July 2018 Kiwanis Newsletter

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JULY 2018 Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Oconomowoc

P.O. Box 462 Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Meetings - 1st 2nd & 3rd Wednesday at 7:15 AM
Café Labelle at the Life Enrichment Center-Shorehaven
1306 West Wisconsin Avenue
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and
one community at a time.

President’s Corner – Jerry Schneider It was a beautiful day and being a

best ball event we actually managed
to shoot PAR with the help of some
purchased mulligans. The pros make
this game look so easy but it sure
isn’t, at least for me. How does
anyone hit a ball over 300 yards and
What a month June turned out to be. make long putts routinely ??
Seemed like if we didn’t have rain we We have been making corporate
had hot and humid weather although contacts for membership and
last weekend was very nice. Sure cut hopefully we can get some signed up.
the lawn enough times. Also have a couple of prospects that
The club did everything we planned have contacted us about Kiwanis.
to do, help out at Moonlit Movies , Please keep telling people about
help the Rotary with traffic control Kiwanis and all the good we do in the
at the parade and participate with an community. Bring them to a meeting.
entry to the parade. Tell them about your “KIWANIS
Andy Wagner , John Koehn, John’s MOMENT” so they know why we do
son Mike and myself participated in this.
the chamber golf outing. We met
and talked to a lot of people. Some
that I had talked to about
membership in the past and plan to
contact them again.
Sandy Karkossa, Captain
John Caucutt
Jim Fulmer
John Koehn
July 4 –Independence Day-No Meeting Tom Massnick
July 9- Shorehaven Bingo Steve Schmiedlin
July 11- Breakfast Meeting Tom Slowinski
July 14 Piggly Wiggly Brat Fry Gert Wilkinson
July 18 Breakfast Meeting
July 19 Healing Hearts meal
July 25 Board Meeting
July 25 Help Legion on food drive
July 30 Blood Drive
August 14 – Kids Fest Len Zacharias 7-10
August 18 & 19- Art Festival- Shuttle Gert Wilkinson 7-20
Artists & Food Stand Andy Wagner 7-28
August 24 & 25- District Convention


July 11 Gert Wilkinson John & Ruth Koehn 7-1
July 18 Len Zacharias John & Mary Caucutt 7-20
Jim & Bev Fulmer 7-25
Jerry & Sue Schneider 7-26
Chet & Paula Seffrood 7-31

JULY 11th - Roger Mayer- Boy

- Jack Floyd- Eagle Scout
Moon Lit Movies

JULY 18TH - Sharon Manke -Kids We worked on June 14th from

Fest 5 PM to 9 PM. It was a very
nice day so the attendance was
JULY 25TH - Board Meeting good and we were kept very
busy. Thanks to everyone who
worked. Special thanks to
Debbie’s daughter Lauren
(pictured above) for her help.
The Moonlit Movies Committee
really appreciates our help so
they can do all of the other
things they need to do.


The next Blood Drive will be on
Sandy K. is collecting Piggly Wiggly Monday , July 30th. A signup sheet
receipts and turning them in. She will be available soon.
just turned in about $11,000.00 of
receipts which she does with adding
machine tape lists and totals before
she can turn them in. We will get a
check for them. An easy way to make
some money.
Brat Sale will be on Saturday
July 14th. From 9 to 3. INDEPENDENCE DAY
I will have the signup sheet at PARADE
the July 11th meeting. I will also We participated with being in
email it out this week. If we have the parade and helping out with
enough signed up we can try to the traffic control for the
do shifts. Please indicate the Rotary. Thanks to the members,
hours you can work if you can’t Andy, Sandy, Jane, Steve and
stay for the day. Please check Jack Grothaus who helped and
with me if you have any braved the heat.
questions. I thought the attendance was
The money we raise will go very good considering how hot it
towards our Christmas Parade was.


We have been asked to help
with the parking and we have
said yes. Sharon will let us know
the times. Probably from about
8 AM to 1 PM. A signup sheet
will be available on July 18th.
Sharon will be our speaker on
July 18th. We will also be
donating $500.00 to the Kids
Fest which has been budgeted.
The weather was overcast and
about 70 degrees but it was very
comfortable. Much better than
95 degrees with high humidity
like some of the days we have
At our June 6th meeting Bill just had. The boat Captain gave
Peebles gave the Oconomowoc us a lot of history about the lake
High School FFA $1000.00 (top and the residents.
picture)towards the pollinated Lunch at Otto’s Restaurant was
garden at the FFA farm. very good. The carrot cake for
Bill also gave $1000.00 to Tia dessert was excellent. Thanks to
Gunderson & $1000.00 to Linda Steinlein for making that
Bianca Bavuso former FFA happen. (There is a story but I
students at Oconomowoc H.S. am not telling)
towards their Agriculture Again, many thanks to Carolyn
studies at UW River Falls. In Crom for putting this together.
April Bill gave our club $1000.00 She already has some ideas for
which was used for scholarships Christmas
to graduating FFA students,
This total of $4000.00 was in
memory of Bill’s wife Allene.


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