Profed 11
Profed 11
Profed 11
knowledge of principle
103. The Grade 6 Science teachers are engaged c. When do energy requirement decrease?
in panning the units for Science. Which of the
d. What do you think will happen if I combine
following activities will not be engaged in by the
this two chemical?
group of teachers?
107. In which of the following situations does a
a. rearranging or adding lesson content to
teacher formulate low level questions?
provide task-relevant prior knowledge
a. when learners need to analyze a situation
b. translating unit outcomes/objectives into
specific lesson objective b. when he wants learner to draw inferences
c. classifying unit outcome/objectives at a c. when he wants his students to retrieve facts
higher level of behavior
d. when the learners need to establish
d. breaking the lesson contents into chunks relationship
104. Miss Tantengco is teaching a lesson on 108. During a cooking demonstration lesson.
“sounds”. Assuming that no taskrelevant prior Mrs. Cojuangco asked this question: “Why don’t
knowledge is required , what should be the you pare the apple?’ What does this question
starting point of her lesson? express?”
a. comprehension of principles a. A directive without implicit questions
b. Expresses command with implicit question 112. Miss Reyes is using questions for
instructional purposes. What characterizes best
c. A command with an interrogative operation
instructional questioning?
d. Sounds like a question with an implicit
a. generally divergent
b. generally convergent
109. Everytime Ms. Montalban introduces unit
in Social Studies she always prepares five or six c. designed to elicit information from students
pivotal questions. What is the function of these
d. intended to get feedback on students
questions in the whole instructional process?
a. Allows for deliberation
113. At the start of the school year, Ms.
b. Fosters an active audience Oriondo attends first to matters pertinent to
management task. What could have been her
c. Gives the lesson unit and coherence
primary goal?
d. Encourages students to think about the
a. Increase the proportion of classroom time to
constructive and productive activities
110. Which of the following high level questions
b. Increase the pupils’ interest in her daily
ask the learner to understand certain stimuli
instructional activities
before making any interpretation?
c. Increase the effectiveness of her teaching
a. What connection does the chart show
between the number of accidents and the
frequency of holidays? d. Increase the quality of her teaching
b. Describe in your words the scene which
greeted the main character on his arrival airport 114. Every morning it is routinely for Miss
Canlas to arrange pupils’ chairs and tables
c. What are the three situations in which other
appropriate for the lesson for today, check the
questions would be appropriate?
safety of the room and materials and other
d. Which of the following statement is most similar activities that will promote an orderly
likely true? and safety environment. She is exemplifying
116. Whenever Ms. Sanchez gives statements d. Immediately confront the pupil concerned
such as, Do you think you can do that again?”
119. Mrs. Pabalan wanted to establish control
and “ Can you try as hard tomorrow?”, she is
on the very first day. Which action is imperative
for her to take/
a. Feedback progress
a. Give only compliments and no scolding or
b. consequential reward correcting pupils
c. Alternated opposite gender task assignment d. Students are likely least task-oriented at the
first few minutes of a class session
d. Intellectual and physical demands of task
121. Miss Rivera is busy developing a cluster of
118. For quite sometime, Liezl habitually says concepts on matter. She notices Dave busily
“no” to work assigned to her by the teacher. making several paper airplanes. Which of the
Which of the following is a questionable
following is the best way of handling Dave’s d. Questioning consistently
124. Mrs. Santillan has caught several students
a. Continue teaching but make your way to peeking at their notebook during an
Dave. Without a word place a ready note card examination. What should be the initial action
on her part?
