Faculty of Ayurveda

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Tel. : 0542-6703236, 2368781 Fax: 0542-2368781

Website: www.bhu.ac.in/rac

Online Application Only

(Rolling Advertisement No – 01/2018-2019) Last Date for Online submission of Application form : 29.06.2018
(Teaching post(s) (For Institute of Medical Sciences) &
Endowment Chairs Last date for Online Application Fee payment : 02.07.2018

Last D ate for Application Forms PDF download : 04.07.2018

Last date for submission of downloaded application form along with the
enclosures : 07.07.2018
Last date for submission of Bio-data for Chair: 07.07.2018
A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- through online from the
candidates of Gen. and OBC categories for Teaching posts. No application
fees shall be charged from the candidates of SC, ST and PwDs categorie s.
The application fee is to be paid through the payment gateway by online
Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card.
APPLICATIONS are invited from the Indian Citizens on the online form available at Recruitment and Assessment Cell portal of BHU for the post of
Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the University as per the Pay matrix indicated below.
Name of Post Codes Pay Band plus Academic Rationalised Name of Post Codes Pay Band plus AGP Academic Rationalised
the post AGP (Pre-revised) level Entry (Rs.) the post (Pre-revised) level Entry (Rs.)
(Revised) Cell-1 (Revised) Cell -1

Professor 10006, 10008, 10009, PB-4 (Rs. 14 1,44,200 30018, 30019, PB-3, (Rs. 15600- 10 57,700
10012 to 10015, 37400-67000) + (1,44,200 - Assistant 30023, 30024, 39100) +AGP Rs. (57,700 -
10094,10102 to 10114 AGP Rs. 2,18,200) Professor 30152, 30187 to 6000/- 1,82,400)
10000/- 30214
Associate 20019, 20023, 20024, PB-4 (Rs. 13A 1,31,400
Professor 20026, 20145, 20153 to 37400-67000) + (1,31,400 -
20168, AGP Rs. 2,17,100)

Department/Faculty/Institute Post Name of the Post Specialization No. of Posts

Faculty of Medicine, IMS

Anaesthesiology 10102 Professor 2

30187 Assistant Professor 1 1

Anaesthesiology (For Trauma 20153 Associate Professor 1

30188 Assistant Professor 1 1

Anatomy 10103 Professor 1

10104 Professor Teratology 1

20154 Associate Professor 3 1

Biochemistry 30189 Assistant Professor 1

Cardiothoracic Surgery 30191 Assistant Professor 1

Community Medicine 10105 Professor 1

30192 Assistant Professor 1 1 1

Dermatology & Venereology 10094 Professor 1

20145 Associate Professor 1

Endocrinology & Metabolism 30152 Assistant Professor 1

Forensic Medicine 20155 Associate Professor 1

Gastroenterology 10006 Professor 1

General Medicine 20156 Associate Professor 1

30194 Assistant Professor 2

General Surgery 10106 Professor 1

30195 Assistant Professor 3 2

Department/Faculty/Institute Post Name of the Post Specialization No. of Posts
30190 Assistant Professor Endocrine Surgery 1

30214 Assistant Professor Vascular Surgery 1

General Surgery (For Trauma 30196 Assistant Professor Trauma Surgery 1

Microbiology 20157 Associate Professor 1

20158 Associate Professor Clinical Microbiology 1

30197 Assistant Professor 1

Nephrology 10107 Professor 1

30198 Assistant Professor 1

Neurosurgery 20160 Associate Professor 1

Ophthalmology 20159 Associate Professor 1

30199 Assistant Professor 1

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 30200 Assistant Professor Otology 1

Obstertrics & Gynaecology 10008 Professor 1

30193 Assistant Professor 1

Orthopaedics 10108 Professor 1

Orthopaedics (For Trauma 20161 Associate Professor 1

Paediatric Surgery 20162 Associate Professor 2

30201 Assistant Professor 1

Paediatrics 20163 Associate Professor 2

Pathology 10009 Professor 1

20164 Associate Professor 2 1

30202 Assistant Professor 3 2

Pharmacology 10109 Professor 2

30203 Assistant Professor 1 1

Physiology 10110 Professor Neurophysiology 1

20165 Associate Professor 3

30204 Assistant Professor 1

Plastic Surgery 10012 Professor 1

Psychiatry 20019 Associate Professor Clinical Psychology 1

30205 Assistant Professor 1

Radiodiagnosis & Imaging 20166 Associate Professor 1

30206 Assistant Professor Radiology 1 1

T.B. & Respiratory Diseases 10114 Professor 1

30207 Assistant Professor 1

Urology 10111 Professor 1

Department/Faculty/Institute Post Name of the Post Specialization No. of Posts
(for proposed as Nuclear 10013 Professor 1
30018 Assistant Professor 1

