What Is Trust? A Conceptual Analysis and An Interdisciplinary Model

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Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

AMCIS 2000 Proceedings

Association for Information Systems Year 2000

What is Trust? A Conceptual Analysis

and an Interdisciplinary Model
D. Harrison McKnight∗ Norman L. Chervany†

∗ FloridaState University, dmcknigh@garnet.acns.fsu.edu

† University of Minnesota, nchervany@csom.umn.edu
This paper is posted at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL).
What is Trust?
A Conceptual Analysis and An Interdisciplinary Model

D. Harrison McKnight, Information and Management Sciences Department, College of Business, Florida
State University, dmcknigh@garnet.acns.fsu.edu

Norman L. Chervany, Information & Decision Sciences Department, Carlson School of Management,
University of Minnesota, nchervany@csom.umn.edu
Customer Relations Management mini-track
Keywords: Customer Trust, Customer Relationship, Human Issues

Abstract Yamagishi, 1994). Others have chosen not to define trust

Trust is a vital relationship concept that needs further (e.g., Granovetter, 1985; Ouchi, 1981). Why the confusion?
conceptual analysis, not just empirical testing. Trust has been One reason is that each discipline views trust from its
defined in so many ways by so many different researchers own unique perspective. Like the story of the six blind men
across disciplines that a typology of the various types of and the elephant, a disciplinary lens causes psychologists to
trust is sorely needed. This paper justifies and develops see trust as a personal trait, sociologists to see trust as a
such an interdisciplinary typology and defines the social structure, and economists to see trust as an economic
constructs within the typology. These constructs, though choice mechanism (Lewicki & Bunker, 1995).
defined at the personal level, are scalable to various levels However, the other reason is that trust is itself a vague
of analysis and may be used in various trust situations, term. In ordinary English usage, trust has acquired a large
including IS/customer relations. number of meanings. That is, depending on the context, we
may think of many different things when someone uses the
Trust is central to interpersonal (Golembiewski & word ‘trust.’ An analysis of the word trust in three
McConkie, 1975) and commercial (Morgan & Hunt, 1994) unabridged dictionaries (Websters, Random House, and
relationships. Trust is crucial wherever risk, uncertainty, or Oxford) showed that trust had far more definitions (9, 24,
interdependence exist (Mayer, Davis & Schoorman, 1995; and 18, respectively) than did the terms cooperation (3, 2,
Mishra, 1996). These conditions flourish in many settings, 6), confidence (6, 8, 13), and predictable (1,2, 1).
and certainly exist in the relationship between Information Cooperation, confidence, and predictable are the terms
Systems (IS) people and their customers. Trust has been which Mayer, et al. (1995) used to discriminate trust from
found to be important to IS/customer performance (Nelson & similar concepts. On average, trust had 17.0 definitions,
Cooprider, 1996), and is also key in virtual teams (Jarvenpaa while the others had an average of 4.7. Hence, trust is
& Leidner, 1998) and e-commerce (Ba, Whinston & Zhang, naturally hard to narrow down to one specific definition.
1999; Hoffman, et al., 1999; Jarvenpaa, Tranctinsky & Vitale, Few have addressed this issue head-on by trying to
1998; Noteberg, Christaanse & Wallage, 1999; Stewart, reconcile the various types of trust into a sensible set of
1999). As conditions become more uncertain because of constructs (exceptions: Barber, 1983; Bromiley &
downsizing, mergers, and more complex business dealings, Cummings, 1995; Dobing, 1993; Kee & Knox, 1970;
the need for trust grows (Mishra, 1996). Mayer, et al., 1995; Mishra, 1996). In part, this is because
The State of Trust Definitions of disciplinary perspective. For example, sociologists Lewis
A good deal of trust research has recently been initiated, & Weigert (1985b) argued that psychological views of trust
with the potential to produce significant understanding of are invalid because trust cannot be reduced to a personal
various IS phenomena. However, an understanding of what characteristic. Thus, social structural definitions (e.g.,
the term ‘trust’ means is needed in order to interpret and Shapiro, 1987) are almost impossible to reconcile against
compare trust results. In this paper, we justify and specify a personal expectancy definitions (e.g., Rotter, 1971).
conceptual typology of trust constructs. Then we define the The other problem has been that empirical research has
four resulting constructs and ten measurable subconstructs. driven most definitions of trust, and one need only define
Distrust constructs are not the same as trust constructs one type of trust to do empirical research. Therefore, each
(Lewicki, et al., 1998), and lie outside our present scope. researcher has developed a narrow conceptualization of
Several researchers have reported that trust definitions trust that fits the type of research they do. They defend their
are numerous and confusing (e.g., Lewis & Weigert, 1985a; narrow trust conceptualization by referring to the factor
Shapiro, 1987; Taylor, 1989). Some have said that trust is analysis. Van de Ven (1989: 487) warned that when theories
an elusive concept to define (Gambetta, 1988; Yamagishi & on a topic widely diverge, the advocates "for each theory
engage in activities to make their theory better by increasing

