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Specification : TS-S02D047E

December, 2004

Technical Specification
Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP)

SCP6814-GL-## (No Diagnostic Monitoring)

SCP6814-GL-##E (Diagnostic Monitoring with External Calibration)

155.52M bp s 622.08M bps other 1.25Gbps____


Short H aul Long H a ul Iink budget____

other ________
Interm edia te R each Long R each
Single 5.0 V Single 3.3 V other ________ ____

1.3 µ m 1.55 µ m other ________ ____

W / D iagnostic M onitor W /O D iagnos tic M onitor

Sumitomo Electric reserves the right to make changes in this specification without prior notice.
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. and ExceLight Communications, Inc., have been granted license to
the following patents under a license agreement with Finisar Corporation: US 5,019,769, US 6,439,918 B1

#Safety Precaution Symbols This specification uses various picture symbols to prevent possible injury to operator or other
persons or damage to properties for appropriate use of the product. The symbols and definitions are as shown below. Be sure to be familiar
with these symbols before reading this specification.

Warning Wrong operation without following this instruction may lead to human death or serious injury.

Caution Wrong operation without following this instruction may lead to human injury or property damage.

Example of picture symbols indicates prohibition of actions. Action details are explained thereafter.
indicates compulsory actions or instructions. Action details are explained thereafter.
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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
1. General
Features and applications of SCP6814-GL are listed below.
* Compliant with SFP MSA ( Alternative options available ) and IEEE802.3 1000Base-LX Ethernet.
* SFF-8472 rev9 compliant diagnostic monitoring implemented. (SCP6814-GL-##E)
* IEEE802.3z 1000Base-LX compatible optical I/F
* Power Supply Voltage Single +3.3V
* Compact Package Size 56.5 X 13.7 X 8.6 mm
* Electrical Interface AC coupled for DATA, LVTTL for Tx Disable, open collector output for
LOS and Tx Fault.Circuit ground is internally isolated from frame ground.
* 1310nm DFB-LD
* Fiber Coupled Power -4.5 to 0dBm
* Input Power Range 0 to -22.5dBm
* Link Budget 18dB
* Distance 40km reach( assuming worst case fiber loss of 0.4dB/km @1310nm )
* Connector Interface LC Duplex Connector
* Serial ID Functionality
* Alarm and Warning Flags (SCP6814-GL-##E)

*Switch to switch interface
*Switch backbone applications
*High speed interface for file servers


Monitor TD+
Las er
100 Ω
Driv er TD-

Vcc T
Vc c T

4.7 kΩ 4.7k to
10k Ω
TX Dis able

Automatic Power
Control Circuit TX Fault

(A) Transmitter

Pre - Amp. Pos t Amp. 100 Ω


Vc c R

4.7k to
10k Ω

* Temperature (B) Receiver

* Supply Voltage Vcc T
Diagnos tic
* Tx Bias Current Monitor
4.7k to
* Tx Output Power MOD- DEF (0 )
10k Ω

* Rx Received Power EEPROM

MOD- DEF (1 )

MOD- DEF (2 )

100 Ω


Figure 1. Block Diagram (Diagnostic Monitor is incorporated for SCP6814-GL-##E only)

Do not disassemble this product. Otherwise, failure, electrical shock, overheating or fire may occur.
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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
3. Package Dimensions All dimensions are in mm.

3.1 SCP6814-GL- N (E) ( MSA Standard Actuator Type ) * Refer to P.20 about Part Number Information.

3.2 SCP6814-GL- N (E) ( Bail Actuator Type ) * Refer to P.20 about Part Number Information.


* Bail color is blue

* Recommended Cage and Connector

-Top EMI Cage 1367035-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 )
-Bottom EMI Cage 1367034-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 )
-Host Connector 1367073-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 )
Please refer to their latest specifications.
Figure 2(a). Outline Dimensions
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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
3.3 SCP6814-GL- W (E) ( MSA Standard Actuator Type )

3.4 SCP6814-GL- W (E) ( Bail Actuator Type )


* Bail color is blue

* Recommended Cage and Connector

-Top EMI Cage 1367035-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 )
-Bottom EMI Cage 1367034-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 )
-Host Connector 1367073-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 )
Please refer to their latest specifications.
Figure 2(b). Outline Dimensions
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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
4. Pin Assignment

