Fuel System F
Fuel System F
Fuel System F
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Fuel System
It is the function? If the fuel. injection pumps and injectors to supply fuel into each cylinder in the
correct amount and at the night time for efficient combustion. The components of the fuel system
include the following.
Fuel Transfer Pump -- Housing -- Fuel Injection Pumps - -Unit Injectors -- Fuel Tank --Water
Separator -- Fuel Pressure Gauge -- Fuel lines -- - Fuel Injection-- - Fuel Filters
• _____________________- Al! engines, except those with unit injectors, nave a fuel injection
housing that holds the individual fuel injection pumps (one per cylinder) .
• _____________________There is one fuel injection pump for each cylinder, Unlike the fuel
transfer pump which is low pressure, the fuel injection pumps operate at high pressure. Injection
pressures can run from 2,800 to 20,000 psi (19,290 to 137,800 kPa). Each pump meters the
correct amount of fuel and pumps it, at a high pressure, through metal lines to each fuel injector.
• _____________________- The unit injector combines a fuel injection pump and a fuel injector
into one assembly. Unit injectors eliminate high pressure fuel lines between the pump and injector
allowing for higher fuel injection pressures.
• _____________________Fuel passes first through a primary, then a secondary fuel filter. It's
critical to have clean fuel for these high-pressure pumps. Some of the clearances between parts
are as small as a few millionths of an inch and even the smallest debris can cause damage.
• ______________________ This gauge reads the pressure generated by the fuel transfer pump
downstream from the filters. If a filter becomes plugged a pressure reduction will show up on the
• _________ are most commonly defined as those from the fuel injection pump housing to the
injectors. On pre combustion and direct injection engines the fuel lines carry high pressure fuel.
Since unit injectors have the injection purnps built into the injector assernbly, they do not have high
pressure lines.
How the Fuel System Works
There are two methods of delivering fuel into 'the combustion chamber; the first is pre combustion,
where fuel begins ignition in a pre combustion chamber before going into the cylinder; and the second is
direct injection, in which the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder tor combustion.
It is al so important to understand unit fuel injectors which are used on many of the latest model Cat
engines. Unit injectors use a direct injection method of fuel delivery but they are different from engines
with traditional pre combustion and direct injection systems.
The fuel travels through all Cat Engines in basically the same way, up until the point of fuel injection.
(1) Fuel goes from the tank, (2) through a water separator, (3) through a primary fuel filter, and (4) into
the fuel transfer pump. (The primary filter can be before or after the transfer pump). From the transfer
pump fuel (5) goes to a secondary filter, and then either (6) to a fuel injection pump (pre combustion and
direct injection) or to a unit fuel injector.
The pre combustion chamber (PC) system is found primarily on older model engines. Fuel is pulled
from the tank by the fuel transfer pump and pumped through the primary and secondary fuel filters to
the fuel injection pump housing where the individual fuel pumps are located (one per cylinder). The fuel
injection pumps force fuel through high pressure fuel lines to the fuel nozzles mounted in the cylinder
head. A precision drilled hole in the end of each nozzle atomizes fuel as it enters the pre combustion
chamber. As the fuel begins to ignite, the heat of combustion forces the remaining fuel and air mixture
through an orifice in the pre combustion chamber into the cylinder.
Glow plugs are mounted in the PC chamber housings to warm the air and assist in starting PC engines.
It's easy to identify PC engines because of the electrical glow plug wires running to each pre combustion
chamber in the cylinder head. And, you can easily tell pistons on PC engines by the steel heat plug
mounted in the center on each piston.
Direct Injection
On direct injection (DI) engines fuel travels from the tank through the filters, pump, and lines to the
injector housing the same as on pre combustion engines. However, instead of pre-igniting the fuel, direct
injection engines inject fuel directly into the cylinder. You can tell pistons on DI engines because the top
of the piston crown has a conical crater design and no steel heat plug.
Unit Injectors
Many of the latest modal Cat engines, including the 3500 and 1.1 Liter Engines use unit fuel
injectors. Each unit injector has a high-pressure injection pump and injector nozzle built-in each
unit assembly. There is one unit injector for each cylinder. They are mounted in the cylinder head.
Low pressure fuel is delivered from the fuel transfer pump to each unit ¡injector, then through the
injector assembly directly into the cylinder. A rocker arm assembly, similar to that used to operate
the engine valves, operates the fuel injection pumps. By eliminating the fuel lines, the injector
pressures can be increased resulting in more efficient atomization and combustion.
Underfueling occurs when there is not enough fuel to meet the power demands on the engine. It
doesn't normally cause engine damage but will cause a lack of power. Most often the cause is a
plugged fuel filter, and the remedy is to simply change the filter.
Indicators of Underfueling
• Low power
Correct Fuel
The type of diesel fuel as well as the maintenance of the fuel is important to the performance and
life of an engine. First, the fuel must be clean - free of water and contaminants. and second it must
be the correct type for the application.
• Difficult starting
In low ambient temperatures, lighter fuels. like diesel fuel number 1, are used to prevent problems
of fuel jelling (a situation where the fuel coagulates preventing sufficient flow).
In areas outside North America, it's important that owners match the TBN number (Total
Base Number) of the engine oil to the sulfur content of the fuel. Normally TBN additives in
the engine oil neutralize fuel sulfur by-products which result from combustion. However, if
the concentration of sulfur in the fuel is too high, or the oil TBN too low, sulfuric acid will
develop. This can cause corrosion and excessive wear of piston rings, bearings, and liners.
To counter such problems customers can change to a higher TBN oil or shorten the oil
change intervals. Note: recommend shortening the oil change intervals only after thorough
discussion with the appropriate Caterpillar personnel.