral on slide, rear notch

and post front



MSRP: $349
The trigger pull of the LCP II duplicates the bladed, two-stage trigger MANUFACTURER: Ruger
of a good striker-fired service gun, breaking at a reasonable 6 pounds
with a light first stage and a well-defined second stage.

76 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017


highly trained, and 6 pounds is rea-

sonable. The first stage is light; the 32 %R[  %ODFNVEXUJ 9$ 
“The new gun second stage is well defined and, while 3     _    
there is backlash, it isn’t excessive.
corrects every The next improvement is slide lock
on the last round. The original LCP
shortcoming of had a manual slide lock, and though
it was a bit difficult for anyone with 0RQURHYLOOH 3HQQV\OYDQLD
the original.” sausage fingers, it was functional. The 3,776%85*+ *81
LCP II locks the slide back on the last .1,)( 6+2:
round, decreasing the time required
for a reload by what would seem eons
upon what we have. Having said this, if it was required during a deadly force 'HFHPEHU   
the LCP II is a big improvement over event. Fortunately, reloads for civilians 0RQURHYLOOH &RQYHQWLRQ &HQWHU
an already excellent concealed carry in defensive situations are almost non- +2856
pistol. My first impression is that it’s a existent, but it’s still a great feature. 6$785'$< DPSP
bit bigger than the original, but only The third major improvement was 681'$< DPSP
in all the right places. in the sights. On the original model,
When you operate it, you notice the sights looked like they might have
the big improvement — the trig- been an afterthought. They were tiny, &KLOGUHQ  DQG XQGHU
ger. The trigger on the older version but in good light, they worked well )5(( ZLWK SD\LQJ DGXOW
was a long, double-action-type pull. enough to produce silver-dollar-sized )5(( 3$5.,1*
The gun was already small, and guys groups at 7 yards. The sights on the
with average-sized hands had trouble LCP II are substantially larger, though
getting a full stroke before the index still smaller than the almost-full-sized 5LFKPRQG 9LUJLQLD
finger buried itself into their thumb. sights on a Glock 42. 5,&+021' *81 6+2:
In spite of the long compression, the These three improvements cover ev-
LCP didn’t have second-strike capa- ery area of concern I’ve heard about
bility, meaning a second pull of the the original LCP, and at a cost of about 2OG .PDUW RQ 0LGORWKLDQ
trigger wouldn’t fire the striker in the 1 ounce of weight and $90. The MSRP  0LGORWKLDQ 7XUQSLNH 5LFKPRQG 9$
event of a dud round. of $349 is very competitive in the sub-
Another shortcoming of the earlier compact pistol market. Still, Ruger is +2856
design was the lack of slide lock on betting the $259 price, and slightly 6$785'$< DPSP
681'$< DPSP
the last round. There’s no doubt this lighter weight, merits keeping the
omission was to allow lighter weight original LCP in the catalog. $'0,66,21 
and simplicity, but it’s a nice feature
to have, and most of us who shoot au- Range Impressions
toloaders have grown accustomed to Shooting the LCP II was much easier
the slide locking back. Still, the LCP than the original and also easier than &KDQWLOO\ 9$
was a very good gun, and at just over 9 my previous favorite, the S&W Body- 7+( 1$7,216 *81 6+2:
ounces with a thin profile and shape, guard. The two-stage trigger is easy
it was an easy gun to hide almost any- to manage, and the sights are large 6HSW   2FW 
where. Ruger sold tons of them, and it enough to see. The grip is small, but a
took a lot of LCPs to make a ton. small gun can’t have a large grip. I fired
it with both the flat magazine plate and 'HFHPEHU   
Striker-Fired Trigger In the one with the finger hook. With the
A Hammer-Fired Gun finger hook mag, it’s a two-finger ar-
The new gun corrects every shortcom- rangement. Without it, I could only get +2856
ing of the original. First is the trigger. about half my ring finger on the grip. )5,'$< SPSP
It’s an excellent striker-fired-style trig- Also, the grip texture is lightly stippled. 6$785'$< DPSP
ger, but the LCP II isn’t a striker-fired One thing I noticed from the outset 681'$< DPSP
gun. It still has a hammer, but the was the slide seemed easier to oper- $'0,66,21
trigger pull duplicates the bladed, two- ate. On the original LCP, there was a $GXOWV  GD\
stage trigger of a good striker-fired ser- separate stage at the beginning of the RU  IRU  'D\ 3DVV
vice gun. My test gun’s trigger broke at slide’s stroke. On the LCP II test gun, 7HHQV    
a reasonable 6 pounds. Light triggers the slide stroke was smooth all the 8QGHU  )5((
aren’t a good idea on defensive guns way back. This is not a big issue for
in the hands of shooters who aren’t most, but it’s of real importance for SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 77


Winchester 95-gr. FMJ 1.72 2.34 2.01

Winchester 85-gr. Train & Defend 1.02 1.94 1.65

Winchester 85-gr. Kinetic HE 1.44 1.99 1.88

Accuracy data was the result of five, 5-shot groups fired deliberately at a distance of 7 yards
from a standing position.

those with low hand strength, such as gun this small and concealable.
some women and older shooters. The sights were easy to see, but I
There is recoil. Even a .22 that think a three-dot system might make
weighs 10 ounces will generate re- it a bit better in low light. I teach
coil, and a firm grip is required to shooting to a lot of novice shooters,
The LCP II provides everything a shooter keep it properly placed in the hand and lining up three dots is an easy
can ask for from a compact, reasonably when shooting fast. Still, it’s capable way to teach sight alignment to a for-
powerful, decently accurate, easy-to-hide
defensive pistol — improving upon every of shooting ragged-hole groups at 7 mer non-shooter. The LCP II is a gun
shortcoming of the original LCP. yards, and that’s all you can ask of a that’ll be attractive to those new to
the concept of daily, concealed carry.
There were zero malfunctions with
the three types of rounds tested.
The magazine release is easy enough
to get to, especially for a small gun,
and the LCP II doesn’t just release the
magazine, it launches it. I particularly
liked the fact that I can drop a maga-
zine without it snagging on the heel
of my hand, which is a common prob-
lem with many smaller pistols. The
gun comes with only one magazine,
and I’d have liked to have another to
see just how fast I could accomplish a
mag change with it. I suspect it would
be about as fast as any compact pistol
and faster than some.

The Fix Is In
In closing, the LCP II is everything
one can ask for from a super tiny, rea-
sonably powerful, decently accurate,
easy-to-hide defensive pistol. Were I
to revisit that test of the Glock 42 and
S&W Bodyguard against the new LCP,
the result would be different. The LCP
II would be the clear winner because
it has the best features of the other
guns combined with substantially less
size and weight. It’s certainly a good
choice — maybe the best choice in the
sub-compact pistol market. GDTM

78 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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4" x 36" BELT/ 20-60 x 60mm 7 FT. 4" x 9 FT. 6" CAMOUFLAGE/ 21 GALLON, 2.5 HP, 125 PSI
40% SAVE Customer Rating
Customer Rating SAVE Customer Rating
35% • Air delivery:
SAVE 5.8 CFM 99
$70 @ 40 PSI,
4.7 CFM
@ 90 PSI
$ 9
Compare Compare $109.99 5
$ 99
Compare $7.49
ITEM 69091 $
61454 17999
ITEM 62502/97181 shown
$ 7 99 $92.59
ITEM 62774/94555 shown ITEM 61765/46411 shown
67847 shown Compare $199

LIMIT 4 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 5 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 9 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 3 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18*


Customer Rating FOR WINCHES SAVE Customer Rating
RATCHET • Height range:
Customer Rating 12-1/2" to 24"
Customer Rating

$ 99
99 $ 99 Compare
$60 $ 5499
ANYWHERE $ 18999 $39.94
ITEM 69106 Compare $99.99 ITEM 63585 Compare $377.56 ITEM 62321 Compare $71.46 ITEM 69780/41005 shown

LIMIT 5 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 4 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 6 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 7 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18*

$230 HORIZONTAL SHAFT • Includes compass, sewing kit, DRILL BIT SET
GAS ENGINE safety pins, fishing line, matches, SAVE
SAVE fire starting paper, lanyard & sheath 73% SAVE
66% Customer Rating
Customer Rating 83%

1399 $29.97
$ 11799
• Great outdoor accent lighting
• Super bright light ITEM 62533
63941/68353 shown
ITEM 60363/69730
ITEM 69727 shown
$ 11999 $329.99
Compare $29.99 $ 99
ITEM 61733/90714 shown
8 ITEM 62281/61637 shown Compare $60

LIMIT 8 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 4 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 8 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 9 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18*


• 350 lb. capacity • Powerful 15 amp motor AIR IMPACT WRENCH MED 62434/62426
• Makes precision cross,
SAVE bevel and miter cuts
• 1190 ft. lbs. bolt
breakaway torque
65% • Laser guide
• Weighs 4.4 lbs.
Customer Rating
99 SAVE 75%
Blade sold
separately. $394 99 YOUR CHOICE
$ 99
99 $ 2 99 $ 9 Compare
ITEM 62515/66911 shown Compare $57.55 Compare $299 ITEM 61969/61970/69684 shown ITEM 62891 Compare . $16.12 shown

LIMIT 7 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 5 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 4 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 9 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18*

• Boom extends SAVE SAVE
from 41" to 61-3/4" 57% 53% SAVE
• Crane height
adjusts from 75%
73-5/8" to 89" Tools sold
Customer Rating separately.

Customer Rating

ITEM 60388
69514 shown
$ 22999 $299.99
Compare $ 4999 Compare $69.99 Compare $42.98 $ 3 999 $ 99 Compare $19.99
ITEM 60581/60653 shown ITEM 61914 ITEM 62163/62349/61467 shown

LIMIT 5 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 3 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 7 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18* LIMIT 9 - Coupon valid through 1/9/18*

800+ Stores Nationwide or At Harbor Freight Tools, the “Compare” or “comp at” price means that the same item or a similar functioning item was advertised for sale at
or above the “Compare” or “comp at” price by another retailer in the U.S. within the past 180 days. Prices advertised by others may vary by
*Original coupon only. No use on prior purchases after 30 days from original purchase or without original receipt. Valid through 1/9/18. location. No other meaning of “Compare” or "comp at" should be implied. For more information, go to or see store associate.
300 Below Inc .....................97 H Ranch Products..................95
A Handgun Grips ...................43 Randy’s Custom Riñes .......98
Accuñite Sports ..................95 Harbor Freight Tools ....80, 81
Reata Pass Auctions ........101
American Gunsmithing Heckler & Koch Inc .............65
High Caliber Gun & Knife Redding Reloading
Institute ...............................9
Shows .............................104 Equipment...................27, 51
Bedlan’s ..............................89 Hogue, Inc...........................37 Redman’s Riñing ................98
Black Hills Ammunition ......45 I Reynolds, David .................98
Blue Ridge Knives ..............99 Ithaca Gun Company, Richards Micro Fit ............100
Broome Firearms ..........96, 97 LLC ....................................69
BSG Books .........................97 J S
Burglar Bomb .....................99 James D Julia Inc ...............29 Shotgun Combo Gauge .....88
C Jeσ’s Outðtters ...................94 Showmasters ......................77
Carlson, Douglas R.............94 John Adams & Son, Shuman, Randy ..................95
CDNN Investments .............83 Engravers ..........................88
Silver Hill Gunstocks ..........99
Central Indiana Gun K
Shows .............................105 Simpson Ltd .................97, 98
Kinnear Riñe Company ......98
Chesiak, Dan.......................97 SnapSafe ............................98
Conrad and Dowdell.........107 L & S Supply .....................102 Sport Shows Promotions .108
Coonan Inc .........................78 Springðeld Armory................3
Larry’s Gun Room ..............95
Covert Carrier .....................15
Lindsay, David ....................94 Straight Shooters
Crimson Trace ....................11
CTK Precision ...................102 M Enterprises, LLC .............105
M.C.A. Sports/Ace
D Bullet Co ...........................95
Sturm, Ruger & Company,
D P Murray ..........................95 Inc. ......................................7
Mark Ferry Auctioneers ....102
Dan Morphy Auction ..........53 Swarovski Optik North
Mendiola, Ruben ..........79, 87
David M Rachwal Ltd .......102
Mid-Hudson Promotions ..103 America ...............................5
Dawson’s Doubles .............95
MTR Custom Leather .........72
DeSantis Gunhide...............49 T
Dickson Realty....................99 N
Newmart Promotions .107, 109 T&A Arms & Ammo .............88
Du-Lite Corp ...............97, 100
Nightforce USA ...................22 Texas Armament &
Eddie Phemister .................95 Nighthawk Custom .............17 Technology .....................116
Egyptian Collectors Niles Gun Show Inc ..........104 Texas Platers Supply .........99
Assc Inc ..........................107 O Trader Keiths ......................89
Eley Ammunition.................63 O.F. Mossberg & Sons .........2
Truglo Inc ............................57
Ellis, Jack ............................97 Oregunsmithing, LLC .........98
Turnbull Manufacturing
EMF Company Inc ..............10 P
F PA Gunsmith School ..........98 Co. .....................................39
Ft Sandñat Gun Stand ..98, 99 Pack And Postal V
G Center ......................... 90-93 Vista Outdoor Sales, LLC ...13
G & G Relics........................89 Parker Gun Shop ................89
Gary Reeder Custom Perry County Firearms .......95 W
Guns ..................................89 Plano Synergy Corp ...........23 Wehrly’s Auctions.............101
Gentry Custom LLC ............99 Poulin Antiques and Westchester Collectors
Gibbs Products...................95 Auction ..............................84
Inc ...................................105
Giles, Ray T .........................97 Premier Gun Shows LLC ..106
Pursuit Channel ..................73 Whitelaw Enterprises .........88
Guncrafter Industries .......115
Gunrunner Auctions .........101 R Wiley’s .................................88 .......38 Ragland, Dan ......................88 World War Supply ..............19
The advertiser’s index is provided as a reader service.
Occasional last-minute changes may result in ads appearing on pages other than those listed here.
The publisher assumes no liability for omissions or errors.
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and Massad Ayoob bring
you a complete library of hand g

84 | GunDigest the magazine SEPTEMBER 2017


Marketplace TH E B EST GU N LI STI N G S I N P RI NT

Steyr ............................. 95 Military Edged Weapons 102

AD CLASSIFICATIONS PAGE REFERENCE Taurus ........................... 95

Thompson Center ......... 95
Trap, Skeet, Clays ......... 95
Tactical Gear for Sale .. 102
Military Handguns for Sale
.................................. 102
For Complete Classification Listing see Page 86!
Valmet ........................... 95 Military Rifles for Sale 102
EASY- TO- FIND ALPHABETICAL LISTING Walther ......................... 95 Military Shotguns for Sale
Weatherby Shotguns..... 95 .................................. 102
Advertiser Index............ 82 English & European ...... 94 for Sale........................ 95 Weatherby Rifles ........... 95 Military, Advanced
Advertising Info. ......... 102 English Shotguns .......... 94 Muzzleloader Handguns Wesson, Dan................. 95 Handguns for Sale ...... 102
Subscription Rates........ 25 European Shotguns ...... 94 Wanted......................... 95 Winchester Rifles .......... 95 Military, Advanced Rifles
FFL Dealer Directory ... 108 FN ................................. 94 Cartridge Handguns for Winchester Shotguns.... 95 for Sale ...................... 102
Air Guns ........................ 87 Fox ................................ 94 Sale ............................. 95 Winchester Commem ... 95 Military/Automatic
AMT .............................. 87 Franchi .......................... 94 Muzzleloader Long Guns Firearms for Sale ....... 102
Anschutz ....................... 88 Freedom Arms .............. 94 for Sale ......................... 95
ArmaLite ....................... 88 Glock............................. 94 Wanted........................ 95
Astra ............................. 88 H & R ............................ 94 Cartridge Long Guns for
Benelli ........................... 88 Heckler & Koch ............. 94 Sale ............................ 95 Accessories • Books • Knives
Beretta Handguns ......... 88 High Standard ............... 94 Navy Arms .................... 95 Auctions • Scopes • Binoculars
Beretta Rifles ................ 88 Husqvarna ..................... 94 Parker ........................... 95
Beretta Shotguns .......... 88 Interarms ...................... 94 Perazzi .......................... 95 Accessories ................... 95 Gunsmith Services ........ 98
Browning Handguns ..... 88 Ithaca ............................ 94 Remington Rifles .......... 95 Ammunition .................. 95 Gunsmith Supplies........ 98
Browning Shotguns ...... 88 Iver Johnson ................. 94 Remington Shotguns .... 95 Barrels .......................... 97 Holsters & Leather ........ 99
Browning Rifles ............ 88 Kimber .......................... 94 Remington Handguns ... 95 Binoculars/Telescopes... 97 Hunting Guides ............. 99
Colt Named Model ........ 88 Krieghoff ....................... 94 Ruger Rifles .................. 95 Books & Magazines ...... 97 Knives ........................... 99
Colt M-1911 & Var........ 88 Lefever .......................... 94 Ruger Shotguns ............ 95 Firearms Boxes/Containers Metallic Sights .............. 99
Colt Auto 22’s ............... 88 Left-Hand Guns ............. 94 Ruger Handguns ........... 95 .................................... 97 Miscellaneous ............... 99
Colt Numbered Model ... 88 Llama ............................ 94 Sako .............................. 95 Cartridge Collections ..... 97 Real Estate .................... 99
Colt Single Action ......... 88 Luger ............................ 94 Savage .......................... 95 Cases ............................ 97 Reloading Components . 99
Colt Commemorative .... 89 Magnum Research ........ 95 Sharps .......................... 95 Clips & Magazines ........ 97 Reloading Equipment .... 99
Cooper .......................... 89 Mannlicher Schoenauer . 95 SKB ............................... 95 Gun Cleaning Supplies & Scopes, Rings, Bases ... 99
Custom Guns ................ 89 Marlin............................ 95 L.C. Smith ..................... 95 Accessories ................ 97 Stocks, Wood.............. 100
Dakota Arms ................. 89 Mauser Handguns ......... 95 Smith & Wesson ........... 95 Gun Lists/Collections .... 97 Target & Varmint......... 100
Double Rifles ................ 89 Mauser Rifles ................ 95 Springfield .................... 95 Gun Parts ...................... 97 Taxidermy Supplies ..... 100
Double Shotguns .......... 89 Mossberg ...................... 95 Springfield Armory ....... 95 Gun Safes/Security Sales & Auctions ........ 101
Drilling & Combin ......... 89 Muzzleloader Handguns Stevens ......................... 95 Products ....................... 98 Show Listings ............. 101 SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 85

AD CLASSIFICATIONS 3551 European Handguns Wanted 4247 Antique Cartridge Long Guns
4870 Thompson/Contender For Sale
4871 Thompson/Contender Wanted
4880 Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays
For Sale
4881 Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays
5501 Gun Parts Wanted
5520 Gun Safes/Security Products
5521 Gun Safes Wanted
5540 Gunsmith Services
5560 Gunsmith & Dealer Supplies
5570 Gunsmith Specials
FIREARMS 3560 English Shotguns For Sale For Sale 4900 T Miscellaneous For Sale 5580 Holsters & Leather For Sale
3000 Air Guns For Sale 3561 English Shotguns Wanted 4248 Antique Cartridge Long Guns 4901 T Miscellaneous Wanted 5581 Holsters & Leather Wanted
3001 Air Guns Wanted 3570 English/European Hammer Guns Wanted 4910 Uberti For Sale 5600 Hunting Guides
3020 AMT For Sale For Sale 4250 Custom & Historic Muzzleloader 4911 Uberti Wanted 5620 Hunting Supplies
3021 AMT Wanted 3571 European/English Hammer Guns For Sale 4920 U Miscellaneous For Sale 5630 Information Wanted
3040 Anschutz For Sale Wanted 4251 Custom & Historic Muzzleloader 4921 U Miscellaneous Wanted 5635 Insurance Agency Services
3041 Anschutz Wanted 3580 European Shotguns For Sale Wanted 4940 Valmet For Sale 5640 Knives For Sale
3050 Armalite For Sale 3581 European Shotguns Wanted 4255 Modern Muzzleloader For Sale 4941 Valmet Wanted 5641 Knives Wanted
3051 Armalite Wanted 3590 Competition Shotguns For Sale 4256 Modern Muzzleloader Wanted 4960 V Miscellaneous For Sale 5660 Lost/Stolen Firearms
3060 Astra For Sale 3591 Competition Shotguns Wanted 4258 Modern Reproductions For Sale 4961 V Miscellaneous Wanted 5680 Metallic Sights For Sale
3061 Astra Wanted 3600 E Miscellaneous For Sale 4259 Modern Reproductions Wanted 4980 Walther For Sale 5681 Metallic Sights Wanted
3080 Auto Mag For Sale 3601 E Miscellaneous Wanted 4260 M Miscellaneous For Sale 4981 Walther Wanted 5720 Miscellaneous For Sale
3081 Auto Mag Wanted 3610 FEG For Sale 4261 M Miscellaneous Wanted 5000 Weatherby Shotguns For Sale 5721 Miscellaneous Wanted
3100 A Miscellaneous For Sale 3611 FEG Wanted 4280 Navy Arms For Sale 5001 Weatherby Shotguns Wanted 5730 Muzzleloader Accessories
3101 A Miscellaneous Wanted 3620 FN For Sale 4281 Navy Arms Wanted 5020 Weatherby Rifles For Sale For Sale
3120 Baker For Sale 3621 FN Wanted 4300 N Miscellaneous For Sale 5021 Weatherby Rifles Wanted 5731 Muzzleloader Accessories
3121 Baker Wanted 3640 Fox For Sale 4301 N Miscellaneous Wanted 5025 Weatherby Memorabilia For Sale Wanted
3130 Benelli For Sale 3641 Fox Wanted 4320 O Miscellaneous For Sale 5026 Weatherby Memorabilia Wanted 5740 Order & Dealer Services
3131 Benelli Wanted 3660 Franchi For Sale 4321 O Miscellaneous Wanted 5030 Webley For Sale 5750 POR Firearms & Misc.
3135 Benelli Dealer Prices 3661 Franchi Wanted 4340 P-38 For Sale 5031 Webley Wanted 5760 Prints, Stamps & Collectibles
3140 Beretta Handgun For Sale 3670 Freedom Arms For Sale 4341 P-38 Wanted 5040 Wesson, Dan For Sale For Sale
3141 Beretta Handgun Wanted 3671 Freedom Arms Wanted 4350 Para Ordnance For Sale 5041 Wesson, Dan Wanted 5761 Prints, Stamps & Collectibles
3150 Beretta Rifle For Sale 3680 F Miscellaneous For Sale 4351 Para Ordnance Wanted 5060 Wildey For Sale Wanted
3151 Beretta Rifle Wanted 3681 F Miscellaneous Wanted 4360 Parker For Sale 5061 Wildey Wanted 5780 Real Estate For Sale
3160 Beretta Shotgun For Sale 3700 Glock For Sale 4361 Parker Wanted 5070 Henry, Volcanic, Etc. For Sale 5781 Real Estate Wanted
3161 Beretta Shotgun Wanted 3701 Glock Wanted 4380 Perazzi For Sale 5071 Henry, Volcanic, Etc. Wanted 5800 Reloading Components For Sale
3170 Brno For Sale 3720 Golden Eagle Nikko For Sale 4381 Perazzi Wanted 5080 Winchester Rifles For Sale 5801 Reloading Components Wanted
3171 Brno Wanted 3721 Golden Eagle Nikko Wanted 4390 Police Equipment For Sale 5081 Winchester Rifles Wanted 5820 Reloading Equipment For Sale
3180 Browning Handgun For Sale 3740 G Miscellaneous For Sale 4391 Police Equipment Wanted 5100 Winchester Shotguns For Sale 5821 Reloading Equipment Wanted
3181 Browning Handgun Wanted 3741 G Miscellaneous Wanted 4400 P Miscellaneous For Sale 5101 Winchester Shotguns Wanted 5840 Scopes, Rings & Bases For Sale
3200 Browning Shotgun For Sale 3760 H&R, NEF For Sale 4401 P Miscellaneous Wanted 5103 Winchester Commemoratives 5841 Scopes, Rings & Bases Wanted
3201 Browning Shotgun Wanted 3761 H&R, NEF Wanted 4420 Q Miscellaneous For Sale For Sale 5860 Stocks, Wood For Sale
3220 Browning Rifle For Sale 3780 Heckler & Koch For Sale 4421 Q Miscellaneous Wanted 5104 Winchester Commemoratives 5861 Stocks, Wood Wanted
3221 Browning Rifle Wanted 3781 Heckler & Koch Wanted 4440 Remington Rifles For Sale Wanted 5940 Taxidermy Services
3225 Browning Memorabilia For Sale 3785 Heckler & Koch Dealer Pricing 4441 Remington Rifles Wanted 5110 Winchester Memorabilia For Sale 5960 Taxidermy Supplies
3226 Browning Memorabilia Wanted 3790 Hi-Point For Sale 4458 Remington Memorabilia For Sale 5111 Winchester Memorabilia Wanted 5980 Targets For Sale
3240 B Miscellaneous For Sale 3791 Hi-Point Wanted 4459 Remington Memorabilia Wanted 5120 W Miscellaneous For Sale 5981 Targets Wanted
3241 B Miscellaneous Wanted 3800 High Standard For Sale 4460 Remington Shotguns For Sale 5121 W Miscellaneous Wanted 5990 Triggers For Sale
3260 Charter Arms For Sale 3801 High Standard Wanted 4461 Remington Shotguns Wanted 5140 X Miscellaneous For Sale 5991 Triggers Wanted
3261 Charter Arms Wanted 3820 Hopkins & Allen For Sale 4480 Remington Handguns For Sale 5141 X Miscellaneous Wanted 6000 Videos/Software For Sale
3280 Colt Named Model For Sale 3821 Hopkins & Allen Wanted 4481 Remington Handguns Wanted 5160 Y Miscellaneous For Sale 6001 Videos Wanted
3281 Colt Named Model Wanted 3840 Husqvarna For Sale 4490 Rossi For Sale 5161 Y Miscellaneous Wanted 6020 Wanted: Handguns
3300 Colt 1911 & Variation For Sale 3841 Husqvarna Wanted 4491 Rossi Wanted 5180 Z Miscellaneous For Sale 6040 Wanted: Rifles
3301 Colt 1911 & Variation Wanted 3860 H Miscellaneous For Sale 4500 Ruger Rifles For Sale 5181 Z Miscellaneous Wanted 6060 Wanted: Shotguns
3320 Colt 22 Auto Pistols For Sale 3861 H Miscellaneous Wanted 4501 Ruger Rifles Wanted 6080 Wanted: Gun-Related Items
3321 Colt 22 Auto Pistols Wanted 3880 Interarms For Sale 4520 Ruger Shotguns For Sale 6100 Trade
3340 Colt Numbered Model For Sale 3881 Interarms Wanted 4521 Ruger Shotguns Wanted ACCESSORIES/SERVICES 6120 Sales and Auctions
3341 Colt Numbered Model Wanted 3900 Ithaca For Sale 4540 Ruger Handguns For Sale 5200 Accessories For Sale 6140 Shooting Events
3355 SAA 1st Generation For Sale 3901 Ithaca Wanted 4541 Ruger Handguns Wanted 5201 Accessories Wanted
3356 SAA 1st Generation Wanted 3920 Iver Johnson For Sale 4545 Ruger / Chief A.J. For Sale 5210 Advertising Agency Services
3360 Colt Single Action For Sale 3921 Iver Johnson Wanted 4546 Ruger / Chief A.J. Wanted 5220 Ammunition For Sale MILITARY
3361 Colt Single Action Wanted 3940 I Miscellaneous For Sale 4547 Ruger Memorabilia For Sale 5221 Ammunition Wanted 6175 Military Antiques For Sale
3380 Colt Commemorative For Sale 3941 I Miscellaneous Wanted 4548 Ruger Memorabilia Wanted 5230 Antique & General Collectables 6176 Military Antiques Wanted
3381 Colt Commemorative Wanted 3960 J Miscellaneous For Sale 4560 R Miscellaneous For Sale For Sale 6184 Militaria - Miscellaneous For Sale
3385 Colt Memorabilia For Sale 3961 J Miscellaneous Wanted 4561 R Miscellaneous Wanted 5231 Antique & General Collectables 6185 Militaria - Miscellaneous Wanted
3386 Colt Memorabilia Wanted 3970 Kimber of America For Sale 4580 Sako For Sale Wanted 6190 Militaria - Swords, Bayonets,
3387 Connecticut Shotgun For Sale 3971 Kimber of America Wanted 4581 Sako Wanted 5240 Archery Supplies For Sale Edged Weapons For Sale
3388 Connecticut Shotgun Wanted 3980 Kimber of Oregon For Sale 4600 Savage For Sale 5241 Archery Supplies Wanted 6191 Militaria - Swords, Bayonets,
3390 Cooper Arms For Sale 3981 Kimber of Oregon Wanted 4601 Savage Wanted 5245 Armor/Safe Rooms Edged Weapons Wanted
3391 Cooper Arms Wanted 3985 Korth For Sale 4620 Sharps For Sale 5260 Appraisal Services 6192 Militaria - Antique Accouterments
3392 Cowboy Action Sports & 3986 Korth Wanted 4621 Sharps Wanted 5280 Barrels For Sale For Sale
Collectibles For Sale 3990 Krieghoff For Sale 4640 Sig Sauer For Sale 5281 Barrels Wanted 6193 Militaria - Antique Accouterments
3393 Cowboy Action Sports & 3991 Krieghoff Wanted 4641 Sig Sauer Wanted 5300 Binoculars & Telescopes For Sale Wanted
Collectibles Wanted 4000 K Miscellaneous For Sale 4660 SKB For Sale 5301 Binoculars & Telescopes Wanted 6194 Tactical Gear For Sale
3395 Cowboy Action Shooting Guns 4001 K Miscellaneous Wanted 4661 SKB Wanted 5320 Books & Magazines For Sale 6195 Tactical Gear Wanted
For Sale 4020 Lefever For Sale 4680 L.C. Smith For Sale 5321 Books & Magazines Wanted 6196 Military Vehicles/Aircraft For Sale
3396 Cowboy Action Shooting Guns 4021 Lefever Wanted 4681 L.C. Smith Wanted 5330 Firearm Boxes / Containers 6197 Military Vehicles/Aircraft Wanted
Wanted 4040 Left-Hand Guns For Sale 4700 S&W Early Models Pre-1940 For Sale 6198 Military Handguns For Sale
3400 Custom Handguns For Sale 4041 Left-Hand Guns Wanted For Sale 5331 Firearm Boxes / Containers 6199 Military Handguns Wanted
3401 Custom Handguns Wanted 4060 Llama For Sale 4701 S&W Early Models Pre-1940 Wanted 6200 Military Rifles For Sale
3420 Custom Rifles For Sale 4061 Llama Wanted Wanted 5340 Cartridge Collections For Sale 6201 Military Rifles Wanted
3421 Custom Rifles Wanted 4080 Luger For Sale 4720 Smith & Wesson For Sale 5341 Cartridge Collections Wanted 6202 Military Shotguns For Sale
3430 Target & Varmint Firearms 4081 Luger Wanted 4721 Smith & Wesson Wanted 5360 Cases For Sale 6203 Military Shotguns Wanted
For Sale 4100 L Miscellaneous For Sale 4730 S&W Performance Center 5361 Cases Wanted 6206 Military, Advanced Accessories
3431 Target & Varmint Firearms 4101 L Miscellaneous Wanted For Sale 5380 Clips & Magazines For Sale For Sale
Wanted 4110 Magnum Research, For Sale 4731 S&W Performance Center 5381 Clips & Magazines Wanted 6207 Military, Advanced Accessories
3435 CZ For Sale 4111 Magnum Research, Wanted Wanted 5385 Computer and Online Services Wanted
3436 CZ Wanted 4120 Mannlicher Schoenauer For Sale 4735 Smith & Wesson Memorabilia 5390 Cowboy Action Shooting 6208 Military, Advanced Handguns
3440 C Miscellaneous For Sale 4121 Mannlicher Schoenauer Wanted For Sale Accessories For Sale For Sale
3441 C Miscellaneous Wanted 4140 Marlin For Sale 4736 Smith & Wesson Memorabilia 5391 Cowboy Action Shooting 6209 Military, Advanced Handguns
3445 Daisy For Sale 4141 Marlin Wanted Wanted Accessories Wanted Wanted
3446 Daisy Wanted 4160 Mauser Handguns For Sale 4740 Springfield For Sale 5400 Crossbows & Blowguns For Sale 6210 Military, Advanced Rifles For Sale
3450 Dakota Arms For Sale 4161 Mauser Handguns Wanted 4741 Springfield Wanted 5401 Crossbows & Blowguns Wanted 6211 Military, Advanced Rifles Wanted
3451 Dakota Arms Wanted 4162 Mauser Rifles For Sale 4750 Springfield Armory For Sale 5420 Clubs & Organizations 6212 Military, Advanced Shotguns
3470 Detonics For Sale 4163 Mauser Rifles Wanted 4751 Springfield Armory Wanted 5440 Education/Home Study For Sale
3471 Detonics Wanted 4234 Miniatures For Sale 4760 Star For Sale 5460 Engravers 6213 Military, Advanced Shotguns
3480 Double Rifles For Sale 4235 Miniatures Wanted 4761 Star Wanted 5470 Employment Wanted Wanted
3481 Double Rifles Wanted 4236 Mossberg For Sale 4780 Stevens For Sale 5471 Employment Available 6216 Military, Laser Sighting Devices
3490 Double Shotguns For Sale 4237 Mossberg Wanted 4781 Stevens Wanted 5473 Grips For Sale For Sale
3491 Double Shotguns Wanted 4240 Muzzleloader Handguns For Sale 4800 Steyr For Sale 5474 Grips Wanted 6217 Military, Laser Sighting Devices
3500 Drilling and Combination For Sale 4241 Muzzleloader Handguns Wanted 4801 Steyr Wanted 5475 Gun Cleaning Supplies & Wanted
3501 Drilling and Combination Wanted 4242 Antique Cartridge Handguns 4820 S Miscellaneous For Sale Accessories 6220 Military/Automatic Firearms
3520 D Miscellaneous For Sale For Sale 4821 S Miscellaneous Wanted 5480 Gunlists, Consignments & For Sale
3521 D Miscellaneous Wanted 4243 Antique Cartridge Handguns 4840 Taurus For Sale Collections For Sale 6221 Military/Automatic Firearms
3540 English/European Rifles For Sale Wanted 4841 Taurus Wanted 5481 Gunlists, Consignments & Wanted
3541 English/European Rifles Wanted 4245 Muzzleloader Long Guns For Sale 4860 Thompson Center For Sale Collections Wanted
3550 European Handguns For Sale 4246 Muzzleloader Long Guns Wanted 4861 Thompson Center Wanted 5500 Gun Parts For Sale
PO Box 566300, Miami, FL 33256-6300, 305-271-3436
TOLL FREE: 866-NFA-WANT (866-632-9268), FAX: 866-415-7066, CELL: 786-256-6746 for pics or text,
EMAIL:, HOURS: 8am-9pm Eastern, 7 days a week

