Your House 3D Printed For The Birds
Your House 3D Printed For The Birds
Your House 3D Printed For The Birds
by rabbitcreek
I have been 3D printing model versions of peoples have to ask your homeowners association if you can put
houses as birdhouse housewarming gifts for several up a garden troll the joy of scanning your home for signs
years. It is a great present and really easy to do. Building that you actually live there is greatly diminished. To spice
birdhouses is a wonderful side hobby that started me o things up I will show you my easy method for making a
in Instructables with this one: bird house doppelgänger of your current living situation. After modifying it for a cleanup access and adding a hole
Birdhouse/ amazingly that birdhouse is still hanging or two for the birds you can 3D print it. For those of you
outside through all these Alaskan winters. Whether they that are living in a house that's already 3D printed you
sit forlorn and unused and take on a natural patina or can just download your plans as a STL le set CURA to
are enlivened with the movement of bird families is 1% and your done!
really immaterial--they provide for customization of our
living space that used to be so commonplace. When you
top or side diminishing the number of overhangs and together---nice to have a modular looking house to
support features. The alternative is to divide up your make this easily happen.
house into printable chunks and then superglue them
You will be uploading this photo into your design anything that will be used by LEGO to make a 1000 piece
software so try to make it as close to straight on and as model. Choose the face of the building that you will
at a perspective as possible. This will allow you to adapt want in front. All your want is the basic structure and
the composite pieces of your model house to the relative size and shape of the roof angles. Save the
graphical perspective of your real one. This is a cartoon photo to your desktop for use in the next section.
interpretation of your home into a small one; not
The rst step is importing your house photo into Fusion exactly the right size for your design.
360. I will not get into the details of installing the
program and setting it up on your machine. Start a new The process for building this house model is pretty
design and under Insert select Canvas and choose a at simple but of course it will vary with every house design.
plane to import the image taken in the last step. This is In this case the design was basically four blocks with
your last opportunity for moving and centering the tilted roofs. I designed the rst cube to the correct roof
image to your x-y plane. This is also the time to enlarge dimensions and placed a plane in the center so I could
or shrink the image to the size that is accommodated by angle the roof lines from it. Under tools I cambered the
your printers build surface. You will also be able to do two roof lines until they matched the photo. I then
this in your slicer software so don't despair if your drafted (Tools) the two front window panels to match
creation grows slightly in the design you can always ne their angle in the photo. I then placed two cubes
tune in the end. My bird houses have been in the range primitives on either side and made a roof triangle
of 20 to 30 cm. Of note this is a great time to learn to drawing to match the roo ines and Press-Pulled it out
calibrate the view if you are bringing in a design of a PCB into the intersecting roof shape. I then mirrored the
layout or some other picture and you want it to scale. shape on the other half. The garage was added in the
Open the arrow associated with the canvas to reveal the same way. I provided the design les for you in case you
IMG listing of the photo and right click it--this will allow want to see how all the details were done.
you to reEdit the photo and adjust the calibration to
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After the general structure has been shaped the details tie until the fall. You can put several of these in to make it
of making it a functional bird house as well as adding the easier. Architectural details like railings, decks and
details that make it fun are needed. Placement of the the texturing for roofs and imaginary doors and windows
entrance hole and its size is dependent on the design of can now be added as needed. The best detail I always
course ... I usually use 1.25 inches. Get mostly sparrows add is the miniature bird house and bird that is added to
but always want swallows. The oor structure of each the structure on completion. It is kind of a meta
house is carefully outlined in sketch mode followed by commentary on the whole process. This is easily done in
Push-Pull to give it structure. Openings for the clean-out your slicing software by reducing the size of the whole
ports are outlined and then cut. The clean-out port in the print in Cura to 10% or so.
bottom is a small trapdoor design held in place with a zip
These turn out to be long prints. You don't really have to trouble with water penetration into the structures when
print these at high quality so I tend to reduce them to examined at the end of the year. The birds seem to
0.28 (low quality) and standard settings for PLA in Cura. accept the structures without issue. I have used Plastidip
They can still take over a day to print. I have also printed as a paint on the roofs of several of them and perhaps
them in PET-G for heat resistance but have not really this has helped with the weather resistance. For the tiny
noticed any di erence in a couple years of exposure. bird house add-on the design le in Fusion 360 must be
Depending on your designs your need for support modi ed to thicken the wall beyond the usual 2 mm
structure will vary but do to the steady increase in print thickness I usually use for structures of this type. If
times I tend to minimize this by changing the design. reduced to 10% size this wall thickness would be paper-
Roof overhangs can be changed easily to chamfered thin so I usually up it to 30 mm. The bird le is from
angles. If the structures have to be assembled in several Thingiverse and I include the by ibudmen.
pieces I always use superglue. It has tended to be
dependable on long outdoor exposures. I have not had
There are many ways to attach these to good nesting the houses that enable mounting to the upper reaches
areas. The above one has a 3D printed holder for a pole of the house eaves. Both les are included. This is a great
that is superglued to the base and a corresponding one starter project for learning design on Fusion 360 and has
in an old stump. This enables easy adjustment in height. been one of the more welcome home-addition 3D
The other houses I have adapted simple 90 degree 3D printing projects.
printed side mounts that are easily glued to the back of
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