HP5 2010

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Although every effort and care has been taken in selecting the methods and proposing
the recommendations that are appropriate to Malaysian conditions, the user is wholly
responsible to make use of this hydrological procedure. The use of this procedure
requires professional interpretation and judgment to suit the particular circumstances
under consideration.

The department or government shall have no liability or responsibility to the user or any
other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to
be caused, directly or indirectly, by the adaptation and use of the methods and
recommendations of this publication, including but not limited to, any interruption of
service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or consequential damages resulting
from the use of this publication.


The Water Resources Management and Hydrology Division of the Department of

Irrigation and Drainage (DID), Ministry of Water Resources and Environment, Malaysia
would like to express sincere appreciation to USAINS Holding Sdn. Bhd, Associate
Professor Dr. Hj. Ismail Bin Abustan, Dr Choong Wee Kang and Associate Professor
Ahmad Shukri Bin Yahya in preparing this Hydrological Procedure. Valuable
contribution and feedbacks from DID personnel especially to the Director of Water
Resources Management and Hydrology Division, Ir. Hj. Hanapi Bin Mohamad Noor and
his staff namely Hj. Azmi Bin Md. Jafri, Mohd Khardzir Husain and Sazali Bin Osman
are greatly acknowledge.

Table of Contents

Item Description Page

Disclaimer i

Acknowledgment ii

Table of Contents iii

List of Tables v

List of Figures v

2.1 General 2
2.2 Features of the Rational Method 3
2.3 Hydrologic Frequency Analysis 3
3.1 General 5
3.2 Methodology of the Investigation 5
3.2.1 Design Sequence 5
3.2.2 Estimation of Time of Concentration 5
3.2.3 Estimation of the Average Intensity of the Design Storm 6
3.2.4 Estimation of Runoff Coefficient C 6
3.2.5 Regional Runoff Coefficient C based on Flood 7
Frequency Regions
4.1 Comparison with Observed Data 10
4.2 Comparison with HP5:1989 11
6.1 Components of the Procedure 13
6.2 Work Sequence 13
6.3 Worked Examples 14
References 18

Appendix A A1 – A8
Appendix B1
Appendix B2
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G

List of Tables

Table No. Description Page

Table 1 Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient CT for 18 Rural Catchments in 7

this Study
Table 2 Regional Runoff Coefficient CT for Four Hydrological Regions 9
Table 3 Comparison of Results (Q10) of Various Methods 11

List of Figures

Table No. Description Page

Figure 1 Hydrological Regions in Peninsular Malaysia 8

Figure 2 Relation of Mean Frequency Factor CY/C10 for Different Regions 9
Figure 3 Scatter Diagram Comparing q10 Values Obtained from 11
HP5:2010 and qpro and q10 Values Obtained from Observed
Data qobs


This hydrological procedure presents the results of a study on the applicability of a

Rational Method for flood estimation in small rural catchments in Peninsular Malaysia.

The Rational Method can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century. The use of the
Rational Method in the urban environment has worked reasonably well in many
countries. For rural catchments, the use of the Rational Method has received much
criticism. Overseas researchers who have studied the method as a deterministic model
and tested it with observed data have found that the method offers low accuracy when
individual storms and resulting peak discharges are considered. However, studies by
French et al. (1974), who examined the validity of the method, have shown that,
statistically, the method serves the purpose of engineering practice, where peak
discharges of a given frequency are linked with the rainfall intensities of the same

Given that the annual total expenditures on many small hydraulic structures, such as
bridges, culverts, diversion works, and so on, involve significant expense, the need for
a procedure to guide practitioners in arriving at a more reasonable design of such
structures is both urgent and important. For this purpose, the Department of Irrigation
and Drainage (DID) Hydrological Procedure No. 5 (HP5) is used as a basis for the
design of the above structures by most practitioners.