its internal consistency, often at the expense of limiting its scientists have argued that effective conceptualization is vital
scope...[S]uch impeccable micro logic is creating macro to progress in validating any construct (Kaplan, 1964;
nonsense!" This seems to be happening in trust research. A Schwab, 1980). Thus, building a good theoretical, conceptual
more beneficial way would be to recognize the various types view of trust is a key to moving trust research forward.
of trust that exist and to specify which type of trust is being Because trust is so broad a concept, and because so many
addressed in the current work. In this paper, we will use the definitions have proliferated, a typology of trust constructs
term “trust” to refer to the broad, generic trust concept. seems appropriate. A good typology of trust concepts would
The Need for Consistent Trust Definitions do two things (Tiryakian, 1968). First, it would create order
Researchers should agree on what trust types exist for two out of chaos by distinguishing clearly among concepts that at
reasons. First, common definitions would enable researchers first appear to be the same concept (trust). Second, it would
to sort out findings across studies. Currently, this is very hard permit one to postulate how the different types of trust relate
to do (Golembiewski & McConkie, 1975). Without agreed- to each other (Schwab, 1980), creating a model of trust types.
upon definitions, effective meta-analyses would be difficult “This is because a good typology is not a collection of
and ineffective. A search in ABI Inform yielded only two undifferentiated entities but is composed of a cluster of traits
meta-analyses about trust, both published very recently. This which do in reality ‘hang together.’” (Tiryakian, 1968: 178)
meager result may be a symptom of the difficulty of To produce an acceptable typology requires analysis of
comparing trust studies. What trust research needs is a set of existing trust definitions. We compared various definitions, as
rules to translate one result to another, as Rubin (1988) in grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), to find
recommended for the love literature. Consensus knowledge conceptual trends. Among about eighty articles and books on
about trust will progress at a more rapid rate when study trust, we identified sixty-five that provided definitions of
results can be compared. trust. These articles and books were from psychology/social
Second, consistent definitions provide a means for psychology (23), sociology/economics/ political science (19),
researchers to communicate clearly with practitioners and and management/communications (23). Each was either oft-
provide them better prescriptions. This dialogue would both cited by others or had a unique trust definition.
enable trust research to be more valuable to practitioners and By analyzing these definitions, we found two broad
provide researchers the value of intuitive practitioner groupings of definitions. First, many definitions could be
knowledge. Researchers like social psychologist Harold categorized into different conceptual types, such as attitudes,
Kelley (1992) have commented that the interplay between beliefs, behaviors, and dispositions. Second, many definitions
common-sense psychology and scientific psychology is useful could be categorized as reflecting different referents: trust in
to both parties. something, trust in someone, or trust in a specific
Also, it is troublesome that trust prescriptions to characteristic of someone (e.g., one’s honesty). In terms of
practitioners are typically couched in the same vague term specific characteristics, sixteen categories of trust-related
(‘trust’) that has confused so many researchers. Vague characteristics were identified (Table 1).
prescriptions about generic trust are dangerous because they As Table 1 shows, the sixteen categories may be distilled
may not address the specific problem in a productive way. into five second order conceptual categories by comparing
Worse, the researcher/consultant’s narrow type of trust may one type of characteristic with another. Most of these
be prescribed mistakenly to situations in which it is not categorizations are intuitive; however, based on the literature,
appropriate. This is like giving a patient a pain medication for we decided to distinguish between Predictability and Integrity
a heart problem because it worked for a headache. As an by defining the latter as value-laden and the former as value-
example in IS, what better leads to adoption of an information less. Thus, the value-laden definitions of dependable and
system, user trusting perceptions about the IS group or user reliable we found in the literature would more closely fit in
disposition to trust? Both have been called trust, making it the Integrity category than in the Predictability category. Four
difficult to sort out what really leads to what. second order categories (competence, benevolence, integrity,
One Suggestion: Create a Trust Typology and predictability) cover 91.8% of the characteristic-based
The key to defining trust lies only partially in empirical trust definitions found in the 65 sources.
work or even in construct validation work. After all, it is the The two types of groupings of trust definitions (construct
plethora of empirical trust studies that has brought trust type and referent) seemed relatively exclusive, in that the first
research to its current state. Wrightsman (1991: 411), who refers to what type of construct trust is, while the second
studied trust empirically for years, said, “…the general refers to the object of trust. Therefore, we used these two
concept of trust deserves much more theoretical analysis. categories as an N X N table that enabled us to depict the
Measurement has advanced more rapidly than conceptual types of trust definitions researchers have used. Table 2
clarification…” Several trust researchers agree (Kee & Knox, shows the result of using these two groupings as table
1970; Lewicki & Bunker, 1995; Taylor, 1989). Other dimensions. We mapped each of the definitions in the sixty-
five articles and books onto these dimensions. The result was