(for proposed dept. of Clinical 30019 Assistant Professor 1

(for proposed dept. of Medical 10014 Professor 1
20023 Associate Professor 1

College of Nursing, IMS 10015 Professor 1

20024 Associate Professor 1

30208 Assistant Professor 1

Faculty of Dental Sciences, IMS 10112 Professor Oral Pathology & 1

20167 Associate Professor Public Health 1
20026 Associate Professor Oral Pathology & 1
Oral Microbiology
Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS

Dravyaguna 30211 Assistant Professor 1

Kayachikitsa 10113 Professor 1

Kriya Sharir 30209 Assistant Professor 1

Kaumarbhritya Bala Roga 30210 Assistant Professor Kaumarbhritya 1

Medicinal Chemistry 30023 Assistant Professor 1

Prasuti Tantra 30212 Assistant Professor 1

Rachana Sharir 30213 Assistant Professor 1

Rasa Shastra (RGSC) 30024 Assistant Professor 1

Shalya Tantra 20168 Associate Professor 1

Those candidates who have applied against earlier Rolling Advt. No. 01/2017-2018 (Post Codes-
10006,10008,10009,10012,10013,10014,10015,10094,20019,20023,20024,20026,20145,30018,30019,30023,30024& 30152)
may apply afresh through online/ update their application form as the case may be, but need not pay the application
fees and other eligible candidates possessing specified qualification and experience may also apply against aforesaid
post codes.

The above advertisement for teaching posts is subject to final outcome of Special Leave Petition No._______of 2018
(Union of India – Vs. Vivekanand Tiwari and another) and (UGC- Vs- Vivekanand Tiwari and anothers) in the
Hon’ble Supreme Court at New Delhi.


1 Babu Jagjeevan Ram Ji Chair, Faculty of Social Sciences

(Pay Band plus Grade Pay : PB-4 37400-67000 + AGP Rs. 10000/-) (in case of a working
professor is selected to chair) and Rs. 1 lakh (Consolidated) for a retired person.) Period of
appointment : 5 years (can be extended for another two years subject to a maximum of 7 years, not
exceeding 70 years of age).
A. (i) An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification(s) in the discipline of Social Sciences, i.e.
Sociology/Political Science/History/Psychology/Economics and published work of high
quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of
10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers.

(ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college, and/or experience in

research at the University/National level institutions/industries, including experience of
guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
(iii) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and
technology-mediated teaching learning process.
(iv) A minimum consolidated API score requirement of 400 points from category III of APIs as
given in table 1 Appendix III of UGC Regulations on minimum qualifications for
appointment of teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and
Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2010 and its subsequent
amendments from time to time.

B. An outstanding professional, with established reputation in the Sociology/Political

Science/History/Psychology/Economics, who has made significant contributions to the
knowledge in the Sociology/Political Science/History/Psychology/Economics, to be
substantiated by credentials.

2 Lal Bahadur Shastri Chair in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development), IESD:
(Pay Band plus Grade Pay : PB-4 37400-67000 + AGP Rs. 10000/-)
An eminent scholar having expertise in sustainable agriculture related research and extension activities as evident from
published work of high quality.

The duration of the Chair shall be of three years and may be extended for the further period of 1+1
year at the discretion of the University.

3 Shri Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Comparative Studies in Religion, Faculty of Arts
(Rs. 50,000/-p.m. fixed)
The Chair is sanctioned out of the endowment fund sanctioned by UGC/Govt. of India -Ministry of
Human Resource Development .
The appointment to the Chair shall be for a period of 3 years. The Incumbent shall be required to
formulate research project relating to the Chair He/She shall complete the project within the period
of 3 years. A-part from salary, the Chair shall carry some contingency grant.

