R PQ 36 1 1

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PRESSURE DESIGN: 100 psi Internal




ISSUED BY: Ing. Julian Morantes 03/09/2012

Dept. Engineering Date

REVIEW BY: Ing. Rolando Charria

Dept. Quality Control Date

APPROVED BY: Ing. Andrés Morantes

Dept. Engineering Date

CÁLCULO: MC- 600-02 REV: 2


Bogota, colombia


COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Calculations

Item: separador de prueba

Vessel No: R-PQ-36-1-1
Customer: Schlumberger
Date: martes, septiembre 18, 2012

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Table Of Contents
1. Deficiencies Summary
2. Nozzle Schedule
3. Nozzle Summary
4. Pressure Summary
5. Revision History
6. Settings Summary
7. Thickness Summary
8. Weight Summary
9. Long Seam Summary
10. Hydrostatic Test
11. Liquid Level bounded by Bolted Cover #2
12. Cylinder #1
13. Cylinder #2
14. Transition #1
16. ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER
17. Flange #37
18. ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37
23. 3601 (LG2)
24. 3601 (LG1)
25. 3607 (PIT)
26. 3601 (PDIT2)
28. 3603 (PG)
29. MANHOLE (M1)
30. Trunnion
31. Support Skirt #1
32. Skirt Base Ring #1
33. Wind Code
34. Seismic Code
35. Platform/Ladder #1
36. Platform/Ladder #2
37. Clip #1 TOP DAVIT
38. Clip #2 TOP DAVIT

Deficiencies Summary

No deficiencies found.

Nozzle Schedule

Nozzle Service Size
mark Fine Fine
Nozzle Impact Norm Pad Impact Norm Flange
Grain Grain

A 2,00 IDx0,53 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

NPS 4 Sch 80 SA-106 B Smls A105
(XS) pipe Class

C SAND JET WATER IN 1,34 IDx0,28 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

E No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A
SEPARATOR (XS) pipe Class


LG1 3601 2,00 IDx0,53 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

LG2 3601 2,00 IDx0,53 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

SA-516 A105
M1 MANHOLE 23,25 IDx0,38 SA-516 70 No No No No No No
70 Class

PDIT2 3601 1,50 IDx0,56 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

PG 3603 1,50 IDx0,56 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

PIT 3607 1,50 IDx0,56 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A

Nozzle Summary

Nozzle OD t Req t Pad Corr A /A
n n A1? A2? a r
mark (in) (in) (in) (in) (%)
Nom t Design t User t Width t
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in)

A 3,06 0,53 0,314 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

B 4,5 0,337 0,3253 Yes Yes 0,375 0,2573 N/A N/A 0,125 100,0

C 1,9 0,281 0,2519 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

E 3,5 0,3 0,3 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

G 2,62 0,56 0,3026 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

LG1 3,06 0,53 0,314 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

LG2 3,06 0,53 0,314 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

M1 24 0,375 0,2769 Yes Yes 0,375 0,1979 3 0,375 0,125 100,0

PDIT2 2,62 0,56 0,3026 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

PG 2,62 0,56 0,3026 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

PIT 2,62 0,56 0,3026 Yes Yes 0,375 N/A N/A N/A 0,125 Exempt

tn: Nozzle thickness

Req tn: Nozzle thickness required per UG-45/UG-16
Nom t: Vessel wall thickness
Design t: Required vessel wall thickness due to pressure + corrosion allowance per UG-37
User t: Local vessel wall thickness (near opening)
Aa: Area available per UG-37, governing condition
Ar: Area required per UG-37, governing condition
Corr: Corrosion allowance on nozzle wall

Pressure Summary

Pressure Summary for Chamber bounded by ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 and ASME B16.5/16.47
Blind on TOP COVER

Identifier MAWP MAP MDMT MDMT Impact
Design Design ( psi) ( psi) ( °F) Exemption Tested
( psi) ( °F)

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER 100 150 272,5 285 -55 Note 1 No

Cylinder #1 100 150 205,41 314,47 -55 Note 2 No

Transition #1 100 150 185,73 284,82 -55 Note 3, 4 No

Cylinder #2 100 150 530,51 975,1 -155 Note 5 No

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 100 150 266,76 285 -55 Note 1 No

TOP COVER 100 150 272,5 285 -55 Note 1 No

Clip #1 TOP DAVIT 100 150 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Clip #2 TOP DAVIT 100 150 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Flange #37 100 150 266,76 285 -55 Note 1 No

GAS INLET FROM PRODUCTION SEPARATOR (A) 100 150 209,21 285 -55 Note 6 No

INLET FROM TEST MANIFOLD (B) 100 150 133,38 215,34 -55 Note 7 No

SAND JET WATER IN (C) 100 150 267,76 285 -55 Note 7 No

EMULSION TO PRODUCTION SEPARATOR (E) 100 150 111,41 285 -55 Note 7 No

RELIEF TO FLARE SYSTEM (G) 100 150 209,21 285 -55 Note 6 No

3601 (LG1) 100 150 209,21 285 -55 Note 6 No

3601 (LG2) 100 150 205,55 285 -55 Note 8 No

Nozzle Note 9 No
MANHOLE (M1) 100 150 123,81 165,49 -55
Pad Note 10 No

3601 (PDIT2) 100 150 209,21 285 -55 Note 6 No

3603 (PG) 100 150 209,21 285 -55 Note 6 No

3607 (PIT) 100 150 209,21 285 -55 Note 6 No

Chamber design MDMT is -20 °F

Chamber rated MDMT is -55 °F @ 100 psi

Chamber MAWP hot & corroded is 100 psi @ 150 °F

Chamber MAP cold & new is 165,49 psi @ 50 °F

This pressure chamber is not designed for external pressure.

Notes for MDMT Rating:

Note # Exemption Details

1. UCS-66(b)(1)(b)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
2. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 58,7 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,4972) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in
Rated MDMT of -78,7°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
3. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 49,3 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,5451) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in
Rated MDMT of -69,3°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

4. MAP is governed by cone juncture.

5. Material is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,1694)

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
6. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in.
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

7. Flange rating governs: UCS-66(b)(1)(b)

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
8. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 58,9 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,4965) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in.
Rated MDMT of -78,9°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

9. Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,2429).

Pad impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
10. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 59,5 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,4936) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in.
Rated MDMT of -79,5°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

Design notes are available on the Settings Summary page.

Revision History

No. Date Operator Notes

0 9/19/2012 julian.morantes New vessel created ASME Section VIII Division 1 [COMPRESS 2012 Build 7200]
1 10/23/2012 julian.morantes

Settings Summary

COMPRESS 2012 Build 7200

Units: U.S. Customary

Datum Line Location: 0,00" from bottom seam


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

Design or Rating: Get Thickness from Pressure

Minimum thickness: 0,0625" per UG-16(b)
Design for cold shut down only: No
Design for lethal service (full radiography required): No
Design nozzles for: Design P, find nozzle MAWP and MAP
Corrosion weight loss: 100% of theoretical loss
UG-23 Stress Increase: 1,20
Skirt/legs stress increase: 1,0
Minimum nozzle projection: 1"
Juncture calculations for α > 30 only: Yes
Preheat P-No 1 Materials > 1,25&#34 and <= 1,50" thick: No
UG-37(a) shell tr calculation considers longitudinal stress: No
Butt welds are tapered per Figure UCS-66.3(a).

Hydro/Pneumatic Test

1,3 times vessel

Shop Hydrotest Pressure:
Test liquid specific gravity: 1,00
Maximum stress during test: 90% of yield

Required Marking - UG-116

UG-116(e) Radiography: RT1

UG-116(f) Postweld heat treatment: None

Code Cases\Interpretations

Use Code Case 2547: No

Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-66: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-86-175: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-115: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-37: Yes
No UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction: No
No UCS-68(c) MDMT reduction: No
Disallow UG-20(f) exemptions: No

UG-22 Loadings

UG-22(a) Internal or External Design Pressure : Yes

UG-22(b) Weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating or test conditions: Yes
UG-22(c) Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment (external loads): No
UG-22(d)(2) Vessel supports such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles and legs: Yes
UG-22(f) Wind reactions: Yes
UG-22(f) Seismic reactions: Yes
UG-22(j) Test pressure and coincident static head acting during the test: No
Note: UG-22(b),(c) and (f) loads only considered when supports are present.

Thickness Summary

Component Material Diameter Length Nominal t Design t Total Corrosion Joint Load
Identifier (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) E

Cylinder #1 SA-516 70 48 OD 210 0,375 0,2493 0,125 1,00 Internal

Transition #1 SA-516 70 8,625 / 48 OD 42,2113 0,375 0,2621 0,125 1,00 Internal

Cylinder #2 SA-106 B Smls pipe 8,625 OD 7,874 0,322 0,1563 0,125 0,85 Internal

Support Skirt #1 SA-516 70 48 ID 80 0,375 0,0769 0 0,55 Seismic

Nominal t: Vessel wall nominal thickness

Design t: Required vessel thickness due to governing loading + corrosion
Joint E: Longitudinal seam joint efficiency
* Head minimum thickness after forming

internal: Circumferential stress due to internal pressure governs
external: External pressure governs
Wind: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + wind governs
Seismic: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + seismic governs

Weight Summary

Weight ( lb) Contributed by Vessel Elements

Component Operating Liquid Test Liquid Area
Metal Metal Insulation Piping
Insulation Lining ft2
New* Corroded* Supports + Liquid New Corroded New Corroded
ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP
3.513 3.513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
Cylinder #1 3.279,1 2.191,9 0 0 0 0 6.688 6.759,8 13.818,1 13.962,1 216
Transition #1 432,9 290 0 0 0 0 1.059,4 1.077,9 1.059,4 1.077,9 29
Cylinder #2 18,7 11,6 0 0 0 0 21,4 22,3 21,4 22,3 1
ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 49 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Support Skirt #1 1.290,3 1.290,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170
Skirt Base Ring #1 214 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
TOTAL: 8.797 7.559,8 0 0 0 0 7.768,8 7.860,1 14.899 15.062,3 461

* Shells with attached nozzles have weight reduced by material cut out for opening.

Weight ( lb) Contributed by Attachments

Component Nozzles & Area
Body Flanges
Packed Ladders & Trays
Tray Rings & Vertical ft2
Beds Platforms Supports Clips Loads
New Corroded New Corroded
ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cylinder #1 1.185 1.185 953,9 919,2 0 1.744,9 0 0 3.559,8 0 85
Transition #1 0 0 10,3 7,7 0 63,3 0 0 0 0 1
Cylinder #2 39 39 0 0 0 17,8 0 0 0 0 3
ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 0 0 0 0 0 53,7 0 0 0 0 0
Support Skirt #1 0 0 26,7 26,7 0 974,2 0 0 4 0 0
TOTAL: 1.224 1.224 990,9 953,6 0 2.853,9 0 0 3.563,8 0 52

* Platforms and ladders are not included in surface area.

Vessel operating weight, Corroded: 24.015 lb

Vessel operating weight, New: 25.198 lb
Vessel empty weight, Corroded: 16.155 lb
Vessel empty weight, New: 17.430 lb
Vessel test weight, New: 32.329 lb
Vessel test weight, Corroded: 31.217 lb
Vessel surface area: 512 ft2

Vessel center of gravity location - from datum - lift condition

Vessel Lift Weight, New: 14.576 lb

Center of Gravity: 187,2465"

Vessel Capacity

Vessel Capacity** (New): 1.781 US gal

Vessel Capacity** (Corroded): 1.800 US gal
**The vessel capacity does not include volume of nozzle, piping or other attachments.

Long Seam Summary

Shell Long Seam Angles

Component Seam 1
Cylinder #1 45°
Support Skirt #1 45°
Transition #1 315°

Shell Plate Lengths

Component Plate 1
Cylinder #1 45° 149,6183"
Support Skirt #1 45° 151,9745"
Transition #1 315° 149,4965"

*North is located at 0°
*Plate Lengths use the circumfrence of the vessel based on the mid diameter of the components

Shell Rollout

Hydrostatic Test

Shop test pressure determination for Chamber bounded by ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 and ASME
B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER based on MAWP per UG-99(b)

Shop hydrostatic test gauge pressure is 130 psi at 50 °F (the chamber MAWP = 100 psi)

The shop test is performed with the vessel in the horizontal position.

Local test Test liquid UG-99(b) UG-99(b)

Identifier pressure static head stress pressure
psi psi ratio factor
Cylinder #1 (1) 131,706 1,706 1 1,30

TOP COVER 131,706 1,706 N/A 1,30

Transition #1 131,704 1,704 1 1,30

Cylinder #2 130,997 0,997 1 1,30

Flange #37 130,997 0,997 N/A 1,30

3601 (LG1) 131,472 1,472 1 1,30

3601 (LG2) 131,472 1,472 1 1,30

3601 (PDIT2) 131,703 1,703 1 1,30

3603 (PG) 130,88 0,88 1 1,30

3607 (PIT) 131,995 1,995 1 1,30



INLET FROM TEST MANIFOLD (B) 131,733 1,733 1 1,30

MANHOLE (M1) 132,101 2,101 1 1,30

RELIEF TO FLARE SYSTEM (G) 131,614 1,614 1 1,30

SAND JET WATER IN (C) 130,877 0,877 1 1,30

(1) Cylinder #1 limits the UG-99(b) stress ratio.
(2) The zero degree angular position is assumed to be up, and the test liquid height is assumed to the top-most

The field test condition has not been investigated for the Chamber bounded by ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange
#37 and ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER.

The test temperature of 50 °F is warmer than the minimum recommended temperature of -25 °F so the brittle fracture
provision of UG-99(h) has been met.

Liquid Level bounded by Bolted Cover #2

Location from datum 159,0945"

Operating Liquid Specific Gravity 1

Cylinder #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

Component: Cylinder
Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 19)
Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 58,7 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,4972)
Rated MDMT of -78,7°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in

Internal design pressure: P = 100 psi @ 150 °F

Static liquid head:

(SG = 1, Hs =
Ps = 3,79 psi 105,0091",Operating
(SG = 1, Hs = 47,25",
Pth = 1,71 psi
Horizontal test head)

Corrosion allowance Inner C = 0,125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = -20 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -55 °F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1

Top circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Bottom circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1

Estimated weight New = 3.279,1 lb corr = 2.191,9 lb

Capacity New = 1.594,05 US gal corr = 1.610,96 US gal

OD = 48"
= 210"
t = 0,375"

Design thickness, (at 150 °F) Appendix 1-1

t = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,40*P) + Corrosion

= 103,79*24 / (20.000*1,00 + 0,40*103,79) + 0,125
= 0,2493"

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 150 °F) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0,40*t) - Ps

= 20.000*1,00*0,25 / (24 - 0,40*0,25) - 3,79
= 205,41 psi

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 50 °F) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0,40*t)

= 20.000*1,00*0,375 / (24 - 0,40*0,375)
= 314,47 psi

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*0,375 / 23,8125)*(1 - 23,8125 / ∞)
= 0,7874%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Design thickness = 0,2493"

The governing condition is due to internal pressure.

The cylinder thickness of 0,375" is adequate.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads

Req'd Thk Due
Stress Before
Pressure P ( Temperature ( Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to to
Condition UG-23 Stress Location Load
psi) °F) (in) Tension (in) Compression
Increase ( psi)
St Sc

Wind 0,054 0,0398

Operating, Hot & Corroded 100 20.000 13.266 150 0,125 Seismic 0,0724 0,0202

Wind 0,053 0,0504

Seismic 0,0531 0,0514

Wind 0,0536 0,0392

Operating, Hot & New 100 20.000 14.898 150 0 Seismic 0,073 0,0184

Wind 0,0527 0,0502

Seismic 0,0529 0,0512

Wind 0,0046 0,0145

Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0 20.000 13.266 150 0,125 Seismic 0,0229 0,0441

Wind 0,0035 0,001

Seismic 0,0037 0,002

Wind 0,0044 0,0134

Hot Shut Down, New 0 20.000 14.898 150 0 Seismic 0,0239 0,0414

Wind 0,0036 0,001

Seismic 0,0037 0,002

Wind 0,0046 0,0145

Empty, Corroded 0 20.000 13.266 70 0,125 Seismic 0,0173 0,0356

Wind 0,0013 0,0005

Seismic 0,0014 0,0002

Wind 0,0044 0,0134

Empty, New 0 20.000 14.898 70 0 Seismic 0,0184 0,034

Wind 0,0014 0,0004

Seismic 0,0015 0,0001

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Top Weight 0,0046 0,0068

Weight & Eccentric Moments
0 20.000 13.266 150 0,125
Only Bottom Weight 0,0042 0,0025

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and Corroded- ScHC, (table CS-2)
A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,25)
= 0,001302
B = 13.266 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScHC = min(B, S) = 13.266 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and New- ScHN, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,375)
= 0,001953
B = 14.898 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScHN = min(B, S) = 14.898 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and New- ScCN, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,375)
= 0,001953
B = 14.898 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScCN = min(B, S) = 14.898 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and Corroded- ScCC, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,25)
= 0,001302
B = 13.266 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScCC = min(B, S) = 13.266 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Vacuum and Corroded- ScVC, (table

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,25)
= 0,001302
B = 13.266 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScVC = min(B, S) = 13.266 psi

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,75 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0494"

tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 277.080 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0064"
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0019"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0,0494 + 0,0064 - (0,0019)
= 0,054"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0032"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0064 + (0,0032) - (0,0494)|
= 0,0398"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0064 + (0,0019)) / (23,75 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0064 + (0,0019)))
= 498,11 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,625 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0492"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 277.853 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0065"
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0021"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0,0492 + 0,0065 - (0,0021)
= 0,0536"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0035"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0065 + (0,0035) - (0,0492)|
= 0,0392"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0065 + (0,0021)) / (23,625 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0065 + (0,0021)))

= 757,68 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 277.080 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0064"
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0019"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0064 - (0,0019)
= 0,0046"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 277.080 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0097"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0048"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0097 + (0,0048) - (0)
= 0,0145"