the expected finding--that trust definitions were almost Table 2 Mapping of Literature Trust Definitions
(excuse the expression) all over the map.
Type Disp-
Table 1 Trust Characteristic-based Definition Categories Struc- osi- Atti- Inten Beha-
Referent tural tion tude Belief -tion vior
Trust-related Second Order Count % of Comp- x xxxxxxx xxxx
Characteristic Conceptual Total xxxxxxx
Category xxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx
1. Competent 14 xxxxx xxxxxxx
2. Expert 3 x xxxxxxx
3. Dynamic 3 xxxx
Integ- xxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx
COMPETENCE 20 20.4 xxxx xxxxxxx
4. Predictable PREDICTABILITY 6 6.1 Predict- x xxxxxxx x
5. Good, Moral 6 Other xxxxxxx x
6. Good will 10
Other xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
7. Benevolent, 18 xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx
Caring xxxxxxx xx
8. Responsive 4 Notes: 1. Each “x” represents one trust definition. 2. Attitude
BENEVOLENCE 38 38.8 includes affect and confidence; Belief includes “expectancy”

9. Honest 11
10. Credible 1 Figure 1 An Interdisciplinary Model of Trust Constructs
11. Reliable 8
12. Dependable 6 Psychology/
INTEGRITY 26 26.5 Economics Sociology Social Psychology
13. Open 3 sition
14. Careful, 3 to
Safe Trust
Insti- Trusting Trusting
15. Shared 1
tution- Beliefs Intention
16. Personally 1 Based
Attractive Trust
OTHER 8 8.2
Grand Total 98 100.0

