02 Magnetism Assignment

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Magnetism 227

10. The magnetism of magnet is due to [JIPMER 1997] (a) Start from the north pole and end at the south
(a) The spin motion of electron
(b) Run continuously through the bar and outside
(b) Earth
(c) Emerge in circular paths from the middle of
(c) Pressure of big magnet inside the earth the bar
(d) Cosmic rays (d) Are produced only at the north pole like rays of
11. The pole strength of a bar magnet is 48 ampere- light from a bulb
metre and the distance between its poles is 25 18. A sensitive magnetic instrument can be shielded
cm. The moment of the couple by which it can be very effectively from outside magnetic fields by
placed at an angle of 30o with the uniform placing it inside a box of [CPMT 1974]
magnetic intensity of flux density 0.15 (a) Teak wood
Newton /ampere-metre will be (b) Plastic material
(c) Soft iron of high permeability
(a) 12 Newton × metre (b) 18 Newton × metre
(d) A metal of high conductivity
(c) 0.9 Newton × metre (d) None of the above 19. The field due to a magnet at a distance R from the
12. The magnetic field at a point x on the axis of a centre of the magnet is proportional to
small bar magnet is equal to the field at a point y [MP PET 1996]
(a) R 2 (b) R 3
on the equator of the same magnet. The ratio of
the distances of x and y from the centre of the (c) 1 / R 2 (d) 1 / R 3
magnet is [MP PMT 1990]
20. A uniform magnetic field, parallel to the plane of
(a) 23 (b) 21 / 3 the paper existed in space initially directed from
left to right. When a bar of soft iron is placed in the
(c) 23 (d) 21 / 3 field parallel to it, the lines of force passing
through it will be represented by
13. A magnet of magnetic moment 20 C.G.S. units is [CPMT 1986, 88]
freely suspended in a uniform magnetic field of
intensity 0.3 C.G.S. units. The amount of work
done in deflecting it by an angle of 30 o in C.G.S.
units is [MP PET 1991]

(a) 6 (b) 3 3
(A) (B)
(c) 3(2  3) (d) 3
14. A bar magnet having centre O has a length of 4
cm. Point P1 is in the broad side-on and P2 is in the
end side-on position with OP1 = OP2 = 10 metres.
The ratio of magnetic intensities H at P1 and P2 is
[MP PET 1990]
(C) (D)
(a) H 1 : H 2  16 : 100 (b) H 1 : H 2  1 : 2

(c) H 1 : H 2  2 : 1 (d) H 1 : H 2  100: 16 (a) Figure (A) (b) Figure (B)

(c) Figure (C) (d) Figure (D)
15. The magnetic field due to a short magnet at a
point on its axis at distance X cm from the middle 21. The figure below shows the north and south poles
point of the magnet is 200 Gauss. The magnetic of a permanent magnet in which n turn coil of area
field at a point on the neutral axis at a distance X of cross-section A is resting, such that for a current
cm from the middle of the magnet is i passed through the coil, the plane of the coil
[CPMT 1971, 88; MP PET 1985] makes an angle  with respect to the direction of
(a) 100 Gauss (b) 400 Gauss magnetic field B. If the plane of the magnetic field
(c) 50 Gauss (d) 200 Gauss and the coil are horizontal and vertical
respectively, the torque on the coil will be
16. Which of the following, the most suitable material
for making permanent magnet is [CPMT 1986, 88; DPMT 2002]

(a) Steel (b) Soft iron

(c) Copper (d) Nickel
17. In the case of bar magnet, lines of magnetic N S
[CPMT 1975; CBSE PMT 1990]
(a)   niABcos
228 Magnetism
(b)   niABsin 28. A bar magnet of length 10 cm and having the pole
(c)   niAB strength equal to 10–3 weber is kept in a magnetic
field having magnetic induction (B) equal to
(d) None of the above, since the magnetic field is
radial 4  103 Tesla. It makes an angle of 30 o with
22. Points A and B are situated perpendicular to the the direction of magnetic induction. The value of
axis of a 2cm long bar magnet at large distances the torque acting on the magnet is
X and 3X from its centre on opposite sides. The
[MP PMT 1993]
ratio of the magnetic fields at A and B will be
approximately equal to [CPMT 1988] (a) 2  10 7
Nm (b) 2  105 N  m
(a) 1 : 9 (b) 2 : 9
(c) 27 : 1 (d) 9 : 1 (c) 0.5N  m (d) 0.5  102 N  m
23. Two short magnets with their axes horizontal and
(  0  4  107 weber/ amp m )
perpendicular to the magnetic meridian are placed
with their centres 40 cm east and 50 cm west of 29. Magnetic field intensity is defined as [MP PET 1993]
magnetic needle. If the needle remains (a) Magnetic moment per unit volume
undeflected, the ratio of their magnetic moments
(b) Magnetic induction force acting on a unit
M 1 : M 2 is [MP PET 1990] magnetic pole
(a) 4 : 5 (b) 16 : 25 (c) Number of lines of force crossing per unit area

(c) 64 : 125 (d) 2 : 5 (d) Number of lines of force crossing per unit
24. If a bar magnet of magnetic moment M is freely 30. If the magnetic flux is expressed in weber, then
suspended in a uniform magnetic field of strength magnetic induction can be expressed in
B, the work done in rotating the magnet through
[CPMT 1974, 77, 83, 86, 87; MP PET 1989]
an angle  is (a) Weber/m2 (b) Weber/m
[AFMC 1997; MNR 1998; RPET 1999; MP PMT 1989, (c) Weber-m (d) Weber-m2
96, 99; MP PET 1984, 89, 2000; UPSEAT 1999,
2000, 05] 31. A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform
magnetic field. It experiences
(a) MB(1  sin ) (b) MB sin
[MP PMT 1987; IIT 1982;
(c) MB cos (d) MB(1  cos ) Kerala PET 2002; AMU 1999; AIEEE 2005]

25. Two small bar magnets are placed in a line with (a) A force and a torque
like poles facing each other at a certain distance d (b) A force but not a torque
apart. If the length of each magnet is negligible as (c) A torque but not a force
compared to d, the force between them will be (d) Neither a torque nor a force
inversely proportional to 32. The magnetic induction in air at a distance d from
[CPMT 1971; NCERT 1971; MP PMT 1992] an isolated point pole of strength m unit will be
[MNR 1987;
(a) d (b) d 2
CPMT 1991; MP PET 1995; AMU 1999; J & K CET 2005]
1 m m
(c) (d) d 4 (a) (b)
d d d2
26. A magnet of magnetic moment M is situated with (c) md (d) md2
its axis along the direction of a magnetic field of
33. A magnetic needle lying parallel to a magnetic
strength B. The work done in rotating it by an
field requires W units of work to turn it through
angle of 180o will be
60°. The torque required to maintain the needle in
[MP PMT 1985; MP PET 1997] this position will be
[KCET 1994; MNR 1991; MP PET 1996;
(a)  MB (b)  MB
[AIEEE 2003; UPSEAT 2000; BHU 2004; Pb PET 2004]
(c) 0 (d) 2MB (a) 3W (b) W
27. A long magnet is cut in two parts in such a way
that the ratio of their lengths is 2 : 1. The ratio of 3
(c) W (d) 2W
pole strengths of both the section is 2
[CPMT 1986] 34. A long magnetic needle of length 2L, magnetic
(a) Equal (b) In the ratio of 2 : 1 moment M and pole strength m units is broken
into two pieces at the middle. The magnetic
(c) In the ratio of 1 : 2 (d) In the ratio of 4 : 1
Magnetism 229
moment and pole strength of each piece will be 42. Magnetic lines of force [MP PET 1994]
[NCERT 1983; DPMT 1987] (a) Always intersect
M m m (b) Are always closed
(a) , (b) M ,
2 2 2 (c) Tend to crowd far away from the poles of
(c) ,m (d) M, m (d) Do not pass through vacuum
2 
43. Rate of change of torque with deflection  is
35. Two identical thin bar magnets each of length l maximum for a magnet suspended freely in a
and pole strength m are placed at right angle to
uniform magnetic field of induction B, when
each other with north pole of one touching south
[MP PET 1994]
pole of the other. Magnetic moment of the system
is [MNR 1981; MP PET (a)   0 (b)   45
2002] (c)   60 (d)   90
(a) ml (b) 2ml 44. A magnet of magnetic moment M is rotated
1 through 360° in a magnetic field H, the work done
(c) 2ml (d) ml will be
[KCET 1998; MP PMT 1994; Roorkee
36. Magnetic induction is a [AFMC 1986]
(a) Scalar quantity (b) Vector quantity (a) MH (b) 2MH
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above (c) 2MH (d) Zero
37. What happens to the force between magnetic 45. The direction of line of magnetic field of bar
poles when their pole strength and the distance
magnet is
between them are both doubled [CPMT 1978, 80,
[AFMC 1995]
84, 85; MP PET 2005]
(a) Force increases to two times the previous (a) From south pole to north pole
value (b) From north pole to south pole
(b) No change (c) Across the bar magnet
(c) Force decreases to half the previous value
(d) From south pole to north pole inside the
(d) Force increases to four times the previous
magnet and from north pole to south pole
outside the magnet
38. Force between two unit pole strength placed at a
distance of one metre is [CPMT 1987] 46. The work done in turning a magnet of magnetic
moment 'M' by an angle of 90° from the meridian
(a) 1 N (b) N is 'n' times the corresponding work done to turn it
through an angle of 60°, where 'n' is given by
(c) 107 N (d) 4  107 N [CBSE PMT 1995; MP PET 2003]
39. A small bar magnet of moment M is placed in a (a) 1/2 (b) 2
uniform field H. If magnet makes an angle of 30°
(c) 1/4 (d) 1
with field, the torque acting on the magnet is
[CPMT 1989] 47. Force between two identical bar magnets whose
MH centres are r metre apart is 4.8 N, when their
(a) MH (b) axes are in the same line. If separation is
2 increased to 2r, the force between them is
MH MH reduced to [AIIMS 1995]
(c) (d)
3 4 (a) 2.4N (b) 1.2N
40. If a hole is made at the centre of a bar magnet, (c) 0.6N (d) 0.3N
then its magnetic moment will
48. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 104J/T is free to
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
rotate in a horizontal plane. The work done in
(c) Not change (d) None of these rotating the magnet slowly from a direction
41. The small magnets each of magnetic moment 10 parallel to a horizontal magnetic field of 4×10 –5 T
A-m2 are placed end-on position 0.1m apart from to a direction 60° from the field will be
their centres. The force acting between them is [MP PET 1995]
[MNR 1994]
(a) 0.2 J (b) 2.0 J
(a) 0.6  107 N (b) 0.06 107 N
(c) 4.18 J (d) 2 × 102 J
(c) 0.6N (d) 0.06N
230 Magnetism
49. Magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet do not The magnetic moment of the bar magnet will be
intersect because [MP PMT 1995] [MP PMT 1997; UPSEAT 2004]
(a) A point always has a single net magnetic field (a) 0.23 Joule/Tesla (b) 0.40 Joule/Tesla
(b) The lines have similar charges and so repel
each other (c) 0.80Joule/Tesla (d) Zero