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T&A Arms
SIZES: 32-34-36-38-40-42-44 4 RIGS $43.85 EA.
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Todd is a seasoned gunsmith with a vast knowledge on all guns, old or new he will be able to help you. 7040 VT. RT. 113
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Tel. 802-685-0019
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finest in custom guns. Thru the years we $1595
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210 Mill Street, Lancaster, MA 01523-2046
Tel. (978) 368-0910 — Fax (978) 368-3326
3-Day Inspection Satisfaction Guaranteed.
$20.00 shipping for long guns and handguns 3% restock fee for items paid with charge cards
All firearms sold as “used” collector items only. We do not test fire or guarantee suitability for live firing.

PISTOLS AND REVOVLERS: 18-S. High Standard .22 LR Model “B” Auto Pistol 4 ½” barrel with mint bore,
1-S. Beretta 9mm Para Model 92FS Auto Pistol 4 ¾” barrel with mint bore, 95% original bright blue with most loss on right side of barrel and front strap, fixed sights,
99% original black finish, (3) white dot combat sights, double or single action, hammer drop excellent checkered black hard rubber grips and original 2 tone magazine, “I-B” type takedown,
ambidextrous safety, mint checkered black plastic logo grips, looks and functions near new made in 1936 (C&R) .........................................................................................................$395
overall, 10 round magazine ...............................................................................................$585 19-S. High Standard .22 LR Model H-D Military Auto Pistol 4 ½” barrel with
2-S. Browning .25 ACP BAC “Baby” Model Vest Pocket Auto Pistol 2” mint bore, 98% original bright blue, adjustable sights, excellent full checkered Walnut grips,
barrel with excellent bright bore, nickel finish on slide, aluminum lower frame, logo black mint (2) tone magazine, collector quality, made in 1947 and shows little actual use (C&R)
plastic grips, exterior shows pocket carry wear, comes in its original zipper pouch, made in ..........................................................................................................................................$645
1966 (C&R).......................................................................................................................$335 20-S. High Standard .22 lr Model “B” Auto Pistol 4 ½” barrel with mint bore, 97%
3-S. Colt .22 lr “Woodsman” Late production Target Auto Pistol 6 5/8” original blue, fixed sights, excellent original black plastic grips, original magazine, excellent
barrel with mint bore, 98% original bright blue, adjustable front and rear sights, mint Colt function, “I-B” type takedown, made in 1934 and just a little short of perfect (C&R) .........$295
logo “Coltwood” brown plastic extension grips as found on late production “Bullseye” Match 21-S. High Standard .22 LR “Supermatic” Target Auto Pistol 6 ¾” heavy bar-
pistols and some military target pistols of the mid 1940’s, excellent two tone magazine marked rel with integral porting and mint bore, 98% original blue with some sharp edge silvering, fully
“CAl. 22 / Colt” on base plate, excellent function, made in 1944 with a fairly high serial number adjustable “Davis” rear sight, excellent checkered brown plastic thumbrest, no barrel weights
for this series of Woodsman (probably a “clean up” gun made just prior to the introduction of or filler strip, push button takedown S-101 3rd model Supermatic, original Hi-standard
the post war series Woodsman) (C&R) .............................................................................$735 marked magazine, made in 1956 (C&R) ...........................................................................$485
4-S. Colt .22 lr “Pre-Woodsman” Model Target Auto Pistol 6 5/8” barrel with 22-S. Intratec .25 acp Model “Protec - 25” Vest Pocket Auto Pistol 2 ½”
mint bore, 98% original bright blue, adjustable front and rear sights, minty full checkered barrel with excellent bright bore, matte stainless finish shows light pocket carry wear, fixed
wood grips, excellent two tone bottom release magazine marked “CAl. 22 / Colt” on floorplate, sights, checkered logo plastic grips are a light green color and in excellent condition, double
excellent function, made in 1923 with original checkered mainspring housing for standard action only a very small pocket auto ...................................................................................$95
velocity ammo, shows very little actual use, collector quality (C&R) ................................$975 23-S. Iver Johnson .22 LR “Sidewinder” Double Action Revolver 4 ¾”
5-S. Colt .22 Short Thuer Type 4th Model Cased Set of (2) Derringers 2 barrel with mint bore, 98% original bright and matte blue, adjustable front and rear sights,
½” barrels with mint bores, nickel frames and bright blued barrels, mint “birdshead” Walnut excellent plastic “stag” grips with I.J. owl logo, does not work properly, skips cylinders, fails
grips, both derringers come in a Burgundy flip top case with red velvet interior (C&R) ...$425 to rotate cylinder correctly most likely a poorly formed “star” wheel on cylinder fix or for parts
6-S. Colt .22 lr “New Frontier” Model “Dual Tone” Single Action (no returns on this one) (C&R) ...........................................................................................$85
Revolver 6” barrel with mint bore, 99% original bright nickel on barrel and cylinder, 99% 24-S. Japanese Government 6.5mm Arisaka Type 38 “Parts” Bolt Rifle
original bright case color on frame, 99% original blue on backstrap / triggerguard, excellent 31 ½” barrel with rust plugged bore, exterior metal also shows considerable moderate rust but
function showing little or no actual use, made in 1976 with a “G” prefix serial number ...$675 receiver shows 80% blue with light pitting, (2) lines struck through “mum”, type 38 ladder
7-S. Colt .32 New Police “Police Positive” Double Action Revolver 4” rear sight, mismatched bolt is missing safety and firing pin parts, good but well dinged and
barrel with very good lightly pitted bore, 95% of an old refinish blue, fixed sights, “Norfolk dented stock with original swivels and smooth steel buttplate, looks like a battlefield pickup,
Police Dept.” marked backstrap, very good “escutcheon C” Colt logo checkered hard rubber good for display or parts (C&R)........................................................................................$110
grips, made in 1919 (C&R) ...............................................................................................$245 25-S. Japanese Government 8mm Nambu Type 14 WW-II Auto Pistol 4
8-S. Colt .38 Special “Officers Model” Target Revolver 6” barrel with mint ½” barrel with bright but worn and lightly pitted bore, 98% of a good looking refinish blue,
bore, 95% original blue fading and graying a bit on its barrel, target bead front and “U” notch fixed sights, matching numbers on metal, mismatch on nickel plated aluminum bottom maga-
target rear sight, excellent oversize target Walnut grips with thumbrest for a right handed zine, very good un-numbered serrated Asian hardwood grips, large triggerguard, made in 15.6
shooter, palm rest and very nice checkering, made in 1927 and still locks up tight as new (June 1940) (C&R) ...........................................................................................................$425
(C&R)................................................................................................................................$595 26-S. Japanese Government 8mm Nambu Type 14 WW-II Auto Pistol 4
9-S. Colt .38 Special “Official Police” Double Action Revolver 4” barrel with ¾” barrel with mint bore, 98%+ original blue, fixed sights, all matching numbers including
mint bore, 95% original blue, fixed sights, very good checkered Walnut service style grips excellent serrated grips and aluminum bottom magazine, round knurled cocking knob, 19.3
with silver Colt medallions, police department marked “N.P.D. No. 5” on butt, made in 1937 dated (March 1944), about as good as they come, collector quality (C&R) ......................$695
(C&R)................................................................................................................................$395 27-S. Japanese Government 8mm Nambu Type 14 WW-II Auto Pistol 4
10-S. Colt .38 Special Officers Model Heavy Barrel “Al Dinan” Accurized ¾” barrel with mint bore, 98% original blue over late war hasty machining, fixed sights, all
Target Revolver 6” barrel with mint bore, 98% original blue, custom widened hammer matching numbers including excellent serrated hardwood grips and blued body aluminum
spur, custom 1/8” wide target front sight using factory base and more stable elevation adjust- bottom magazine, large triggerguard style dated 19.7 (July 1944), an excellent example, col-
ment system, rear sight aperture slightly modified to work with front blade, nice smooth trigger, lector quality (C&R) ..........................................................................................................$695
mint custom checkered Walnut thumbrest finger groove grips of very high quality, bottom 28-S. Japanese Government 8mm Nambu Type 14 “Small Triggerguard”
barrel slat under ejector rod is stamped “Dinan”, a super target revolver that would be hard to Auto Pistol 4 ¾” barrel with excellent bright bore, 97% original blue with some scattered
beat today, made in 1937 with tight lockup and perfect timing (C&R) ..............................$795 very fine peppery pitting, fixed sights, all matching numbers except un-numbered, excellent
11-S. Colt .38 S&W “Police Positive” Double Action Revolver 4” barrel serrated hardwood grips and correct style and type nickel plated aluminum bottom magazine,
with excellent bright bore, 98% original bright nickel finish, fixed sights, excellent checkered 5.5 dated (May 1930), very nice looking and all original (C&R).......................................$795
Walnut service style grips with Colt silver medallions, excellent overall with a few light dings 29-S. Keltec 9mm Para Model PF-9 Auto Pistol 3” barrel with mint bore, (3) white
in barrel, made in 1919 (C&R)..........................................................................................$435 dot sights, bright blued upper of steel, lower is a matte black polymer, double action only, 7
12-S. Colt .45 Colt New Service Double Action Revolver 5 ½” barrel with shot finger rest magazine, about new in original box with spare flat bottom magazine .....$265
mint bore, 70% original blue with spots of holster and carry wear going a silvery gray, little or 30-S. Keltec 9mm Para Model P-11 Compact Auto Pistol 3” barrel with mint
no pitting, fixed sights, original checkered Walnut grips with silver Colt medallions are worn bore, (3) white dot combat sights, double action only, steel upper and polymer lower, 10 shot
almost smooth, lanyard at butt, nice tight lockup and excellent timing, made in 1940 (C&R) double column magazine with finger rest bottom, as new in original box with spare front and
..........................................................................................................................................$715 rear sights, spare recoil spring and flat bottom for magazine ...........................................$265
13-S. Colt .45 Colt New Service Double Action Revolver 7 ½” barrel with mint 31-S. Luger 9mm Para Model P-08 WW-I Auto Pistol 4” barrel with very good,
bore, 97% original bright blue with a little light thinning on barrel, 99% fire blue on back of bright but peppery pitted bore, “DWM” made 1916 dated, 30% original blue with light silvery
hammer and screw heads, mint checkered hard rubber Colt logo grips with number scratched gray on barrel, front strap and takedown plate, some light pitting near safety lever and a patch
on inside of right panel, super looker with lanyard at butt and fixed sights, made in 1925 of heavier pitting on right rear of upper, mixed part numbers, new looking full checkered
(C&R)..............................................................................................................................$1175 Walnut grips, new plastic bottom, good quality reproduction magazine, probably a good
14-S. Colt .455 Eley “New Service” Revolver 5 ½” barrel with mint bore, fixed shooter (C&R) ...................................................................................................................$595
sights, un-molested cylinder in .455 Eley, crossed pennants on frame along with “broad arrow” 32-S. Luger 9mm Para Model P-08 WW-I DWM Made 1915 Dated Auto
and “crown” over “19” over “E”, 95% original blue thinning on sharp edges and graying on Pistol 4” barrel with very good bright but lightly pitted bore, 96% original blue with thinning
straps, excellent Colt logo checkered hard rubber grips, made in 1915 and still locks up tight on sharp edges and right side of upper, 60% original straw color, all matching except correct
(C&R)................................................................................................................................$945 style and type WW-I wood bottom magazine, excellent dark Walnut full checkered matching
15-S. Colt .455 Eley “New Service” Double Action Revolver 5 ½” barrel with grips, not many WW-I’s left for collectors in this condition (C&R) .................................$1295
excellent bright bore, fixed sights, crossed pennants on frame along with “broad arrow” over 33-S. Luger 9mm Para Model P-08 “DWM” Made Pre WW-I Auto Pistol
“crown” over “68” over “E”, 90% original blue thinning and graying on cylinder and straps, 4” barrel with very good, strong bore with some light pitting, 97% fading original blue with
back strap marked “Hudson’s Bay Co.” no lanyard at butt, excellent smooth Walnut grips, made some silvering on sharp edges, 1912 dated chamber, “DWM” marked toggle, 60% original
in 1917, still locks up tight (C&R) ....................................................................................$895 straw color, correct smooth “no stock lug” backstrap, all matching numbers except unmarked
wood bottom magazine, these pre- WW-I Lugers have some unique features and are getting
16-S. Colt .45 ACP Double Eagle Series 80 “Lightweight Officers ACP” quite scarce (C&R) ..........................................................................................................$1145
Auto Pistol 3 ½” barrel with mint bore, 98% original blue, fixed sights, excellent Colt
logo checkered black plastic grips, spur hammer, de-cocking lever , checkered arched front 34-S. Luger 9mm Para Model P-08 “DWM” Made WW-I Auto Pistol 4” barrel
triggerguard, excellent function showing only minor light holster carry wear ...................$785 with fair pitted bore, 1917 dated, 95% original thinning blue, 70% faded original straw color,
complete “DWM” marked bolt assembly is a different number than the rest of this pistol, bar-
17-S. Enfield .380 Enfield (.38 S&W) “No. 2 MK I**” Top Break WW-II rel, frame and grips all have the same matching numbers, grips are very good full checkered
Revolver 5” flat sided ribbed barrel with mint bore, 98% original “War Finish” blue mixed Walnut, clip is a correct style and type WW-I wood bottom but non matching, nice looking
with a tinge of brown, all matching numbers, mint serrated black hard rubber grips, lanyard at WW-I Luger that functions fine (C&R) ..............................................................................$920
butt, many British “broad arrow” proofs, spurless hammer with double action only function,
made in 1943, all original and near new overall (C&R) ....................................................$465 CONTINUED ➡
PACK AND POSTAL CENTER Tel. (978) 368-0910
35-S. Luger 9mm Para Model P-08 Mauser Banner Police Auto Pistol 54-S. Smith & Wesson .22 LR Model K-22 Masterpiece “4 Screw”Target
4” barrel with very good bright bore showing a little pitting near chamber end, 99% original Revolver 6” pinned barrel with mint bore, 90% original blue with a couple spots of cleaned
chemical blue (no straw color at this time) small “Mauser banner” on toggle and “1938” cham- to gray on frame and cylinder, all matching numbers including excellent Walnut checkered
ber date, “Crown U” commercial proof on left side of upper, “Eagle K” police marked on right diamond center magna grips, made in 1956 (C&R)..........................................................$565
side of upper, all matching numbers including firing pin, grips and clip (blued body/aluminum 55-S. Smith & Wesson .32 S&W Logo .32 Hand Ejector Post War (Pre
bottom) grips are full checkered dark Walnut in excellent condition, “V” serial number suffix, Model 30) Revolver 2” pinned barrel with mint bore, 95% original faded blue with
only 275 estimated procurement in 1938, “chamber date”, “Mauser banner” and “eagle K” all sharp edge silvering, 95% faded case color, fixed sights, mint newer “J” frame “banana” style
whited in with grease pencil probably for photographic purposes, this one looks near new, sear smooth Goncalo Alves grips with silver S&W medallions, made in 1946 (C&R) .............$485
safety, numbered barrel and comes with (2) matching numbered magazines and brown leather 56-S. Smith & Wesson .32 S&W “Safety Hammerless” Top Break 2nd
holster with tool (C&R) ...................................................................................................$2495 Model Revolver 3” ribbed barrel with excellent bright bore, 95% original blue with fading
36-S. Luger 9mm Para “DWM” Made “1914 Model Navy” Auto Pistol 6” and browning on cylinder and some scattered light pitting, 95% case color, excellent S&W
barrel with very good bright but lightly pitted bore, 99% of a good quality refinish blue with logo checkered black hard rubber grips, “T” shaped latch, all matching numbers, excellent
all markings well retained and easy to read, 1917 dated chamber and left side rail, “DWM” function made around 1909 (C&R) ...................................................................................$235
toggle, all matching numbers in the commercial style except takedown sideplate (34 instead of 57-S. Smith & Wesson .38 Special Model K-38 “Target Masterpiece”
32) and wood bottom WW-I magazine, firing pin in un-numbered and excellent full checkered Revolver 6” pinned barrel with mint bore, 99% original blue with just a hint of a “drag line”
Walnut grips are from Nazi era WW-II Luger with someone’s name written on inside of right around cylinder, 99% vivid case color on target hammer and standard trigger, factory target
panel, no straw color (small parts were blued), sharp looking and quite scarce in any condition sights, minty diamond checkered “Magna” style grips with silver medallions, all matching
(C&R)..............................................................................................................................$2695 numbers including grips, made in 1949, collector quality (C&R).....................................$795
37-S. Luger .30 Luger Model P-08 “G” Date WW-II Auto Pistol 4” barrel with 58-S. Smith & Wesson .38 Special Model 13-4 Police Revolver 4” heavy
very good, bright bore with frosting in grooves, 90% original blue just thinning, no pitting or barrel with mint bore, 97% original bright blue, 90% faded case color, fixed sights, special
rust, just traces of straw color, “S/42” toggle with “G” date (1935) chamber, fixed sights, all police contract revolver in .38 special rather than .357 magnum as in most 13-4’s, excellent
matching numbers except correct style and type aluminum bottom magazine, excellent match- wrap around rubber finger groove grips............................................................................$425
ing full checkered grips, a nice original “G” date (C&R).................................................$1395 59-S. Smith & Wesson .38 Special Model 64-5 Double Action Only
38-S. Luger .30 Luger Model 1906 “American Eagle” Auto Pistol 4 ¾” Police Contract Revolver 4” heavy barrel with mint bore, fixed sights, spurless ham-
barrel with excellent bright bore, 92% original blue, 40% original straw color, “DWM” toggle, mer for double action only function, all stainless steel showing only minor wear on metal,
all matching numbers except wood bottom magazine, very good+ full checkered Walnut grips mint S&W checkered Walnut grips of the “Magna” style with silver S&W medallions, special
numbered to gun, un-numbered firing pin, a very nice correct “American eagle” in much bet- number factory stamped on both butt and left side of frame .............................................$475
ter than average condition, extractor is marked “loaded” and lower position of safety lever is 60-S. Smith & Wesson .38 Special Model 342 “Airlite TI” Hammerless
finished bright “up” lever position is on safety ...............................................................$2150 Revolver 1 7/8” barrel with mint bore, fixed sights with green fiber optic front, aluminum
frame and titanium 5 shot cylinder, mint wrap around rubber finger groove “boot grips”, shows
39-S. Luger .30 Luger Model 1920 Commercial Auto Pistol 3 ¾” barrel with little or no actual use and comes in a factory blue plastic case with some paper and look for
fair pitted bore, 90% original blue faded on left side, just traces of straw color, “DWM” on chamber ............................................................................................................................$465
toggle, blank chamber, all matching numbers in the commercial style, “Made in Germany” 61-S. Smith & Wesson .38 Special Model 637-2 “Airweight” Revolver
stamped on barrel, very good full checkered Walnut grips with the usual chipout just under 1 7/8” barrel with mint bore, fixed sights, S&W boot grips, as new in original box with
the safety lever, looks good and functions fine, clip is an aluminum bottom WW-II style (C&R) paper.................................................................................................................................$375
..........................................................................................................................................$865 62-S. Smith & Wesson .38 Special Model 637-2 “Airweight” Revolver
40-S. Luger .30 Luger Model 1923 Commercial Auto Pistol 3 5/8” barrel 1 7/8” barrel with mint bore, fixed sights, minty external finish on barrel, cylinder and most
with fair peppery pitted bore, 95% original blue with some spotty application of cold blue on of frame, there are some nicks and scratches just below “Airweight” on right side of frame
left side, all matching numbers in the commercial style just traces of straw color, very good (probably from a ring), minty “Banana” style checkered Walnut round butt grips with silver
full checkered Walnut grips, “DWM” on toggle, blank chamber, stock lug at rear, marked medallions, excellent in original plastic case with paper ..................................................$375
“Germany” on right side of upper, a nice looking, good functioning 1923 (C&R) ............$795 63-S. Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Model 13-3 Revolver 4” heavy barrel
41-S. Luger .30 Luger Model 1923 Commercial Auto Pistol 3 5/8” barrel with with mint bore, fixed sights, 98%+ original blue and case color, mint wrap around rubber
mint bore, 99% original blue, 80% faded straw color, fixed sights, “DWM” on toggle, blank finger groove grips, shows little actual use, manufactured in 1987 ..................................$465
chamber, “crown N” proofs, all matching numbers including excellent beech full checkered 64-S. Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Model 19-3 Revolver 2 ½” pinned barrel
grip panels, wood bottom magazine is correct style and type for a 1923 but non-matching, with mint bore, 98% original bright blue, 95% faded case color, ramp blade front and fully
collector quality overall (C&R)........................................................................................$1295 adjustable rear sights, excellent checkered Walnut round butt grips with silver medallions,
42-S. North American Arms .32 NAA D.A.O. Pocket Auto Pistol 2 ½” barrel there is an added stamped in number on left side of frame probably from a police or security
with mint bore, all stainless steel construction, large white dot front and white line rear sights, agency, made in 1974 .......................................................................................................$795
black pebble grain synthetic grips with “NAA” logo, finger rest 6 round magazine, as new in 65-S. Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum “Highway Patrolman” Pre-Model
box with pouch, spare stainless magazine, “NAA” logo brass padlock owners manual and (2) 28 Five Screw Revolver 6” pinned barrel with mint bore, 92% original blue with most
boxes of 32 NAA ammo (.32 NAA is a .380 ACP necked down to .32 caliber) Cor-Bon ammo loss on cylinder, factory target sights, matching numbers on barrel, cylinder, frame and magna
..........................................................................................................................................$335 style diamond center checkered Walnut grips, “S” prefix serial number, made in 1954, locks
43-S. Orbea Hermanos 8mm Lebel Revolver 4 3/8” pinned barrel with excellent up and times very well ......................................................................................................$525
bright bore, fixed sights, metal shows an old refinish blue that is going brown, all matching 66-S. Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum Model 629-2 Nickel Finish Factory
assembly numbers, excellent “HO” logo checkered black hard rubber grips, lanyard at butt, a Cased Revolver 8 3/8” barrel with mint bore, 99% bright original nickel finish, 99%
very good copy of a Smith and Wesson 1905 hand ejector M&P revolver, works well but no bright case color on target hammer and target trigger, red ramp / white outline target sights,
external markings on barrel or frame (C&R) .....................................................................$265 mint checkered walnut, non-speedloader, silver medallion target grips, excellent function,
44-S. Ruger .22 LR Mark I Target Auto Pistol 6 7/8” barrel with mint bore, 98%+ looks near new and comes in a factory mahogany flip top display case with blue interior and
original bright blue, 1/8” blade front and fully adjustable target rear sights, mint checkered cleaning tools, made in 1977............................................................................................$935
black plastic grips with “black eagle” medallion, made in 1974 and shows little actual use 67-S. Springfield Armory .45 acp Model “V-10” Ultra Compact Auto
..........................................................................................................................................$345 Pistol 3 ½” factory ported barrel with mint bore, 99% original matte black finish, factory (3)
45-S. Ruger .45 ACP Model SR-1911 Auto Pistol 5” barrel with mint bore, all dot “Novak” sights, adjustable aluminum trigger, skeleton hammer, full beavertail grip safety,
stainless construction shows little or no actual use, (3) white dot “Novak” combat sights, mint mint diamond checkered black rubber grips, looks and functions near new.....................$495
large diamond Rosewood checkered grips with black eagle medallions, as new in original box 68-S. Taurus .22 ACP Model PT 22 Auto Pistol 2 ¼” tip-up barrel with mint bore,
with spare magazine, Ruger pouch, paper and lock ..........................................................$715 99 ½% original matte black finish, simple open sights, double action only, near in original
46-S. Ruger .22 LR New Model Single Six Single Action Revolver 6 ½” black plastic case with (2) keys for integral lock and owners manual ...............................$235
barrel with mint bore, 99% original blue, ramp blade front and fully adjustable rear sights, 69-S. Taurus .25 ACP Model PT 25 Auto Pistol 2 ¼” tip-up barrel with mint bore,
minty dark Walnut (2) piece grips, (2) screw frame, made in 1986 and looks near new...$325 99 ½% original matte black finish, simple open sights, double action only, near in original
47-S. Ruger .32 H&R Magnum New Model Single Six Revolver 4 ¾” barrel black plastic case with (2) keys for integral lock...............................................................$235
with mint bore, fixes sights, 98%+ original blue and case color, mint imitation Ivory smooth 70-S. U.S. Government .45 ACP Model FP-45 “Liberator” Single Shot
grips with black eagle medallions, made in 2002 and shows little actual use ..................$585 Pistol 4” smooth bore barrel with very good bore, stamped sheet metal is sound with some
48-S. Sig / Sauer .40 S&W Model P226 Auto Pistol 4 ¼” barrel with mint bore, brown spotting and mild scattered pitting, works fine and is complete, made by the guide lamp
99% original matte black finish, white dot front and white line fixed sights, double or single division of General Motors during WW-II and intended for Clandestine Operations, cost to U.S.
action modes, decocking lever, near new in original black plastic case with (2) 10 round Government was less than $3 each (C&R)......................................................................$1085
magazines owners manual and test target.........................................................................$685 71-S. Walther 9mm Para Model P-38 WW-II “CyQ” Made Auto Pistol 5”
49-S. Sig / Sauer .45 ACP Model P220 Double Action Auto Pistol 4 3/8” barrel with good, strong, bright but pitted bore, 95% original blue silvering on sharp edges
barrel with mint bore, 99% original matte black, (2) white dot combat sights, Hogue finger and thinning on front strap, excellent serrated composition grips, comes in a nice WW-II
“P-38” marked soft flap holster by “JWa” with a soldiers name and I.D. number lightly
groove soft rubber grips, double and single action function, de-cocking lever, as new in scratched on back, spare magazine pouch and (1) “JVD” marked spare magazine (1) “P38V”
original box with paper .....................................................................................................$775 marked magazine in gun, a nice original package, all matching numbers, not import marked
50-S. Sig / Sauer .45 ACP Model P-245 Compact Auto Pistol 4” barrel with (C&R)................................................................................................................................$845
mint bore, 99% original matte black finish, (2) white dot combat sights, synthetic logo grips, 72-S. Walther 9mm Para Model P-38 WW-II “AC/ 45” Code Dated Auto
as new in original box with extra magazine, (3) magazine extensions, extra recoil spring and Pistol 5” barrel with good strong but peppery pitted bore, all matching numbers, early 1945
paper.................................................................................................................................$595 Walther production with no letter suffix, 90%+ original blue with some flaked off patches but
51-S. Smith & Wesson 9mm Para M&P 9 Shield Auto Pistol 3” barrel with no pitting, “WaA 359” P-38 marked magazine, mint serrated brown composition grips, excel-
mint bore, 99% original mate blue with steel upper and synthetic lower, (3) white dot low lent function, not recent import marked, a little unusual to find a 1945 production gun that is
profile sights, as new overall in a “Plano” plastic case with spare magazine....................$335 all matching (C&R) ...........................................................................................................$695
52-S. Smith & Wesson 9mm Para Model 5906 Stainless Auto Pistol 4”
barrel with mint bore, (3) white dot combat sights, stainless surfaces show little or no wear, CENTERFIRE RIFLES:
mint “Delrin” checkered logo grips, shows little actual use and comes with (1) 15 round S&W 73-S. British Government / Savage .303 British No.4 MK I* Model “U.S.
stainless magazine ............................................................................................................$485 Property” Marked WW-II Bolt Rifle 25” barrel with excellent bright bore, 95%
53-S. Smith & Wesson .22 LR Model K-22 “Masterpiece”Target Revolver original black finish, matching numbers, original military “ladder” style rear sight graduated
6” pinned barrel with mint bore, 97% original satin period blue, “5 screw” frame, target sights, to 1300 yards, stock has been cut to Sporter style, no upper wood or swivels, barrel is original
90% faded case color on standard hammer and trigger, excellent checkered Walnut diamond with bayonet fixture at muzzle, original magazine, could be brought back to original condition
center “magna” grips numbered to a different gun, all matching numbers on metal, made in with correct stock (C&R)...................................................................................................$235
1947 (C&R).......................................................................................................................$775 CONTINUED ➡
PACK AND POSTAL CENTER Tel. (978) 368-0910
74-S. British Government / Savage .303 British No.4 MK I* Model 90-S. Japanese Government 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 WW-II Bolt Rifle
Savage Made WW-II Bolt Rifle 25” barrel with good bore showing some pitting, 95% 26” barrel with good strong bore with frosting in grooves, 70% original blue but covered in
original blue, matching bolt, military style ladder rear sight graduated to 1300 yards, magazine peppery pitting, peened over “mum”, mismatch on bolt, ladder type “aircraft” arm rear sight,