VeeT 20

1 VeeT

TD- 19

2 T XF a u l t

TD+ 18

3 T X D is a b le

VeeT 17

4 M O D -D E F (2 )

VccT 16

T ow ards 5 M O D -D E F (1 )

VccR 15 T ow ards
B ez el 6 M O D -D E F (0 )
VeeR 14


RD+ 13


RD- 12

9 VeeR

VeeR 11

10 VeeR

Figure 3. Diagram of Host Board Connector Block Pin Numbers and Names

Pin Plug
Name Function Notes
Num. Seq.
1 VeeT Transmitter Ground 1
2 TX Fault Transmitter Fault 3
Indication Note 1
3 TX Disable Transmitter Disable 3 Note 2
Module disables on high or open
4 MOD-DEF2 Module Definition 2 3 Note 3, 2 wire serial ID and Interface
5 MOD-DEF1 Module Definition 1 3 Note 3, 2 wire serial ID and Interface
6 MOD-DEF0 Module Definition 0 3 Note 3 Grounded internally via 100Ω
7 NUC NUC 3 No User Connection,
reserved for future function.
8 LOS Loss of Signal 3 Note 4
9 VeeR Receiver Ground 1
10 VeeR Receiver Ground 1
11 VeeR Receiver Ground 1
12 RD- Inv. Receiver Data Out 3 Note 5
13 RD+ Receiver Data Out 3 Note 5
14 VeeR Receiver Ground 1
15 VccR Receiver Power 2 3.3V± 5%
16 VccT Transmitter Power 2 3.3V± 5%
17 VeeT Transmitter Ground 1
18 TD+ Transmitter Data In 3 Note 6
19 TD- Inv. Transmitter Data In 3 Note 6
20 VeeT Transmitter Ground 1

Plug Seq.: Pin engagement sequence during hot plugging.

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
1) Tx Fault is an open collector output that shall be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10kΩ resistor on the host board. Pull
up voltage between 2.0V and VccT+0.3V. When high, output indicates a laser fault of some kind. Low
indicates normal operation.
Tx Fault is asserted when bias current of laser exceeds the factory-calibrated threshold level.

2) Tx Disable is an input that is used to shut down the transmitter optical output. It is pulled up within the module
with a 4.7kΩ resistor.

3) Mod-Def 0,1,2. These are the module definition pins. They should be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10kΩ resistor on
the host board. The pull-up voltage shall be VccT.

Mod-Def 0 indicates that the module is present

Mod-Def 1 is the clock line of two wire serial interface for serial ID
Mod-Def 2 is the data line of two wire serial interface for serial ID

4) LOS (Loss of Signal) is an open collector output that shall be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10kΩ resistor. Pull up
voltage between 2.0V and VccR+0.3V. Low indicates normal operation.

5) RD-/+: These are the differential receiver outputs. They are AC coupled 100Ω differential lines which should
be terminated with 100Ω (differential) at the user SERDES. The AC coupling is done inside the module and
is thus not required on the host board.

6) TD-/+: These are the differential transmitter inputs. They are AC-coupled, differential lines with 100Ω differen-
tial termination inside the module. The AC coupling is done inside the module and is thus not required on the
host board.

Figure 4. SFP Host Board Mechanical Layout

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004

PIN 1 PIN 20

PIN 10 PIN 11

Figure 5. SFP Host Board Mechanical Layout (Cont.)

Figure 6. Recommended Bezel Design

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
5. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Storage Ambient Temperature Ts -40 85 °C 1
0 70 2
Operating Case Temperature Tc °C
-40 85 3
Optical Damage Input Level Pin 3.0 dBm
Supply Voltage VccT,R 0 4.0 V
Input Voltage Vi 0 VccT+0.3 V 4
Dif ferential Input Voltage Sw ing (TD+,TD-) Vin 2.5 Vp-p
N otes
1. N o condensation allowed. 2. SC P6814-GL-#N(E) 3. SC P6814-GL-#W (E) 4. For MOD-D EF (1:2), Tx D isable.

Use the product with the rated voltage described in the specification. If the voltage exceeds the maximum rating, overheating or
fire may occur.

