TDS Renderoc HF Saudi Arabia

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Renderoc HF constructive solutions

High performance non-shrink cementitious


Uses Technical support

For large volume repairs to damaged reinforced concrete Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance,
elements particularly where access is restricted and where high quality, and construction products. In addition, Fosroc
vibration of the placed material is difficult or impossible. offers a technical support packages to specifiers, end-users
and contractors as well as technical on-site assistance in
locations all over the world.

Design criteria
■ Dual-expansion system compensates for shrinkage in
plastic and hardened states. Renderoc HF can be applied in sections up to 125 mm
■ Can be pumped or poured into restricted locations.
deep. For larger sections, the addition of approved
aggregate may be required. This will depend on the specific
■ Highly fluid to allow for placement without vibration. configuration of the repair location. Consult the local Fosroc
Office for further information.
■ Pre-bagged to over-come site-batched variations.
■ Rapid strength gain to facilitate early reinstatement. Properties

■ High ultimate strengths and low permeability of cured Compressive strength

■ Non-metallic expansion system does not generate
Age (days)
7 44
■ Contains no chloride admixtures. 14 56
28 64
180 82
Standards compliance
Results obtained when tested in accordance with BS 1881,
U.S. Corps of Engineers CRD-C621-82A (which supersedes
Part 4, 1970. Cubes cured under restraint temperature
CRD-C-588-78). The appropriate sections of the following o
20 C.
Variation with temperature
ASTM C-827-78 BS 1881
ASTM C-109-77 BS 4550 2
Age Compressive strength N/mm
ASTM C-191-79 BS 4551 o o o
ASTM C-230-67 BS 5075, Part 2 (days) 5C 20 C 35 C
1 4 20 30
7 30 44 46
Description 14 50 56 56
28 64 64 60
Renderoc HF is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry 180 84 82 70
powders, which requires only the site addition of clean water
to produce a free-flowing non-shrink repair micro-concrete. Flexural strength
The material is based on Portland Cements graded
aggregates and fillers and additives which impart controlled Age (days) N/mm
expansion characteristics in both the plastic and hardened 1 2.5
states, while minimizing water demand. The low water
7 8.0
requirement ensures high early strength and long-term
14 9.5
28 10.0
Fosroc exceptionally large repairs, the mixed Renderoc HF 128 11.0
may be modified by the site addition of 8 mm to 12 mm clean,
graded, saturated, surface dry aggregates. The local Fosroc Results obtained when tested in accordance with BS 4551,
Office should be consulted prior to modifying Renderoc HF in 1980 for flowable consistency at 20 C.
this way. Where the repair mortar is required to exhibit low- -6 o
alkaline characteristics, the use of Renderoc LA should be Coefficient of thermal expansion 11x10 per C.
considered. o
Thermal conductivity 1.5 w/m per C.

Page 1
Renderoc HF
Young’s modulus 29 kN/mm pre-soaking and, if beneath a soffit, provision for air-venting
Freeze-thaw stability. Meets the requirements of BS 5075, provision must also be made for suitable access points for
Part 2, 1982. pour or pump the mixed micro-concrete into place.

Ultimate anchorage bond stress exceeds CP1 10, Part 1, Defective concrete surfaces must be cut back to a sound
1972, Table 22 requirements for 40 N mm concrete at 24 base. Smooth surfaces should be mechanically roughened
hours. Corroded reinforcing steel should be exposed around is full
circumference and cleaned to remove all loose scale and
Setting time – variation with temperature corrosion deposits. It is important to clean the steel to a
bright condition Grit-blasting is recommended.
Temperature ( C) Initial set (Hrs) Final set (Hrs)
5 9 11 Several hours prior to placing the prepared concrete
20 5½ 7½ substrates should be saturated with clean water.
35 3 4½ Immediately prior to placing any free water should be
removed. Alternatively, all prepared concrete substrates
Results obtained when tested in accordance with BS 4550 should be primed using Nitobond EP a slow-setting epoxy
Part 3, 1978 for flowable consistency. bonding aid.

Fresh wet density approximately 2100 kg/m depending on Note: For repair sections generally deeper than 125 mm if
actual consistency used. may be necessary to fill out the Renderoc HF with properly
graded 8 mm to 12 mm silt-free aggregate to minimize
Expansion characteristics: Positive expansion when temperature rise. Aggregate should be in a saturated
measured to ASTM C-827 overcomes plastic settlement in surface dry condition and should be tested to ASTM C-289-
the unset material Longer term expansion in the hardened 81, if doubt exists about the suitability of aggregate Fosroc’s
state is designed to comply with the requirements of CRD local office should be contacted. The quantity of aggregate
621-82A to compensate for drying shrinkage. may vary depending on the nature and configuration of the
repair location. Generally, for sections 125 mm to 250 mm
Time for expansion deep, where high fluidity is required, the following mix
design should be considered.
Start Finish
Plastic state: 15 minutes Initial set 25.0 kg Renderoc HF
Hardened state: Initial set 3 days 4.3 kg clean water
10.0 kg 8 mm to 12 mm approved aggregate
Note: Temperature above 20 C may slightly reduce these
times. For sections deeper than 250 mm, the mix design should be
modified. However, the quantity of aggregate should never
Pressure to restrain plastic expansion: Approximately 0.004 exceed one part aggregate to one part Renderoc HF (by dry
2 weight). Contact the local Fosroc office for further advice.