has been modified to hold 5 rounds, stock has been cut to Sporter dimensions, original “trap” “wing” protected front sight, bolt handle has been turned down, laminate stock with opening at
style buttplate, no upper wood or swivels, original barrel with bayonet fixture at muzzle, new lamination, “cup” style buttplate, rear inletted swivel is missing, original wiping rod, somewhat
wood and magazine would make this one right again, not “U.S. Property” marked but has a crusty looking (C&R) ........................................................................................................$175
U.S. ordnance bomb on receiver(C&R) .............................................................................$235 91-S. Mannlicher-Schoenauer 7mm Mauser Model 1903 Full Stock Bolt
75-S. CZ .223 Remington CZ527 Classic Clip Feed Bolt Rifle 20 ½” barrel Carbine 17 ¾” barrel with excellent bright bore, 95% original blue, ramp blade front and
with mint bore, 99% original blue, no open sights but has integral scope bases on receiver for 2 leaf folding rear sights plus drilled, tapped and plugged on receiver ring and left side rail of
CZ rings, mint dark Walnut pistol grip stock with cut checkering, solid black rubber buttpad receiver, spoon type bolt handle is matching numbered to barrel, double set triggers, rotary
and added swivel “eyes” doesn’t look like its seen much firing ........................................$475 magazine, very good full length Mannlicher carbine stock with cut checkering, grip cap, added
76-S. Enfield 30/06 Model 1917 Eddystone Made WW-I Bolt Rifle 26” barrel vent rubber recoil pad and added swivel “eyes”, left and right side of forend have circular
with good strong but pitted bore and marked “E/11-18”, 95% thinning original blue, original mother of pearl inserts, buttstock was also equipped with mother of pearl inserts but all have
been filled with wood (C&R) .............................................................................................$695
military open sights, stock shows numerous Springfield Armory “eagles”, very good+ original
92-S. Mauser 6.5 Swede Model 1894 Bolt Carbine 17 ½” barrel with excellent
wood with all correct swivels and “trap” style buttplate, these are not often found with original bright bore, 95%+ original blue, all matching numbers including the bayonet fixtures were
finish (C&R) ......................................................................................................................$795 added after 1917, small carbine ladder type tangent rear sight graduated to 1600 meters,
77-S. French Government 7.5mm French Model 1936 Bolt Rifle 22 ½” receiver is marked with a “crown” and “Carl Gustavs/1918”, near excellent straight grip
barrel with mint bore, 95% original parkerized finish, military open sights, excellent hardwood stock with sling slot in butt with buckle still intact left side sling bar on barrel band, grasping
pistol grip stock with blued steel buttplate an sling bar and ring on left side, matching bolt but grooves and steel buttplate, still has its brass I.D. disc and remnants of a ranging table, near
mismatch on bottom of magazine, recent import marked receiver (C&R) .........................$315 excellent overall (C&R) .....................................................................................................$765
78-S. French Government 7.5mm French MAS Model 1936-51 Bolt Rifle 93-S. Mauser 8mm Mauser Model K-98 “42/1940” Code Dated Mauser
22 ½” barrel with excellent bore that still has packing grease in grooves and chamber area, Made WW-II Bolt Rifle 24” barrel with minty bright bore, 90% original faded blue, bolt
integral grenade launcher and sight installed, integral spike bayonet, military “peep” tangent is a mismatch with most other numbers matching, hooded front sight, tangent rear sight, very
sight at rear and “win” protected front blade sight, 95% original parkerized finish, very good good+ laminate pistol grip stock with “Waffen” and “Heers” proofs, matching steel buttplate
pistol grip hardwood stock with steel buttplate, sling bar at butt and sling ring at stock band, and side mount cut for sling and sling bar, has wiping rod (C&R) ...................................$825
wood shows some red marker pen writing on left side that is not readable, matching number 94-S. Mauser .358 Winchester Model VZ-24 Czech Custom Bolt Rifle 20”
on stock, the 1936-51 is a model 1936 with built in grenade launcher and is much rarer than commercial barrel with mint bore, 98% custom matte blue finish on barrel, receiver and small
the 1936, import marked (C&R) ........................................................................................$595 parts, bolt modified for scope use, scope style safety, no open sights but has a nice Tasco
79-S. French Government / Remington 8mm Lebel Model 1907/15 4x20mm scope in 1” rings and (2) piece bases, excellent Bell and Carlson synthetic pistol
Berthier Bolt Sporter Rifle 24” barrel with excellent bright bore, 95% original blue, grip stock with case in checkering, swivel “eyes” and push button release floorplate, excellent
military style “ladder” rear sight graduated to 2400 meters, slip on 1903 Springfield type blade work ..................................................................................................................................$375
front sight, excellent cut down rifle stock with original buttplate and swivels, very nice Sporter, 95-S. Remington 30/06 Model 742C Autoloader Carbine 18 ½” barrel with
made by Remington (C&R) ...............................................................................................$215 excellent bright bore, 92% original blue graying a bit at muzzle and hand carry point of
80-S. German / Italian 6.5 Carcano Karabiner 409 (1) Bolt Folding receiver, factory open sights plus a nice Redfield Widefield 2x7x55mm scope with post and
Bayonet Carbine 17 ½” barrel with good bore showing some spotty pitting, this is an crosshair reticule, mounted using Weaver 1” rings and Weaver flip over one piece base, excel-
Italian Carcano model 1891 carbine adopted by the Nazis as the Karabiner 409 for use in the lent figured dark Walnut pistol grip stock with skipline impress checkering, grip cap and logo
Italian theater, “Brescia” made in 1941, 95% original blue, carbine rear sight graduated to plastic buttplate, made in 1971 .........................................................................................$395
1500 meters and able to be flipped over for an open battle sight, stock has a nice crisp circular 96-S. Remington .308 Winchester Model 700 SPS Tactical Bolt Rifle 16
cartouche from Brescia is numbered to gun and has a Waffen eagle stamped in lower edge, ½” heavy barrel with mint bore and factory threaded and capped muzzle, 99 ½% matte black
comes with original folding bayonet and leather sling, a rare Nazi era Carcano (C&R) ....$695 finish, no open sights but a nice Nikon “Prostaff” 3-9x44mm scope has been installed using
1” quality rings and (2) piece bases, synthetic over-molded stock with pistol grip, soft rubber
81-S. Hungarian 8mm Hungarian Model 95 Straight Pull Bolt Rifle logo buttpad, factory swivel “eyes” in “Gille green”, as new overall in original box .........$675
20” barrel with very good bright bore, 85% original blue, small carbine “ladder” rear sight 97-S. Remington 30/06 Model 700 ADL Bolt Rifle 22” barrel with mint bore,
graduated to 2400 meters, mismatched bolt, barrel and receiver, very good+ Walnut stock with 99% original blue, ramp bead front and adjustable open rear sights plus Weaver (2) piece
bottom and side swivels, smooth steel buttplate and stacking pin (C&R).........................$195 scope bases that are incorrect for a 700 Remington, excellent lightly figured Walnut pistol grip
82-S. Japanese Government 6.5mm Arisaka Model 97 “Sniper” Bolt stock with skipline checkering, Monte Carlo, cheekpiece, checkered black plastic buttplate and
Rifle 31 3/8” barrel with very good bore having some frosting in grooves, 98% original blue swivel “eyes” with Q.D swivels attached ...........................................................................$395
with partially grooved receiver “mum” showing silvery gray metal, original 2400 meter gradu- 98-S. Rossi .357 Magnum model 92 SRC “Top Ten” Lever Carbine 20”
ated tangent rear sight and “wing” protected “inverted V” front sight plus correct original scope barrel with mint bore, 99% original blue, 99% gold on factory engraved receiver, factory open
mount on left side of receiver, matching bolt with slightly bent down handle, near excellent sights, left side of receiver marked “Interarms / Rossi - Top Ten -1978”, excellent Brazillian
laminate Asian hardwood pistol grip stock with steel buttplate, mono-pod mount front sling hardwood straight grip stock with smooth blued steel carbine buttplate, saddle ring on
swivel (no monopod), inletted rear sling swivel, push button inside triggerguard to release receiver, looks new but has a small scrape mark on right side of magazine tube..............$675
floorplate, all milled parts, missing dust cover, wiping rod and scope (C&R) ................$2795 99-S. Springfield 30/06 Model M-1D Sniper Rifle 24” barrel with excellent bright
83-S. Japanese Government 6.5mm Arisaka Type 38 Bolt Rifle 31 ½” barrel bore, unmarked in the usual position but probably a Winchester marked at 12:00 o’clock rather
with fair bore, 80% original blue, correct military open sights, upper tang, follower, follower than 3 o’clock, 95% nice arsenal rebuild parkerized finish, all small parts including bolt are
spring and floorplate are missing, laminate stock is good but splitting at the lamination, “SA” marked, standard G.I. open sights plus a very nice original “M84” sniper scope mounted
original buttplate and sling swivels are intact, bolt does not match receiver, “mum” and other using the single serrated knob type with barrel block mount, lace on leather G.I. left side
Japanese characters are all present, add missing parts and rifle would be very nice (C&R) cheekpiece, flash hider and green cloth M-1 Garand sling newer style trigger housing group,
..........................................................................................................................................$195 very good unmarked birch stock with trap style buttplate with all swivels (C&R) ...........$2150
84-S. Japanese Government 6.5mm Arisaka Type 38 Sporter Bolt Rifle 100-S. Springfield 30/06 Model M-1 Garand WW-II Auto Rifle 24” barrel
19 ¼” barrel with excellent bright bore, 95% original blue, ground “mum” mismatch on bolt, with excellent bright bore, 98% of a commercial style refinish bright blue, barrel is marked
original tiny tangent “ladder” style carbine rear sight graduated to 2000 meters, tiny blade “SA/10-48”, all original military parts with “SA” marked bolt, op-rod, barrel and trigger hous-
front sight mounted on a barrel bloc, cut down Asian hardwood stock with no upper wood, no ing (old style) group, “lock-bar” rear sight, excellent refinished and lacquered stock, “trap”
swivels, tight laminate joint and cup style buttplate, needs wood to return to original (C&R) style buttplate, all correct swivels, nice function (C&R) ..................................................$1095
..........................................................................................................................................$215 101-S. Springfield 30/40 Krag Model 1898 Sporterized Bolt Rifle 22” barrel
85-S. Japanese Government 6.5mm Arisaka Type 38 Sporter Bolt with excellent bright bore, 75% original blue with most loss on 1898 dated receiver, 1903
Carbine 19 ¼” barrel with good strong bore with dark grooves, 95% nice refinish blue, Springfield “slip on” front blade sight and “Williams fool proof” rear peep sight, nice original
sporting ramp bead front and Redfield hunting style receiver mounted “peep” sight, no mum” Walnut straight grip stock cut down to Sporter dimensions with original smooth “trap” style
mismatch on bolt, cut down laminate Asian hardwood stock with tight lamination, added buttplate and sling swivels, a nice mild recoiling bolt Sporter ..........................................$325
vent rubber pad and sling swivels, bent down bolt handle and right side mounted sliding 102-S. Winchester .351 SL Model 1907 Clip Feed Auto Rifle 20” barrel with
mint bore, factory open sights, 95% original blue just tinning on receiver, excellent Walnut
safety(C&R).......................................................................................................................$185 pistol grip stock and forend, minty checkered hard rubber logo buttplate, made in1928
86-S. Japanese Government 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 WW-II Bolt (C&R)................................................................................................................................$595
Sporterized Rifle 26” barrel with very good bright bore, 95% original bright blue with 103-S. Winchester 30/06 Model 70 Featherweight Pre-64 Bolt Rifle 22”
“mum” and other markings still intact, correct “ladder” type tangent rear sight with no “aircraft” barrel with mint bore, 98%+ original bright blue hooded ramp bead front and open rear sights,
sight arms, bolt handle has been turned down, correct inverted “V” front sight, mismatched excellent Walnut pistol grip stock with cut checkering, factory sling swivels and aluminum
bolt stock cut to Sporter configuration with added high comb and vent rubber pad, original checkered buttplate, Monte Carlo, push button release hinged floorplate, made in 1955 but
wood could bring this one back to original configuration (C&R) ......................................$185 looks near new, collector quality (C&R) ..........................................................................$1475
87-S. Japanese Government 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 WW-II Bolt Rifle 104-S. Winchester .308 Winchester Model 88 Lever Carbine 19” barrel with
26” barrel with good but pitted bore, 95% original late war “last ditch” blue, “mum” is intact, mint bore, 99 ½% original bright blue, hooded ramp bead front and folding open rear sights,
matching bolt with dust cover, simple open last ditch rear sight, “blob welded” bolt, wooden mint Walnut pistol grip stock with grip cap, plastic buttplate, factory swivels at butt and barrel
buttplate nailed on, no provision for a wiping rod, missing its upper wood, laminate stock is band, factory drilled tapped and plugged for scope bases and receiver sights, mad in1969 and
very good with an extra coat of varnish, a good last ditch (C&R) .....................................$285 has an “H” prefix on serial number, looks near new overall (C&R) .................................$1595
88-S. Japanese Government 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 WW-II Bolt Rifle 26”
barrel with fair bore, 90% faded original blue, un-ground “mum”, original military “ladder” RIMFIRE RIFLES:
style open rear sight without “aircraft” bars, original front sight, original stock has been cut up 105-S. Cooey .22 S, L, & :R Model 82 Mannlicher Stocked Single Shot
Trainer Musket 27” barrel with excellent bright bore, 98%+ original bright blue, sporting
and had wood added to it at pistol grip and cheekpiece, wooden buttplate, needs new wood to open rear sight and “wing” protected blade front sight, excellent full length Walnut pistol grip
put back in original condition, matching bolt with handle slightly bent (C&R) .................$215 stock with blued steel buttplate and factory 1 ¼” sling swivels, made in Canada and later
89-S. Japanese Government 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 WW-II Bolt Rifle 26” became a part of Winchester, made in 1967 (C&R) ..........................................................$225
chrome lined barrel with excellent bright bore, 95% original blue with most loss on floorplate, 106-S. Henry Arms Co. .22 S, L, & LR Henry Pump Rifle 20” octagon barrel
original “ladder” type tangent rear sight with “aircraft” arms, wing protected front sight, ground with mint bore, 99 ½% original blue, factory open sights and grooved receiver, mint dark
“mum”, matching bolt, missing its dust cover and “”mono pod”, excellent laminate Asian Walnut straight grip stock with logo plastic buttplate, as new in original box with paper .$415
hardwood stock with “cup” style buttplate, correct side mount swivels and wiping rod, no
splits or cracks at laminate seam as is so often encountered, super looker (C&R) ...........$315 CONTINUED ➡
PACK AND POSTAL CENTER Tel. (978) 368-0910
107-S. Marlin .22 S, L, & LR Model 39A “Mountie” Lever Carbine 20” barrel 123-S. Ithaca 12 Gauge Model 27 Pump Shotgun 30” plain barrel with excellent
with mint bore, 99% original blue, 99% gold on trigger, factory open hooded ramp bead front bore, 2 ¾” chamber and fixed full choke, 98% of a good looking refinish blue, one lock screw
and sporting open rear sights plus a Bushnell 3-8x20mm “scope chief” 22 scope mounted missing on left side of receiver, good solid Walnut pistol grip stock with cut checkering, grip
using factory mount holes and scope chief base, mint Walnut straight grip stock with logo cap and serrated plastic buttplate, circular grooved pump handle is excellent, stock shows lots
plastic buttplate and factory swivels, extension fitted to hammer for scope use, made in 1964 of flaked off finish, a nice rainy day gun that has a nice slick action ................................$185
(C&R)................................................................................................................................$695 124-S. Ithaca 12 Gauge “Flues Model 1 ½ “ Ejector Side by Side
108-S. Remington .22 LR Nylon 76 Lever Rifle 19 5/8” barrel with mint bore, Shotgun 30” raised rib barrels with excellent bright bores, 2 ¾” chambers and fixed
98% original blue, ramp blade front and wheel adjustable open rear sights, excellent “Mohawk modified and improved cylinder chokes, 98% excellent quality refinish blue, factory engraved
brown” nylon stock with cast in checkering at pistol grip and forend, black grip cap and forend receiver has a nice scroll pattern but shows only traces of original case color, double triggers,
tip, butt tube feed lever gun, made in1962 (1st year) and the only lever gun produced by auto ejectors, excellent straight grip walnut stock with cut checkering and “kick-eez” solid
Remington (C&R)..............................................................................................................$725 black rubber buttpad giving an L.O.P. of 14 ½” with uncut wood, excellent crisp function, made
109-S. Remington .22 Short only Model 241-C “Special Grade” in 1921 (C&R) ..................................................................................................................$585
Speedmaster Butt tube feed Auto Rifle 24” barrel with mint bore, 99% original 125-S. Iver Johnson 12 Gauge “Hercules Grade” Ejector Side by Side
bright blue, factory open sights and factory drilled tapped and plugged for a folding tang sight Boxlock Shotgun 30” raised rib barrels with mint bores, 2 ¾” chambers and fixed full
at rear top of receiver, excellent factory checkered fancy grade Walnut pistol grip stock with and modified chokes, 98% original barrel blue, 95% original case color on receiver and a blue
checkered aluminum logo buttplate and matching checkered forend, stock shows a factory / gray mix on triggerguard, double triggers, auto ejectors, excellent Walnut pistol grip stock
gloss lacquer finish that shows some “closet storage” wear, excellent function but shows a with factory cut checkering, logo grip cap, “Jostam” vent rubber recoil pad that is probably a
little dried lubricant in action, all matching numbers and a super looking “Special grade” in factory installed pad and a matching lever release “splinter” style forend, excellent function
the very uncommon .22 short caliber, made in 1949 and probably one of the last “C” grades with crisp ejectors, very sharp looking old world side by side..........................................$675
made (C&R) ....................................................................................................................$1395 126-S. Remington 12 Gauge Model 48 Auto Shotgun 28” plain barrel with mint
110-S. Ruger .22 LR Model 10/22 Stainless International Clip Feed Auto bore, 2 ¾” chamber and fixed improved cylinder choke, 98%+ original blue, near excellent
Rifle 18 ½” barrel with mint bore, all stainless construction, factory open sights plus a very dark Walnut pistol grip stock with cut checkering, grip cap and added thin vent rubber buttpad,
nice 4x32m”Cabela’s Rimfire” scope mounted using 1” rings and a Weaver style one piece rail, made in 1953 and suffers only front a little finish loss where pad was added (C&R) .......$215
full length Mannlicher style stock is a green/black laminate pistol grip with logo grip cap, logo 127-S. Remington 12 Gauge Model 870 Express Pump Shotgun 26” vent
solid black rubber buttpad, factory swivels, logo nylon sling and stainless forend cap, looks rib barrel with mint bore, 3 ½” chamber and (4) screw in Remington choke tubes, 99 ½%
and functions near new .....................................................................................................$395 original parkerized finish, mint laminate cinnamon brown pistol grip stock with solid black
111-S. Ruger .22 LR Model 77/22 RS Clip Feed Bolt Rifle 20” barrel with mint rubber buttpad, as new in original box with spare choke tubes, tube wrench, manual and
bore, 99% original blue, all factory sights and scope bases, excellent Walnut pistol grip stock lock ...................................................................................................................................$325
with cut checkering, logo plastic buttplate and grip cap, swivel “eyes” , shows only a few stor- 128-S. Remington 12 Gauge Model 870 Express Pump Shotgun 28” vent
age dings in wood otherwise near new overall, made in 1984 (first year production) ......$495 rib barrel with mint bore, 3” chamber and screw in modified “Rem choke”, 98%+ original all
112-S. Winchester .22 LR Model 74 Butt Tube Feed “Pre War” Auto Rifle weather parkerized finish, excellent hardwood pistol grip stock with impress checkering, solid
24” barrel with excellent bright bore but having a shallow “ring” about 8” from chamber (does black rubber buttpad, looks unused ..................................................................................$295
not affect accuracy or function), 99% original blue, bead front and aperture rear sight which is 129-S. Remington 12 Gauge Model 870 Express Magnum Pump
part of “pop out” bolt, no small iris, excellent Walnut pistol grip stock with checkered buttplate Shotgun 28” vent rib barrel with mint bore, 3” chamber and screw in modified Rem choke,
and small loading port, made in 1940 (C&R) ...................................................................$335 98% original parkerized finish, very good hardwood pistol grip stock with impress checker-
113-S. Winchester .22 LR Model 77 Tube Feed Auto Rifle 22” barrel with mint ing, logo vent rubber recoil pad and matching pad and matching pump handle, looks unused
bore, 99% original blue, factory open sights plus grooved receiver, excellent Walnut pistol grip ..........................................................................................................................................$315
stock with flared out forend (early style) and logo plastic buttplate, added 1” sling swivels and 130-S. Remington 12 Gauge Model 870 Express Magnum Pump
good quality leather sling, made around 1958 (C&R) .......................................................$295 Shotgun 25” vent rib barrel with mint bore, 3” chamber and screw in modified “Rem choke”
114-S. Winchester .22 Winchester Auto Model 1903 Butt Tube Feed tube, 98% original parkerized finish, excellent hardwood pistol grip stock with Monte Carlo,
Auto Rifle 20” barrel with good bright bore but having a shallow “ring” about half way impress checkering, swivel “eyes” and solid black rubber logo buttpad, looks near new...$295
down, 98% original barrel blue, 98% well done factory looking receiver blue, replacement 131-S. Remington 20 Gauge Model 870 Magnum Pump Shotgun 26” vent
bead front and folding open rear sights, very good+ Walnut straight grip stock with crescent rib barrel with mint bore, 3” chamber and screw in modified Rem. choke, 98% original parker-
steel buttplate and matching forend with blued steel forend cap, wood has been professionally ized finish, excellent synthetic pistol grip stock with Monte Carlo, swivel eyes, soft rubber
refinished, very good looking ‘03, made in 1908 (C&R) ...................................................$295 buttpad that is a little sticky ..............................................................................................$285
115-S. Winchester .22 LR Model 57 Target clip Feed Bolt Rifle 22” barrel 132-S. Remington 20 Gauge Model 870 Express Magnum Pump
with excellent bright bore, 97% original blue taking on a slight brown caste, dovetail blade Shotgun 28” vent rib barrel with mint bore, 3” chamber and modified Rem choke tube, 99%
front, folding open dovetail rear and correct tiny Lyman “peep” lever operated receiver sight original parkerized finish, excellent hardwood pistol grip stock with impress checkering, solid
mounted using factory holes, good solid Walnut pistol grip stock with blued triggerguard/clip black rubber logo buttpad, shows little or no actual use ...................................................$315
guide, front barrel band and checkered steel buttplate, factory swivels and bolt safety, made in 133-S. Remington 20 Gauge Model 870 Express Magnum Rifled Barrel
1930 and shows mostly woods carry on stock (C&R) ......................................................$565 Deer Shotgun 20” fully rifled barrel with 2 ¾” chamber and mint bore, 98% original
116-S. Winchester .22 S, L, & LR Model 69-A “Grooved Receiver” Clip parkerized finish, rifle sights factory installed front and rear, very good brown laminate pistol
Feed Bolt Rifle 25” barrel with mint bore, 99% original bright blue, factory open sighs grip stock with impress checkering, logo solid black rubber buttpad and showing some
and grooved receiver, excellent Walnut pistol grip stock with nice color and figure, logo black scrapes in dark satin .........................................................................................................$365
plastic buttplate and swivel “eyes”, chrome plated bolt, trigger and triggerguard indicates late 134-S. Savage 16 Gauge Model 775A Autoloader Shotgun 28” plain barrel
production, made around 1960, original 5 shot magazine (C&R) .....................................$325 with mint bore, 2 ¾” chamber and fixed modified choke, 98% original blue with a few hairline
117-S. Winchester .22 S, L, & LR Model 72 Tube Feed Bolt Rifle 25” barrel scratches in roll engraved receiver, orange glow front sight and drilled and tapped for a
with mint bore, 99% original bright blue, factory open sights, mint dark figured Walnut pistol receiver sight, excellent dark Walnut pistol grip stock with cut checkering and serrated plastic
grip stock with logo hard rubber buttplate, looks and functions near new, collector quality buttplate, shows little actual use, made from 1950 to 1965 (C&R) ...................................$165
(C&R)................................................................................................................................$395 135-S. Winchester 12 Gauge Model 12 Pump Shotgun 30” plain barrel with
118-S. Winchester .22 Short Only Model 1906 Pump “Parts” Rifle 20” excellent bright bore, 2 ¾” chamber, and fixed full choke, 98% original blue on barrel and
barrel with rough pitted bore, metal shows only traces of original blue, barrel exterior shows magazine tube, 99% refinish blue on receiver which shows (2) drilled and tapped holes on left
lots of moderately deep spots o pitting, original sights, well dinged and dented buttstock with side for a receiver sight, excellent figured dark Walnut pistol grip stock with logo hard rubber
no buttplate, broken small smooth pump handle that is missing a good size chunk of wood on buttplate, buttstock and forend show a professional refinish, made in 1941 with a nice slick
left side and has no fastening screws, all that being said the gun still functions fine, just looks action (C&R) .....................................................................................................................$395
terrible, made in 1906 (C&R) ............................................................................................$175 136-S. Winchester 16 Gauge Model 12 “Pre-64” Pump Shotgun 28” plain
119-S. Winchester .32 Winchester Special Model 55 Takedown Lever barrel with mint bore, 2 ¾” chamber and fixed full choke, 98%+ original bright blue, excellent
Rifle 24” barrel with good but peppery pitted bore, 97% barrel and takedown tube blue, lightly figured Walnut pistol grip stock with logo plastic buttplate, made in 1954 and shows
receiver is mostly smooth light gray with blue mixed in, lever shows 75% blue, very good little or no actual use, collector quality (C&R) ..................................................................$795
Walnut straight grip stock with nice color and figure, serrated steel shotgun buttplate, factory 137-S. Winchester 12 Gauge Model 12 “Heavy Duck” Pump Shotgun
pedestal mounted bed front and sporting open rear sights plus upper tang drilled taped and 30” vent rib barrel with excellent bright bore, 3” chamber and fixed full choke, 98% original
plugged for tang sight, barrel is marked “nickel steel”, Shepard’s hooks eyelets at butt and on blue on receiver, 99% Simmons refinish blue on barrel and barrel extension, both receiver
forend cap, made in 1928 (C&R) ....................................................................................$1085 and barrel have correct offset proofs so rib must have been repaired or replaced by Simmons
at one time, blue match is excellent, excellent Walnut pistol grip stock with correct solid red
SHOTGUNS: rubber Winchester logo buttpad, grooved pump handle, made in 1957 and has a super smooth
120-S. Browning 12 Gauge Model A-5 Magnum Auto Shotgun 32” vent rib function (C&R) ..................................................................................................................$865
barrel with mint bore, 3” chamber and fixed full choke, 99% original bright blue with nicely 138-S. Winchester 16 Gauge Model 24 Side By Side Shotgun 28” barrel with
engraved receiver, minty figured Walnut pistol grip stock with factory vent pad, looks near new raised rib, mint bores, 2 ¾” chambers and fixed improved cylinder and modified chokes, 99%
overall, made in 1971 Belgian made .................................................................................$975 factory looking bright blue refinish, excellent refinished Walnut pistol grip stock with added
121-S. Browning 12 Gauge Model A-5 Japanese Auto Shotgun 28” vent rib vent rubber recoil pad, made in 1947, double triggers and extractors (C&R) ...................$395
barrel with mint bore, 2 ¾” chamber and fixed modified choke, 99 ½% original bright blue, 139-S. Winchester 20 Gauge Model 101 Over/Under Shotgun 26 ½” barrel
nicely engraved receiver, gold trigger, minty lightly figured Walnut stock with cut checkering with (2) bead vent rib, mint bores, 2 ¾” chambers and fixed skeet and skeet chokes, 98%
and logo plastic buttplate, this one looks and functions as new, made in 1980................$895 original bright blue, nice cut scroll engraved receiver, mint “piano finish” dark figured Walnut
122-S. Browning 16 Gauge Model A-5 Pre-War Grade II Auto Shotgun pistol grip stock with cut checkering, grip cap, Pachmayr “decelerator” pad giving L.O.P. of 13
26” matching numbered vent rib barrel with 2 9/16” chamber (65mm), mint bore and fixed ¾”, single selective trigger, auto ejectors ........................................................................$1295
modified choke, 98% original blue with some scattered peppery pitting mostly on right rear of 140-S. Winchester 12 Gauge Model 59 Autoloader Shotgun 26” “Win-lite”
receiver, extensive grade II cut engraving on receiver, near excellent Walnut pistol grip stock barrel with mint bore, 2 ¾”” chamber and “Versalite” improved cylinder screw in choke tube
with round knob, cut checkering, fancy “FN” logo horn buttplate and matching un-cracked with compensator slots, 98% original blue with some minor scratches in the outer fiberglass
forend, left side of barrel is marked “Browning Arms Co. Ogden Utah” over “modified 16 shell of the barrel, roll engraved alloy receiver with no signs of cracking around the end of the
special steel”, right side of barrel is marked “made in Belgium”, all matching parts including cocking handle slot, excellent Walnut pistol grip stock with factory cut checkering, logo plastic
numbered screw heads, buttstock has had a rectangular piece of mother of pearl inletted on buttplate and matching forend, excellent function showing little if any actual use, made in 1965
bottom edge, old style inside front of triggerguard safety, made in 1933 and really shows off (last year of production) shows some very interesting innovations including the practically
pre-war quality (C&R) .....................................................................................................$1495 indestructible barrel and factory screw in chokes (C&R) ..................................................$495