A Typology of Related Trust Constructs The four constructs in Figure 1 may also be further
From this mapping, and from an analysis of how trust subdivided into lower level constructs that are measurable via
types were related to each other (McKnight, Cummings & scales. Disposition to Trust includes the Faith in Humanity
Chervany, 1998), we saw the potential for an interdisciplinary and Trusting Stance subconstructs. Institution-based Trust
model of trust types. The model (Figure 1) has constructs consists of Structural Assurance and Situational Normality.
representing four of the columns in Table 2. The Attitude and Trusting Beliefs include Competence, Benevolence, Integrity,
Belief columns were combined into Trusting Beliefs, which and Predictability beliefs. These four types of Trusting
are defined to have both affective and cognitive components Beliefs correspond to the first four rows of Table 2. Trusting
(see Rempel, Holmes & Zanna, 1985). Trusting Behavior was Intention includes Willingness to Depend (Dobing, 1993) and
dropped because the consequents of Trusting Intention Subjective Probability of Depending (Curall & Judge, 1995).
already have other labels, (e.g., cooperation, information As the definitions below will show, these subdivisions of
sharing, entering agreements with, risk taking, or involvement the four main constructs are proposed to be conceptually
with). What these have in common is that, in each case, one distinguishable from each other and from the construct itself.
depends on the other party. They are not simply two parts of a dual construct. Like the

subtypes of a data modeling supertype (Brown, 1993), each research stream (e.g., Riker, 1971). Here’s an example. We
subconstruct partakes of the overall conceptual meaning of once asked an IS employee if she trusted her newly hired
the supertype, but has certain attributes that distinguish it manager, whom she had never met before. She said that she
from the supertype and from other subtypes. Another example did trust her, because she always trusted new people until they
of this kind of typology is found in the categorization of the gave her some reason not to trust them. Thus, she had a high
animal kingdom by biologists. A cow and an elephant are level of Trusting Stance, which encouraged her to be willing
both mammals, for example, because they both give live to depend on her new boss.
birth, have hair, and nourish their babies through mammary Trusting Stance and Faith in Humanity are alike in that
glands (Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary). What they each constitute a tendency or propensity (Mayer et al.,
distinguishes the elephant from the cow are attributes like: 1995) to trust other people. They differ in terms of the
huge size, big ears, a flexible, elongated snout, tusks, and a assumptions on which they build. Because Faith in Humanity
unique toe/foot arrangement. Similarly, each of the relates to assumptions about peoples’ attributes, it is more
subconstructs of our four main constructs partakes of the likely to be an antecedent to Trusting Beliefs (in people) than
nature of the construct but has parts that differentiate it from is Trusting Stance. Trusting Stance may relate more to
its parent construct and from other subconstructs of its parent. Trusting Intention, which, depending on the situation, is
We now define Figure 1’s constructs and subconstructs. probably not based wholly on beliefs about the other person,
Conceptual Definitions of Trust Constructs (McKnight, et al., 1998).
Disposition to Trust. This construct means the extent to Institution-based Trust means one believes the needed
which one displays a consistent tendency to be willing to conditions are in place to enable one to anticipate a
depend on general others across a broad spectrum of successful outcome in an endeavor or aspect of one’s life
situations and persons. This construct hails primarily from (Luhmann, 1979; Lewis & Weigert, 1985a; Shapiro, 1987;
dispositional psychology. Our definition does not literally Zucker, 1986). This construct comes from the sociology
refer to a person’s trait. Rather, it means that one has a tradition that people can rely on others because of structures,
general propensity to be willing to depend on others. situations, or roles (Baier, 1986) that provide assurances that
Disposition to trust does not necessarily imply that one things will go well. Zucker (1986) traces the history of
believes others to be trustworthy. Whatever the reason, one regulations and institutions in America that enabled people to
tends to be willing to depend on others. People may grow up trust each other—not because they knew each other
with Disposition to Trust (Erikson, 1968) or may develop it personally, but because licensing or auditing or laws or
later in life. Either way, it is acted out as a generalized governmental enforcement bodies were in place to make sure
reaction to life’s experiences with other people (Rotter, the other person was either afraid to harm you or punished if
1971). Because Disposition to Trust is a generalized tendency they did harm you.
across situations and persons, it probably colors our Institution-based Trust has two subconstructs, Structural
interpretation of situations and actors in situations, but only Assurance and Situational Normality. Structural Assurance
has a major effect on one’s trust-related behavior when novel means one believes that success is likely because guarantees,
situations arise, in which the person and situation are contracts, regulations, promises, legal recourse, processes,
unfamiliar (Johnson-George & Swap, 1982). or procedures are in place that assure success (Shapiro,
Disposition to Trust has two subconstructs, Faith in 1987; Zucker, 1986). For example, one using the internet
Humanity and Trusting Stance. Faith in Humanity refers to would have structural assurance to the extent to which one
underlying assumptions about people, while Trusting Stance believed legal and technological safeguards (e.g., encryption)
is like a personal strategy. Faith in Humanity means one protect one from privacy loss or credit card fraud. With a high
assumes others are usually upright, well-meaning, and structural assurance level, one would be more likely to be
dependable (e.g., Rosenberg, 1957; Wrightsman, 1991). willing to rely on specific internet vendors because of the
Mayer et al. (1995) gave the example that if you were going secure feeling structural assurance engenders. In system
to drown, could you trust nonspecific others to come to your development, Structural Assurance might refer to the
aid? You would if, having high Faith in Humanity, you processes and procedures that make things safe or fair in that
assumed others generally care enough to help. specific organizational setting.
Trusting Stance means that, regardless of what one Situational Normality means one believes that success is
assumes about other people generally, one assumes that one likely because the situation is normal or favorable.
will achieve better outcomes by dealing with people as Situational normality reflects Garfinkel’s (1963) idea that
though they are well-meaning and reliable. Therefore, it is trust is the perception that things in the situation are normal,
like a personal choice or strategy to trust others. Because it proper, customary (Baier, 1986), fitting, or in proper order
involves choice that is presumably based on subjective (Lewis & Weigert, 1985a). Garfinkel found in natural
calculation of the odds of success in a venture, Trusting experiments that people don’t trust others when things “go
Stance derives from the calculative, economics-based trust weird,” that is, when they face inexplicable, abnormal