4 Malaviya Chair
Host Centre Malaviya Centre for Human Values and Ethics, Banaras Hindu University.
Mandate of the Chair To promote studies and researches of Mahamana’s times, ideals and vision from
interdisciplinary perspectives with bearings of contemporary d iscussions on
broader issues of culture, society, religion, and nation. The focus of the mandate
shall be on research and study in the areas of humanities and sciences interfaced
with wider issues of values, ethics, and culture and promotion of values and ideals
in public life as exemplified in Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya’s ideals and vision.
Maximum Tenure Upto One year
Essential Qualification Eminent scholars from the areas of humanities and sciences who meet the
prescribed mandate of the Chair. Ordinarily, a person who is holding or has held
the post of Professor in a University would be offered in the said Chair. However,
the Chair may be offered to such eminent scholars who have contributed to
interface their discipline with wider issues of values, ethics, and culture and also to
those distinguished public personalities who have contributed significantly to the
promotion of values and ideals in public life.
Terms of Reference i) Researches and studies in the relevant fields as defined in the mandate of the
ii)Public Presentation on a topic that exemplifies, honours, and promotes the
legacy of Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya;
iii)To guide and foster the academic activities of the Malaviya Centre for Ethics &
Human Values through active participation in its programmes such as
lectures/seminars/workshops or other extension activities; and
iv)Production of significant work of publication at the end of tenure as Malaviya
Honorarium Rs. 80,000.00 per month*
*Excluding Pension (in case of superannuated persons) / Salary (in case of serving
persons), which would be determined and paid by their parent
Institutions/Organizations as per their rules.
Privileges i)One apex class airfare (within India) at the time of joining and on success ful
completion of the tenure appointment on the Chair,
ii)Free guest house accommodation;
iii)Secretarial assistance; and
iv) Contingency grant of Rs. 24000.00 @ Rs. 2000.00 per month.

5. Title of the Chair Centenary Chair Professor (01 position)

Hos t Centre Bha ra t Addhyan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University

Ma ndate of the Chair To promote multi-disciplinary holistic studies a nd researches on the va ried subjects,
whi ch had their roots i n a ncient Indian s criptures a nd literature and are relevant for
Indian s tudies. The focus of the mandate shall be to form vi brant research groups in
"Bha rat Addhyan Kendra" by cementing effective linkages between the collaborating
departments a nd encouraging i ts teachers, s cholars and students to delve deep i nto the
pa s t to rediscover our lost treasures. One the Chair Professor s o appointed would be give
the res ponsibility of Chief Mentor who will oversee a nd guide the a cademic a ctivities of
the Centre in consultation with the other Centennial Chair Professors.

Ma xi mum Tenure Upto Fi ve Years

Es s ential Qualification An outs tanding s cholar/writer of national and i nternational repute, who has proven tra ck
record, ma y be invited by the University as Centenary Chair Professor. Emi nent
s cholars/writers from the a reas of Humanities, Sci ences, Medicine, Ayurveda, Oriental
Studi es, Fine Arts a nd Music, Indology a nd s uch other disciplines as may be required to
ful fill the mandate of the Centre/Chair.

Age No ba r.

Terms of Reference a) Gui di ng a nd fos teri ng the a cti vi ti es of "Bha ra t Addhya n Kendra ";
b) Undertaking researches and studies in the relevant fi elds as defined i n the ma nda te
the Cha i r;
c) Rediscovering/retrieving the lost (or i gnored) a ncient Indian l i tera ture on s el ected
di s ci pl i nes ;
d) Revi siting the subjects wi th a new focus on cl ea r unders ta ndi ng, res ea rch a nd
e) Rethi nki ng a bout thei r s i gni fi ca nce a nd rel eva nce toda y;
f) Remodeling the pri nci pl es i n s i mpl er modul es to tra ns fer them to the current
genera ti ons ; a nd,
g) Prepa ring a new generation of students who ca n carry forward the torch of a nci ent
wi s dom a nd i ts rel eva nce to huma ni ty, cutti ng a cros s na ti ona l bounda ri es .
h) Del ivering a course of lectures on a s ubject i n which he has s pecial i zed; conducti ng
s eminars a nd pa rti ci pa ti ng i n the di s cus s i ons ; gui di ng res ea rch s chol a rs a nd
members of the Fa cul ty;
i) As s ist the Uni vers i ty i n a ma nner s o a s to s trengthen the a cti vi ti es of "Bha ra t
Addhya n Kendra ".