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94 | GunDigest the magazine SEPTEMBER 2017

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Premiums Paid For
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MK-3 Hammer-Release Spacer .. $8.95 4679 Sugar Run Rd., Millerstown, PA 17062 Once fired brass
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Accuflite Custom Rifles
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Gun Barrels
BROOME FIREARMS, INC. Over 1,000 guns in stock
We have this ad Harvey Broome, PO Box 1014, Fitzgerald, Ga 31750
in every 4th issue Phone 229-423-2462 • E-Mail • We have many more barrels in
stock that did not make the ad
of the Gun Digest Shipping and Handling $15.00 – We are 20 minutes East of I-75 at Exit 82 Call Us
ITHACA REM-66 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. REMC PL 99% MATTE REM-182 11 87 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. REMC S. MOUNT 99% WIN-06 42 410 ga. 3 in. 25 in. CUTTS PL 95% ORGINAL
ITH-02 900 12 ga. 2 3/3 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 95% RECOILED FINISH ...........................................................................195.00 CATALEVER SCOPE MOUNT MATTE FINISH ..................250.00 MODIFIED CHANGE TO CUTT COMP..HAS FULL CHOKE
OPERATED .....................................................................295.00 REM-67 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 99% REM-183 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% ......195.00 TUBE ..............................................................................275.00
ITH-04 900 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 98% RECOILED ...195.00 REMC.............................................................................250.00 REM-184 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ......225.00 WIN-07 120 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S 99% SMOOTH
ITH-05 XL900 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 95% ................175.00 REM-68 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ............195.00 REM-185 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%...225.00 BORE .............................................................................225.00
ITH-06 37 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH REM-69 1100 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 18 3/4 in. CYL. PL 95% HOME REM-186 870 LH 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% STD .250.00 WIN-08 59 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% .................225.00
BORE .............................................................................295.00 DEFENSE........................................................................195.00 REM-187 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%...225.00 WIN-09 1300 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. SLUG R.S 99% SMOOTH
ITH-07 37 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% SIMMONS FITS REM-70 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% WITH AFTER REM-188 870 “12 ga,” 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% .........195.00 BORE .............................................................................225.00
855,000 UP ....................................................................295.00 MARKET CHOKE TUBE ..................................................225.00 REM-189 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ..........225.00 WIN-10 1500 XTR 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99%..........225.00
ITH-09 300 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 90% RECOILED REM-71 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. NEW ........250.00 REM-190 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. FULL PL 99% ..........250.00 WIN-11 1300 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S 99% SMOOTH
OPERATED .....................................................................175.00 REM-72 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 90% ..............175.00 REM-191 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..........225.00 BORE .............................................................................225.00
ITH-12 300 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 99% ................295.00 REM-73 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ............225.00 REM-192 1100 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ..........250.00 WIN-12 120 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. WIN VR 99% .............225.00
ITH-13 900 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 In. IC VR 98% RECOILED REM-74 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH REM-193 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. IC VR 96%.................195.00 WIN-13 1300 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S 99% SMOOTH
OPERATED .....................................................................195.00 BORE .............................................................................275.00 REM-194 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 181/2 in. CYL. PL 99% FACTORY BORE .............................................................................225.00
ITH-14 87 12 ga. 23/4-3 24 in. MOD VR 99%.....................250.00 REM-75 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% LH .250.00 POLICE BARREL ............................................................225.00 WIN-16 50 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. POLY PL 98%.................195.00
ITH-15 300XL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. IM VR 98% 900XL GAS REM-76 11 87 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% STEP RIB REM-196 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 98% ............250.00 WIN-17 12 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL PL 95% .......................295.00
OPERATED .....................................................................295.00 TARGET..........................................................................250.00 REM-197 870 LH 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. MOD VR 98%.......250.00 WIN-18 1300 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. WIN VR 95% ...........175.00
ITH-16 37 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% FITS BELOW REM-77 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ............225.00 REM-198 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. REMC VR NEW ........275.00 WIN-21 1500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 22 in. WIN VR 99%
855,000 .........................................................................295.00 REM-78 11 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 85% WILL FIT REM-199 870 LT.20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 99% CAMEO ..........................................................................275.00
ITH-19 XL900 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% 300 GAS AMERICAN BROWNING .................................................225.00 SMOOTH BORE..............................................................225.00 WIN-22 50 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 30 in. FULL PL 99%.................295.00
OPERATED .....................................................................295.00 REM-80 58 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% ................350.00 REM-200 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 98% WIN-23 50 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .................275.00
ITH-20 37 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 98% EARLY REM-81 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. REMC PL 99% MATTE EXPRESS .......................................................................195.00 WIN-28 50 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 95% .................225.00
MODEL ..........................................................................325.00 FINISH ...........................................................................195.00 REM-201 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..........225.00 WIN-32 1400 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% .............195.00
ITH-21 300 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% FITS 900 .195.00 REM-82 1100 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. HASTING VR 99% CHOKE TUBE REM-203 870 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98%........195.00 WIN-38 SUPERX-1 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98%....395.00
ITH-24 300 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 97% 900 RECOIL ......................................................................................250.00 REM-204 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. FULL PL 99% ..........250.00 WIN-41 59 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 80% ......................175.00
OPERATED, SMOOTH BORE ..........................................195.00 REM-83 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 95% EXPRESS REM-205 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..........225.00 WIN-49 SX-1 12 Ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% .............225.00
ITH-25 37 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 95% FITS 855,000 FULLY RIFLED................................................................225.00 REM-206 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ..........250.00
REM-84 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. CYL. PL 95% CUT FROM 28 BENELLI
& UP ..............................................................................250.00 REM-207 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. IC PL 99% ...............195.00 BEN-01 SUPER 90 M1 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. TUBE VR 99%
ITH-26 37 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% ..................225.00 INCH ..............................................................................150.00 REM-208 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% ............195.00
REM-85 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. fULL VR 98% ............225.00 ......................................................................................450.00
ITH-28 XL900 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 99% 300 REM-210 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. REMC VR NEW BEN-02 SUPER NOVA 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 28 in. INV. VR 99%
GAS OPERATED .............................................................275.00 REM-86 58 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ................295.00 3 CHOKES ......................................................................275.00
REM-87 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ............175.00 ......................................................................................295.00
ITH-30 37 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% FITS 855,000 REM-211 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ............250.00 BEN-06 M-2 LH 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 99% ........425.00
& UP, SMOOTH BORE ....................................................195.00 REM-88 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. FULL PL 98% ......225.00 REM-212 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% ......195.00
SAVAGE REM-89 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ............195.00 REM-213 1100 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. 99% BROWNING
REM-90 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. IC VR 99%...................250.00 SMOOTH BORE..............................................................325.00 BR-01 B80 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 20 1/2 CYL PL 98% .................195.00
SAV-01 AUTO 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 95% ..............175.00 REM-91 1100 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 In. REMC VR 99% ..........395.00 BR-02 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% ............295.00
SAV-02 FOX BSE 410 ga. 21/2-3 in. 26 in. FULL/FULL VR REM-214 1100 LW 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 97% ..........225.00
REM-92 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 97% ............225.00 REM-215 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99% ............250.00 BR-03 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% FACTORY MISS
98% ...............................................................................495.00 REM-93 58 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH STAMPED ......................................................................495.00
REM-216 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ..........250.00
MARLIN BORE .............................................................................350.00 REM-217 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ............225.00 BR-04 A-5 BEL S.16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .......495.00
MARL-1 120 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL PL 90% NO MARLIN REM-94 1100 12 Ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ............175.00 REM-218 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. FULL PL 99% ..........250.00 BR-05 1-5 JAP 20 ga. 3 in. 26 In. IC VR 99% .....................475.00
MARKINGS ....................................................................150.00 REM-95 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 21 in. SLUG R.S. 99% FULLY BR-06 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. IC VR 99% ...............495.00
RIFLED...........................................................................250.00 REM-219 58 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ..............295.00
MARL-2 120 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 90% ..............195.00 REM-220 1100 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 21 in. SLUG R.S. 99% BR-07 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. SKEET PL 98% ........425.00
MARL-3 120 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% ..............195.00 REM-96 11 87 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99% BR-08 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% ..........395.00
TARGET..........................................................................275.00 SMOOTH BORE EXCELLENT REFINISH .........................325.00
MARL-6 MARK 1 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. R.S. NEW REM-221 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ..........250.00 BR-09 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 95% ................325.00
REBLUED .......................................................................115.00 REM-97 11 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 95% ................295.00 BR-10 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ...............150.00
REM-98 11 87 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99% REM-222 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ..........250.00
MOSSBERG REM-224 11 87 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. REMC VR 95% BR-11 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. INV VR 99% ...................295.00
MOS-01 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 95% ...........145.00 TARGET..........................................................................275.00 BR-12 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99%...............250.00
REM-99 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 96%.............195.00 TARGET..........................................................................225.00
MOS-02 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ............145.00 REM-225 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ..........250.00 BR-13 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98%...............250.00
MOS-03 5500 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98%.........185.00 REM-100 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% BR-14 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..........450.00
REFINISHED ..................................................................195.00 REM-226 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 98% .........295.00
MOS-05 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ...........195.00 REM-227 1100 410 ga. 3 in. 25 in. IC PL 95% ...................225.00 BR-15 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 98% MOD OPENED UP
MOS-06 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH REM-102 1100 12 g 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98%.............225.00 TO IC..............................................................................195.00
REM-103 870 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 26 in. REMC VR 99% SUPER REM-228 1100 410 ga. 3 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99%...............250.00
BORE .............................................................................165.00 REM-230 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ............225.00 BR-16 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV.+ VR 98% ...........375.00
MOS-07 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 90% ............115.00 MAG MATTE FINISH ......................................................225.00 BR-17 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. IC VR 98%...................250.00
REM-104 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% ............175.00 REM-231 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ............225.00
MOS-08 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ............125.00 REM-232 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ............225.00 BR-18 A-5 BEL 16 ga. 2 9/16 ga 26 in. CYL S.R. 99%
MOS-09 500 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. IC PL 95%.................150.00 REM-105 870 LW 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR NEW............250.00 STANDARD ....................................................................550.00
REM-106 1100 410 ga. 3 In. 25 In. MOD PL 97% ..............175.00 REM-233 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% .......225.00
MOS-10 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ............145.00 REM-234 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% .......225.00 BR-19 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 80% ................325.00
MOS-11 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 181/2 CYL PL 90% .............135.00 REM-107 1100 12 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99% SPECIAL BR-20 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 99% ..........495.00
PURPOSE MATTE FINISH ..............................................250.00 REM-235 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL NEW ..........145.00 BR-21 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99% HIGH RIB
MOS-12 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% ............150.00 REM-108 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 20 in. CYL. PL 98% CUT FROM REM-236 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99%...........225.00
MOS-13 1000 12 ga. 3 in. 26 in. ACU CHOKE VR 99%.......225.00 REM-237 870 LH 12 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 34 In. CHOKE VR NEW SKEET, IVORY BEADS ....................................................295.00
MOS-14 835 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% PORTED 28 INCH FULL ................................................................175.00 BR-22 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV.+ VR NEW SL .....425.00
REM-109 870 LH 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% ......225.00 HASTINGS .....................................................................395.00 BR-23 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in FULL PL 99% .................225.00
FULLY RIFLED, CAMEO..................................................225.00 REM-110 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 99% ............195.00 REM-238 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99 ..............225.00
MOS-17 500 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ............125.00 REM-239 870 LH 12 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 36 in. CHOKE VR NEW BR-24 A-500 G 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV VR 98% ..........295.00
MOS-30 835 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 28 in. ACU CHOKE VR 97% UNI REM-111 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 30 in. REMC VR 99% ........250.00 BR-25 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 30 IN. FULL VR 99% .........495.00
REM-112 1100 STD 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98%...195.00 HASTINGS .....................................................................395.00 BR-26 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..............250.00
MAG...............................................................................145.00 REM-113 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. REMC PL 99% MATTE REM-240 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% BR-27 BPS 20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99%.............150.00
REMINGTON FINISH ...........................................................................195.00 EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 BR-28 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 In. IC PL 99% ....................250.00
REM-01 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 90% ............150.00 REM-114 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 90% ..........150.00 REM-241 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% BR-29 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ...............195.00
REM-02 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 21 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH REM-115 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 90% ..........175.00 EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 BR-30 A-5 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. SLUG R.S. 99% HASTING
BORE .............................................................................225.00 REM-116 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% ............195.00 REM-242 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ............225.00 MATTE FINISH STRAIGHT RIFLED.................................395.00
REM-03 1100 410 ga. 3 in. 25 in. MOD PL 98%.................225.00 REM-117 870 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 23 in. REMC VR 99% MOSSY REM-243 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99%...........225.00 BR-31 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 30 in. INV.+ VR NEW ..........425.00
REM-04 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98%........225.00 OAK AP CAMO ...............................................................250.00 REM-244 870 LW 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%....225.00 BR-32 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% .......395.00
REM-05 870 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 20 in. SLUG RS 99% EXPRESS REM-118 1100 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ...195.00 REM-245 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% ..........225.00 BR-33 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98%...............250.00
FIFLED ...........................................................................225.00 REM-119 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ...........175.00 REM-246 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. REMC VR 99% BR-34 2000 12 Ga. 2 3/4 In. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% ...........295.00
REM-06 11 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ................295.00 REM-120 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ..........175.00 EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 BR-35 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR NEW .............250.00
REM-07 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% .......250.00 REM-121 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 90% CAMEO REM-247 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ......225.00 BR-36 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ..........475.00
REM-08 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 95% LH ......175.00 DIPPED ..........................................................................225.00 REM-248 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ......225.00 BR-37 A-5 BEL S. 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. CYL PL 98% HOME
REM-11 1100 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. MOD VR 99% ..................250.00 REM-122 870 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 26 in. IC VR 98% R.S. REM-249 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% ..........195.00 DEFENSE, CUT FROM 26 INCH IMP CYL. ......................325.00
REM-11 11 87 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 23 in. SLUG R 99% SUPER MAG ADDED ...........................................................................150.00 REM-251 58 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. MOD VR 99% HASTINGS BR-38 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% ...............495.00
FACTOR CAMO...............................................................295.00 REM-123 58 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SLUG R.S. 98% ...........350.00 BARREL CHOKE TUBES MODIFIED AND IMP CYL ........250.00 BR-39 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL PL 95% ................350.00
REM-12 870 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 28 in. REMC VR 95% EXPRESS REM-124 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. REMC PL 99% MATTE REM-252 870 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 26 In. IC VR 99% BR-40 BPS 12 ga. 3 1/2 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH
MATTE FINISH ...............................................................195.00 FINISH ...........................................................................195.00 WINGMASTER ...............................................................195.00 BORE LONG EXTENSION ...............................................295.00
REM-13 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 23 in. MOD VR 99% LIGHT REM-125 870 LW 20 ga. 23/4-3 In. 28 in. REMC VR 99%..250.00 REM-253 1 100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%.....225.00 BR-41 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 In. IC PL 98% SMOOTH
CONTOUR ......................................................................225.00 REM-126 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ..........175.00 REM-254 Jan-03 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 95% .......195.00
REM-14 1100 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULLL VR 99% SPECIAL BORE .............................................................................375.00
REM-127 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% ............195.00 REM-255 8 70 12 ga. 3 in. 36 in. INV, VR NEW HASTINGS...395.00 BR-43 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99% ................495.00
PURPOSE MATTE FINISH ..............................................250.00 REM-128 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% ........250.00 REM-258 8 70 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 26 in. REMC VR 99% SUPER
REM-15 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99%............250.00 BR-44 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ..............250.00
REM-129 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 IN. MOD PL 98% ....250.00 MAG RECEIVER ONLY, REAL TREE CAMO .....................225.00 BR-45 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 99% EXCELLENT
REM-16 11 48 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 95% ...........375.00 REM-130 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 98% REM-259 8 70 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ...........195.00
REM-17 1100 LT.20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98%..............225.00 REFINISH .......................................................................395.00
EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 REM-261 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 98% .295.00 BR-46 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99%.................375.00
REM-18 870 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 30 in. REMC VR 99% MATTE REM-131 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% REM-262 1 100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98%.....225.00
FINISH ...........................................................................250.00 EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 BR-47 A-5 JAP 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. 28 IN. INV. VR 99% ..........495.00
REM-264 1 1 (RARE) 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR BR-48 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 98%........495.00
REM-19 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% ..........250.00 REM-132 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28in. MOD VR 98% .......225.00 98% ...............................................................................495.00
REM-20 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. REMC PL 99% MATTE REM-133 870 12 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98%...................195.00 BR-49 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in MOD VR 98% ...............250.00
REM-265 1 100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 98%.......275.00 BR-50 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 IN. MOD PL 98%..........395.00
FINISH ...........................................................................195.00 REM-134 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ............225.00 REM-268 1 100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%.....225.00
REM-21 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. FULLY PL 99% REM-135 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. MOD VR 99% SPECIAL BR-51 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH
REM-271 870 LW 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ............225.00 BORE .............................................................................375.00
CANTALEVER SCOPE MOUNT RIFLED MATTE FINISH ..250.00 FIELD .............................................................................225.00 REM-272 11 48 410 ga. 3 in. 25 in. FULL VR 99% EXCELLENT
REM-22 870 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 28 in. REMC VR 98% EXPRESS REM-136 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ..........175.00 BR-52 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% ..........395.00
REFINISH .......................................................................450.00 BR-53 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 99%...............295.00
SUPER MAG ..................................................................225.00 REM-137 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 20 in. CYL. PL 99% HOME REM-273 870 STD 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ..........325.00
REM-23 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 21 in. SLUG R.S. 95% SMOOTH DFENSE..........................................................................195.00 BR-54 A-500G 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 99% ..........295.00
REM-275 11 87 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. REMC VR 99% BR-55 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98%..............250.00
BORE MATTE FINISH .....................................................195.00 REM-138 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ............195.00 TARGET..........................................................................250.00
REM-24 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%........225.00 REM-139 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. REMC VR 98% ........250.00 BR-56 2000 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% .....................295.00
REM-279 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. ITC VR 96% SHORTENED BR-57 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% ................350.00
REM-25 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% LH.250.00 REM-140 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ............225.00 WITH ITX IMP CYL CHOKE TUBE ED TO ITC CHOKE
REM-26 870 410 ga. 3 in. 25 in. IC PL 99% .......................225.00 REM-141 870 LT.20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 99% BR-58 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99%.................450.00
TUBE ..............................................................................195.00 BR-59 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 98%................225.00
REM-27 870 20 Ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. REMC VR 98% SMOOTH BORE..............................................................225.00 REM-283 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ............175.00
WINGMASTER ...............................................................250.00 REM-142 11 87 12 Aga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. REMC VR 98% MATTE BR-60 A-500G 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 98% ..........225.00
REM-284 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 In. 28 in. REMC VR 99% FACTORY BR-61 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98%...........395.00
REM-28 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% ............175.00 FINISH ...........................................................................250.00 CAMO ............................................................................250.00
REM-29 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 95%..........225.00 REM-143 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% ............195.00 BR-62 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95%...........295.00
REM-290 870 12 ga. 3 In. 30 in. FULL VR 98%..................195.00 BR-63 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98%...........395.00
REM-30 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% ........175.00 REM-144 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ......195.00 REM-304 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..........225.00
REM-31 870 LW 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. IC VR 99% ..........175.00 REM-145 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 95% ............175.00 BR-64 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ................495.00
REM-311 870 LH 20 Ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. FULL VR 99%......250.00 BR-65 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH
REM-32 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ............225.00 REM-146 870 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% REM-313 1100 LW 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 97% ..........250.00
REM-33 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% ..............195.00 WINGMASTER ...............................................................125.00 BORE .............................................................................395.00
REM-34 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. IC VR 99%...................250.00 REM-147 1100 STD 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98%.........225.00 BERETTA BR-66 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ..........495.00
REM-35 11 48 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. FULL PL 98% ...........450.00 REM-148 870 LT. 20 ga.2 3/4-3 in. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 96% BER-01 AL48 20 ga. 2 3/ 4 in. 20 in. CYL VR 98% CUT FROM 26 BR-67 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD PL 98%...........425.00
REM-37 870 LW 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%......225.00 WINGMASTER ...............................................................135.00 INC IC ............................................................................225.00 BR-68 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in INV. + VR 98% ...........395.00