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 277.853 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0065"
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0021"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0065 - (0,0021)
= 0,0044"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 277.853 / (π*23,81252*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0087"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0047"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0087 + (0,0047) - (0)
= 0,0134"

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 277.080 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0064"
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0019"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0064 - (0,0019)
= 0,0046"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 277.080 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0097"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0048"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0097 + (0,0048) - (0)
= 0,0145"

Empty, New, Wind, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 277.853 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0065"
tw = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0021"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0065 - (0,0021)
= 0,0044"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 277.853 / (π*23,81252*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0087"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0047"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0087 + (0,0047) - (0)
= 0,0134"

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 26.236 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,00)
= 0,0011"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,00)
= 0,0057"
tt = |tp + tm - tw| (total, net compressive)
= |0 + 0,0011 - (0,0057)|
= 0,0046"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0011 + (0,0057) - (0)
= 0,0068"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,75 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0494"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.582 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0007"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0494 + 0,0007 - (-0,0028)
= 0,053"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0017"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0007 + (-0,0017) - (0,0494)|
= 0,0504"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0007 + (-0,0028)) / (23,75 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0007 + (-0,0028)))
= 500,2 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,625 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0492"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.600 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0007"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.230,3 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0492 + 0,0007 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0527"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-10.230,3 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0017"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0007 + (-0,0017) - (0,0492)|
= 0,0502"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0007 + (-0,0028)) / (23,625 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0007 + (-0,0028)))
= 759,44 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.582 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0007"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0007 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0035"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0017"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0007 + (-0,0017) - (0)|

= 0,001"

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.600 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0007"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.230,3 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0007 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0036"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-10.230,3 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0017"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0007 + (-0,0017) - (0)|
= 0,001"

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.582 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0007"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -2.298,4 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0006"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0007 - (-0,0006)
= 0,0013"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 30.582 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0011"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.298,4 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,20)
= -0,0006"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0011 + (-0,0006) - (0)
= 0,0005"

Empty, New, Wind, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.600 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0007"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -2.461,4 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0007"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0007 - (-0,0007)
= 0,0014"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 30.600 / (π*23,81252*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,001"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 0,60*-2.461,4 / (2*π*23,8125*14.898,49*1,20)
= -0,0006"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,001 + (-0,0006) - (0)
= 0,0004"

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 30.582 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,00*1,00)
= 0,0009"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,00*1,00)
= -0,0034"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0009 - (-0,0034)
= 0,0042"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0009 + (-0,0034) - (0)|
= 0,0025"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,75 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0494"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 1.120.596 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0261"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)

= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0032"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0494 + 0,0261 - (0,0032)
= 0,0724"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0261 + (0,0032) - (0,0494)|
= 0,0202"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0261 + (0,0032)) / (23,75 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0261 + (0,0032)))
= 460,7 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,625 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0492"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 1.168.615 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0273"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0035"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0492 + 0,0273 - (0,0035)
= 0,073"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0273 + (0,0035) - (0,0492)|
= 0,0184"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0273 + (0,0035)) / (23,625 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0273 + (0,0035)))
= 717,69 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm *St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 1.120.596 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0261"

tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0032"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0261 - (0,0032)
= 0,0229"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 1.120.596 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0393"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0048"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0393 + (0,0048) - (0)
= 0,0441"

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm *St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 1.168.615 / (π*23,8125 *20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0273"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0035"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0273 - (0,0035)
= 0,0239"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 1.168.615 / (π*23,81252*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0367"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0047"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0367 + (0,0047) - (0)
= 0,0414"

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 880.269 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0205"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)

= 0,0032"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0205 - (0,0032)
= 0,0173"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 880.269 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0309"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 11.347,7 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0048"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0309 + (0,0048) - (0)
= 0,0356"

Empty, New, Seismic, Above Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 933.240 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0218"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0035"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0218 - (0,0035)
= 0,0184"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 933.240 / (π*23,81252*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0293"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= 12.459,1 / (2*π*23,8125*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0047"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0293 + (0,0047) - (0)
= 0,034"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,75 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0494"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 36.136 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0008"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)

= -0,0028"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0494 + 0,0008 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0531"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0008 + (-0,0028) - (0,0494)|
= 0,0514"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0008 + (-0,0028)) / (23,75 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0008 + (-0,0028)))
= 499,94 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*23,625 / (2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0492"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 36.578 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0009"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.230,3 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0492 + 0,0009 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0529"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0009 + (-0,0028) - (0,0492)|
= 0,0512"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0009 + (-0,0028)) / (23,625 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0009 + (-0,0028)))
= 759,15 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 36.136 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0008"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)

= -10.158,5 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0037"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0008 + (-0,0028) - (0)|
= 0,002"

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 36.578 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0009"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -10.230,3 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0028"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0009 - (-0,0028)
= 0,0037"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0009 + (-0,0028) - (0)|
= 0,002"

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 33.167 / (π*23,8752*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0008"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -2.298,4 / (2*π*23,875*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0006"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0006)
= 0,0014"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 33.167 / (π*23,8752*13.265,59*1,20)
= 0,0012"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= -2.298,4 / (2*π*23,875*13.265,59*1,20)
= -0,001"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0012 + (-0,001) - (0)
= 0,0002"

Empty, New, Seismic, Below Support Point

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 33.639 / (π*23,81252*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= 0,0008"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -2.461,4 / (2*π*23,8125*20.000*1,20*1,00)
= -0,0007"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0007)
= 0,0015"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 33.639 / (π*23,81252*14.898,49*1,20)
= 0,0011"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= -2.461,4 / (2*π*23,8125*14.898,49*1,20)
= -0,0009"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0011 + (-0,0009) - (0)
= 0,0001"

Cylinder #2

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

Component: Cylinder
Material specification: SA-106 B Smls pipe (II-D p. 10, ln. 40)
Pipe Description: NPS 8 Sch 40 (Std)
Material is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,1694)

Internal design pressure: P = 100 psi @ 150 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps = 5,6 psi (SG = 1, Hs = 155,0945",Operating head)

(SG = 1, Hs = 27,6155", Horizontal test
Pth = 1 psi

Corrosion allowance Inner C = 0,125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = -20 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -155 °F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Seamless No RT

Top circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Bottom circumferential joint - UserDefined
E = 0,5

Estimated weight New = 18,7 lb corr = 11,6 lb

Capacity New = 1,71 US gal corr = 1,81 US gal

OD = 8,625"
= 7,874"
t = 0,322"

Design thickness, (at 150 °F) Appendix 1-1

t = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,40*P) + Corrosion

= 105,6*4,3125 / (17.100*0,85 + 0,40*105,6) + 0,125
= 0,1563"

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 150 °F) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0,40*t) - Ps

= 17.100*0,85*0,1568 / (4,3125 - 0,40*0,1568) - 5,6
= 530,51 psi

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 50 °F) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0,40*t)

= 17.100*0,85*0,2818 / (4,3125 - 0,40*0,2818)
= 975,1 psi

Design thickness = 0,1563"

The governing condition is due to internal pressure.

The cylinder thickness of 0,322" is adequate.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads

Stress Before
Pressure P ( Temperature ( Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to Req'd Thk Due to
Condition UG-23 Stress Load
psi) °F) (in) Tension (in) Compression (in)
Increase ( psi)

St Sc

Wind 0,0151 0,0147

Operating, Hot & Corroded 100 17.100 17.027 150 0,125
Seismic 0,013 0,0122

Wind 0,0147 0,0143

Operating, Hot & New 100 17.100 17.100 150 0
Seismic 0,0127 0,0118

Wind 0,001 0,0006

Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0 17.100 17.027 150 0,125
Seismic 0,0012 0,0004

Wind 0,001 0,0006

Hot Shut Down, New 0 17.100 17.100 150 0
Seismic 0,0013 0,0004

Wind 0,0003 0,0002

Empty, Corroded 0 17.100 17.027 70 0,125
Seismic 0,0005 0,0001

Wind 0,0003 0,0002

Empty, New 0 17.100 17.100 70 0
Seismic 0,0006 0,0001

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight

0 17.100 17.027 150 0,125 Weight 0,001 0,001
& Eccentric Moments Only

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and Corroded- ScHC, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (4,3125 / 0,1568)
= 0,004543
B = 17.027 psi
S = 17.100 / 1,00 = 17.100 psi
ScHC = min(B, S) = 17.027 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and New- ScHN, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (4,3125 / 0,2818)
= 0,008167
B = 17.321 psi
S = 17.100 / 1,00 = 17.100 psi
ScHN = min(B, S) = 17.100 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and New- ScCN, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (4,3125 / 0,2818)
= 0,008167
B = 17.321 psi

S = 17.100 / 1,00 = 17.100 psi
ScCN = min(B, S) = 17.100 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and Corroded- ScCC, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (4,3125 / 0,1568)
= 0,004543
B = 17.027 psi
S = 17.100 / 1,00 = 17.100 psi
ScCC = min(B, S) = 17.027 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Vacuum and Corroded- ScVC, (table

A = 0,125 / (Ro / t)
= 0,125 / (4,3125 / 0,1568)
= 0,004543
B = 17.027 psi
S = 17.100 / 1,00 = 17.100 psi
ScVC = min(B, S) = 17.027 psi

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*4,1155 / (2*17.100*1,00*0,85 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0141"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,001"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0141 + 0 - (-0,001)
= 0,0151"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0006"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,0006) - (0,0141)|
= 0,0147"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*17.100*1,00*0,85*(0,1568 - 0 + (-0,001)) / (4,1155 - 0,40*(0,1568 - 0 + (-0,001)))

= 1.117,02 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*3,9905 / (2*17.100*1,00*0,85 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0137"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -374,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,001"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0137 + 0 - (-0,001)
= 0,0147"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-374,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0006"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,0006) - (0,0137)|
= 0,0143"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*17.100*1,00*0,85*(0,2818 - 0 + (-0,001)) / (3,9905 - 0,40*(0,2818 - 0 + (-0,001)))
= 2.104,52 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,001"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,001)
= 0,001"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0006"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)

= |0 + (-0,0006) - (0)|
= 0,0006"

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -374,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,001"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,001)
= 0,001"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-374,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0006"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,0006) - (0)|
= 0,0006"

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -99,6 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0003"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0003)
= 0,0003"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-99,6 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0002"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,0002) - (0)|
= 0,0002"

Empty, New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"

tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -106,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0003"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0003)
= 0,0003"
twc = 0,6*W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= 0,60*-106,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,0002"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,0002) - (0)|
= 0,0002"

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 0 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= 0"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,00*0,85)
= -0,001"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0 - (-0,001)
= 0,001"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,001) - (0)|
= 0,001"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*4,1155 / (2*17.100*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0118"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 399 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= 0,0004"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= -0,0008"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0118 + 0,0004 - (-0,0008)
= 0,013"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0004 + (-0,0008) - (0,0118)|

= 0,0122"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*17.100*1,20*0,85*(0,1568 - 0,0004 + (-0,0008)) / (4,1155 - 0,40*(0,1568 - 0,0004 + (-0,0008)))
= 1.338,3 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = P*R / (2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|) (Pressure)

= 100*3,9905 / (2*17.100*1,20*0,85 + 0,40*|100|)
= 0,0114"
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 407 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= 0,0004"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -374,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= -0,0008"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0114 + 0,0004 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0127"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0004 + (-0,0008) - (0,0114)|
= 0,0118"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / (R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))

= 2*17.100*1,20*0,85*(0,2818 - 0,0004 + (-0,0008)) / (3,9905 - 0,40*(0,2818 - 0,0004 + (-0,0008)))
= 2.522,96 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 399 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= 0,0004"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -386,8 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= -0,0008"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0004 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0012"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0004 + (-0,0008) - (0)|

= 0,0004"

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 407 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= 0,0004"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -374,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= -0,0008"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0004 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0013"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0004 + (-0,0008) - (0)|
= 0,0004"

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 324 / (π*4,2142*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= 0,0003"
tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -99,6 / (2*π*4,214*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= -0,0002"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0003 - (-0,0002)
= 0,0005"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 324 / (π*4,2142*17.027,22*1,20)
= 0,0003"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= -99,6 / (2*π*4,214*17.027,22*1,20)
= -0,0002"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0003 + (-0,0002) - (0)
= 0,0001"

Empty, New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / (π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec) (bending)
= 335 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= 0,0004"

tw = W / (2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec) (Weight)
= -106,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,20*0,85)
= -0,0002"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0004 - (-0,0002)
= 0,0006"
tmc = M / (π*Rm2*Sc*Ks) (bending)
= 335 / (π*4,15152*17.100*1,20)
= 0,0003"
twc = W / (2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks) (Weight)
= -106,7 / (2*π*4,1515*17.100*1,20)
= -0,0002"
tc = tmc + twc - tpc (total required, compressive)
= 0,0003 + (-0,0002) - (0)
= 0,0001"

Transition #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

Component: Transition
Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 19)
Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 49,3 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,5451)
Rated MDMT of -69,3°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in

Internal design pressure: P = 100 psi @ 150 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps = 5,31 psi (SG = 1, Hs = 147,2205" Operating head at small end)

Ps = 3,79 psi (SG = 1, Hs = 105,0091"Operating head at large end)
(SG = 1, Hs = 27,5237", Horizontal test head at small
Pth = 0,99 psi
(SG = 1, Hs = 47,2112", Horizontal test head at large
Pth = 1,7 psi

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0,125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = -20 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -55 °F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Category A joints - Full UW-11(a) Type 1

Circ. joint top/left - Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Circ. joint right/bottom - Full UW-11(a) Type 1

Estimated weight: New = 432,9 lb corr = 290 lb

Capacity: New = 127 US gal corr = 129,1 US gal

Axial length = 42,2113"

Large End OD = 48"
Small End OD = 8,625"
Cone tc = 0,375"

Design thickness, (at 150 °F) App 1-4(e) (Large End)

t = P*Do / (2*cos(α)*(S*E + 0,40*P)) + Corrosion

= 103,79*48 / (2*cos(25,0045)*(20.000*1,00 + 0,40*103,79)) + 0,125
= 0,2621"
Small End design thickness (t = 0,15") does not govern.

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 150 °F) App 1-4(e) (Large End)

P = 2*S*E*t*cos(α) / (Do - 0,80*t*cos(α)) - Ps

2*20.000*1,00*0,25*cos(25,0045) / (48 - 0,80*0,25*cos(25,0045)) -
= 185,73 psi

Small End MAWP (1.067,99 psi) does not govern.

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 50 °F) App 1-4(e) (Large End)

P = 2*S*E*t*cos(α) / (Do - 0,80*t*cos(α))

2*20.000*1,00*0,375*cos(25,0045) / (48 -
= 284,82 psi

Small End MAP (1.627,43 psi) does not govern.

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*0,4138 / 4,1056)*(1 - 4,1056 / ∞)
= 5,0392%

The extreme fiber elongation exceeds 5 percent. Heat treatment per UCS-56 may be required. See UCS-79(d)(4) or

Transition design thickness = 0,2621"

The governing condition is due to internal pressure.

The transition thickness of 0,375 is adequate.

Thickness Required Due to Pressure + External Loads

Req'd Thk Due
Stress Before
Pressure P ( Temperature ( Corrosion C Req'd Thk Due to to
Condition UG-23 Stress Location Load
psi) °F) (in) Tension (in) Compression
Increase ( psi)
St Sc

Wind 0,0578 0,0552

Operating, Hot & Corroded 100 20.000 12.897 150 0,125 Seismic 0,0579 0,0561

Wind 0,0119 0,0116

Seismic 0,0103 0,0096

Wind 0,0575 0,0549

Operating, Hot & New 100 20.000 14.485 150 0 Seismic 0,0576 0,0558

Wind 0,0115 0,0112

Seismic 0,01 0,0093

Wind 0,0033 0,0007

Hot Shut Down, Corroded 0 20.000 12.897 150 0,125 Seismic 0,0034 0,0016

Wind 0,0008 0,0005

Seismic 0,001 0,0003

Wind 0,0033 0,0007

Hot Shut Down, New 0 20.000 14.485 150 0 Seismic 0,0035 0,0016

Wind 0,0008 0,0005

Seismic 0,001 0,0003

Wind 0,0009 0,0011

Empty, Corroded 0 20.000 12.897 70 0,125 Seismic 0,001 0,0011

Wind 0,0002 0,0001

Seismic 0,0004 0,0002

Wind 0,001 0,001

Empty, New 0 20.000 14.485 70 0

Seismic 0,001 0,001

Wind 0,0002 0,0001

Seismic 0,0005 0,0001

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Top Weight 0,004 0,0021

Weight & Eccentric Moments
0 20.000 12.897 150 0,125
Only Bottom Weight 0,0008 0,0008

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and Corroded- ScHC, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / te)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,2266)
= 0,001180
B = 12.897 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScHC = min(B, S) = 12.897 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Hot and New- ScHN, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / te)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,3399)
= 0,001770
B = 14.485 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScHN = min(B, S) = 14.485 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and New- ScCN, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / te)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,3399)
= 0,001770
B = 14.485 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScCN = min(B, S) = 14.485 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Cold and Corroded- ScCC, (table CS-2)

A = 0,125 / (Ro / te)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,2266)
= 0,001180
B = 12.897 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScCC = min(B, S) = 12.897 psi

Allowable Compressive Stress, Vacuum and Corroded- ScVC, (table

A = 0,125 / (Ro / te)
= 0,125 / (24 / 0,2266)
= 0,001180
B = 12.897 psi
S = 20.000 / 1,00 = 20.000 psi
ScVC = min(B, S) = 12.897 psi

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

= 100*23,7241 / [(2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0545"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.582 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)

= -8.206,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0,0545 + 0,0008 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0578"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= 0,60*-8.206,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0015"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0008 + (-0,0015) - (0,0545)|
= 0,0552"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0008 + (-0,0025)) / ((23,7241 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0008 + (-0,0025)))*cos(25,0045))
= 553,05 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