Honorarium Rs . 100,000.00 per month*

*Excl uding Pension (i n case of superannuated persons)/ Salary (in case of serving
pers ons), which would be determined and paid by their parent Institutions/ Organizations
a s per their rul es.

Pri vi l eges i. One a pex class ai rfa re (wi thi n Indi a ) a t the ti me of joi ni ng a nd on s ucces s ful
compl etion of the tenure appointment on the Cha i r. One economy cl a s s return
a i rfa re woul d be a dmi s s i bl e i f the pers on i s s ettl ed a broa d;
ii . Free gues t hous e/ s tudi o a ccommoda ti on;
iii. Free medi ca l trea tment (excl udi ng medi ci nes ) i n SS Hos pi ta l of BHU;
i v. Loca l tra ns port a l l owa nce of Rs . 10,000 pm
v. Offi ce a nd Secreta ri a l a s s i s ta nce; a nd
vi . Conti ngency gra nt of Rs . 60000.00 per a nnum @ Rs .5000.00 per month)
Lea ve Rules A Centenary Cha ir Professor will be entitled to Casual Leave of 8 days per year and Annual
Lea ve a t the rate of 2½ da ys for every completed month of work. No encashment of
unus ed leave will be a dmissible.

Budget for 05 Cha irs Rs . 70,00,000.00 a pproximately per annum [including contingency, a ccommodation,
s ecretarial assistance]

Funding on maintenance Interest received on investment of University Corpus

of Cha i r

Centenary Visiting Fellow

Title Centenary Visiting Fellow (01 positions)

Host Centre Bharat Addhyan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University

Mandate of the To promote multi-disciplinary holistic studies and researches on the varied
Chair subjects, which had their roots in ancient Indian scriptures and literature and are
relevant for Indian studies. The focus of the mandate shall be to form vibrant
research groups in "Bharat Addhyan Kendra" by cementing effective linkages
between the collaborating departments and encouraging its teachers, scholars and
students to delve deep into the past to rediscover our lost treasures.
Maximum Tenure The Minimum tenure of a Visiting Fellow should not be less than a week and
maximum – up to six months in one term. The Visiting Fel low shall be eligible for
reappointment for subsequent term(s).
Essential An outstanding scholar/writer with proven track record in Indian Studies, may
Qualification apply to the University as Centenary Visiting Fellow against a rolling advertisement.
Scholars/writers having background in Humanities, Sciences, Medicine, Ayurveda,
Oriental Studies, Fine Arts and Music, Indology, History, Journalism and such other
disciplines as may be required to fulfill the mandate of the Centre/ Chair may be
considered. The qualifications are as under :
1. Vedic Study-Vedanga including Jyotish, Dharmashastra, Purana
2. Classical Language (including Vyakarana) & Literature (including Kavyasastra)
3. Philosophy-Six Schools of Indian Philosophy; Charvak, Jaina & Bauddha
(including Nyaya, Mimansa & Agamas)
4. Culture & Civilization
5. Arts and Asthetics
6. 6. Polity & Management (including Rajasastra, Dandaniti & Arthsastra)
7. Vedic Sciences (Ayurveda, Chikitsa & Rasayana, Physical, Chemical,
Mathematical, Geological, Life, Engineering and Materia l Sciences)
8. Lokavidya, Dharmasiksa & Mahamana Malaviya Study

Age 70 Years.

Terms of Reference a) Fostering the activities of "Bharat Addhyan Kendra";

b) Undertaking researches and studies in the relevant fields as defined in the
mandate the Chair;
c) Rediscovering/retrieving the lost (or ignored) ancient Indian literature on
selected disciplines;
d) Revisiting the subjects with a new focus on clear understanding, research and
e) Rethinking about their significance and relevance today;
f) Remodeling the principles in simpler modules to transfer them to the current
generations; and,
g) Preparing a new generation of students who can carry forward the torch of
ancient wisdom and its relevance to humanity, cutting across national
h) Delivering a course of lectures on a subject in which he has specialized;
conducting seminars and participating in the discussions; guiding research
scholars and members of the Faculty;
i) Assist the University in a manner so as to strengthen the activities of "Bharat
Addhyan Kendra".
Honorarium The visiting Fellow may be paid daily allowance in the range of Rs. 1000 to 1500/-
per day for visiting up to one month depending upon the qualifications*. For visits
beyond one month, the rate may be fixed in the range Rs. 35,000 to 60,000 per
month depending on the qualifications*.
*Excluding Pension (in case of superannuated persons)/ Salary (in case of serving
persons), which would be determined and paid by their parent Institutions/
Organizations as per their rules.
Privileges i. One apex class airfare (within India)/ Train Fare, as per GOI norms.
ii. Free guest house/ studio accommodation depending on its availability;
iii. Free medical treatment (excluding medicines) in SS Hospital of BHU;
iv. Office and Secretarial assistance from the common pool in the Centre
Leave Rules A Visiting Fellow appointed for a full term will be entitled to Casual Leave of 1 day
for every completed month of work.