REM-38 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ............225.00 REM-149 870 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. TUBES VR 99% BRILEY BER-02 303 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH BR-69 A-5 BEL LT-12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL S.R. 90% ...395.00
REM-39 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ..............225.00 CHOKE TUBES (3)..........................................................295.00 BORE .............................................................................295.00 BR-70 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 201/4 VR 95% ....................275.00
REM-40 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. 98% .........195.00 REM-150 11 87 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. SLUG VR 98% FULLY BER-03 303 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. TUBE VR 99% HAS BEEN BR-71 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ...............250.00
REM-41 1100 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ............295.00 RIFLED, CANTALEVER SCOPE MOUNT..........................225.00 CAMEO ..........................................................................295.00 BR-72 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 30 in. FULL VR 99% ..............250.00
REM-42 1100 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% .....250.00 REM-151 870 STD 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% .....250.00 BER-04 303 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% HAS BEEN BR-73 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL PL 95% ................350.00
REM-43 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99%............250.00 REM-152 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. MOD VR 99%..........225.00 CAMEO ..........................................................................275.00 BR-74 A500G 12 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR NEW ..........295.00
REM-44 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 99% EXPRESS REM-153 870 LW 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 20 in. SLUG R.S. 99% 225.00 BER-05 303 12 ga. 3 in. 26 in. TUBE VR 98% ....................295.00 BR-75 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ...............250.00
FULLY RIFLED MATTE FINISH .......................................250.00 REM-154 8 70 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ...........225.00 BER-06 301 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. TUBE VR 98% FACTORY TUBE BR-76 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in FULL VR NEW ..........495.00
REM-45 1100 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ......250.00 REM-155 8 70 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. REMC VR 99% .......225.00 CHOKE ...........................................................................225.00 BR-77 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD S.R. 99% MARKED
REM-46 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% EARLY REM-156 8 70 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ...........225.00 BER-07 390 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 98% ..........325.00 FULL BUT IS MOD. ........................................................495.00
BBL, MATTE FINISH .......................................................195.00 REM-157 1 100 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% .........225.00 BER-08 303 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. 99% ............295.00 BR-78 DOUBLE 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% AUTO ..325.00
REM-47 870 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 28 in. REMC VR 99% MATTE REM-158 8 70 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% ...........195.00 BER-09 AL 390 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. INV. VR 99% .........425.00 BR-79 2000 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% .....................295.00
FINISH ...........................................................................250.00 REM-159 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ......225.00 BER-10 303 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH BR-80 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95%...........295.00
REM-48 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 95% ..............195.00 REM-160 1 1 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 98% BORE .............................................................................295.00 BR-81 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. “INV,+” VR 99%.......525.00
REM-49 11 87 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% .......250.00 FACTORY .......................................................................350.00 BER-11 391 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV. VR 98% URIKA II ..395.00 BR-82 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL PL 90% ................295.00
REM-50 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 In. XFULL PL 98% MARKED REM-161 1 100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% .........250.00 SMITH & WESSON BR-84 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. INV.+ VR NEW .........650.00
MOD BUT XFULL ...........................................................195.00 REM-162 1 100 410 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .............475.00 SW-01 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% ...................250.00 BR-85 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. INV.+ VR NEW .........650.00
REM-51 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 95%.............175.00 REM-163 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SW-02 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99%............250.00 BR-86 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% .....................295.00
REM-52 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. REMC PL 99% MATTE SMOOTH BORE..............................................................225.00 SW-04 1000P 20 ga. 3 In. 26 in. IC VR 99% 3000P ...........175.00 BR-87 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 98%....................250.00
FINISH ...........................................................................195.00 REM-164 870 LW 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ............250.00 SW-06 1000P 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. CHOKES VR 99% 3000P WITH BR-88 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL PL 98% ................395.00
REM-53 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 In. 28 in. REMC VR 99% REM-165 870 LW 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% BR-89 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99% EXCELLENT
EXTRA CHOKE ...............................................................175.00 REFINISH .......................................................................495.00
EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 WINGMASTER ...............................................................225.00 SW-07 1000P 20 ga. 3 In. 28 in. FULL VR 97%..................145.00
REM-55 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. REMC VR 99% ..........250.00 REM-166 1100 STD 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99%.........225.00 BR-90 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 98% ................495.00
SW-08 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR NEW .............225.00 BR-91 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 95% ...............375.00
REM-56 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 98%.............175.00 REM-167 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% SW-09 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ..............215.00
REM-57 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ........225.00 WINGMASTER ...............................................................225.00 BR-92 B80 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% ...........295.00
SW-10 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in 28 in. FULL VR NEW ..............225.00 BR-93 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV,+ VR 98% ...........450.00
REM-58 870 12 ga. 2 3/4-3 In. 18 In. CYL. PL 98% STAINLESS REM-168 58 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. CYL. PL 98% CUT FROM 28 SW-11 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% ..............225.00
STEEL ............................................................................250.00 INCH MOD .....................................................................225.00 BR-94 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% ................395.00
REM-59 1100 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 98% OPENED SW-12 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 In. FULL VR NEW .............225.00 BR-95 A-5 JAP 12 GA. 3 in. 28 IN. INV.+ VR NEW ..............725.00
REM-169 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% ........250.00 SW-14 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99%............250.00
TO IC..............................................................................225.00 REM-171 1100 28 ga. 2 3/4 in. 25 in. MOD PL 99% ..........250.00 BR-96 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% ............295.00
REM-60 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 98% REM-172 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% ........250.00 SW-17 1000 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 In. FULL VR 95%..............175.00 BR-97 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 98% ................395.00
EXPRESS .......................................................................225.00 REM-173 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 98% ......195.00 WINCHESTER BR-98 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%.................295.00
REM-61 870 STD 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 99% ....350.00 REM-174 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. REMC VR 99% ........250.00 WIN-01 50 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 99 .........................295.00 BR-99 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL VR 98% ................475.00
REM-62 870 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. REMC VR 99% ..........250.00 REM-176 1100 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ..........225.00 WIN-02 1200 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 In. FULL PL 95% MARKED BR-100 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 99%..............275.00
REM-63 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% BUILT BY REM-177 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99%...........225.00 SEARS ...........................................................................125.00 BR-101 A500G 12 ga. 3 in. 28 in. INVECTOR VR NEW .......295.00
MOSSBERG, SMOOTH BORE.........................................195.00 REM-178 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ......225.00 WIN-03 59 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95% .................195.00 BR-102 A-5 JAP 20 Ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. INV.+ VR 99%
REM-64 870 STD 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% ............350.00 REM-179 870 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 21 in. REMC VR 99% ........250.00 WIN-04 1200 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .............195.00 3 CHOKES ......................................................................525.00
REM-65 870 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 99% EARLY REM-180 1100 LT.20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 97%......195.00 WIN-05 12 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL PL 95% NO BBL BR-103 B80 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in FULL VR 99%......................195.00
BBL ................................................................................195.00 REM-181 870 LW 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 26 in. IC VR 98% ..........195.00 EXT.................................................................................350.00 BR-104 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% ........450.00
Harvey Broome, PO Box 1014, Fitzgerald, Ga 31750
Phone 229-423-2462 • E-Mail • Gunsmiths: Earn Extra CASH
BR-105 A-5 BEL S. 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. CYL PL 95% .....................................595.00
BR-106 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 95% .........................................375.00
BR-107 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 98% .............................................495.00
BR-108 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 In. 28 in. MOD PL 98% .............................................250.00
Rebluing Firearms
BR-109 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. IC VR 99%................................................295.00 Du-Lite’s bluing chemicals are used by Sig Sauer, Kimber, Henry Repeating, Weatherby,
BR-110 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 99%.............................................275.00
BR-111 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 30 in. FULL VR 99% ...........................................250.00
STI, Jesse James, Charter Arms, Kel-Tec & over 3,000 gunsmiths.
BR-112 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. INV. VR 99% ...............................................295.00
BR-113 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-31/2 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% LONG EXTENSION .........295.00
We are simply the World’s Best!
BR-114 BPS 12 ga. 3 1/2 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% long extension ..................225.00 Du-Lite’s system includes: 4 heavy duty 14-ga. Stainless steel, 6”x40’x8 3/8” extra deep tanks to process
BR-115 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 3 in. 28 in. INV.+ VR NEW ............................................725.00
BR-116 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 22 in. INV.+ VR NEW ......................................550.00 larger parts more safely. System includes a stand. (2) 39,000 BTU burners, one thermometer, safety
BR-117 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99%...........................................195.00
BR-118 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD VR 99% .......................................450.00 equip. operating instructions, start-up chemicals (50 lbs. of bluing salts, 25 lbs. of cleaner and 1 gallon
BR-119 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. INV. VR 98% .........................................495.00 of Kwikseal™ Oil). $2,195.00. Also available as a 5 tank system: 2 hot black oxide tanks, 2 rinse tanks,
BR-122 A-5 BEL S. 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. CYL PL 99% .....................................595.00
BR-123 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ............................................395.00 1 heated cleaner tank. This 5 tank setup will Black Oxide harden gun parts without them turning red.
BR-124 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. INV. VR 95% CREO COATED BLACK.....550.00
BR-125 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% .............................................495.00 $2,995.00. Includes chemicals. Both systems come with a free plastic oil tank.
BR-126 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% ........................................425.00
BR-127 A-5 BEL S. 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. CYL PL 99% .....................................595.00 Checks us out on our web at Custom built larger systems available.
BR-128 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ..................................................450.00
BR-129 A-500 G 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 99% ......................................250.00 *COMES WITH ENOUGH CHEMICALS TO REFINISH 50 RIFLES BEFORE THE NEED TO REORDER*
BR-130 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ...........................................295.00
BR-131 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% .......................................425.00
BR-132 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR NEW ......................................550.00
171 River Road, Middletown, CT 06457 U.S.A.
BR-133 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ..................................................450.00
BR-134 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 3 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH BORE ................495.00
BR-135 2000 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 98% ..................................................250.00
Phone: 860-347-2505 Fax: 860-347-9404
BR-136 BPS 20 ga. 2 3/4-3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ..........................................195.00
BR-137 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% .......................................495.00
BR-139 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. IC PL 98% ..................................................395.00 Email: Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
BR-140 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 97% .........................................395.00
BR-141 GOLD 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV.+ VR NEW .......................................450.00
CUT FROM 28 IN ..........................................................................................395.00
BR-143 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .............................................395.00
BR-144 B80 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH BORE .................295.00
AMMO, ANTIQUE/obsolete, in original
BR-145 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH BORE ..........395.00
BR-146 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% .............................................450.00
BR-147 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .............................................295.00 boxes. Most American sporting calibers LUGER, P-38
BR-148 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD PL 97%........................................395.00
BR-149 B80 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH BORE .................295.00 MAUSER BROOMHANDLE
BR-150 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99% .............................................450.00
BR-151 A-5 BEL 20 Ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in MOD PL 98% ........................................395.00
including obsolete rimfires. NO lists, Walther, exact reprints of German sales brochure, fac-
BR-152 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95%..............................................375.00
reloads, military/foreign. tory manuals, color, German text, $12 each postpaid.
BR-153 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99%..............................................395.00
BR-154 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 98% ............................................250.00
BR-155 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ..................................................450.00 140 S. Seminary St., Galesburg, IL 61401
BR-157 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. SKEET PL 99% .....................................425.00 Ray Giles, RTG Sporting Collectibles LLC,
BR-158 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL PL 99% .......................................395.00 309-342-5800
BR-159 A-5 BEL 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL S.R. 95% STANDARD WILL FIT
SWEET 16 .....................................................................................................650.00
BR-160 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 99% ............................................495.00
BR-161 A-5 BEL 20 Ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ............................................395.00
BR-162 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD PL 98%........................................425.00
BR-163 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 30 in. FULL VR 98% ...........................................250.00
BR-164 A-5 BEL 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL S.R. 95% STANDARD..................650.00
BR-165 2000 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 99% ..................................................250.00
BR-166 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 99% .........................................395.00 AMMUNITION FOR SALE GUNS & AMMUNITION
BR-167 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 98% .........................................395.00 224 WBY. 55 GR. Spire Point Hornady Interlock @ ...........$72.00
BR-168 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH BORE ..........495.00
240 WBY. 100 GR. Nosler Partition @..............................$98.00 English Text, 700+ pages all color. A comprehensive
BR-169 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. SKEET VR 98% ...........................................295.00
BR-170 2000 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99% ..................................................295.00 257 WBY. 100 GR. Spire Point Hornady Interlock @ .........$72.00 new reference $125 plus shipping available now.
BR-171 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD VR 98%..............................................295.00
BR-173 A-5 BEL S.16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 95% SIMMONS VR.............595.00 6.5-300 WBY. 127 GR. Barnes LRX @ ............................$98.00
BR-174 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .......................................495.00
BR-175 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98% .............................................450.00 270 WBY. 130 GR. Spire Point Hornady Interlock @ .........$72.00 140 S. Seminary St., Galesburg, IL 61401
BR-176 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 In. MOD PL 99% .............................................325.00 7MM WBY. 154 GR. Spire Point Hornady Interlock @ .......$72.00 309-342-5800
BR-177 A-5 BEL 20 Ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 85% ............................................295.00
BR-178 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% .......................................495.00 300 WBY. 180 GR. Spire Point Hornady Interlock @ .........$72.00
BR-179 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD PL 99%........................................395.00 30-378 WBY. 165 GR. Nosler Ballistic Tip @..................$158.00
BR-180 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .......................................495.00
BR-181 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 97% .......................................425.00 340 WBY. 225 GR. Spire Point Hornady Interlock @ .........$84.00
BR-182 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR NEW .............................................225.00
BR-183 A-5 BEL 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 95% STANDARD WILL FIT 338-378 WBY. 250 GR. Nosler Partition @ ....................$172.00
SWEET 16 .....................................................................................................395.00
BR-184 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 30 In. FULL PL 99% .............................................350.00
375 WBY. 300 GR. Nosler Partition @............................$134.00
BR-185 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .............................................495.00 378 WBY. 300 GR. Hornady Round Nose Expanding @ ..$158.00
BR-186 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 99% SMOOTH BORE ...............295.00 416 WBY. 400 GR. Hornady Round Nose Expanding @ ..$209.00
BR-187 A-5 BEL S. 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99% ...................................495.00
BR-188 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 99% .........................................425.00 460 WBY. 500 GR. Hornady Round Nose Expanding @ ..$182.00
BR-189 A-500G 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV VR 99% ........................................295.00
BR-190 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. INV VR 98% .........................................625.00 FREE SHIPPING AND NO SALES TAX
BR-192 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. INV VR 98% .........................................625.00
BR-193 BPS 12 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 IC VR 99% ....................................................295.00
BR-194 B80 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 28 in. INV. VR 99% .............................................295.00
Call Jack @ 706-462-2034
BR-195 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC VR 98% ............................................450.00
BR-196 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. MOD VR 99% .......................................450.00
BR-197 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. INV.+ VR 98% .......................................425.00 5280 BARRELS FOR SALE
BR-198 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 In. 28 in. MOD PL 99% .............................................375.00
BR-199 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL PL 97% .............................................350.00
BR-201 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL VR 95% .............................................450.00
BR-202 B80 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99%..............................................295.00
BR-203 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL PL 90% .............................................395.00
BR-204 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR NEW ......................................495.00
BR-205 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD VR NEW.......................................495.00
BR-206 B80 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL VR 99%....................................................295.00
50% More accuracy
BR-207 B80 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV. VR 99% .............................................295.00
BR-208 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00
BR-209 A-5 BEL S.16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. CYL PL 99% ......................................595.00
for Your firearm
BR-210 A-5 BEL 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 95% STANDARD WILL FIT
SWEET 16 .....................................................................................................395.00
BR-212 A-5 BEL S.16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. CYL PL 99% ......................................595.00
BR-213 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL PL 98% .......................................425.00
BR-214 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL PL 98% .............................................425.00
BR-215 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 95% .............................................450.00 5473 GRIPS FOR SALE
BR-216 B80 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99% .............................................225.00
BR-217 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 98% .........................................395.00
BR-218 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .............................................395.00
BR-220 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% .............................................450.00
BR-222 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00
BR-223 A-5 BEL 16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL VR 95% STANDARD WILL FIT Accurizing ® 1911
SWEET 16 .....................................................................................................575.00
BR-224 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00
BR-225 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 24 in. SLUG R.S. 98% SMOOTH BORE ..........395.00 HANDMADE
BR-226 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00
BR-227 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV. VR 99%.............................................225.00
BR-228 BPS 20 ga. 23/4-3 in. 26 in. INV. VR 99%.............................................225.00
BR-229 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in MOD PL 99%...............................................395.00
easier cleaning GRIPS
BR-230 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 90% .......................................295.00
BR-231 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 32 in. FULL VR 97% .............................................425.00
BR-232 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 90%..............................................295.00 200-300% longer barrel life of domestic cattle bone,
BR-233 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD PL 95%..............................................325.00
BR-234 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00
BR-235 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00 tighter shot groups for rifles also most other Colt auto
BR-236 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 95% .......................................350.00
BR-237 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. FULL VR 99% ...........................................250.00 more consistent shotgun patterns grips, and some other
BR-239 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. SKEET PL 99% .....................................395.00
BR-240 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ............................................395.00
BR-241 2000 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% ..................................................275.00
BR-242 2000 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 99%............................................250.00
Unconditional money back guarantee materials available.
BR-243 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .......................................395.00
BR-244 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. MOD PL 99%........................................395.00
BR-245 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .......................................395.00
rapid 72 hour turnaround time Dan Chesiak
BR-246 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 95% .........................................350.00
BR-247 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. IC PL 99% ............................................395.00
BR-248 A-5 BEL 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 97% STANDARD....................475.00
(800) 550-2796 - Decatur, IL
BR-249 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in MOD PL 99% ........................................395.00
BR-250 A-5 JAP 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 28 in. FULL VR 99%.......................................450.00 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST
BR-251 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 2 3/4 In. 26 in. IC PL 90% ............................................325.00
BR-252 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 3 in. 30 in. FULL VR 99% .............................................495.00
BR-253 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 26 in. FULL VR 99% .............................................495.00
BR-254 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .............................................495.00
BR-255 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. FULL PL 99% .............................................395.00
BR-256 A-5 BEL LT. 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 26 in. CYL PL 95% ....................................375.00
Check out
BR-257 A-5 BEL S.16 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. CUTTS VR 95% COMP ......................375.00
BR-258 A-5 BEL 20 ga. 3 in. 28 in. MOD VR 99% .............................................495.00
BR-259 A-5 JAP 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 30 in. FULL VR 98% .......................................395.00
BR-260 A-5 BEL LT. 12 ga. 2 3/4 in. 28 in. FULL VR 98%..................................495.00 SEPTEMBER 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 97

ORIGINAL 1911A1 Reboring, relining, Rebarreling, KINNEAR RIFLE CO

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189 Nichols Rd., Omak, WA 98841
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Cabinets Let Reynolds refurbish it...
Stock refinishing, rechecking & bluing,
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98 | GunDigest the magazine SEPTEMBER 2017


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A Texas customer says our devices stopped 3 burglary attempts tions with every set.
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You need this level of security before you get ripped off! Complete set to plate 24 karat Gold ............... $82.50
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Call BURGLAR BOMB TODAY. Complete set to plate nickel............................ $32.50
1-800-235-6961 Make Money-Save Money. Do your own plating.
AB-2000: $78. Two or more: $68 ea. POSTPAID - QUICK SERVICE.
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406-388-GUNS (4867) Winchesters, Remingtons,

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225 - Louisiana 509 - Washington 781 - Massachusetts
226 - Ontario 510 - California 785 - Kansas
228 - Mississippi 512 - Texas 786 - Florida
229 - Georgia 513 - Ohio 787 - Puerto Rico
231 - Michigan 514 - Quebec
234 - Ohio 515 - Iowa 801 - Utah
236 - Virginia 516 - New York 802 - Vermont
239 - Florida 517 - Michigan 803 - South Carolina
240 - Maryland 518 - New York 804 - Virginia
248 - Michigan 519 - Ontario 805 - California
250 - British 520 - Arizona 806 - Texas
Columbia 530 - California 807 - Ontario
251 - Alabama 540 - Virginia 808 - Hawaii
252 - North Carolina 541 - Oregon 810 - Michigan
253 - Washington 551 - New Jersey 812 - Indiana
System Includes: 254 - Texas 557 - Missouri 813 - Florida
2 Dual gas burners stove w/stand 256 - Alabama 559 - California 814 - Pennsylvania
Chemicals Included: 260 - Indiana 561 - Florida 815 - Illinois
2 Stainless Steel dip guards tops
4 Stainless Steel 3 gal pots (9” d x 11” h) 50 lbs Oxiblak (Black Oxide Salts) 262 - Wisconsin 562 - California 816 - Missouri
267 - Pennsylvania 563 - Iowa 817 - Texas
1 Parts basket (6 1/4” d x 7” h) 25 lbs 45 Cleaner (Soak Cleaner) 269 - Michigan 564 - Washington 818 - California
Plating gloves • Apron • Goggles 25 lbs Waste Water Treatment 270 - Kentucky 567 - Ohio 819 - Quebec
pH papers • Thermometer 1 Gal Kwikseal Oil (Rust Prevenative) 276 - Virginia 570 - Pennsylvania 828 - North Carolina
Operating Instructions • Safety Data Sheets 281 - Texas 571 - Virginia 830 - Texas
283 - Ohio 573 - Missouri 831 - California
With additional pots & chemicals this sytem can also do: 300-400 Series stainless steel, Cast Iron, 289 - Ontario 574 - Indiana 832 - Texas
Malleable Iron, MIM Metal, Damascus Steel, Copper Blacking, Manganese & Zinc Phosphate. 575 - New Mexico 835 - Pennsylvania
301 - Maryland 580 - Oklahoma 843 - South Carolina
171 River Road, Middletown, CT 06457 - P: 860-347-2505 302 - Delaware 585 - New York 845 - New York
E: - W: 303 - Colorado 586 - Michigan 847 - Illinois
304 - West Virginia 848 - New Jersey
**Gas Bottles not included** 305 - Florida 601 - Mississippi 850 - Florida
306 - Saskatchewan 602 - Arizona 856 - New Jersey
307 - Wyoming 603 - New Hampshire 857 - Massachusetts
308 - Nebraska 604 - British 858 - California
309 - Illinois Columbia 859 - Kentucky
5860 STOCKS, WOOD FOR SALE 5860 STOCKS, WOOD FOR SALE 310 - California 605 - South Dakota 860 - Connecticut
312 - Illinois 606 - Kentucky 862 - New Jersey
313 - Michigan 607 - New York 863 - Florida
Modern day Riflestocks, at Old fashion Prices 314 - Missouri
315 - New York
608 - Wisconsin
609 - New Jersey
864 - South Carolina
865 - Tennessee
316 - Kansas 610 - Pennsylvania 867 - Yukon
Semi Custom Stocks -- RiÁ 317 - Indiana 612 - Minnesota 870 - Arkansas
318 - Louisiana 613 - Ontario 872 - Illinois
SALE! NEW INTRODUCTORY OFFER! 319 - Iowa 614 - Ohio 878 - Pennsylvania
320 - Minnesota 615 - Tennessee
Brown/Brown, Camo, or Black/Grey Laminate Only $129 321 - Florida 616 - Michigan 901 - Tennessee
323 - California 617 - Massachusetts 902 - Nova Scotia
325 - Texas 618 - Illinois 903 - Texas


