J TV User Manual
J TV User Manual
J TV User Manual
Java TreeView User's Manual
List of Figures
1.1. Contents of Java TreeView Distribution Archive ................................................................ 2
2.1. Url Presets Dialog ........................................................................................................ 7
2.2. Dendrogram Color Presets Dialog ................................................................................... 8
2.3. Karyoscope Coordinates Presets Dialog ............................................................................ 9
2.4. Url Settings Dialog ..................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Dendrogram Font Settings Dialog .................................................................................. 10
2.6. Dendrogram Pixel Settings Dialog ................................................................................. 11
2.7. Karyoscope Settings Dialog .......................................................................................... 12
2.8. Karyoscope Averaging Settings Dialog ........................................................................... 12
2.9. Dendrogram Export Dialog ........................................................................................... 14
2.10. Dendrogram Component Layout .................................................................................. 17
2.11. Scatterplot Component Layout ..................................................................................... 19
2.12. Creating a Scatterplot ................................................................................................ 20
2.13. Karyoscope Component Layout ................................................................................... 21
2.14. Alignment Component Layout ..................................................................................... 23
2.15. File Formats in Java TreeView .................................................................................... 24
2.16. Screenshot of Generalized CDT file in Excel ................................................................. 25
2.17. Screenshot of a Tree File in Excel ............................................................................... 27
3.1. Screenshot of Running Java TreeView from the Command Line with 800 Megs of RAM .......... 33
List of Tables
2.1. CDT Column Headers With Special Meaning ................................................................. 26
2.2. CDT Row Headers With Special Meaning ...................................................................... 27
2.3. GTR/ATR Column Headers With Special Meaning .......................................................... 28
This manual has three chapters. Each chapter has a purpose:
New users should glance over the contents to see what the program has to offer, perhaps reading a section
if it may be of interest. Familiar users may return if some errors arise, or if there is a feature they remember
exists, but don't remember how to use.
This manual may be partially out of date. It has not been fully checked since 1.0.7, please email the mailing
lists or the project admins on jtreeview.sf.net if you notice a section that appears to be out of date.
I would like to thank the members of the Botstein lab for valuable discussions and feedback, in particular
Michael Shapira, John Murray, Maitreya Dunham, Barbera Dunn, Matt Brauer, Michal Ronen and my
advisor David Botstein.
I would also like to thank the many other people both inside and outside of Stanford who have given me
feedback, including Jason Lieb, Christian Rees, John Matese, Gavin Sherlock, Michiel Jan Laurens de
Hoon and Stéphane Graziani.
Chapter 1. Installation and Introduction
General Instructions
Installation of Java TreeView should be fairly straightforward on modern operating systems.
1) To get started, download a recent version of Java TreeView from the main web page, http://
Windows TreeView-1.0.5-bin.zip
Mac OS X TreeView-1.0.5-osx.dmg
Applet TreeView-1.0.5-applet.tar.gz
Source TreeView-1.0.5-source.tar.gz
For most operating systems, the application is distributed as a .tar.gz file. For MacOS9, there is a special
MacOS9 .sit file.
2) Unpack the .tar.gz file, if your browser has not already done so.
Known Issues
• Stuffit version 7.5 for windows does not properly unpack tar.gz files. Use WinZip on the windows
platform instead.
If you run into problems at any time, check Chapter 3, Troubleshooting Troubleshooting for
".jar" stands for Java ARchive, and is a standard format for java programs and libaries. Some jar files, such as the TreeView.jar files, are set up
to be executable. Others, such as those located in the "lib" folder, are not.
Installation and Introduction
Getting Started
Once you have downloaded and unpacked the distribution, you should be confronted with a set of files
similar to those listed in Figure 1.1, “Contents of Java TreeView Distribution Archive”. Before reading
further, you should run the TreeView.jar program to make sure your installation works. At this point, you
might want to view a sample cdt or pcl file to get the hang of how it works. You can grab one from the
examples section of the website or skip ahead to the file formats section (Chapter 2, Feature Reference,
the section called “File Formats”) if you aren't sure whether your file is properly formatted.