Qualifications: (E.Q. = Essential Qualification; D.Q. = Desirable Qualification)

(A) Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences
PROFESSOR (Broad Specialties )
Academic Qualification : For Post Code- 10102 to 10106, 10008, 10108 , 10009, 10109, 10110, 10013, 10114, 10094)
A post graduate qualification MD/MS in the concerned subject and as per the TEQ Regula tion.
Teaching/Research Experience:
Associate Professor in the subject for 3 years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized medical college/institution
with 4 Research Publications in Indexed Journal on Cumulative basis with minimum of 2 Research Publication
during the tenure of Associate Professor as Ist Author or as corresponding author.

PROFESSOR (Super- specialty)

Academic Qualification : For Post Code- 10006, 10107, 10111, 10012, 10014
A super specialty post graduate qualification in DM/M.Ch. in the concerned subject and as per the TEQ Regulation.
Teaching/Research Experience: Associate Professor in the subject for 3 years in a permitted/approved/recognized
medical college/institutions with 4 Research Publications in Indexed Journal on cumulative basis w ith minimum of
2 Research publication during the tenure of Associate Professor as Ist Author or as corresponding author.


Academic Qualification : (For Post Code(s)- 20019, 20145, 20153 to 20158, 20159, 20161, 20163, 20164, 20165, 20166)
A post graduate qualification MD/MS in the concerned subject and as per TEQ Regulation.
Teaching/Research Experience:
As Assistant Professor in the subject for 4 years in a permitted/ approved/ recognized medical college/institution
with 2 Research Publication in Indexed Journals as Ist Author or as corresponding author.

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Super- specialty)

Academic Qualification : For Post Code- 20160, 20162, 20023

A super speciality post graduate qualification in DM/M.Ch. in the concerned subject and as per the TEQ
Teaching/Research Experience: As Assistant Professor in the subject for 2 years in a permitted /approved/
recognized medical college/institution with 2 Research Publication in Indexed Journals as Ist Author or as
corresponding author.


Academic Qualification : (For Post Code (s) 30187 to 30189, 30192, 30194, 30197, 30199, 30200, 30202 to 30207,
,30018, 30190, 30214)
A post graduate qualification MD/MS in the concerned subject and as per the TEQ Regulations.
Teaching/Research Experience:
3 years Junior Resident in a recognized medical college in the concerned subject and one year as Senior Resident in
the concerned subject in a recognized medical college.

Senior Resident : Senior Resident is one who is doing his/her residency in the concerned post graduate subject after obtaining
PG degree (MD/MS) and is below 40 years of age.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Super- specialty)

Academic Qualification : For post codes :30191, 30152, 30198, 30201, 30019
A super speciality post graduate qualification in DM/M.Ch. in the concerned subject and as per the TEQ
Senior Resident: Registered for M.Ch./DM in the concerned subject

(B) College of Nursing, Institute of Medical Sciences

For Post Code: (10015) E.Q.: M.Sc. (N) with 10 years experience out of which 7 years should be teaching experience.
D.Q.: Ph.D. Nursing.
Associate Professor:
For Post Code: (20024) E.Q.: M.Sc. (N) with 8 years experience including 5 years teaching experience. D.Q.: Ph.D.
Assistant Professor:
For Post Code: (30208): E.Q.: M.Sc. (N) with 3 years teaching experience.