331 - Illinois
619 - California
620 - Kansas
904 - Florida
905 - Ontario
334 - Alabama 623 - Arizona 906 - Michigan
Short Varmint Forearm Grip Finger Grooves! 336 - North Carolina 626 - California 907 - Alaska
337 - Louisiana 627 - California 908 - New Jersey
FREE Rosewood Tip & Cap 339 - Massachusetts 628 - California 909 - California
341 - California 630 - Illinois 910 - North Carolina
347 - New York 631 - New York 912 - Georgia
351 - Massachusetts 636 - Missouri 913 - Kansas
352 - Florida 641 - Iowa 914 - New York
WOLVERINE THUMBHOLE 360 - Washington 646 - New York 915 - Texas
Thumbhole Grip with Finger Grooves $139 361 - Texas 647 - Ontario 916 - California
369 - California 650 - California 917 - New York
& Short 2-1/4” Varmint Forearm & up 380 - Ohio 651 - Minnesota 918 - Oklahoma
Available in Claro/Black Walnut, English, Maple, or Laminated 385 - Utah 660 - Missouri 919 - North Carolina
386 - Florida 661 - California 920 - Wisconsin
Bolt Actions Only Stocks for over 100 bolt actions 662 - Mississippi 925 - California
spanning over 100 years! 401 - Rhode Island 669 - California 927 - Florida
402 - Nebraska 671 - Guam 928 - Arizona
403 - Alberta 678 - Georgia 931 - Tennessee
404 - Georgia 682 - Texas 935 - California
405 - Oklahoma 689 - Florida 936 - Texas
TAC-DRIVER SILHOUETTE STYLE 406 - Montana 937 - Ohio
Palm Swell, Thumbhole Grip with Finger Grooves 407 - Florida 701 - North Dakota 940 - Texas
408 - California 702 - Nevada 941 - Florida
Varmint Forearm Grip & 3/8” Vents 409 - Texas 703 - Virginia 947 - Michigan
Brown or Black Laminate Only $149 Other Colors Available! 410 - Maryland
412 - Pennsylvania
704 - North Carolina 949 - California
705 - Ontario 951 - California
Stocks are unÀnished & ready for sanding- 96% & 99% inlets 413 - Massachusetts 706 - Georgia 952 - Minnesota
Left Hand, 2 1/4” Varmint, or Thumbhole’s--Add $17 414 - Wisconsin 707 - California 954 - Florida
415 - California 708 - Illinois 956 - Texas
100% Money Back Guarantee! 416 - Ontario 709 - Newfoundland 957 - New Mexico
Order Now: S&H $17.50, Add $3 each addit. Visa, MC, COD($11) 417 - Missouri 712 - Iowa 959 - Connecticut
418 - Quebec 713 - Texas 970 - Colorado
Economy, No Discount $69 Grade A Fancy $150 419 - Ohio 714 - California 971 - Oregon
Standard Grade $95 Grade AA Fancy $199 423 - Tennessee 715 - Wisconsin 972 - Texas
424 - California 716 - New York 973 - New Jersey
Select Grade $107 Grade AAA Extra Fancy $279 425 - Washington 717 - Pennsylvania 975 - Missouri
Semi-Fancy - NOW $119 $129 Exhibition - 100% Figure $379 430 - Texas 718 - New York 978 - Massachusetts
432 - Texas 719 - Colorado 979 - Texas
434 - Virginia 720 - Colorado 980 - North Carolina
RICHARDS MICROFIT STOCKS, Inc. 435 - Utah 724 - Pennsylvania 984 - North Carolina
Call Now! 1-800-895-7420 438 - Quebec 727 - Florida 985 - Louisiana
440 - Ohio 731 - Tennessee 989 - Michigan
PO Box 1066, SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 442 - California 732 - New Jersey
Gunrunner Online Auction #168
4e F0ire0
Wehrly’s Gun
Auction Services
October 7-24, 2017
Always Accepting Consignments
r erauc on
Call: 717-235-4146 www.gun
Great firearms are pouring into our facilities in Burton,
WEB: Ohio and Cody, Wyoming from all 50 states, so keep
‘em coming! It’s easy to get signed up and bid with
4067 SNYDER RD., Gunrunner Auctions! All of our guns are in house and all
start at $20 without reserve! We ship to all 50 states, so
GLEN ROCK, PA 17327 join in on the FUN!
LICENSE #AY002060,
Send us some nice guns to auction. For nearly 20 years
AUCTION ZIP #1922 we have kept the 15% commission and pay 30 days after
each monthly auction.


PASS Life-long collections of Colt Snake Guns, Lugers, P-38’s, Garands,
AUCTIONS Carbines, U.S. Springfield 1903’s, Broomhandles, etc. More!
Vintage Winchester levers, Parkers, Smith & Wessons of all varieties,
3525 S. HWY 69 Colt SAAs, Sigs, Berettas, Brownings, Hi-Standards.
Humboldt AZ 86329 As always, a wonderful selection of double shotguns,
hunting rifles, black guns and collectible Civil War muskets,
Colt percussions, muzzleloaders, etc.
It’s like Christmas EVERY DAY at The Gunrunner -
Specializing in Modern & Antique boxes and boxes of great firearms to auction!
Gun markets are up!
firearm auctions we handle whole
estates and small collections. The Gunrunner Online Auctions
Burton, Ohio (440) 834-0160 and Cody, Wyoming (307) 587-2272
Scott Weber, Owner |

See all of the guns/descriptions/photos/terms of sale at our NEW website: SEPTEMBER 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 101

@ 5:00 PM (doors open at 3:00 pm) 6200 MILITARY RIFLES FOR SALE 6200 MILITARY RIFLES FOR SALE
The following 100+ firearms & related will items will
be sold at public auction.
New Location: Norvelt Roosevelt Hall, 2325 Mt.
Pleasant Road, Mt. Pleasant PA 15666
P.O. Box 932
(1 mile past West. Fairground)
Springfield’s: 67F, 20 ga, 944, Series A, 12 ga single, SD9,
Hilliard, Ohio 43026-0932 • U.S.A.
9mm, semi, Savage’s: Mod EL, o/u, 20 ga. 22 Win. mag, 112,
Series 5, 25-06, bull barrel, 60, Series E, 12 ga pump, 30, Series
Phone (614) 777-0785 • Fax (614) 777-0796
B, 410 ga pump, 24J-DL, 22 mag, 20 ga o/u, 101, single, 22
LR cal, pistol, 28, 12 ga. pump, Mossberg’s: Maverick 88, 12 E-Mail
ga., 500-B, Shotgun, 16 ga, 18 ½” brl, 695, 12 ga slug, Rem.’s:
725, 30-06, bolt, 1991 R1, 45 ACP, semi, 582, 22 cal, 7400,
270 cal. semi, 550-1 22LR, semi auto rifle, Stevens: 22/410,
combo, 954, 22 LR mag, semi, 9478, 410 single, Win’s: 67,
22 SL-LR, single shot, 69A, Pre 64, 22 cal LR, unfired, 62A,
22LR cal, pump, 94, 30-30, S & W: 17-4, 22 LR cal, revolver,
Rugers: SP 101, 2”, 357 mag, revolver, LCP, 380 cal, semi,
Super Hunter Rehawk, 41 mag, revolver, 28, Hwy Patrolman,
357 cal. revolver, Mark II, 22 cal, semi, 10-22, 22 LR cal, semi,
rifle, Beretta 21A, 22 LR cal, semi, Kel Tec, P11, semi, 9mm
Lugar, Kel Tec PMR 30, 22 mag, pistol, JC Higgins 88, 22 cal
revolver, H & A Arms Co. Safety Police revolver, 38 S & W,
Lama XI-B, 9mm Parabellum, semi, Glock 33, 357 Sig semi, CLASSIC - ANTIQUE - MILITARY - BUY - SELL - TRADE
Star BKM, 9mm, semi, Ithaca’s: 66, Super Single Shotgun, 20
ga., 900, 12 ga. 2 ¾”, Marlin’s: 922, 22 mag, semi, 15Y, 22
cal., Kahr’s: CW 380 cal. semi, CW40, 40 cal., semi, CW 45, 45 6210 MILITARY, ADVANCED RIFLES 6200 MILITARY RIFLES FOR SALE
ACP cal, semi, H & R 176, 10 ga. single, J.C. Higgins 311-A, 16
ga dbl, SKS Russian Military 762 x 39, Mosin Nagant, w/ spike
bayonet, JG Anschutz, ULM Germany, air target rifle, Jefferson
358, 410 cal, single, Firearms Int. Corp, 410 single, Carcano
Italy 9128, Mfg 1930, carbine, LeFever Nitro Spec, 12 ga. dbl,
Iver Johnson 16 ga., Khan Elitefield, 28 ga. new, Meriden, 12 ga.
2 ¾”, CBC SB, 12 ga. 3”, Pardner SB1, 28 ga. unfired, Crosman
113, .177, Glenfield 20, 22 cal., Hi-Point C9, 9mm, semi auto
pistol, Bushmaster M17S, .223 semi rifle, H & A, 12 ga. 28” brl,
Fulton side x side, 16 ga. 26” brl
MARK FERRY AUCTIONEERS, INC. Call or write for a
Mark L. Ferry 724-423-5580 AY2076
Randy Betton 724-837-7948
Members of PAA & NAA • Like us on Facebook
Carbine Barrels
Stock Pouches
Slings & Early Oilers
Stocks & Hand Guards
Type I Early Flip Sights
C ONTACTS *Type I, II Dog Leg hammers
*Flat & Round Bolts: $95.00 & Up
Please contact an advertising representative • Lori Hallman ext. 13642 *Front Bands Type I, II & III
if you need further information. *Front Sights
*Swivels (All Mfgs.): $18.00 & Up
888.457.2873 *Mag. Rel. Type I, II & III: $32.00 & Up
*MIAI Recoil Plate Covers: $65.00
• Steve Madson ext. 13441 *MIAI Butt Plate Springs: $10.00 *MIAI Coil Springs (Pistol Grip): $10.00
*Type I Band Screws: $7.50

***Celebrating 25 Years***
Space Mail 8362 Tamarack Village, Suite 119-176
Woodbury, MN 55125
Issue Date Reservation Date LSSUPPLY@SPACESTAR.NET
October 2017 September 11 October 4 Or call: 1-651-773-9972
15 Day 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
November 2017 October 2 October 25
Winter 2017 October 23 November 15 Search for Gun Shows
Near You
December 2017 November 13 December 6

Check out

102 | GunDigest the magazine SEPTEMBER 2017

PROMOTERS- Gun & Knife Show listings are FREE, send your printed flyer today.
Our show calendar has the highest circulation of any Show Circular.
Call or write for info on display advertising. GUN DIGEST, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990. 715.445.2214

Sep 15-16 WI, Elroy. Gun Buyer Shows. American Legion
9am-3pm. A: $5. PO Box 32, Centerville, IN 47330.
PH: 765-993-8942. www.centralindianagunshows.
Hall, 402 Franklin St. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. com.
Sep 9-10 TX, Round Rock. Premier Gun Shows. Round A: $5. F: 8’/ $20. BJ Keating/ The Gun Buyer. P.O. Box Sep 16-17 FL, Lakeland. Gun Show. The Lakeland Center,
Rock Sports Center, 2400 Chisholm Trail. SH: Sat. 75, Lisbon, WI 53950. PH: 608-548-4867. 701 West Lime Street. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. T: 600. Premier Sep 16-17 TX, Mesquite. Premier Gun Shows. Big Town 9am-3pm. A: $8. T: 600. Lakeland Rifle and Pistol Club
Gun Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. Event Ctr., 2323 Big Town BLvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, . 2000 Lasso Ln, Lakeland, fl 33815. PH: 863-665-
PH: 817-732-1194. Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 700. Premier Gun 0092.
Sep 9-10 NH, Concord. New England Events: Concord Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH: Sep 16-17 AZ, Tucson. Gun Show. Fairgrounds, Pima
Gun Show. Everett Ice Arena, 15 Loudon Road. SH: 817-732-1194. Cty., I-10 Houghton Rd., Exit 275. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-2pm. A: $9 per person. T: Sep 16-17 NC, Raleigh. 70th Old North States Antique Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $12. T: 350. PO Box 290, Kaysville,
285. F: $75 per table. 4 Church Street, Concord, NH Gun & Military Antiques Show. State Fairgrounds , UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.crossroadsgun-
03301. PH: 603-230-9014. https://newenglandevents. 1025 Blue Ridge Rd, 1025 Blue Ridge Rd. SH: Sat.
net/. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8, ages 7-12 $1. PH: Sep 16-17 CA, Sacramento. Gun Show. Cal Expo Center,
Sep 9-10 TX, Lewisville. Premier Gun Shows. Lakeland 704-282-1339. 1600 Exposition Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
Plaza, 1165 S Stemmons Freeway. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sep 16-17 IN, Kokomo. Gun & Knife Show. Kokomo Event 9am-4pm. Crossroads of the West. PO Box 290,
Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 700. Premier Gun Center, 1500 N Reed Road. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. Kaysville, UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.cross-
Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH:
Sep 9 WI, Hartford. Sports & Gun Show. Hartford Town

Hall, 3360 County Road K. SH: Sat. 8am-3pm. A:
$3., under 12 free with adult. F: $20. United Vietnam
Veterans. 113 S. Depot Street, Juneau, WI 53039. PH:
Sep 9-10 SC, Ladson. Gun & Knife Show. Exchange Park
Fairgrounds, 9850 Hwy 78. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
10am-4pm. A: $8. P.O. Box 685, Monroe, ga 30655.
PH: 770-630-7296.
Sep 9-10 IN, Indianapolis. Central Indiana Gun & Knife

& Knife
Show. Marion County Fairgrounds, 7300 East Troy St.
SH: . Central Indiana Gunshows, LLC. PO Box 32,
Centerville, IN 47330. PH: 765-993-8942.
Sep 9-10 IN, Indianapolis. Gun & Knife Show. National
Guard Armory, 3912 W. Minnesota. SH: I-70, Exit 77,
corner of Holt Rd. & Minnesota St. Sat. 8am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6. T: 210. PO Box 536, Seymour,
IN 47274. PH: 812-521-9367. www.tri-stategunshows.
Sep 9-10 TX, Kerrville. Gun & Knife Show. Youth Event Ctr.
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. TX Gun & Knife
Assoc. 126 Cedar Knoll, Kerrville, TX 78028. PH: Show/Sale
Sep 9-10 AZ, Phoenix. Gun Show. State Fairgrounds, 1826
W McDowell Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm.
Crossroads of the West. PO Box 290, Kaysville,
UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.crossroadsgun-
Sep 9-10 NY, Middletown. Gun & Knife Show. Orange Cty.
Fairgrounds, 239 Wisner Ave. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-3pm. PO Box 406, Mahopac Falls, NY
10542. PH: 914-248-1000. www.northeastgunshows.
com. 2 5 $1 * ( & 2 8 1 7 < ) $, 5 * 5 2 8 1 ' 6
Sep 9-10 MD, West Friendship. Gun Show. Howard Cty.
Fairgrounds, I-70, Exit 80. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.    : L V Q H U $Y H Q X H  0 L G G O H W R Z Q  1  < .
9am-3pm. A: $9. T: 400. F: $70. Silverado Promotions.
Box 370, Buckeystown, MD 21717. PH: 301-874-
Sep 9-10 TX, Nacogdoches. Gun Show. Civic Center,
3805 NW Stallings Drive. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-3pm. A: $8. T: 200. F: 1-4 %40; 5+ $45; 10+ $40.
G&S Promotions. PO Box 338, Wister, OK 74966. PH:
Sep 9-10 WV, Moundsville. Tri-State Gun & Sportsman
Show. Moundsville Penitentiary, 818 Jefferson Ave.
SH: Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. T: 250.
F: $35-$40. 388 Fairplay Road, Bloomingdale, OH
43910. PH: 740-944-1404.
Sep 9-10 OH, Dayton. Gun & Knife Show. Hara Arena, 1001
Shiloh Springs Rd., I-75, Exit 58. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 5, Mt. Washington, KY 40047.
PH: 502-538-3900.
Sep 9-10 NH, Concord. Gun Show. Everett Ice Arena, 15
Loudon Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-2pm. A: $9.
PH: 603-225-3846.
Sep 9-10 OH, Medina. Gun Show. Community Ctr., Co.
Fairgrounds (SR 42) 735 Lafayette Rd. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6., under 12 free. T:
450. F: $50. Conrad & Dowdell Productions. 9047
Kennard Rd., Lodi, OH 44254. PH: 330-948-4400.
Sep 9-10 VA, Manassas. SGK, Ltd Gun Shows. Prince
William Cty. Fairgrounds, 10624 Dumfries Rd. SH: DIRECTIONS: 5WH  WR H[LW  WR 5WH  :HVW
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8. T: 200.
Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. PO Box 6601, JR OHIW DW WK WUDIILF OLJKW WR IDLUJURXQGV RU XVH
Portsmouth, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-5383. www.
Sep 10 WV, Moundsville. Tri-State Gun & Sportsman Show.
Historic Moundsville Penitentiary, 818 Jefferson Ave.
SH: Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. T: 250. F: $35-$40. J&J
Enterprises. 388 Fairplay Road, Bloomingdale, OH
43910. PH: 740-944-1404. ',6&28176 ZZZQRUWKHDVWJXQVKRZVFRP
Sep 15-16 WI, Wausau. 49th Annual Wausau Fall Gun
Show. Marathon County Park, East Gate Hall. SH:


Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. A: $5-under 14 free w/
adult. T: 150. F: $25. North Central WI Gun Collectors
Association, Inc . 1360 Four Mile Rd, Marathon, WI
54448. PH: 715-443-2825.


Sep 15-17 WI, Waukesha. Gun show. Expo Forum, 1000
Northview Rd. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-3pm. A: $7. F: $45. Bob and Rocco Gun Shows.
PO Box 233, Somerset, WI 54025. PH: 608-752-6677. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 103 Sep 16-17 OH, Sharonville. Gun & Knife Show. Conv. Free. PO Box 536, Seymour, IN 47274. PH: 812-521-
Sep 16-17 LA, Kenner. Gun & Knife Show. Pontchartrain Ctr., I-75, Exit 15, Sharon Rd., N. of Cincinnati. 9367.
Ctr., New Orleans Area, Williams Blvd. Exit off I-10. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 5, Mt. Sep 22-24 MO, Cape Girardeau. Gun & Knife Show. Show
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. PO Box 24416, Washington, KY 40047. PH: 502-538-3900. www. Me Center, 1333 N Sprigg St. SH: Fri. 4pm-8pm, Sat.
Knoxville, TN 37933. PH: 865-671-4757. www.great- 8am-5pm, Sun. 8am-4pm. A: $6. T: 600. F: $50/ 8’. Sep 16-17 TX, Dripping Springs. Gun Show. Dripping Missouri Gun & Knife and Military Collectables. PO
Sep 16-17 SC, Florence. Gun & Knife Show. Civic Ctr., Springs Ranch Park, 1042 Event Center, 1042 Event Box 657, Cape Girardeau, MO 63702. PH: 573-243-
3300 W Radio Dr. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. Center. SH: Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm. Saxet Gun 0499.
A: $8. F: $65. MK Shows. P.O. Box 685, Monroe, ga Shows. PO Box 5677, Corpus Christi, TX 78465. PH: Sep 23-24 TX, San Antonio. Premier Gun Shows. Freeman
30655. PH: 770-630-7296. 361-289-2256. Coliseum Expo Hall, 3201 E Houston Street. SH: Sat.
Sep 16-17 NY, Syracuse. Syracuse Gun Show. New York Sep 16-17 MI, Birch Run. Gun & Knife Show. Expo Ctr., 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $5 cash only. T: 600.
State Arms Collectors Association, NY Fairgrounds Exit 136 off I-75. SH: Fri. 2pm-6pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Premier Gun Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX
Expo Center, Center of Progress Building. SH: Sat. Sun. 10am-3pm. PO Box 404, Mason, MI 48854. PH: 76162. PH: 817-732-1194. www.premiergunshows.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $7. T: 1000. F: $65 517-676-4160. com.
member/ $75 non-member. New York State Arms Sep 16-17 NY, Syracuse. Gun Show. State Fairgrounds, Sep 23-24 IN, Valparaiso. Gun & Knife Show. Porter Cty.
Collectors Association. 346 Paul St, Endicott, NY Expo Ctr. SH: Center of Progress Bldg. Sat. 9am-5pm, Expo Ctr., 215 E. Division Rd. SH: Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun.
13760. PH: 607-748-1010. 346 Paul St. Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $7., under 12 free with adult. 346 9am-3pm. A: $6. F: $50. Dunes Rifle & Pistol Club. PO
Sep 16-17 TX, Houston. Gun and Knife Show. Brown Paul St., Endicott, NY 13760. PH: 607-748-1010. Box 345, Hobart, IN 46342. PH: 219-942-4514. www.
Convention Center, 1001 Avenida de Las Americas. Sep 16-17 VA, Fredericksburg. Gun Show. Expo &
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $9. F: . High Conference Center, 2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy. SH: Sep 23-24 PA, Washington. Gun Show. Cty. Fairgrounds,
Caliber Gun and Knife Show. PO Box 2616, Alvin, TX Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. T: 700. 2151 N. Main. SH: Sat & Sun 9am-4pm. A: $7, 12 &
77512. PH: 281-489-1741. Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. PO Box 6601, under free with adult. 4174 Route 40, Claysville, PA
Sep 16-17 SD, Rapid City. Rapid City Firearms Association Portsmouth, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-5383. www. 15323. PH: 724-948-3571.
Gun Show. Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, 444 W. Blvd Sep 23-24 MN, Anoka. Gun & Knife Show. Armory, 408 E.
North. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5.00 Sep 16-17 OH, Maumee. Gun Show. The Lucas County Main St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. F:
daily. T: 225. F: $35.00 in advance. Rapid City Rifle Recreation Center, 2901 Key St. SH: Sat. 8am-4pm, $35 pre-pay/ $40 at the show. Crocodile Productions
Club. PO Box 1945, Rapid City, SD 57709. PH: Sun. 8am-3pm. A: $5. F: . maumee Valley Gun Inc. 12781 Able St. NE, Blaine, MN 55434. PH:
605-209-1166. Rapid City Rifle Club .com. Collectors Inc. PO Box 492, Maumee, OH 43537. PH: 763-754-7140.
Sep 16-17 KY, Louisville. National Gun Day & JAG Military. 419-893-5173. Sep 23-24 AZ, Mesa. Gun Show. Centennial Hall, 201 N.
KY Fair & Expo Center, 937 Phillips Ln. SH: Sat. Sep 22-24 IN, Evansville. Gun & Knife Show. National. Center. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. T: 300.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $12, $2 children under Guard Armory, 3300 Division St. SH: corner of PO Box 290, Kaysville, UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125.
12. T: 1650. PO Box 741, Oxford, OH 45056. PH: Lloyd Expressway & Vann Ave. Fri. 1pm-5pm, Sat.
513-523-3574. 8am-4pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6, kids under 12 are Sep 23-24 CA, San Francisco. Gun Show. Cow Palace.
SH: Daly City. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box
290, Kaysville, UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.

High Caliber

Sep 23-24 UT, Salt Lake City. Gun Show. S. Towne Expo
Ctr., 9575 S. State St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. PO Box 290, Kaysville, UT 84037. PH:
us on Gun & Knife Shows, Inc. 801-544-9125.
Sep 23-24 TX, Dallas. Market Hall Gun Show. Dallas
Market Hall, 2200 N. Stemmons. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $10. T: 1500. F: $70, 3 or more $65.
Dallas Arms Collectors Association. 1521 N. Cooper
Mary or Todd Bean • P.O. Box 2616, Alvin, TX 77512 • (281) 4 -1 41 Street, Ste. 340, Arlington, TX 76011. PH: 817-454-
Sep 23-24 MA, Marlboro. Gun & Knife Show. Best Western
Houston, TX Houston, TX Pasadena, TX Royal Plaza Trade Ctr., 181 Boston Post Rd. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. PO Box 406, Mahopac
George R. Brown Convention Ctr Falls, NY 10542. PH: 914-248-1000. www.northeast-
NRG Center
Convention Ctr 300 Tables - $85 Advance Sep 23-24 TX, Dallas. Dallas Gun Show. Market Hall,
600 Tables - $85 Advance 600 Tables $85 Advance Corner of I-35 E. & Market Center Blvd. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm; Sun 9am-4pm. A: $10, 12 & under are free.
September 16-17 September 23-24 Dallas Arms Collectors. 1521 N. Cooper, Ste. 340,
Arlington, TX 76011. PH: 972-369-6062.
December 2-3 October 28-29 November 11-12 Sep 23-24 TX, Pasadena. Gun & Knife Show. Convention
Center, 7902 Fairmont Pkwy. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
December 30-31 December 16-17 10am-4pm. A: $9. High Caliber Gun & Knife Show. PO
Box 2616, Alvin, TX 77512. PH: 281-489-1741. www.
Conroe, TX For Info About Sep 23-24 MI, Kalamazoo. Gun & Knife Show. Fairgrounds,
Show Hours 2900 Lake St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-3pm.
Lone Star
Tyler, TX Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. PO Box 404, Mason, MI 48854. PH: 517-676-4160.
Harvey Hall
Convention Center Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sep 23-24 NV, Las Vegas. The Great Las Vegas Gun Show.