Installation and Introduction
Alignment Displays aligned sequence data, typically from clustalw or a similar program
In all these views there are visual cues to show which genes are selected. Any operation which selects
genes in one view, either due to genome ordering, hierarchical clustering, or per-gene statistics, selects
the genes in all views. This is because the application only maintains one list of selected genes. This list
of selected genes can also be used to create exported images and data files such as gene lists and sub-pcl
files using the Export features, documented in chapter 2.
Chapter 2. Feature Reference
Command Line Options
Useful JVM Arguments
The amount of memory can be specified using the standard arguments to the jvm, i.e. for 500 MB, use
java -jar -Xmx500m TreeView.jar
Be aware that for windows, you may need to use javaw instead of java.
-t <type> (--type=<type>) Open file with the specified type of viewer. Valid values are
"linked" for multiple linked view (by default only dendrogram
opens on new files), "kmeans" for k-means, "classic" for the classic,
dendrogram only, and "auto" to autodetect (default)
-x <plugin> (--export=<plugin> Export image from command line using the specified plugin instead
of opening an interactive window. This argument requires that
a resource to export is specified on the command line as well.
Currently only the "Dendrogram" plugin is specified.
-f <imageFormat> (--=<format>) (optional) set output format, either 'png', 'gif' or 'ps' (defaults to
extension of output file)
-s <widthxheight> (-- (optional) set pixel scaling as pixels for each array x pixels for each
scaling=<widthxheight>) gene, or 1x10 for one pixel per array column and 10 pixels for each
gene row, if you wanted to have gene names in the output
Feature Reference
-h <pixels> (-- (optional) Explicitly set the height of the array tree.
-w <pixels> (-- (optional) Explicitly set the width of the gene tree.
-l <value> (--logcenter=<center>) (optional) Take log base 2(data value/<center>) before applying the
contrast. Useful if dealing with raw count data.
Note: Setting the contrast or logcenter values will modify the .jtv file and have a persistent effect when
the file is reopened in java treeview
For operating systems which have a command line, a file or url can be specified. The following example
demonstrates how to load the example off the website from the command line: java -jar TreeView.jar
-r http://jtreeview.sourceforge.net/examples/DLim_color.cdt
In Java TreeView, some effort was made so that when you set settings once, they stay set even if the
application is closed and reopened. Such things as colors, zoom settings, url settings, etc. have settings
which are set on a per-document level. There are also presets for these settings which are stored globally.
A particular preset can be designated the default, and is used when opening new documents.
The actual Presets and Settings are covered in the section called “Presets” and the section called “Settings”
respectively. This section simply tells you where the settings and presets are stored.
Document Settings
All document settings are stored in a document-specfic .jtv file. These settings always take precendence
over the presets. If you want to reset a document so that it uses all presets, just delete the .jtv file. At some
point, a menu option to do this might get added.
Global Settings
Currently, there are two program-wide settings: the presets and the most recently used list of files. Program-
wide settings are stored in a global configuration file whose location is platform dependant. To be exact,
the following code is run to determine what file to use:
Feature Reference
On unix, this resolves to a .javaTreeViewXmlrc file in your home directory. On OSX, it resolves to a
JavaTreeView Config in your home directory. On PC, it resolves to a jtview.xml file, although I'm not
sure where windows considers your home directory to be.
Presets allow you to store commonly used settings for url links, colors, and other settings. This allows
you to quickly apply commonly used settings to different documents. Moreover, the default preset is the
setting which a new file gets. Presets are not specific to any document, which means they can be edited
when no files are loaded.
Feature Reference
Url Presets
Figure 2.1. Url Presets Dialog
Url Presets are the only presets which apply to many views, since url linking is a view-independant process.
Java TreeView stores the url presets for arrays and genes separately, thus there are two sets of url presets,
gene url presets and array url presets, which are treated essentially the same.
