This document provides information about a two-week Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) on Circuit Analysis to be held from December 10-21, 2018 at Anna University Regional Campus Madurai. The FDTP is open to faculty from affiliated engineering colleges with priority given to young faculty. A maximum of 25 participants will be selected on a first come, first served basis. The FDTP aims to provide an opportunity for faculty to enrich their knowledge in circuit analysis concepts. It will cover topics from the Anna University syllabus on circuit analysis. Free accommodation may be provided subject to availability.
This document provides information about a two-week Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) on Circuit Analysis to be held from December 10-21, 2018 at Anna University Regional Campus Madurai. The FDTP is open to faculty from affiliated engineering colleges with priority given to young faculty. A maximum of 25 participants will be selected on a first come, first served basis. The FDTP aims to provide an opportunity for faculty to enrich their knowledge in circuit analysis concepts. It will cover topics from the Anna University syllabus on circuit analysis. Free accommodation may be provided subject to availability.
This document provides information about a two-week Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) on Circuit Analysis to be held from December 10-21, 2018 at Anna University Regional Campus Madurai. The FDTP is open to faculty from affiliated engineering colleges with priority given to young faculty. A maximum of 25 participants will be selected on a first come, first served basis. The FDTP aims to provide an opportunity for faculty to enrich their knowledge in circuit analysis concepts. It will cover topics from the Anna University syllabus on circuit analysis. Free accommodation may be provided subject to availability.
This document provides information about a two-week Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) on Circuit Analysis to be held from December 10-21, 2018 at Anna University Regional Campus Madurai. The FDTP is open to faculty from affiliated engineering colleges with priority given to young faculty. A maximum of 25 participants will be selected on a first come, first served basis. The FDTP aims to provide an opportunity for faculty to enrich their knowledge in circuit analysis concepts. It will cover topics from the Anna University syllabus on circuit analysis. Free accommodation may be provided subject to availability.
TWO WEEK FDTP Faculties from Affiliated Engineering Colleges of ON
Anna University are eligible for enrollment. ON ‘CIRCUIT ANALYSIS’ CIRCUIT ANAYLSIS (EC8251) Priority will be given to young faculty. 10.12.2018 – 21.12.2018 Number of seats restricted to 25. (EC8251) 1. Name : Registration form given in the brochure can be used. 2. Designation : Selection on first come and first serve basis. 10.12.2018 – 21.12.2018 3. Educational Qualification: Selected candidates will be intimated by e-mail only. 4. Age and Date of Birth : No TA/DA will be paid. Co-ordinators 5. Professional Experience: No registration fee. Dr.V.Malathi 6. Institutional Address : Working lunch will be provided. Free Accommodation for outstation Dr.M.Bhavani participants, subject to availability. 7. Institution Affiliated to :
8. Address for Communication: IMPORTANT DATES
Last date for Registration : 03.12.2018
9. E-mail id : Intimation of Selection : 04.12.2018
Confirmation by Participants: 06.12.2018 10. Mobile No :
I hereby declare that all the details furnished by me
are true to the best of my knowledge. For Further Details, Contact Sponsored by Date: Scan and E-Mail the duly filled application to ANNA UNIVERSITY Station: Signature of the Applicant the Coordinator(s) by Mail and Post to Chennai CERTIFICATE FROM HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION The Coordinator, FDTP on “Circuit Analysis”, Dr./Mr./Ms. _________________________________ Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics is a faculty of our Institution, affiliated to Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics ____________. He/ she will be permitted to attend the Anna University Regional Campus Madurai, Engineering programme if selected. Keelakuilkudi, Madurai – 625019 Anna University Regional Campus Madurai E-mail: Keelakuilkudi, Madurai - 625019 Signature of the Principal/ Authority Mobile Number: 9894857826 with seal BRIEF OUTLINE OF FDTP ABOUT THE INSTITUTION ORGANIZING COMMITTEE The primary objective of the Faculty Development Anna University Chennai is a leading Training Programme (FDTP) is to provide an CHIEF PATRON : Dr. M. K. Surappa technical unitary University in India located at opportunity for young faculty members to enrich the Vice-Chancellor, Chennai, TamilNadu. It was established on 4th knowledge in Circuit Analysis. Circuit analysis is the Anna University, September, 1978. The University has established process of finding all the currents and voltages in a Chennai collaborative research programme with world class network of connected components. We look at the institutions from various countries. Have proven basic elements used to build circuits, and find out PATRON : Dr. J. Kumar both in academic and research areas, Anna what happens when elements are connected together Registrar, University was able to impart quality and excellence into a circuit. A knowledge of circuit theory sets the Anna University, in Technical education. Anna University has four stage for studies in electronics, communication Chennai University Departments, four Regional Campuses systems, control systems, power systems, logic and twelve Constituent Colleges. Anna University CHAIR : Dr. D. Sridharan systems, computer hardware, networking, audio Regional Campus Madurai is one of the primary Director, CFD systems, medical electronics, and so on. This course institutions of Anna University located at is open to the teaching faculties of EEE and ECE Keelakuilkudi, Kanyakumari National Highway, Dr. I. Arul Aram Departments with interest in learning Circuit Analysis Madurai. Regional Campus, Madurai offers 4 UG Addl. Director, CFD concepts working in Engineering Colleges. Selection Programmes (Full Time), 6 PG Programmes (Full will be done based on the availability and as per Anna CO-CHAIR : Dr. V. Malathi Time) and 2 PG Programmes (Part Time). University Norms. Dean, AURCM ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The FDTP will cover the topics of the subject “Circuit Co-ordinators : Dr. V.Malathi Analysis” as per Anna University syllabus Regulations The Department of EEE is well equipped with Professor, 2017. qualified and experienced faculty members with Department of EEE research and industrial backgrounds. The EEE To introduce the modeling of electrical Department offer M.E. Degree in Power Systems Dr.M.Bhavani components and systems. Assistant Professor Engineering and Research Programme leading to To apply theorems and network reduction Department of EEE Ph.D. The self motivated and hard working faculty techniques to DC and AC circuits, and apply members of the department ensure that the problem solving techniques in the analysis of students learn strong values and develop fully VENUE AC and DC circuits. integrated personality to face the future with To cover the concepts of transient response, courage and confidence. The students are and two port network theorems. Conference Hall encouraged to improve their knowledge in major areas of research such as Power System Control, Sessions will be handled by the experts in R&D from Anna University Regional Campus Power System Protection, Smart Grid, Distributed leading Universities / Institutions and experienced Energy Sources, Renewable Energy and Power Madurai, faculty members of our Institution. System Deregulation. Keelakuilkudi Madurai - 625019