Petroleum Exploration & Production POLICY 2012: Government of Pakistan Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources
Petroleum Exploration & Production POLICY 2012: Government of Pakistan Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources
Petroleum Exploration & Production POLICY 2012: Government of Pakistan Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources
(January 2012)
1 Introduction -1-
4.3 Rentals - 14 -
5.2 Depreciation - 17 -
5.18 Rentals - 22 -
6. Regulatory Process - 23 -
6.1 Miscellaneous - 23 -
6.3 Non-compliance - 23 -
7 Foreign Exchange - 25 -
10.1 Crude Oil, Condensate and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Pricing - 30 -
13 Conversion of Regimes - 35 -
Annexure 1 - The Block System - 36 -
Annexure 2 Block Maps of Pakistan - 40 -
Annexure 3 - Employment, Training and Social Welfare Program - 42 -
Annexure 4 Information required from an interested company - 44 -
Annexure 5 Concept of Work Units - 45 -
Annexure 6 - Documentation for Block Award Process - 48 -
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The importance of the domestic petroleum industry to the economy of Pakistan is a core issue
of national security, national self reliance and as a major source of government revenue.
Pakistans average daily production of crude oil and gas in 2009-10 was 65,000 barrels and
4,063, million cubic feet, respectively. Pakistans indigenous oil and gas production meet
around 53% of its total energy requirements while other indigenous sources provide 19%. As
a result around 27% of the countrys energy needs are currently being met through imports.
Even at conservative estimates of economic growth over the next decade, Pakistans total
energy requirements are expected to grow substantially. While the Government of Pakistan
(GOP) is focused on securing its energy future through gas imports, it is also conscious of
minimizing its energy import bill through maximizing development of its indigenous
resources. Domestic gas production and supply presently fails to meet the demand of
domestic users, the industrial sector and power generation. Furthermore, gas supply may soon
become insufficient due to increasing demand and depletion of present reserves. This, in turn,
will force Pakistan to soon begin importing large volumes of gas at international prices to
feed the domestic market.
Furthermore the GOP is cognizant of the dramatic changes that have taken place in the
pricing and cost environment of the international oil and gas industry. The drastic increase in
the crude oil prices in the international market has changed the complexion of the E&P
sectors which requires drastic changes in the approach towards the sector. In addition, the
GOP recognizes the operating challenges and considerations for the Pakistan oil exploration
and development industry. Today, more than ever before, the GoP stands committed to
providing fiscal and regulatory incentives that would enhance and facilitate E&P companies
in accelerating their exploration and development programmes in order to maximize domestic
oil and gas production in the coming years.
The 1997 Policy, while preserving the provisions of the 1994 Policy with respect to onshore
areas, introduced a new offshore package of terms based on production sharing arrangements.
Under the 1997 Policy, existing licence holders in offshore areas were given an option to
convert their concession agreements into Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs).
The 1997 Policy was replaced in 2001 by Petroleum Policy 2001, coupled with Petroleum
(Exploration and Production) Rules 2001, a model offshore Production Sharing Agreement
and a model onshore Petroleum Concession Agreement. In 2003, a revised model offshore
production sharing agreement was introduced complemented by the Offshore Petroleum
(Exploration and Production) Rules 2003.
Policy 2009 had to be amended by this Petroleum Policy 2012 as the new market conditions
warranted urgent changes required for investment promotion in view of increasing
There has been paradigm shift in the natural gas scenario due to higher trend of consumption
of natural gas in the country and overall energy requirement was changing so therefore there
was great need to bring new policy with additives.
The purpose of this Petroleum Exploration and Production Policy 2012 (Policy) is to
establish the policies, procedures, tax and pricing regime in respect of petroleum exploration
and production (E&P) sector.
3. To promote the involvement of Pakistani oil and gas companies in the countrys
upstream investment opportunities.
2. Adopt licensing terms, conditions and processes to attract newcomers including oil and
gas majors and independents, National Oil Companies (NOCs), and Pakistani private
3. Provide a balance between prices and incentives through the rationalization of the
pricing formula so as to suitably compensate exploration and production risk.
5. Successfully align the Policy with GOPs objective to achieve maximum self
sufficiency in domestic energy resources for the larger public good.
Sections IV: Pricing and Incentives for Petroleum Exploration & Production;
This Policy has incorporated the significant achievements of the Pakistani petroleum industry
with established good international oilfield practices.
1. The implementation of best practices for assessing petroleum projects and efficient
regulatory process.
3. Vigorously promote the access to and sale of public domain upstream geological and
engineering data sets both in Pakistan and abroad.
2. All local and foreign companies presently operating in Pakistan will be eligible to acquire
petroleum right.
3. Foreign companies not operating in Pakistan but having operated concessions in other
geographical areas of the world will also be eligible to acquire petroleum right subject to
demonstration of technical and financial capability.
4. All companies having joined a consortia of companies in a concession and have gained at
least three years of experience as a non-operator will be eligible to become operator
subject to demonstration of technical and financial capability.
1. Be eligible to apply for a petroleum right in accordance with the applicable Rules and
to execute any subsequent agreement, and that such status is likely to remain valid
for a period longer than the life of any subsequent agreement plus one year;
2. Declare that there is no pending litigation, legal process or other circumstance that
might cause it to breach its obligations; and
3. Provide a sworn statement that it is not incapable of contracting with GOP and/or
Government Holdings (Private) Limited (GHPL).