= 100*23,5862 / [(2*20.000*1,20*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0542"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.600 / [(π*23,79312*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.269,3 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0,0542 + 0,0008 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0575"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= 0,60*-8.269,3 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0015"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0008 + (-0,0015) - (0,0542)|
= 0,0549"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0008 + (-0,0025)) / ((23,5862 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0008 + (-0,0025)))*cos(25,0045))
= 839,89 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.582 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"

tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.206,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0033"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
0,60*-8.206,4 /
= -0,0015"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0008 + (-0,0015) - (0)|
= 0,0007"

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.600 / [(π*23,79312*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.269,3 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0033"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
0,60*-8.269,3 /
= -0,0015"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0008 + (-0,0015) - (0)|
= 0,0007"

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.582 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -397,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0001"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0001)
= 0,0009"
tmc = M / [(π*Rm2*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.582 / [(π*23,86212*12.897,04*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0012"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= 0,60*-397,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*12.897,04*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0001"
(total required,
tc = tmc + twc - tpc

= 0,0012 + (-0,0001) - (0)
= 0,0011"

Empty, New, Wind, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.600 / [(π*23,79312*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -550 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0002)
= 0,001"
tmc = M / [(π*Rm2*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.600 / [(π*23,79312*14.484,57*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0011"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (Weight)
0,60*-550 /
= -0,0001"
(total required,
tc = tmc + twc - tpc
= 0,0011 + (-0,0001) - (0)
= 0,001"

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 30.582 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0009"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.206,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,003"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0,0009 - (-0,003)
= 0,004"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0009 + (-0,003) - (0)|
= 0,0021"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

= 100*4,0366 / [(2*20.000*1,00*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0111"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -386,8 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0008"

tt = tp + tm - tw (total
= 0,0111 + 0 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0119"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= 0,60*-386,8 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0005"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,0005) - (0,0111)|
= 0,0116"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,00*1,00*(0,25 - 0 + (-0,0008)) / ((4,0366 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0 + (-0,0008)))*cos(25,0045))
= 2.793,59 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

= 100*3,8987 / [(2*20.000*1,00*1,00 + 0,40*|100|)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0107"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,10562*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -374,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0008"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0,0107 + 0 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0115"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= 0,60*-374,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0005"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,0005) - (0,0107)|
= 0,0112"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,00*1,00*(0,375 - 0 + (-0,0008)) / ((3,8987 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0 + (-0,0008)))*cos(25,0045))
= 4.405,37 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -386,8 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]

= -0,0008"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0008"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
0,60*-386,8 /
= -0,0005"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,0005) - (0)|
= 0,0005"

Hot Shut Down, New, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,10562*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -374,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0008"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0008"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
0,60*-374,7 /
= -0,0005"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,0005) - (0)|
= 0,0005"

Empty, Corroded, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -99,6 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0002)
= 0,0002"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= 0,60*-99,6 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0001"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,0001) - (0)|
= 0,0001"

Empty, New, Wind, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,10562*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -106,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0002)
= 0,0002"
twc = 0,6*W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
0,60*-106,7 /
= -0,0001"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0 + (-0,0001) - (0)|
= 0,0001"

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Weight & Eccentric Moments Only, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 0 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -386,8 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,00*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0008"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0 - (-0,0008)
= 0,0008"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0 + (-0,0008) - (0)|
= 0,0008"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

100*23,7241 / [(2*20.000*1,20*1,00 +
= 0,0545"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 35.633 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0009"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.206,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0545 + 0,0009 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0579"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)

= |0,0009 + (-0,0025) - (0,0545)|
= 0,0561"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0009 + (-0,0025)) / ((23,7241 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0009 + (-0,0025)))*cos(25,0045))
= 552,76 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

100*23,5862 / [(2*20.000*1,20*1,00 +
= 0,0542"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 36.034 / [(π*23,79312*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0009"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.269,3 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0542 + 0,0009 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0576"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0009 + (-0,0025) - (0,0542)|
= 0,0558"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0009 + (-0,0025)) / ((23,5862 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0009 + (-0,0025)))*cos(25,0045))
= 839,57 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 35.633 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0009"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.206,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0,0009 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0034"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0009 + (-0,0025) - (0)|
= 0,0016"

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)

tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 36.034 / [(π*23,79312*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0009"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -8.269,3 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0025"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0,0009 - (-0,0025)
= 0,0035"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0009 + (-0,0025) - (0)|
= 0,0016"

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 33.013 / [(π*23,86212*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0008"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -397,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0001"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0008 - (-0,0001)
= 0,001"
tmc = M / [(π*Rm2*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 33.013 / [(π*23,86212*12.897,04*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0013"
twc = W / [(2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -397,4 / [(2*π*23,8621*12.897,04*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
(total required,
tc = tmc + twc - tpc
= 0,0013 + (-0,0002) - (0)
= 0,0011"

Empty, New, Seismic, Top Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 33.442 / [(π*23,79312*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0009"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -550 / [(2*π*23,7931*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0009 - (-0,0002)
= 0,001"
tmc = M / [(π*Rm2*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 33.442 / [(π*23,79312*14.484,57*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0012"
twc = W / [(2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (Weight)

= -550 / [(2*π*23,7931*14.484,57*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
(total required,
tc = tmc + twc - tpc
= 0,0012 + (-0,0002) - (0)
= 0,001"

Operating, Hot & Corroded, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

100*4,0366 / [(2*20.000*1,20*1,00 +
= 0,0093"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 399 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0003"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -386,8 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0007"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,0093 + 0,0003 - (-0,0007)
= 0,0103"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0003 + (-0,0007) - (0,0093)|
= 0,0096"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,25 - 0,0003 + (-0,0007)) / ((4,0366 - 0,40*(0,25 - 0,0003 + (-0,0007)))*cos(25,0045))
= 3.349,55 psi

Operating, Hot & New, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = P*R / [(2*St*Ks*Ec + 0,40*|P|)*cos(α)] (Pressure)

100*3,8987 / [(2*20.000*1,20*1,00 +
= 0,009"
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 407 / [(π*4,10562*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0004"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -374,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0007"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0,009 + 0,0004 - (-0,0007)
= 0,01"
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc| (total, net tensile)
= |0,0004 + (-0,0007) - (0,009)|
= 0,0093"

Maximum allowable working pressure, Longitudinal Stress

P = 2*St*Ks*Ec*(t - tm + tw) / ((R - 0,40*(t - tm + tw))*cos(α))

= 2*20.000*1,20*1,00*(0,375 - 0,0004 + (-0,0007)) / ((3,8987 - 0,40*(0,375 - 0,0004 + (-0,0007)))*cos(25,0045))

= 5.283,22 psi

Hot Shut Down, Corroded, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 399 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0003"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -386,8 / [(2*π*4,1746*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0007"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0,0003 - (-0,0007)
= 0,001"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0003 + (-0,0007) - (0)|
= 0,0003"

Hot Shut Down, New, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 407 / [(π*4,10562*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0004"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -374,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0007"
tt = tp + tm - tw required,
= 0 + 0,0004 - (-0,0007)
= 0,001"
(total, net
tc = |tmc + twc - tpc|
= |0,0004 + (-0,0007) - (0)|
= 0,0003"

Empty, Corroded, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 324 / [(π*4,17462*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0003"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
-99,6 /
= -0,0002"
tt = tp + tm - tw (total required, tensile)
= 0 + 0,0003 - (-0,0002)
= 0,0004"
tmc = M / [(π*Rm2*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 324 / [(π*4,17462*12.897,04*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0004"
twc = W / [(2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (Weight)

= -99,6 / [(2*π*4,1746*12.897,04*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0003"
(total required,
tc = tmc + twc - tpc
= 0,0004 + (-0,0003) - (0)
= 0,0002"

Empty, New, Seismic, Bottom Seam

tp = 0" (Pressure)
tm = M / [(π*Rm2*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 335 / [(π*4,10562*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0003"
tw = W / [(2*π*Rm*St*Ks*Ec)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -106,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*20.000*1,20*1,00)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0002"
(total required,
tt = tp + tm - tw
= 0 + 0,0003 - (-0,0002)
= 0,0005"
tmc = M / [(π*Rm2*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (bending)
= 335 / [(π*4,10562*14.484,57*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= 0,0004"
twc = W / [(2*π*Rm*Sc*Ks)*cos(α)] (Weight)
= -106,7 / [(2*π*4,1056*14.484,57*1,20)*cos(25,0045)]
= -0,0003"
(total required,
tc = tmc + twc - tpc
= 0,0004 + (-0,0003) - (0)
= 0,0001"

Cone juncture large end calculations, P =189,523 psi (MAWP =
185,732 psi)
Appendix 1-5(d)
Area check U-2(g)
Loading analysis
f1 QL ArL AeL Ring Status
required (lbf/in) (lbf/in) (in2) (in2) area (in2)
(∆ < α) required

Corroded No No 27,01 2.277,59 0 0,06 none OK
New No No 28,02 2.266,76 0 0,84 none OK
Corroded No No 29,83 2.280,41 0 0,06 none OK
New No No 31,07 2.269,81 0 0,84 none OK

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d), wind + pressure, corroded

f1 = -Wl / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ml / (π*Rm2)

= --1.489,42 / (π*2*23,875) + 12*2.548,5 / (π*23,8752)
= 27,01 lbf/in

P*RL / 2 = 2.250,58 lbf/in

f1 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 189,52 / (20.000*1) = 0,009476

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 30°

As ∆ >= α no additional reinforcement is required.

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d), wind + pressure, new

f1 = -Wl / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ml / (π*Rm2)

= --1.622,82 / (π*2*23,8125) + 12*2.550 / (π*23,81252)
= 28,02 lbf/in

P*RL / 2 = 2.238,74 lbf/in

f1 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 189,52 / (20.000*1) = 0,009476

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 30°

As ∆ >= α no additional reinforcement is required.

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d), seismic + pressure, corroded

f1 = -Wl / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ml / (π*Rm2)

= --1.489,42 / (π*2*23,875) + 12*2.969,4 / (π*23,8752)
= 29,83 lbf/in

P*RL / 2 = 2.250,58 lbf/in

f1 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 189,52 / (20.000*1) = 0,009476

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 30°

As ∆ >= α no additional reinforcement is required.

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d), seismic + pressure, new

f1 = -Wl / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ml / (π*Rm2)

= --1.622,82 / (π*2*23,8125) + 12*3.002,8 / (π*23,81252)

= 31,07 lbf/in

P*RL / 2 = 2.238,74 lbf/in

f1 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 189,52 / (20.000*1) = 0,009476

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 30°

As ∆ >= α no additional reinforcement is required.

Cone juncture small end calculations P = 191,047 psi (MAWP =

185,732 psi)
Appendix 1-5(e)
Area check U-2(g)
Loading analysis
f2 Qs Ars Aes Ring Status
required (lbf/in) (lbf/in) (in2) (in2) area (in2)
(∆ < α) required

Corroded Yes No 4,33 397,46 0,03 0,26 none OK
New Yes No 4,64 385,82 0,03 0,56 none OK
Corroded Yes No 11,49 404,61 0,03 0,26 none OK
New Yes No 12,15 393,33 0,03 0,56 none OK

Cone small end calculations per Appendix 1-5(e), wind + pressure, corroded

f2 = -Ws / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ms / (π*Rm2)

= --114,75 / (π*2*4,214) + 12*0 / (π*4,2142)
= 4,33 lbf/in

P*Rs / 2 = 393,1261 lbf/in

f2 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 191,05 / (17.100*0,85) = 0,013144

From table 1-5.2 ∆ = 10,1°

As ∆ < α reinforcement is required.

Qs = P*Rs / 2 + f2
= 393,13 + 4,33
= 397,46 lbf/in

Ars = (k*Qs*Rs / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*397,46*4,1155 / (17.100*0,85))*(1 - 10,1 / 25,0045)*tan(25,0045)
= 0,0313 in2

Aes = 0,78*(Rs*ts)0,5*[(ts - t) + (tc - tr) / cos(α)]

= 0,78*(4,1155*0,197)0,5*[(0,197 - 0,0545) + (0,25 - 0,0436) / cos(25,0045)]
= 0,26 in2

Aes >= Ars therefore the small end juncture is adequately reinforced.

Cone small end calculations per Appendix 1-5(e), wind + pressure, new

f2 = -Ws / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ms / (π*Rm2)

= --120,94 / (π*2*4,1515) + 12*0 / (π*4,15152)
= 4,64 lbf/in

P*Rs / 2 = 381,1857 lbf/in

f2 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 191,05 / (17.100*0,85) = 0,013144

From table 1-5.2 ∆ = 10,1°

As ∆ < α reinforcement is required.

Qs = P*Rs / 2 + f2
= 381,19 + 4,64
= 385,82 lbf/in

Ars = (k*Qs*Rs / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*385,82*3,9905 / (17.100*0,85))*(1 - 10,1 / 25,0045)*tan(25,0045)
= 0,0294 in2

Aes = 0,78*(Rs*ts)0,5*[(ts - t) + (tc - tr) / cos(α)]

= 0,78*(3,9905*0,322)0,5*[(0,322 - 0,0529) + (0,375 - 0,0423) / cos(25,0045)]
= 0,5625 in2

Aes >= Ars therefore the small end juncture is adequately reinforced.

Cone small end calculations per Appendix 1-5(e), seismic + pressure, corroded

f2 = -Ws / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ms / (π*Rm2)

= --114,75 / (π*2*4,214) + 12*33,3 / (π*4,2142)
= 11,49 lbf/in

P*Rs / 2 = 393,1261 lbf/in

f2 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 191,05 / (17.100*0,85) = 0,013144

From table 1-5.2 ∆ = 10,1°

As ∆ < α reinforcement is required.

Qs = P*Rs / 2 + f2
= 393,13 + 11,49
= 404,61 lbf/in

Ars = (k*Qs*Rs / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*404,61*4,1155 / (17.100*0,85))*(1 - 10,1 / 25,0045)*tan(25,0045)
= 0,0319 in2

Aes = 0,78*(Rs*ts)0,5*[(ts - t) + (tc - tr) / cos(α)]

= 0,78*(4,1155*0,197)0,5*[(0,197 - 0,0545) + (0,25 - 0,0436) / cos(25,0045)]
= 0,26 in2

Aes >= Ars therefore the small end juncture is adequately reinforced.

Cone small end calculations per Appendix 1-5(e), seismic + pressure, new

f2 = -Ws / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ms / (π*Rm2)

= --120,94 / (π*2*4,1515) + 12*33,9 / (π*4,15152)
= 12,15 lbf/in

P*Rs / 2 = 381,1857 lbf/in

f2 is in tension so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 191,05 / (17.100*0,85) = 0,013144

From table 1-5.2 ∆ = 10,1°

As ∆ < α reinforcement is required.

Qs = P*Rs / 2 + f2
= 381,19 + 12,15
= 393,33 lbf/in

Ars = (k*Qs*Rs / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*393,33*3,9905 / (17.100*0,85))*(1 - 10,1 / 25,0045)*tan(25,0045)

= 0,03 in2

Aes = 0,78*(Rs*ts)0,5*[(ts - t) + (tc - tr) / cos(α)]

= 0,78*(3,9905*0,322)0,5*[(0,322 - 0,0529) + (0,375 - 0,0423) / cos(25,0045)]
= 0,5625 in2

Aes >= Ars therefore the small end juncture is adequately reinforced.

MAP Cone juncture large end calculations, P =284,824 psi

Appendix 1-5(d)
Area check U-2(g)
Loading analysis
f1 QL ArL AeL Ring Status
required (lbf/in) (lbf/in) (in2) (in2) area (in2)
(∆ < α) required

Pressure No No 0 3.364,48 0 0,11 none OK

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d), pressure, new

f1 = -0,6*Wl / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ml / (π*Rm2)

= -0,6*0 / (π*2*23,8125) + 12*0 / (π*23,81252)
= 0 lbf/in

P*RL / 2 = 3.364,48 lbf/in

|f1| <= P*RL / 2 so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 284,82 / (20.000*1) = 0,014241

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 30°

As ∆ >= α no additional reinforcement is required.

MAP Cone juncture small end calculations P = 284,824 psi

Appendix 1-5(e)
Area check U-2(g)
Loading analysis
f2 Qs Ars Aes Ring Status
required (lbf/in) (lbf/in) (in2) (in2) area (in2)
(∆ < α) required

Pressure Yes No 0 568,3 0,04 0,52 none OK

Cone small end calculations per Appendix 1-5(e), pressure, new

f2 = -0,6*Ws / (π*2*Rm) + 12*Ms / (π*Rm2)

= -0,6*0 / (π*2*4,1515) + 12*0 / (π*4,15152)
= 0 lbf/in

P*Rs / 2 = 568,2951 lbf/in

|f2| <= P*Rs / 2 so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 284,82 / (17.100*0,85) = 0,019596

From table 1-5.2 ∆ = 12,36°

As ∆ < α reinforcement is required.

Qs = P*Rs / 2 + f2
= 568,3 + 0
= 568,3 lbf/in

Ars = (k*Qs*Rs / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*568,3*3,9905 / (17.100*0,85))*(1 - 12,36 / 25,0045)*tan(25,0045)
= 0,0368 in2

Aes = 0,78*(Rs*ts)0,5*[(ts - t) + (tc - tr) / cos(α)]

= 0,78*(3,9905*0,322)0,5*[(0,322 - 0,0791) + (0,375 - 0,0632) / cos(25,0045)]
= 0,5189 in2

Aes >= Ars therefore the small end juncture is adequately reinforced.


Flange description: NPS 48 Class 150 WN A105 Series A

Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.47-2006 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.47-2006 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.47-2006 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Full UW-11(a) Type 1

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER

This is an ASME B16.5/16.47 rated blind flange.

Flange description: NPS 48 Class 150 WN A105 Series A

Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.47-2006 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.47-2006 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.47-2006 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No

Flange #37

Flange description: NPS 8 Class 150 WN A105

Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 5,7429 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: UserDefined (E = 0,5)

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37

This is an ASME B16.5/16.47 rated blind flange.

Flange description: NPS 8 Class 150 WN A105

Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 5,7429 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-106 B Smls pipe (II-D p. 10, ln. 40)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: NPS 4 Sch 80 (XS)
Flange description: NPS 4 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Nozzle orientation: 225°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 183,0381 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 3,826 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,337 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 5,5591 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For P = 133,38 psi @ 150 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

0,6605 0,6606 0,3628 0,1776 -- -- 0,1202 0,2846 0,2949

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,1484 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 133,38 psi @ 150 °F

Fig UCS-66.2 general note (1) applies.