Java TreeView supports linking to external databases. In a Dendrogram or Karyoscope, clicking on a gene
will cause a corresponding database page to be loaded in an external browser. Dendrogram also supports
linking by array. Exactly what database page gets loaded depends on the Url Settings. The exact mechanism
for load depends on the operating system, and can be a source of url bugs (see Chapter 3).
URL Presets allow you to store presets for databases you may wish genes and arrays to link to. There are
several default presets which come with Java TreeView. You can delete or modify all of them, as well
as add additional presets.
There is a special preset which disables linking. You can set this as the default url preset to avoid spurious
Feature Reference
This set of presets allow you to configure preset color schemes for the dendrogram component. It is also
referred to as just color presets in TreeView, since there's no other views which could have color settings.
Feature Reference
Stores a list of frequently used coordinates files. In addition to using a particular preset,it is also possible
to parse the pcl or cdt file itself for the coordinates. Selecting "None" makes this the default behavior.
Java TreeView stores settings in a per-file manner. Thus, it is not possible to edit settings unless a file is
loaded. Additionally, LinkedView stores many settings in a per-view manner. Specifically, only the url
settings are document-wide; the rest are only per-view. Thus, you could have multiple dendrograms with
different zoom and color settings, and multiple Karyoscopes with different averaging, all with the same
underlying document.
Feature Reference
Url Settings
Figure 2.4. Url Settings Dialog
Url Settings allow you to select from one of the presets, or to directly edit the url string. There is a special
substring of the url string, "HEADER", which is replaced by a partcular gene or url header which you
select from the pulldown. The default is to either use the first column for a pcl, or the second column for
a cdt. In the original Eisen layout, this is the YORF column.
There is also a checkbox which allows you to disable url linking entirely. Whether this box is checked
initially is determined by the default url presets.
What exactly the url settings are used for depends on the view. Generally, clicking on a gene will cause
the url for that gene to be loaded in an external browser.
Choose the font used to render gene or array names and annotation.
Feature Reference
This fairly complicated dialog has three major parts. The first part allows you to set the pixel scaling for
the global and zoom views. The second part allows you to set the contrast. The third part allows you to
set the color settings for the dendroview.
The pixel scaling determines how tall and wide the boxes are in both the zoom and global views. Basically,
the larger the pixel scaling, the bigger the box. If the pixel scaling is less than one, the rows are averaged.
This can make your data look better, since missing values disappear.
The contrast is the expression value which corresponds to fully induced. Any values greater than this will
appear to be the induced color, and values between this and zero will appear to be a color between the zero
and up color. The contrast is similarly used to color repressed boxes.
The color part allows you to set the up, down, zero and missing colors. You can double-click the boxes to
get a color selection dialog, click a preset to load a color, and load and store color sets to files.
Feature Reference
In LinkedView, a dendrogram must be active in order for this option to appear on the settings menu. Any
settings made only apply to the active dendrogram.
Coordinates may be parsed from the current file, if it is formatted properly, or parsed from an external
file. The proper formatting is discussed in the File Formats section. The settings files provided with Java
Treeview are nothing more than minimal PCL files, which contain no data but have annotation columns
for chromosome, arm and position. The coordinates in an external files are matched up with the loci in the
current file using either the first column, or if the first column has the header GID the second column. This
gives the expected result when operating on PCL or CDT files, provided that the id column is unique.
Loci which do not have coordinates are not displayed. However, loci which have coordinates but not
expression data associated with them do affect the extent of the chromosome displayed.
Feature Reference
Allows one to average genes with their genomic neighbors using one of several algortihms.
Nearest Average the nearest k genes. The nearest may all be on one side; this method strictly
finds the nearest.
Neighbor Average the (k-1)/2 genes on the left and the (k-1)/2 genes on the right together
with this one. If there are fewer than (k-1)/2 genes on a side, then fewer genes are
Interval Average genes over an interval of k units. The unit is the unit which the coordinates
of the genes are specified in. This is generally base pairs for the supplied
coordinates files.