“It seems you are disturbing the class. Please
stop right now. return card after class.” a. Confirm the dishonesty and send the pupils
caught cheating to the principal’s office
b. Stop the less. Tell the class to look at Dave
and observe what he is doing. Let them b. Call class attention to the cheating
comment on what they observe committed by pupils
c. Call Dave to bring all the paper airplanes and c. Announce disapproval of the pupils’ behavior
ask him to discuss the importance of airplanes
d. Take the pleasure of the pupils
in the modern age
125. Pauline inspite of her I.Q, has been getting
d. Ask difficult questions and call Dave to
low grades and performing poorly in almost all
answer them in succession
the academic subjects. Her father went to see
122. Mrs. Estrada prefers to use low profile her teacher, what is the best way to manage
classroom control like eye contact and hand the situation?
gesture to high profile from like. “Stop walking
a. Tell Paulin’s father a solution by which she
around, settle down and get to work.”
can be helped to improve her performance
Which of the following justifies Mrs. Estrada’s
b. Tell Pauline’s father that he should not
complain because you computed her grades
a. Low profile form of control is simple and time objectively
c. Direct Pauline’s father to complain to the
b. Low profile form of control minimizes principal
teachers visibility
d. Advice Pauline’s father to get a tutor for her
c. Low profile from of control directs attention
126. At the end of the periodical examination,
of the class to target pupils
Mrs. Gonzales administered a summative test in
d. Low profile form of control has low Filipino. After scoring the test papers she
probability of its distracting other members of assigned grades to each test score such as
the class 95,90,85 etc. What process did Mrs. Gonzales
123. Mrs. Cortez is bothered by many pupils
who are off tasks during her demonstration of a a. Ranking
science process. Which of the following
b. Measurement
intervention is most effective?
c. Computation
a. Eye contact
d. Evaluation
b. Touch/Gesture
c. Asking an answer
127. Which measure of central tendency is a. Difficulty index.21 and discrimination index
usually affected by extreme scores? .24
135. Miss Nava is constructing a 100 test items a. Learners and confronted with present day
for the fourth grading period in realities and challenges which they themselves
cannot handle
Mathematics. How many items should she have
in the preliminary draft? b. Learners need to be guided so that they may
become useful members of the society
a. 125 to 150 items
c. Learners need to help in their personal and
b. 150 to 200 items
academic problems
c. 110 to 125 items
d. Learners are still young to be left to
d. 200 to 250 items themselves
136. What percent of the cases in a set of 140. Being part of the total guidance program,
measure lie before the third quartile of Q3? the first task of the classroom teacher is to
c. Ask Shaina to stay to stay and give her extra a. personality test
care and attention
b. projective technique
d. Advise her parents to take her to a specialist
c. sociometric test
for diagnosis
d. autobiography
2/13/2016 LET Reviewer - Professional
Education Part 11 | INFINITHINK.ORG 146. At the beginning of the school year, Ms.
Mina wants to acquaint herself with the
personal background of her Grade VI pupils
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particularly their needs, interest and
143. Ms. Revilla, a classroom teacher is aware characteristics. what is the most practical thing
that she is also expected to perform guidance that she must do?
function. She has been helping her pupils in
a. Give them a series of psychological test
their personal and academic problems. What
must do if there are cases which she finds b. Ask them to fill up personal data sheets
difficulty to handle?
c. Send a questionnaire to their parents
a. Refer them to the guidance counselor who
has the professional competence to handle d. Interview them one by one
such cases 147. What is the focus of developmental
b. Try to solve them. There are practical guidance?
solutions to every problem a. Developing the varied interest, abilities and
c. Bring them to the attention of the school needs of students, individually and collectively
principal b. providing students with ample opportunities
d. make referrals to outside agencies to develop their innate talents
144. For quite some time, Joseph, a Grade VI c. Identify students with personality and
pupil has been displaying unusual behaviors behavior problems
which have adversely affected his performance. d. Facilitating the total development of the
How may Ms. Ramos, his teacher, best given students
the necessary help?
148. Charlene, a graduating high school student
a. seek the advise of child psychologist is confused about what course to take in
b. Refer the pupil to a psychiatrist college. She seems to be torn between teaching
c. Arrange for a case conference and accountancy. How would you help
145. Margaret, a Grade V pupil, can hardly a. Persuade her to follow your step as a teacher
expressed her inner feelings to the guidance b. Tell her to heed the advise of her parent
counselor. What guidance technique may be
c. Refer her to a college guidance counselor