300 Tables - $85 Advance

Belton, TX Cashman Field Center, 850 N Las Vegas Blvd. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $14. F: . Midwest Arms
Bell County Expo Center Collector LLC. 32671 Hwy 6, Brashear, MO 63533.
October 21-22 Dealer Set-up PH: 669-956-6004.
Ft. Worth, TX Friday 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Sep 23-24 VA, Hampton. Gun Show. Convention
Will Rogers Center Center, 1610 Coliseum Dr. off Mercury Blvd. SH:
December 9-10 Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. T: 700.
Call: LSGS 214-636-2009 Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. PO Box 6601,
Portsmouth, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-5383. www.
Sep 24 IN, Fort Wayne. Gun Show. Allen County
Fairgrounds, 2726 Carroll Rd. SH: 8am-4pm. A: $4.
2017 OHIO GUN & MILITARY SHOWS 8716 Amberly, New Haven, IN 46774. PH: 260-749-
www.ohio Sep 29-Oct 1 WI, Union Grove. Gun show. Racine Cty.
Fairgrounds, 19805 Durand Ave. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm,
WARREN-NILES September 16-17 Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6. F: $40. Bob and
Rocco Gun Shows. PO Box 233, Somerset, WI 54025.
Trumbull Plaza October 14-15 PH: 608-752-6677.
Sep 30-Oct 1 TX, Cleburne. Cleburne Gun Show. Johnson
2485 Parkman Rd NW, Warren, OH November 4-5 County Sheriff Posse Building, 1315 S. Main Street.
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $8.00 per
adult, Kids 15 and under free w/paid adult. T: 60. F:
AKRON September 23-24
$70.00 each. 1900 E. FM 4, Cleburne, TX 76031. PH:
Summit County Fairgrounds Arena Sep 30-Oct 1 NY, Ro chester. Original Rochester Gun
Show. Roc Dome Arena, 2695 E. Henrietta Rd. SH:
Route 91 & Howe Road near Akron in October 28-29 Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $8.00. T: 300. F: .
Empire state arms collectors assn. box 253, avon,
Tallmadge and Chapel Hill Mall NY 14414. PH: 585-226-6211. www.rochesternygun-
CANTON Sept 30-Oct 1 Sep 30-Oct 1 IN, Muncie. Gun & Knife Show. Delaware
Co. Fairgrounds, 1210 N Wheeling Ave. SH: Sat.
Stark County Fairgrounds 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. PO Box 32,
November 25-26 Centerville, IN 47330. PH: 765-993-8942. www.
305 Wertz Ave, Canton, OH
Sep 30-Oct 1 CA, Del Mar. Gun Show. Del Mar Fairgrounds,
CLEVELAND-BEREA 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. PO Box 290, Kaysville, UT 84037. PH:
Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds October 21-22 801-544-9125.
I-71 to Bagley Road West 1 mile to entrance in Sep 30-Oct 1 UT, St. George. Gun Show. Dixie Ctr. SH:
Sat. 9am -5pm; Sun. 9am -4pm. A: $8. PO Box 290,
Berea, OH Kaysville, UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.cross-
Admission $7.00 PUBLIC HOURS:
DEALER SETUP: Sep 30-Oct 1 PA, Matamoras. Gun & Knife Show.
Fri. 3-8 p.m. • Sat. 7-9 a.m. Under 21 with parent only Sat. 9-5 p.m. • Sun. 9-3 p.m. Best Western Hotel, 103 Reuben Bell Dr. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. PO Box 406, Mahopac
Falls, NY 10542. PH: 914-248-1000. www.northeast-
OHIO SHOWS PO Box 491, Vienna , OH 44473 • Phone: 330-539-4247
Sep 30-Oct 1 IN, Salem. Gun & Knife Show. National

104 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Guard Armory, 1100 N. Shelby St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, 817-732-1194. Member: Trade $85, Display $40. The Alabama Gun
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6, Children 12 and under Free. Oct 7-8 PA, Grove City. Gun Show. Grove City Sportsmen’s Collectors Association. PO Box 128, Clay, AL 35048.
Straight Shooters Enterprises. PH: 812-498-3833. Club, 97 Centertown Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. PH: 205-317-0948. 9am-2pm. A: $5. F: 8’-$20; 6’-$15. Grove City Oct 7-8 AZ, Kingman. Pioneer Country Events Gun
Sep 30-Oct 1 MI, Novi. Gun & Knife Show. Suburban Sportsmen’s Club. 97 Centertown Rd, Grove City, PA & Knife, Coins & Collectibles Show. Mohave Co.
Collection Showplace,46100 Grand River, 46100 16127. PH: 724-967-5580. 97 Centertown Rd. Fairgrounds, 2600 Fairgrounds Ave. SH: Sat.
Grand River. SH: Friday & Saturday Only Sat. Oct 7-8 TX, Woodlands. Premier Gun Shows. Legends 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6/ $9 two-day pass.
9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-3pm. PO Box 404, Mason, MI Sports Complex, 602 Pruitt Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, F: . Pioneer Country Events. not available, PO Box
48854. PH: 517-676-4160. Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 500. Premier Gun 3955, Kingman, AZ 86402. PH: 928-692-0937. www.
Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH:
OCTOBER 817-732-1194.
Oct 7-8 IL, Belleville. Gun, Knife, Hunting & Trade Show.
Oct 7-8 TN, Nashville. Gun & Knife Show. Fairgrounds,
I-65 & Wedgewood Ave. or I-440 & Nolensville Pike
Oct 6-7 WI, Waupaca. Gun Buyer Shows. VFW Post #1037, Belle-Clair Fairgrounds, 200 S. Belt East. SH: Sat. Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 5,
244 Industrial Dr. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. A: 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. Egyptian Collectors Mt. Washington, KY 40047. PH: 502-538-3900. www.
$5. F: 8’/ $20. BJ Keating/ The Gun Buyer. P.O. Box . PO Box 138, Centralia, IL 62801. PH: 618-495-2572.
75, Lisbon, WI 53950. PH: 608-548-4867. Oct 7-8 NE, Hastings. Hastings Gun Show. Fairgrounds,
Oct 6-8 NY, Manchester Center. Arms Fairs. Riley Rink at Oct 7-8 CA, Costa Mesa. Gun Show. Orange Cty. 947 S. Baltimore. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm.
Hunter Park, 410 Hunter Park Rd. SH: Fri. 9am-5pm, Fairgrounds. SH: Fair & Event Ctr. Sat. 9am-5pm, A: $5. T: 400. F: $35. Four Rivers Sportsman’s Club.
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. T: 275. F: . NEACA. Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 290, Kaysville, UT 84037. PO Box 145, Hastings, NE 68902. PH: 402-462-0103.
PO BOX 385, Mechanicville, NY 12118. PH: 518-664- PH: 801-544-9125.
9743. Oct 7-8 NV, Reno. Gun Show. Reno Convention Ctr., 4590 Oct 7-8 TX, San Antonio. Gun Show. Events Center, 8111
Oct 6-7 WI, Richland Center. Pine River Sports Association S. Virginia St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: Meadow Leaf. SH: NW Loop 410 & Marbach Sat.
Fall Gun Show. Richland Center Community Building, $12. Crossroads of the West. PO Box 290, Kaysville, 9am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm. Saxet Gun Shows. PO Box
1050 North Orange Street. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.crossroadsgun- 5677, Corpus Christi, TX 78465. PH: 361-289-2256.
8am-3pm. A: $5.00 . 12 and under free with an adult.
T: 70. F: $20.00. Pine River Sports Association . 1535 Oct 7-8 NC, Fletcher. Gun & Knife Show. WNC Ag Ctr., Oct 7-8 MO, Joplin. Gun & Knife Show. Holiday Inn
Cedar st., Richland Center, WI 53581. PH: 608-585- 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd., I-26, Exit 40. SH: Sat. Convention Center,, 3615 Rangeline Rd. SH: Sat.
4022. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8. MK Shows. P.O. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $10. T: 300. RK Shows.
Oct 6-8 WI, Antigo. Gun show. Ice Arena, 1633 Neva Rd. Box 685, Monroe, ga 30655. PH: 770-630-7296. www. PO Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-
SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. 8176.
A: $6. F: $40. Bob and Rocco Gun Shows. PO Box Oct 7-8 AL, Hoover. Fall Gun Show. Hoover Met Complex, Oct 7-8 MN, Bloomington. Gun & Knife Show. Bloomington
233, Somerset, WI 54025. PH: 608-752-6677. www. 100 Ben Chapman Drive. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. Armory, 3300 W. 98th St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. F: Member: Trade $60, Display $30; Non 9am-3pm. A: $5. F: $35 pre-pay/ $40 at the show.
Oct 6-8 MI, Lansing. Gun & Knife Show. Ingham Cty.
Fairgrounds, US 127 to Kipp Rd. E. SH: Lansing-
Mason Fri. 2pm-7pm, Sat. 9am-5pm ,Sun. 10am-3pm.
PO Box 404, Mason, MI 48854. PH: 517-676-4160.
Oct 7-8 TX, Mesquite. Premier Gun Shows. Big Town
Event Ctr., 2323 Big Town BLvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 700. Premier Gun
Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH:

If you would like

to be included in
the free show and
auction listings,
email us at

September 16-17, 2017 Sept 30-Oct 1, 2017
Kokomo, IN Muncie, IN
Kokomo Event Center Delaware County Fairgrounds
October 7-8, 2017 October 14-15, 2017
Alexandria, IN South Bend, IN
Madison County Fairgrounds St. Joseph County Fairgrounds
Saturday 9-5 • Sunday 9-3 • Admission: $5.00
Dealer Tables: 8’Tables- $35/table; South Bend-$40/table
24-Hour Security • Buy/Sell/Trade • Modern & Antique
Gun Dealers/Gunsmith on Site • Door Prizes Daily
For Information Call:
765-855-3836 or 765-993-8942

Straight Shooters Gun Shows
Sept 30-Oct 1 October 7-8
Salem, IN Nashville, IN

October 21-22 October 28-29

Seymour, IN Friendship, IN
Show Hours - Friday Set up only: 12 pm to 5pm
Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm
Sunday: 9 am to 3 pm
Dealer Tables: $40
Admission: $6.00 Free for Chidren 12 & under
Sponsored by: Straight Shooters Enterprises, L.L.C.
 2)) $'0,66,21 :,7+ $'
Call: 812-498-3833 SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 105

Crocodile Productions Inc. 12781 Able St. NE, Blaine, MN 55434. PH: 763-754-7140.
Oct 7-8 NC, Concord. Gun & Knife Show. Cabarrus Arena & Event Center, 4751 Hwy 49
N. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $14. F: . RK Prepper Shows. PO Box 334,
Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 7-8 IN, Alexandria. Gun & Knife Show. Madison Cty. Fairgrounds, 512 E 4th St. SH:
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5., under 12 free w/adult. Central Indiana Gun
Shows. PO Box 32, Centerville, IN 47330. PH: 765-993-8942. www.centralindiana-
Oct 7-8 TN, Murfreesboro. Gun & Knife Show. Mid TN Expo Center, 1660 Middle
Tennessee Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. F: . RK Shows. PO Box
334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 7-8 IN, Nashville. Gun Show. Brown Co. Fairgrounds, 802 Memorial Dr. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. F: . Straight Shooters Enterprises. PH: 812-498-3833.
Oct 7-8 MS, Pascagoula. Pascagoula Gun Show. Jackson Co. Fairgrounds, 2902 Shortcut
Rd. SH: . Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm,. PO Box 571, Ellisville, MS 39437. PH:
Oct 7-8 OH, Medina. Gun Show. Community Ctr., Co. Fairgrounds (SR 42) 735 Lafayette
PUBLIC INVITED TO BUY • SELL • BROWSE • TRADE Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6., under 12 free. T: 450. F: $50. Conrad &
Credit Cards or Money Orders only two weeks prior to show. Dowdell Productions. 9047 Kennard Rd., Lodi, OH 44254. PH: 330-948-4400. www.
AMEX, MasterCard, Visa & Discover by phone.
Oct 13-14 NV, Reno. Big Reno Show. Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St. SH: Fri.
E-mail: 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-6pm. A: $12/daily; $18/weekend. F: $155. PO Box 10485, Reno,
NV 89510. PH: 775-828-2350.
PO Box 34224, Ft. Worth, TX 76162 Oct 13-15 MD, Bel Air. Gun Show. American Legion Harford Post #39, 500 N. Hickory
Buy Your Tickets On-Line OR Join Our Email List and Save $1.00 at: Ave. SH: Fri. 5pm-9pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6. F: $40. American Legion
Harford Post #39. 500 N. Hickory Ave, Bel Air, MD 21014. PH: 410-652-8222. www.
Oct 13-15 NY, Fishkill. Arms Fairs. Ramada Inn and Conference Center, 542 US 9. SH:
Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. T: 110. F: . NEACA. PO BOX 385,
Mechanicville, NY 12118. PH: 518-664-9743.
PREMIER GUN SHOWS@ BIG TOWN Oct 13-Dec 17 IA, Altoona. Gun Show. Adventureland Park, 3200 Adventureland Dr. SH:
Fri. 5pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $8.
F: . Midwest Arms Collector, LLC. 32671 Hwy 6, Brashear, MO 63533. PH: 669-956-
September 16 & 17, 2017 6004.
Oct 14-15 TX, Pasadena. Premier Gun Shows. Convention Ctr., 7902 Fairmont Pkwy. SH:
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 300. Premier Gun Shows. PO
UPCOMING SHOWS - October 28 & 29 Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH: 817-732-1194.
2323 Big Town Blvd., Mesquite, TX, 75149 Oct 14-15 TX, Lewisville. Premier Gun Shows. Lakeland Plaza, 1165 S Stemmons
Freeway. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 700. Premier Gun
750 Tables 8 ft. - $80 - FREE Parking
g Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH: 817-732-1194. www.premiergun-
Oct 14-15 TX, Stephenville. Stephenville Gun Show. City Limits, 1907 E. Washington St.
THE WOODLANDS GUN SHOW SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $8.00 per Adult, Kids 15 and under free w/paid
adult. T: 100. F: $70.00 each. 1900 E. FM 4, Cleburne, TX 76031. PH: 817-929-1816.
October 7 & 8, 2017
Oct 14-15 TX, Wichita Falls. Gun & Knife Show. MPEC Exhibit Hall, 5th & Burnett. SH:
Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $5. T: 200. F: $60. Wichita Falls Gun & Knife Show.
Legends Sports Complex • 602 Pruitt Rd, The Woodlands, TX 77381 PO Box 3611, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. PH: 940-692-3766.
500 Tables 8 ft. - $80 - FREE Parking Oct 14-15 NV, Reno. Gun Show. Grand Sierra Resturant, 2500 E 2nd St. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. F: . Rocky Mountain Gun Show. PH: 801-589-0975. www.
Oct 14-15 IL, Springfield. Gun, Knife, Hunting & Trade Show. State Fairgrounds, Orr
MESQUITE RODEO Bldg. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. Egyptian Collectors . PO Box 138,
Centralia, IL 62801. PH: 618-495-2572.
Oct 14-15 IN, South Bend. Gun & Knife Show. St. Joe Cty. 4H Fairgrounds, Jackson Rd.
October 7 & 8, 2017 & Ironwood Rd. SH: . PO Box 32, Centerville, IN 47330. PH: 765-993-8942. www.
Mesquite Convention Center • 1700 Rodeo Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149 Oct 14-15 PA, Kittanning. Gun Show. Trap & Gun Club, 592 Pony Farm Rd. SH: 9am-4pm.
A: $5, under 12 free. 592 Pony Farm Rd., Kittanning, PA 16201. PH: 724-548-4843.
400 Tables 8 ft. - $80 - FREE Parking Oct 14-15 SC, Greenville. Gun, Knife & Militaria Show. TD Convention Center, One
Exposition Dr. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8, Military $6. PO Box 4308,
Irmo, SC 29063. PH: 803-463-9377.
LEWISVILLE GUN SHOW Oct 14-15 KS, park city. Chisholm Trail Antique Gun Assoc. Gun Show. Hartman Arena,
8151 N Hartman Arena Dr, Park City, KS. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $10
October 14 & 15, 2017 both days. F: 60. PO Box 837, Derby, KS 67037. PH: 888-851-0888.
Oct 14-15 LA, Lafayette. Gun & Knife Show. Event Center, 4607 Johnston St. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8. PO Box 654, Mandeville, LA 70470. PH: 985-624-
UPCOMING SHOWS - November 4 & 5 8577.
Premier Event Center, Lakeland Plaza Oct 14-15 KS, park city. Chisholm Trail Antique Gun Assoc. Gun Show. Hartman Arena,
8151 N Hartman Arena Dr, Park City, KS. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $10
1165 S. Stemmons Freeway, Lewisville, TX 75067 both days. F: 60. PO Box 837, Derby, KS 67037. PH: 888-851-0888.
400 Tables 8 ft. - $80 - FREE Parking Oct 14-15 AR, Hot Springs. Gun Show. Garland Co. Fairgrounds, 4831 Malvern Ave.
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $7. T: 130. F: 1-4 $45; 5+ $40; 10+ $35. G&S
Promotions. PO Box 338, Wister, OK 74966. PH: 918-659-2201. www.gandsgun-
Oct 14-15 TN, Germantown. Gun & Knife Show. AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut
Grove Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $12. T: 400. RK Shows. PO Box 334,
October 14 & 15, 2017 Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 14-15 MO, Springfield. Gun & Knife Show. Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, 3100 N. Grant
St. Exit 77 off I-44. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $12. T: 1000. RK Shows. PO
UPCOMING SHOWS - November 4 & 5 Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Pasadena Convention Center Oct 14-15 TX, McAllen. Gun Show. Convention Center, 700 Convention Center Blvd. SH:
7902 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, TX 77507 Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm. Saxet Gun Shows. PO Box 5677, Corpus Christi, TX
78465. PH: 361-289-2256.
8 ft. Table - $80 - FREE Parking Oct 14-15 GA, Marietta. Gun Shows of the South. Cobb Co Civic Center, 548 S Marietta
Pkwy SE. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $12. F: . RK Shows. PO Box 334,
Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
ORIGINAL FORT WORTH GUN SHOW Oct 14-15 MO, Pacific. Gun Show. Eagles #3842, 707 Congress. SH: Sat. 10am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $7. Midwest Arms & Armor Society. PO Box 252178, St. Louis, MO
63125. PH: 314-631-2799.
October 21 & 22, 2017 Oct 14-15 OH, Sharonville. Gun & Knife Show. Conv. Ctr., I-75, Exit 15, Sharon Rd., N. of
Cincinnati. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 5, Mt. Washington, KY 40047.
PH: 502-538-3900.
UPCOMING SHOWS - December 30 & 31 Oct 14-15 MS, Natchez. Gun Show. Convention Ctr., 211 Main St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall • 3401 Burnett Tandy, Ft Worth, TX, 76107 Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $6. T: 275. PO Box 571, Ellisville, MS 39437. PH: 601-498-4235.
1,200 Tables 8 ft. - $80 Oct 14-15 NC, Lumberton. Dixie Gun & Knife Show. Southeastern Ag Center, 1027 US-74.
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $8. F: $65. Dixie Gun And Knife Classic, Inc.
PO Box 21049, Raleigh, NC 27619. PH: 919-781-1287. www.dixiegunandknifeshow.
Oct 14-15 VA, Virginia Beach. Gun Show. Convention Ctr. Pavilion, 1000 19th St. SH: Sat.
November 11 & 12, 2017 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. T: 600. Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. PO Box
6601, Portsmouth, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-5383.
Oct 20-21 WI, Viroaqua. Gun Buyer Shows. Vernon County Fairgrounds, Expo Building.
Round Rock Sports Center SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. A: $5. F: 8’/ $20. BJ Keating/ The Gun Buyer. P.O.
2400 Chicholm Trail, Round Rock, TX 78681 Box 75, Lisbon, WI 53950. PH: 608-548-4867.
Oct 20-22 WI, Eau Claire. Gun show. Menards Expo Center, 5150 Old Mill Center. SH: Fri.
600 Tables - FREE Parking 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $7. F: $45. Bob and Rocco Gun Shows.
PO Box 233, Somerset, WI 54025. PH: 608-752-6677.
Buy Your Tickets On-Line
On Line OR Join Our Email List and Save $1.00
$1 00 at: Oct 20-21 WI, Hayward. Gun & Knife Show. LCO Casino & Conv. Ctr., E. on B, 3 mi. from
Hayward. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm; Sat. 9am-4pm. A: $5/weekend. 71590 Hoover Line Rd., Iron River, WI 54847. PH: 715-372-4654.

Oct 21-22 TX, Ft. Worth. Premier Gun Shows. Amon Carter Exhibit Hall, Will Rogers Ctr.,
3401 Burnett Tandy. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10 cash only. T: 1200.

106 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

Premier Gun Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX Cleburne, TX 76031. PH: 817-929-1816. www.whip- SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. Egyptian
76162. PH: 817-732-1194. www.premiergunshows. Collectors . PO Box 138, Centralia, IL 62801. PH:
com. Oct 28-29 TX, Mesquite. Premier Gun Shows. Big Town 618-495-2572.
Oct 21-22 IN, Lafayette. Gun & Knife Show. Tippecanoe Event Ctr., 2323 Big Town BLvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Oct 28-29 IN, Greenfield. Gun & Knife Show. Hancock Cty.
4H Fairgrounds, 1401 Teal Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 700. Premier Gun Fairgrounds, 620 N. Apple St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm;
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. PO Box 32, Centerville, IN Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH: Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. PO Box 32, Centerville, IN
47330. PH: 765-993-8942. www.centralindianagun- 817-732-1194. 47330. PH: 765-993-8942. www.centralindianagun- Oct 28-29 IL, Effingham. Gun, Knife, Hunting & Trade
Oct 21-22 LA, Kenner. Gun & Knife Show. Pontchartrain Show. Knights of Columbus, 1501 W. Fayette Ave. Oct 28-29 CA, Ontario. Gun & Knife Show. Conv. Ctr.
Ctr., New Orleans Area, Williams Blvd. Exit off I-10.
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. PO Box 24416,
Knoxville, TN 37933. PH: 865-671-4757. www.great-
Oct 21-22 TX, Abilene. Gun & Knife Show. Civic Ctr., 1100
& Knife Show
Gun October
N. 6th St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. TX
Gun & Knife Assoc. 126 Cedar Knoll, Kerrville, TX
7-8, 2017
78028. PH: 830-285-0575. www.texasgunandknife- Belleville, IL • Belle-Clair Expo MEDINA, OHIO Free g held at
Oct 21-22 IN, Seymour. Gun & Knife Show. National.
October 14-15, 2017 Parkin Medina Community Center
Guard Armory, 1925 First Ave. SH: Sat. 8:30am-4pm, Tables
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $6, kids under 12 are Free. PO Springfield, IL • IL State Fairgrounds 735 Lafayette Rd $50
Box 536, Seymour, IN 47274. PH: 812-521-9367. tri- Medina County Fairgrounds 8 Ft. Tables • $45 per Table
Oct 21-22 TX, Longview. Gun & Knife Show. Maude Cobb
Activity Ctr., 100 Grand Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. Admission $6.00 October 7-8
10am-4pm. T: 75. PO Box 654, Mandeville, LA 70470.
PH: 985-624-8577.
Sat: 9AM-5PM • Sun: 9AM-3PM
November 11-12
Oct 21-22 OK, Elk City. Gun Show. Civic Center, 1016 Post Office Box 138 how Hours:
Airport Industrial Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. For Informati
9am-3pm. A: $7. T: 150. F: 1-4 $40; 5+ $35; 10+ $30. Centralia, IL 62801 330-948-44
a.m. to 5 p.m.
G&S Promotions. PO Box 338, Wister, OK 74966. PH: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
918-659-2201. PH: 618-495-2572
Oct 21-22 TX, Conroe. Gun & Knife Show. Lone Star
Convention Center, 9055 Airport Rd. SH: Sat.

9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $9. High Caliber Gun
Shows. PO Box 2616, Alvin, TX 77512. PH: 281-489-
Oct 21-22 MI, Escanaba. Escanaba Gun And Knife Show.
UP State Fairgrounds, 2401 12th Ave North. SH:
Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: 5. T: 150. F: 40/

& Knife
wknd 30/day. J&J Sport Shows. 18134 Meadow Ln,
BIG RAPIDS, MI 49307. PH: 180-096-8501. www.
Oct 21-22 NE, Lincoln. Gun & Knife Show. Lancaster
Event Center, 4100 N 84th St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,

Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $14. F: . RK Prepper Shows. PO
Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 21-22 TN, Lebanon. Gun & Knife Show. Wilson County
Expo Center, I-40 & Exit 239B. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-4pm. F: $70. PO Box 5, Mt. Washington, KY
40047. PH: 502-538-3900.
Oct 21-22 MO, Kansas City. Gun & Knife Show. KCI Expo
Ctr., 11730 N. Ambassador Dr. SH: Sat. 8am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $12. RK Shows. PO Box 334,
Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176. www.
Oct 21-22 GA, Columbus. Gun Shows of the South.
Ironworks Conv. Ctr., 801 Front Ave. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $10. RK Shows. PO
Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 21-22 MN, Mankato. Gun & Knife Show. NG Training
Ctr., 100 Martin Luther King Jr Dr. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5. F: $35 pre-pay/ $40 at the show.
Crocodile Productions Inc. 12781 Able St. NE, Blaine,
MN 55434. PH: 763-754-7140. www.crocodileproduc-
Oct 21-22 TX, Corpus Christi. Gun Show. Richard M
Borchard Regional Fairgrounds, 1213 Terry Shamsie
Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm. Saxet Gun
Shows. PO Box 5677, Corpus Christi, TX 78465. PH:
Oct 21-22 OH, Montpelier. Stateline Gun Shows. Gillete
Wm. Cty. Fairgrounds, Ohio Tpke. To Exit 13, S. on
Rt. 15 R. on 107. SH: Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 9am-3pm.
A: $4. 13530 Co. Rd. S., Pioneer, OH 43554. PH:
Oct 21-22 MI, Cadillac. Gun & Knife Show. Wexford Civic
Ctr., US 131 & 13th St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-
3pm. PO Box 404, Mason, MI 48854. PH: 517-676-
Oct 21-22 IN, Seymour. Gun Show. Pines Evergreen Room,
4289 US-31. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. F:
. Straight Shooters Enterprises. PH: 812-498-3833.
Oct 21-22 NC, Charlotte. Dixie Gun & Knife Show. Park
Expo & Conference Ctr., 2500 E Independence Blvd.
SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $8. Dixie Gun
And Knife Classic, Inc. PO Box 21049, Raleigh, NC
27619. PH: 919-781-1287. www.dixiegunandknife-
Oct 21-22 NV, Las Vegas. Gun Show. Cashman Center,
3150 Paradise Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm.
F: . Crossroads of the West. PO Box 290, Kaysville,
UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.crossroadsgun-
Oct 21-22 VA, Doswell. Gun Show. Meadow Event Park,
13048 Dawn Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-
4pm. A: $10. T: 300. Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. DIRECTIONS: Rte. 84E to Rte. 90E (Mass Pike)
PO Box 6601, Portsmouth, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-
5383. to exit 10, 290E, to 495S to exit 24B (Route
Oct 27-29 IA, Waterloo. Gun Show. National Cattle
Congress, 257 Ansborough Ave. SH: Fri. 5pm-8pm, 2 0 ) , d r i v e 1 m i l e t o t h e S h o w  )5(( 3$5.,1*
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $8. F: . 32671 Hwy
6, Brashear, MO 63533. PH: 669-956-6004. www. *(1(5$/ ,1)2  '($/(5 ,1)2
Oct 27-29 WI, West Bend. Gun show. Fairgrounds, 3000
Hwy. PV. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-3pm. A: $6. F: $45. Bob and Rocco Gun Shows.
PO Box 233, Somerset, WI 54025. PH: 608-752-6677.

