Evaluation Agency Added Weight and Efficiency of Feed To Use The Duck Beef Tofu Dregs Been Different Level
Evaluation Agency Added Weight and Efficiency of Feed To Use The Duck Beef Tofu Dregs Been Different Level
Evaluation Agency Added Weight and Efficiency of Feed To Use The Duck Beef Tofu Dregs Been Different Level
Evaluation Agency Added Weight and Efficiency of Feed to Use The Duck
Beef Tofu Dregs Been Different Level
Satri Rasyid
Mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Peternakan, Fapetrik UMPAR,
This study aimed to evaluate the body weight gain and feed efficiency of the
various different levels of tofu on duck meat with intensive farming systems. The
usefulness of this research is to find feed formulations using tofu as an alternative feed to
increase weight gain and more efficient for feed use, is being used is duck duck king. This
research was conducted in the village of Talumae district. Wattang Sidenreng Kab. Sidrap
for three months.
The study used a base CRD (completely randomized design) with four standard
treatment, ie control without giving tofu, tofu waste treatment with the addition of 20%,
treatment with the addition of tofu waste 30%, and treatment with the addition of 40%
tofu. Each treatment consisted of 4 groups, so there are 16 experimental units, each unit
consisting of 6 ducks Raja, a total of 96 observations ducks. The parameters measured
were body weight gain (UN) and the efficiency of feed utilization is calculated every week.
Results showed Giving tofu tofu in the treatment of 30% can increase body weight
broiler ducks better than other treatments, and not significantly different from the control
and 20% tofu, but tofu significantly different from 40% at level α> 0 , 05. Efficiency of
feed use in the treatment obtained the lowest score tofu 30% and did not differ very
significantly with 40% tofu waste treatment. Being the highest value obtained from the
control and did not differ very significantly with 20% tofu waste treatment, but differed
significantly with treatment tofu and tofu 30% 40% at level α> 0.01.
BBt-1 = Bobot badan pada waktu 40% sebesar 0,174 kg dan tidak berbeda
yang lalu nyata terhadap perlakuan ampas tahu
t = Dalam seminggu 20%, namun berbeda nyata terhadap
2. Efisiensi Pakan (Rp/kg). Merupakan kontrol dan perlakuan ampas tahu 30%
nilai biaya ransum per kg daging itik (Gambar 1).
(Rasyaf, 1993).
b. Efisiensi Pengunaan Pakan
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Efisiensi penggunaan pakan
tertinggi diperoleh dari kontrol sebesar
1. Hasil 15.521 dan tidak berbeda sangat nyata
a. Pertambahan Bobot Badan dengan perlakuan ampas tahu 20%,
namun berbeda sangat nyata dengan
Perlakuan ampas tahu 30% perlakuan ampas tahu 30% dan ampas
diperoleh nilai lebih tinggi dibanding tahu 40%. Sedangkan nilai terendah
dengan perlakuan lainnya sebesar 0,191 diperoleh pada perlakuan ampas tahu
kg, namun tidak berbeda nyata dengan 30% sebesar 12.601 dan tidak berbeda
perlakuan kontrol dan ampas tahu 20%. sangat nyata terhadap perlakuan ampas
Sedangkan bobot badan terendah tahu 40% (Gambar 2).
diperoleh pada perlakuan ampas tahu
a a 0,191 a 20.000 a
0,186 0,182 0,174 b
0,2 15.521 14.398 a
Efisiensi Penggunaan
b b b
Pakan (Rp/ekor)
Kontrol 20% 30% 40%
Kontrol 20% 30% 40%
Perlakuan Ampas Tahu
Perlakuan Ampas Tahu
Gambar 1. Rata-rata pertambahan Gambar 2. Rata-rata efisiensi
bobot badan itik pedaging penggunaan pakan pada itik
(kg) selama periode pedaging selama periode
pemeliharaan. pemeliharaan.