June 2018 Kiwanis Newsletter

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JUNE 2018 Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Oconomowoc

P.O. Box 462 Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Meetings - 1st 2nd & 3rd Wednesday at 7:15 AM
Café Labelle at the Life Enrichment Center-Shorehaven
1306 West Wisconsin Avenue
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and
one community at a time.

President’s Corner – Jerry Schneider details out when available. Give some
thought to going. On Friday night
there will be a dinner cruise on the
La Crosse Queen on the Mississippi .
Let me know if you might be
We wanted summer and wow did we Make sure you save some time for
get it. Let’s hope we can get back to the Brat Fry. Also for the Art
somewhat normal. June is usually a Festival where we will need workers
great month. Not to hot and humid in the food stand and drivers for the
and everything is very green. Artists. Steve will be organizing the
May was a good month for our club driving schedule.
with the successful tree sale, Hall of Enjoy the Summer and the long days.
Fame dinner, Bingo and the Blood Before you know it the days will get
Drive. shorter, the Packers will be playing
June will be a little easier with Bingo, and we will be raking leaves instead
Moonlit Movies and the of cutting the lawn.
Independence Day Parade. Also what
should be a fun day at Elkhart Lake.
Also great guest speakers again this
District Convention in La Crosse ,
August 24th, 25th & 26th. Wisconsin
Kiwanis 100th year celebration. Sue
and I are planning to go. I will get the
Bill Peebles, Captain
Kathy Kaempf
Mark May
Colleen Meyer
Jerry Schneider
WHAT’S HAPPENING Leonard Schacht
June 6 Breakfast Meeting Fred Steinlein
June 11 Bingo Fred Schnell
June 13 Breakfast Meeting
June 14 Flag Day
June 14 Moonlit movies
June 15 Great Grill Out- Shorehaven
June 20 Breakfast Meeting
June 20 Elkhart Lake outing
June 21 1st Day of summer Steve Schmiedlin 6-8
June 27 Board Meeting Fred Steinlein 6-18
June 30 Independence Day Parade Jane Fredrich 6-25
Mark May 6-27
Tom Slowinski 6-30


June 6 Jack Smid
June 13 Fred Steinlein
June 20 Andy Wagner
Mark May 6-17
Jeff Ek 6-20
Jack Grothaus 6-21
Dells coupons at our drive or a t-shirt
at the Y's drive.
A reminder that as hosts we should
keep an eye on donors after giving, if
we feel they are not perking up after
giving, go get the staff to take
another blood pressure reading. I
sent some one back in with a very low
blood pressure and parents were
called to get her. Donor and staff
SPEAKERS FOR JUNE were pleased that I had
THANKS TO TOM SLOWINSKI watched her and spoke up.
& LEN ZACHARIAS Next drives July 30th; September 25
and November 20th.
JUNE 6TH - Tia Gunderson &
Bianca Bavuso - Former FFA
Students at Oconomowoc HS

JUNE 13th - Nicole Ruder- Family

Works- Need for Foster Parents

JUNE 20th –David Kaiser- American

Family Ins.

JUNE 27th - Board Meeting

Blood Drive was held Thursday May
24th. Thanks to everyone who
worked and Kathy for organizing
these with the Blood Center and
Report from Kathy ---
I do not have an official recap of the
day, however we had 22 give which is
a normal good drive for us. They
were pleased. 3 dual red's.
Still having a schedule conflict the Y
had a drive that day, emails were
sent out stating that they could get
Committee met at Café LaBelle
at 8AM on Saturday May 19th.
The theme for this year is
was suggested by Sandy
Karkossa. The Oconomowoc
Parade Committee has
successfully raised funds for the
three parades- Independence
Day(Rotary), Halloween (Lions)
ELKHART LAKE-BOAT and the Christmas parade which
RIDE & LUNCH we organize. The amount for the
June 20th @ 10:30 AM Christmas Parade is $4000.00
Captain Tom’s Elkhart Queen and we have already received
The boat will pick us up from the this. This eliminates the big
pier at Osthoff Resort
Right After-
chore of collecting this amount
Lunch at Otto’s Restaurant, Osthoff and lessens the stress on our
Resort 101 Ostoff Ave. budget. Trying to collect parade
The boat ride will be paid for by the money at the same time we are
club. Lunch will be on your own. seeking silent auction prizes for
Sounds like a fun day. Let’s hope for the Shrimp Dinner was difficult.
good weather. The Brat Fry profit will also be
Thanks to Carolyn Crom for putting
this together
designated for the parade if
needed. With these additional
funds the committee hopes to
add band(s), etc. to make it a
better parade.
Thanks to Jim Fulmer and Steve
Schmiedlin for serving on the
Oconomowoc Parade Committee
to make this funding for the 3
parades happen. Also thanks to
the Chamber for working with
the committee and giving it the
boost it needed.
Moon Lit Movies

We are signed up to help on

June 14th from 5 PM to 9 PM.
Sign up sheet is filled but you
can still come and help. There
are 2 shifts – 5 to 7 and 7 to 9.


This year’s awards dinner was Our Brat Sale will be on
held on Thursday May 10th at Saturday July 14th.
the Lake Terrace Club House. SAVE THE DATE
We had 70 in attendance to
honor this year’s recipients. The KIDS FEST
new High School Principal, Tuesday August 14th. We have
Jason Curtis and been asked to help with the
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. parking. Sharon will let us know
Rindo were in this group. Others the times.
attending are the students, We will also be donating $500.00
parents or other family to the Kids Fest which has been
members, teachers and Kiwanis budgeted.
What a great “KIWANIS
MOMENT” to hear of the
accomplishments of these
students from their teachers and
to see the bond that has
developed between them.
Also thanks to Pete and Nancy
Roehl, The Roehl Foundation
for their generous grant of
$2000.00 so this complete
project will only cost our budget
about $300.00

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