4. Within a period not exceeding ninety days after award of petroleum right to a
qualified company, it must either become incorporated in Pakistan or obtain
permission to operate as a registered branch office of a foreign company to operate in
1. Explore and develop specific acreage selected by DGPC for strategic partnerships.
3. The party to whom block is awarded would remain the majority share holder of such
block(s). The block awarded to the strategic partner can only be farmed out to Public
Sector Companies of the same country acceptable to the GOP or Pakistani Public
Sector E&P companies including GHPL.
Strategic partners will be required to undergo the same procedure as other companies
outlined above; however, they will be given privileged award of petroleum rights without
following competitive bidding for certain blocks selected by DGPC on mutually acceptable
terms and conditions.
3. Licensing System
3.1. Types of Exploration and Production Rights
Four different types of E&P rights will be available, as outlined in the table below:
Type Name Petroleum Right Granted Term Maximum
1. Reconnaissance Non-exclusive right for 1 year initial term with Unlimited in open
Permit geophysical, geochemical possible renewal of 1 year. areas.
& geological operations,
including the drilling of
stratigraphic wells.
No rights to negotiate or
convert into onshore
Licence or offshore PSA
Petroleum Exclusive right for Five years initial term Maximum 2,500
Exploration exploration, including (Phase-I of 3 years and km2 with
Licence Onshore drilling and production Phase-II of 2 years) plus subsequent
testing, on terms specified two renewals of one year progressive area
in the licence, Rules and each. relinquishment of
related agreement. 30% of the original
For appraisal operations, a
area after Phase-I
separate application can be
of initial term,
made under the Rules
20% of the
allowing a maximum period
remaining area
of appraisal renewal for one
after Phase-II of
the initial term and
Plus a possible additional 10% of the
five years retention period1 remaining area on
for gas market. or before the start
of second one year
3. Petroleum Exclusive right for Five years initial term Maximum 2,500
Exploration exploration, including (Phase-I of 3 years and km2 with
Licence Offshore drilling and production Phase-II of 2 years) plus subsequent
Shallow Water testing, on terms specified two renewals of one year progressive area
in the licence, Rules and each. relinquishment of
related PSA 30% of the original
For appraisal operations, a
area after Phase-I
separate application can be
of initial term,
made under the Rules 20% of the
allowing a maximum period
remaining area
of appraisal renewal for one
after Phase-II of
the initial term and
Plus a possible additional 10% of the
five years retention period1 remaining area on
for gas market. or before the start
of second one year
4. Petroleum Exclusive right and PSA for Five years initial term Maximum 2,500
Exploration exploration, including (Phase-I of 3 years and km2 with
Licence Offshore drilling and production Phase-II of 2 years) plus subsequent
Deepwater and testing, on terms specified two renewals of one year progressive area
Ultra Deep Water in the licence, Rules and each. relinquishment of
related PSA 30% of the original
For appraisal operations, a
area after Phase-I
separate application can be
of initial term,
made under the Rules
20% of the
allowing a maximum period
remaining area
of appraisal renewal for one after Phase-II of
year. the initial term and
Plus a possible additional 10% of the
five years retention period1 remaining area on
for gas market. or before the start
of second one year
Development and Exclusive right to develop Up to 25 years with a Maximum acreage
Production Lease and produce hydrocarbons possibility of a renewal for retained for
from within a designated five years. development and
portion of a Petroleum and production as
Exploration Licence, issued defined in the
when conditions laid down Rules.
in the Rules are satisfied.
For details of the retention period for gas market arrangements, please see 4.1.7 below
For details of the retention period for gas market arrangements, please see 5.13 below
1. The granting of Petroleum Exploration Licences for entering into PCA or PSA in relation
to onshore and offshore blocks offered through competitive bidding as per procedure laid
down herein below.
2. The granting of Petroleum Exploration Licences for entering into PCA or PSA in relation
to onshore and offshore blocks without competitive bidding to Strategic Partner
Companies on Government to Government basis.
3. The granting of non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits for undertaking studies and multi-
client surveys after direct negotiation.
An application for any offshore permit or licence will be filed to DGPC. However, GHPL
will hold the rights to such permit or licence and will contract the applicant company to
perform the required work via a contractor agreement (PSA).
In order to further streamline the procedure for expeditious disposal of applications for the
grant of exploration licences for both onshore and offshore; DGPC will continue the
competitive bidding process as given below. In addition, the existing procedure for
clearances by Provincial Governments and security agencies through a predefined "White
and Green Area Map" will continue. No area clearance would be required for concession
blocks falling inside white/green areas.
2. An Invitation to Bid will remain valid for at least 60 days and all companies providing
the requisite information would be eligible to contest Invitation to Bid.
4. Upon a written request of an interested company, DGPC will make every effort to
provide bid documents within 15 days of the request, which will include but not be
limited to copies of: (a) the Policy; (b) the applicable Rules; (c) Model Petroleum
Concessions Agreement and Model Production Sharing Agreement, whichever is
applicable; and (d) information which is available or can be purchased.
5. Bids will be invited based on criteria of the highest work programme determined on the
basis of Work Units above as set-out in Annexure 5 and the minimum threshold indicated
in PCA.
6. Any company can submit a bid for any block included in Invitation to Bid in accordance
with the Policy/Rules.
7. All Bids will be opened publicly in the presence of authorized representatives of the
bidders should they chose to be present. If only one bid is received, the bidding company
can be considered for award in accordance with the Rules provided the company offers a
reasonable Work Programme commensurate with the prospectivity of the area.
8. Award of petroleum rights to Pakistani state owned companies will also be subject to the
same process mentioned herein above.