Oct 28-29 TX, Denton. Denton Gun Show. North Texas
State Fairgrounds, 2217 N. Carroll Blvd. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $8.00, Kids 15 and under
free w/ paid adult. T: 75. F: $70.00 each. 1900 E. FM 4, SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 107

SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 290,
Kaysville, UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.cross-

For your convenience, we will be publishing the FFL Directory in EVERY ISSUE!
Oct 28-29 TX, Fredericksburg. Gun & Knife Show.
Fredericksburg Fairgrounds, Hwy. 16 S. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. TX Gun & Knife Assoc.
126 Cedar Knoll, Kerrville, TX 78028. PH: 830-285-
When you need to transfer a gun, call one of these fine dealers! FFL HOLDERS: Would you like to be a part of this great directory? Here’s your chance
to join forces with Gun Digest and help out our readers! To be added to our list submit the form below with payment to the address on the form. Oct 28-29 MA, West Springfield. Gun & Knife Show.
Eastern States Exposition, Better Living Ctr. SH: .
T: 500. PO Box 406, Mahopac Falls, NY 10542. PH:
Humboldt Reata Pass Auctions Leesburg Falcon Gunsmithing and Woodsville Ammonoosuc Valley Oct 28-29 SC, Myrtle Beach. Gun & Knife Show.
928-632-8000 Firearm Appraisals LLC Convention Ctr., 2101 N. Oak St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Gunsmithing Inc. 603-747-3276 Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8. F: $65. MK Shows. P.O. Box
ARKANSAS 352-406-3616 685, Monroe, ga 30655. PH: 770-630-7296. www.
Lonoke Rick’s Place 501-658-7347 MASSACHUSETTS Mahwah The Yankee Armorer Oct 28-29 AR, Conway. Gun Show. Expo Center, 2505
CALIFORNIA Canton JRS Enterprises East Oak St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm.
201-529-2111 A: $10. T: 400. F: 1-4 $50; 5+ $45; 10+ $40. G&S
Paramount ACT/Coleman, Inc. 781-821-4867 Promotions. PO Box 338, Wister, OK 74966. PH:
562-602-1207 MICHIGAN NEW YORK 918-659-2201.
Carmel Precision Armory Oct 28-29 TX, Houston. Gun & Knife Show. NRG (Reliant)
Colton Hewitt A. Smith Co. Howell Powder Keg Gun Shop Inc. Center, One Reliant Park, 8400 Kirby Dr. SH: Sat.
909-825-3865 845-225-1130 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $9. F: . High Caliber
Gun & Knife Show. PO Box 2616, Alvin, TX 77512. PH:
Kent Arlan’s Guns & Ammo Shop, Oct 28-29 LA, Shreveport. Gun & Knife Show. Riverview
Colorado Springs Leasures Treasures Springfield Arrowhead Arms Hall, 600 Clyde Fant Pkwy. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
719-635-8539 417-894-4888 Class II & III 330-673 5133 10am-4pm. A: $8. F: $75. Classic Arms Productions.
St. Charles First Capitol Jewelry & Westlake Wild Wild Westlake PO Box 654, Mandeville, LA 70470. PH: 985-624-
CONNECTICUT Classic Firearms Co 440-804-4450 8577.
Loan, Inc. 636-949-0200 Oct 28-29 UT, Salt Lake City. RK Prepper Shows-Survival
Old Saybrook Terry Plums, LLC
860-388-2083 NEBRASKA TEXAS & Green Living Expo. South Towne Expo Center, 9575
South State St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A:
Windsor Bullseye Enterprises Aurora Pony Express Messenger Houston Freer Gun Shop Inc. $14. F: . RK Prepper Shows. PO Box 334, Manchester,
860-285-0499 402-631-7879 713-467-3016 IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 28-29 OK, Oklahoma City. Hall of Fame Gun Show.,
DELAWARE NEVADA WISCONSIN Oklahoma City Fairgounds. SH: Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. T: 1200. PO Box 96918, Oklahoma City, OK
Harrington V&H Enterprises LLC Sparks Big Valley Tactical Anderson Wausau Gun & Loan, 73147. PH: 405-612-0223.
302-398-3892 775-857-7056 715-359-5540 Oct 28-29 GA, Lawrenceville. Gun Shows of the South.
Gwinett Co Fairgrounds, 2405 Sugar Loaf Parkway.
ADDYOUR BUSINESS TO THE FFL DIRECTORY $130 PER YEAR SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $12. F: . RK
Shows. PO Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH:
CONTACT NA ME: FFL NA ME: 563-927-8176.
Oct 28-29 TN, Knoxville. Gun & Knife Show. Expo Center,
PHONE #: 5441 Clinton Hwy. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm.
A: $12. F: . RK Shows. PO Box 334, Manchester, IA
A DDR ESS 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Oct 28-29 KY, Louisville. Kenny Woods Gun Shows.
CIT Y/ STATE /ZIP: Kentucky Exposition Center, 937 Phillips Lane. SH:
Credit Card # Exp. Date_ Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $12. F: . RK Shows.
PO Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-
Signature 8176.
Oct 28-29 OH, Dayton. Gun & Knife Show. Hara Arena,
M A IL TO: Gun Digest F F L DIR ECTORY, 700 East State St., Iola, W I 54990 1001 Shiloh Springs Rd., I-75, Exit 58. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. F: $65. Bill Goodman. PO
Box 5, Mt. Washington, KY 40047. PH: 502-538-3900.

Sport Shows Promotions Inc.

Lower Michigan Gun Collectors
2017 • UPCOMING SHOWS • 2017
September 16-17 700 tables Birch Run October 28-29 350 tables Port Huron
September 23-24 275 tables Kalamazoo November 4-5 275 tables Kalamazoo
September 30-October 1 900 tables Novi November 11-12 900 tables Novi
October 6-8 3-DAY SHOW 440 tables Lansing/Mason November 17-19 3-DAY SHOW 440 tables Lansing/Mason
October 14-15 NEW LOCATION! 450 tables Grand Rapids November 24-26 3-DAY SHOW 700 tables Birch Run
October 21-22 250 tables Cadillac December 2-3 450 tables Grand Rapids

Birch Run, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Lansing/Mason, Novi, Manistee, SHOW LOCATIONS
Kalamazoo, Monroe, Port Huron - $50 per 8’ Table Birch Run: Birch Run Expo
Cheboygan, Cadillac, Harrison $45 per 8’ Table
Cadillac: Wexford Co. Fairgrounds, US131 &13th St.
ALL 2 DAY SHOW HOURS Sat. 9-5 p.m. • Sun. 10-3 p.m. Cheboygan: Cheyboygan Ice Arena
ALL 3 DAY SHOW HOURS Grand Rapids: 4 Mile Showplace Grand Rapids(MI)
Fri. 2-7 p.m. • Sat. 9-5 p.m. • Sun. 10-3 p.m. Harrison: Clare County Fairgrounds
Thanksgiving (Birch Run) Jackson: ORS Field House
Fri. Noon-5 p.m. • Sat. 9-5 p.m. • Sun. 10-3 p.m. Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds
Lansing/Mason: Ingham County Fairgrounds
Sport Shows Promotions Inc. Monroe: Monroe County Fairgrounds
P.O. Box 404 • Mason, MI 48854 Port Huron: Blue Water Convention Center
Ph. (517) 676-4160 • Fax (517) 676-6824 Novi: Suburban Collection Showplace

108 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017 Pershing Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: 9am-3pm. A: $6, kids under 12 are Free. PO Box
Oct 28-29 MO, Sedalia. Gun & Knife Show. State $14. T: 500. RK Shows. PO Box 334, Manchester, IA 536, Seymour, IN 47274. PH: 812-521-9367. tri-
Fairgrounds, 2503 W 16th St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $8. RK Shows. PO Box 334, Nov 4-5 MO, Lebanon. Gun & Knife Show. Cowan Civic Nov 10-12 WI, Waukesha. Gun show. Expo Forum, 1000
Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176. www. Ctr., 500 E Elm St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. Northview Rd. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. A: $10. T: 300. RK Shows. PO Box 334, Manchester, 9am-3pm. A: $7. F: $45. Bob and Rocco Gun Shows.
Oct 28-29 MI, Port Huron. Gun & Knife Show. SH: . PO IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176. PO Box 233, Somerset, WI 54025. PH: 608-752-6677.
Box 404, Mason, MI 48854. PH: 517-676-4160. www. Nov 4-5 MI, Kalamazoo. Gun & Knife Show. Fairgrounds, 2900 Lake St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-3pm. Nov 11-12 TX, Round Rock. Premier Gun Shows. Round
Oct 28-29 VA, Fredericksburg. Gun Show. Expo & PO Box 404, Mason, MI 48854. PH: 517-676-4160. Rock Sports Center, 2400 Chisholm Trail. SH: Sat.
Conference Center, 2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy. SH: 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. T: 600. Premier
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $10. T: 700. Nov 4-5 IN, Bedford. Gun Show. Lawrence Co Fairgrounds, Gun Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162.
Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. PO Box 6601, 11265 US-50. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. F: . PH: 817-732-1194.
Portsmouth, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-5383. www. Straight Shooters Enterprises. PH: 812-498-3833. Nov 11-12 VA, Richmond. Richmond Gun Show. Old Kmart on Midlothian, 6807 Midlothian Turnpike. SH:
Oct 29 NY, Babylon. Antique & Modern Gun Show. Nov 4-5 MS, Jackson. Capital City Gun Show. Wahia Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. A: $10. T: 750. F: $75.
American Legion Hall, 22 Grove Place. SH: 9am-3pm. Shriner Bldg., 4123 I-55 South, Exit 88. SH: Sat. Showmasters, Inc. 4225 Fortress Dr, Blacksburg, VA
A: $6. T: 100. PO Box 185, Amityville, ny 11701. PH: 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. PO Box 571, Ellisville, MS 24060. PH: 540-951-1344. www.showmastersgun-
631-669-0094. 39437. PH: 601-498-4235.
Oct 31-Dec 29 UT, Sandy. Gun Show. South Towne Nov 4-5 VA, Winchester. Gun Show. Body Renew Fitness Nov 11-12 TX, Ennis. Ennis Gun Show. SOKOL Lodge,
Exposition Center, 9575 S State St. SH: Tue. 9am-4pm, and Family Sports Center, 221 Commonwealth Court. 2622 E. Hwy. 34. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm.
Fri. 9am-5pm. F: $100/$125. Rocky Mountain Gun SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8. T: 200. A: $8.00 per adult, Kids 15 and under free w/paid
Show. PH: 801-589-0975. www.rockymountaingun- Southeastern Gun & Knife. PO Box 6601, Portsmouth, adult. T: 100. F: $70.00 each. 1900 E. FM 4, Cleburne, VA 23703. PH: 757-483-5383. TX 76031. PH: 817-929-1816. www.whippfarmproduc-
Nov 10-11 WI, New Lisbon. Gun Buyer Shows. New
NOVEMBER Lisbon Community Center, 110 Welch Prairie Rd.
SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. A: $5. F: 8’/ $20.
Nov 11-12 IN, Crown Point. Gun & Knife Show. Lake Cty.
Fairgrounds, 889 S. Court St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Nov 3-5 WI, Rothschild. Gun Show. Cedar Creek Mall BJ Keating/ The Gun Buyer. P.O. Box 75, Lisbon, WI Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $5., under 12 free w/adult. PO Box
Conf. Ctr., 10101 Market St. SH: Fri. 3pm-8pm, Sat. 53950. PH: 608-548-4867. 32, Centerville, IN 47330. PH: 765-993-8942. www.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $7. F: $45. Bob and Nov 10-12 IN, Evansville. Gun & Knife Show. National.
Rocco Gun Shows. PO Box 233, Somerset, WI 54025. Guard Armory, 3300 Division St. SH: Tentative
PH: 608-752-6677. Show-Call First Fri. 1pm-5pm, Sat. 8am-4pm, Sun.
Nov 3-5 IA, Altoona. Gun Show. Adventureland Park,
3200 Adventureland Dr. SH: Fri. 5pm-8pm, Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. A: $8. F: . Midwest Arms *'
Collectors LLC. 32671 Hwy 6, Brashear, MO 63533.
PH: 669-956-6004.
Nov 3-5 IN, Indianapolis. Indy 1500 Gun & Knife Show.
Indiana State Fairgrounds, 1202 E. 38th St. SH: Fri.
2pm-8pm, Sat. 8am-6pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box
14194, Oklahoma City, OK 73113. PH: 405-340-1333.
),5($50 .1,)(6+2:6$/(
Nov 4-5 TX, Hillsboro. Hillsboro Gun Show. Hill County
Fairgrounds, 205 Stadium Dr. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. A: $8.00 per adult, Kids 15 and under free
w/paid adult. T: 100. F: $70.00 each. 1900 E. FM 4,
Cleburne, TX 76031. PH: 817-929-1816. www.whip-
Nov 4-5 TX, Lewisville. Premier Gun Shows. Lakeland
Plaza, 1165 S Stemmons Freeway. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 700. Premier Gun
Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH:
Nov 4-5 TX, Pasadena. Premier Gun Shows. Convention
Ctr., 7902 Fairmont Pkwy. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
10am-4pm. A: $8 cash only. T: 300. Premier Gun
Shows. PO Box 34224, Fort Worth, TX 76162. PH:
Nov 4-5 IL, Bloomington. Gun, Knife, Hunting & Trade
Show. Interstate Center, 2301 W. Market St. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. Egyptian Collectors . PO
Box 138, Centralia, IL 62801. PH: 618-495-2572.

Nov 4-5 AZ, Tucson. Gun Show. Fairgrounds, Pima Cty.,
I-10 Houghton Rd., Exit 275. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. A: $12. T: 350. PO Box 290, Kaysville,
UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.crossroadsgun-
Nov 4-5 UT, Salt Lake City. Gun Show. S. Towne Expo Ctr., ¶V RI :LQFKHVWHUV )URP
9575 S. State St. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm.
Crossroads of the West. PO Box 290, Kaysville,
UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.crossroadsgun-
Nov 4-5 SC, North Charleston. Gun, Knife & Militaria Winchester Arms
Collectors Association
Show. Convention Center, 5000 Coliseum Dr. SH:
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm. A: $8/$6 Military. SC
Arms Coll. Assoc. PO Box 4308, Irmo, SC 29063. PH:
Nov 4-5 CA, Sacramento. Gun Show. Cal Expo Center,
1600 Exposition Blvd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. Crossroads of the West. PO Box 290,
Kaysville, UT 84037. PH: 801-544-9125. www.cross-
Nov 4-5 NY, Middletown. Gun & Knife Show. Orange Cty.
Fairgrounds, 239 Wisner Ave. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,
Sun. 9am-3pm. PO Box 406, Mahopac Falls, NY 
10542. PH: 914-248-1000. www.northeastgunshows.
Nov 4-5 KS, Dodge City. Gun Show. Western State Bank
Expo Center, 11333 Hwy 283. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm,

Sun. 9am-3pm. T: 200. F: 1-4 $45; 5+ $40; 10+ $30;
12=$350. G&S Promotions. PO Box 338, Wister,
OK 74966. PH: 918-659-2201. www.gandsgunshows.
Nov 4-5 KY, Somerset. Kenny Woods Gun Shows. The
Center, 2292 S hwy 27. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun.
9am-4pm. A: $8. RK Shows. PO Box 334, Manchester,    ¶ V  2 )  : , 1 & + ( 6 7 ( 5 ¶ 6  ) 2 5  6 $/ (  $1 '  ' , 6 3 / $<  
IA 52057. PH: 563-927-8176.
Nov 4-5 TX, San Antonio. Gun Show. Events Center, 8111 3 / 8 6  2 7 + ( 5  6 3 2 5 7 , 1 *    $1 7 , 4 8 (  ±  $0 0 2   
Meadow Leaf. SH: NW Loop 410 & Marbach Sat.
9am-6pm, Sun. 9am-5pm. Saxet Gun Shows. PO Box & 2 / / ( & 7 , % / (  5 , ) / ( 6   6 + 2 7 * 8 1 6    $/ /  ( 5 $6 
5677, Corpus Christi, TX 78465. PH: 361-289-2256. 2 )  0 , / , 7 $5 , $    & / $6 6      & 8 6 7 2 0  . 1 , 9 ( 6  
Nov 4-5 TN, Nashville. Gun & Knife Show. Fairgrounds,
I-65 & Wedgewood Ave. or I-440 & Nolensville Pike + $1 ' * 8 1 6  $0 0 2  $1 ' 5 ( / $7 ( ' , 7 ( 0 6 
Rd. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. PO Box 5,
Mt. Washington, KY 40047. PH: 502-538-3900. www.
Nov 4-5 TN, Kingsport. Gun & Knife Show. Meadowview
Conv. Ctr., 1901 Meadowview Pkwy. SH: Sat.
9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. A: $10. T: 250. RK Shows.
   2 ) )  2 1 ( $' 8 /7  $' 0 , 6 6 , 2 1  :  $' 
PO Box 334, Manchester, IA 52057. PH: 563-927- & + , / ' 5 ( 1  8 1 ' ( 5     ) 5 ( (  : , 7 +  3 $5 ( 1 7         
Nov 4-5 OK, Oklahoma City. Gun & Knife Show. State
Fairgrounds, Modern Living Bldg., 3001 General
' , 6 & 2 8 1 7 6    Z Z Z Q R U W K H D V W J X Q V K R Z V  F R P SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 109


Gun show owners – our brand-new gun show listing program is a free service
to help you list and promote your upcoming events. Keeping your show listings
updated has never been easier:

1 Go to
2 Create an account
3 Enter your show information
4 Update your information at anytime

That’s it! Make sure your show schedule is

included in the industry’s most complete, accurate
gun show listings program.

Using The ‘S’ Word
In New Zealand, suppressors are a normal, essential
— and accepted — part of hunting and shooting gear.
Why shouldn’t it be the same in the U.S.?

he steep, green hill made for a lung- the parallax on the riflescope and ranged the bull

T burning climb, but the huge antlers of

the red stag we spotted made us march
on without complaint. I was hunting
with Glen Dene Hunting and Fishing
on the South Island of New Zealand,
and we had located a spectacular free-range stag.
In fact, there were three mature stags hanging out
together on the crest of a ridge, where they could
watch the world below them.
at just under 250 yards. The stag was lying in his
bed and soaking up some mid-morning sun. I di-
aled the turret on my scope so my .308 Win. bullet
would find its mark, then waited.
The stags were oblivious to our presence, so
my hunting companion, Dick Dodds, whistled
as loud as he could. The stags lifted their heads
but didn’t budge. After several shrill whistles, the
trio finally got to their feet and looked around.
Half an hour later I was belly crawling to the edge When the bull I was targeting came into the
of the hill we had ascended, and I laid down my open, I settled the crosshairs on its shoulder and
pack and rested my rifle on it. I carefully adjusted slowly squeezed the trigger. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 111

I could hear the bullet smack the pact of my bullet, and the reason the A Suppressed Opportunity
skin and shoulder blade on the stag, smaller stags stood around momen- Suppressors are often associated with
and watched its nose hit the ground as tarily, was because there was no loud crime, as that’s what many that are
it started a downhill slide at a high rate bang. The shot was audible, but it was uneducated about guns are led to be-
of speed. The other stags weren’t sure far from loud. I watched the bullet in lieve. If you were to ask a question on
what was going on, but they didn’t my scope until it disappeared where the game show Family Feud: “What
hang around long to try and find out. I had held my crosshair. That is the is the first thing that comes to mind
The reason I could hear the im- beauty of a suppressor. when you hear the word silencer?”
The number one answer would be a
“hitman,” followed by “mafia,” and
The author’s hunting rig, complete with then maybe “criminal.”
suppressor, shooting sticks and binos. If there were a version of New Zea-
land Family Feud and the same ques-
tion were asked, the answers would
be: deer hunter, night hunting and
considerate hunting partner.
The misconception in North Amer-
ica around suppressors, which are of-
ten called silencers, means shooters
must put up with recoil and noise.
There’s also a cost to a portion of so-
ciety that doesn’t have or shoot fire-
arms. Continual loud noise can be ir-
ritating if you aren’t used to it, so just
imagine a shooting range where sup-
pressors were required. Would anyone
complain about the shooting if they
couldn’t hear it?

Societal Views
Many North Americans see suppres-
sors as evil. What possible good could
they have? Only criminals would
want to own one, right?
It’s amazing how society can be
convinced that something is evil. A
firearm performs the same way, and
has the same result, whether you hear
the bang or not. If making a weapon
quiet means it will always be used for
no good, then where does that put
bows and arrows?
In New Zealand, many hunters
would find it inconsiderate to bring
a firearm on a trip that wasn’t sup-
pressed. Nobody wants to carry hear-
ing protection, and nobody wants to
have his or her eardrums blown out.
Kiwis are used to suppressing their
guns and look at it as part of the origi-
nal purchase, just like adding a scope,
a sling and a recoil pad.
Most New Zealand hunters live on
wild game, but few go meat hunt-
ing during daylight hours. Finding a
young hind in a spotlight and shoot-
The uninformed stateside public often associates suppressors with assassins or criminal el-
ements. In New Zealand, they’re associated with considerate hunters and shooters looking
ing it in the head or neck is like go-
to protect their hearing and reduce noise pollution. ing to the grocery store, and no meat

112 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

is wasted. There are ranches in New
Zealand with full-time rabbit and hare
hunters. With no predators, it’s amaz-
ing how quickly rabbits and hares can
reproduce. Without some control, the
rabbit populations would eat sheep
out of existence. Suppressed rifles are
used daily as part of wildlife manage-
ment and control.
There is such a cultural difference
in accepting firearms and suppressors
that it’s noticeable. Arriving in New
Zealand shortly after Easter, I learned
of a unique community activity to
celebrate the holiday. Easter Sunday is
when the community goes on a “bun-
ny hunt,” and with an exceptional
participant turnout, there were close
to 35,000 animals shot. I asked if there Purchasing a suppressor and adding it to a hunting rig in New Zealand took 3 hours
and cost the author only $300 NZ — which is about 40 percent less in U.S. dollars.
was a mistake and if it was instead
3,500, but I was quickly informed that
a ridiculous amount of ammunition
was indeed used up. Owning firearms
and suppressors is the norm.

Suppressor Advantages
Suppressors come with varying de-
grees of noise reduction. They are
priced differently, and just because a
rifle is suppressed, does not mean it is
silent. The noise is reduced to a point
where it isn’t harmful to one’s hear-
ing, but it’s still distinctly audible.
When I arrived in New Zealand, I
went to a local sports shop with my
outfitter, and we purchased a brand-
new Savage Model 16 in .308 Win.
My experience is that they shoot ex-
tremely well out of the box. I set it up
with a new Bushnell Elite Long-Range
Shooting System scope and was ready
to take it out of the store. My outfit-
ter stopped me and told me we’d be
putting a suppressor on it, and we did.
I went to the range to sight my rifle
and shot off the bench without hear-
ing protection. I could clearly hear my
guide and hunting companions talk-
ing and informing me of where each
bullet hit as they watched through
a spotting scope. I was elated with
the situation, but couldn’t help but
bemoan the basic attitudes and laws
back in North America.

Bullet Travel
One of the key advantages of using a suppressor, aside from noise reduction, is that it
Using the suppressor on several hunts, reduces felt recoil. This means you can actually visually follow your bullet’s trajectory to
I was amazed to see the vapor trail off the target in many cases, which is helpful at the range and especially while hunting. SE P T E M BE R 2017 GunDigest the magazine | 113

and those without much experience
do extremely well on the trigger.

The Cost
I set up my rifle with a suppressor in
New Zealand for a cost of about $300
NZ. Of course, the U.S. dollar is much
stronger than that of New Zealand,
so the cost in North American terms
would be about 40 percent less.

I purchased the suppressor in a New
Zealand hunting and fishing outlet,
and they called a gunsmith down
the street to see if the barrel could
be threaded. The rifle was taken
right over to hit the lathe and was
ready to take to the range 3 hours
after the purchase was made. The
end of the rifle is threaded to screw
the suppressor in place. If you want
to use the rifle in its original form,
you simply remove the suppres-
sor and screw on a protective cap,
which is barely visible when turned
onto the threads.

Range Management
With concerns in the modern world
around noise pollution and the dis-
tance at which shooting can be
heard around ranges, it’s surpris-
ing we don’t see public requests for
suppressor-only ranges. People could
shoot in safe environments without
having the neighbors hear them. It’s
a novel idea, but one that certainly
holds merit. If only we could educate
A suppressor does add weight to your rig. A bipod helps balance out the extra the public and quash the misnomers
weight and makes for a more stable shot at the range and in the field.
regarding suppressors.

the bullet, and often see the sun catch Noise Reduction Disadvantages: Weight
the back of the projectile. The reason A bonus is that a suppressor does Suppressors do add weight to a fire-
I could see the detail was because the not change ballistics or performance arm and make them barrel-heavy
recoil had been greatly reduced, al- of a firearm or cartridge. I didn’t test and unbalanced. There are few Kiwis
lowing me to see the bullet trajectory the performance, but I was assured that have suppressors on rifles with-
clearly through the riflescope. by gunsmiths and fellow hunters out bipods. Having the front legs on
that I wouldn’t find any difference the forearm of your rifle takes away
Recoil Reduction in performance. the balance concerns. Most carry the
Suppressors do make a rifle quiet, suppressor in a pack and attach it to
but they also do so much more. The Teaching Aid the firearm just before setting up to
reduced recoil is significant. Shoot- Suppressors are used in New Zealand shoot. Removing the unit makes the
ing targets or animals and seeing to introduce new shooters to the sport rifle easier to carry when hiking or
a bullet’s trajectory through your and to train them with proper form. traveling. Taking the suppressor off
scope helps reduce shooter error and There are no worries about recoil and after each use also prevents damage if
allows you to see everything from developing a flinch. Even with larger- the firearm is dropped or hit against a
wind drift to pulled shots. caliber rifles, small-framed shooters solid surface. GDTM

114 | GunDigest the magazine SE P T E M BE R 2017

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