Poverty in The Caribbean

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Lecture by
Professor Compton Bourne, PhD., O.E.
President, Caribbean Development Bank
at the
Monday, March 14, 2005


I am honoured to have been invited to deliver this year’s Alfred O. Heath

Distinguished Speaker’s Lecture. Dr. Heath has distinguished himself in the field
of medical surgery, academia and the arts and culture. He is a model of
commitment to improving the welfare of the members of his society. It is my hope
that the subject of my lecture, “Poverty and its Alleviation in the Caribbean” does
justice to the tradition he has established.

I must also say that it is a real pleasure to be back at the University which I
started visiting in the mid-1970s when it was quite young. I am very gratified to
observe its growth into a vibrant centre for higher education and learning
dedicated to widening access to education and expanding life opportunities of
members of Caribbean society, especially the young. This is no doubt due to the
excellence and dedication of its current and former Presidents and Faculty
through the years, some of whom it has been my distinct privilege to know and to
have worked with.


Poverty reduction is an almost universal objective. It finds expression in the

strategies and programmes of multilateral institutions, national governments,
bilateral aid agencies and regional and sub-regional development banks. It is the
first of the eight Millennium Development Goals for improving human welfare
enunciated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000. In the Caribbean,
poverty reduction is the overarching objective in the Caribbean Development
Bank’s Strategic Plan 2000-2004 and will remain a central objective in the
Strategic Plan for 2005-2009.


The poor are to be found everywhere in the world – in developing countries and
in developed countries, but is the standard of measurement or identification the
same? The Millennium Development Goal for poverty reduction sets the target of
reducing by one-half, the number of people living on less than $1 a day by the
year 2015. Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess in a study entitled “Halving
Global Poverty” published in 2003 correctly noted that while the dollar-a-day line
is representative of domestic poverty lines in low income countries, “it does not
correspond well with what is judged as poverty in the middle income
countries…and would be unthinkable in developed countries”. Since Caribbean
countries with a few exceptions would be classified as middle income countries
on the basis of their per capita income levels, dollar-a-day would seem to be of
limited relevance to the Caribbean as a measure of absolute poverty.
Furthermore, the poor may be better off, i.e. less poor, in some countries than in
others – in the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, and in Barbados than in Guyana,
Haiti and Suriname. What then do we mean by “poor”?

One can of course proceed by way of declarative statements such as the one
found in the World Development Report 2001: “Poverty is pronounced
deprivation in well-being.” But declarative statements while memorable do not
usually illuminate. They require elaboration, as the World Development Report
immediately acknowledges by posing and answering the question: “what
precisely is deprivation?” The answer is a description of the state of poverty
i.e, poverty in terms of living conditions: “To be poor is to be hungry, to lack
shelter and clothing, to be sick and not cared for, to be illiterate and not
schooled.” Influenced by the profound work of Amartya K. Sen on development
and poverty, the status of being poor has been extended beyond income levels
and income-associated conditions such as health and education to include what
Sen terms “unfreedoms” such as tyranny or bad treatment by the State and
exclusion from participation in decisions, particularly those directly affecting the
poor themselves. In more recent work, the status definition of poverty also refers
to acute vulnerability to economic shocks and natural hazards.

Generally, there are two main definitional approaches which find application in
the measurement and analyses of poverty and in policies and programmes for
poverty alleviation. The first and prevalent is the income or monetary approach
which addresses the issue of resources available to the person or household to
effect a standard of living. When the monetary or income situation of the person
or household is set against an arbitrarily determined standard of living, one gets
an absolute poverty line. When it is set against some average for the society, one
gets a relative poverty line. Dollar-a-day is an absolute standard – it is what a
person is estimated to need for provision of a defined level of basic necessities.
The European Union standard of 60% of median income is a relative standard –
a person is adjudged to be poor through comparison with the average for the
society. As Laderchi, Saith and Stewart (2003) comment:
“From a political point of view, a relative standard makes sense as
people’s toleration of poverty and governments’ willingness to take
action against it is generally relative to average standards in that
society. It’s also true that the sense of deprivation or unhappiness
caused by poverty is greatly influenced by average societal
They note that relative standards are adopted more in developed countries than
in developing countries, and vice versa.