Most displays support output to image formats such as PNG, PPM and JPEG. The dendrogram view also
supports export to vector-based postcript files. Additionally, it is possible to export subsets of data to tab-
delimitted text, i.e. gene lists and cdts.
Feature Reference
Export of Dendrograms
Figure 2.9. Dendrogram Export Dialog
The dendrogram can be exported to either image files or editable Postscript for publication purposes.
Postscript can be edited as objects in programs such as Adobe Illustrator, but can get prohibitively large
with many genes and arrays. Image files are simply pixels, but can take up less space. To export to
Postscript, select "Export->Export to Postscript" off the menubar. To export to images, select "Export-
>Export to Image". The following sections apply to both types of export. Although the above image is a
screenshot of Postscript export, the only difference with image export is that there is no Bounding Box
option. The purpose of the bounding box is discussed in the section called “Bounding Box”.
Both gene and array headers can be included in the exported image. The headers can be selected using
the listboxes on the left side of the export dialog. Holding down the apple key on a mac, the Alt key on
Feature Reference
windows, or the Meta key on a unix machine will allow you to select multiple headers, or to deselect all
Below the Listboxes is a checkbox which specifies whether the array names are to be output below the
gene tree or not.
Include Checkboxes
The top half of the column in the middle of the dialog contains checkboxes which control exactly what
data in included in the exported image.
The "Selection Only" checkbox determines whether just the selected genes and arrays or all genes and
arrays are output.
The "Gene Tree" and "Array Tree" checkboxes determine whether or not the gene and array trees should
be included.
The "Data Matrix" checkbox specifies whether or not the actual data matrix should be included.
The "x scale" and "y scale" boxes set the size in pixels of the boxes in the data matrix.
The "Total Size" boxes contain the total predicted size of the exported image in inches. These fields are
not used by the export machinery, and editing them has no effect.
A preview of the exported image using the current settings is displayed on the right side of the dialog. If
the preview takes a long time to render for some reason, it can be disabled with the checkbox below.
Export To
At the bottom of the export panel is a text field holding a suggested filename to hold the exported image.
This field can be edited directly, or another file can be selected using the Browse button to the right.
Bounding Box
The Bounding Box is a part of the PostScript standard which informs postscript renderers of non-standard
page sizes. If you have problems seeing all of an exported postscript image then including the bounding
box or making it bigger might help. Due to the vagaries of font rendering, there is no easy way for me
to predict how long a particular text string is going to be. I take a decent guess, but sometimes the text
will get clipped.
Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator all support the Bounding Box, and will correctly
render exported postscript from Java TreeView.
Adobe Distiller ignores the Bounding Box and produces incorrect output on some platforms.
Feature Reference
• Auto
• Classic TreeView
• LinkedView
• KmeansView
Auto is selected by default, and tries to do a good job of picking the best mode for a file. This should be
sufficient for most users.
Classic TreeView is similar to the visualization program by Michael Eisen([Eisen 1998]). It consists only
of a dendrogram view of the data.
LinkedView is a generalization of TreeView. The idea is to present multiple linked visualizations of the
same data which is present in TreeView. Initially, it shows a dendrogram view, but a Karyoscope View,
ScatterView, as well as a new Alignment View can be show if the appropriate data is available.
KmeansView is a specialized version of TreeView for viewing the output of Michiel de la Hoon's Cluster
3.0 K-means clustering ([De Hoon 2002] , http://bonsai.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~mdehoon/software/) . This
program is mostly similar to TreeView, although more k means-specific features could be added later.
The Dendrogram is one of three views which can be created in the LinkedView application. It is also the
bulk of the TreeView application. The dendrogram has a lot of components, so I've gone ahead and given
them names, so that the description of the features will not be confusing.
Feature Reference
Informational Panels
The status panel displays different information depending upon which component the mouse is over. The
hint panel displays hints on how to use the component.