(C) Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences

(I) Professor :
For Post Code: (10113): E.Q.: i) A Bachelor degree in Ayurveda from a University as recognised under the Act; ii) a
Post-graduate degree in the subject or specialty concerned included in the Schedules to the Act. iii) Total teaching
experience of ten years in concerned subject or five years teaching experience as Associate Professor (Reader) in
concerned subject or total ten years research experience in regular service in Research Councils of Central
Government or State Government or Union territory or University or National Institutions with not less than five
papers published in a recognised journal.
D.Q.: 1. Ph.D. (in concern Subject); 2. Paper published in standard Journals.
(II) Associate Professor
For Post Code: (20168): E.Q.: (i) A Bachelor degree in Ayurveda from a University as recognised under the Act;
(ii) a Post-graduate degree in the subject or specialty concerned included in the Schedules to the Act. (iii) Teaching
experience of five years in concerned subject or total five years research experience in regular service in Research
Councils of Central Government or State Government or Union territory or University or National Institutions with
not less than three papers published in a recognised journal.
(III)Assistant Professor :
For Post Code: (30024, 30209, 30210, 30211, 30212, 30213 ): E.Q.: a) A degree in Ayurveda from a University
established by law or a statutory Board/Faculty/Examining Body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as
recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. b) A Post-graduate qualification in the
subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule to the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. c) No
teaching experience is required. Lecturer will be treated as Assistant Professor. (Age not exceeding 45 years).
For Post Code: (30023 ): E.Q: M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry). D.Q.: Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry;

(D) Faculty of Dental Sciences , Institute of Medical Sciences

Professor :
For Post Code: (10112): E.Q.: A BDS Degree of an Indian University or an equivalent qualification with Post-
graduate qualification/ Diplomat of National Board in the subject and with Five years teaching experience as
Reader. Shall have published atleast two papers as first author in the specialty in any National/International