Do not store the product in the area where temperature exceeds the maximum rating, where there is too much moisture or
dampness, where there is acid gas or corrosive gas, or other extreme conditions. Otherwise, failure, overheating or fire may
6. Electrical Interface
( Unless otherwise specified, VccT,R = 3.135 to 3.465 V and all operating temperature shall apply. )
6-1. Operating Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Supply Voltage VccT,R 3.135 3.30 3.465 V
1000 1, 2
Pow er Dissipation Pw mW
1200 1, 3
1. 1250Mbps, PRBS 2^7-1, NRZ, 50% duty cycle data. 2. SCP6814-GL-#N(E) 3. SCP6814-GL-#W(E)

6-2. Transmitter side

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Dif ferential Input Voltage Sw ing (TD+,TD-) Vin 0.3 2.4 Vp-p 1
Input Dif ferential Impedance Zin 80 100 120 Ω
Tx Fault Fault Vf aultH 2.0 VccT+0.3 V 2, 3
Normal Vf aultL 0 0.8 V 2, 3, 4
Tx Disable Dis able Vdi 2.0 Vcc T V
Enable Vei 0 0.80 V
Tdis Input Current ldi -1 50 µA
1. Refer to Figure 7.
2. Tx Fault is pulled up to VccT w ith a 4.7k - 10kΩ resistor on the host board.
When high, output indicates a laser f ault of some kind. Low indicates normal operation.
3. Ref er to P.10 about Tx Fault and Tx Shutdow n behavior.
4. Sink Current : 1mA
5. Tx Disable input is internally terminated to Vcc via 4.7 kΩ resistor. If pin3 is lef t open, Tx is disabled.

6-3. Receiver side

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Dif ferential Output Voltage Sw ing (RD+,RD-) Vout 0.5 1.2 Vp-p 1
LOS High Vloh 2.0 VccR+0.3 V 2
Output Voltage Low Vlol 0 0.8 V 2, 3
Data Rise / Fall Time tr / tf 240 psec 4
1. Vcc=+3.3V +/-5%, Output load resistance Rdif =100Ω. Ref er to Figure1-(B).
Refer to Figure7. about definition of dif f erential sw ing.
2. LOS is pulled up to VccR w ith a 4.7k - 10kΩ resistor on the host board. Low indicates normal operation.
3. Sink Current : 1mA
4. 20 to 80%. 1250Mbps , PRBS2^7-1 , 50% duty cycle , NRZ.

B i a s V o lt a g e

In p u t / O u tp u t V o l ta g e S w i n g ( V s w i n g )
Figure 7. Definition of Differential

D if fe r e n t ia l In p u t / O u t p u t V o lt a g e S w i n g ( V in / V o u t) = 2 X V s w in g Input / Output Voltage Swing

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004

6-4. Module Definition

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
MOD_DEF(1:2) High Vih 0.7VccT VccT+0.3 V
Input Voltage Low Vil 0 0.3VccT V
MOD_DEF(2) High Voh 2.0 VccT V 1
Output Voltage Low Vol1 0 0.4 V 1, 2
1. They shall be pulled up to VccT with a 4.7k - 10kΩ resistor on the host board.
2. Sink Current : 3mA

7. Optical Interface
( Unless otherwise specified, VccT,R = 3.135 to 3.465 V and all operating temperature shall apply. )
7-1. Transmitter side
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Bit Rate Range 1.25Gbps +/- 100ppm Gbps
Average Output Pow er to SMF(Enable) Po -4.5 0.0 dBm
Average Output Pow er (Disable) Pdis -45.0 dBm
Extinction Ratio Er 9.0 dB
Center Wavelength λc 1260 1360 nm 1
Spectral Width (20dB dow n) ∆λ 1 nm
Side Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR 30 dB
Eye Mask for Optical Output Compliant w ith Eye Mask Def ined in IEEE 802.3 standard
Total Transmitter Jitter (peak to peak) TjpkT 227 ps 2
RIN12 RIN -120 dB/Hz
Optical Rise / Fall Time tr / tf 260 ps 3
N otes N o r m a liz e d T im e ( U n it In te r v a l)
1. Measured at 1250Mbps, PR BS2^7-1, 50% duty cy cle, N R Z.
0 0 .2 2 0 .3 7 5 0 .6 2 5 0 .7 8 1 .0
2. Measured at 1250Mbps, PR BS2^7-1, 50% duty cy cle, N R Z.
130 1 .3 0
TP2 ref ers to t he compliance point specif ied in IEEE802. 3, section 38.2.1.
3. These are unf iltered 20-80% v alues.
100 1 .0 0
N o rm a lize d A m p litu d e (% )