The second approach is the capabilities approach i.e. the ability to be and do a
variety of things. This approach is linked to Sen’s work, especially on the
interpretation of development as “a process of expanding the real freedom that
people enjoy …… the removal of major sources of unfreedom:: poverty as well
as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic deprivation,
neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or overactivity of oppressive
states” (Sen 1999). Poverty, then, is deprivation of basic capabilities. The
capabilities approach not only changes the measurement focus in poverty
assessments, it alters quite significantly policy approaches to poverty alleviation
by directing attention to the need to strengthen the capabilities of individuals and
households to take action for improvement of their own welfare. It directs
attention to political and social constraints and to economic constraints external
to the individual or household, and it emphasises the importance of participatory
democracy. Poverty reduction programmes, such as the CDB’s Basic Needs
Trust Fund, now tend to have built-in provisions for community involvement in
project identification project design, project implementation and project
governance and include social and physical infrastructure in communities eg.
health centres, water supply systems, and roads, as instruments of capabilities


Surveys of living conditions conducted in many Caribbean countries between
1996 and 2002 provide a basis for assessing the incidence of poverty in the sub-
region. The surveys measure both income or monetary poverty and non-income
poverty. In terms of poverty measured by the ability to finance a basic
consumption basket of food and non-food items such as education, housing and
transportation, Haiti and Suriname are at the high end of the spectrum of poverty
incidence with an estimated 65% and 63% respectively of the populations below
the poverty line. Clustered in the 30% - 40% group are Belize, Dominica,
Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Between 20% and 29% are Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, St. Lucia, Trinidad
and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Barbados had a poverty rate of
14% in 1997 and Jamaica a poverty rate of approximately 20% in 2002. The
surveys do not include the US Virgin Islands but on a US relative standard
measure there might be a socially unacceptable incidence of poverty.
Progress has been made with lowering poverty levels in some countries.
Jamaica moved from 24% in 1993 to 20 % in 2002; Guyana from 43% in 1993 to
35% in 1999. In some other countries, the situation has deteriorated largely as a
consequence of severe external economic shocks and natural hazard
occurrences. An external economic shock is a discontinuous change in an
economic factor that is of major significance to economic and social conditions in
affected countries. The surge in global oil prices in the 1970s was a pervasive
negative shock to most Caribbean countries. The current high level of energy
prices if prolonged could become another major adverse shock. The removal of
European preferences for ACP banana exports is a recent significant negative
shock for the banana exporting countries in the Caribbean, particularly in St.
Lucia and Dominica where employment and incomes decreased precipitously in
the latter half of the 1990s. With respect to natural hazard occurrences, repeated
hurricanes might account for the stationarity of the incidence of poverty in St.
Kitts and Nevis during the 1990s. Hurricane Ivan in 2004 powerfully made the
point in Grenada that decades of progress can be substantially reversed in
There are other features of the poverty profile to which attention should be paid.
First, poverty seems to be more extensive in rural areas than in urban areas
even though urban poverty is more visible and perhaps more socially
destabilizing. Rural poverty manifests itself in lack of access to physical and
financial resources, production support facilities, and social and physical
infrastructure services such as electricity, water, sanitation, and roads and
transportation. Urban poverty is revealed in overcrowding, the emergence of
squatter settlements, and poor sanitation and waste disposal practices. Criminal
activity is a feature of both urban and rural poverty. Second, poor households
have low educational attainment and more unstable participation in the education
and training system. Third, the poor may be employed but nonetheless remain
poor, i.e., they are the working poor – poor because of the volatility of their
employment incomes as well as because of low rates of pay. Fourth, there may
be a substantial incidence of poverty among the elderly. The Inter-American
Development Bank estimates that in Jamaica, 7% of those in the bottom income
quintile were 65 years or older and 17% of those older than 65 years were in the
bottom income quintile. It may well be that many persons across the Caribbean
age into poverty.


