Midc DC Rules 2009

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Form No. 1

Form for First Application for Development and to Erect a Building

(On Rs. Stamp) As stipulated from time to time by Suptdt. of Stamps


The Executive Engineer,

M.I.D.C., Division _________


I hereby give notice that I intend to carryout development in the site to erect/ to reerect/ to demolish/
to make material alteration in the building on/ in Plot No._______, at____Industrial Area, Town
situated at Road/ Street _________

I forward herewith the following plans and statements (Item 1to 6 ) in quadruplicate, wherever
applicable, signed by me and

Name in block letters _________

the Licensed Surveyor/ Engineer/Structural Engineer/ Supervisor or Architect Licence No

___________ who have prepared the plans/design and a copy of other statements/ documents as


1) Key Plan (location plan)

2) Measurement plan attached to possession receipt
3) Sub-division(Land or building) Layout plan
4) Building Plan
5) Service Plan
6) Particulars of Development in prescribed form
7) Ownership Title
8) Attested copy of Receipt for payment of application
9) Clearance Certificate of Tax Arrears

I request that the proposed development/Construction may be approved and

permission accored to me to execute the work.

__________________ _________________________

Date: Signatue of Licensee/ Lessee

Form no - 2

Form for Supervision


The Executive Engineer,

M.I.D.C., Division ________


I hereby certify that the development work/ erection/re-erection /demolition or

material alteration in/ of building for _____________ use in Plot No. ___________________ situated
at Street/ Road ___________________ in section __________________zone of _________________
Industrial Area at___________________________ City/ Town shall be carried out under my
supervision and I certify that all the material (type & grade) and the workmanship of the work shall be
generally in accordance with the general specifications submitted along with, and that the work shall be
carried out according to the sanctioned plans. I shall be responsible for execution of work in all respect.

Signature of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer ________________________

Name of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer _______________________

License Number .of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer ___________________

Address of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer _________________________



Form No. 3

Form for Sanction of Building Permit and Commencement Certificate



With reference to your application No. ________________ dated for grant to sanction of
commencement certificate to carry out development work and Building Permit under Section 45 of MR
& T.P. Act, 1966 to erect building on Plot No of Zone situated at Road/ Street in Industrial
Area, the commencement/Building Permit is granted subject to the following conditions:-

1) The land vacated in consequence of the enforcement of the set-back rule part of the public street.

2) No new building or part thereof shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied or used or

permitted to be used by any person until occupancy permission has been granted.

3) The Commencement Certificate/ Building Permit shall remain valid for a period of one year
commencing from the date of its issue.

4) This permission does not entitle you to develop the land which does not vest in you.

5) Minimum two trees in plots 200sq.m and such number of trees at the rate of one tree per 100 sq .m
for plots more than 200 sq. m in area shall be planted and protected.

6) In case of Group housing, minimum two trees per tenement shall be planted and protected.

Yours faithfully

Office Communication No. _____ : ______ Executive Engineer, ___________

Office Stamp : ______ __ M.I.D.C., Division_____________

Date : ______

Form No - 4

Form for Refusal of permission



With reference to your application No dated ______„ for the grant of sanction for
the development work/ the erection of a building/ execution of work in Building Plot No in Zone
situated at Road of Industrial! Area/ City ___________________ I have to inform you that the
sanction has been refused on the following grounds:



3. ___________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________

Yours faithfully,

Office No : ___________ Executive Engineer,

Office Stamp : ___________ M.I.D.C., Division ______

Date : ___________ _____________________

Form No - 5

Form for Notice for Commencement of Work


The Executive Engineer, M.I.D.C., Division,


I hereby certify that the development work/ erection/ reerection/ demolition or material
alteration in/ of building _____________ on plot No____________in __________________zone of
_________________Industrial Area/ Road__________________of __
Industrial Area will be commenced on as per your permission vide office communication No. _
dated __..

_under the supervision of _____________________________Licensed Surveyor/ Engineer/

Structural Engineer/ Supervisor or Architect, License No and in accordance with the
plans sanctioned.

Signature of Licensee/ Lessee Name of Qwner

(in block letters) Address of owner


Form no 6

Form for Informing Completion of Work upto Plinth Level


The Executive Engineer,

M.I.D.C., Division ______


I hereby inform that the construction upto plinth/column upto plinth level has been
Completed for the building for use in Plot No. situated at Street/ Road inter section
zone of Industrial Area at City/ Town as per your permission vide
office communication No dated . under my supervision and in
accordance with the sanctioned plan.

The completed work may be checked and permission given to proceed with further

Signature of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer ________________________

Name of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer _______________________

License Number .of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer ___________________

Address of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer _________________________



Form No - 7

Form for Approval of Work up to Plinth Level



With reference to your intimation No _______________ dated

regarding the completion of construction work up to plinth/columns up to plinth level for

Building for Industrial/ Residential/ Commercial purpose on/ Plot No ___________________

_of ____________ Zone situated at_____________________ Road/ Street ____________

_ in ______________ Industrial Area. I have to inform that the further work may be

proceeded with as per sanctioned plans/ shall not be proceeded with as the construction upto plinth
level is notes per sanctioned plans.

Yours faithfully,
Office Communication No:__________ Executive Engineer,
Office Stamp: _______________ M.I.D.C., Division

Form –No. 8

Form for Completion Certificate


The Executive Engineer,

M.I.D.C., Division__________ .


I hereby certify that the erection/ re-erection or development work in/ on building/
part building ______________________ on Plot No __________________ of ___________
Zone situated at ____________________________ Road/ Street ______________________
In ________________________ Industrial Area has been supervised by me and
has been completed on___________________________according to the plans sanctioned
vide office communication No _________________________ dated ______________.