N o rm a lize d A m p litu d e
80 0 .8 0

50 0 .5 0

20 0 .2 0

0 0 .0

-2 0 - 0 .2 0

0 22 3 7 .5 6 2 .5 78 100
N o r m a liz e d T im e ( % o f U n it In te r v a l )

Figure 8. Eye Diagram Mask for Optical Output ( IEEE 802.3 )

Do not look at the laser beam projection area (e.g. end of optical connector) with naked eyes or through optical equipment
while the power is supplied to this product. Otherwise, your eyes may be injured.

7-2. Receiver side

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Bit Rate Range 1.25Gbps +/- 100ppm Gbps
Center Wavelength λ 1260 1580 nm
Minimum Sensitivity Pmin -22.5 dBm 1, 2
Overload Pmax 0.0 dBm 1, 2
LOS Activation Level PLa -30.0 -23.0 dBm 2
LOS Deactivation Level PLd -29.5 -22.5 dBm
LOS Hysteresis Phys 0.5 6.0 dB
Reflectance REFr -14 -12 dB
1. BER=10^-12
2. Measured at 1250Mbps, PRBS 2^7-1, NRZ
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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
7-3. Transceiver Timing Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note
Tx Disable Assert Time t_off 10 us 1
Tx Disable Negate Time t_on 1 ms 2
Time to Initialize t_init 300 ms 3
Tx Fault A ssert Time t_f ault 100 us 4
Tx Disable to Res et t_reset 10 us 5
LOS Assert Time t_loss_on 100 us 6
LOS Deas sert Time t_los s_of f 350 us 7
Serial ID Clock Rate f _serial_clock 100 kHz
N otes
1. Time f rom rising edge of TX D isable to when the optical out put f alls below 10% of nominal.
2. Time f rom f alling edge of TX D isable to when the modulated optical output rises abov e 90% of nominal.
3. From power on or negat ion of TX Fault using TX D isable. 4. Time f rom f ault to TX f ault on.
5. Time TX Disable must be held high to reset TX_f ault.
6. Time f rom LOS st at e to RX LOS assert. 7. Time f rom non-LOS state to R X LOS deassert.

TX_FAULT Vcc>3.15V


Transmitted Signal TX_DISABL E

t_off t_on
Transmitted Signal
TX_DISABLE timing during normal operation. t_init

Power on initialization of SFP transceiver, TX_DISABLE


Vcc >3.15V VccT >3.15V



Transmitted Signal Transmitted Signal

Insertion t_init t_init

Example of initialization during hot plugging, Power on initialization of SFP,TX_DISABLE asserted

TX_DISABLE negated

Occurrence of Fault
Occurrence of Fault



Transmitted Signal
t_fault t_re set

Detection of transmitter safety fault condition SFP shall clear TX_ FAULT in <t_init if the failure transient

Successful recovery from transient safety fault condition

(Except for Type "B" and "Y". Refer to next page.)
Optical Signal

Occurrence of loss


t_loss_on t_loss_off

Timing of LOS detection

Figure 9. Transceiver Timing Charts

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
7-4. Tx_Fault / Tx Shutdown Options
SCP6814-GL- # (E)
Actuator and Tx_Fault Type
Type Actuator Tx Fault Tx Shutdown on Tx Fault
A Bail Latched No
B Bail Not Latched No
C Bail Latched Yes
X MSA Latched Yes
Y MSA Not Latched No
Z MSA Latched No

Type:"A" or "Z"
Occurrence of Fault



Transmitted Signal

Type:"B" or "Y"

Occurrence of Fault



Transmitted Signal

Type:"C" or "X"

Occurrence of Fault



Transmitted Signal

Figure 10. Part Number Identification For Tx_Fault / Tx Shutdown Behavior

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
8. Digital Diagnostic Memory Map

2 wire address 1010000X (A0h) 2 wire address 1010001X (A2h)

0 0
Alarm and Warning
Serial ID Defined by Thresholds (56 bytes)
SFP MSA (96 bytes) 56
Cal Constants
95 (40 bytes)
96 96 Real -Time Diagnostic
Vendor Specific
(32 bytes) 119 Interface (24 bytes)
127 120