(c) The lines always diverge from a single point 56. The magnetic field to a small magnetic dipole of
(d) The lines need magnetic lenses to be made to magnetic moment M, at distance r from the
intersect centre on the equatorial line is given by (in M.K.S.
50. The unit of magnetic moment is system) [MP PMT/PET 1998]
[MP PET 1996; AMU 2000; MP PMT 1995, 2002]
0 M 0 M
(a) Wb/m (b) Wb.m2 (a)  (b) 
4 r 2 4 r 3
(c) A.m (d) A.m2
 0 2M  0 2M
51. The dipole moment of a short bar magnet is 1.25 (c)  2 (d)  3
A-m2. The magnetic field on its axis at a distance 4 r 4 r
of 0.5metre from the centre of the magnet is
57. The incorrect statement regarding the lines of
(a) 1.0  104 Newton/ amp meter force of the magnetic field B is
[MP PET 1999]
(b) 4  102 Newton/ amp metre
(a) Magnetic intensity is a measure of lines of
(c) 2 106 Newton/ amp metre force passing

(d) 6.64 108 Newton/ amp metre through unit area held normal to it

52. A permanent magnet [MP PET 1996] (b) Magnetic lines of force form a close curve
(a) Attracts all substances (c) Inside a magnet, its magnetic lines of force
move from north pole of a magnet towards its
(b) Attracts only magnetic substances
south pole
(c) Attracts magnetic substances and repels all
non-magnetic substances (d) Due to a magnet magnetic lines of force never
cut each
(d) Attracts non-magnetic substances and repels
magnetic substances other
53. Two equal bar magnets are kept as shown in the 58. A straight wire carrying current i is turned into a
figure. The direction of resultant magnetic field, circular loop. If the magnitude of magnetic
indicated by arrow head at the point P is moment associated with it in M.K.S. unit is M, the
(approximately) length of wire will be
S [MP PET 1999]
• S 4M
(a) 4iM (b)
N i

(a) (b) 4i M

(c) (d)
M 4i
(c) (d)
54. The S.I. unit of magnetic permeability is [MP PET 59. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is placed
1997] in a magnetic field of induction B . The torque
exerted on it is
(a) Am1
[EAMCET (Engg.) 1995; CBSE PMT 1999; BHU 2003;
(b) Am CPMT 2004; MP PMT 2001, 05]
(c) Henrym1 (a) M.B (b) – M .B

(d) No unit, it is a dimensionless number (c) M  B (d) B  M

55. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with 60. For protecting a sensitive equipment from the
a uniform external magnetic field of 0.16 Tesla external magnetic field, it should be
experiences a torque of magnitude 0.032 Joule. [KCET 1993; CBSE PMT 1998]
Magnetism 231
(a) Placed inside an aluminium cane (d) At infinity
(b) Placed inside an iron cane 68. If a magnet of length 10 cm and pole strength 40
(c) Wrapped with insulation around it when A-m is placed at an angle of 45 o in an uniform
passing current induction field of intensity 2  10–4 T, the couple
through it acting on it is
(d) Surrounded with fine copper sheet [Pb. PMT 1999; MH CET (Med.) 1999]
61. If a piece of metal was thought to be magnet, (a) 0.5656  10–4 N-m (b) 0.5656  10–3 N-m
which one of the following observations would (c) 0.656  10 N-m–4
(d) 0.656  10–5 N-m
offer conclusive evidence
69. The intensity of magnetic field is H and moment of
[KCET 1994] magnet is M. The maximum potential energy is
(a) It attracts a known magnet [Pb. PMT 1999; MH CET (Med.) 1999]
(b) It repels a known magnet (a) MH (b) 2 MH
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (c) 3 MH (d) 4 MH
(d) It attracts a steel screw driver 70. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 200 A-m2 is
62. The magnet can be completely demagnetized by suspended in a magnetic field of intensity 0.25
N/A-m. The couple required to deflect it through
[KCET 1994] 30o is
(a) Breaking the magnet into small pieces [AFMC 1999; Pb. PET 2000]
(b) Heating it slightly (a) 50 N-m (b) 25 N-m
(c) Droping it into ice cold water (c) 20 N-m (d) 15 N-m
(d) A reverse field of appropriate strength 71. Two similar bar magnets P and Q, each of
magnetic moment M, are taken, If P is cut along its
63. A current loop placed in a magnetic field behaves
axial line and Q is cut along its equatorial line, all
like a
the four pieces obtained have [EAMCET (Engg.)
[AFMC 1994] 2000]
(a) Magnetic dipole (b) Magnetic substance (a) Equal pole strength (b) Magnetic moment
(c) Magnetic pole (d) All are true M
64. A magnet when placed perpendicular to a uniform 4
field of strength 104 Wb/ m2 experiences a M
(c) Magnetic moment (d)Magnetic moment
maximum couple of moment 4  105 N / m. . 2
What is its magnetic moment M
[Bihar MEE 1995] 72. A magnet of magnetic moment 50ˆ i A - m2 is
(a) 0.4 A  m 2 (b) 0.2A  m 2 placed along the x-axis in a magnetic field
B  (0.5ˆi  3.0ˆ
j) T. The torque acting on the
(c) 0.16A  m2 (d) 0.04A  m2
magnet is
(e) 0.06A  m2 [MP PMT 2000]
65. Weber/m2 is equal to [CPMT 1985; AFMC 1997] ˆ N -m
(a) 175 k ˆ N -m
(b) 150 k
(a) Volt (b) Henry ˆ N -m ˆ N -m
(c) 75 k (d) 25 37 k
(c) Tesla (d) All of these
73. A bar magnet is held perpendicular to a uniform
66. Two magnets, each of magnetic moment ‘M’ are magnetic field. If the couple acting on the magnet
placed so as to form a cross at right angles to is to be halved by rotating it, then the angle by
each other. The magnetic moment of the system which it is to be rotated is
will be
[CBSE PMT 2000]
[AFMC 1999; Pb PET 2001]
(a) 30o (b) 45o
(a) 2 M (b) 2M
(c) 60o (d) 90o
(c) 0.5 M (d) M 74. There is no couple acting when two bar magnets
67. Two like magnetic poles of strength 10 and 40 SI are placed coaxially separated by a distance
units are separated by a distance 30 cm. The because
intensity of magnetic field is zero on the line [EAMCET (Engg.) 2000]
joining them [JIPMER 1999] (a) There are no forces on the poles
(a) At a point 10 cm from the stronger pole (b) The forces are parallel and their lines of action
(b) At a point 20 cm from the stronger pole do not coincide
(c) At the mid-point (c) The forces are perpendicular to each other
232 Magnetism
(d) The forces act along the same line [AFMC 2003]
75. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 3.0 A-m is (a) Magnetic meridian (b) Geometric meridian
placed in a uniform magnetic induction field of 2
(c) Angle of dip (d) None of these
 10–5 T. If each pole of the magnet experiences
a force of 6  10 –4 N, the length of the magnet is 82. The work done in rotating a magnet of magnetic
[EAMCET (Med.) 2000] moment 2 A-m2 in a magnetic field of 5  10–3 T
(a) 0.5 m (b) 0.3 m from the direction along the magnetic field to
(c) 0.2 m (d) 0.1 m opposite direction to the magnetic field, is
[MP PET 2003]
76. A bar magnet when placed at an angle of 30 o to
the direction of magnetic field induction of 5  (a) Zero (b) 2  10–2 J
10 –2 T, experiences a moment of couple 25  10–
6 (c) 10–2 J (d) 10 J
N-m. If the length of the magnet is 5 cm its pole
strength is 83. The torque on a bar magnet due to the earth's
[EAMCET (Med.) 2000] magnetic field is maximum when the axis of the
(a) 2  10–2 A-m (b) 5  10–2 A-m magnet is

(c) 2 A-m (d) 5 A-m [MP PMT 2004]

77. Two lines of force due to a bar magnet [MP PMT (a) Perpendicular to the field of the earth
(b) Parallel to the vertical component of the
(a) Intersect at the neutral point earth's field
(b) Intersect near the poles of the magnet
(c) At an angle of 33o with respect to the N-S
(c) Intersect on the equatorial axis of the magnet direction
(d) Do not intersect at all
(d) Along the North-South (N-S) direction
78. The ultimate individual unit of magnetism in any
magnet is called [MP PET 2002; J & K CET 2004] 84. Magnetic dipole moment is a
[AFMC 2004]
(a) North pole (b) South pole
(c) Dipole (d) Quadrupole (a) Scalar quantity (b) Vector quantity
79. The magnetic field lines due to a bar magnet are (c) Constant quantity (d) None of these
correctly shown in [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2002] 85. A bar magnet of length 3 cm has points A and B
along its axis at distances of 24 cm and 48 cm on
(a) N (b) N the opposite sides. Ratio of magnetic fields at
these points will be [DPMT 2004]


24 48
cm cm
(a) 8 (b) 1 / 2 2
(c) N (d) N
(c) 3 (d) 4

86. A magnet of magnetic moment 2 J T 1 is

aligned in the direction of magnetic field of 0.1 T.
What is the net work done to bring the magnet
80. The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet normal to the magnetic field
[AIEEE 2003] [DCE 2004]
(a) Are from south-pole to north-pole of the (a) 0.1 J (b) 0.2 J
(c) 1 J (d) 2 J
(b) Are from north-pole to south-pole of the
magnet 87. The magnetic moment of a magnet of length 10
(c) Do not exist cm and pole strength 4.0 Am will be
[DPMT 2003]
(d) Depend upon the area of cross-section of the
bar magnet (a) 0.4 Am2 (b) 1.6 Am2
81. If a magnet is hanged with its magnetic axis then
it stops in (c) 20 Am2 (d) 8.0 Am2
Magnetism 233
88. The effective length of a magnet is 31.4 cm and its (horizontal component) at this point be 0.3 gauss,
pole strength is 0.5 Am. The magnetic moment, if the magnetic moment of the magnet is
it is bent in the form of a semicircle will be [CPMT 1987; MNR 1978]
[DPMT 2003]
(a) 8.0  102 e.m.u. (b) 1.2  103 e.m.u.
(a) 0.1 Am2 (b) 0.01 Am2
(c) 2.4  103 e.m.u. (d) 3.6  103 e.m.u.
(c) 0.2 Am2 (d) 1.2 Am2
2. Intensity of magnetic field due to earth at a point
89. The magnetic potential at a point on the axial line inside a hollow steel box is
of a bar magnet of dipole moment M is V. What is [MP PET 1995]
the magnetic potential due to a bar magnet of (a) Less than outside (b) More than outside
M (c) Same (d) Zero
dipole moment at the same point
4 3. Earth's magnetic field always has a horizontal
[MH CET 2004] component except at or Horizontal component of
earth's magnetic field remains zero at
(a) 4 V (b) 2 V
[CPMT 1971, 81, 83]
V V (a) Equator (b) Magnetic poles
(c) (d)
2 4 (c) A latitude of 60 o
(d) An altitude of 60o
90. A small bar magnet has a magnetic moment 1.2 A- 4. A dip needle in a plane perpendicular to magnetic
m2. The magnetic field at a distance 0.1 m on its meridian will remain [NCERT 1975; MP PMT 1984;
MP PET 1995]
axis will be : (0 = 4  10–7 T-m/A)
[BHU 2003] (a) Vertical