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0704).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,2949 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(4,076, 2,038 + (0,337 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 4,076 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,337 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,53 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 133,3847*2,038 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*133,3847)
= 0,016 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 133,3847*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*133,3847)
= 0,1596 in

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 17.100, Sv = 20.000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,855

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,855

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= 4,076*0,1596*1 + 2*0,212*0,1596*1*(1 - 0,855)
= 0,6605 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0,3628 in2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 4,076*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1596) - 2*0,212*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1596)*(1 - 0,855)
= 0,3628 in2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 2*(0,25 + 0,212)*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1596) - 2*0,212*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1596)*(1 - 0,855)
= 0,0779 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0,1776 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0,212 - 0,016)*0,855*0,25
= 0,2095 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn
= 5*(0,212 - 0,016)*0,855*0,212
= 0,1776 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr2
= 0,3752*0,855
= 0,1202 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41
= 0,3628 + 0,1776 + 0,1202

= 0,6606 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,212 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,1484 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 133,3847*2,038 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*133,3847) + 0,125
= 0,141 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,141 , 0 ]
= 0,141 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 133,3847*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*133,3847) + 0,125
= 0,2846 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,2846 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,2846 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,3324 , 0,2846 ]
= 0,2846 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,141 , 0,2846 ]
= 0,2846 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*0,337 = 0,2949 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAP of this nozzle.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For P = 215,34 psi @ 50 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

1,0095 1,0096 0,4389 0,4505 -- -- 0,1202 0,2074 0,2949

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,2359 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 215,34 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(3,826, 1,913 + (0,337 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 3,826 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,337 - 0) + 0)
= 0,8425 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 215,3359*1,913 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*215,3359)
= 0,0243 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 215,3359*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*215,3359)
= 0,2573 in

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 17.100, Sv = 20.000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,855

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0,855

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= 3,826*0,2573*1 + 2*0,337*0,2573*1*(1 - 0,855)
= 1,0095 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0,4389 in2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 3,826*(1*0,375 - 1*0,2573) - 2*0,337*(1*0,375 - 1*0,2573)*(1 - 0,855)
= 0,4389 in2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 2*(0,375 + 0,337)*(1*0,375 - 1*0,2573) - 2*0,337*(1*0,375 - 1*0,2573)*(1 - 0,855)
= 0,1561 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0,4505 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0,337 - 0,0243)*0,855*0,375
= 0,5013 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn
= 5*(0,337 - 0,0243)*0,855*0,337
= 0,4505 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr2
= 0,3752*0,855
= 0,1202 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41
= 0,4389 + 0,4505 + 0,1202
= 1,0096 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,337 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,2359 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 215,3359*1,913 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*215,3359) + 0
= 0,0243 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0243 , 0 ]
= 0,0243 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 215,3359*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*215,3359) + 0
= 0,2573 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,2573 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,2573 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,2074 , 0,2573 ]
= 0,2074 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0243 , 0,2074 ]
= 0,2074 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*0,337 = 0,2949 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 2 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 270°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 216,29 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 2 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,53 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 7,8091 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,21 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,314 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,21 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479)
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2,25, 1,125 + (0,53 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 2,25 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,53 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2084*1,125 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084)
= 0,0118 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*1,125 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,1368 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1368 , 0 ]
= 0,1368 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,314 , 0,375 ]
= 0,314 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1368 , 0,314 ]
= 0,314 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 2 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)

= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 1,5 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 125°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 242,1168 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 35,6693 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 1,5 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,56 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 10,9793 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 11,6693 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,21 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,3026 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,21 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479)
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,75, 0,875 + (0,56 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 1,75 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,56 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084)
= 0,0092 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,1342 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1342 , 0 ]
= 0,1342 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,3026 , 0,375 ]
= 0,3026 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1342 , 0,3026 ]
= 0,3026 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1776 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,5, 0,75 + (0,56 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 1,685 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,56 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0108 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)

= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0108 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0108 , 0 ]
= 0,0108 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1776 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,1776 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0108 , 0,1776 ]
= 0,1776 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 3,4819 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-106 B Smls pipe (II-D p. 10, ln. 40)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: NPS 3 Sch 80 (XS)
Flange description: NPS 3 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 3,4296 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Nozzle orientation: 270°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 64,0853 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 2,9 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,3 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 5,8091 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The thickness requirements of UG-45 govern the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Wall
(in ) Thickness
For P = 114,89 psi @ 150 °F Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,2625 0,2625
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,1225 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 114,89 psi @ 150 °F

Fig UCS-66.2 general note (1) applies.

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0696).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,2625 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(3,15, 1,575 + (0,3 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 3,15 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,3 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,4375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 114,8871*1,575 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*114,8871)
= 0,0106 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 114,8871*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*114,8871)
= 0,1375 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,175 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,1225 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 114,8871*1,575 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*114,8871) + 0,125
= 0,1356 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1356 , 0 ]
= 0,1356 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 114,8871*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*114,8871) + 0,125
= 0,2625 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,2625 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,2625 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,314 , 0,2625 ]
= 0,2625 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1356 , 0,2625 ]
= 0,2625 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*0,3 = 0,2625 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Wall
(in ) Thickness
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,2625
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,21 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2,9, 1,45 + (0,3 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 2,9 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,3 - 0) + 0)
= 0,75 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1,45 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0244 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)

= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,3 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,21 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1,45 / (17.100*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0244 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0244 , 0 ]
= 0,0244 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0244 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,875*0,3 = 0,2625 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3601 (LG2)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 3,6461 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 2 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 3,61 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 120°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 59,0853 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 2 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,53 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 7,8091 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,2 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,314 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,2 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 58,9 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,4965)
Rated MDMT of -78,9°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2,25, 1,125 + (0,53 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 2,25 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,53 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2007*1,125 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2007)
= 0,0118 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2007*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2007)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2007*1,125 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2007) + 0,125
= 0,1368 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1368 , 0 ]
= 0,1368 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2007*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2007) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,314 , 0,375 ]
= 0,314 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1368 , 0,314 ]
= 0,314 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 2 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)

= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3601 (LG1)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 2 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 120°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 174,0853 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 2 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,53 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 7,8091 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,21 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,314 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,21 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479)
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2,25, 1,125 + (0,53 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 2,25 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,53 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2084*1,125 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084)
= 0,0118 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*1,125 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,1368 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1368 , 0 ]
= 0,1368 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,314 , 0,375 ]
= 0,314 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1368 , 0,314 ]
= 0,314 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 2 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)

= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3607 (PIT)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,3125 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 1,5 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 195°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 232,1562 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 1,5 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,56 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 7,8691 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,21 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,3026 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to shell groove (Lower) 0,175 0,1875 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,21 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479)
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,75, 0,875 + (0,56 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 1,75 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,56 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084)
= 0,0092 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(d) Weld Check

tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
t1(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in
The weld size t1 is satisfactory.
t2(actual) = 0,1875 in
The weld size t2 is satisfactory.

t1 + t2 = 0,45 >= 1,25*tmin

The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory.

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,1342 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1342 , 0 ]
= 0,1342 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,3026 , 0,375 ]
= 0,3026 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1342 , 0,3026 ]
= 0,3026 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1776 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to shell groove (Lower) 0,25 0,3125 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,5, 0,75 + (0,56 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 1,685 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,56 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0108 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)
= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(d) Weld Check

tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
t1(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in
The weld size t1 is satisfactory.
t2(actual) = 0,3125 in
The weld size t2 is satisfactory.

t1 + t2 = 0,575 >= 1,25*tmin

The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory.

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0108 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0108 , 0 ]
= 0,0108 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1776 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,1776 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0108 , 0,1776 ]
= 0,1776 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3601 (PDIT2)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 1,5 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 225°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 232,1562 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 1,5 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,56 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 7,8691 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,21 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,3026 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,21 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479)
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,75, 0,875 + (0,56 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 1,75 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,56 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084)
= 0,0092 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,1342 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1342 , 0 ]
= 0,1342 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,3026 , 0,375 ]
= 0,3026 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1342 , 0,3026 ]
= 0,3026 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1776 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,5, 0,75 + (0,56 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 1,685 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,56 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0108 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)

= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0108 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0108 , 0 ]
= 0,0108 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1776 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,1776 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0108 , 0,1776 ]
= 0,1776 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in
Leg43 = 0 in
hnew = 0 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Transition #1

Liquid static head included: 4,7614 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: NPS 1,5 Sch 160
Flange description: NPS 1,5 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 4,7372 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Nozzle orientation: 270°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 27,8583 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 29 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 1,338 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,281 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 14,3493 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 16,7893 in
Nozzle longitudinal axis is: perpendicular to the vessel longitudinal axis
Opening chord length: 1,7522 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAWP.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Wall
(in ) Thickness
For P = 272,52 psi @ 150 °F Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,2519 0,281
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,1092 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 272,52 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0267).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,281 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,7522, 0,8761 + (0,281 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 1,7522 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,281 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,39 in
Inner Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LI = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(ti - Cn - C))

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,281 - 0,125 - 0,125))
= 0,0775 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 272,5242*0,794 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*272,5242)
= 0,0109 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(b)

tr = P*Do / (2*cos(α)*(S*E + 0,4*P))

= 272,5242*23,4577 / (2*cos(25)*(20.000*1 + 0,4*272,5242))
= 0,1754 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,156 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,1092 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 272,5242*0,794 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*272,5242) + 0,125
= 0,1359 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1359 , 0 ]
= 0,1359 in

tb1 = P*Do / (2*cos(α)*(S*E + 0,4*P)) + Corrosion

= 272,5242*23,4577 / (2*cos(25)*(20.000*1 + 0,4*272,5242)) + 0,125
= 0,3004 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3004 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,3004 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,2519 , 0,3004 ]
= 0,2519 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1359 , 0,2519 ]
= 0,2519 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,281 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Wall
(in ) Thickness
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1269 0,281
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,1967 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,4764, 0,7382 + (0,281 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 1,4764 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,281 - 0) + 0)
= 0,7025 in
Inner Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LI = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(ti - Cn - C))

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,281 - 0 - 0))
= 0,7025 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,669 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0096 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)(b)

tr = P*Do / (2*cos(α)*(S*E + 0,4*P))

= 285*23,4577 / (2*cos(25)*(20.000*1 + 0,4*285))
= 0,1834 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,281 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,1967 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,669 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0096 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0096 , 0 ]
= 0,0096 in

tb1 = P*Do / (2*cos(α)*(S*E + 0,4*P)) + Corrosion

= 285*23,4577 / (2*cos(25)*(20.000*1 + 0,4*285)) + 0
= 0,1834 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,1834 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,1834 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1269 , 0,1834 ]
= 0,1269 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0096 , 0,1269 ]
= 0,1269 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,281 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3603 (PG)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,3125 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 1,5 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 270°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 232,1562 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 1,5 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,56 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 7,8691 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The vessel wall thickness governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 209,21 psi @ 150 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,3026 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to shell groove (Lower) 0,175 0,1875 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 209,21 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 62,8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,479)
Rated MDMT of -82,8°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,75, 0,875 + (0,56 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 1,75 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,56 - 0,125) + 0)
= 0,625 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084)
= 0,0092 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084)
= 0,25 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(d) Weld Check

tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,25 in

t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
t1(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in
The weld size t1 is satisfactory.
t2(actual) = 0,1875 in
The weld size t2 is satisfactory.

t1 + t2 = 0,45 >= 1,25*tmin

The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory.

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*0,875 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,1342 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1342 , 0 ]
= 0,1342 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 209,2084*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*209,2084) + 0,125
= 0,375 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,375 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,375 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,3026 , 0,375 ]
= 0,3026 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1342 , 0,3026 ]
= 0,3026 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1776 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to shell groove (Lower) 0,25 0,3125 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,5, 0,75 + (0,56 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 1,685 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,56 - 0) + 0)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0108 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285)
= 0,3401 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(d) Weld Check

tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,375 in

t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
t1(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in
The weld size t1 is satisfactory.
t2(actual) = 0,3125 in
The weld size t2 is satisfactory.

t1 + t2 = 0,575 >= 1,25*tmin

The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory.

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0108 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0108 , 0 ]
= 0,0108 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 285*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*285) + 0
= 0,3401 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,3401 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,3401 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1776 , 0,3401 ]
= 0,1776 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0108 , 0,1776 ]
= 0,1776 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0,375 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in
tw(upper) = 0,375 in
Leg42 = 0,375 in
Dp = 30 in
te = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 3,055 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 19)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Pad material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 19)
Pad diameter: 30 in
Flange description: NPS 24 Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 2,6354 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 272,5 psi @ 150°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Full UW-11(a) Type 1
Nozzle orientation: 160°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0,375 in
User input radial limit of reinforcement: 16 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 86,0853 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 32,5591 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 23,25 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,375 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0,125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 2,5591 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 8,5591 in
Pad is split: No

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAWP of this nozzle.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For P = 126,87 psi @ 150 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

3,5685 3,5689 0,8343 0,219 -- 2,25 0,2656 0,2769 0,375

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (lbf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

55.665 54.692 303.752,74 9.380 487.261,02 57.192 312.667,01

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 0,175 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 0,125 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 0,175 0,375 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 126,87 psi @ 150 °F

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,2429).

Pad impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -20 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 59,5 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,4936)
Rated MDMT of -79,5°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,375 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Pad UCS-66 governing thickness: 0,375 in
Pad rated MDMT: -55 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,5, 11,75 + (0,375 - 0,125) + (0,375 - 0,125))
= 23,5 in

LR = 16 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,375 - 0,125) + 0,375)
= 0,625 in

Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 126,8662*11,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*126,8662)
= 0,0748 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 126,8662*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*126,8662)
= 0,1519 in

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 20.000, Sv = 20.000, Sp = 20.000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 1

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 1

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 1

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= 23,5*0,1519*1 + 2*0,25*0,1519*1*(1 - 1)
= 3,5685 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1: (specified limit governs) = 0,8343 in2

= (2*limits - d)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*16 - 23,5)*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1519) - 2*0,25*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1519)*(1 - 1)
= 0,8343 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0,219 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0,25 - 0,0748)*1*0,25
= 0,219 in2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= 2*(0,25 - 0,0748)*(2,5*0,25 + 0,375)*1
= 0,3504 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= 0,35362*1

= 0,125 in2

(Part of the weld is outside of the limits)

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= 0,3752*1
= 0,1406 in2

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= (30 - 23,5 - 2*0,25)*0,375*1
= 2,25 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0,8343 + 0,219 + 0,125 + 0,1406 + 2,25
= 3,5689 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or te = 0,25 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,175 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or te or t = 0,25 in

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 0,125 in
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 126,8662*11,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*126,8662) + 0,125
= 0,1998 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,1998 , 0 ]
= 0,1998 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 126,8662*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*126,8662) + 0,125
= 0,2769 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,2769 , 0,1875 ]
= 0,2769 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,4531 , 0,2769 ]

= 0,2769 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,1998 , 0,2769 ]
= 0,2769 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,375 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*20.000 = 14.800 psi

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*20.000 = 14.000 psi
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*20.000 = 9.800 psi
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*20.000 = 9.800 psi
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*20.000 = 14.800 psi
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*24*0,375*9.800 = 138.544,24 lbf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*30*0,375*9.800 = 173.180,29 lbf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*23,75*0,25*14.000 = 130.572,44 lbf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*24*0,25*14.800 = 139.486,71 lbf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*24*0,375*14.800 = 209.230,07 lbf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (3,5685 - 0,8343 + 2*0,25*1*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1519))*20.000
= 55.665 lbf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (0,219 + 2,25 + 0,125 + 0,1406)*20.000
= 54.692 lbf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (0,219 + 0 + 0,125 + 0 + 2*0,25*0,25*1)*20.000
= 9.380 lbf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (0,219 + 0 + 2,25 + 0,125 + 0,1406 + 0 + 2*0,25*0,25*1)*20.000
= 57.192 lbf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 54.692 lbf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 173.180,29 + 130.572,44 = 303.752,74 lbf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W1-1 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 9.380 lbf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 138.544,24 + 139.486,71 + 209.230,07 = 487.261,02 lbf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 55.665 lbf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 173.180,29 + 139.486,71 = 312.667,01 lbf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Check the opening per Appendix 1-7

Area required within 75 percent of the limits of reinforcement

= 2 / 3*A = (2 / 3)*3,5685 = 2,379 in2

Area that is within 75 percent of the limits of reinforcement is:

A1 = larger of 0,0981 or

= (2*limits - d)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*16 - 23,5)*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1519) - 2*0,25*(1*0,25 - 1*0,1519)*(1 - 1)
= 0,8343 in2

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= (30 - 23,5 - 2*0,25)*0,375*1
= 2,25 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A42 + A43 + A5

= 0,8343 + 0,219 + 0 + 0,125 + 0,1406 + 0 + 2,25
= 3,5689 in2

The area placement requirements of Appendix 1-7 are satisfied.

The opening is not within the size range defined by 1-7(b)(1)(a) and (b) so it is exempt from the requirements of
1-7(b)(2),(3) and (4).

Rn / R ratio does not exceed 0,7 so a U-2(g) analysis is not required per 1-7(b)(1)(c).

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*0,375 / 11,8125)*(1 - 11,8125 / ∞)
= 1,5873%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

Available reinforcement per UG-37 governs the MAP of this nozzle.