Selection in Dendrogram
Genes can be selected in the dendrogram by either clicking and dragging on the global pixels or by clicking
on a node in the gene or array trees. A zoomed in view of the selected genes will appear in the Zoom
Pixels pane, a yellow rectangle will appear on the global view indicating which genes are selected, and a
blue rectangle will appear inside the yellow rectangle indicating which genes are currently visible in the
Zoom Pixels pane.
Feature Reference
Holding down the shift key while dragging on the global pixels will cause the exact range of arrays to
be selected; by default all arrays are selected. Once a range is selected, pressing the arrow keys moves
the selected rectangle around. Holding down the control key while pressing the arrow keys will grow and
shrink the selected rectangle.
Clicking on a node in the array or gene trees will select all descendants of the node. The selected node
and descendants will be colored in red. At this point, pressing the arrow keys will change which genes are
selected. Up will select the parent of the current node, left and right will select the left and right children,
and down will select the child with more descendants.
You can of course mix values, and use lower values than FF for less intense colors. you can either find
colors by trial and error, or do a quick web search for hex color codes. It is recommended that you edit the
cdt file in excel or write a perl script to add the color codes easily.
The Scatterplot is one of three views which can be created in the LinkedView application.
Feature Reference
The scatterplot is a fairly simple component. Clicking and dragging will select the genes within the
rectangle. Holding down Control will allow you to select multiple disjoint sets of genes. Moving the mouse
around will tell you the X and Y coordinates of the mouse at any given point.
Feature Reference
Creating a Scatterplot
Figure 2.12. Creating a Scatterplot
To create a scatterplot, select "Analysis->Create Scatterplot..." from the menubar. You will then be
confronted with the dialog in Figure 2.12, “Creating a Scatterplot”. The two pulldown menus determine
what will be plotted on each axis. There options include the various arrays, the actual row number of the
gene (called INDEX), and any annotation columns.
Feature Reference
Figure 2.13. Karyoscope Component Layout
The Karyoscope is one of three views which can be created in the LinkedView application. It can be created
by selecting Analysis->make Karyoscope in LinkedView. There are three major regions to the screen in
the Karyoscope. The upper left panel is the parameter panel, the upper right panel is the info panel, and
then lower part of the screen is the karyoscope proper.
There are several settings which apply to the Karyoscope which have been previously covered, including
the Coordinates the section called “Karyoscope Coordinates Settings” and Averaging the section called
Feature Reference
“Karyoscope Averaging Settings” and Url the section called “Url Settings” Settings. The remaining
features are covered here.
Zooming in Karyoscope
The layout of the genes in the Karyoscope is determined by the Coordinates Settings and the Parameter
Panel. The coordinates settings specify the chromosome, arm and position of each gene. The Parameter
panel specifies exactly how to translate this information into an on-screen location.
The Pixels Per Map specifies how many pixels each position unit stands for. Making this number larger
will stretch out the chromosomes.
The Pixels Per Value specifies how many pixels each value unit from the data matix gets. Making this
number larger will make the bars higher in the karyoview.
The width and height specify the actual width and height of the canvas on which the karyoscope will be
drawn. Making these values larger will space out the chromosomes without actually changing the spacing
of the bars or their height.
Since setting these values manually is tedious, there are two additional ways to navigate, which are
preferred for general use. Clicking the "Auto" button in the parameter panel will set the width and height to
match the available screen real estate, and then scale the pixels per map and pixels per value appropriately.
Selecting a rectanglar region in the Karyoscope causes the screen to zoom in on that location. Technically
speaking, it causes the selected region to exactly fill the screen, increasing the pixel per map and pixels
per value proportionately.
Feature Reference
Figure 2.14. Alignment Component Layout
Feature Reference
The Alignment view is very good for browing large alignments, even if you don't have any expression data
for them. There is a utility, "aln2cdt.pl" available in the helper-scripts package from website to facilitate
the viewing of clustalw alignments.