(a) 1.2  10–4 T (b) 2.4  10–4 T (b) Horizontal

(c) 2.4  10 T
(d) 1.2  10 T
4 (c) In any direction

91. Two identical short bar magnets, each having (d) At an angle of dip to the horizontal
magnetic moment of 10 Am2, are arranged such 5. At magnetic poles of earth, angle of dip is
that their axial lines are perpendicular to each [CPMT 1977, 91; NCERT 1981; MP PET 1997; Pb PET
other and their centres be along the same straight 2002]
line in a horizontal plane. If the distance between (a) Zero (b) 45o
their centres is 0.2 m, the resultant magnetic
(c) 90o (d) 180o
induction at a point midway between them is
6. The correct relation is
( 0  4  107 Hm1) [EAMCET
[CPMT 1986; MP PET 1981; AFMC 1996]
(a) 2  107 Tesla (b) 5  107 Tesla (a) B (b) B  BV  BH
(c) 2  103 Tesla (d) 5  103 Tesla
(c) | B | 2
BH  BV2 (d) B  BH  BV
92. A magnet of length 0.1 m and pole strength
104 A.m. is kept in a magnetic field of (Where BH  Horizontal component of earth's
30Wb / m2 at an angle 30°. The couple acting on magnetic field; BV = Vertical component of
it is ………  10 4 earth's magnetic field and B = Total intensity of
Nm. [MP PET 2005]
earth's magnetic field)
(a) 7.5 (b) 3.0
7. At a certain place, the horizontal component of
(c) 1.5 (d) 6.0
earth's magnetic field is 3 times the vertical
Earth Magnetism component. The angle of dip at that place is [MP
PMT 1984, 85; AFMC 2000]
1. A very small magnet is placed in the magnetic (a) 60 (b) 45
meridian with its south pole pointing north. The

null point is obtained 20 cm away from the centre
of the magnet. If the earth's magnetic field
(c) 90 (d)
234 Magnetism
8. The vertical component of earth's magnetic field is (a) Between the vertical component of earth's
zero at or The earth's magnetic field always has a magnetic field and magnetic meridian
vertical component except at the (b) Between the vertical component of earth's
magnetic field and geographical meridian
[NCERT 1980, 88; CPMT 1983; MP PMT 1996]
(c) Between the earth's magnetic field direction
(a) Magnetic poles (b) Geographical poles and horizontal direction
(c) Every place (d) Magnetic equator (d) Between the magnetic meridian and the
geographical meridian
9. The angle between the magnetic meridian and
geographical meridian is called 16. At a certain place the angle of dip is 30° and the
[MNR 1990; UPSEAT 1999, 2000; MP PMT 2000] horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is
0.50 Oersted. The earth's total magnetic field is
(a) Angle of dip (b) Angle of declination [CPMT 1990]
(c) Magnetic moment (d) Power of magnetic (a) 3 (b) 1
1 1
10. The lines of forces due to earth's horizontal (c) (d)
component of magnetic field are 3 2
[CPMT 1985; MP PMT 1980; AIIMS 1998] 17. The angle of dip at the magnetic equator is
(a) Parallel straight lines (b) Concentric circles [MP PET 1984; MP PMT 1987; CBSE PMT 1989, 90;
(c) Elliptical (d) Parabolic MP Board 1980; CPMT 1977, 87, 90; Manipal MEE
11. At a place, if the earth's horizontal and vertical
(a) 0° (b) 45°
components of magnetic fields are equal, then the
angle of dip will be (c) 30° (d) 90°

[SCRA 1994; DCE 2001; MP PMT 2002] 18. The line on the earth's surface joining the points
where the field is horizontal is
(a) 30 (b) 90 [MNR 1985; UPSEAT 1999; Pb PET 2004]
(c) 45 (d) 0° (a) Magnetic meridian (b) Magnetic axis
12. If the angles of dip at two places are 30 and 45 o o (c) Magnetic line (d) Magnetic equator
respectively, then the ratio of horizontal (e) Isogonic line
components of earth's magnetic field at the two 19. The angle between the earth's magnetic and the
places will be [MP PET 1989] earth's geographical axes is
[MNR 1979]
(a) 3: 2 (b) 1 : 2 (a) Zero (b) 17°
(c) 1 : 3 (d) 1: 2 (c) 23° (d) None of these
13. At a place the earth's horizontal component of 20. The lines joining the places of the same horizontal
intensity are known as [MNR 1984]
magnetic field is 0.36 104 weber/ m2 . If the
(a) Isogonic lines (b) Aclinic lines
angle of dip at that place is 60 o, then the vertical
component of earth's field at that place in (c) Isoclinic lines (d) Agonic lines
weber/m2 will be approximately [MP PMT 1985] (e) Isodynamic lines
(a) 0.12 10 4 (b) 0.24  10 4 21. Ratio between total intensity of magnetic field at
equator to poles is [IIT 1970; CPMT
(c) 0.40 104 (d) 0.62 104 1981]
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
14. The angle of dip at a place is 40.6 o and the
intensity of the vertical component of the earth's (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
magnetic field V  6  105 Tesla. The total 22. A line passing through places having zero value of
intensity of the earth's magnetic field (I) at this magnetic dip is called [CPMT 1987]
place is [MP PMT 1993] (a) Isoclinic line (b) Agonic line
(a) 7  10 5 (b) 6 10 5 (c) Isogonic line (d) Aclinic line
tesla tesla
23. At a place, the horizontal and vertical intensities of
(c) 5 105 tesla (d) 9.2 105 tesla
earth's magnetic field is 0.30 Gauss and 0.173
15. The angle of dip is the angle Gauss respectively. The angle of dip at this place is
[CPMT 1978] [MP PMT 1986]
Magnetism 235
(a) 30° (b) 90° (c) North-east and south-west
(c) 60° (d) 45° (d) North-west and south-east
24. The angle of dip at a place is 60°. At this place the 31. In two separate experiments the neutral points
total intensity of earth's magnetic field is 0.64 due to two small magnets are at a distance of r
units. The horizontal intensity of earth's magnetic and 2r in broad side-on position. The ratio of their
field at this place is magnetic moments will be
[MP PET 1984] [MP PMT 1985]
(a) 1.28 units (b) 0.64 units (a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 0.16 units (d) 0.32 units (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 8
25. The magnetic compass is not useful for navigation 32. The magnetic field due to the earth is closely
near the magnetic poles because equivalent to that due to [BIT Ranchi 1982]
[BIT Ranchi 1982]
(a) A large magnet of length equal to the diameter
(a) The magnetic field near the poles is zero
of the earth
(b) The magnetic field near the poles is almost
vertical (b) A magnetic dipole placed at the centre of the
(c) At low temperature, the compass needle earth
looses its magnetic properties (c) A large coil carrying current
(d) Neither of the above (d) Neither of the above
26. The angle of dip at a place on the earth gives
33. The earth's magnetic field at a certain place has a
[MP PET 1994] horizontal component 0.3 Gauss and the total
(a) The horizontal component of the earth's strength 0.5 Gauss. The angle of dip is
magnetic field [MP PMT 1995]
(b) The location of the geographic meridian 3 3
1 1
(a) tan (b) sin
(c) The vertical component of the earth's field 4 4
(d) The direction of the earth's magnetic field
1 4 3
27. At the magnetic north pole of the earth, the value (c) tan (d) sin1
3 5
of horizontal component of earth's magnetic field
and angle of dip are, respectively 34. The value of the horizontal component of the
[MP PMT 1994] earth's magnetic field and angle of dip are
(a) Zero, maximum (b) Maximum, minimum 1.8  105 Weber/ m2 and 30° respectively at
(c) Maximum, maximum (d) Minimum, minimum some place. The total intensity of earth's magnetic
28. At a place, the magnitudes of the horizontal field at that place will be [MP PET 1996]
component and total intensity of the magnetic (a) 2.08 105 Weber/ m2 (b)
field of the earth are 0.3 and 0.6 Oersted
respectively. The value of the angle of dip at this 3.67 105 Weber/ m2
place will be [MP PMT 1994]
(c) 3.18 105 Weber/ m2 (d)
(a) 60° (b) 45°
(c) 30° (d) 0° 5.0  105 Weber/ m2
29. A dip circle is at right angle to the magnetic 35. When the N-pole of a bar magnet points towards
meridian. What will be the apparent dip the south and S-pole towards the north, the null
[AFMC 1995] points are at the
(a) 0° (b) 30° [MP PMT 1996]
(c) 60º (d) 90° (a) Magnetic axis
30. A bar magnet is placed north-south with its north (b) Magnetic centre
pole due north. The points of zero magnetic field
(c) Perpendicular divider of magnetic axis
will be in which direction from the centre of the
magnet (d) N and S poles

[MNR 1995; MP PMT 1995; UPSEAT 2000] 36. Lines which represent places of constant angle of
dip are called
(a) North and south
(a) Isobaric lines (b) Isogonic lines
(b) East and west
236 Magnetism
(c) Isoclinic lines (d) Isodynamic lines earth’s magnetic field with magnet having
37. The vertical component of the earth's magnetic magnetic moment 2M making and angle  with the
field is zero at a place where the angle of dip is magnetic meridian such that
[MP PMT/PET 1998] [AFMC 1999]

 1 
(a) 0°
(c) 60°
(b) 45°
(d) 90°
(a)   tan 
 3

 (b)   tan1  3
38. At a certain place, the horizontal component B0
1  1 1  3
(c)   tan   (d)   tan  
and the vertical component V0 of the earth's  2  4
magnetic field are equal in magnitude. The total
45. Angle of dip is 90o at [AIIMS 1999]
intensity at the place will be
[MP PMT 1999, 2003] (a) Poles (b) Equator

(a) B0 (b) B02 (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
46. At a certain place the horizontal component of the
(c) 2B0 (d) 2B0 earth’s magnetic field is B0 and the angle of dip is
39. A compass needle will show which one of the 45o. The total intensity of the field at that place
following directions at the earth's magnetic pole will be
[KCET 1993, 94] [MP PET 2000; Pb PET 2003]
(a) Vertical (b) No particular
(a) B0 (b) 2 B0
(c) Bent at 45° to the vertical(d) Horizontal (c) 2 B0 (d) B02
40. The north pole of the earth's magnet is near the
geographical [KCET 1994] 47. The value of angle of dip is zero at the magnetic
(a) South (b) East equator because on it [MP PET 2001]