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For P = 165,49 psi @ 50 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

4,6021 4,6023 1,5493 0,5218 -- 2,25 0,2812 0,1979 0,375

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (lbf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

63.712 61.060 368.008,13 18.873 557.004,38 66.685 382.410,36

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 0,1875 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 0,2625 0,375 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 165,49 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(23,25, 11,625 + (0,375 - 0) + (0,375 - 0))
= 23,25 in

LR = 16 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(0,375 - 0), 2,5*(0,375 - 0) + 0,375)
= 0,9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 165,4948*11,625 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*165,4948)
= 0,0967 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P)

= 165,4948*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*165,4948)
= 0,1979 in

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 20.000, Sv = 20.000, Sp = 20.000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 1

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 1

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 1

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= 23,25*0,1979*1 + 2*0,375*0,1979*1*(1 - 1)
= 4,6021 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1: (specified limit governs) = 1,5493 in2

= (2*limits - d)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*16 - 23,25)*(1*0,375 - 1*0,1979) - 2*0,375*(1*0,375 - 1*0,1979)*(1 - 1)
= 1,5493 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0,5218 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0,375 - 0,0967)*1*0,375
= 0,5218 in2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2,5*tn + te)*fr2

= 2*(0,375 - 0,0967)*(2,5*0,375 + 0,375)*1
= 0,7305 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= 0,3752*1
= 0,1406 in2

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= 0,3752*1
= 0,1406 in2

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= (30 - 23,25 - 2*0,375)*0,375*1
= 2,25 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 1,5493 + 0,5218 + 0,1406 + 0,1406 + 2,25
= 4,6023 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or te = 0,375 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or te or t = 0,375 in

tw(min) = 0,5*tmin = 0,1875 in
tw(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 165,4948*11,625 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*165,4948) + 0
= 0,0967 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0967 , 0 ]
= 0,0967 in

tb1 = P*Ro / (S*E + 0,4*P) + Corrosion

= 165,4948*24 / (20.000*1 + 0,4*165,4948) + 0
= 0,1979 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 0,1979 , 0,0625 ]
= 0,1979 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,3281 , 0,1979 ]
= 0,1979 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0967 , 0,1979 ]
= 0,1979 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,375 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45 and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0,74*20.000 = 14.800 psi

Nozzle wall in shear: 0,7*20.000 = 14.000 psi
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0,49*20.000 = 9.800 psi
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0,49*20.000 = 9.800 psi
Upper groove weld in tension: 0,74*20.000 = 14.800 psi
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*24*0,375*9.800 = 138.544,24 lbf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*30*0,375*9.800 = 173.180,29 lbf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*23,625*0,375*14.000 = 194.827,83 lbf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*24*0,375*14.800 = 209.230,07 lbf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*24*0,375*14.800 = 209.230,07 lbf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (4,6021 - 1,5493 + 2*0,375*1*(1*0,375 - 1*0,1979))*20.000
= 63.712 lbf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (0,5218 + 2,25 + 0,1406 + 0,1406)*20.000
= 61.060 lbf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (0,5218 + 0 + 0,1406 + 0 + 2*0,375*0,375*1)*20.000
= 18.873 lbf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (0,5218 + 0 + 2,25 + 0,1406 + 0,1406 + 0 + 2*0,375*0,375*1)*20.000
= 66.685 lbf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 61.060 lbf

Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 173.180,29 + 194.827,83 = 368.008,13 lbf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W1-1 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 18.873 lbf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 138.544,24 + 209.230,07 + 209.230,07 = 557.004,38 lbf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W2-2 so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(1).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 63.712 lbf
Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 173.180,29 + 209.230,07 = 382.410,36 lbf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Check the opening per Appendix 1-7

Area required within 75 percent of the limits of reinforcement

= 2 / 3*A = (2 / 3)*4,6021 = 3,0681 in2

Area that is within 75 percent of the limits of reinforcement is:

A1 = larger of 0,2656 or

= (2*limits - d)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= (2*16 - 23,25)*(1*0,375 - 1*0,1979) - 2*0,375*(1*0,375 - 1*0,1979)*(1 - 1)
= 1,5493 in2

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= (30 - 23,25 - 2*0,375)*0,375*1
= 2,25 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A42 + A43 + A5

= 1,5493 + 0,5218 + 0 + 0,1406 + 0,1406 + 0 + 2,25
= 4,6023 in2

The area placement requirements of Appendix 1-7 are satisfied.

The opening is not within the size range defined by 1-7(b)(1)(a) and (b) so it is exempt from the requirements of
1-7(b)(2),(3) and (4).

Rn / R ratio does not exceed 0,7 so a U-2(g) analysis is not required per 1-7(b)(1)(c).


Geometry Inputs

Attached To Cylinder #1
Material A36
Distance of Lift Point From Datum 263,0853"
135,00° and
Angular Position
Centerline Distance, L 9"
Thickness of Lug, t 0,4169"
Hole Diameter, d 1"
Pin Diameter, Dp 0,875"
Lug Diameter at Pin, D 3"
Load Eccentricity, E 9,252"
Weld Size, tw 0,25"
Groove Weld, tgroove 0,25"
Pad Width, Wpad 11,81"
Pad Thickness, tpad 0,25"
Pad Weld Size, twp 0,25"
Load Angle from Vertical, φ 0,0000 °
Pipe Outer Diameter, Dpipe 8,625"
Minimum Pipe Thickness, tp 0,322"
Plate Outer Diameter, Dplate 12,55"

Intermediate Values

Load Factor 1,5000

Vessel Weight (new, incl. Load Factor), W 21864 lb
Lug Weight (new), Wlug 191 lb (Qty=2)
Distance from Center of Gravity to Top Lug, l1 75,8389"
Distance from Center of Gravity to Tail Lug, l2 207,1611"
Distance from Vessel Center Line to Tail Lug, l3 27,75"
Allowable Stress, Tensile, σt 19980 psi
Allowable Stress, Shear, σs 13320 psi
Allowable Stress, Bearing, σp 29970 psi
Allowable Stress, Bending, σb 22201 psi
Allowable Stress, Weld Shear, τallowable 13320 psi
Allowable Stress set to 1/3 Sy per ASME B30.20 No

Summary Values

Required Lift Pin Diameter, dreqd 0,7228"

Required Lug Thickness, treqd 0,4169"
Lug Stress Ratio, σratio 0,33
Weld Shear Stress Ratio, τratio 0,30
Trunnion Bending Stress Ratio 0,26
Trunnion Shear Stress Ratio 0,10
Lug Design Acceptable
Local Stresses Acceptable
Maximum Out of Plane Lift Angle - Weak Axis Bending 4,26°
COMPRESS recommends a spreader beam be used to prevent weak axis bending of the top lugs.

Lift Forces

Lift force on lugs during rotational lift (0° ≤ α ≤ 90°):

2*Ftop = W*(l2*cos(α) + l3*sin(α)) / (l1*cos(α) + l2*cos(α) + l3*sin(α) )
Ftail = W - (2*F)

α [°] Ftop[lbf] Ftail[lbf]
0 8.002 5.859
15 8.077 5.709
30 8.159 5.545
45 8.264 5.336
60 8.428 5.008
75 8.787 4.289
90 10.932 0
901 10.932 0
902 10.932 0
903 10.932 0
1Liftangle at maximum lug
2Liftangle at maximum weld
angle at maximum pad
weld stress.
Shell angle at lift lug 0,00°

Lug Pin Diameter - Shear stress

dreqd = (2*Fv / (π*σs))0,5

= (2*10.932 / (π*13.320))0,5 = 0,7228"

dreqd / Dp = 0,7228 / 0,875 = 0,83 Acceptable

σ = Fv / A
= Fv / (2*(0,25*π*Dp2))
= 10.932 / (2*(0,25*π*0,8752)) = 9.090 psi

σ / σs = 9.090 / 13.320 = 0,68 Acceptable

Lug Thickness - Tensile stress

treqd = Fv / ((D - d)*σt)

= 10.932 / ((3 - 1)*19.980) = 0,2736"

treqd / t = 0,2736 / 0,4169 = 0,66 Acceptable

σ = Fv / A
= Fv / ((D - d)*t)
= 10.932 / ((3 - 1)*0,4169) = 13.112 psi

σ / σt = 13.112 / 19.980 = 0,66 Acceptable

Lug Plate Ligament Tensile Stress

σten = Fv / A = Fv / ((Dplate - Dpipe)*t)

= 10.932 / ((12,55 - 8,625)*0,4169) = 6.681

σten / σt = 6.681 / 19.980 = 0,33 Acceptable

Required Plate Outer Diameter

ODplate rqd = Fv / (t*σt) + Dpipe
= 10.932 / (0,4169*19.980) + 8,625 = 9,9375"
ODplate rqd / ODplate = / = 0,79 Acceptable

Lug Thickness - Bearing stress

treqd = Fv / (Dp*σp)
= 10.932 / (0,875*29.970) = 0,4169"

treqd / t = 0,4169 / 0,4169 = 1,00 Acceptable

σ = Fv / Abearing
= Fv / (Dp*(t))
= 10.932 / (0,875*(0,4169)) = 29.970 psi

σ / σp = 29.970 / 29.970 = 1,00 Acceptable

Lug Thickness - Shear stress

treqd = [Fv / σs] / (2*Lshear)

= (10.932 / 13.320) / (2*1,1097) = 0,3698"

treqd / t = 0,3698 / 0,4169 = 0,89 Acceptable

τ = Fv / Ashear
= Fv / (2*t*Lshear )
= 10.932 / (2*0,4169*1,1097) = 11.816 psi

τ / σs = 11.816 / 13.320 = 0,89 Acceptable

Shear stress length (per Pressure Vessel and Stacks, A. Keith Escoe)

φ = 55*Dp / d

= 55*0,875 / 1
= 48,125°
Z = 0.5*(D - d) + 0.5*Dp*(1 - cos(φ))
= 0.5*(3 - 1) + 0.5*0,875*(1 - cos(48,125))
= 1,1455"
Z1 = 0.5*D - sqr(0.25*D*D - (0.5*Dp*sin(φ))2)
= 0.5*3 - sqr(0.25*3*3 - (0.5*0,875*sin(48,125))2)
= 0,0358"
Lshear = Z - Z1
= 1,1097"

Lug Plate Stress

Lug stress, tensile (no bending), during rotational lift - see Lug Thickness - Tensile stress section above

Weak Axis Bending Stress

Maximum lift cable angle from vertical θ = 4,26°

σb = M/Z = (F*sin(θ)* L1) / Z

F*cos(θ) = 0,5*W => F = 0,5*W / cos(θ)
θ = arctan( (2*σb*Z ) / (W* L1) )
arctan( (2*22.201*(5,9297*0,41692/6) ) /
θ = = 4,26°
(21.864*4,6875) )

Weld Stress

Turning plate type trunnion. No torsional shear on weld between pipe / vessel.

Weld stress, direct and torsional shear + bending, during rotational lift at pipe weld:

Direct shear:

Maximum weld shear stress occurs at lift angle 90,00°; lift force = 10.932 lbf

Aweld = (0,707*tw + tgroove)*(π*Dpipe)

= (0,707*0,25 + 0,25)*(π*8,625) = 11,5633 in2

τ1 = Ftop(α) / Aweld
= 10.932 / 11,5633 = 945 psi

torsional shear:
second polar moment of area:

J = (0,707*tw + tgroove)*( 0,25*π*Dpipe3 )
= (0,707*0,25 + 0,25)*(0,25*π*8,6253) = 215,05 in4

τ2 = M*r/J
= [F(α)*cos(α)*L] * r / J
= (10.932*cos(90,0)*9)*4,3125 / 215,0506 = 0 psi

τ = τ1 + τ2
= 945 + 0 = 945 psi
bending stress:
section modulus:
Zweld = (0,707*tw + tgroove)*( (π / 8)*Dpipe3 / (0,5*Dpipe) )
= (0,707*0,25 + 0,25)*( (π / 8)*8,6253 / (0,5*8,625) ) = 24,93 in3

σ weld = M / Zweld
= [F(α)*E] / Zweld
= (10.932*9,002) / 24,9334 = 3.947 psi

τtotal = sqr( τ2 + σweld2 )

= sqr(9452 + 3.9472) = 4.058 psi
τ ratio = τ / τallowable ≤1
= 4.058 / 13.320 = 0,30 ≤ 1 Acceptable
Turning plate type trunnion. No torsional shear on weld between pipe / vessel.

Pad Weld Stress

Weld stress, direct and torsional shear + bending, during rotational lift at pad weld:

Direct shear:

Maximum weld shear stress occurs at lift angle 90,00°; lift force = 10.932 lbf

Aweld = 0,707*twp*(π*Dpad)
= 0,707*0,25*(π*32,245) = 17,9049 in2

τ1 = Ftop(α) / Aweld
= 10.932 / 17,9049 = 611 psi

torsional shear:
second polar moment of area:
J = 0,707*twp*( 0,25*π*Dpad3 )
= 0,707*0,25*(0,25*π*32,2453) = 4654,11 in4

τ2 = M*r/J
= [F(α)*cos(α)*L] * r / J
= (10.932*cos(90,0)*9)*16,1225 / 4654,1079 = 0 psi

τ = τ1 + τ2
= 611 + 0 = 611 psi

bending stress:
section modulus:
Zweld = 0,707*twp*( (π / 8)*Dpad3 / (0,5*Dpad) )
= 0,707*0,25*( (π / 8)*32,2453 / (0,5*32,245) ) = 144,34 in3

σ weld = M / Zweld
= [F(α)*E] / Zweld
= (10.932*9,252) / 144,3358 = 701 psi

τtotal = sqr( τ2 + σweld2 )

= sqr(6112 + 7012) = 929 psi
τ ratio = τ / τallowable ≤1
= 929 / 13.320 = 0,07 ≤ 1 Acceptable

Trunnion Bending Stress

σtrun = Fv * E / Zpipe
= Fv * E / ((π / 64)*(Dpipe4 - IDpipe4) / (0,5*Dpipe))
= 10.932*9,002 / (16,8091) = 5.854 psi

σtrun / σb = 5.854 / 22.201 = 0,26 Acceptable

Required Pipe Thickness

Zrqd_b = Fv * E / σb
trqd_b = 0,5*(Dpipe - (Dpipe4 - (32 / π)*Fv*E*Dp / σb)0,25) = 0,078"
trqd_b / t = 0,078 / 0,322 = 0,24 Acceptable

Trunnion Shear Stress

τtrun = F / Apipe
= F / ((π / 4)*(Dpipe2 - IDpipe2))
10.932 / ((π / 4)*(8,6252 -
= 1.302 psi

τtrun / σs = 1.302 / 13.320 = 0,10 Acceptable

Required Pipe Thickness - Shear

trqd_s = 0,0304"
IDrqd= Dpipe - 2*trqd_s = 8,5642"
τtrun (at trqd_s) = 10.932 / (0,25*π*(8,6252 - 8,56422))
= 13.318 psi

WRC 107 Analysis


Eccentricity 9,252"
Pipe Diameter 8,625" Pad Diameter 32,245"
Pipe Thickness 0,322" Pad Thickness 0,25"
Fillet Weld Size: 0,25" Pad Weld Size: 0,25"
Location Angle: 135,00° and 315,00°

Applied Loads

Maximum stress ratio occurs at lift angle = 2,00° with lift force = 8.012 lbf
Radial load: Pr = 0 lbf
Circumferential moment: Mc = 74.083,85lbf-in
Circumferential shear: Vc = 8.007,36 lbf
Longitudinal moment: ML = 2.587,06 lbf-in
Longitudinal shear: VL = 279,62 lbf
Torsion moment: Mt = 0 lbf-in
Internal pressure: P= 0 psi
Mean shell radius: Rm = 23,8125 in
Local shell thickness: t = 0,375 in
Shell yield stress: Sy = 38.000 psi

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

Rm / t = 23,8125 / 0,375 = 63,5

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 0 (derived from PVP-Vol. 399, pages 77-82)

Local circumferential pressure stress = I*P*Ri / t =0 psi

Local longitudinal pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*t) =0 psi

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 13.399 psi

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-60.000 psi

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = -3.043 psi

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1,5*S = +-30.000 psi

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 107

Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 1,0543 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 3,324 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0,0652 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0,0041 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1,0664 0,5924 0 0 0 0 -627 -627 627 627

1A 0,057 0,5924 0 0 0 0 -12.772 12.772 12.772 -12.772

3B* 1,762 0,5924 -36 -36 36 36 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,0059 0,5924 -46 46 46 -46 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total circumferential stress -82 10 82 -10 -13.399 12.145 13.399 -12.145

Primary membrane
-36 -36 36 36 -627 -627 627 627
circumferential stress*

3C* 1,0543 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 3,324 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0,0085 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0,03 0,5924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 5,175 0,5924 0 0 0 0 -3.043 -3.043 3.043 3.043

2A 0,0226 0,5924 0 0 0 0 -5.064 5.064 5.064 -5.064

4B* 1,0135 0,5924 -21 -21 21 21 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0127 0,5924 -99 99 99 -99 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total longitudinal stress -120 78 120 -78 -8.107 2.021 8.107 -2.021

Primary membrane
-21 -21 21 21 -3.043 -3.043 3.043 3.043
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 422 422 -422 -422 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -15 -15 15 15

Total Shear stress 422 422 -422 -422 -15 -15 15 15

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 845 847 845 847 -13.399 12.145 13.399 -12.145

Note: * denotes primary stress.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pipe OD (includes pressure)

Rm / t = 23,8125 / 0,625 = 38,1

Pressure stress intensity factor, I = 0 (derived from PVP-Vol. 399, pages 77-82)

Local circumferential pressure stress = I*P*Ri / t =0 psi

Local longitudinal pressure stress = I*P*Ri / (2*t) =0 psi

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 27.765 psi

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-60.000 psi

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = -3.354 psi

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1,5*S = +-30.000 psi

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pipe OD per WRC Bulletin 107

Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 4,4234 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 5,8885 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0,0895 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0,0549 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1,4791 0,1585 0 0 0 0 -1.951 -1.951 1.951 1.951

1A 0,0856 0,1585 0 0 0 0 -25.814 25.814 25.814 -25.814

3B* 4,2299 0,1585 -195 -195 195 195 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,0347 0,1585 -365 365 365 -365 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total circumferential stress -560 170 560 -170 -27.765 23.863 27.765 -23.863

Primary membrane
-195 -195 195 195 -1.951 -1.951 1.951 1.951
circumferential stress*

3C* 4,4234 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 5,8885 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0,0921 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0,0558 0,1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 2,5423 0,1585 0 0 0 0 -3.354 -3.354 3.354 3.354

2A 0,0456 0,1585 0 0 0 0 -13.751 13.751 13.751 -13.751

4B* 1,468 0,1585 -68 -68 68 68 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0529 0,1585 -557 557 557 -557 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total longitudinal stress -625 489 625 -489 -17.105 10.397 17.105 -10.397

Primary membrane
-68 -68 68 68 -3.354 -3.354 3.354 3.354
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 946 946 -946 -946 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -33 -33 33 33

Total Shear stress 946 946 -946 -946 -33 -33 33 33

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 1.893 1.919 1.893 1.919 -27.765 23.863 27.765 -23.863

Note: * denotes primary stress.