situations. For example, one subject told the experimenter situation with a feeling of relative security, even though
he had a flat tire on the way to work. The experimenter negative consequences are possible.
responded, “What do you mean, you had a flat tire?” The Trusting intention subconstructs include Willingness to
subject replied, in a hostile way, “What do you mean? What Depend and Subjective Probability of Depending.
do you mean? A flat tire is a flat tire. That is what I meant. Willingness to Depend means one is volitionally prepared to
Nothing special. What a crazy question!” (1963: 221) At make oneself vulnerable to the other person in a situation by
this point, trust between them broke down because the relying on them (e.g., Dobing, 1993; Mayer et al., 1995).
illogical question produced an abnormal situation. Subjective Probability of Depending means the extent to
Situational normality means that a properly ordered setting which one forecasts or predicts that one will depend on the
is likely to facilitate a successful venture. When one other person (Currall & Judge, 1995).
believes one’s role and others’ roles in the situation are Trusting Intention definitions embody five elements
appropriate and conducive to success, then one has a basis synthesized from the trust literature. 1. The possibility of
for trusting the people in the situation. Hence, situational negative consequences (Gambetta, 1988; Zand, 1972) or risk
normality is likely related to Trusting Beliefs and Trusting (Giffin, 1967; Riker, 1971; Shapiro, 1987) is what makes
Intention. A system developer who feels good about the trust important but problematic. 2. A readiness to depend or
roles and setting in which they work is likely to have rely on another is central to trusting intention (Dobing, 1993;
Trusting Beliefs about the people in that setting. Giffin, 1967; Lewis & Weigert, 1985b; Ring & Van de Ven,
Our definitions represent the impersonal focus of 1994). 3. A feeling of security means one feels safe, assured,
institution-based trust as a belief held by an individual about and comfortable (not anxious or fearful) about the prospect of
impersonal things (underlying structures and situations). depending on another (Lewis & Weigert, 1985b; Rempel et
While some sociologists may cringe at such an individual al., 1985). Feelings of security reflect the affective side of
cognitive focus, similar actions have been taken by trusting intention. 4. Trusting intention is situation-specific
sociologists (e.g., Barber, 1983) in order to clarify the (Gabarro, 1978; Sitkin & Roth, 1993). 5. Trusting intention
conceptual meaning of a construct for use in explaining a involves willingness that is not based on having control or
social phenomenon. Situating institution-based trust as a power over the other party (Riker, 1971; Gambetta, 1988;
mental concept also makes it consistent with the mental Ring & Van de Ven, 1994). Note that Trusting Intention
constructs Trusting Beliefs and Trusting Intention. relates well to the system development power literature
Trusting Beliefs means one believes (and feels confident because we define it in terms of dependence and control.
in believing) that the other person has one or more traits Additional theoretical justification for model linkages
desirable to one in a situation in which negative among trust constructs is found in McKnight, et al. (1998).
consequences are possible. Inference or attribution to the Empirical evidence for these linkages is discussed in other
other party’s traits is often included in trust definitions papers under review (e.g., Galvin, McKnight & Ahuja, 2000;
(Rempel, et al., 1985; Yamagishi & Yamagishi, 1994). McKnight & Chervany, 2000; McKnight, Sitkin & Chervany,
Confidence in one’s belief reflects the affective side of 2000).
trusting beliefs. Confidence is often included in research and Reasons the Model May Be Helpful
dictionary trust definitions (e.g., Cook & Wall, 1980; Giffin, 1. All the subconstructs are measurable, facilitating new
1967; Gove, 1981; Lindskold, 1978; Scanzoni, 1979). We research.
include negative consequences in order to reflect the risk 2. The constructs relate to each other in new ways that
inherent in trust situations. open additional research possibilities.
We distinguish four main trusting belief subconstructs, 3. The constructs are well-defined and parsimonious
while recognizing that others exist. Trusting Belief- enough to be easily understood and distinguished.
Competence means one believes the other person has the 4. Based on an extensive literature review, these
ability or power to do for one what one needs done. Trusting constructs cover the most oft-used types of trust.
Belief-Benevolence means one believes the other person 5. The constructs cover the key referents of trust in the
cares about one and is motivated to act in one’s interest. A literature.
benevolent person does not act opportunistically. Trusting 6. The constructs represent conceptualizations from
Belief-Integrity means one believes the other person makes several disciplines. Though they do not correspond
good faith agreements, tells the truth, and fulfills promises exactly to each discipline’s trust concepts, they do
(Bromiley & Cummings, 1995). Trusting Belief- capture significant conceptual meaning from each.
Predictability means one believes the other person’s actions This typology compares favorably with other typologies in
(good or bad) are consistent enough that one can forecast terms of coverage. Gabarro (1978), Rempel, Holmes and
them in a given situation. Zanna (1985) and Mishra (1996) only addressed trusting
Trusting Intention means one is willing to depend on, or beliefs. Bromiley and Cummings (1995) had three types of
intends to depend on, the other person in a given task or beliefs and intention. McAllister (1995) addressed cognitive