9. DGPC will ensure that the conditions and requirements concerning the exercise or
termination of the Invitation to Bid are established and made available to interested
companies along with the bid documents. Furthermore, any changes made to the
conditions and requirements in the course of the bid procedure are to be notified to all
interested companies immediately by means of bulletins posted to the website and
through registered mail to the companies buying bid documents.
11. All bids are to be made in accordance with the applicable Rules.
12. All bidders are required to notify DGPC should there be an adverse material change in
their status after the bidding. GOP will retain the right to refuse the granting of any rights
when there is adverse material change in the information provided.
13. DGPC will make every effort to conclude and sign a Petroleum Concession Agreement or
Production Sharing Agreement as the case may be based strictly on the model provided
with the bid documents within 15 days after the closing date of Invitation to Bid subject
to completion of all documents to be submitted by the applicant companies.
14. The Government reserves the right to exercise the powers to accept or reject any
application and cancel or annul the bidding process.
15. DGPC reserves the right to call bidding rounds as and when required.
2. If more than one bidder offer the same number of Work Units and there is a draw, then
the successful bidder will be decided on the basis of following process:
a. Within 15 days of bid opening date, the bidders offering the equal number of the
highest Work Units will be asked to re-bid the Work Units and the bidder
offering the higher Work Units in the re-bidding will be declared the winner,
provided however, bidders cannot offer Work Units lower than the one
previously offered.
2. The royalty will be paid in cash or kind at the option of GOP on liquid and gaseous
hydrocarbons (such as LPG, NGL, Solvent oil, gasoline and others) as well as all
substances including sulphur, produced in association with such hydrocarbon. The lease
rent paid during the year shall not be deductible from the royalty payment.
3. Tax on income will be payable at the rate of 40% of profit or gains in accordance with
the Fifth Schedule of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Royalties will be treated as an
expense for the purpose of determination of income tax liability.
4. Windfall Levy (WLO) will be applicable on crude oil and condensate using the following
WLO = 0.4 x (M-R) x (P-B)
WLO - Windfall Levy on crude oil and condensate;
M - Net production (petroleum produced & saved);
R - Royalty;
P - Market Price of crude oil and condensate as set out in paragraph 11
B - Base Price, which will be as under:
a. The base price for crude oil and condensate will be USD 40 per bbl.
b. This base price for crude and condensate will escalate each calendar
year by USD 0.5 per barrel starting from the date of first commercial
production in contract area.
Notwithstanding above, in the event Market Price of Crude Oil/Condensate exceeds US$
110/barrel, the 100% benefit of Windfall Levy will pass on to the Government. The ceiling
would be reviewed as and when pricing dynamics significantly change in the international
5. For sale of natural gas to parties other than GOP, Windfall Levy (WLG) will be
applicable on the difference between the applicable GOP Zone price and the 3rd party sale
price using the following formula:
WLG = 0 .4 x (PG-BR) x V
WLG - Windfall Levy on share of natural gas;
PG - Third Party Sale Price of natural gas;
BR - Base Price;
V - Volume of gas sold to third party excluding royalty.
The Base Price will be the applicable Zone price for sale to GOP as outlined in section
IV (10) below. Where the 3rd party sale price of gas is less or equal to the base price, the
windfall shall be zero. The windfall levy shall not apply on sales of natural gas made to
6. 50% of the royalty will be utilized in the district where oil and gas is produced for
infrastructure development.
1. Local Operator companies will pay their share of production bonuses in the Pakistan
Rupees equivalent of United States Dollar converted at the prevailing exchange rate on
the day of transaction.
2. GHPL will not pay the production bonuses as long as GOP is the majority shareholder of
this company.
3. It is intended that production bonuses will be expended on social welfare projects in and
around the respective contract areas according to guidelines to be issued by the
government from time to time.
1. Such E&P companies will be encouraged to operate exploration blocks with 100%
2. In case of joint ventures with foreign E&P companies, local E&P companies shall have
working interest of 20% on full participation basis (hereinafter referred to as required
minimum Pakistani working interest). The local E&P companies shall contribute their
share of exploration expenditure in Pakistani currency upto required minimum Pakistani
working interest. In the event any local E&P company subsequently intends to reduce its
working interest in a joint venture whereby the collective working interest(s) of local
E&P companies becomes lower than the above threshold specified for required minimum
Pakistani Working Interest, GHPL/Provincial Government Holding Company shall have
the first right to make up the balance required minimum Pakistani working interest on
point forward basis without reimbursement or payment of any past cost.
3. Consortia of companies not meeting the minimum required Pakistani working interest
can still be granted an exploration licence provided such companies advertise in the press
within 15 days of the grant, inviting Pakistani incorporated companies to participate in
the joint venture on the full participation basis under standard Joint Operating
Agreement. The Pakistani incorporated companies GHPL/Provincial Government
Holding Company shall have the option to participate in the joint venture within 30 days.
4. The foreign E&P companies shall be deemed to have fulfilled their obligation with
respect to the minimum Pakistani participation if Pakistani incorporated companies
and/or GHPL/Provincial Government Holding Company do not take any interest fully or
5. Local E&P companies will, on a case to case basis, be entitled during the exploration
phase to receive foreign exchange against payment in Pakistani currency to meet their
day to day obligations under permits, licences and PCAs/PSAs. After commercial
discovery, local E&P companies would be paid up to 30% of their sale proceeds in
foreign currency to meet their day to day operational requirements. For project financing
after commercial discovery, local E&P companies will be required to make their own
foreign exchange arrangements except for companies in which GOP holds majority
6. There shall be a working interest of 5% on full participation basis i.e., 2-1/2% each of
GHPL and Provincial Government Holding Company where the block will be located.