There are two earlier editions of HP5. The first edition was published in 1974
(HP5:1974) (Heiler, 1974), whereas the second was released in 1989 (HP5:1989)
(Azmi and Zahari, 1989). HP5:2010, the third edition, incorporates 18 rural catchments
in four hydrological regions. It uses Hydrological Procedure No. 1 (Fadhillah et al.,
1982) (HP1:1982) for the estimation of a design rainstorm.


2.1 General

Hydraulic designs in engineering are composed of two main aspects: flood estimation
and channel sizing. The Rational Method is used for flood estimation. This method is
still widely used because of its simplicity; however, criticisms have been raised
regarding its use, and methods that are more advanced are available.

The Rational Method is typically used for peak runoff computation. According to Ojha et
al. (2008), the main considerations of the Rational Method are as follows:

The peak runoff rate is a function of the average rainfall rate during the time of
concentration; and

Rainfall intensity is constant during rainfall.

Based on the Rational Method, the main concept of HP5 lies in the statistical link
between the frequency distribution of the design rainfall and the design flood.

The Rational Method is known for its simplicity in the computation of design discharge.
Its inability to simulate individual storms and its unsuitability to observe peak discharge
have been criticized. However, in this case, the usefulness of the Rational Method
should be viewed from a different perspective: the statistical link between the frequency
of peak discharge and the design rainfall of the same frequency.

The statistical concept is the main idea of HP5, and is established in the relationship
between the peak discharge and the design rainfall of the same frequency. This differs
from other deterministic models because its judgment is based on the ability to
simulate flood events.

The Statistical Rational Method for the estimation of peak discharge is written as

QT 0.278 CT IT A Equation 1

where QT : Design peak discharge in m³/s, with return period of T years

selected based on recommended design return period
CT : Dimensionless runoff coefficient as a function of catchment
characteristics, design rainfall, and return period
IT : Average rainfall intensity of design rainfall in mm/h, with return
period of T years and with rainfall duration being equal to the time of

A : Catchment area in km²
Source: HP5:1989 (Azmi and Zahari, 1989)

2.2 Features of the Rational Method

The Rational Method is generally considered to be one of the best available flood
estimation procedures for small urban and rural catchment areas. However, there has
been much confusion concerning the principles underlying the method.

The Rational Method has been criticized because of its inability to reproduce particular
flood events when actual rainfall is used as the input. Such criticism implies an
assumption that the method is deterministic and does not represent the physical
operation on the rainfall–runoff process. This is not the intended use of the method.
The most realistic way to use the Rational Method is to consider it as a statistical link
between the frequency distribution of rainfall and runoff. As such, it provides a means
of estimating the design flood of a certain return period, with the rainfall duration equal
to the time of concentration.

Rewriting Equation 1,

QT Equation 2
CT 0.278
qT Equation 3
where CT : Dimensionless runoff coefficient, which represents the statistical link
between the frequency of peak discharge (qT m³/s per km²) and the
mean intensities of the design rainfall (IT mm/h) with return period of
T years

qT : 0.278 QT/A is the peak discharge (qT m³/s per km²) and the mean
intensities of the design rainfall (IT mm/h) with return period of T
years. Peak runoff rate of return period T years is derived from the
frequency analysis of the observed flood.

IT : Average rainfall intensity of the design rainfall in mm/h, with return

period of T years and with rainfall duration equal to Tc, which is
derived from frequency analysis of the recorded rainfall

A : Catchment area in km²

Source: HP5:1989 (Azmi and Zahari, 1989)

2.3 Hydrologic Frequency Analysis

Hydrologic frequency analysis involves the analysis of hydrologic data assumed to be

independent and identically distributed with the hydrologic system. These data are
considered to be stochastic, as well as space- and time-independent.

The aim of hydrologic frequency analysis is to relate the magnitude of extreme events
to their frequency of occurrence through probability distribution. In this case, the
magnitude of the extreme event is inversely related to its frequency of occurrence
(Chow et al., 1988).