Support Skirt #1

Material: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 19)

Design temperature, operating: 150 °F
Inner diameter at top, new: 48 in
Inner diameter at bottom, new: 48 in
Overall length (includes base ring thickness): 80 in
Corrosion allowance inside: 0 in
Corrosion allowance outside: 0 in
Weld joint efficiency top: 0,55
Weld joint efficiency bottom: 0,8
Nominal thickness, new: 0,375in
Skirt is attached to: Cylinder #1
Skirt attachment offset: 2 in up from the bottom seam

Skirt design thickness, largest of the following + corrosion = 0,0769 in

The governing condition is due to earthquake, compressive stress at the base, operating & new.

The skirt thickness of 0,375 in is adequate.

Vessel Governing Allowable Calculated Required
Loading Condition Skirt Stress Stress/E thickness
(Stress) Location (psi) (psi) (in)

Wind operating, corroded (+) bottom 150 20.000 624,74 0,0117

Wind operating, corroded (-) bottom 150 14.832,51 1.167,89 0,0295

Wind operating, new (+) bottom 150 20.000 610,56 0,0114

Wind operating, new (-) bottom 150 14.832,51 1.189,77 0,0301

Wind empty, corroded (+) bottom 50 20.000 728,18 0,0137

Wind empty, corroded (-) bottom 50 14.832,51 1.029,97 0,026

Wind empty, new (+) bottom 50 20.000 712,8 0,0134

Wind empty, new (-) bottom 50 14.832,51 1.053,45 0,0266

Seismic operating, corroded (+) bottom 150 20.000 2.592,05 0,0486

Seismic operating, corroded (-) bottom 150 14.832,51 2.908,77 0,0735

Seismic operating, new (+) bottom 150 20.000 2.703,9 0,0507

Seismic operating, new (-) bottom 150 14.832,51 3.039,77 0,0769

Seismic empty, corroded (+) bottom 50 20.000 1.993,03 0,0374

Seismic empty, corroded (-) bottom 50 14.832,51 2.153,72 0,0545

Seismic empty, new (+) bottom 50 20.000 2.115,69 0,0397

Seismic empty, new (-) bottom 50 14.832,51 2.296,57 0,0581

Loading due to wind, operating & corroded

Windward side (tensile)

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -0,6*W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -0,6*23.797,29 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*43.095,6 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0117 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -0,6*Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -0,6*21.506,19 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*25.593,8 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0075 in
Leeward side (compressive)

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 23.797,29 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*43.095,6 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0295 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 21.506,19 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*25.593,8 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0208 in

Loading due to wind, operating & new
Windward side (tensile)

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -0,6*W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -0,6*24.980,44 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*43.159,6 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0114 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -0,6*Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -0,6*22.689,34 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*25.657,8 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0071 in
Leeward side (compressive)

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 24.980,44 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*43.159,6 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0301 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 22.689,34 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*25.657,8 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0214 in

Loading due to wind, empty & corroded

Windward side (tensile)

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -0,6*W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -0,6*15.937,17 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*43.095,6 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0137 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -0,6*Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -0,6*13.646,07 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*25.593,8 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0103 in

Leeward side (compressive)

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 15.937,17 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*43.095,6 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,026 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 13.646,07 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*25.593,8 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0173 in

Loading due to wind, empty & new

Windward side (tensile)

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -0,6*W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -0,6*17.211,62 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*43.159,6 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0134 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -0,6*Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -0,6*14.920,52 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*25.657,8 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0099 in
Leeward side (compressive)

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 17.211,62 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*43.159,6 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0266 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 14.920,52 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*25.657,8 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0179 in

Loading due to earthquake, operating & corroded

Tensile side

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -23.797,29 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*143.084 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0486 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -21.506,19 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*95.424 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0438 in
Compressive side

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 23.797,29 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*143.084 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0735 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 21.506,19 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*95.424 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0515 in

Loading due to earthquake, operating & new

Tensile side

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -24.980,44 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*149.415,9 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0507 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -22.689,34 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*99.389,8 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0454 in
Compressive side

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 24.980,44 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*149.415,9 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0769 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 22.689,34 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*99.389,8 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0538 in

Loading due to earthquake, empty & corroded

Tensile side

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -15.937,17 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*107.638,6 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0374 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -13.646,07 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*75.644,2 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0367 in
Compressive side

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 15.937,17 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*107.638,6 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0545 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 13.646,07 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*75.644,2 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0394 in

Loading due to earthquake, empty & new

Tensile side

Required thickness, tensile stress at base:

t = -W / (π*D*St*E) + 48*M / (π*D2*St*E)

= -17.211,62 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,8) + 48*114.559,2 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,8)
= 0,0397 in

Required thickness, tensile stress at the top:

t = -Wt / (π*Dt*St*E) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*St*E)

= -14.920,52 / (π*48,375*20.000*0,55) + 48*80.020,1 / (π*48,3752*20.000*0,55)
= 0,0386 in
Compressive side

Required thickness, compressive stress at base:

t = W / (π*D*Sc*Ec) + 48*M / (π*D2*Sc*Ec)

= 17.211,62 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*114.559,2 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0581 in

Required thickness, compressive stress at the top:

t = Wt / (π*Dt*Sc*Ec) + 48*Mt / (π*Dt2*Sc*Ec)

= 14.920,52 / (π*48,375*14.833*1) + 48*80.020,1 / (π*48,3752*14.833*1)
= 0,0418 in

Skirt Base Ring #1

Base configuration: single base plate

Foundation compressive strength: 1.658 psi
Concrete ultimate 28-day strength: 3.000 psi
Anchor bolt material:
Anchor bolt allowable stress, Sb: 20.000 psi
Bolt circle, BC: 52,5 in
Anchor bolt corrosion allowance (applied to root radius): 0 in
Anchor bolt clearance: 0,375 in
Base plate material: A-36
Base plate allowable stress, Sp: 20.000 psi
Base plate inner diameter, Di: 44 in
Base plate outer diameter, Do: 56 in
Base plate thickness, tb: 0,875 in
Gusset separation, w: 4 in
Gusset height, h: 5,5 in
Gusset thickness, tg: 0,375 in
Initial bolt preload: 0 % (0 psi)
Number of bolts, N: 8
1,25 inch coarse
Bolt size and type:
Bolt root area (corroded), Ab: 0,89 in2
Diameter of anchor bolt holes, db: 1,625 in

Vessel Base M W
Required tr bearing
Load bolt area Base
condition (lbf-ft) (lb) stress
(in2) (in) (psi)

Wind operating, corroded 43.095,6 24.015,2 0,1562 0,4487 113,3

Wind operating, new 43.159,6 25.198,4 0,1521 0,4506 114,31
Wind empty, corroded 43.095,6 16.155,1 0,1857 0,4337 105,88
Wind empty, new 43.159,6 17.429,6 0,1813 0,4369 107,42
Seismic operating, corroded 143.084 24.015,2 0,6675 0,7697 275,9
Seismic operating, new 149.415,9 25.198,4 0,6963 0,7857 288,12
Seismic empty, corroded 107.638,6 16.155,1 0,5141 0,6818 207,24
Seismic empty, new 114.559,2 17.429,6 0,5457 0,7017 220,6

Anchor bolt load (operating, corroded + Wind)

P = -0,6*W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -0,6*24.015,25 / 8 + 48 * 43.095,6 / (8*52,5)
= 3.124,07 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,1562 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, operating, corroded + Wind)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi

Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,344105:

K1 = 2,3462, K2 = 1,6251
L1 = 7,7978, L2 = 25,5395, L3 = 13,6035

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - 0,6*W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*43.095,6 - 0,6*24.015,25 *(7,7978 + 13,6035)) / (25,5395 + 13,6035)
= 5.333,57 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 5.333,57 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,3462)
= 2.006 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 5.333,57 + 24.015,25 + 0
= 29.348,82 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 29.348,82 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,6251)
= 113 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 2.006 / (9,2889*113))
= 0,344105

Base plate required thickness (operating, corroded + Wind)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*113*15,86672 = 152,6 lbf

My = -0,4507*113*3,6252 = -671 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*670,97 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,4487 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, operating, corroded + Wind)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*2.006 = 1.785,43 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*1.785,43 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,3446 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*1.785,43*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 1.997,73 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (operating, new + Wind)

P = -0,6*W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -0,6*25.198,39 / 8 + 48 * 43.159,6 / (8*52,5)
= 3.042,65 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,1521 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, operating, new + Wind)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,357194:

K1 = 2,3176, K2 = 1,6585
L1 = 7,1425, L2 = 25,0494, L3 = 14,1143

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - 0,6*W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*43.159,6 - 0,6*25.198,39 *(7,1425 + 14,1143)) / (25,0494 + 14,1143)
= 5.018,23 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 5.018,23 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,3176)
= 1.911 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 5.018,23 + 25.198,39 + 0
= 30.216,62 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 30.216,62 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,6585)
= 114 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 1.911 / (9,2889*114))
= 0,357194

Base plate required thickness (operating, new + Wind)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*114*15,86672 = 154 lbf

My = -0,4507*114*3,6252 = -676,9 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*676,9 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,4506 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, operating, new + Wind)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*1.911 = 1.700,59 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*1.700,59 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,3363 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*1.700,59*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 1.902,81 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (empty, corroded + Wind)

P = -0,6*W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -0,6*16.155,13 / 8 + 48 * 43.095,6 / (8*52,5)
= 3.713,58 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,1857 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, empty, corroded + Wind)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,266062:

K1 = 2,516, K2 = 1,4156
L1 = 11,6985, L2 = 28,4266, L3 = 10,5503

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - 0,6*W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*43.095,6 - 0,6*16.155,13 *(11,6985 + 10,5503)) / (28,4266 + 10,5503)
= 7.735,05 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 7.735,05 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,516)
= 2.713 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 7.735,05 + 16.155,13 + 0
= 23.890,18 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 23.890,18 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,4156)
= 106 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 2.713 / (9,2889*106))
= 0,266062

Base plate required thickness (empty, corroded + Wind)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*106*15,86672 = 142,6 lbf

My = -0,4507*106*3,6252 = -627 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*627 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,4337 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, empty, corroded + Wind)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*2.713 = 2.414,59 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*2.414,59 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,4007 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*2.414,59*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 2.701,7 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (empty, new + Wind)

P = -0,6*W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -0,6*17.429,57 / 8 + 48 * 43.159,6 / (8*52,5)
= 3.625,31 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,1813 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, empty, new + Wind)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,277234:

K1 = 2,4917, K2 = 1,4469
L1 = 11,1398, L2 = 28,0165, L3 = 10,9889

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - 0,6*W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*43.159,6 - 0,6*17.429,57 *(11,1398 + 10,9889)) / (28,0165 + 10,9889)
= 7.345,12 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 7.345,12 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,4917)
= 2.601 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 7.345,12 + 17.429,57 + 0
= 24.774,7 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 24.774,7 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,4469)
= 107 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 2.601 / (9,2889*107))
= 0,277234

Base plate required thickness (empty, new + Wind)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*107*15,86672 = 144,7 lbf

My = -0,4507*107*3,6252 = -636,1 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*636,14 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,4369 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, empty, new + Wind)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*2.601 = 2.315,26 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*2.315,26 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,3924 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*2.315,26*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 2.590,57 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (operating, corroded + Seismic)

P = -W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -24.015,25 / 8 + 48 * 143.084 / (8*52,5)
= 13.350,56 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,6675 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, operating, corroded + Seismic)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,203846:

K1 = 2,6523, K2 = 1,2302
L3 =
L1 = 14,8095, L2 = 30,6854,

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*143.084 - 24.015,25 *(14,8095 + 8,1006)) / (30,6854 + 8,1006)
= 30.083,49 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 30.083,49 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,6523)
= 10.009 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload

= 30.083,49 + 24.015,25 + 0
= 54.098,74 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 54.098,74 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,2302)
= 276 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 10.009 / (9,2889*276))
= 0,203846

Base plate required thickness (operating, corroded + Seismic)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*276*15,86672 = 371,6 lbf

My = -0,4507*276*3,6252 = -1.633,8 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*1.633,81 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,7001 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, operating, corroded + Seismic)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*10.009 = 8.908,29 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*8.908,29 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,7697 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*8.908,29*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 9.967,55 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (operating, new + Seismic)

P = -W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -25.198,39 / 8 + 48 * 149.415,9 / (8*52,5)
= 13.926,3 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,6963 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, operating, new + Seismic)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,204173:

K1 = 2,6516, K2 = 1,2312
L3 =
L1 = 14,7931, L2 = 30,6736,

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*149.415,9 - 25.198,39 *(14,7931 + 8,1135)) / (30,6736 + 8,1135)
= 31.344,95 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 31.344,95 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,6516)
= 10.432 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 31.344,95 + 25.198,39 + 0
= 56.543,35 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 56.543,35 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,2312)
= 288 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 10.432 / (9,2889*288))
= 0,204173

Base plate required thickness (operating, new + Seismic)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*288*15,86672 = 388,1 lbf

My = -0,4507*288*3,6252 = -1.706,2 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*1.706,21 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,7154 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, operating, new + Seismic)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*10.432 = 9.284,35 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*9.284,35 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,7857 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*9.284,35*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 10.388,33 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (empty, corroded + Seismic)

P = -W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -16.155,13 / 8 + 48 * 107.638,6 / (8*52,5)
= 10.282,17 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,5141 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, empty, corroded + Seismic)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,196842:

K1 = 2,6678, K2 = 1,2079
L3 =
L1 = 15,1597, L2 = 30,9367,

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*107.638,6 - 16.155,13 *(15,1597 + 7,8241)) / (30,9367 + 7,8241)
= 23.744,58 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 23.744,58 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,6678)
= 7.854 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 23.744,58 + 16.155,13 + 0
= 39.899,71 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 39.899,71 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,2079)
= 207 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 7.854 / (9,2889*207))
= 0,196842

Base plate required thickness (empty, corroded + Seismic)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*207*15,86672 = 279,1 lbf

My = -0,4507*207*3,6252 = -1.227,2 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*1.227,21 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,6068 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, empty, corroded + Seismic)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*7.854 = 6.990,42 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*6.990,42 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,6818 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)

= 1,5*6.990,42*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 7.821,64 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Anchor bolt load (empty, new + Seismic)

P = -W / N + 48 * M / (N*BC)
= -17.429,57 / 8 + 48 * 114.559,2 / (8*52,5)
= 10.913,78 lbf

Required area per bolt = P / Sb = 0,5457 in2

The area provided (0,89 in2) by the specified anchor bolt is adequate.

Support calculations (Jawad & Farr chapter 12, empty, new + Seismic)

Base plate width, tc: 6 in

Average base plate diameter, d: 50 in
Base plate elastic modulus, Es: 29,0E+06psi
Base plate yield stress, Sy: 36.000 psi

Ec = 57.000*Sqr(3.000) = 3.122.019 psi

n = Es/Ec = 29,0E+06 / 3.122.019 = 9,2889

ts = (N*Ab) / (π*d)
= (8*0,89) / (π*50)
= 0,0453 in

From table 12.4 for k = 0,197635:

K1 = 2,666, K2 = 1,2105
L1 = 15,12, L2 = 30,9082, L3 = 7,8554

Total tensile force on bolting

T = (12*M - W *(L1 + L3)) / (L2 + L3)

= (12*114.559,2 - 17.429,57 *(15,12 + 7,8554)) / (30,9082 + 7,8554)
= 25.133,29 lbf

Tensile stress in bolts use the larger of fs or bolt preload = 0 psi

fs = T / (ts * (d / 2) * K1)
= 25.133,29 / (0,0453 * (50 / 2) * 2,666)
= 8.319 psi

Total compressive load on foundation

Cc = T + W + Bolt Preload
= 25.133,29 + 17.429,57 + 0
= 42.562,87 lbf

Foundation bearing stress

fc = Cc / (((tc - ts) + n*ts)*(d / 2)*K2)

= 42.562,87 / (((6 - 0,0453) + 9,2889*0,0453)*(50 / 2)*1,2105)

= 221 psi

As fc <= 1.658 psi the base plate width is satisfactory.

k = 1 / (1 + fs / (n*fc))
= 1 / (1 + 8.319 / (9,2889*221))
= 0,197635

Base plate required thickness (empty, new + Seismic)

From Brownell & Young, Table 10.3:, l / b = 0,2285

Mx = 0,0054*221*15,86672 = 297,1 lbf

My = -0,4507*221*3,6252 = -1.306,4 lbf

tr = (6*Mmax / Sp)0,5
= (6*1.306,38 / 20.000)0,5
= 0,626 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Base plate bolt load (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.13, empty, new + Seismic)

Bolt load = Ab*fs =0,89*8.319 = 7.404,13 lbf

tr= (3,91*F / (Sy*(2*b / w+w / (2*l)-db*(2 / w+1 / (2*l)))))0,5

= (3,91*7.404,13 / (36.000*(2*3,625 / 4+4 / (2*1,875)-1,625*(2 / 4+1 / (2*1,875)))))0,5
= 0,7017 in

The base plate thickness is satisfactory.

Check skirt for gusset reaction (Jawad & Farr eq. 12.14)

Sr = 1,5*F*b / (gussets*π*tsk2*h)
= 1,5*7.404,13*3,625 / (2*π*0,3752*5,5)
= 8.284,54 psi

As Sr <= 30.000 psi the skirt thickness is adequate to resist the gusset reaction.