The alignment view relies up the existence of a column named "ALN" containing all the sequence data,
with IUPAC symbols for the amino acids, and non-symbol spacer characters such as dashes designating
the gaps. The alignment view will render the matching sequence into a dendrogram-view like two-level
display, complete with gene tree.
There are two PERL scripts in the helper-scripts package available from the website which should aid in the
usage of alignment view, aln2cdt.pl which will create a cdt with the appropriate columns, and potentially
a gtr fie if there is a dnd file available, and appendPCL.pl, which will allow you to append expression data
in the pcl format to the cdt alignment file.
For a detailed howto to assist in making your own alignments, please see the fgf receptor example on the
website (http://jtreeview.sourceforge.net)
File Formats
Figure 2.15. File Formats in Java TreeView
Java TreeView uses two file formats to represent data, both of which are tab-delimited text. The third file
format is an xml formatted file which holds settings information for persistence (see the section called
Feature Reference
• XML Settings File (.jtv and global settings file, see the section called “Global Settings”)
The use of tab-delimitted text makes these files easy to edit in spreadsheet programs such as Excel, as well
as manipulate with other programs.
The generalized CDT file is a straightforward generalization of the CDT and PCL file formats. In addition
to expression data, this file can contain additional per-gene and per-array annotation in columns before the
GWEIGHT column or in rows before the EWEIGHT row. For backwards compatibility, if the GWEIGHT
column is missing Java TreeView assumes the data starts on the third column, or the fourth column if the
first column has the header GID. Similarly, if the EWEIGHT row is missing Java TreeView assumes the
data starts on the second row. As a general practice, it is a good idea to include the GWEIGHT column
and EWEIGHT row.
In addition, Java TreeView does special things with the first two or three columns. If the first column is
GID, the second and third are assumed to be the unique ID and NAME columns. If the first column is
Feature Reference
anything other than GID, the first and second columns are assume to be the unique ID and NAME columns.
The unique ID is used for gene list export, and for some matching purposes when necessary. The NAME
column is displayed as per-gene annotation in the dendrogram and other views.
There are annotation column names with special meaning to Java TreeView, and are used for coordinates
or to set the color of gene names. These special columns are described after the basic file format, and
should be avoided as annotation names unless you want that specific behavior.
Feature Reference
A coordinates file is simply a generalized CDT file which has such columns. The coordinates files supplied
with Java TreeView do not contain any expression data; they consist entirely of the unique id column,
the chromosome, arm and position columns, and the required GWEIGHT column. However, any other
generalized CDT file with the correct columns can serve as a coordinates file.
Tree Files
Figure 2.17. Screenshot of a Tree File in Excel
Feature Reference
Traditionally, tree files have no header, and consist of four columns. Each row represents a node in either a
gene tree, for the GTR file, or an array tree in the ATR file. For each row, the first column is the identifier of
the node, the second column is the left child of the node, the third column is the right child, and the fourth
column is the correlation between the left and right child. This fourth column is used by Java TreeView
to determine the height of the node when rendering a tree.
By analogy to the CDT file, the tree files have been generalized in Java Treeview. Generalized tree files
have a header line identifying the different columns. All generalized GTR/ATR files must have NODEID
as the name of the first column. Tree files with any other string in the first row of the first column will
be treated as legacy tree files. All of the rows will be treated as defining nodes, and the headers will
be assigned the headers "NODEID", "LEFT", "RIGHT" and "CORRELATION". The meaning of these
headers, and others, are described in the section called “ Tree File Headers ”.
Headers that have meaning beyond being used as annotation are described here.
Feature Reference
Chapter 3. Troubleshooting
Installation Problems
Unzipping Distribution
Some users have reported problems unzipping the distribution. The problems encountered range from all
files getting dumped in the root directory to not being able to unzip the distribution at all. This stems from
my approach of using a single, relatively platform independant format, the .tar.gz format. The solution is
to just use an unzipping program which handles .tar.gz properly.