GHPL/Provincial Government Holding Company shall have option to accept the
participating working interest.
Upon a written request of an Operator DGPC may, on a case to case basis, extend the term of
the licence on the following grounds only:
a. If seismic and drilling services are not readily available in the country for the
timely discharge of minimum work obligation, a proof to this effect will be
required before the Government considers accepting or denying a request for
extension of an exploration licence. Such a request for extension will be required
to be made after the holder of the exploration licence has exhausted all other
options including but not limited to pooling resources to undertake coordinated
activities with other petroleum right holders, if possible;
d. If the party was unable to perform work because of circumstances beyond his
control such as law and order situation or for unforeseeable reasons including but
not limited to a flood or earthquake etc.
3. Where the specification and quality of the gas from an approved EWT is acceptable to
the buyer, the gas price shall entail a 5% discount from the applicable gas price for on
spec gas and 10% discount for off spec gas.
4. The facilities that are required to undertake EWT shall be constructed and operated in
accordance with good international oilfield practices.
2. A discovery containing oil and gas or oil, gas and condensate is considered to be a gas
discovery for the purposes of obtaining a retention period only when liquids production is
not considered economic without marketing the gas stream.
1. The submission of a request for a renewal has been submitted not less than three years
in advance of the expiry of initial term of the production period; and
2. That the exploitation area has been producing on a regular basis on the date of the
2. Each bidder(s) shall provide a bid bond of 10% of the offered signature bonus at the time
of bidding.
4. The above Policy for grant of lease after expiry of lease term shall also apply to leases
granted under Pakistan Petroleum (Exploration & Production) Rules of 1986 and 2001.
4.3 Rentals
1. All holders of exploration licence will be required to pay an advance rental charge at the
following rates:
a. In respect of the five years of the initial term of the licence; Rs.3500 per square
kilometre or part thereof; or in respect of each year of the initial term of the
licence; Rs.800 per square kilometre or part thereof;
b. In respect of each renewal of the licence; Rs.5000 per square kilometre or part
thereof; or in respect of each year of the renewal of Licence; Rs.2750 per square
kilometre or part thereof.
2. During the lease period, the following annual advance rental charges will apply:
a. Rs.7,500 per square kilometre or part thereof covering the lease area during the
initial lease period.
b. Rs.10,000 per square kilometre or part thereof covering the lease area during the
renewal period of a lease and further lease term extension.
1. The royalty will be paid in cash or kind at the option of GOP on liquid and gaseous
hydrocarbons (such as LPG, NGL, Solvent oil, gasoline and others) as well as all
substances including sulphur, produced in association with such hydrocarbon. The lease
rent paid during the year shall not be deductible from the royalty payment.
2. Royalties will be treated as an expense for the purpose of determination of income tax
Notwithstanding above, in the event Market Price of Crude Oil/Condensate exceeds US$
110/barrel, the 100% benefit of Windfall Levy will pass on to the Government. The ceiling
would be reviewed as and when the pricing dynamics significantly change in the international
For sale of natural gas to parties other than GOP, Windfall Levy (WLG) will be applicable on
the difference between the applicable GOP Zone price and the 3rd party sale price using the
following formula:
WLG = 0.4 x (PG-BR) x V
WLG - Windfall Levy on share of natural gas;
PG - Third Party Sale Price of natural gas;
BR - Base Price;
V - Volume of gas sold to third party excluding royalty.
The Base Price will be the applicable Zone price for sale to GOP as outlined in section IV
(10). Where the 3rd party sale price of gas is less or equal to the base price, the windfall shall
be zero. The windfall levy shall not apply on sales of natural gas made to GOP.
5.2 Depreciation
The following depreciation rates will apply:
Carry forward of any unabsorbed depreciation until such depreciation is fully absorbed.
2. The production sharing agreement will be executed by the Contractor with GHPL who
will be granted the Exploration Licence and Development and Production Lease. The
Contractor will therefore initially receive the profit oil and profit gas shares and will be
responsible for the management of the production sharing agreements.
1. Profit oil & gas share for wells in shallow grid area of less than 200m water depth
and depth to reservoir shallower than 4,000m
Cumulative Available Oil/ Government Holdings Share Contractor Share of Profit
Available Gas from Contract of Profit Oil/Profit Gas in Oil/Profit Gas in Contract
Area Contract Area Area
2. Profit oil & gas share for wells in deep grid area of more than or equal to 200m and
less than 1,000m water depth or deeper than 4,000m to reservoir in shallow grid
Cumulative Available Oil/ Government Holdings Share Contractor Share of Profit
Available Gas from Contract of Profit Oil/Profit Gas in Oil/Profit Gas in Contract
Area Contract Area Area
3. Profit oil & gas share for wells in ultra deep grid area of more than or equal to
1,000m water depth
Upon reaching 60 MMBOE
Upon reaching 120 MMBOE
Upon reaching 160 MMBOE
Upon reaching 200 MMBOE
1. The Production Bonus amount for offshore would be expensed in accordance with
the guidelines to be issued by the Government from time to time.
Out of the above fee 75% would be expensed on coastal area development and 25% for
marine research.