(c) West (d) North (a) V and H are equal

41. The magnetic field of earth is due to [JIPMER 1997] (b) The value of V and H is zero
(a) Motion and distribution of some material in (c) The value of V is zero
and outside the earth
(d) The value of H is zero
(b) Interaction of cosmic rays with the current of
earth 48. Which of the following relation is correct in
(c) A magnetic dipole buried at the centre of the
earth [KCET (Engg./Med.) 2001]

(d) Induction effect of the sun (a) I 2  V 2  H 2 (b) IVH

42. A short magnet of moment 6.75 Am2 produces a
neutral point on its axis. If horizontal component (c) V  I 2  H 2 (d) V 2  I  H

of earth's magnetic field is 5  105 Wb/ m2 , then 49. The direction of the null points is on the equatorial
the distance of the neutral point should be line of a bar magnet, when the north pole of the
[SCRA 1994] magnet is pointing
(a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm [AFMC 1999; Pb. PMT 2000; CPMT 2001; MH CET 2003]
(c) 30 cm (d) 40 cm (a) North (b) South
43. Due to the earth's magnetic field, charged cosmic (c) East (d) West
ray particles [CBSE PMT 1997]
50. Magnetic meridian is a [Orissa JEE 2002]
(a) Require greater kinetic energy to reach the
equator than (a) Point (b) Horizontal plane
the poles (c) Vertical plane (d) Line along N-S
(b) Require less kinetic energy to reach the 51. The angle of dip at a certain place is 30 o. If the
equator than the poles horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field
(c) Can never reach the equator is H, the intensity of the total magnetic field is
(d) Can never reach the poles [UPSEAT 1993, 2000; MP PMT 2002]
44. Two bar magnets with magnetic moments 2 M and 2H
M are fastened together at right angles to each (a) (b)
other at their centres to form a crossed system, 2 3
which can rotate freely about a vertical axis (c) H (d) H
2 3
through the centre. The crossed system sets in
Magnetism 237
52. The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic (d) Inclined at 45o to the horizontal
field is 0.22 Gauss and total magnetic field is 0.4
59. If magnetic lines of force are drawn by keeping
Gauss. The angle of dip. is
magnet vertical, then number of neutral points will
[MP PMT 2004]
(a) tan1 (1) (b) tan1 ()
[MP PMT 1985; CPMT 1985]
1 1
(c) tan (1.518) (d) tan ( ) (a) One (b) Two

53. A bar magnet is situated on a table along east- (c) Four (d) Five
west direction in the magnetic field of earth. The
number of neutral points, where the magnetic field Magnetic Equipments
is zero, are [MP PMT 2004]
(a) 2 (b) 0 1. Time period of a freely suspended magnet does
(c) 1 (d) 4 not depend upon [NCERT 1980; CPMT 1980; MP PET
54. At which place, earth's magnetism become 1997]

horizontal (a) Length of the magnet

[AFMC 2004] (b) Pole strength of the magnet
(a) Magnetic pole (b) Geographical pole (c) Horizontal component of earth's magnetic field
(c) Magnetic meridian (d) Magnetic equator (d) Length of the suspension thread
55. Isogonic lines on magnetic map will have [AFMC 2. Magnetic moments of two bar magnets may be
2004] compared with the help of
[MP PET/PMT 1988]
(a) Zero angle of dip
(a) Deflection magnetometer
(b) Zero angle of declination
(b) Vibration magnetometer
(c) Same angle of declination
(c) Both of the above
(d) Same angle of dip (d) None of the above
56. A current carrying coil is placed with its axis 3. The time period of oscillation of a freely
perpendicular to N-S direction. Let horizontal suspended bar magnet with usual notations is
component of earth's magnetic field be Ho and given by
magnetic field inside the loop is H. If a magnet is [CPMT 1973, 76, 87; MP PET 1994, 96]
suspended inside the loop, it makes angle  with
H. Then  = [Orissa PMT 2004] (a) T  2 (b) T  2
H   H 
(a) tan1  0  1
(b) tan  
 I BH
(c) T  (d) T  2
 H   H0  MBH MI
 H  H  4. In sum and difference method in vibration
(c) cosec  
 (d) cot1  0  magnetometer, the time period is more if
 H0   H 
[MP PMT 1989; MP PET/PMT 1988]
57. Let V and H be the vertical and horizontal
(a) Similar poles of both magnets are on same
components of earth's magnetic field at any point sides
on earth. Near the north pole
(b) Opposite poles of both magnets are on same
[UPSEAT 2004]
(a) V  H (b) V  H (c) Both magnets are perpendicular to each other
(c) VH (d) VH 0 (d) Nothing can be said
58. At the magnetic poles of the earth, a compass 5. At a certain place a magnet makes 30 oscillations
needle will be per minute. At another place where the magnetic
field is double, its time period will be
[DCE 2003]
[MP PMT 1989; MP PET/PMT 1988]
(a) Vertical
(a) 4 sec (b) 2 sec
(b) Bent slightly
(c) Horizontal
238 Magnetism
1 horizontal field = 3.6  105 weber/m .
(c) sec (d) 2 sec
2 magnetic moment will be
6. Vibration magnetometer is used for comparing (a) 0.5 A  m2 (b) 5 A  m2
[MP PET/PMT 1988] (c) 0.250A  m2 (d) 5  102 A  m2
(a) Magnetic fields (b) Earth's field
14. Vibration magnetometer before use, should be set
(c) Magnetic moments (d) All of the above (a) In magnetic meridian
7. Two magnets of same size and mass make (b) In geographical meridian
respectively 10 and 15 oscillations per minute at
certain place. The ratio of their magnetic moments (c) Perpendicular to magnetic meridian
is (d) In any position
[Bihar PET 1984; MP PET/PMT 1988; MP PET 15. If a brass bar is placed on a vibrating magnet,
1992] then its time period
(a) 4 : 9 (b) 9 : 4 (a) Decreases
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2 (b) Increases
8. Time period for a magnet is T. If it is divided in (c) Remains unchanged
four equal parts along its axis and perpendicular (d) First increases then decreases
to its axis as shown then time period for each part
will be 16. A magnetic needle is made to vibrate in uniform
field H, then its time period is T. If it vibrates in the
field of intensity 4H, its time period will be
[MP Board 1988; MP PMT 1992; MH CET (Med.)
N S 1999]
(a) 2T (b) T / 2
(c) 2 / T (d) T
(a) 4T (b) T / 4
17. Two bar magnets of the same mass, length and
(c) T / 2 (d) T breadth but magnetic moments M and 2M
respectively, when placed in same position, time
9. Keeping dissimilar poles of two magnets of equal
period is 3 sec. What will be the time period when
pole strength and length same side, their time
they are placed in different position
period will be
[NCERT 1977; DPMT 1999]
[DPMT 2001]
(a) Zero (b) One second (a) 3 sec (b) 3 3 sec

(c) Infinity (d) Any value (c) 3 sec (d) 6 sec

10. Time period in vibration magnetometer will be 18. To compare magnetic moments of two magnets by
infinity at vibration magnetometer, 'sum and difference
(a) Magnetic equator (b) Magnetic poles method' is better because
(c) Equator (d) At all places (a) Determination of moment of inertia is not
needed which minimises the errors
11. Twists of suspension fibre should be removed in
vibration magnetometer so that (b) Less observations are required
(a) Time period be less (c) Comparatively less calculations
(d) All the above
(b) Time period be more
19. A magnet is suspended in such a way that it
(c) Magnet may vibrate freely
oscillates in the horizontal plane. It makes 20
(d) Cannot be said with certainty oscillations per minute at a place where dip angle
12. The period of oscillation of a magnet in vibration is 30o and 15 oscillations per minute at a place
magnetometer is 2 sec. The period of oscillation of where dip angle is 60o. The ratio of total earth's
a magnet whose magnetic moment is four times magnetic field at the two places is
that of the first magnet is [CPMT 1975, 77, 79, 89, [MP PMT 1991; BHU
90; MP PMT 1986] 1997]
(a) 1 sec (b) 4 sec (a) 3 3 : 8 (b) 16 : 9 3
(c) 8 sec (d) 0.5 sec
(c) 4:9 (d) 2 3 : 9
13. Moment of inertia of a magnetic needle is 40 gm-
cm2 has time period 3 seconds in earth's 20. The time period of oscillation of a magnet in a
vibration magnetometer is 1.5 seconds. The time
period of oscillation of another magnet similar in
Magnetism 239
size, shape and mass but having one-fourth (c) Is inversely proportional to its magnetic
magnetic moment than that of first magnet, moment
oscillating at same place will be (d) Decreases if the length increases but pole
[MP PMT 1991; MP PMT 2002] strength remains same
(a) 0.75 sec (b) 1.5 sec 27. Magnets A and B are geometrically similar but the
(c) 3 sec (d) 6 sec magnetic moment of A is twice that of B. If T1 and
T2 be the time periods of the oscillation when their
21. A bar magnet A of magnetic moment MA is found like poles and unlike poles are kept together
to oscillate at a frequency twice that of magnet B
of magnetic moment MB when placed in a T1
respectively, then will be
vibrating magneto-meter. We may say that T2
[MP PMT 1991]
[SCRA 1998]
(a) M A  2M B (b) M A  8M B
1 1
(a) (b)
(c) M A  4M B (d) M B  8M A 3 2
22. Two magnets A and B are identical in mass, length 1
and breadth but have different magnetic (c) (d) 3
moments. In a vibration magnetometer, if the time 3
period of B is twice the time period of A. The ratio 28. A small bar magnet A oscillates in a horizontal
of the magnetic moments M A / M B of the plane with a period T at a place where the angle of
dip is 60o. When the same needle is made to
magnets will be [MP PET 1990; MP PMT 1990]
oscillate in a vertical plane coinciding with the
(a) 1 / 2 (b) 2 magnetic meridian, its period will be
[MP PMT 1992]
(c) 4 (d) 1 / 4
23. A magnet of magnetic moment M oscillating freely (a) (b) T
in earth's horizontal magnetic field makes n 2
oscillations per minute. If the magnetic moment is (c) 2T (d) 2T
quadrupled and the earth's field is doubled, the
29. Vibration magnetometer works on the principle of
number of oscillations made per minute would be
[MP PET 1993]
[MP PET 1991]
(a) Torque acting on the bar magnet
n n (b) Force acting on the bar magnet
(a) (b)
2 2 2 (c) Both the force and the torque acting on the
bar magnet
(c) 2 2n (d) 2n
(d) None of these
24. A magnetic needle suspended horizontally by an
30. Tangent galvanometer is used to measure [MP PET
unspun silk fibre, oscillates in the horizontal plane 1993]
because of the restoring force originating mainly
(a) Steady currents
from [CPMT 1980, 89]
(b) Current impulses
(a) The torsion of the silk fibre
(c) Magnetic moments of bar magnets
(b) The force of gravity
(d) Earth's magnetic field
(c) The horizontal component of earth's magnetic
31. A tangent galvanometer has a coil with 50 turns
and radius equal to 4 cm. A current of 0.1 A is
(d) All the above factors passing through it. The plane of the coil is set
25. At two places A and B using vibration parallel to the earth's magnetic meridian. If the
magnetometer, a magnet vibrates in a horizontal value of the earth's horizontal component of the
plane and its respective periodic time are 2 sec magnetic field is 7  105 tesla and
and 3 sec and at these places the earth's
horizontal components are HA and HB respectively.  0  4  107 weber/ amp m , then the
Then the ratio between HA and HB will be deflection in the galvanometer needle will be
[MP PMT 1985, 89] [MP PMT 1993]
(a) 9 : 4 (b) 3 : 2 (a) 45o (b) 48.2o
(c) 4 : 9 (d) 2 : 3 (c) 50.7 (d) 52.7o
26. The time period of a bar magnet suspended 32. A bar magnet has a magnetic moment equal to
horizontally in the earth's magnetic field and
allowed to oscillate
5  105 weber m. It is suspended in a
magnetic field which has a magnetic induction (B)
[MP PET 1992]
(a) Is directly proportional to the square root of its equal to 8  104 tesla . The magnet vibrates
mass with a period of vibration equal to 15 sec. The
(b) Is directly proportional to its pole strength moment of inertia of the magnet is
240 Magnetism
[MP PMT 1993; CBSE PMT 2001] (c) ( 3  1) /( 3  1) (d) 3 /1
2 2
(a) 22.5kg m (b) 11.25 kg m 39. Using a bar magnet P, a vibration magnetometer
has time period 2seconds. When a bar Q
(c) 5.62 kg m2 (d)
(identical to P in mass and size) is placed on top of
7 2
7.16 10 kg m P, the time period is unchanged. Which of the
following statements is true [MP PMT 1995]
33. The time period of a freely suspended magnet is 4
seconds. If it is broken in length into two equal (a) Q is of non-magnetic material
parts and one part is suspended in the same way, (b) Q is a bar magnet identical to P, and its north
then its time period will be pole placed on top of P's north pole
[NCERT 1984; CPMT 1991; (c) Q is of unmagnetized ferromagnetic material
MP PMT 1994; MH CET 2004] (d) Nothing can be said about Q's properties
(a) 4 sec (b) 2 sec 40. The strength of the magnetic field in which the
(c) 0.5 sec (d) 0.25 sec magnet of a vibration magnetometer is oscillating
34. Which of the following statement is true about is increased 4 times its original value. The
magnetic moments of atoms of different elements frequency of oscillation would then become
[CPMT 1977] [Haryana CEE 1996]