Actual water demand may vary depending on the condition

Specification clauses of the aggregate. Trial mixes should be made in order to
ensure the optimum addition of both water and aggregate.
The fluid concrete repair material shall be Renderoc HF a
single component cement-based micro-concrete to which Mixing
only the site-addition of clean water (and approved graded
aggregates here specified) shall be permitted. The micro- Care should be taken to ensure that Renderoc HF is
concrete shall be non-metallic. Contains no chlorides and thoroughly mixed in a forced-action mixer of adequate
shall be shrinkage compensated in both the plastic and capacity. Alternatively mix in a suitably sized drum with a
hardened states. The product shall be capable of achieving high torque (400/500 rpm) rotary drill fitted with an approved
a compressive strength of not less than 20 N/mm after 24 mixing paddle.
hours at 20 C most importantly. The cured product shall
have a coefficient of thermal expansion within the range 10 to It is essential that machine mixing capacity and labour
-6 o
12x10 per C. availability is adequate to enable the placing operation to be
carried out continuously. The rate of water addition will
generally be between 4.3 litres and 4.5 litres per 25 kg bag
of Renderoc HF. The optimum water content should be
determined and accurately measured into the mixer. With
the mixer running, add the total contents of the Renderoc
HF bag. Mix continuously for 3 to 5 minutes, making sure
The unrestrained surface area of the repair must be kept to a
that a smooth even consistency is obtained. Where the
minimum. The formwork should be rigid and tight to prevent
addition of graded aggregate has been specified, this should
loss of material and have an impermeable face to prevent
be added after the water and Renderoc HF are
drying out. The formwork should include drainage outlets for

constructive solutions Page 2

Renderoc HF
properly mixed. Mixing should then continue for a further 1 Storage
minute to ensure correct dispersion.
Shelf life
It is recommended that the mixed product be passed
through a suitable coarse metal screen prior to placing or Renderoc HF has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry
pumping to highlight any unmixed material. store in the original, unopened bags.
Storage condition
Store in dry conditions in the original, unopened bags. If
The mixed material should be placed immediately if placing stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity conditions
by pump; standard concrete pumping practice should be the shelf life may be reduced.
followed. The pump and pipeline must be ‘grouted’ with a
cement slurry or mortar, discharging the ‘grout’ as waste Precautions
pumping should be commenced immediately after ‘grouting’
in this way. Health and safety
Low temperature working
Renderoc HF contains cement powders, which, during
o normal use, have no harmful effect on dry skin. However,
In cold conditions down to 2 C, the use of warm water (up to
o when Renderoc HF is mixed, or becomes damp, alkali is
30 C) is advisable to accelerate strength development.
released which can be harmful to the skin. During use,
Normal precautions for winter working with cementitious
avoid inhalation of dust and contact with skin and eyes.
materials should then be adopted.
Wear suitable gloves, eye protection and dust masks. The
use of barrier creams is recommended. In case of contact
High temperature working
with skin, wash with clean water. In case of contact with
o eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek
At ambient temperatures above 35 C, the material should
medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention
be stored in the shade and cool water used for mixing. immediately - do not induce vomiting. Renderoc HF is non-

Renderoc HF is a cement-based repair compound in Additional information

common with all cementitious materials. Renderoc HF must
be cured immediately after striking the formwork in Fosroc manufactures a wide range of products specifically
accordance with good concrete practice the use of Nitobond designed for the repair and refurbishment of damaged
AR or one of Fosroc’s Concure range of curing compounds, reinforced concrete. These include; hand placed and spray
sprayed on to the surface of the hardened Renderoc HF in a grade repair mortars, fluid micro-concretes, chemical-
continuous film is recommended in harsh drying conditions, resistant epoxy mortars and a comprehensive package of
supplementary curing such as wet Hessian and/or protective coatings. In addition, a wide range of
polythene sheeting must be used. complimentary products are available. These include joint
sealants, waterproofing membranes, grouting, anchoring
and specialized flooring materials.
Fosroc have also produced several educational training
videos, which provide more details about the mechanisms,
which cause corrosion within reinforced concrete structures
Renderoc HF: 25 kg bag and the solutions which are available to arrest or retard
these destructive mechanisms. Further information is
Yield available from the publication: Concrete Repair and
Protection. The Systematic Approach, available in seven
Renderoc HF: Approximately 13.25 litre per 25 kg bag language formats.

Actual yield per bag will depend on the consistency used. For further information about products, training videos or
publications, contact the local Fosroc office.

Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

Fosam Company Limited

Head Office Telephone: +966 2 637 5345 Fax: +966 2 637 5891 email:
Post Box 11081 Regional Offices
Jeddah - 21453 Jeddah Sales Office Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693 Yanbu Tel: (04) 322 4280 Fax: (04) 391 2980
Saudi Arabia Jeddah Showroom Tel: (02) 665 0187 Fax: (02) 667 4844 Makkah Tel: (02) 542 0869 Fax: (02) 542 0869
Riyadh Tel: (01) 482 9303 Fax: (01) 482 7562 Medinah Tel: (04) 855 0091 Fax: (04) 855 0047
Dammam Tel: (03) 814 1282 Fax: (03) 814 1581 Jubail Tel: (03) 362 3904 Fax: (03) 362 3875 Khamis Mushayt Tel: (07) 250 0469 Fax: (07) 250 0469 CSD Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693

Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407

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