Upon a written request of an Operator DGPC may, on a case to case basis, extend the term of
the licence on the following grounds only:
a. If seismic and drilling services are not readily available in the country for the
timely discharge of minimum work obligation, a proof to this effect will be
required before the Government considers accepting or denying a request for
extension of an exploration licence. Such a request for extension will be required
to be made after the holder of the exploration licence has exhausted all other
options including but not limited to pooling resources to undertake coordinated
activities with other petroleum right holders, if possible;
d. If the party was unable to perform work because of circumstances beyond his
reasonable control such as law & order situation, unforeseeable reasons including
but not limited to flood, earthquake etc.
coastal development fee and training/social welfare commitments as applicable under the
3. Where the specification and quality of the gas from an approved EWT is acceptable to
the buyer, the gas price shall entail a 5% discount from the applicable gas price for on
spec gas and 10% for off spec gas.
4. The facilities that are required to undertake EWT shall be constructed and operated in
accordance with good international oilfield practices.
2. A discovery containing oil and gas or oil, gas and condensate is considered to
be a gas discovery for the purposes of obtaining a retention period only when liquid
production is not considered economic without marketing the gas stream.
1. The submission of a request for a renewal has been submitted not less than three years in
advance of expiry of initial term of the production period; and
2. That the exploitation area has been producing on a regular basis on the date of the
2. Each bidder(s) shall provide a bid bond of 10% of the offered signature bonus at the time
of bidding.
5.18 Rentals
Contractors will be required to pay an advance annual acreage rental for the area covered
under the PSA of fifty thousand US dollars plus a further rate of ten dollars per square
kilometre or a part thereof every year.
2. The Operator shall conduct all petroleum operations in accordance with Good
international oil field practices and the principles and standards as laid down in the
Rules. Consistent with this requirement, the Operator shall endeavour to minimize
exploration, development, production and operation costs and maximize the ultimate
economic recovery of Petroleum.
3. All definitions/terms in this document will be interpreted in line with the Rules, which
will prevail in case of any conflict.
6. Regulator would play the role as a facilitator and performance increment would be given
to regulatory staff on the basis of field activities generated through their efforts like
number of wells drilled, quantum of seismic, new production fields added.
7. Those E&P companies who opt for conversion to this policy would not be entitled to
tight gas policy and/or low BTU policy.
6.3 Non-compliance
Any company non-compliant with the terms of a permit, licence, lease, agreement and/or the
Rules will result in enforcement action by DGPC.
Grounds for the suspension and/or revocation of any permit, licence or lease will be set out in
detail as part of the rules, permit, licence or lease.
2. The parties may disclose data to affiliates and subcontractors, banks, bona fide intending
assignees and their employees, consultants, etc. in connection with petroleum operations,
and as required by laws and the applicable stock exchange regulations.
2. Geological and geophysical data is to be kept confidential by GOP for a period of three
years from the date of its acquisition, with the exception of disclosure required by the
laws and Rules of Pakistan. However, GOP may disclose data earlier if the Agreement
terminates or upon relinquishment of the area to which the data relates.
3. DGPC may agree to keep the data confidential for longer period if such data is gathered
for commercial purposes under a multi client arrangement with DGPC provided;
however, all such data will be made available by DGPC within five years.
4. DGPC reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for the purchase of this data by third
parties to cover data storage, handling, reproduction and marketing costs.
DGPC will disclose information into the public domain according to the following
2. Commercial & financial: after five years, except commercial sensitive information which
may give unfair advantage to third-parties.
exploration phase, the guarantee so provided would only be released in case all work
obligations including but not limited to social welfare, training, data, rental etc. are fully
discharged. DGPC reserves the right to deduct payment for non-performance of all such
obligations from the performance guarantee.
The guarantee will be irrevocable and unconditional and in a standard format satisfactory to
DGPC such as the following:
1. Bank guarantee equal to 25% of the minimum financial obligation from a bank of
international repute acceptable to the Government on the prescribed format in
4. First and preferred assets lien equal to 100% of the minimum financial obligation.
7 Foreign Exchange
1. Contractor/Operator will be required to contribute all funds required for the Expenditure
in respect of petroleum operations in foreign exchange and in Pakistani Rupees as
2. Subject to domestic supply obligations and export duties, each foreign E&P Companies
shall be entitled to export its share of the petroleum acquired under an agreement, in
accordance with the applicable laws. Each foreign Contractor/Operator (and its registered
branch in Pakistan) shall have the right to retain abroad and to freely make use of sale
proceeds from the export of its share of petroleum.
3. Foreign E&P companies shall have the right to remit sale proceeds from the sale of
petroleum within Pakistan in foreign currency abroad in accordance with applicable
regulations of the State Bank of Pakistan. GOP shall ensure that the State Bank of
Pakistan shall permit all remittances of funds without any delay or additional cost to such
4. If a foreign working interest owner assigns its interest in a licence, lease and/or
agreement to a foreign entity with the consent of GOP, such working interest owner will
be allowed to retain abroad all proceeds resulting from such assignment.
5. E&P company shall have full right of control over movement of funds out of bank
accounts established for the purpose of petroleum operations but may be required to
provide to the State Bank of Pakistan or any Government designated office, bank
statements with an explanation of each deposit, or payment from such account, and shall
supply on a quarterly basis, in a form acceptable to the State Bank, or such designated
office full particulars of foreign exchange transactions related to an agreement.
7. For foreign currency provisions relating to Local Pakistani Companies, please refer to
sub-paragraph above.
2. In giving this consent DGPC may impose any such conditions as DGPC considers
appropriate including but not limited to conditions which are for the purpose of ensuring
full payment of royalty, corporate tax and windfall levy by the assignee in respect of the
interests assigned or transferred.
3. DGPC will require payment of an administration fee of Rs 50,000 in relation to any one
application for assignment or transfer of interest.
2. The guaranteed percentage shall be 70% of the total gross revenues from any Lease.
The remaining gross income in Rupees can be used to pay royalties, taxes, windfall levy
and any other payments to the Government as well as to meet local operating costs.