GNU tar/ GNU gunzip These are the command line tools I use to create the distribution. They
are ubiquitously available on all unix and unix-like operating systems,
including Mac OS X, if you know where to look.
Stuffit on Mac OS 9 This is the recommended unzipper for Mac OS 9. This should definately
work on the specially packaged OS 9 distribution, which comes as a .sit
Stuffit on Mac OS X As far I know, this should work fine. Just make sure you download the
correct (.tar.gz) distribution of treeview.
Stuffit on Windows This is known not to work in at least some cases. If it does not
make a directory structure like Figure 1.1, “Contents of Java TreeView
Distribution Archive”, then just go get winzip.
http://java.sun.com/j2se/ [http://java.sun.com/j2se/]
Mac OSX comes with java standard. For Mac OS9, you may need to get the Mac OS Runtime for Java
(MRJ) from the apple website,
http://developer.apple.com/macos/macos9.html [http://developer.apple.com/macos/
I have tried several things, but nothing works for all versions, and if you are not lucky you will be using
one for which the current incarnation does not. Luckily it is easily fixed. Go to start->execute.. and entry
"cmd" to get a command line shell. Try the following variants to see how your version of windows likes
to do linking:
1. start http://www.google.com
3. start "http://www.google.com"
By default, #2 is used in version 1.0.5. If you require something else, you can enter the entire command as
the URL string in java treeview, i.e. start http://genome-www4.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/
SGD/locus.pl?locus=HEADER Including the quotes should guard against forbidden characters in
the HEADER, as explained in my code: // The problem with the above is that special
shell characters, notably & | ( ) < > ^ , // need to be escape, or
put in double quotes (which can be doubled to escape them, // but I
don't think that's necessary.)
This output indicates that an underlying C function failed. The java thread running this just dies without
throwing an exception, so there's no way for me to detect it. The symptoms on the user level is that clicking
has no effect. If you think this might be the case, double check your Url settings, in particular the preview,
and make sure that the url is well formed.
Export Problems
Export of Gene Summary
Problem: I want to display things that are similar by Genename. This fucntion is present in your program
when you select genes that have the same annotation(Analysis->Find...) , and then show a summary
of these genes (Analysis->Summary Window...). Is there any way to save an image from the summary
Solution: There may be a way in the future to directly export from the summary window. However, in the
meantime you can export data for the selected genes to form a valid CDT file, which can then be opened
with Java Treeview and used to form images, etc.
First, Select the genes using the annotation search as you described. Then, use Export->Data... to export
the data just for the selected genes. If you accept all the defaults, it will make a well-formed CDT file that
you can then reopen and export to an image.
Solution: The gif encoder in java treeview sucks. Use Export->Export to bitmap... (ppm) format and then
convert to gif with some software with a better gif encoder. "GraphicConverter" which comes by default
with Mac OS X works well. There are also various windows options, such as "Image Transformer", which
is shareware.
Miscellaneous Problems
Out of Memory
Running out of memory is tough to detect and deal with in java, since most of memory allocation is hidden
from the java developer. If you are working with large data sets, or on a computer with a small amount of
RAM, it is easy to run out of memory because java is not very memory efficient, and more importantly
most Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) are too stupid to grow to take up more memory than some default
arbitrary maximum.
There are only two possible solutions to the out of memory problem in java. Either I write a platform-
specific launcher for each platform that informs the JVM of the extra ram, or you run the application from
the command line and tell the JVM about the RAM yourself. Currently, only the latter is supported.
To run the application from the command line, first get to a terminal. This should be obvious to someone
on a unix machine. On Mac OS X, run the Terminal program which is in the utilities folder. On Windows,
select Start->run... and then type cmd <return> . Curously, on Mac OS 9, this problem does not seem to
arise. I suspect this is because the OS 9 JVM is smart enough to use the per-file memory settings.
Next, switch to the directory containing the java treeview distribution (using either cd or chdir or whatever),
and then type
Where the number following Xmx is the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that the JVM is to use.