(a) All have a magnetic moment (a) Twice its original value
(b) Four times its original value
(b) None has a magnetic moment
(c) Half its original value
(c) All acquire a magnetic moment under external
magnetic field and in same direction as the (d) One-fourth its original value
field 41. A certain amount of current when flowing in a
properly set tangent galvanometer, produces a
(d) None of the above statements are accurate
deflection of 45°. If the current be reduced by a
35. The number of turns and radius of cross-section of factor of 3 , the deflection would
the coil of a tangent galvanometer are doubled.
The reduction factor K will be [MP PMT 1996; DPMT 2005]
[NCERT 1983; MP PMT 2002] (a) Decrease by 30° (b) Decrease by 15°
(a) K (b) 2K (c) Increase by 15° (d) Increase by 30°
(c) 4K (d) K/4 42. Two normal uniform magnetic field contain a
36. A magnetic needle suspended by a silk thread is magnetic needle making an angle 60° with F. Then
vibrating in the earth's magnetic field. If the F
the ratio of is
temperature of the needle is increased by 500°C, H
then [MNR 1994] [CPMT 1987; DPMT 2001]
(a) The time period decreases (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
(b) The time period remains unchanged (c) 3 :1 (d) 1 : 3
(c) The time period increases 43. A short magnetic needle is pivoted in a uniform
(d) The needle stops vibrating magnetic field of strength 1 T. When another
37. The sensitivity of a tangent galvanometer is magnetic field of strength 3 T is applied to the
increased if needle in a perpendicular direction, the needle
[AFMC 1995] deflects through an angle , where  is
(a) Number of turn decreases (b) Number of turn [KCET 1999]
increases (a) 30o
(b) 45o

(c) Field increases (d) None of the above (c) 90o (d) 60o
38. Two tangent galvanometers having coils of the 44. Two magnets are held together in a vibration
same radius are connected in series. A current magnetometer and are allowed to oscillate in the
flowing in them produces deflections of 60° and earth's magnetic field with like poles together, 12
45° respectively. The ratio of the number of turns oscillations per minute are made but for unlike
in the coils is poles together only 4 oscillations per minute are
[MP PET 1995; MP PMT 1999] executed. The ratio of their magnetic moments is
[MP PMT 1996; CPMT 2002]
(a) 4/3 (b) ( 3  1) / 1
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 1 : 3
Magnetism 241
(c) 3 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 T0 T0
(a) (b)
45. To measure which of the following, is a tangent 2 2
galvanometer used [MP PET 1997; CBSE PMT
2001] (c) 2T0 (d) 2T0
(a) Charge (b) Angle 52. Two short magnets having magnetic moments in
(c) Current (d) Magnetic intensity the ratio 27 : 8, when placed on opposite sides of
a deflection magnetometer, produce no deflection.
46. When 3 ampere current is passed in a tangent If the distance of the weaker magnet is 0.12 m
galvanometer, there is a deflection of 30° in it. The from the centre of deflection magnetometer, the
deflection obtained when 3 amperes current is distance of the stronger magnet from the centre is
passed, is [EAMCET (Med.)
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) 0.06 m (b) 0.08 m
(a) 30° (b) 45°
(c) 0.12 m (d) 0.18 m
(c) 60° (d) 75° 53. The magnet of a vibration magnetometer is
47. The period of oscillations of a magnetic needle in a heated so as to reduce its magnetic moment by
magnetic field is 1.0 sec. If the length of the 19%. By doing this the periodic time of the
needle is halved by cutting it, the time period will magnetometer will [MP PMT 2000, 01]
be [MP PMT/PET 1998] (a) Increase by 19% (b) Decrease by 19%
(a) 1.0 sec (b) 0.5 sec (c) Increase by 11% (d) Decrease by 21%
(c) 0.25 sec (d) 2.0 sec 54. A magnet makes 40 oscillations per minute at a
48. The time period of a freely suspended magnet is 2 place having magnetic field intensity of 0.1  10–
T. At another place, it takes 2.5 sec to
sec. If it is broken in length into two equal parts
complete one vibration. The value of earth’s
and one part is suspended in the same way, then horizontal field at that place is
its time period will be
[AIIMS 2000; CPMT 2000; Pb PET 2002]
[MP PMT 1999]
(a) 0.25  10–6 T (b) 0.36  10–6 T
(a) 4 sec (b) 2 sec
(c) 0.66  10–8 T (d) 1.2  10–6 T
(c) 2 sec (d) 1 sec
55. A tangent galvanometer has a coil of 25 turns
49. The bob of a simple pendulum is replaced by a and radius of 15 cm. The horizontal
magnet. The oscillations are set along the length component of the earth’s magnetic field is 3 
of the magnet. A copper coil is added so that one 10 –5 T. The current required to produce a
pole of the magnet passes in and out of the coil. deflection of 45 o in it, is
The coil is short-circuited. Then which one of the [MP PMT 2000]
following happens (a) 0.29 A (b) 1.2 A
[KCET 1994] (c) 3.6  10–5 A (d) 0.14 A
(a) Period decreases 56. The time period of a vibration magnetometer is T0.
Its magnet is replaced by another magnet whose
(b) Period does not change
moment of inertia is 3 times and magnetic
(c) Oscillations are damped moment is 1/3 of the initial magnet. The time
(d) Amplitude increases period now will be [MP PMT 2000]