2. In the event there is more than one field located in a block; the secondary or subsequent
fields will be connected to either the transmission system, any point inside the outlet
flange of the production facility of the primary field or the pipeline connecting the
primary field to transmission system, as may be approved by DGPC.
3. All field gate locations will be approved by DGPC on case to case basis within the above
criteria following the submission of proposed field development plan by the concerned
2. Subject to overall market demand, E&P Companies may request and GOP will purchase
90% of their share of pipeline specification gas through a nominated buyer which is
effectively controlled by it in acceptable daily, monthly and yearly volumes to meet the
internal demand in an economical manner provided there are no infrastructure
constraints. The E&P Companies shall have right to sale 10% of their share of pipeline
specification of gas to any buyer with the prior consent of the Government. The delivery
point shall be at the outlet flange as outlined in paragraph 9.3 (above). GOP/gas buyer
nominated by GOP shall pay the price for gas at the outlet flange as set out in this Policy.
In addition, the "guaranteed percentage" for foreign exchange remittance as contained in
sub paragraph 9.2.2 above will apply to such sales.
2. Whether a connecting pipeline from outlet flange to the nearest transmission system, is
constructed and operated by a producer, a third party or a government nominated entity;
such a pipeline shall be regulated pursuant to the provisions of sub paragraph 9.5.1
above, unless the regulator concerned decides that the pipeline shall be a non-regulated
4. Subject to sub paragraph 9.5.8 below, the basis of the tariff allowed and paid monthly for
delivery from outlet flange into the transmission system will be determined by the
regulator based upon a rate of return on equity basis at the rate of 12% with the capital
cost being amortized over a minimum of 15 years. Allowable costs will include operating
cost and interest payable on the initial capital over the minimum 15 year amortization
period. Post the repayment period the Operator will be able to make a 12% margin over
operating costs. If such pipeline is used by more than one shipper, the calculation basis
for each year shall be done on an overall pipeline volume nomination basis at the start of
each year, through the aggregation of all shippers nomination. Any shortfall or excess of
volume delivered from the nomination in the year shall be deducted/ received from the
tariff payment of that year or charged to the party responsible for such a shortfall.
6. E&P companies are expected to exhaust options to make efficient use of the current
transmission system and may co-operate in the construction and operation of pipelines
upstream of the outlet flange or transmission system. Shared ownership and spare
capacity shall be based upon the combined planned coincidental shared plateau of the
Operators unless otherwise agreed by DGPC or the regulator concerned. Companies are
encouraged to co-operate in any extension of an initial system to ensure economies of
scale, maximum utilization and to ensure that the overall pipeline stays below the tariff
limit as specified in para 9.5.8 hereunder.
7. In the event such pipeline is located in offshore area and the excess capacity is
subsequently utilized by a third party, the tariff will be charged by the party providing
access to such pipeline as approved by DGPC and revenues generated therefrom will be
treated as a part of profit oil/profit gas for its production sharing purposes.
8. The tariff payable to any third party or the producer for pipeline connecting the outlet
flange to the transmission system shall not exceed $0.5/MMBTU in aggregate. Any tariff
in excess of this limit will be determined by the regulator on a case to case basis but only
in exceptional circumstances, and subject to the approval of GOP. The indexation of the
tariff limit will be based on OGRAs recommendation and approved by GOP. The public
utility companies will continue receiving tariff under a separate tariff regime within the
frame work of OGRA Ordinance.
9. Ownership/operation of the pipeline connecting field to the outlet flange and the outlet
flange to the transmission system shall pass to the government consequent upon the
expiry or early termination of the lease that initiated the pipeline unless such pipeline is
not used for shipment of gas from another adjacent area for which specific approval of
the Government and/or the regulator concerned will be required. The transfer should be
free of any lien or encumbrance or other liabilities.
10. Technical committee or Operating committee meetings will be conducted quarterly and
will be chaired by the representative of the DGPC on behalf of the President of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
10.1.2 Condensate
The Producer Policy Price for condensate will be the FOB price of internationally quoted
comparable condensate delivered at the nearest refinery gate plus or minus a quality yield
differential, based on the value in the Arabian Gulf spot products market of the crude
oil/condensate. No other adjustment or discount will apply other than Windfall Levy.
63.33% of discounted
Marker Price Onshore price $34.2
73.88% of discounted
Marker Price Offshore-Shallow price 39.9
Price in US$/MMBtu at US$ 110/bbl 39.9/5.7 $7
84.44% of discounted
Marker Price Offshore-Deep price 45.6
Price in US$/MMBtu at US$ 110/bbl 45.6/5.7 $8
95% of discounted
Marker Price Offshore Ultra Deep price 51.3
Price in US$/MMBtu at US$ 110/bbl 51.3/5.7 $9
C&F Price will be arrived at on the basis of FOB price of imported crude oils into Pakistan
plus freight on AFRA, which is deemed chartered rates.
The RCP ceiling of USD 110/barrel would be reviewed after every five years or as and when
the pricing dynamics significantly change in the international market, as provided in the
applicable rules.
(a) If the petroleum is sold to the national market, the actual selling price means
the price determined in accordance with the relevant sale and purchase
agreement between the petroleum right holder and the Government or its
designee less allowed transportation cost beyond the delivery point.
(b) In all other cases, the actual selling price means the greater of-
(i) the price at which the petroleum is sold or otherwise disposed of less
allowed transportation costs; or
(ii) the fair market price received through arms length sales of the petroleum
less the allowed transportation costs; or
(iii) the price applicable to the sales made under sub-rule (a) above.
