Data Structures A1 - Game of Life
Data Structures A1 - Game of Life
Data Structures A1 - Game of Life
Game of Life
In this assignment, you will implement a mathematical game known as “Game of Life” devised by
John Conway in 1970. This zero-player game is set on a two dimensional array of cells (potentially
infinite in dimensions). Each cell is either alive or dead. The game starts with an arbitrary pattern of
cells set to live status. The rules of game are as follows.
The life is staged on a two dimensional grid, with each cell at unique (x, y) coordinates. The top left
corner has coordinates (0,0) and x increases as one moves right and y increases as one moves down
(typical choice for graphics devices). Simplest choice for representing the cells would be to use a two
dimensional integer array, where each cell contains a simple integer with value=1 for live cell and 0 for
dead cell. The cells may also contain other information like neighbor count etc. Note that this simple
structure will not allow a O(n) update algorithm required by the assignment. To perform updates
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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
efficiently, an additional array (unInit-array) can be used (there are many other algorithms, but this is
what you will need to implement for this assignment). The unInit-array keeps track of only the live
cells. An entry in the unInit-array points to the corresponding entry in the grid and vice-versa. This
reference loop serves as a way to verify that the entries are valid. The figure 1 shows the relationship
between the arrays. Attributes like status of a cell, count etc., are not shown in the figure, but are
necessary for your program. These attributes can be kept in the unInit-array rather than grid to save
space. Basic operations on this unInit-array are as follows.
Figure 1. Representation of a blinker object
Insertion: A new element is always inserted at the end and this entry and the corresponding cell in grid
are updated to refer each other.
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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
Deletion: Just deleting an element will not work as it leaves a hole in the array. Fortunately it is simple to fill
this hole by swapping in the last array element in to this just vacated entry (we can do this because the order
of entries is not important for our purposes). When the swap is done, it is important to ensure that the
reference from the grid to the swapped entry is still correct. As an example, deleting cell (2,2) from state
shown in Figure 1 leads to the Figure 2. Note that grid entry (2,2) may still refer to its location in unInit-array
(index 1 in this case). However since the element at index 1 in unInit-array does not point back to the deleted
entry, the grid entry is invalid.
Figure 2. State after deleting cell (2,2) from unInit Array
Various phases involved in the update are as follows. These phases are primarily for descriptive
purposes and you may choose to combine them for efficiency or convenience.
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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
Adding neighbors: In this phase, the number of neighbors for each cell will be counted. This can be
done in O(n) by walking through the array. For each cell, there are eight neighbors. If the cell has
coordinates (x, y), then (x-1,y-1), (x, y-1), (x+1,y-1), (x-1,y), (x+1,y), (x-1,y+1), (x, y+1), (x+1,y+1)
are the neighbors. Add the neighbors that are not already in the array. (How do you check if a given
cell is in the unInit-array?). It could be easier to add the neighbors to a different array, i.e., one array
for live cells (unInit-array) and one array for their neighbors (aux-array). Since the game rules for how
alive cell propagate are different than rule for dead cells, this division of cells into different arrays can
make things simpler.
Counting live neighbors: The previous stage has gathered all the potential cells into the aux-array.
(Note that no other cell needs to be updated and thus a lot of computation is saved as we don’t need to
scan through entire grid.). It is easy to go through this list and count number of live cells adjacent to
each cell. This live neighbor count is what is needed to decide which cell will propagate to the next
Cell propagation: Once the neighbor counts are known, the status of cells is determined and cells that
will stay alive in the next generation are updated. (Using the rules of Life). You can perform this
update within same aux-array (by deleting and inserting as necessary) or you can add propagating cells
into a temporary array and then replace the unInit-array.
Birth: if exactly three of cells neighbors are alive, the cell will become alive at the next step. Bonus:
You have to implement this in O(n) (hint: use unInit- and aux-arrays not the grid).
Display: The cells are drawn onto a Graphical device or to a terminal device. This phase will be kept
simple so that programming can focus on the main aspects of the game.
Your program should read input from a file. The input file contains how many generations of life you
need to simulate as well as the coordinates of the initial pattern. We will provide some examples for
you to work with, and you should try to test with more patterns of your own. The input file format is as
follows. Only the numbers will be in the file. The comments following ’’ below are only
10 number of generations that you will need to simulate
6 number of cells in the object about to be read
30 19 (x, y) coords for the various cells of the object
20 20
21 20
22 20
30 20
30 21
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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
School of Computing Fall 2017 Islamabad Campus
Make your algorithm as simple as possible so that you have less of a chance to introduce bugs.
Test your insert and delete procedures for the unInit-array. If these work correctly, most of the work is
done. Modular design will help here.
Check that you are able to correctly add the cell neighbors. Only the ones not already in the array will
need to be added. While adding the neighbors, it is easy to compute the counts too. Print out the unInit-
array to ensure this works correctly.
Now apply the rules correctly and perform update. If you chose to update within the same unInit-array,
remember that you need to scan backwards as delete procedure moves element at the last to the deleted
Test your procedure on some small creature. The blinker object is made of just 3 cells and is very
useful for testing. Test it on some larger creature that we will provide.
As far as printing/displaying is concerned, print a 30x30 board. If a creature wonders off then ignore it.
All programs should give a half a page outline of the algorithm you used. In particular you need to
justify that your algorithm is O(n). Please do start early and discuss any doubt/issues in advance with
the TAs.
What to submit
Submit your code for game of life, programmed in a language of your choice. The code documentation
should also provide half page outline of the algorithm used and justification why the algorithm is O(n).
Note in particular how the data structure you used helps you in improving run time. The code needs to
be well documented so that grader can get a good idea of what each of your procedures do.
Program modularity, clarity, documentation etc., along with correct implementation will be considered
for grading.
Good Luck!
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