Anna University Chennai: Organizing Institution
Anna University Chennai: Organizing Institution
Anna University Chennai: Organizing Institution
PAAVAI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The objective of this Faculty Development EC8003 – CMOS ANALOG
was started in the year 2006 and promoted Training Programme is intended to provide IC DESIGN
by PAVAI VARAM EDUCATIONAL opportunity for teachers employed in
09th – 14th December 2019
TRUST with the basic principle of institutions affiliated to Anna University for
providing purposeful goal oriented upgrading their knowledge on the subject Coordinators:
technical education and establishing a “CMOS Analog IC Design”. The course will Dr. R.ARANGASAMY
center of excellence in Engineering & mainly focus the syllabus of Engineering in A.IMMANUVEL
Technology. The college is approved by ECE, prescribed by Anna University.
AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, COURSE CONTENTS
Chennai. The college has the vision to
MOS devices models
strive to be a globally model institution all
Amplifier and Feedback
set for taking ‘lead-role’ in grooming the
Jointly Sponsored by
younger generation socially responsible Feedback topologies
Anna University
and professionally competent to face the Operational amplifiers Chennai
challenges ahead. Currently, The college
Switched capacitor circuits
attracts outstanding students by virtue of
Phase locked loops
its discipline, modern infra-structure,
Library and faculty. ELIGIBILITY