You may as well specify the available system RAM; the JVM won't take it unless it needs it. Also, make
sure that you're in the directory with the jar files so that the command will work. Check out Figure 3.1,
“Screenshot of Running Java TreeView from the Command Line with 800 Megs of RAM” for an example.
Figure 3.1. Screenshot of Running Java TreeView from the Command Line with
800 Megs of RAM
Displaying Annotations
Question: I have two columns before I get to my data, the first being ID(containing accesion number),
and the second is "NAME" (containing Unigene ID). The data follows in each column after these two.
When treeview loads it up, it only displays the 2nd column "NAME", instead of both columns data when
highlighting aspects of the cluster. Is this right?
Answer: Yes. TreeView used to display all annotations, but it annoyed some people. To specify the ones
you want, use Settings->Annotations...
Switching browsers
On the windows and mac platforms, the system default browser is used to open urls. In order to change
it, you must muck around with your control panel.
On unix, there is no notion of a system default web browser, so I just hardcoded in a call to netscape. If
you don't have netscape, or you want to use another browser, just alias netscape to that other browser from
the shell in which you're launching java treeview. Something like the following should work:
If the above doesn't work, then the JVM is spawning a sub-shell to run the call to netscape in. In that case,
you need to add the alias to your .profile or equivalent, or perhaps just add a link to your preferred browser
such as the following:
ln -s /usr/bin/mosaic netscape
Some people have been thrown off guard by dendrograms such as the one depicted above. The strange
appearance of the tree, where the parent node of dpy-8 and col-67 has a lower correlation than its parent,
is a correct representation of the clustering algorithm used to generate the tree. Indeed, the correlation
between the two genes is .889, whereas the correlation of the next join up is .908. This simply means that
the average of dpy-8 and col-67 is more similar to the next node up than they are to each other (and, by
implication, than either dpy-8 or col-67 alone are to the next node up).
If such behavior disturbs you, please use a different correlation metric, such as complete linkage. Certain
other visualization programs, such as the original Treeview, artificially force parent nodes to have a
correlation equal to or less than that of their children, but I choose to accurately represent the information
in the GTR and ATR files.
Crashing on Mac Os X
Typical symptoms are the application seems to lock up after a fairly innocuous user action, and then the
application suddenly quits. If you ware running from the command line, you may see a report of a "bus
error" or "segmentation fault". Running "Console", an application that comes with OSX and can be found
in the Utilities subfolder of the Applications folder, should reveal something like
as opposed to
In general, if Java Treeview crashes it is advisable to check the console for messages. The former indicates
a bug in the JVM, not in Java Treeview, which at some point I should write up as a formal bug report.
Something like the latter indicates a bug in Java Treeview, although this particular instance was another
java program. There are at least two causes for the JVM crashes, one of which is somewhat understood.
If you are launching Java Treeview by double-clicking a jar file, and you have multiple views open, you
could be triggering a bug in the Mac OSX Java libaries related to font rendering. Either run Java Treeview
with the following command line:
or just use the double-clickable application that comes in the .dmg download.
Java Treeview may also crash when you select entries from the most recent file listing. It is not clear what
causes this or how to fix it at the moment.
[Eisen 1998] Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U S A. 1998 Dec 8. 95. 25. 14863-8. “Cluster analysis
and display of genome-wide expression patterns”. MB Eisen, PT Spellman, PO Brown, and D Botstein.
[Lin 2002] Genome Biology. 2002 May 14. 3. 6. RESERACH0026. “Physical mapping of genes in somatic cell
radiation hybrids by comparative genomic hybridization to cDNA microarrays.”. JY Lin, JR Pollack, FL
Chou, CA Rees, AT Christian, JS Bedford, PO Brown, and MH Ginsberg.
[De Hoon 2002] Genome Informatics. 2002. 13. 250-251. “Open source clustering software”. M De Hoon, S Imoto,
and S Miyano.