4. GOP reserves the right to change terms of this Policy in response to changes in
national energy Policy or significant changes in the domestic or international
energy market. These changes will not affect any rights that may have previously
accrued under this Policy.
5. This Policy may be reviewed by GOP after 5 years for appropriate adjustments
keeping in view the then prevailing conditions.
6. The incentives of this Policy shall apply to E&P companies who will apply for new
petroleum rights after this Policy comes into effect as well as to those E&P
companies who opt for conversion to this Policy in accordance with section VI
(c) for which applications are pending and bids have been invited before the date of
approval of the Policy.
2. For the purpose of this section, new exploration efforts means Exploration Wells
under drilling and/or spudded, after the Effective Date of the petroleum exploration and
production Policy, 2007 (i.e. 27th November 2007) and have not declared
3. For all conversions pursuant to paragraph 13.1 above, the gas price allowed for new
exploration effort under the respective exploration licences & leases shall be this
Policy 2012.
4. All pending applications for which bidding process has not been initiated will be
processed under this Policy. However, nothing contained herein will be construed to
have created any right for the applicant.
5. This Policy will not affect any obligation with regard to already agreed minimum work
programme and minimum expenditure obligation and the State participation in an
existing joint venture, if any.
6. The conversion under this Policy will be opted as a package and the companies
desirous of opting for conversion to this Policy shall be required to submit their written
request to DGPC within 90 days from the date of announcement of the Policy failing
which they will not remain eligible for the conversion. Similarly, for those blocks for
which the exploration licences have not yet been granted and PCAs/PSAs have not
been executed as mentioned in sub-paragraph 13.1 (b) and (c), the company concerned
will have the option to apply, in writing, for conversion under this Policy within 90
days from the date of grant of such block. The option once exercised shall be final. The
supplemental agreement to give affect to the conversion shall be executed as soon as
possible but no later than 6 months from the date of exercise of the option.
7. The Companies already exercising the option under Policy 2007 and/or Policy 2009
shall be deemed to have opted for conversion under this Policy provided however, such
conversion will be allowed subject to signing of supplemental agreements within six
months from the date of announcement of this policy.
8. The gas price of Policy 2012 will also be extended to those E&P Companies who will
give additional 10% production over and above the commitment in accordance with
approved development plan by the Government to the extent of additional production
9. The first right of refusal will be granted to the company who has quoted the lowest rate
for supply of rig during last five years in the award of contract for drilling rigs by JV
b. Blocks shall be bounded on the east and west sides by successive integer meridians
of longitude.
c. Blocks shall be bounded on the north and south sides by successive integer
parallels of latitude.
d. A Block shall be referred to by the degree latitude and longitude of the southwest
corner of the Block; for example, the Block with a southwest corner at 25 degrees
latitude and 64 degrees longitude would be referred to as Block 2564.
2. Grid Areas:
b. Grid Areas shall be bounded on the east and west sides by meridians spaced at
intervals of five minutes between the east and west boundaries of the Block.
c. Grid Areas shall be bounded on the north and south sides by parallels spaced at
intervals of five minutes between the north and south boundaries of the Block.
L La Ll
K Ka Kk
J Ja Jj
I Ia Ii
H Ha Hh
G Ga Gg
F Fa Ff
E Ea Ee
D Da Dd
C Ca Cc
B Ba Bb
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al
a b c d e f G h i j k l
3. Sections:
b. Sections shall be bounded on the east and west sides by meridians spaced at
intervals of thirty seconds between the east and west boundaries of the Grid Area.
c. Sections shall be bounded on the north and south sides by parallels spaced at
intervals of thirty seconds between the north and south boundaries of the Gird
9 90 99
8 80 88
7 70 77
6 60 66
5 50 55
4 40 44
3 30 33
2 20 22
1 10 11
0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. Sections shall be referred to by specifying the Block, Grid Area and Section
number, separated by hyphens, in declining order of size; for example, the Section
81 located in Block 2564, Grid Area Bb would be referred to as "2564-Bb-81".
c. A well will be described by the Section location of its wellhead. If there is more
than one well drilled from the same Section, each well will be described by its
Section location, separated by a hyphen, followed by the number (by historical
spud-in date) of the well in that Section; for example, the first well drilled in
Section 2564-Bb-81 will be referred to as "2564-Bb-81.1".
Offshore Area
1. The map of the Offshore of Pakistan (Annexure 2) shows each Grid Area as being either
"shallow" (having an average water depth of less than 200 metres) or "deep" (having an
average water depth greater than 200 metres) or ultra deep having an average water depth
greater than 1,000 metres.
2. Maximum Size
A Licence shall not be granted in respect of any area of more than 3,200 Sections.
A Lease shall not normally be granted in respect of any area of more than 150 Sections and
the maximum acreage assigned to any one field shall be defined as the vertical projection to
the surface of the outer limit of the reservoir(s).
3572 3574 3575 3576
3474 3475
3471 3472
3374 JAMMU&
Disputed Territory
2861 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2870 2871
2661 2670
2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669
2562 2563 2564 2565
2567 2568 2569
Employment programs for Pakistani nationals shall be agreed upon with DGPC on an annual
basis as per guidelines issued from time to time.
Training shall be provided for capacity building of Pakistani employees and GOP officials by
foreign and local E&P companies including internship/scholarships and training of the local
inhabitants in different institutions, as per guidelines issued by DGPC from time to time. The
E&P companies shall incur following expenditures at different levels of their activity:
Onshore Area
Offshore Area
This shall not form part of Government revenue and shall be used primarily for capacity
building and to meet expenditures connected with infrastructure development as mentioned in
Section V above for which separate guidelines shall be issued with the approval of the
Principal Accounting Officer.