Vendor Specific
No Memory (136 bytes)

255 255

Figure 11. Digital Diagnostic Memory Map (A2h is applicable for SCP6814-GL-##E )

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004

9. EEPROM Serial ID Memory Contents

The data can be read using the 2-wire serial CMOS EEPROM protocol of the Atmel AT24C01A or equivalent.
2 wire address 1010000X (A0h)
Address Name of field Hex ASCII Description Address Name of field Hex ASCII Description
0 Identifier 03 SFP Transceiver 64 00
1 Ext. Identifier 04 65 1A
2 Connector 07 LC Connector 66 BR, max 00
3 00 67 BR, min 00
4 00 68 Year
5 00 69 Month
6 20 1000BASE-40km 70
7 00 71
8 00 72
9 00 73
10 00 74
11 Encoding 01 8B10B 75
Vendor SN Note2
12 BR, Nominal 0D 1.25Gbps 76
13 Reserved 00 77
14 Length(9um) - km 28 40km 78
15 Length (9um) 64 79
16 Length (50um) 37 550m 80
17 Length (62.5um) 37 550m 81
18 Length (Copper) 00 82
19 Reserved 00 83
20 53 S 84
21 75 u 85
22 6D m 86
23 69 i 87
Date code Note3
24 74 t 88
25 6F o 89
26 6D m 90
27 6F o 91
Vendor name
28 45 E 58 (Note 4) Diagnostics(Ext.Cal)
92 Diagnostic Monitoring Type
29 6C l 80 Non-diagnostics
30 65 e B0 (Note 4) Diagnostics
93 Enhanced Options
31 63 c 00 Non-diagnostics
32 74 t 01 Diagnostics
94 SFF-8472 Compliance
33 72 r 00 Non-diagnostics
34 69 i 95 CC_EXT Note5
36 Reserved 00 96 20
37 00 97 20
38 Vendor OUI 00 98 20
39 5F 99 20
40 53 S 100 20
41 43 C 101 20
42 50 P 102 20
43 36 6 103 20
44 38 8 104 20
45 31 1 105 20
46 34 4 106 20
47 2D - 107 20
48 Vendor PN 47 G 108 20
49 4C L 109 20
50 2D - 110 20
51 41 to 43, 58 to 5A A to C, X to Z Actuator and Tx_Fault Type 111 20
52 4E or 57 N or W Temperature Range 112 20
45 E Diagnostics(Ext.Cal) 113 20
20 Non-diagnostics 114 20
54 20 115 20
55 20 116 20
56 41 to 5A A to Z Variable 117 20
57 20 118 20
Vendor rev
58 20 119 20
59 20 120 20
60 05 121 20
Wavelength 1310nm
61 1E 122 20
62 Reserved 00 123 20
63 CC BASE Note1 124 20
125 20
126 20
127 20

Note1. Address 63 is check sum of bytes 0-62 Note2. Aderess 68-83 Vendor Serial Number
Note3. Aderess 84-91 Date code Note4. Refer to Section 10. ( Enhanced Monitoring Functions )
Note5. Address 95 is check sum of bytes 64-94

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10. Enhanced Monitoring Functions (SCP6814-GL-##E)

TX Power
RX Power

MOD-DEF(1) Temp.
MOD-DEF(2) Serial I/F

Figure 12. Block Diagram

Diagnostic Monitoring Type, 2 wire address A0h

Data Address Bits Description Status(SEI)

92 7 Reserved for legacy diagnostic 0

implementations. Must be ‘0’ for compilance
with SFF-8472.