Wind Code

Building Code:
Elevation of base above grade: 0,0000 ft
Increase effective outer diameter by: 0,0000 ft
Wind Force Coefficient Cf: 0,8000
Basic Wind Speed:, V:
Importance Factor:, I: 1,0000
Exposure category: D
Wind Directionality Factor, Kd: 0,9500
Topographic Factor, Kzt: 1,0000
Enforce min. loading of 10 psf: Yes

Vessel Characteristics
Vessel height, h: 24,9842 ft
Vessel Minimum Diameter, b
Operating, Corroded: 4,0000 ft
Empty, Corroded: 4,0000 ft
Fundamental Frequency, n1
Operating, Corroded: 7,1565 Hz
Empty, Corroded: 7,3549 Hz
Damping coefficient, β
Operating, Corroded: 0,0250
Empty, Corroded: 0,0200

Table Lookup Values

2.4.1 Basic Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design

The following load combinations are considered in accordance with ASCE section 2.4.1:

5. D + P + Ps + W
7. 0.6D + P + Ps + W
D = Dead load
P = Internal or external pressure load
Ps = Static head load
W = Wind load

Wind Deflection Reports:

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded
Wind Pressure Calculations

Wind Deflection Report: Operating, Corroded

Elevation of Elastic Platform Total wind bending

Effective OD Inertia Deflection
Component bottom above modulus wind shear at shear at moment at
(ft) I (ft4) at top (in)
base (in) E (106 psi) Bottom (lbf) Bottom (lbf) Bottom (lbf-ft)

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP

295,56 4,96 28,8 29,67 0 25 4 0,0282

Cylinder #1 (top) 80 4,00 29,0 0,5155 827 1.829 23.090 0,0276

Support Skirt #1 0 4,06 29,0 0,804 1.564 2.920 43.096 0,0027

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 80 4,06 29,0 0,5155 0 0 2.549 0,0028

Transition #1 78 2,36 29,0 * 0 0 2.549 0,0055

Cylinder #2 35,7887 0,72 29,0 0,002235 0 0 0 0,0063

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 23,9147 1,13 28,8 0,07863 0 0 0 0,0064

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Wind Deflection Report: Empty, Corroded

Elevation of Elastic Platform Total wind bending

Effective OD Inertia Deflection
Component bottom above modulus wind shear at shear at moment at
(ft) I (ft4) at top (in)
base (in) E (106 psi) Bottom (lbf) Bottom (lbf) Bottom (lbf-ft)

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP

295,56 4,96 29,2 29,67 0 25 4 0,0278

Cylinder #1 (top) 80 4,00 29,4 0,5155 827 1.829 23.090 0,0272

Support Skirt #1 0 4,06 29,4 0,804 1.564 2.920 43.096 0,0027

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 80 4,06 29,4 0,5155 0 0 2.549 0,0028

Transition #1 78 2,36 29,4 * 0 0 2.549 0,0055

Cylinder #2 35,7887 0,72 29,4 0,002235 0 0 0 0,0062

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 23,9147 1,13 29,2 0,07863 0 0 0 0,0063

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Wind Pressure (WP) Calculations

Gust Factor (G¯) Calculations

Kz = 2,01 * (Z/Zg)2/α
= 2,01 * (Z/700,0000)0,1739
qz = 0,00256 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V2 * I
= 0,00256 * Kz * 1,0000 * 0,9500 * 85,00002 * 1,0000
= 17,5712 * Kz
WP = qz * G * Cf (Minimum 10 lb/ft2)
= qz * G * 0,8000 (Minimum 10 lb/ft2)

Design Wind Pressures

WP: Hydrotest WP: Hydrotest WP:

Height Z qz WP: Operating WP: Empty
Kz New Corroded Vacuum
(') (psf) (psf) (psf)
(psf) (psf) (psf)
15,0 1,0302 18,10 13,10 13,10 N.A. N.A. N.A.
20,0 1,0831 19,03 13,77 13,77 N.A. N.A. N.A.
25,0 1,1259 19,78 14,32 14,32 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Design Wind Force determined from: F = Pressure * Af , where Af is the projected area.

Gust Factor Calculations

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded

Gust Factor Calculations: Operating, Corroded

Vessel is considered a rigid structure as n1 = 7,1565 Hz ≥ 1 Hz.

z¯ = max ( 0,60 * h , zmin )

= max ( 0,60 * 24,9842 , 7,0000 )
= 14,9905
Iz¯ = c * (33 / z¯)1/6
= 0,1500 * (33 / 14,9905)1/6
= 0,1711
Lz¯ = l * (z¯ / 33)ep
= 650,0000 * (14,9905 / 33)0,1250
= 588,9469
Q = Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((b + h) / Lz¯)0,63))
= Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((4,0000 + 24,9842) / 588,9469)0,63))
= 0,9559
G = 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * gQ * Iz¯ * Q) / (1 + 1.7 * gv * Iz¯)
= 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * 3,40* 0,1711 * 0,9559) / (1 + 1.7 * 3,40 * 0,1711)
= 0,9047

Gust Factor Calculations: Empty, Corroded

Vessel is considered a rigid structure as n1 = 7,3549 Hz ≥ 1 Hz.

z¯ = max ( 0,60 * h , zmin )

= max ( 0,60 * 24,9842 , 7,0000 )
= 14,9905
Iz¯ = c * (33 / z¯)1/6
= 0,1500 * (33 / 14,9905)1/6
= 0,1711
Lz¯ = l * (z¯ / 33)ep
= 650,0000 * (14,9905 / 33)0,1250

= 588,9469
Q = Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((b + h) / Lz¯)0,63))
= Sqr(1 / (1 + 0,63 * ((4,0000 + 24,9842) / 588,9469)0,63))
= 0,9559
G = 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * gQ * Iz¯ * Q) / (1 + 1.7 * gv * Iz¯)
= 0.925 * (1 + 1.7 * 3,40* 0,1711 * 0,9559) / (1 + 1.7 * 3,40 * 0,1711)
= 0,9047

Table Lookup Values

α = 11,5000, zg = 700,0000 ft [Table 6-2, page 78]

c = 0,1500, l = 650,0000, ep = 0,1250 [Table 6-2, page 78]
a¯ = 0,1111, b¯ = 0,8000 [Table 6-2, page 78]
zmin = 7,0000 ft [Table 6-2, page 78]
gQ = 3,40 [ page 26]
gv = 3,40 [ page 26]

Seismic Code

Method of seismic analysis: User-defined

Base Shear Multiplier 0,3000
Portion at Top 0,1000
Vertical Accelerations Considered: No

Vessel Characteristics

Vessel height: 24,9842 ft

Vessel Weight:
Operating, Corroded: 24.015 lb
Empty, Corroded: 16.155 lb

Period of Vibration Calculation

Fundamental Period, T:
Operating, Corroded: 0,140 sec (f = 7,2 Hz)
Empty, Corroded: 0,136 sec (f = 7,4 Hz)

The fundamental period of vibration T (above) is calculated using the Rayleigh method of approximation:

T = 2 * PI * Sqr( {Sum(Wi * yi2 )} / {g * Sum(Wi * yi )} ), where

Wi is the weight of the ith lumped mass, and

yi is its deflection when the system is treated as a cantilever beam.

Seismic Shear Reports:

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded
Base Shear Calculations

Seismic Shear Report: Operating, Corroded

Elevation of bottom Elastic modulus E Inertia I Seismic shear at Moment at
above base (in) (106 psi) (ft4) Bottom (lbf) Bottom

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER 295,56 28,8 29,6697 2.267 530

Cylinder #1 (top) 80 29,0 0,5155 6.769 93.383

Support Skirt #1 0 29,0 0,804 7.205 143.084

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 80 29,0 0,5155 260 3.011

Transition #1 78 29,0 * 242 2.969

Cylinder #2 35,7887 29,0 0,0022 38 33

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 23,9147 28,8 0,0786 21 1

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Seismic Shear Report: Empty, Corroded

Elevation of bottom Elastic modulus E Inertia I Seismic shear at Moment at
above base (in) (106 psi) (ft4) Bottom (lbf) Bottom

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on TOP COVER 295,56 29,2 29,6697 1.827 410

Cylinder #1 (top) 80 29,4 0,5155 4.616 73.356

Support Skirt #1 0 29,4 0,804 4.847 107.639

Cylinder #1 (bottom) 80 29,4 0,5155 78 2.764

Transition #1 78 29,4 * 76 2.751

Cylinder #2 35,7887 29,4 0,0022 30 27

ASME B16.5/16.47 Blind on Flange #37 23,9147 29,2 0,0786 18 1

*Moment of Inertia I varies over the length of the component

Base Shear Calculations

Operating, Corroded
Empty, Corroded

Base Shear Calculations: Operating, Corroded

V = Base Shear Multiplier * W

= 0,3000 * 24.015,2480
= 7.204,57 lb

Base Shear Calculations: Empty, Corroded

V = Base Shear Multiplier * W

= 0,3000 * 16.155,1279
= 4.846,54 lb

Platform/Ladder #1

Distance from platform base to datum: 43,3071"

Platform attached to: Support Skirt #1
Platform start angle: 103,00 degrees
Platform end angle: 283,00 degrees
Platform shell clearance: Lc = 5,5"
Platform width: W = 45,748" (3,81 ft)
Platform projected length: L = 102,4961" (8,54 ft)
Platform wind force coefficient: Cf = 2,00

Floor grating unit weight: 10,00 psf

Floor grating area: 7581,18 in^2 (52,65 ft^2)
Railing height: h = 44,3" (3,69 ft)
Railing length: 329,07" (27,42 ft)
Railing unit weight: 12,00 lb/ft

Distance from ladder start to datum: -35,7874"

Ladder angle: 90,00 degrees
Ladder unit weight: 18,00 lb/ft
Ladder length: 79,0945" (6,59 ft)

Platform & railing weight: 855,54 lb

Ladder weight: 118,64 lb
Total weight: 974,19 lb

Included in vessel lift weight: No

Present when vessel is empty: Yes
Present during hydrotest: Yes

Platform Wind Shear Calculation

Method and assumptions taken from Wind Loads and Anchor Bolt Design for Petrochemical Facilities, ASCE, 1997.

Platform depth: Hp = 6"

Railing effective height: Hr = 9,6"
Angle subtended by ends of platform: Angle = 180,00°
Length from vessel center line to platform outer edge: R = 75,623"
Platform projected length: Le P = 2*R*sin( Angle / 2 )
= 2*75,623*sin( 180,00 / 2 )
= 151,2461"
Front Railing projected length: Le FR = Le P
= 151,2461"
Rear Railing projected length: Le RR = W*sin( Angle / 2 )*2
= 45,748*sin(180,00 / 2)*2
= 91,4961"
Platform projected area: Ae P = Hp * Le P

= 6 * 151,2461
= 907,4764 in2
Front Railing projected area: Ae FR = Hr * Le FR
= 9,6 * 151,2461
= 1.451,9623 in2
Rear Railing projected area: Ae RR = Hr * Le RR
= 9,6 * 91,4961
= 878,3622 in2
Total projected area: Ae = Ae P + Ae FR + Ae RR
= 907,4764 + 1.451,9623 + 878,3622
= 3.237,8009 in2
Local wind pressure: Pw = (qz*G¯) = 16,38 psf
Wind shear: Vp = Pw * Cf * Ae
= (16,38 / 144) * 2,00 * 3.237,8009
= 736,48 lbf

Platform/Ladder #2

Distance from platform base to datum: 222,9134"

Platform attached to: Cylinder #1
Platform start angle: 104,00 degrees
Platform end angle: 76,00 degrees
Platform shell clearance: Lc = 5,5"
Platform width: W = 45,748" (3,81 ft)
Platform projected length: L = 102,4961" (8,54 ft)
Platform wind force coefficient: Cf = 2,00

Floor grating unit weight: 10,00 psf

Floor grating area: 13883,65 in^2 (96,41 ft^2)
Railing height: h = 44,3" (3,69 ft)
Railing length: 527,52" (43,96 ft)
Railing unit weight: 12,00 lb/ft

Distance from ladder start to datum: -35,7874"

Ladder angle: 90,00 degrees
Ladder unit weight: 18,00 lb/ft
Ladder length: 258,7008" (21,56 ft)

Platform & railing weight: 1491,66 lb

Ladder weight: 388,05 lb
Total weight: 1879,71 lb

Included in vessel lift weight: No

Present when vessel is empty: Yes
Present during hydrotest: Yes

Platform Wind Shear Calculation

Method and assumptions taken from Wind Loads and Anchor Bolt Design for Petrochemical Facilities, ASCE, 1997.

Platform depth: Hp = 6"

Railing effective height: Hr = 9,6"
Angle subtended by ends of platform: Angle = 332,00°
Length from vessel center line to platform outer edge: R = 75,248"
Platform projected length: Le P = 2*R
= 2 * 75,248
= 150,4961"
Front Railing projected length: Le FR = Le P
= 150,4961"
Le FR - 2*R*sin((360 - angle) /
Rear Railing projected length: Le RR =
150,4961 - 2*75,248*sin((360 -
332,00) / 2)

= 114,0878"
Platform projected area: Ae P = Hp * Le P
= 6 * 150,4961
= 902,9764 in2
Front Railing projected area: Ae FR = Hr * Le FR
= 9,6 * 150,4961
= 1.444,7623 in2
Rear Railing projected area: Ae RR = Hr * Le RR
= 9,6 * 114,0878
= 1.095,2427 in2
Total projected area: Ae = Ae P + Ae FR + Ae RR
902,9764 + 1.444,7623 +
= 3.442,9813 in2
Local wind pressure: Pw = (qz*G¯) = 17,3 psf
Wind shear: Vp = Pw * Cf * Ae
(17,3 / 144) * 2,00 *
= 827,35 lbf



Height(radial): 14,0157" Pad Thickness: 0,375"

Width (circumferential): 17,7165" Pad Width: 20,2362"
Length 22,7559" Pad Length: 23,2559"
Fillet Weld Size: 0,25" Pad Weld Size: 0,25"
Located on: Cylinder #1 (129,5669" from bottom end)
Location Angle: 0,00°

Applied Loads

Radial load: Pr = 0 lbf

Circumferential moment: Mc = 69.211 lbf-in
Circumferential shear: Vc = 0 lbf
Longitudinal moment: ML = 0 lbf-in
Longitudinal shear: VL = 3.894 lbf
Torsion moment: Mt = 0 lbf-in
Internal pressure: P= 100 psi
Mean shell radius: Rm = 23,875 in
Shell yield stress: Sy = 35.700 psi

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the lug edge (includes pressure)

Rm / t = 23,875 / 0,625 = 38,2

C1 = 9,1083, C2 = 11,628 in

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / t =9.500 psi

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*t) =4.750 psi

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 16.043 psi

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-60.000 psi

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 9.953 psi

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1,5*S = +-30.000 psi

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the lug edge per WRC Bulletin 107

Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 1,0155 0,4908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 2,8738 0,456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0,0615 0,4161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0,0101 0,4161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1,0835 0,4139 0 0 0 0 -453 -453 453 453

1A 0,0628 0,4593 0 0 0 0 -6.088 6.088 6.088 -6.088

3B* 1,6991 0,449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,0102 0,441 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500

Total circumferential stress 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 2.959 15.135 16.041 3.865

Primary membrane
9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.047 9.047 9.953 9.953
circumferential stress*

3C* 1,1524 0,456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 2,6027 0,4908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0,0203 0,4622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0,03 0,4622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 3,7437 0,4139 0 0 0 0 -1.614 -1.614 1.614 1.614

2A 0,0264 0,5077 0 0 0 0 -2.315 2.315 2.315 -2.315

4B* 0,9945 0,449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0178 0,486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750

Total longitudinal stress 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 821 5.451 8.679 4.049

Primary membrane
4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 3.136 3.136 6.364 6.364
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -134 -134 134 134

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -134 -134 134 134

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 2.967 15.137 16.043 4.120

Note: * denotes primary stress.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

Rm / t = 23,875 / 0,25 = 95,5

C1 = 10,3681, C2 = 11,878 in

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / t =9.500 psi

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*t) =4.750 psi

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 40.812 psi

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-60.000 psi

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 11.838 psi

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1,5*S = +-30.000 psi

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 107

Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 1,1119 0,5026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 4,2751 0,4806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0,0614 0,4554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0,0029 0,4554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1,447 0,4544 0 0 0 0 -1.334 -1.334 1.334 1.334

1A 0,0522 0,4847 0 0 0 0 -29.972 29.972 29.972 -29.972

3B* 2,3378 0,4755 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,0043 0,4606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500

Total circumferential stress 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 -21.806 38.138 40.806 -19.138

Primary membrane
9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 8.166 8.166 10.834 10.834
circumferential stress*

3C* 1,1974 0,4806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 4,01 0,5026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0,0056 0,4845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0,03 0,4845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 7,3682 0,4544 0 0 0 0 -7.088 -7.088 7.088 7.088

2A 0,0203 0,5201 0 0 0 0 -10.863 10.863 10.863 -10.863

4B* 1,1651 0,4755 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0103 0,5015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750

Total longitudinal stress 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 -13.201 8.525 22.701 975

Primary membrane
4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 -2.338 -2.338 11.838 11.838
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -328 -328 328 328

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -328 -328 328 328

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 -21.818 38.142 40.812 20.124

Note: * denotes primary stress.