Poverty has multiple negative effects, many of which have been referenced
already. They include levels and standards of consumption inadequate for
nutritional and physical health, for safe and healthy living, for accumulation of
knowledge and skills, and for child care and protection or advancement of the
welfare of future generations. The health problems and energy deficiency of the
poor contribute to absenteeism in the workplace, and limited capability for
extended spells of work, while education and training deficiencies directly
constrain productivity. In these circumstances, our societies are not making
fullest use of their human resources. The poverty of workers contributes to the
underachievement of productivity and economic growth.
However, the economic growth connections are not limited to workers.
Deteriorations in environmental quality are often associated with conditions of
poverty. Examples are squatter settlements, poor waste disposal and sanitary
practices, deforestation, each of which reduces quality of life for the society as a
whole and through the resource costs of remedial action in the areas of health,
security and law and order, to name a few, weaken the impetus for economic
Poverty itself also contributes to social exclusion, loss of self-confidence, loss of
psychological health, social alienation and absence of commitment to a
communal future. Furthermore, even though poverty is not the only cause of
crime, it is a cause.
The poor are also more vulnerable to natural hazard occurrences because they
tend to reside in hazardous locations with greater exposure to floods, windstorms
and landslides, because their quality of housing does not usually conform to
codes for disaster-risk reduction, and because of the temporary or ‘casual’ nature
of their employment make them usually the first to be laid off when production is
disrupted especially in the tourism and agricultural sectors.

Many factors underlie the high incidence of poverty in the Caribbean. Comments
are made on the major ones. First is income and employment. Most of the
employed labour are in low income jobs as labour force surveys readily show.
The higher income occupations such as the professions, managerial positions,
public administration account for small proportions of the employed labour force.
Teachers, clerical workers and others in the middle income groups are a large
segment but are closer to low income category, some analysts would assert. The
unskilled, semi-skilled and barely skilled predominate. In addition to the low
income characteristic, there is the fact of relatively high levels of unemployment –
anywhere between 7% and 20% of the labour force – which means that many
are without earned income. The inability of Caribbean economies to generate
jobs, especially a greater proportion of higher paying jobs, is thus one of the
underlying reasons for the persistence of poverty.
The second major reason is inequality of income and wealth within countries.
Measures of income inequality done for thirteen Caribbean countries between
1996 and 2002 show significant income inequality, the extent of inequality being
greater in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Grenada, Jamaica and
Belize, all of which are countries with a substantial incidence of poverty. Income
inequality generates social inequality and social exclusion. A less unequal
income distribution would raise income levels among the poor, transiting some of
them out of poverty, thereby reducing the extent of social exclusion and
disaffection. Inequality of wealth implies unequal access to financial and physical
resources as a basis for income generation. Similarly to income, therefore, a less
unequal distribution of wealth would be consistent with a lower incidence of
Third, there is global inequality of income, access to resources, and in
consumption. Evidence produced by a number of studies show conclusively that
the distribution of income between rich and poor countries has become more
unequal during the past decade and that income poverty is considerably lower in
the wealthier than in the poorer countries. A less unequal distribution of global
income could make a big difference to poverty in developing countries and
reduce global poverty overall.
Fourth, the Caribbean economy is volatile and this volatility is a contributory
factor to poverty. Economic volatility arises from several sources, all of which are
not necessarily operative at the same time. The sources include economic
dislocation caused by major adverse changes in international markets for
Caribbean exports of goods and services; acute fiscal difficulties arising from
changes in flows of foreign aid and international debt; natural hazard
occurrences which disrupt productive activity, destroy assets, and temporarily
depress demand. Economic volatility entails fluctuations in employment and
incomes with particularly stronger influence on employment and incomes of less
skilled and unskilled workers. It has been observed that poor people have
weaker and less effective mechanisms for coping with income and employment
shocks as well as asset loss due to natural hazard occurrences. They have no
insurance or inadequate insurance; they have little financial assets or access to
credit; and their supportive network of family and friends is probably subject to
the same immediate problems as themselves.
Fifth, the absence of personal coping mechanisms is reinforced by the absence
of government-financed safety nets in most Caribbean countries. Assistance to
affected households in the aftermath of natural hazard occurrences depends
mainly on the success of appeals for regional and international assistance rather
than on contingency funds already in place for such eventualities. The national
insurance schemes financed by levies on employment income function
essentially as post-retirement income supplements rather than as mechanisms
for transfer payments in times of temporary job loss. They are also typically
inadequate providers of post-retirement incomes as a consequence of which a
substantial proportion of the elderly are poor.
The absence of effective personal coping mechanisms and effective social safety
nets could result in persons involuntarily reverting to poverty during economic
Sixth, the income prospects of persons are conditional upon their educational
and skills training attainment irrespective of whether accreditation functions
mainly as a screening device or as an indicator of knowledge and expertise. The
health of persons also determines income prospects and outcomes through
affecting the likelihood of employment, the regularity of employment and the type
of job. Furthermore, childhood nutrition and education have long-run effects on
cognitive ability and health status. In this context, education and training and
health and nutrition are instrumental features of poverty as distinct from their role
as associative features of poverty, meaning that improvements in health and
education can reduce the incidence of poverty.