92 6 Digital diagnostic monitoring implemented 1

(described in SFF-8472). Must be ‘1’ for
compliance with SFF-8472.
92 5 Internally Calibrated 0
92 4 Externally Calibrated 1
92 3 Received power measurement type 1
0 = OMA, 1 = Average Power
92 2 Address change required. 0
(Refer to SFF-8472)
92 1-0 Reserved 0

Enhanced Options, 2 wire address A0h

Data Address Bits Description Status(SEI)
93 7 Optional Alarm/warning flags implemented for 1
all monitored quantities
93 6 Optional Soft TX_DISABLE control and 0
monitoring implemented
93 5 Optional Soft TX_FAULT monitoring 1
93 4 Optional Soft RX_LOS monitoring 1
93 3 Optional Soft RATE_SELECT control and 0
monitoring implemented
93 2-0 Reserved 0
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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004

11. Calibration Calculation (SCP6814-GL-##E)

Calibration constants for External Calibration Option, 2 wire address A2h
Address #Bytes Name Description
56-59 4 RP4 Single precision floating-point calibration data for
received power. Byte 56 is MSB. Byte 59 is LSB.
60-63 4 RP3 Single precision floating-point calibration data for
received power. Byte 60 is MSB. Byte 63 is LSB.
64-67 4 RP2 Single precision floating-point calibration data for
received power. Byte 64 is MSB. Byte 67 is LSB.
68-71 4 RP1 Single precision floating-point calibration data for
received power. Byte 68 is MSB. Byte 71 is LSB.
72-75 4 RP0 Single precision floating-point calibration data for
received power. Byte 72 is MSB. Byte 75 is LSB.
76-77 2 I SLOPE Unsigned fixed-point calibration data for laser bias
current. Byte 76 is MSB. Byte 77 is LSB.
78-79 2 IOFFSET 16-bit signed 2's complement calibration data for laser
bias current. Byte 78 is MSB. Byte 79 is LSB.
80-81 2 TPSLOPE Unsigned fixed-point calibration data for laser output
power. Byte 80 is MSB. Byte 81 is LSB.
82-83 2 TPOFFSET 16-bit signed 2's complement calibration data for laser
output power. Byte 82 is MSB. Byte 83 is LSB.
84-85 2 TSLOPE Unsigned fixed-point calibration data for transceiver
temperature. Byte 84 is MSB. Byte 85 is LSB.
86-87 2 TOFFSET 16-bit signed 2's complement calibration data for
transceiver temperature. Byte 86 is MSB. Byte 87 is LSB.
88-89 2 VSLOPE Unsigned fixed-point calibration data for supply voltage.
Byte 88 is MSB. Byte 89 is LSB.
90-91 2 VOFFSET 16-bit signed 2's complement calibration data for supply
voltage. Byte 90 is MSB. Byte 91 is LSB.
92-94 3 Reserved Reserved
95 1 Checksum Byte 95 contains the low order 8 bits of the sum at data
address bytes 0-94.

Transceiver temperature: Temperature, T, is given by


Where TAD is 16-bit signed 2's complement A/D value at bytes 96-97, TSLOPE is unsigned fixed-point value at
bytes 84-85 and TOFFSET is signed 2's complement value with LSB equal to 1/256 deg-C at bytes 86-87. The
result, T, is 16-bit signed 2's complement value with LSB equal to 1/256 deg-C.The monitored output is the
junction temperature of the diode inside the transceiver, hence, there is some discrepancy between the output
and transceiver case temperature of the point illustrated in section 3 mechanical dimension.

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Supply voltage: Voltage, V, is given by


Where VAD is 16-bit unsigned A/D value at bytes 98-99, VSLOPE is unsigned fixed-point value at bytes 88-89 and
VOFFSET is signed 2's complement value with LSB equal to 100 µV at bytes 90-91. The result, V, is 16-bit un-
signed value with LSB equal to 100 µV.

Laser bias current: Current, I, is given by


Where IAD is 16-bit unsigned A/D value at bytes 100-101, ISLOPE is unsigned fixed-point value at bytes 76-77 and
IOFFSET is signed 2's complement value with LSB equal to 2 µA at bytes 78-79. The result, I, is 16-bit unsigned
value with LSB equal to 2 µA.

Laser output power: Power, TP, is given by


Where TPAD is 16-bit unsigned A/D value at bytes 102-103, TPSLOPE is unsigned fixed-point value at bytes 80-81
and TPOFFSET is signed 2's complement value with LSB equal to 0.1 µW atbytes 82-83. The result, TP, is 16-bit
unsigned value with LSB equal to 0.1 µW.

Received power: Power, RP, is given by

RP = RP4 * RPAD4 + RP 3 * RPAD3+ RP2 * RPAD2 + RP1 * RPAD + RP0

Where RPAD is 16-bit unsigned A/D value at bytes 104-105 and RP4, RP3, RP2, RP1 and RP0 are single precision
floating-point values at bytes 56-75. The result, RP, is 16-bit unsigned value with LSB equal to 0.1 µW.