Among various types of hydrologic data, the annual maximum discharge data are
utilized for frequency analysis in the current study. The outcome of frequency analysis
is the return period. In this case, the return period of an event of a given magnitude is
defined as the average recurrence interval between events equal to or exceeding a
specified magnitude (Chow et al., 1988). This information is then utilized in the design
of various hydraulic structures, such as bridges and culverts for road crossings,
detention and retention basins, and others.


3.1 General

This section, rather than describing in detail the development of the procedure, outlines
the general methodology employed by the general user. The frequency analyses of the
annual maximum flood data from the catchment are not covered; interested readers
should thus refer to DID Hydrological Procedure Nos. 1 and 4 for details.

3.2 Methodology of the Investigation

3.2.1 Design Sequence

In using the Rational Method for flood estimation, the usual design sequence is as

a) Estimate the critical duration of the design storm (made equal to T c);

b) Compute the various values of mean intensity (IT) for duration equal to Tc;

c) Estimate the values of CT from storm- and flood-frequency regions; and

d) Compute the peak discharge (QT) for various values of Tc using Equation 1.

3.2.2 Estimation of Time of Concentration

An essential part of the Rational Method is the estimation of the time of concentration
Tc. Although this is an unrealistic physical concept in a natural catchment, little doubt
that a characteristic time, which is critical for a particular catchment, exists.

Tc cannot be defined precisely, and likely varies from season to season and from storm
to storm. Various practical methods have been proposed by researchers to estimate Tc.
The current study adopts the method used in HP5:1989 (Equation 4) to estimate Tc.

1.286L Equation 4
Tc 0.223
A S 0.263

where Tc : Time of concentration (h)

L : Length of main river (km)
S : Slope measured along the main river, from the catchment
boundary intersection to the design point (%)

Source: HP5:1989 (Azmi and Zahari, 1989)

3.2.3 Estimation of the Average Intensity of the Design Storm

The method of estimating the design rainstorm contained in Hydrological Procedure

No. 1 (Fadhillah et al., 1982) (HP1:1982) is used in the current study for computing the
characteristics of the design storm for each of the study catchments. The inputs in
using HP1:1982 are the duration of the storm, which is equal to Tc and found in
Equation 4, and the geographical location of the design point. The design intensity
should be adjusted to account for the reduction in storm intensity, with the catchment
area based on Table 6 of HP1:1982 (page 12).

3.2.4 Estimation of Runoff Coefficient C

The runoff coefficient C in the Rational Method is affected by various factors and
processes, such as infiltration losses, variations in rainfall intensities, catchment
storage, antecedent wetness, and physical characteristics of the catchment.

Numerous approaches have been made available to present the values of runoff
coefficient C in tabular selection tables, graphical relations, and simple recommended
values. Most of these approaches are based on engineering judgments and
experiences, rather than derived from observed flood data. In this procedure, the runoff
coefficient C was derived for various return periods from frequency analyses of
observed flood data and design rainfall intensities in 18 small rural catchments in
Peninsular Malaysia.

Based on the relation shown in Equation 3, a consistent increase is evident in the

values of runoff coefficient CT, with an increase in return period. Table 1 shows the CT
values derived from computations using Equation 3 for the 18 rural catchments in
Peninsular Malaysia.

Table 1. Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient CT for 18 Rural Catchments in this Study

Dimensionless runoff coefficient, CT (qT/iT)