Height(radial): 14,0157" Pad Thickness: 0,375"

Width (circumferential): 17,7165" Pad Width: 20,2362"
Length 22,7559" Pad Length: 23,2559"
Fillet Weld Size: 0,25" Pad Weld Size: 0,25"
Located on: Cylinder #1 (184,6063" from bottom end)
Location Angle: 0,00°

Applied Loads

Radial load: Pr = 0 lbf

Circumferential moment: Mc = 69.211 lbf-in
Circumferential shear: Vc = 0 lbf
Longitudinal moment: ML = 0 lbf-in
Longitudinal shear: VL = 3.894 lbf
Torsion moment: Mt = 0 lbf-in
Internal pressure: P= 100 psi
Mean shell radius: Rm = 23,875 in
Shell yield stress: Sy = 35.700 psi

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the lug edge (includes pressure)

Rm / t = 23,875 / 0,625 = 38,2

C1 = 9,1083, C2 = 11,628 in

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / t =9.500 psi

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*t) =4.750 psi

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 16.043 psi

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-60.000 psi

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 9.953 psi

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1,5*S = +-30.000 psi

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the lug edge per WRC Bulletin 107

Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 1,0155 0,4908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 2,8738 0,456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0,0615 0,4161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0,0101 0,4161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1,0835 0,4139 0 0 0 0 -453 -453 453 453

1A 0,0628 0,4593 0 0 0 0 -6.088 6.088 6.088 -6.088

3B* 1,6991 0,449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,0102 0,441 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500

Total circumferential stress 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 2.959 15.135 16.041 3.865

Primary membrane
9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.047 9.047 9.953 9.953
circumferential stress*

3C* 1,1524 0,456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 2,6027 0,4908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0,0203 0,4622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0,03 0,4622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 3,7437 0,4139 0 0 0 0 -1.614 -1.614 1.614 1.614

2A 0,0264 0,5077 0 0 0 0 -2.315 2.315 2.315 -2.315

4B* 0,9945 0,449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0178 0,486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750

Total longitudinal stress 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 821 5.451 8.679 4.049

Primary membrane
4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 3.136 3.136 6.364 6.364
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -134 -134 134 134

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -134 -134 134 134

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 2.967 15.137 16.043 4.120

Note: * denotes primary stress.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge (includes pressure)

Rm / t = 23,875 / 0,25 = 95,5

C1 = 10,3681, C2 = 11,878 in

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / t =9.500 psi

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*t) =4.750 psi

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 40.812 psi

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = +-3*S = +-60.000 psi

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = 11.838 psi

Allowable local primary membrane (PL) = +-1,5*S = +-30.000 psi

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 107

Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 1,1119 0,5026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 4,2751 0,4806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0,0614 0,4554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0,0029 0,4554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1,447 0,4544 0 0 0 0 -1.334 -1.334 1.334 1.334

1A 0,0522 0,4847 0 0 0 0 -29.972 29.972 29.972 -29.972

3B* 2,3378 0,4755 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0,0043 0,4606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500

Total circumferential stress 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 -21.806 38.138 40.806 -19.138

Primary membrane
9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 8.166 8.166 10.834 10.834
circumferential stress*

3C* 1,1974 0,4806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 4,01 0,5026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0,0056 0,4845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0,03 0,4845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 7,3682 0,4544 0 0 0 0 -7.088 -7.088 7.088 7.088

2A 0,0203 0,5201 0 0 0 0 -10.863 10.863 10.863 -10.863

4B* 1,1651 0,4755 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0,0103 0,5015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750

Total longitudinal stress 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 -13.201 8.525 22.701 975

Primary membrane
4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 -2.338 -2.338 11.838 11.838
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -328 -328 328 328

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -328 -328 328 328

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 -21.818 38.142 40.812 20.124

Note: * denotes primary stress.

Codeware, Inc.

COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Calculations

You can edit this page by selecting Cover Page settings... in the report menu.
Table Of Contents
1. Deficiencies Summary
2. Settings Summary
3. Pressure Summary
4. Nozzle Schedule
5. Nozzle Summary
6. Thickness Summary
7. Bolted Cover #3
9. 3601 (PDIT1)
10. 3601 (LIT1)

Deficiencies Summary

No deficiencies found.

Settings Summary

COMPRESS 2012 Build 7200

Units: U.S. Customary

Datum Line Location: 0,00" from bottom seam


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

Design or Rating: Get Thickness from Pressure

Minimum thickness: 0,0625" per UG-16(b)
Design for cold shut down only: No
Design for lethal service (full radiography required): No
Design nozzles for: Design P, find nozzle MAWP and MAP
Corrosion weight loss: 100% of theoretical loss
UG-23 Stress Increase: 1,20
Skirt/legs stress increase: 1,0
Minimum nozzle projection: 1"
Juncture calculations for α > 30 only: Yes
Preheat P-No 1 Materials > 1,25&#34 and <= 1,50" thick: No
UG-37(a) shell tr calculation considers longitudinal stress: No
Butt welds are tapered per Figure UCS-66.3(a).

Hydro/Pneumatic Test

1,3 times vessel

Shop Hydrotest Pressure:
Test liquid specific gravity: 1,00
Maximum stress during test: 90% of yield

Required Marking - UG-116

UG-116(e) Radiography: RT1

UG-116(f) Postweld heat treatment: None

Code Cases\Interpretations

Use Code Case 2547: No

Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-66: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-86-175: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-115: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-37: Yes
No UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction: No
No UCS-68(c) MDMT reduction: No
Disallow UG-20(f) exemptions: No

UG-22 Loadings

UG-22(a) Internal or External Design Pressure : Yes

UG-22(b) Weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating or test conditions: No
UG-22(c) Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment (external loads): No
UG-22(d)(2) Vessel supports such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles and legs: No
UG-22(f) Wind reactions: No
UG-22(f) Seismic reactions: No
UG-22(j) Test pressure and coincident static head acting during the test: No
Note: UG-22(b),(c) and (f) loads only considered when supports are present.

Pressure Summary

Pressure Summary for Chamber bounded by Bolted Cover #3 and Bolted Cover #3

Identifier Design Design external
( psi) ( psi) ( psi) ( °F) Exemption Tested
( psi) ( °F) ( °F)

Bolted Cover #3 100 100 324,66 344,93 N/A 100 -55 Note 1 No

Cylinder #1 100 150 209,21 314,47 22,64 150 -20 Note 2 No

Flange #6 100 100 318,62 328,85 N/A 100 -55 Note 3 No

Flange #6 - Flange Hub 100 100 314,47 420,17 N/A 100 -55 Note 4 No

GAS TO SCRUBBER (F) 100 100 285 285 N/A 100 -46,6 Note 5 No

3601 (LIT1) 100 100 285 285 N/A 100 -46,6 Note 5 No

3601 (PDIT1) 100 100 285 285 N/A 100 -46,6 Note 5 No

Chamber design MDMT is -20 °F

Chamber rated MDMT is -20 °F @ 209,21 psi

Chamber MAWP hot & corroded is 209,21 psi @ 100 °F

Chamber MAP cold & new is 285 psi @ 50 °F

This pressure chamber is not designed for external pressure.

Notes for MDMT Rating:

Note # Exemption Details

Bolted cover impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve D = -28,48 °F
1. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 35,6 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,6444) UCS-66 governing thickness = 1,0475 in.
Rated MDMT of -64,08°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

2. Material is impact test exempt per UG-20(f) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in

UCS-66(b)(1)(b) has been applied.

Flange impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve D = -55 °F
3. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 36,4 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,6362) Bolts rated MDMT per Fig UCS-66 note (c) = -55 °F
Rated MDMT of -91,4°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve D = -55 °F
4. Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 33,7 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,6632) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0,375 in
Rated MDMT of -88,7°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)

5. Flange rating governs: UCS-66(b)(1)(b)

Design notes are available on the Settings Summary page.

Nozzle Schedule

Nozzle Materials
Service Size
Nozzle Impact Norm Fine Grain Pad Impact Norm Fine Grain Flange
F GAS TO SCRUBBER 2,00 IDx0,53 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A LWN A105 Class 150

LIT1 3601 2,00 IDx0,53 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A LWN A105 Class 150

PDIT1 3601 1,50 IDx0,56 SA-105 No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A LWN A105 Class 150

Nozzle Summary

Nozzle OD t Req t Pad Corr A /A
n n A1? A2? a r
mark (in) (in) (in) (in) (%)
Nom t Design t User t Width t
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in)

F 3,06 0,53 0,189 Yes Yes 4,19* N/A N/A N/A 0 Exempt

LIT1 3,06 0,53 0,189 Yes Yes 4,19* N/A N/A N/A 0 Exempt

PDIT1 2,62 0,56 0,1776 Yes Yes 4,19* N/A N/A N/A 0 Exempt

tn: Nozzle thickness

Req tn: Nozzle thickness required per UG-45/UG-16
Nom t: Vessel wall thickness
Design t: Required vessel wall thickness due to pressure + corrosion allowance per UG-37
User t: Local vessel wall thickness (near opening)
Aa: Area available per UG-37, governing condition
Ar: Area required per UG-37, governing condition
Corr: Corrosion allowance on nozzle wall
* Head minimum thickness after forming

Thickness Summary

Component Material Diameter Length Nominal t Design t Total Corrosion Joint Load
Identifier (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) E

Bolted Cover #3 SA-516 70 59,5 OD 4,19 4,19* 2,7256 0,125 1,00 Internal

Cylinder #1 SA-516 70 47,25 ID 96 0,375 0,3368 0,125 1,00 External

Nominal t: Vessel wall nominal thickness

Design t: Required vessel thickness due to governing loading + corrosion
Joint E: Longitudinal seam joint efficiency
* Head minimum thickness after forming

internal: Circumferential stress due to internal pressure governs
external: External pressure governs
Wind: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + wind governs
Seismic: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + seismic governs

Bolted Cover #3

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

Component: Bolted Cover

Attached to: Flange #6
Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 19)
Bolted cover impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve D = -28,48 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 35,6 °F, (coincident ratio = 0,6444)
Rated MDMT of -64,08°F is limited to -55°F by UCS-66(b)(2)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 1,0475 in.

Internal design pressure: P = 100 psi @ 100 °F

Static liquid head:

(SG = 1, Hs = 47,125", Horizontal test

Pth = 1,7 psi

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0,125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = -20 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -55 °F Material is normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Category A joints - Seamless No RT

Estimated weight: New = 3.273,2 lb corr = 3.175,6 lb

Head diameter, d = 49,2928"

Cover thickness, t = 4,19"
Design thickness, (at 100 °F) UG-34 (c)(2), flange operating

t = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3)) + Corrosion

= 49,2928*Sqr(0,3*100 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*223.575,74*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283)) + 0,125
= 2,381 in

Design thickness, (at 50 °F) UG-34 (c)(2), gasket seating

t = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3)) + Corrosion

= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.046.399,95*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283)) + 0,125
= 2,7256 in

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 100 °F )

P = (S*E / C)*((t / d)2 - (1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))) - Ps

= (20.000*1 / 0,3)*((4,065 / 49,2928)2 - (1,9*725.862,19*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))) - 0
= 324,66 psi

Maximum allowable pressure, (At 50 °F )

P = (S*E / C)*((t / d)2 - (1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3)))

= (20.000*1 / 0,3)*((4,19 / 49,2928)2 - (1,9*771.189,77*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283)))
= 344,93 psi


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Bolted Cover #3

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 2 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -46,6°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 285 psi @ 100°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 0°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 4,19 in
User input radial limit of reinforcement: 2 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 2 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,53 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 8,3277 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 9,0777 in
Distance to head center, R: 0 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAWP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-39 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 100 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 100 °F

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0199).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,53 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (4,19 - 0,125))
= 5,595 in

LR = 2 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(4,19 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 1,325 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-34

The static head of liquid has not been included in the total design load because the vessel is supported below the

W = 0,785*G2*P + 2*b*3,14*G*m*P
= 0,785*49,29282*285 + 2*0,3536*3,14*49,2928*3*285
= 637.190,85 lbf

tr = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hg / (S*E*d3))

49,2928*Sqr(0,3*285 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*637.190,85*3,3536 /
= 3,8086 in

Gasket seating
tr = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))
= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.091.345,41*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))
= 2,6559 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,53 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (a).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = 3,9336 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 3,9336 , 0,0625 ]
= 3,9336 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 3,9336 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-39 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (4,19 - 0))
= 5,72 in

LR = 2 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(4,19 - 0), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 1,325 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-34

The static head of liquid has not been included in the total design load because the vessel is supported below the

W = 0,785*G2*P + 2*b*3,14*G*m*P
= 0,785*49,29282*285 + 2*0,3536*3,14*49,2928*3*285
= 637.190,85 lbf

tr = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hg / (S*E*d3))

49,2928*Sqr(0,3*285 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*637.190,85*3,3536 /
= 3,8086 in

Gasket seating
tr = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))
= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.091.345,41*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))
= 2,6559 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,53 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (a).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = 3,8086 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 3,8086 , 0,0625 ]
= 3,8086 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 3,8086 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3601 (PDIT1)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Bolted Cover #3

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 1,5 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -46,6°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 285 psi @ 100°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 225°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 4,19 in
User input radial limit of reinforcement: 2 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 1,5 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,56 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 8,3877 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 9,0777 in
Distance to head center, R: 7,4803 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAWP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-39 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 100 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1776 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 100 °F

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0141).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,56 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,5, 0,75 + (0,56 - 0) + (4,19 - 0,125))
= 5,375 in

LR = 2 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(4,19 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,56 - 0) + 0)
= 1,4 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0108 in

Required thickness tr from UG-34

The static head of liquid has not been included in the total design load because the vessel is supported below the

W = 0,785*G2*P + 2*b*3,14*G*m*P
= 0,785*49,29282*285 + 2*0,3536*3,14*49,2928*3*285
= 637.190,85 lbf

tr = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hg / (S*E*d3))

49,2928*Sqr(0,3*285 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*637.190,85*3,3536 /
= 3,8086 in

Gasket seating
tr = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))
= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.091.345,41*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))
= 2,6559 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,56 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (a).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0108 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0108 , 0 ]
= 0,0108 in

tb1 = 3,9336 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 3,9336 , 0,0625 ]
= 3,9336 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1776 , 3,9336 ]
= 0,1776 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0108 , 0,1776 ]
= 0,1776 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-39 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,1776 0,56
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(1,5, 0,75 + (0,56 - 0) + (4,19 - 0))
= 5,5 in

LR = 2 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(4,19 - 0), 2,5*(0,56 - 0) + 0)
= 1,4 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0108 in

Required thickness tr from UG-34

The static head of liquid has not been included in the total design load because the vessel is supported below the

W = 0,785*G2*P + 2*b*3,14*G*m*P
= 0,785*49,29282*285 + 2*0,3536*3,14*49,2928*3*285
= 637.190,85 lbf

tr = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hg / (S*E*d3))

49,2928*Sqr(0,3*285 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*637.190,85*3,3536 /
= 3,8086 in

Gasket seating
tr = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))
= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.091.345,41*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))
= 2,6559 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,56 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (a).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*0,75 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0108 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0108 , 0 ]
= 0,0108 in

tb1 = 3,8086 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 3,8086 , 0,0625 ]
= 3,8086 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,1776 , 3,8086 ]
= 0,1776 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0108 , 0,1776 ]
= 0,1776 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,56 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

3601 (LIT1)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2010 Edition, A11 Addenda

tw(lower) = 0 in
Leg41 = 0,375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Bolted Cover #3

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-105 (II-D p. 18, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Flange description: NPS 2 Class 150 LWN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 334, ln. 32)
Flange rated MDMT: -46,6°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAWP: 285 psi @ 100°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 50°F
ASME B16.5-2009 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 50°F
PWHT performed: No
Nozzle orientation: 145°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 4,19 in
User input radial limit of reinforcement: 2 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 2 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0,53 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 8,3277 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 9,0777 in
Distance to head center, R: 11,811 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAWP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-39 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 100 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 100 °F

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0,0199).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0,53 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (4,19 - 0,125))
= 5,595 in

LR = 2 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(4,19 - 0,125), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 1,325 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-34

The static head of liquid has not been included in the total design load because the vessel is supported below the

W = 0,785*G2*P + 2*b*3,14*G*m*P
= 0,785*49,29282*285 + 2*0,3536*3,14*49,2928*3*285
= 637.190,85 lbf

tr = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hg / (S*E*d3))

49,2928*Sqr(0,3*285 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*637.190,85*3,3536 /
= 3,8086 in

Gasket seating
tr = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))
= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.091.345,41*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))
= 2,6559 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,53 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (a).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = 3,9336 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 3,9336 , 0,0625 ]
= 3,9336 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 3,9336 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for MAP

The attached ASME B16.5 flange limits the nozzle MAP.

Nozzle Wall
UG-39 Area Calculation Summary Thickness
(in2) Summary
For P = 285 psi @ 50 °F
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

This nozzle is exempt from area

0,189 0,53
calculations per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(2)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0,25 0,2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 285 psi @ 50 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(2, 1 + (0,53 - 0) + (4,19 - 0))
= 5,72 in

LR = 2 in (User Defined)
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2,5*(t - C), 2,5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2,5*(4,19 - 0), 2,5*(0,53 - 0) + 0)
= 1,325 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0,6*P)

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285)
= 0,0144 in

Required thickness tr from UG-34

The static head of liquid has not been included in the total design load because the vessel is supported below the

W = 0,785*G2*P + 2*b*3,14*G*m*P
= 0,785*49,29282*285 + 2*0,3536*3,14*49,2928*3*285
= 637.190,85 lbf

tr = d*Sqr(C*P / (S*E) + 1,9*W*hg / (S*E*d3))

49,2928*Sqr(0,3*285 / (20.000*1) + 1,9*637.190,85*3,3536 /
= 3,8086 in

Gasket seating
tr = d*Sqr(1,9*W*hG / (S*E*d3))
= 49,2928*Sqr(1,9*1.091.345,41*3,3536 / (20.000*1*49,29283))
= 2,6559 in

This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a)

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0,75 or tn or t = 0,53 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0,25 or 0,7*tmin = 0,25 in
tc(actual) = 0,7*Leg = 0.7*0,375 = 0,2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (a).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

ta UG-27 = P*R / (S*E - 0,6*P) + Corrosion

= 285*1 / (20.000*1 - 0,6*285) + 0
= 0,0144 in

ta = max[ ta UG-27 , ta UG-22 ]

= max[ 0,0144 , 0 ]
= 0,0144 in

tb1 = 3,8086 in

tb1 = max[ tb1 , tb UG16 ]

= max[ 3,8086 , 0,0625 ]
= 3,8086 in

tb = min[ tb3 , tb1 ]

= min[ 0,189 , 3,8086 ]
= 0,189 in

tUG-45 = max[ ta , tb ]
= max[ 0,0144 , 0,189 ]
= 0,189 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0,53 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.


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