A/D Accuracy, 2 wire address A2h

Data Address Parameter Accuracy Units Display Note

96-97 Temperature +/-3 deg-C Signed 2's Junction temperature

complement of monitoring IC.
integer deg-C
98-99 Vcc +/-3% x100µVolt
100-101 TX Bias +/-10% x2µA Specified by nominal value
102-103 TX Power +/-3dB x0.1µW -4.5 to 0dBm
104-105 RX Power +/-3dB x0.1µW At specified transmitter
( -22.5 to 0dBm ) wavelength ( Section 7-1 )

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
12. A/D Values and Status (SCP6814-GL-##E)
Converted analog values, 2wire address A2h
Byte Bit Name Description
96 All Temperature MSB Signed 2's complement integer temperature(-40 to
+125C) Based on internal temperature measurement
97 All Temperature LSB Fractional part of temperature(count/256)
98 All Vcc MSB Internally measured supply voltage in transeciver.
99 All Vcc LSB Actual voltage is full 16 bit value *100µVolt.(Yields
range of 0-6.55V)
100 All TX Bias MSB Measured Laser Bias Current in mA. Bias current is full
101 All TX Bias LSB 16 bit value *2µA.(Full range of 0-131mA)
102 All TX Power MSB Measured TX output power in mW. TX power is full 16
103 All TX Power LSB bit value*0.1µW.(Full range of -40 to+8.2dBm)
104 All RX Power MSB Measured RX input power in mW . RX power is full 16
105 All RX Power LSB bit value*0.1µW.(Full range of -40 to+8.2dBm)
106-109 All Reserved

Optional Status Bits, 2wire address A2h

Byte Bit Name Description
110 0 Data_Ready_Bar Indicates transceiver has achieved power up and data is
ready. Bit remains high until data is ready to be read at
which time the device sets the bit low.

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
13. Alarm and Warning Flags (SCP6814-GL-##E)

Alram and Warning Flags, 2wire address A2h

Byte Bit Name Description
112 7 Temp High Alarm Set when internal temperature exceeds high alarm level.
112 6 Temp Low Alarm Set when internal temperature is below low alarm level.
112 5 Vcc High Alarm Set when internal supply voltage exceeds high alarm level.
112 4 Vcc Low Alarm Set when internal supply voltage is below low alarm level.
112 3 TX Bias High Alarm Set when TX Bias current exceeds high alarm level.
112 2 TX Bias Low Alarm Set when TX Bias current is below low alarm level.
112 1 TX Power High Alarm Set when TX output power exceeds high alarm level.
112 0 TX Power Low Alarm Set when TX output power is below low alarm level.
113 7 RX Power High Alarm Set when Received Power exceeds high alarm level.
113 6 RX Power Low Alarm Set when Received Power is below low alarm level.
113 5-0 Reserved
114 All Reserved
115 All Reserved
116 7 Temp High Warning Set when internal temperature exceeds high warning level.
116 6 Temp Low Warning Set when internal temperature is below low warning level.
116 5 Vcc High Warning Set when internal supply voltage exceeds high warning level.
116 4 Vcc Low Warning Set when internal supply voltage is below low warning level.
116 3 TX Bias High Warning Set when TX Bias current exceeds high warning level.
116 2 TX Bias Low Warning Set when TX Bias current is below low warning level.
116 1 TX Power High Warning Set when TX output power exceeds high warning level.
116 0 TX Power Low Warning Set when TX output power is below low warning level.
117 7 RX Power High Warning Set when Received Power exceeds high warning level.
117 6 RX Power Low Warning Set when Received Power is below low warning level.
117 5-0 Reserved
118 All Reserved
119 All Reserved

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
14. Recommended Interface Circuit


10 0Ω
T D-

V cc T V cc

4 . 7 k to
4 . 7 kΩ
1 0 kΩ
T X F ault

T X D is a b le


10 0Ω
V cc

* Temperature 4 . 7 k to
10 kΩ
* Supply Voltage LO S

* Tx Bias Current D i a g n o s ti c
M o n i to r V cc

* Tx Output Power
* Rx Received Power 4 . 7 k to
10 kΩ
M O D - D E F (0)

M O D - D E F (1)

M O D - D E F (2)

5 0 Ω li n e

Figure 13. Recommended Interface Circuit (Diagnostic Monitor is incorporated for SCP6814-GL-##E only.)