Item Catchment
C2 C5 C10 C20 C50
1 Sg Arau 0.1777 0.2181 0.2292 0.2356 0.2430
2 Sg Buluh 0.5279 0.6309 0.6554 0.6684 0.7056
3 Sg Tasoh 0.0338 0.0408 0.0430 0.0443 0.0455
4 Sg Pelarit 0.1096 0.1156 0.1164 0.1164 0.1166
5 Sg Kulim 0.1653 0.3122 0.3595 0.4198 0.4624
6 Sg Chenderiang 0.0516 0.0698 0.0781 0.0871 0.0958
7 Sg Bernam 0.1307 0.2034 0.2311 0.2495 0.2763
8 Sg Lui 0.0661 0.1071 0.1263 0.1398 0.1527
9 Sg Kepis 0.4829 0.5981 0.6514 0.6546 0.6827
10 Sg Gemencheh 0.1046 0.1925 0.2467 0.2670 0.2967
11 Sg Pedas 0.0926 0.1106 0.1184 0.1313 0.1327
12 Sg Durian Tunggal 0.0597 0.0826 0.0957 0.1053 0.1132
13 Sg Kesang 0.0493 0.0601 0.0610 0.0612 0.0637
14 Sg Kemasin 0.5138 0.5792 0.6302 0.6646 0.6843
15 Sg Lanas 0.3126 0.4026 0.4432 0.4715 0.5146
16 Sg Chalok 0.3672 0.4708 0.5256 0.5644 0.5922
17 Sg Telemong 0.4770 0.4779 0.4842 0.4845 0.4857
18 Sg Penchala 0.3608 0.5771 0.6802 0.7763 0.8634

3.2.5 Regional Runoff Coefficient C based on Flood Frequency Regions

For the application of this procedure, Peninsular Malaysia was divided into four Flood
Frequency Regions (Figure 1) based on DID HP4:1987 (Ong, 1987) and HP5:1989
(Azmi and Zahari, 1989). The frequency distribution of flood peaks and flood-producing
rainstorms does not significantly affect the runoff coefficient C within the same region.

The mean values of the runoff coefficient for return periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50
years were computed for each region. These values of C2, C5, C10, C20, and C50 are
presented in Table 2. The relation of mean frequency factor CY/C10 for different regions
is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Hydrological Regions in Peninsular Malaysia

Table 2. Regional Runoff Coefficient CT for Four Hydrological Regions

Hydrological Dimensionless runoff coefficient, CT (qT/iT)

Regions C2 C5 C10 C20 C50
Region 1 0.1554 0.2055 0.2224 0.2373 0.2534
Region 2 0.1233 0.1837 0.2118 0.2360 0.2602
Region 3 0.2948 0.4113 0.4395 0.4719 0.5036
Region 4 0.3955 0.4684 0.4928 0.5193 0.5421



Mean Frequency Factor CY /C10






1 10 100
Return Period Y (Years)
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4

Figure 2. Relation of Mean Frequency Factor CY/C10 for Different Regions


Two methods were employed to evaluate the accuracy of the new procedure:

i. The first method compared 10-year design peak discharges estimated using the
new procedure with 10-year peak discharges of observed data derived using
single-station frequency analysis.

ii. The second method compared design peak discharges derived using the new
procedure with design peak discharges derived using HP5:1989.

4.1 Comparison with Observed Data

The result of the comparison between 10-year design peak discharges estimated using
this procedure (based on Regional C10) with 10-year peak discharges of observed data
is presented as a scatter diagram. Figure 3 presents the scatter diagram for Regions 1,
2, 3, and 4.

5.0 y = 2x


Unit Discharge (q10) from Observed Data (m3/s/km2)


y = 0.5x



0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
3 2
Unit Discharge (q10) from HP5:2010 (Regional CT) (m /s/km )

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4

Figure 3. Scatter Diagram Comparing q10 Values Obtained from HP5:2010 and qpro and
q10 Values Obtained from Observed Data qobs

4.2 Comparison with HP5:1989

Table 3 compares the results obtained from HP5:1989 and the frequency analysis of
observed data from Sg. Telemong at Paya Rapat.