Associate Professor :
For Post Code: (20026, 20167): E.Q.: A BDS Degree of an Indian University or an equivalent qualification with Post-
graduate qualification/Diplomat of National Board in the subject and with 4 years teaching experience after post -
graduation. Shall have published atleast one paper as first author in his specialty in any national/ international
General Instructions to the Candidates
1. Banaras Hindu University is following the MCI Regulations, CCIM Regulations, Nursing Council of India
Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff in Universities
and its subsequent amendments for Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and AYUSH, the norms/Regulations of
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, shall apply.
2. The composite rolling advertisement will remain alive all the time and will be updated every time when a new
vacancy is created or when the earlier advertised positions are filled up by selection. The prospective ap plicants,
therefore, can apply anytime of the year, but the applications will be processed after the cutoff dates indicated
beforehand on the website.
3. There shall be two cutoff dates in a calendar year, 6 months apart. The applications received till the c utoff date shall be
processed further for shortlisting and conduct of selection committee. Applications received after the cutoff date shall
be processed further during the next round of selection process subject to the condition that the vacancy continues in
the composite rolling advertisement after completion of the selection process in hand. However, the University can
further process even the applications received after the aforesaid prescribed cutoff date for the ensuing round of
selection, from Candidates who obtain a "Quality Score" of 70 or above on a 100 point scale. For description of quality
score, please refer to the shortlisting guidelines available at www.bhu.ac.in/rac.
4. Online mode of submission of applications shall be essential. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before
applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
5. Applicants shall first register on the Recruitment & Assessment Cell portal on the BHU website, after which, they can
fill up the prescribed electronic application form online. Separate applications shall be submitted for different
6. Before starting to fill up the form, please ensure keeping ready a digital copy of passport size photograph in JPEG
format not exceeding 50 kb in file size and digital copies of some best publications, if any, for up -loading.
7. While filling the online application, if the browser closes unexpectedly or if the candidate is logged out, he/ she may
use the login information sent to his/her email to login again.
8. Please ensure to enter all your research publications and other Academic/Research contributions in the online
application. Only the information entered in the online applications will be taken into account for deciding eligibility
and/or shortlisting. Uploading digital copies of publications is optional. Filling all mandatory fields is required to
make your application Complete.
9. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be REJECTED.
10. There are several Tabs in your application. After completing each tab, you should click on “Save and Proceed” button
to save the information and move to the next tab. Completing all tabs is necessary. After filling all tabs, the candidate
can finally submit his application. Please note that you cannot make any changes after that.
11. In case of any technical problems, please send an email to recruitment@bhu.ac.in
12. On successful submission of your form you can pay on- line application fee day of form submission on the next
day and the applicant will get a link download a PDF on next day of fee payment, which he/she will have to print
and send to BHU after signing it and having it forwarded by his employer, if any, enclosing therewith the copies of the
relevant certificates and documents, so as to reach BHU by the cutoff date.
13. On successful submission, the applicant will come across a link to download a PDF of the application, which he/she
will have to print and send to BHU after signing it and having it forwarded by his employer, if any, enclosing
therewith the copies of the relevant certificates and documents, so as to reach BHU by the cutoff date.
14. Please note that sending the duly signed printout of the PDF alongwith all enclosures is mandatory without which the
applications may not be considered for further processing. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being
called for interview. More stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview.
Applicants having higher qualification and merit will be given preference. Candidates must send self-attested copies
of certificates and mark-sheets from matriculation (10th Standard) onwards in support of their qualifications and
reprints of publications and certificates in support of their API score claimed (for teaching positions) for the post
alongwith the hard copy of the application form.
15. Applicants may update their qualifications and other academic achievemen ts, etc. (for API/Quality score) by logging-
in in the portal using their login ID and Password till cutoff date as prescribed under the particular Rolling
Advertisement. Applicants are not allowed to update their application beyond the cutoff date. However, if the post
remains unfilled till the next cut-off date, the candidates will be permitted to update their applications by the cutoff
date. The eligibility of candidate for a particular round of selection shall be decided as on the cutoff date of that rou nd.
16. Good Academic Record for all teaching positions shall be as defined in the Ordinance of BHU.
17. Relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed by a recognized
University shall also be considered eligible.
18. A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. degree holders, who have obtained
their Master's Degree prior to 19th September, 1991.
19. The relaxation of marks for the SC/ST/OBC/Specially-abled (Physically and Visually specially abled) categories will
be as per UGC Regulations on Minimum qualifications for appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff in
Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2010 as amended from
time to time.
20. The relaxation in age will be admissible as per Government of India/University norms.
21. The eligibility of an application shall be determined in accordance with the UGC Regulations, 201 0 and its subsequent
amendments and/or in accordance with the relevant regulations of concerned Regulatory bodies.
22. For teaching positions short-listing shall be done as per guidelines approved by Executive Council of the University.
23. The Ordinances governing the procedure to be followed by the Selection Committee may be seen on the portal of the
Recruitment & Assessment Cell on the BHU website.
24. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview. More stringent criteria including holding
written test may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview. Applicants having higher
qualification and merit or higher marks in the written test will be given preference.
25. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of appointment or
during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the
candidate has a clandestine antecedent/ background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services
shall be terminated.
26. The University reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason. Any
consequential vacancies arising at the time of interview may also be filled up from the available candidates. The
University may, at its discretion, fill up any future vacancy belonging to Gen./SC/ST/OBC as per roster point out of
the available candidates. The number of positions is thus open to change. The University may relax/review the
qualification/ experience and age limit at its discretion at any stage and in case of candidates with exceptional merit.
27. A candidate belonging to any reserved category who desires to be considered for any unreserved post also besides the
posts under reserved category, will have to submit separate forms for Unreserved posts and reserved posts.
28. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of
appointment letter, the University reserves right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to t he
29. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be
30. Applicants who are in employment should route their application through proper channel or should submit a "No
Objection Certificate" from the employer prior to the interview, failing which they may not be considered further.
31. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
32. No interim correspondence shall be entertained.
33. On the positions reserved for specially abled persons (OH, VI, HH), all categories of specially abled persons are
requested to apply since if the designated category of specially abled person is not available, the post may be filled with
other categories of specially abled suitable and eligible candidates applied and available.
34. The applications shall be invited through online mode. The applicants should be required to submit their downloaded
application form (hard copy) after filling it online, along with all the enclosures to the Office of the Registrar,
(Recruitment & Assessment Cell), Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi-221005 by last date of submission of application, i.e.
the hard copy of the application along with the enclosures must reach to the Office of the Registrar, (Recruitment &
Assessment Cell), Holkar House, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi -221005 by the last date of submission of
35. The eligibility of the candidate will be determined on the last date of submission of application in the Recruitment &
Assessment Cell, Holkar Houser, BHU, Varanasi, i.e., 07.07.2018.
36. Please visit our website: http://www.bhu.ac.in/rac for application form, details of qualifications and other
instructions in this regard.

Cut-off date for Teaching posts for submission of downloaded application form along with the
enclousers in the Office of the Registrar Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holka r House, BHU,
Varanasi -221005 (U.P.) on or before 07.07.2018

Dated: 25.05.2018

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