CNG Price Order
CNG Price Order
CNG Price Order
(Appellate Jurisdiction)
Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, HCJ
Mr. Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja
On Court’s Notice:
For M/o Petroleum: Mr. Waqar Masood, Secy. Petroleum
In Const. P.34/05:
For the Petitioner: Nemo.
In HRC-5332/06: Nemo.
We have heard the Secretary Petroleum, Chairman OGRA, MDs SSGP and
SNGPL and the representative of CNG Station Owners. At the moment we only
E=A Average Prescribed price 19.51 388.27 100% 17.83 388.26 100%
to D of natural gas
F Sale Price of natural gas
for CNG stations as
advised by Federal Govt.
under section 8(3) of
including GDS/cross
subsidization. 35.19 700.32 38% 32.14 700.02 38%
J GST (25% of Price F+1) 12.10 240.69 13% 10.33 225.00 12%
*Well head price (cost of gas price) as per GPAS for Sui & Kandhkot is attached for illustration
(copy annexed)
**Operating Cost includes compression cost, maintenance, depreciation, fee etc as per MoU
signed b/w CNG Association & FG.
Prices on 15.10.2012
CNG Price
94.66 1,883 86.48 1,883
Petrol Price
103.40 3,139 103.40 3,139
Const. P.33/05, etc. 3
prescribed price of natural gas A to D and F, difference of which comes to Rs.15.68 for
Region-1 and Rs.14.3 for Region-II w.e.f. 22nd October, 2012 respectively as well as on
the operating cost of CNG stations, profit of CNG Station Owners, noted hereinabove
because in absence of any statutory provision OGRA is not authorized to fix the
operating costs and profit of the operators of CNG Stations, arbitrarily. Similarly, on
the issue of linkage between the price of the CNG and petrol price, which comes to
Rs.9.55 and Rs.17.48 per kg, respectively. We have observed that price of CNG legally
cannot be linked with the price of petrol. It is also to be noted that the prices of CNG
are being fixed on weekly basis, in pursuance of the decision of ECC dated 7th August,
2012, copy of which has also been placed on record. When we inquired from the
Secretary Petroleum he candidly conceded that CNG is not covered under the
CNG are being revised on weekly basis, he answered that in this behalf a resolution
has also been passed by the National Assembly that the prices of petrol products etc.
may not be determined on weekly basis but so far no decision has been taken in the
ECC. For such reasons the Secretary Petroleum promised on 24.10.2012, to look into
all these aspects of the matter. Accordingly today, a statement has been filed by him,
3. On our inquiry he stated that the prices of CNG shall be brought to the
level that was fixed for CNG Sector after determining the price by OGRA for the six
months starting from 1.7.2012 and that the MOU through which Government and
CNG Associations had agreed on a formula for operating cost of CNG stations will be
immediately suspended and OGRA will develop a new formula after seeking full
information about the availability of gas, linkages with alternate fuel, discussion with
stakeholders and after scrutiny of audited accounts of CNG Stations as per rules, thus,
prices of CNG shall be reduced, approximately, to the extent of Rs.20/- per k.g.
exercise of its powers under Section 8 (1) and (2) of the OGRA Ordinance, 2002 shall
oblige to determine estimate of total revenue requirement of each licensee for natural
gas engaged in transmission, distribution and the sale of natural gas to a retail
consumer for natural gas, in accordance with the rules and on basis of such advice the
Federal Government shall prescribe price of natural gas for each category of retail
consumer for natural gas under section 8(3) of the OGRA Ordinance. Therefore, there
must be a rationale for charging the difference noted hereinabove. The Secretary
Petroleum has pointed out that this is a surcharge being recovered from the consumers
in accordance with Section 8 (5) of the ORGRA Ordinance, 2002. His this statement is
not acceptable at this point of time. On this he requested for some time to ponder over
also pointed out a number of objections regarding fixation of the CNG Prices without
any rationale.
accordance with law by the Authority there have been a lot of objections from one side
or the other, however, we adjourn this matter with direction to the Chairman OGRA to
fix the price of CNG after taking into consideration the statement in writing filed by
Let the matter be listed for further proceedings on 1st November, 2012.
Chief Justice