50. The period of oscillation of a vibration (a) 3T0 (b) T0

magnetometer depends on which of the following (c) T0 / 3 (d) T0/3
factors [KCET 1994]
(a) I and M only (b) M and H only 57. The error in measuring the current with a tangent
galvanometer is minimum when the deflection is
(c) I and H only (d) I, M and H only about
where I is the moment of inertia of the magnet [MP PET 2001]
about the axis of suspension, M is the magnetic o o
moment of the magnet and H is the external (a) 0 (b) 30
magnetic field (c) 45o (d) 60o
51. The time period of oscillation of a bar magnet 58. Before using the tangent galvanometer, its coil is
suspended horizontally along the magnetic set in
meridian is T0. If this magnet is replaced by [MP PMT 2001; CPMT 2005]
another magnet of the same size and pole
strength but with double the mass, the new time (a) Magnetic meridian (or vertically north south)
period will be (b) Perpendicular to magnetic meridian
[SCRA 1994; JIPMER 2001, 02]
242 Magnetism
(c) At angle of 45o to magnetic meridian 65. The magnetic needle of a tangent galvanometer is
(d) It does not require any setting deflected at an angle 30 o due to a magnet. The
horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field
59. The time period of a thin bar magnet in earth’s 0.34  10–4 T is along the plane of the coil. The
magnetic field is T. If the magnet is cut into two magnetic intensity is
equal parts perpendicular to its length, the time
[AIIMS 2000, 2002; BHU 2000; AFMC 2000;
period of each part in the same field will be
KCET (Engg./Med.) 1999]
[MP PET 2001]
(a) 1.96  10 T
(b) 1.96  10–5 T
(a) (b) T (c) 1.96  10 T
(d) 1.96  105 T
66. In a tangent galvanometer a current of 0.1 A
(c) 2T (d) 2T produces a deflection of 30o. The current required
60. A magnet freely suspended in a vibration to produce a deflection of 60o is
[MP PET 2003]
magnetometer makes 10 oscillations per minute
at a place A and 20 oscillations per minute at a (a) 0.2 A (b) 0.3 A
place B. If the horizontal component of earth’s (c) 0.4 A (c) 0.5 A
magnetic field at A is 36 106 T, then its value 67. A bar magnet is oscillating in the Earth’s magnetic
at B is [EAMCET (Med.) field with a period T. What happens to its period
2001] and motion if its mass is quadrupled
[CBSE PMT 2003]
(a) 36  10–6 T (b) 72  10–6 T
(a) Motion remains S.H.M. with time period = 2T
(c) 144  10–6 T (d) 288  10–6 T
(b) Motion remains S.H.M. with time period = 4T
61. When 2 amperes current is passed through a
(c) Motion remains S.H.M. and period remains
tangent galvanometer, it gives a deflection of 30o.
nearly constant
For 60o deflection, the current must be
[MP PMT 2001] T
(d) Motion remains S.H.M. with time period 
(a) 1 amp (b) 2 3 amp 2
68. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a
(c) 4 amp (d) 6 amp
period of oscillation equal to T. Now it is broken
62. Which of the following statement is not the true
into two equal halves (each having half of the
[KCET (Engg./Med.) 2001] original length) and one piece is made to oscillate
(a) While taking reading of tangent galvanometer, freely in the same field. If its period of oscillation is
the plane of the coil must be set at right
angles to the earth’s magnetic meridian T
T , then ratio is [AIEEE 2003]
(b) A short magnet is used in a tangent T
galvanometer since a long magnet would be
heavy and may not easily move 1 1
(a) (b)
(c) Measurements with the tangent galvanometer 4 2 2
will be more accurate when the deflection is
around 45o
(c) (c) 2
(d) A tangent galvanometer can not be used in
the polar region 69. A bar magnet is oscillating in the earth's magnetic
63. The period of oscillations of a magnet is 2 sec. field with time period T. If its mass is increased
When it is remagnetised so that the pole strength four times then its time period will be
is 4 times its period will be [J & K CET 2004]
[Kerala PMT 2002]
(a) 4 T (b) 2 T
(a) 4 sec (b) 2 sec
(c) T (d) T/2
(c) 1 sec (d) 1/2 sec
70. The length of a magnet is large compared to its
64. When two magnetic moments are compared using width and breadth. The time period of its
equal distance method the deflections produced
are 45o and 30o. If the length of magnets are in the oscillation in a vibration magnetometer is 2 s. The
ratio 1 : 2, the ratio of their pole strengths is magnet is cut along its length into three equal
[JIPMER 2002] parts and three parts are then placed on each
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 3 : 2 other with their like poles together. The time
(c) (d) 2 3 : 1 period of this combination will be
3 :1
[AIEEE 2004]
Magnetism 243
(a) 2 s (b) 2/3 s (b) Heating
(c) 2 3 s (d) 2 / 3s (c) Magnetising in the opposite direction
(d) All the above
71. A magnet oscillating in a horizontal plane has a
5. A ferromagnetic material is heated above its curie
time period of 2 second at a place where the angle
temperature. Which one is a correct statement
of dip is 30o and 3 seconds at another place where
[MP PET 1995]
the angle of dip is 60o. The ratio of resultant
(a) Ferromagnetic domains are perfectly arranged
magnetic fields at the two places is
(b) Ferromagnetic domains becomes random
[Pb. PET 2001]
(c) Ferromagnetic domains are not influenced
4 3 4 (d) Ferromagnetic material changes itself into
(a) (b)
7 9 3 diamagnetic material
6. If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north
9 9 or south pole of a bar magnet, it is
(c) (d)
4 3 3 [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995; CBSE PMT 1999; AFMC
72. Two identical bar magnets are placed on above
the other such that they are mutually (a) Attracted by the poles
perpendicular and bisect each other. The time (b) Repelled by the poles
period of this combination in a horizontal magnetic (c) Repelled by the north pole and attracted by
field is T. The time period of each magnet in the the south pole
same field is [CPMT 2005] (d) Attracted by the north pole and repelled by the
1 south pole
(a) 2T (b)
24 T 7. The material of permanent magnet has
[KCET 1994, 2003; AFMC 2004]
1 1
(c)  (d) 
2 4T 2 2T (a) High retentivity, low coercivity
(b) Low retentivity, high coercivity
73. The radius of the coil of a Tangent galvanometer.
which has 10 turns is 0.1m. The current required (c) Low retentivity, low coercivity
(d) High retentivity, high coercivity
to produce a deflection of 60° (BH  4  105 T )
8. The permanent magnet is made from which one of
is [MP PET 2005] the following substances [Bihar MEE 1995]
(a) 3 A (b) 1.1 A (a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic
(c) 2.1 A (d) 1.5 A (c) Ferromagnetic (d) Electromagnetic
9. Temperature above which a ferromagnetic
Magnetic Materials substance becomes paramagnetic is called
[SCRA 1994; J & K CET 2004]
1. Magnets cannot be made from which of the
following substances [Bihar PET 1984]
(a) Critical temperature (b) Boyle's temperature

(a) Iron (b) Nickel (c) Debye's temperature (d) Curie temperature

(c) Copper (d) All of the above 10. When a magnetic substance is heated, then it
[AIIMS 1999]
2. The magnetic moment of atomic neon is
(a) Becomes a strong magnet
[NCERT 1984]
(b) Losses its magnetism
(a) Zero (b) B / 2
(c) Does not effect the magnetism
(c) B (d) 3B / 2 (d) Either (a) or (c)
3. Which of the following is most suitable for the core 11. The only property possessed by ferromagnetic
of electromagnets [AIIMS 1980; NCERT substance is
1980; [KCET 1999]
AFMC 1988; CBSE PMT 1990] (a) Hysteresis
(a) Soft iron (b) Steel
(b) Susceptibility
(c) Copper-nickel alloy (d) Air
(c) Directional property
4. Demagnetisation of magnets can be done by
(d) Attracting magnetic substances
[DPMT 1984; CBSE PMT 1988]
(a) Rough handling
244 Magnetism
12. Substances in which the magnetic moment of a poles of a strong magnet with the meniscus in a
single atom is not zero, is known as line with the field, then the level of the solution
[AFMC 1999] will [AMU 1999, 2000]
(a) Diamagnetism (b) Ferromagnetism (a) Rise (b) Fall
(c) Paramagnetism (d) Ferrimagnetism
(c) Oscillate slowly (d) Remain as such
13. Diamagnetic substances are
[AFMC 1999] 21. The relative permeability is represented by r and
the susceptibility is denoted by  for a magnetic
(a) Feebly attracted by magnets
substance. Then for a paramagnetic substance
(b) Strongly attracted by magnets [KCET (Engg./Med.) 2001]
(c) Feebly repelled by magnets (a) r < 1,  < 0 (b) r < 1,  > 0
(d) Strongly repelled by magnets
(c) r > 1,  < 0 (d) r > 1,  > 0
14. The magnetic susceptibility is
[RPMT 1999]
22. Which of the following is true
[BHU 2001]
I B (a) Diamagnetism is temperature dependent
(a)   (b)  
H H (b) Paramagnetism is temperature dependent
M M (c) Paramagnetism is temperature independent
(c)   (d)  
V H (d) None of these
15. Which of the following statements are true about 23. The magnetic susceptibility does not depend upon
the magnetic susceptibility  m of paramagnetic the temperature in [CBSE PMT 2001]

substance (a) Ferrite substances (b) Ferromagnetic

[Roorkee 1999]
(c) Diamagnetic substances (d) Paramagnetic
(a) Value of  m is inversely proportional to the substances
absolute temperature of the sample 24. Identify the paramagnetic substance [KCET 2001]
(b) m is positive at all temperature (a) Iron (b) Aluminium
(c)  m is negative at all temperature (c) Nickel (d) Hydrogen
25. If a magnetic substance is kept in a magnetic field,
(d)  m does not depend on the temperature of
then which of the following is thrown out [DCE
the sample 1999, 2001]
16. Relative permeability of iron is 5500, then its (a) Paramagnetic (b) Ferromagnetic
magnetic susceptibility will be [KCET 2000; Kerala
(c) Diamagnetic (d) Antiferromagnetic
PMT 2004]
(a) 5500  107 (b) 5500  10–7 26. If the angular momentum of an electron is J
then the magnitude of the magnetic moment will
(c) 5501 (d) 5499 be [MP PET 2002]
17. An example of a diamagnetic substance is
eJ eJ
[KCET 2000] (a) (b)
m 2m
(a) Aluminium (b) Copper
(c) Iron (d) Nickel (c) eJ 2m (d)
18. The use of study of hysteresis curve for a given
material is to estimate the 27. The magnetic susceptibility is negative for [AIEEE
[KCET (Engg./Med.) 2000]
(a) Paramagnetic materials
(a) Voltage loss (b) Hysteresis loss
(b) Diamagnetic materials
(c) Current loss (d) All of these
(c) Ferromagnetic materials
19. Magnetic permeability is maximum for
(d) Paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials
[AIIMS 2000; MH CET 2003; DPMT 2003]
28. The universal property of all substances is [CPMT
(a) Diamagnetic substance (b) Paramagnetic 2002]
substance (a) Diamagnetism (b) Ferromagnetism
(c) Ferromagnetic substance (d) (c) Paramagnetism (d) All of these
All of these 29. Which of the following statements is incorrect
20. If a diamagnetic solution is poured into a U-tube about hysteresis [UPSEAT 2002]
and one arm of this U-tube placed between the
Magnetism 245
(a) This effect is common to all ferromagnetic 36. Which one of the following is a non-magnetic
substances substance
(b) The hysteresis loop area is proportional to the [MP PET 2004]
thermal energy developed per unit volume of
(a) Iron (b) Nickel
the material
(c) Cobalt (d) Brass
(c) The hysteresis loop area is independent of the
thermal energy developed per unit volume of 37. Liquid oxygen remains suspended between two
the material pole faces of a magnet because it is
(d) The shape of the hysteresis loop is [AIIMS 2004]
characteristic of the material (a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic
30. Curies law can be written as
(c) Ferromagnetic (d) Antiferromagnetic
[MH CET 2002; CBSE PMT 2003]
38. Curie-Weiss law is obeyed by iron at a temperature
1 ......
(a)   (T  Tc) (b)  
T  Tc [KCET 2004]