and affective trust, which would fall into our Trusting Beliefs existing trust meanings, thereby facilitating meta-analyses of
category, because analysis of their items shows that they trust research. Our typology of trust constructs helps address
primarily cover benevolence (affective) and competence conceptual confusion by representing trust as a coherent set of
(cognitive) beliefs. Mayer, Davis and Schoorman (1995) have four constructs and ten subconstructs. One benefit of this
several constructs, but their model only has three of the four depiction of trust is that it has heuristic value (Kaplan, 1964)
trusting beliefs and no institution-based trust constructs. by generating research possibilities. We believe the model
Extensions of the Model Constructs will help researchers examine IS/customer relationships in
While Trusting Belief and Trusting Intention are defined new ways, since the model includes personal, institutional,
here to refer to trust in another person, they could be and interpersonal concepts. These trust concepts may help
modified to refer to a trusted thing, as dictated by the explain past power-related IS findings in the IS/user
situation. For example, political science researchers have relationship. Another benefit is that the model presents a
long examined public trust in government as a variable of vocabulary of specifically defined trust types that scholars
interest. The public may (or may not) believe the government and practitioners can use to converse on this important topic.
is benevolent, honest or competent, just as one person may Finally, it also enables the use of more specific, and thus more
think of another person having these traits. Some referents helpful, trust prescriptions.
may only have certain of the traits. For example, one may
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