Table 3. Comparison of Results (Q10) of Various Methods

Method Q10 (m /s)

HP5:1989 316
HP5:2010 433
Frequency analysis of observed data 432


From the theoretical basis of the Rational Method, two important factors are neglected:
(1) the effects of channel storage and (2) the temporal and spatial variations of rainfall
intensities. As a result of such limitations and because the procedure was derived
utilizing data from rural catchments with areas ranging from 3.9 to 186 km 2, the use of
the procedure in estimating runoff for larger areas is not recommended. A multiplying
factor that considers catchment development (Appendix A) should serve as a general
guide to arrive at a reasonable estimate. However, there has been no study to
substantiate this recommendation. The procedure may not be reliable in estimating
runoff in areas with steep slopes. As a general guide, the slope value limit, as
developed by this procedure, is approximately 0.1%–5%. Similar to any other flood
estimation procedures, the design flood obtained from this procedure should be
checked with other available procedures, and the decision to adopt the estimated
design values should be complemented by sound engineering judgment.


6.1 Components of the Procedure

The following items are required to use this flood estimation procedure:

i. Figure 1. The general deposition of four regions proposed for application;

ii. Table 2. The regional runoff coefficient for four hydrological regions; and

iii. DID Hydrological Procedure No. 1 (Fadhillah et al., 1982) (HP1:1982),

“Estimation of the Design Rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia.”

6.2 Work Sequence

The detailed design sequence for using this procedure is as follows:

Step 1 Select a return period for the design (T1).

Step 2 Based on catchment characteristics, estimate the value of TC using
Equation 4.
Step 3 Compute the depth of the design storm of duration TC for return periods
of 2, 10, and 20 years. Estimates for return periods of 2 and 20 years
are required to estimate the confidence limit of the design storm.
Step 4 Compute the confidence limit of X(T1, TC), which is estimated based on
X(2, TC) and X(20, TC) values. Refer to HP1:1982 for a complete
Step 5 Compute the depth of the design storm of duration TC for return period
Step 6 Estimate the value of C from Table 2.
Step 7 Compute the design discharge QT using Equation 1 and compute the
confidence limits of the design discharge.
Step 8 Adjust QT based on a future land use scenario using factor F, which is
listed in Appendix A.

6.3 Worked Examples

Example 1

Flood estimation is required for a rural catchment with the following data:

Location = Lat. 4 00’ N; Long. 102 00’ E

(near Kg. Budu, Lipis)
Area = 25.9 km2
Slope = 3%
River length = 6.44 km
Development from jungle = 40%

Step 1 Choose return period T = 10 years.
Step 2 Compute Tc
1.286 L 1.286 6.44
Tc 0.223
3 hours
A S 0.263 25.9 0.223 3 0.263
Step 3 From HP1:1982,
X(2,3) = 78 mm
X(10,3) = 122 mm
X(20,3) = 140 mm
Step 4 Confidence interval = 0.43 D
D X (20) X (2)
140 78
62 mm
0.43D 0.43 62
26 mm

Step 5 X (10 )
i 10
122 26 .7
40 .7 8.9 mm / hr

Step 6 From Table 2, C10 = 0.4928 for Region 4.

Step 7 Q10 0.278 C10 i 10 A
144 .41 31 .58 m 3 / s

Step 8 From Appendix A, multiplying factor F for development = 1.05.

Q10 (144 .41 1.05 ) (31 .58 1.05 )
151 .63 33 .16 m 3 / s

Example 2

A flood estimate is required for a rural catchment. The following data relate to the

Location = Lat. 4 00’ N; Long. 102 00’ E

(near Kg. Budu, Lipis)

Area = 25.9 km2

Slope = 1%
River length = 6.44 km
Development from jungle = 40%

Step 1 Choose return period T = 10 years.
Step 2 Compute Tc
1.286 L 1.286 6.44
Tc 0.223
4 hours
A S 0.263 25.9 0.223 10.263
Step 3 From HP1:1982,
X(2,4) = 80 mm
X(10,4) = 98 mm
X(20,4) = 105 mm
Step 4 Confidence interval = 0.43 D
D X (20) X (2)
105 80
25 mm
0.43D 0.43 25
10.7 mm

Step 5 X (10 )
i 10
98 10 .7
24 .5 2.7 mm / hr

Step 6 From Table 2, C10 = 0.4928 for Region 4.