The foregoing analysis of the nature and causes of poverty points us in the
direction for policies and strategies for poverty alleviation. If poverty derives from
inadequate income or lack of capabilities, then we must logically address the
underlying determinants of income capacity and capabilities. Economic growth is
one of the fundamental determinants affecting a country’s capacity to generate
employment and income, its capacity to provide greater access to resources,
including the essential social services, and its ability to accumulate or save in
good times to finance contra-cyclical expenditures in poor times, and its capacity
to afford social insurance. Economic growth would reduce poverty as Besley and
Burgess demonstrate with their estimate that Latin America and the Caribbean
region requires a 3.8% annual growth rate to halve its poverty rate by 2015,
noting that such an economic growth rate is almost 3 times the 1.3% growth rate
achieved between 1960 and 1990. Caribbean countries typically grew at between
2% and 3% between 1980 and the mid-1990s, after which economic growth
slackened, even turning negative in some countries. Evidently, the economic
growth solution is not easy.

On the global level, it would be helped by greater access by poor counties to the
markets of rich countries, expanded flows of foreign capital (both aid and private
investment), and less expensive transfer of technology. The Monterray
Consensus of 2003 promised much financial assistance from developed
countries if developing countries reformed their governance structures and
engaged in other structural reforms. In the main, developing countries have been
making the adjustments, but the developed countries, with a few exceptions,
have not kept their end of the bargain. For example, very few developed
countries, notably not even the USA, are even close to the aid/GNP ratios agreed
in Monterray.

At the national level, economic growth requires sustained higher levels of

investment, more efficiency of invested capital, sustained improvements in
aggregate productivity, greater outlays on education and training, and on health,
etc. There are many contributors to economic growth.

Poverty can also be alleviated by reduction of income inequality. Besley and

Burgess’ work again provides some salient empirical findings in support of this
proposition. They estimate that for Latin America and the Caribbean, one
standard deviation change in income inequality would reduce poverty by 45%.
While economic growth and a less inequitable distribution of national income are
general contributors to poverty alleviation their effects are not always certain or
timely. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt policies and programmes for more
direct targeting of the poor. Reference has been made already to the CDB’s
Basic Needs Trust Fund as one such focussed intervention which directly
addresses the need for capabilities enhancement and income creation at the
community level.

Caribbean countries can also seek to manage economic volatility better through
several actions: catastrophe insurance; unemployed insurance and social
benefits schemes; pension reforms and greater coverage of the population;
improved access to credit facilities, and other elements of social safety nets. This
entails more careful design of policies with regard to the major objective of
poverty reduction and more effective implementation, including establishing
appropriate regulations governing the financial solvency of pension funds and
national insurance funds, geographical zoning of residential and business
property, and enforcing building codes.

There must also be a public commitment, with fiscal resources to back that
commitment, to ensuring decent livelihoods for those members of society who
are chronically unable to lift themselves out of poverty. This is a welfare view of
the State which is not really in vogue in some powerful countries in these times.
There must also be a commitment by members of the society to advancing the
collective good. This too may be at variance with the highly individualistic
principles operable in today’s market economies, but not in variance with the
basic principle of social responsibility. When all is said and done, we must be our
brothers’ keepers if we ourselves are to prosper or even survive.


1. Besley, Timothy and Robin Burgess (2003): “Halving Global Poverty”. Journal
on Economic Perspectives, 17,3, 2003: 3-22.

2. Laderchi, Caterina Ruggeri, Ruhi Saith and Francis Stewart (2003): “Everyone
Agrees We Need Poverty Reduction, But Not What This Means; Does It Matter?”
Paper for WIDER Conference on Inequality, Poverty and Human well-being,
Helsinki, 30-31 May 2003.

3. Sen, Amartya (1999): Development as Freedom (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,


4. World Bank: World Bank Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty.

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