1 (a) Below Curie temperature (b) Above Curie

(c)   (d)   T temperature
(c) At Curie temperature only (d) At all
31. A superconductor exhibits perfect
[KCET 2002]
(a) Ferrimagnetism (b) Ferromagnetism 39. The materials suitable for making electromagnets
should have [AIEEE 2004]
(c) Paramagnetism (d) Diamagnetism
32. A small rod of bismuth is suspended freely (a) High retentivity and high coercivity
between the poles of a strong electromagnet. It is (b) Low retentivity and low coercivity
found to arrange itself at right angles to the
(c) High retentivity and low coercivity
magnetic field. This observation establishes that
bismuth is [Kerala 2002] (d) Low retentivity and high coercivity
(a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic 40. The given figure represents a material which is
(c) Ferri-magnetic (d) Antiferro-magnetic [Orissa PMT 2004]
33. A diamagnetic material in a magnetic field moves
[Pb. PMT 1999; AIIMS 2000; MH CET 2000; CBSE PMT
(a) From weaker to the stronger parts of the field
(b) Perpendicular to the field
(c) From stronger to the weaker parts of the field (a) Paramagnetic (b) Diamagnetic
(d) In none of the above directions (c) Ferromagnetic (d) None of these
34. Curie temperature is the temperature above which
41. For an isotropic medium B, , H and M are related
[DCE 2002; AIEEE 2003]
as (where B,  0 , H and M have their usual
(a) A paramagnetic material becomes
ferromagnetic meaning in the context of magnetic material
[Pb. PMT 2004]
(b) A ferromagnetic material becomes
paramagnetic (a) (B  M )   0H (b) M   0 (H  M )
(c) A paramagnetic material becomes
diamagnetic (c) H   0 (H  M ) (d) B   0 (H  M )
(d) A ferromagnetic material becomes 42. The magnetic susceptibility of any paramagnetic
diamagnetic material changes with absolute temperature T as
35. A frog can be deviated in a magnetic field [UPSEAT 2004; DCE 2005]
produced by a current in a vertical solenoid placed
(a) Directly proportional to T
below the frog. This is possible because the body
of the frog behaves as (b) Remains constant
[AIIMS 2003] (c) Inversely proportional to T
(a) Paramagnetic (b) Diamagnetic (d) Exponentially decaying with T
(c) Ferromagnetic (d) Antiferromagnetic
246 Magnetism
43. When a piece of a ferromagnetic substance is put (c) Behaves like a diamagnetic material
in a uniform magnetic field, the flux density inside (d) Behaves like a paramagnetic material
it is four times the flux density away from the
piece. The magnetic permeability of the material is
[UPSEAT 2004]

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
44. Which of the following is diamagnetism [DCE 2002] 1. Two identical magnetic dipoles of magnetic
(a) Aluminium (b) Quartz moments 1.0 A-m2 each, placed at a separation of
2m with their axis perpendicular to each other.
(c) Nickel (d) Bismuth
The resultant magnetic field at a point midway
45. If a ferromagnetic material is inserted in a current between the dipoles is [Roorkee 1995]
carrying solenoid, the magnetic field of solenoid
[DCE 2004]
(a) 5  107 T (b) 5  107 T
(a) Largely increases (b) Slightly increases (c) 107 T (d) None of these
(c) Largely decreases (d) Slightly decreases 2. Two short magnets placed along the same axis
46. In the hysteresis cycle, the value of H needed to with their like poles facing each other repel each
make the intensity of magnetisation zero is called other with a force which varies inversely as
[DCE 2004]
(a) Square of the distance
(a) Retentivity (b) Coercive force
(c) Lorentz force (d) None of the above (b) Cube of the distance

47. If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of (c) Distance

diamagnetic material, paramagnetic material and (d) Fourth power of the distance
ferromagnetic material denoted by  d ,  p ,  f
3. Two identical short bar magnets, each having
respectively then [CBSE PMT 2005] magnetic moment M, are placed a distance of 2d
(a)  d  0 and f  0 (b)  p  0 and f  0 apart with axes perpendicular to each other in a
horizontal plane. The magnetic induction at a point
(c)  d  0 and p  0 (d)  d  0 and p  0 midway between them is
48. Among the following properties describing [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2000]
diamagnetism identify the property that is
0 M 0 M
wrongly stated [KCET 2005] (a) ( 2) 3 (b) ( 3) 3
4 d 4 d
(a) Diamagnetic material do not have permanent
magnetic moment  2 0  M 0 M
(b) Diamagnetism is explained in terms of (c)   3 (d) ( 5) 3
  d 4 d
electromagnetic induction
4. If a magnet is suspended at an angle 30 o to the
(c) Diamagnetic materials have a small positive
magnetic meridian, it makes an angle of 45o with
the horizontal. The real dip is
(d) The magnetic moment of individual electrons
(a) tan1( 3 / 2) (b) tan1 ( 3)
neutralize each other
(c) tan1( 3 / 2) (d) tan1(2 / 3)
49. Susceptibility of ferromagnetic substance is
[Orissa JEE 2005] 5. A short bar magnet with its north pole facing north
forms a neutral point at P in the horizontal plane. If
(a) > 1 (b) < 1
the magnet is rotated by 90 o in the horizontal
(c) 0 (d) 1 plane, the net magnetic induction at P is
(Horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field =
50. When a ferromagnetic material is heated to
temperature above its Curie temperature, the
BH ) [EAMCET (Engg.)
material [UPSEAT 2005]
(a) 0 (b) 2 BH
(a) Is permanently magnetized
(b) Remains ferromagnetic
Magnetism 247

5 1  1
(c) BH (d) 5 BH (b) tan  
2  3
6. The true value of angle of dip at a place is 60 o, the
apparent dip in a plane inclined at an angle of 30 o (c) tan1(1)
with magnetic meridian is
(d) 0°
[AIEEE 2002]

1 11. The dipole moment of each molecule of a

(a) tan (b) tan1 (2) paramagnetic gas is 1.5  10 –23 amp  m2 . The
temperature of gas is 27 o C and the number of
1  2 molecules per unit volume in it is 2  10 26 m–3 .
(c) tan   (d) None of these
 3 The maximum possible intensity of
magnetisation in the gas will be
7. A vibration magnetometer consists of two identical
bar magnets placed one over the other such that (a) 3  103 amp/m (b) 4  10–3 amp/m
they are perpendicular and bisect each other. The (c) 5  105 amp/m (d) 6  10–4 amp/m
time period of oscillation in a horizontal magnetic
12. Two magnets A and B are identical and these are
field is 25 / 4 seconds. One of the magnets is arranged as shown in the figure. Their length is
removed and if the other magnet oscillates in the negligible in comparison to the separation
same field, then the time period in seconds is between them. A magnetic needle is placed
[EAMCET (Med.)
between the magnets at point P which gets
deflected through an angle  under the influence
(a) 21 / 4 (b) 21 / 2
of magnets. The ratio of distance d1 and d2 will
(c) 2 (d) 2 3/ 4
8. In a vibration magnetometer, the time period of a (a) (2 tan )1 / 3
 S
bar magnet oscillating in horizontal component of P
earth's magnetic field is 2 sec. When a magnet is (b) (2 tan )1 / 3 S N
brought near and parallel to it, the time period N
reduces to 1 sec. The ratio H/F of the horizontal (c) (2 cot )1 / 3 d1 d2
component H and the field F due to magnet will be
(d) (2 cot )1 / 3
[MP PMT 1990; Pb PET 2000]

(b) 1 / 3 13. Two short magnets of equal dipole moments M are

(a) 3
fastened perpendicularly at their centre (figure).
(c) 3 (d) 1 / 3 The magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance
d from the centre on the bisector of the right angle
9. A cylindrical rod magnet has a length of 5 cm is
and a diameter of 1 cm. It has a uniform
0 M
magnetisation of 5.30 × 10 3 Amp/m 3 . What its (a)
magnetic dipole moment 4 d3 N

(a) 1  102 J / T (b) 2.08  102 J / T

0 M 2 S N
4 d3
(c) 3.08  102 J / T (d) 1.52 102 J / T
10. Two magnets of equal mass are joined at right (c)
 0 2 2M
angles to each other as shown the magnet 1 has a 4 d3
magnetic moment 3 times that of magnet 2. This
0 2M
arrangement is pivoted so that it is free to rotate (d)
in the horizontal plane. In equilibrium what angle 4 d3
will the magnet 1 subtend with the magnetic 14. A small coil C with N = 200 turns is mounted on
meridian one end of a balance beam and introduced
between the poles of an electromagnet as shown
1  1 in figure. The cross sectional area of coil is A= 1.0
(a) tan   m1 m2 cm2, length of arm OA of the balance beam is
 2 
N N l  30cm. When there is no current in the coil
(1) (2)
the balance is in equilibrium. On passing a current

90° S
248 Magnetism
I = 22 mA through the coil the equilibrium is (a) 10 Am2 (b) 15 Am2
restored by putting the additional counter weight
of mass m  60mg on the balance pan. Find (c) 20 Am2 (d) 25 Am2
the magnetic induction at the spot where coil is
located. 19. A bar magnet has coercivity 4  103 Am1. It is
desired to demagnetise it by inserting it inside a
solenoid 12 cm long and having 60 turns. The
current that should be sent through the solenoid is
(a) 2 A (b) 4 A
(c) 6 A (d) 8 A
20. A magnet is suspended in the magnetic meridian
with an untwisted wire. The upper end of wire is
(a) 0.4 T (b) 0.3 T rotated through 180o to deflect the magnet by 30o
(c) 0.2 T (d) 0.1 T from magnetic meridian. When this magnet is
15. Two identical bar magnets with a length 10 cm and replaced by another magnet, the upper end of
weight 50 gm-weight are arranged freely with their wire is rotated through 270o to deflect the magnet
like poles facing in a inverted vertical glass tube. 30o from magnetic meridian. The ratio of magnetic
The upper magnet hangs in the air above the moments of magnets is
lower one so that the distance between the
(a) 1 : 5 (b) 1 : 8
nearest pole of the magnet is 3mm. Pole strength
of the poles of each magnet will be (c) 5 : 8 (d) 8 : 5

S 21. A dip needle vibrates in the vertical plane

(a) 6.64 amp  m perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. The
(b) 2 amp  m time period of vibration is found to be 2
N seconds. The same needle is then allowed to
(c) 10.25 amp  m S vibrate in the horizontal plane and the time
(d) None of these period is again found to be 2 seconds. Then the
angle of dip is
16. If  1 and  2 be the angles of dip observed in
(a) 0o (b) 30o
two vertical planes at right angles to each other
and  be the true angle of dip, then (c) 45o (d) 90o
22. The unit for molar susceptibility is
(a) cos2   cos2  1  cos2  2
(a) m3 (b) kg-m–3
2 2 2
(b) sec   sec  1  sec  2 (c) kg–1 m3 (d) No units
23. A short magnet oscillates with a time period 0.1 s
(c) tan2   tan2  1  tan2  2
at a place where horizontal magnetic field is
(d) cot2   cot2  1  cot2  2 24T. A downward current of 18 A is
established in a vertical wire 20 cm east of the
17. Each atom of an iron bar (5 cm 1cm 1cm) magnet. The new time period of oscillator
has a magnetic moment 1.8  1023 Am2 .
(a) 0.1 s (b) 0.089 s
Knowing that the density of iron is
(c) 0.076 s (d) 0.057 s
7.78 103 kg3m, atomic weight is 56 and
24. A dip needle lies initially in the magnetic meridian
Avogadro's number is 6.02 1023 the magnetic
when it shows an angle of dip  at a place. The dip
moment of bar in the state of magnetic saturation
circle is rotated through an angle x in the
will be
horizontal plane and then it shows an angle of dip
(a) 4.75 Am2 (b) 5.74 Am2
tan 
  . Then is
(c) 7.54 Am2 (d) 75.4 Am2 tan
18. An iron rod of volume 104 m3 and relative 1 1
(a) (b)
permeability 1000 is placed inside a long solenoid cosx sinx
wound with 5 turns/cm. If a current of 0.5 A is
passed through the solenoid, then the magnetic 1
(c) (d) cosx
moment of the rod is tanx
Magnetism 249
25. A dip circle is adjusted so that its needle moves (c) (d)
freely in the magnetic meridian. In this position,
the angle of dip is 40°. Now the dip circle is
rotated so that the plane in which the needle
moves makes an angle of 30° with the magnetic
meridian. In this position the needle will dip by an 4. The variation of magnetic susceptibility ( ) with
angle magnetising field for a paramagnetic substance is
[DCE 2005] (+) (+)
(a) 40° (b) 30° 
(a) (b) 
(c) More than 40° (d) Less than 40°