The amount of social welfare funds pledged by the companies (local and foreign) in their
respective agreements must be utilized to give lasting benefit to the communities. Social
welfare projects must be agreed with the local community and the civil administration as per
guidelines issued by GOP from time to time.
a. During exploration stage until Commercial USD 30,000 per Licence Year
These amounts will be subject to review from time to time. Local E&P companies will incur
these expenditures in equivalent Pak Rupees.
3. Company Structure: A management structure showing clear lines of responsibility and clear
processes for upstream operations is essential. DGPC will look for, as applicable to the acreage
and licence type, strong exploration experience and success and a strong reservoir management
team with considerable experience and the minimum of vacancies in key positions. The key
operations staff should be based in Pakistan.
4. Health, Safety and Environmental Management (HSE): It is essential that all operations
within Pakistan are carried out in a manner that conforms to current HSE legislation and
regulations. Companies seeking new operatorship in Pakistan, therefore, will need to demonstrate
that their HSE management systems are compatible with all national requirements.
5. Management System: Other than the existing licence/lease operator, the applicant should
describe, as relevant, how it will manage in practice an exploration, development or production
operation, clearly describing the division of responsibility between the company's own staff and
sub-contractors, if the latter are to be employed.
8. Field Management Resources: Other than the existing licence/lease operator, the applicant when
relevant, provide details of the technical resources available to the prospective Operator. The
applicants own capacity to analyse all technical and financial data including the potential of a field
should also be explained.
9. Training Policy: Well trained staff is considered essential for effective operatorship of a block in
Pakistan. In this regard, a brief description of the companys training policy for appropriate
human resource development may be provided.
10. Reserves and Economics Calculation: Other than the existing licence/lease operator, the
applicant should provide methodology adopted by the company for reserve estimation and field
economics should be outlined.
11. Additional information: Additional information may be sought by DGPC following the receipt
of application.
2. A work unit equates to an approximate expenditure of USD 10,000 and the units defined for each
Zone and sub zone are considered generic averages for those Zones. The current value of USD
10,000 represents the 2012 base value for each work unit. The value will be updated at a rate to
be decided by the Government from time to time before any bidding round. The value of
USD10,000 (or future equivalent value) will be used where units have not been fulfilled to
calculate the WIOs/Contractors unfulfilled obligations.
3. For the purposes of calculating work units only, "Well Depth" shall mean the well depth
measured along the well bore from the seabed/ocean floor to the total depth for offshore wells;
and the well depth measured along the well bore from the rotary table to the total depth for
onshore wells. In case the well is a deepening of an existing well, the well depth is measured
from the deepest point in the existing well to the new total depth. In case a well is side-tracked,
the depth shall not include any depth drilled below the kick off point of the side track, but shall
include the redrilled part of the well from the kick off point to the total depth. In case a well is
horizontally drilled or deviated, the length of the horizontal/deviated segment well shall be added
to the vertical well depth.
Equivalency of Work Units mentioned in Annexure-5 may be updated on a yearly basis taking into
account of the Seismic and Rig rates prevalent at the start of the year. Similarly the Minimum Work
Units indicated above may also be revised by DGPC before Invitation to Bid according to size and
prospectivity of the area.
Applications are invited for grant of Petroleum exploration rights (Exploration Licence) over the
following blocks: -
Block No.
Block No.
Block No.
2. Bid Documents can be obtained from the office of Directorate General Petroleum Concessions
(DGPC) 1019-A, Pak Plaza, Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad on a written request and
payment of a non-refundable fee of US $ 100(or equivalent in Pak Rupees) in favour of DGPC
through a bank draft.
3. Sealed applications should be submitted by the interested exploration and production companies
to DGPC, 1019-A Pak Plaza Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad, by ---- a.m. (PST) on -----,
200-. Applications will be opened publicly by the Bid Opening Committee the same day at ----
a.m. in DGPC office in the presence of the applicants or their representatives.
4. Bids submitted by all applicants will be considered as irrevocable and unconditional. In case
any applicant states otherwise, his bid will not be accepted and will be treated as non-
5. The bidding process will be governed by and construed under laws of Pakistan and any question
or dispute regarding grant of a Petroleum Right or any matter or thing connected therewith shall
be resolved by arbitration in Pakistan and in accordance with Pakistan laws as per applicable
Rules of Pakistan Onshore Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Rules, 2012 (in case of
onshore areas) and applicable Rules of Pakistan Offshore Petroleum (Exploration and
Production) Rules, 2012 (in case of Offshore areas).
6. The successful applicant will be selected in accordance with the provisions of the Petroleum
Exploration and Production Policy 2012 and Pakistan Onshore Petroleum (Exploration and
Production) Rules, 2012/Pakistan Offshore Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Rules, 2012
and the Bid Documents. The successful applicant will be notified as soon as possible.
7. Any bidder offering Work Unit lower than the minimum threshold specified in the policy or the
bid documents would be treated as non responsive and his bid would not be further evaluated.
8. In the event, any of the bidder(s) attempts to influence the DGPC in any manner whatsoever, it
shall result in the disqualification of such bidder(s).
9. The Government reserves the right to exercise the powers to accept or reject any application. In
the event of refusal to grant such petroleum right, the Government shall as far as possible provide
the reasons thereof. The Government also reserves the right to cancel or annul the bidding
process without specifying any reason thereof.