The work has been completed to my best satisfaction, the workmanship and all materials
(type and grade) have been used strictly in accordance with general and detailed
specifications. No provisions of the Act or the Building Bye-laws, no requisitions made,
conditions prescribed or orders issued there under have been transgressed in the course of the
work. I am enclosing three copies of the completion plans, one of which is cloth mounted. The
building is fit for occupancy for which it has been erected/ re-erected or altered, constructed
and enlarged.

I have to request you to arrange for the inspection and give permission for occupation of
the building.

Encl: as above

Signature of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer ________________________

Name of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer _______________________

License Number .of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer ___________________

Address of Registered Architect / Licensed Engineer _________________________



Form No. 9

Form for Occupancy Certificate



This is to certify that the development work/ erection/ re-erection or alteration in/ of

building/ part building ____________ on Plot No __________________ in _____________

______ Zone situated at_______________________ Street/ Road ___________________

_______ of _______________________________ Industrial Area completed under the

supervision of __________________________ Licensed Surveyor/ Engineer/ Structural

Engineer/ Supervisor or Architect, Licence No ________________________ is permitted

to be occupied/ not permitted to be occupied on the following grounds:

1. _____________________________________ .

2 ______________________________________ .

3______________________________________ .

4 ______________________________________ .

Yours faithfully,

Office Communication No : _____________ Executive Engineer,

Office Stamp : ____________ M.I.D.C., Division _____

Date : _________ ___

Form No. 10

Form for Indemnity for Grant of Occupancy Certificate for part of Building

(on Rs. Stamp) As stipulated from time to time by Supdt. of Stamps


The Executive Engineer,

M.I.D.C., Division ______

Sub: __________________


While thanking you to allow me to occupy a portion of the above building before
acceptance of the Completion Certificate of the whole building for the plans approved

under communication No ________________________ dated ______________ , I hereby

indemnify M.I.D.C. against any risk, damage and danger which may occur to occupants
and users of the said portion of the building and also undertake to take necessary
security measures for their safety.

We say that this undertaking will be binding on me/ us, our heirs, administrators and
to our assignees.

Yours faithfully,

Witness: ________________________ OWNER

Form No.11

Form for appointment of Structural Engineer

Name & Address of the

Owner applicant



Dear Sir,



Further to my letter ref. No. dated wherein I have intimated to you

the name and address of Architect engaged by me for the above proposal, I am pleased to
inform you that I have now engaged the service of a consulting structural engineer whose
name, address and registration No. are given below :



Reg. No.

I am enclosing herewith the letter of consent along with the Supervision Memo from the
consulting structural engineer.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully

( )

Signature of the Owner

Name :

c.c.to : 1. Architect

2. Consulting Structural Engineer.

Form No.12

Form For Acceptance By Structural Engineer

Name & Address of the

Structural Engineer

Registration No.



Dear Sir,

Sub :

Ref :

With reference to the letter no. ________________dated ___________addressed to you by

_______________________________________ I hereby now confirm that I have agreed to
act as his Consulting Structural Engineer for the above proposal.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

(Consulting Structural Engineer)

c.c.to : 1. Architect

2. Owner

Form No.13

Form for Supervision


The Executive Engineer,

M.I.D.C., Division_______


I hereby certify that the development work/ erection/re-erection /demolition or

material alteration in/ of building for _________ use in Plot No. ________________ situated
at Street/ Road _________________ in section ________________ zone of ______________
Industrial Area at _______________________ City/ Town shall be carried out under my
supervision and I certify that all the material (type & grade) and the workmanship of the work
shall be generally in accordance with the general specifications submitted alongwith, and that
the work shall be carried out according to the sanctioned plans. I shall be responsible for
execution of work in all respect.

Signature of Structural Engineer ________________________

Name of Structural Engineer _______________________

License Number. Structural Engineer __________________

Address of Structural Engineer _________________________



Form No. 14

Certificate of Stability of Structure

1. Proposal

2. Ref. No.

3. Name and Address

of the owner

4. Name and address of


I hereby certify that the structural work of the above proposal has been carried out as per my
structural design and details and that the said structure is safe and stable for the purpose for
which it is intended.

(Signature of Structural Engineer)

Name of Structural Engineer &

Registration No.



Form no 15

Application form for empanelment of Architects / Town Planners

Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation

I wish to register myself as Empanelled Architect, / Town Planner with
your organization.
Particulars of my educational qualification and experience are given in the enclosed form.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the applicant)

Note: Tick mark the appropriate square.

1. Name of the applicant (in block letters)


2. Address (permanent)

3. Wishes to register as :
1. Empanelled Architect
2. Empanelled Town Planner

For registration as Empanelled Architects, attach a copy of the certificate of

registration issued Under the Practicing Architects Act 1972 Council of Architecture.
For registration as Empanelled Architects, attach a copy of the certificate of Associate
membership / fellowship issued by Institute of Town Planners, India.

3. Educational Qualification :
Examination Year of passing

4. Membership of the professional institution

(Attach copies of certificate in support of 4&5 above)

5. Experience :
(a) Are you registered with a Municipal Corporation ?
Yes No. If yes, give registration No.

(b) Are you registered with „A‟ Class municipality?

Yes No. If yes, give registration No.

(c) Have you been working with a professional

Registered with a Municipal Corporation of „A‟
Class Municipality?
Yes No.
If yes, give following particulars:
Name of the professional with whom worked:
Registration No. of the professional:
Period for which worked with the professional in
Years :
(Attach copies of certificates from registered Architects/ Town Planners in support of
5(c) above)
The above information is true.

Signature of the Applicant


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