(c) (d)(+)

1. For substances hysteresis (B - H) curves are given 
as shown in figure. For making temporary magnet
which of the following is best.
5. O
The variation magnetic susceptibility ( ) with
of H
B B absolute temperature T for a ferromagnetic
(a) (b)
material is

H H  
(a) (b)

(c) B (d) B O T O T

H H (c) (d) 

2. A curve between magnetic moment and O T

temperature of magnet is
M 6. The relative permeability ( r ) of a ferromagnetic
(a) (b) M substance varies with temperature (T) according
to the curve r C
O T 10
T 1.0
(c) (d) 0.1 D
Tc T
3. The variation of magnetic susceptibility ( ) with (a) A (b) B
temperature for a diamagnetic substance is best (c) C (d) D

represented by
7. The basic magnetization curve for a ferromagnetic
 material is shown in figure. Then, the value of
(a) O T relative permeability is highest for the point
B (Tesla)

 
O T O T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H ( 103 A/m)
250 Magnetism

(a) OQ should be large, OR should be small

(a) P (b) Q
(b) OQ and OR should both be large
(c) R (d) S
(c) OQ should be small and OR should be large
8. Which curve may best represent the current
(d) OQ and OR should both be small
deflection in a tangent galvanometer
12. The variation of the intensity of magnetisation (I)
 with respect to the magnetising field (H) in a
c diamagnetic substance is described by the graph
 a b d [KCET 2002]
2 B
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
9. Some equipotential surfaces of the magnetic
scalar potential are shown in the figure. Magnetic (a) OD (b) OC
field at a point in the region is (c) OB (d) OA
V 13. For ferromagnetic material, the relative
(T-m) 0.1×10–4 0.2×10 0.3×10

0.4×10–4 permeability (r ) , versus magnetic intensity (H)

30° 30° 30° 30° has the following shape
10 20 30 40 )
(a) (b) r

(a) 104 T (b) 2 104 T

(c) 0.5  104 T (d) None of these H H

10. The   1 / T graph for an alloy of paramagnetic r r

(c) (d)
nature is shown in Fig. The curie constant is, then


0.2 14. The most appropriate magnetization M versus

magnetising field H curve for a paramagnetic
0.1 substance is
0 2 4 6 7 M C
1/T(in 10–3 K–1) + A
0 H
(a) 57 K (b) 2.8  103 K – B
(c) 570 K (d) 17.5  103 K

11. The figure illustrate how B, the flux density inside (a) A (b) B
a sample of unmagnetised ferromagnetic material (c) C (d) D
varies with B0, the magnetic flux density in which
the sample is kept. For the sample to be suitable
for making a permanent magnet
[AMU 2001]

Magnetism 251
Reason : Current through galvanometer is
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the
proportional to the number of turns of
correct option out of the options given below:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the
reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. 9. Assertion : The ferromagnetic substance do not
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is obey Curie’s law.
not the correct explanation of the assertion. Reason : At Curie point a ferromagnetic
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false. substance start behaving as a
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false. paramagnetic substance.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.
10. Assertion : The properties of paramagnetic and
1. Assertion : We cannot think of magnetic field ferromagnetic substance are not
effected by heating.
configuration with three poles.
Reason : As temperature rises, the alignment of
Reason : A bar magnet does exert a torque on molecular magnets gradually
itself due to its own field. [AIIMS decreases.
2002] 11. Assertion : Soft iron is used as transformer core.
2. Assertion : The poles of magnet cannot be Reason : Soft iron has narrow hysteresis loop.
separated by breaking into two 12. Assertion : Magnetism is relativistic.
Reason : When we move along with the charge
Reason : The magnetic moment will be reduced so that there is no motion relative to
to half when a magnet is broken into us, we find no magnetic field
two equal pieces. [SCRA 1994] associated with the charge.
3. Assertion : Basic difference between an electric 13. Assertion : The earth’s magnetic field does not
line and magnetic line of force is that affect the working of a moving coil
former is discontinuous and the latter galvanometer.
is continuous or endless. Reason : Earth’s magnetic field is very weak.
Reason : No electric lines of forces exist inside 14. Assertion : A paramagnetic sample display
a charged body but magnetic lines do greater magnetisation (for the same
exist inside a magnet. magnetising field) when cooled.
Reason : The magnetisation does not depend
4. Assertion : Magnetic moment of an atom is due
on temperature.
to both, the orbital motion and spin
15. Assertion : Electromagnets are made of soft iron.
motion of every electron.
Reason : Coercivity of soft iron is small.
Reason : A charged particle produces a
magnetic field. 16. Assertion : To protect any instrument from
external magnetic field, it is put inside
5. Assertion : When radius of circular loop carrying an iron body.
current is doubled, its magnetic
Reason : Iron is a magnetic substance.
moment becomes four times.
17. Assertion : When a magnet is brought near iron
Reason : Magnetic moment depends on area of nails, only translatory force act on it.
the loop.
Reason : The field due to a magnet is generally
6. Assertion : The earth’s magnetic field is due to uniform.
iron present in its core. 18. Assertion : When a magnetic dipole is placed in a
Reason : At a high temperature magnet losses non uniform magnetic field, only a
its magnetic property or magnetism. torque acts on the dipole.
7. Assertion : A compass needle when placed on the Reason : Force would also acts on dipole if
magnetic north pole of the earth magnetic field were uniform.
rotates in vertical direction. 19. Assertion : Reduction factor (K) of a tangent
galvanometer helps in reducing
Reason : The earth has only horizontal
deflection to current.
component of its magnetic field at the
north poles. Reason : Reduction factor increases with
increase of current.
8. Assertion : The tangent galvanometer can be
made more sensitive by increasing 20. Assertion : The susceptibility of diamagnetic
materials does not depend upon
the number of turns of its coil.
252 Magnetism
Reason : Every atom of a diamagnetic material 91 d 92 c
is not a complete magnet in itself.
21. Assertion : The permeability of a ferromagnetic
material is independent of the
Earth Magnetism
magnetic field.
Reason : Permeability of a material is a 1 b 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c
constant quantity. 6 c 7 d 8 d 9 b 10 a
22. Assertion : For a perfectly diamagnetic substance 11 c 12 a 13 d 14 d 15 c
permeability is always one. 16 c 17 a 18 d 19 b 20 e
Reason : The ability of a material of permit the 21 b 22 d 23 a 24 d 25 b
passage of magnetic lines of force
26 d 27 a 28 a 29 d 30 b
through it is called magnetic
31 d 32 a 33 c 34 a 35 a
36 c 37 a 38 d 39 a 40 a
23. Assertion : Gauss theorem is not applicable in
41 a 42 c 43 c 44 c 45 a
46 b 47 c 48 a 49 a 50 c
Reason : Mono magnetic pole does not exist.
51 b 52 c 53 b 54 d 55 c
24. Assertion : Magnetic moment of helium atom is
56 a 57 a 58 b 59 a
Reason : All the electron are paired in helium Magnetic Equipments
atom orbitals.
25. Assertion : For making permanent magnets, steel 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 d
is preferred over soft iron. 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 b
Reason : As retentivity of steel is smaller. 11 c 12 a 13 a 14 a 15 b
16 b 17 b 18 d 19 b 20 c
21 c 22 c 23 c 24 c 25 a
26 a 27 c 28 a 29 a 30 a
31 b 32 d 33 b 34 d 35 a
36 c 37 b 38 d 39 b 40 a
41 b 42 d 43 d 44 d 45 c
Magnet and It's Properties 46 b 47 b 48 d 49 c 50 d
51 c 52 d 53 c 54 b 55 a
1 b 2 d 3 c 4 d 5 b 56 a 57 c 58 a 59 a 60 c
6 d 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 a 61 d 62 a 63 c 64 d 65 b
11 c 12 d 13 c 14 b 15 a 66 b 67 a 68 c 69 b 70 b
16 a 17 b 18 c 19 d 20 b 71 c 72 c 73 b

21 a 22 c 23 c 24 d 25 d
Magnetic Materials
26 d 27 a 28 a 29 b 30 a
31 a 32 b 33 a 34 c 35 c 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 d 5 b
36 b 37 b 38 c 39 b 40 c 6 b 7 d 8 c 9 d 10 b
41 c 42 b 43 a 44 d 45 d 11 a 12 c 13 c 14 a 15 ab
46 b 47 d 48 a 49 a 50 d 16 d 17 b 18 b 19 c 20 b

51 c 52 b 53 b 54 c 55 b 21 d 22 b 23 c 24 b 25 c
26 b 27 b 28 a 29 c 30 c
56 b 57 c 58 b 59 c 60 b
31 d 32 a 33 c 34 b 35 b
61 b 62 d 63 a 64 a 65 c
36 d 37 b 38 b 39 c 40 b
66 b 67 b 68 b 69 a 70 b
41 d 42 c 43 d 44 d 45 a
71 c 72 b 73 c 74 d 75 d
46 b 47 c 48 c 49 a 50 d
76 a 77 d 78 c 79 d 80 a
81 a 82 b 83 a 84 b 85 a
86 b 87 a 88 a 89 d 90 b Critical Thinking Questions
Magnetism 253

1 b 2 d 3 d 4 a 5 d If cut perpendicular to the axis of magnet,

6 b 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 b then new pole strength m  m and new
11 a 12 c 13 c 14 a 15 a length, l  l / 2
16 d 17 c 18 d 19 d 20 c  New magnetic moment
21 c 22 a 23 c 24 a 25 c l ml M
M   m  
2 2 2
Graphical Questions
1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 a
6 c 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 a
11 b 12 b 13 d 14 a

Assertion and Reason

1 d 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b
6 e 7 d 8 b 9 b 10 e
11 a 12 a 13 a 14 c 15 a
16 a 17 d 18 d 19 c 20 c
21 d 22 e 23 a 24 a 25 b

Magnet and it's Properties

1. (b) On bending a rod it’s pole strength remains

unchanged where as its magnetic moment
New magnetic moment
 2L  2M
M   m(2R)  m 
   
 S N
L L' = 2R

2. (d)
0 2M 0 M
3. (c) Ba  
4 d3 2 d3
4. (d)
5. (b) If cut along the axis of magnet of length l, then
new pole strength m  and new length
l  l
 New magnetic moment
m ml M
M  l  
2 2 2


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