1 uH
V c cT

0.1 uF

1 uH
V c cR 3.3 V

0.1 uF 10 uF 0.1 uF 10 uF

V ee T

VeeT and VeeR are not internally connected to each other.

V ee R
S F P M o d u le VccT and VccR are not internally connected to each other.
Module cover is not internally connected to VeeT and VeeR.

Figure 14. Recommended Supply Filtering Network

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004
15. Reliability Test Program

GR-468-CORE Issue 1, December 1998 Laser Module

Mechanical MIL-STD-883 5 times/axis
Mechanical Shock Method 2002 1,500G, 0.5ms 20 11 0
Integrity Vibration MIL-STD-883 Cond. A 20G, 20-2,000 20 11 0
Method 2007 Hz, 4min/cy, 4cy/axis
Accel. Aging (R)-4-53 Section 85°C; rated power -
(High Temp.) 5.18 1,000 hrs. for pass/fail - 25
2,000, 5,000 hrs. for info. 10
Endurance Low Temp. - min. storage T 20 11 0
Storage 1,000 hrs. for pass/fail
2,000 hrs. for info.
Temperature Section 5.20 -40°C to +85°C
Cycling 500 for pass/fail 20 11 0
1,000 for info. - 11 -
Damp Heat MIL-STD-202 85°C/85%RH 1,000hrs. 20 11 0
Method 103 or
Cyc. Moist. Res. Section 5.23 - 20 11 0
Special Tests Internal MIL-STD-883 Max. 5,000ppm water 20 11 0
Moisture Method 1018 vapour
ESD Threshold Section 5.22 - 6 -
SS : Sample Size
C : Maximum number of failure allowed to pass the test.

16. Laser Safety

This product uses a semiconductor laser system and is a laser class 1 Class 1 Laser Product
product acceptable FDA, complies with 21CFR 1040. 10 and 1040.11. Also
this product is a laser class 1 product acceptable IEC 60825.

If this product is used under conditions not recommended in the specification or this product is used with unauthorized revision,
classfication for laser product safety standard is invalid. Classify the product again at your responsibility and take appropriate

17. Other Precaution

Under such a strong vibration environment as in automobile, the performance and reliability are not guaranteed.
The governmental approval is required to export this product to other countries. To dispose of these components,
the appropriate procedure should be taken to prevent illegal exportation.
This module must be handled, used and disposed of according to your company's safe working practice.

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Specification : TS-S02D047E
December, 2004

Do not put this product or components of this product into your mouth. This product contains material harmful to health.

Dispose this product or equipment including this product properly as an industrial waste according to the regulations.

18. Ordering Information

SCP6814 - GL - a b c ( LC Duplex Receptacle, Metallized )

Diagnostic Monitor / Calibration Type

Blank: No Diagnostic Monitoring
E :Diagnostic Monitoring with External Calibration

Operating Case Temperature

N : Tc= 0 to 70 °C
W : Tc=-40 to 85°C

Actuator and Tx Fault Type

Type Actuator Tx Fault Tx Shutdow n on Tx Fault Part Number on Label
A Bail Latched No SCP6814-GL-A b c
B Bail Not Latched No SCP6814-GL-B b c
C Bail Latched Yes SCP6814-GL-C b c
X MSA Latched Yes SCP6814-GL-X b c
Y MSA Not Latched No SCP6814-GL-Y b c
Z MSA Latched No SCP6814-GL-Z b c

19. For More Information

ExceLight Communications
4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 200 Durham, NC 27703 USA
Tel. +1-919-361-1600 / Fax. +1-919-361-1619
E-mail: info@excelight.com

Sumitomo Electric Europe Ltd.
220 Centennial Park, Elstree, Herts, WD6 3SL UK
Tel. +44-208-953-8681 / Fax. +44-208-207-5950
E-mail: photonics@sumielectric.com

Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
1 Taya-cho, Sakae-ku, Yokohama, 244-8588 Japan
Tel. +81-45-853-7154 / Fax. +81-45-851-1932
E-mail: product-info@ppd.sei.co.jp
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