Step 7 Q10 0.278 C10 i 10 A
86 .93 9.58 m 3 / s

Step 8 From Appendix A, multiplying factor F for development = 1.05.

Q10 (86 .93 1.05 ) (9.58 1.05 )
91 .28 10 .06 m 3 / s

Example 3

Obtain a flood estimate for a culvert on a main trunk road. The following data relate to
the culvert and the catchment:

Location = Lat. 5 00’ N; Long. 103 00’ E

(near Kg. Pelandan, Hulu Terengganu)

Catchment area = 5.18 km2

Catchment slope = 5%
River length = 2.41 km
Development from jungle = 0%

Step 1 Choose return period T = 20 years.
Step 2 Compute Tc
1.286 L 1.286 6.44
Tc 0.223
1.406 hours
A S 0.263 5.180.223 5 0.263
Step 3 From HP1:1982,
X(2, 1.406) = 75 mm
X(10, 1.406) = 118 mm
X(20, 1.406) = 135 mm
Step 4 Confidence interval = 0.43 D
D X (20) X (2)
135 75
60 mm
0.43D 0.43 60
25.8 mm

Step 5 X (10) 118 25.8

i 10 83.0 18.4 mm / hr
1.4 1.4
X (20) 135 25.8
i 20 96.0 18.4 mm / hr
1.4 1.4
Step 6 From Table 2, for Region 4,
C10 = 0.4928
C20 = 0.5193
Step 7 Q10 0.278 C10 i 10 A
0.278 0.4928 (83 18 .4) 5.18 58 .9 13 .06 m 3 / s
Q20 0.278 C 20 i 20 A
0.278 0.5193 (96 18 .4) 5.18 71 .8 13 .76 m 3 / s


Azmi, Md. J. and Zahari, O. (1989). Hydrological Procedure No. 5: Rational Method of
Flood Estimation for Rural Catchments in Peninsular Malaysia. Jabatan Pengairan dan
Saliran, Malaysia.

Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R. and Mays, L.W. (1988). Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill,
New York, NY.

Mohd. Fadhlillah, M., Salena, S., Leong, T.M. and Teh, S.K. (1982). Hydrological
Procedure No.1: Estimation of the Design Rainstorm in Peninsular Malaysia (Revised
and Updated). Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Malaysia.

Ong, C.Y. (1987). Hydrological Procedure No. 4: Magnitude and Frequency of Floods
in Peninsular Malaysia. Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Malaysia.

Ong, C.Y. and Liam, W.L. (1986). Water Resources Publication No.17: Variation of
Rainfall with Area in Peninsular Malaysia. Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Malaysia.

USACE (1993). Engineering Manual No.: EM 1110-2-1415, Engineering and Design,

Hydrologic Frequency Analysis. U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Washington.

Water Resources Council. (1982). Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency,
Bulletin 17B, Hydrology Committee, Washington, D.C.

Appendix A. Multiplying Factors that Account for Catchment Development

Development to Agriculture from Jungle X (%) Multiplying Factor (F)

0 < X ≤ 25 1.00
25 < X ≤ 50 1.05
50 < X ≤ 75 1.15
75 < X ≤ 100 1.20
Note: Multiply QT estimates from undeveloped area by Factor F.

Source: DID HP5 (1974)

Appendix G

Appendix G: Multiplying Factors to take Account of Catchment

(Extracted from Appendix A, HP5:2010).

Development to Agriculture from Jungle X (%) Multiplying Factor (F)

0 < X ≤ 25 1.00
25 < X ≤ 50 1.05
50 < X ≤ 75 1.15
75 < X ≤ 100 1.20
Note: Multiply QT estimates from undeveloped area by factor F.

Source: DID HP5 (1974).


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