Pig Market Outlets in Uganda
Pig Market Outlets in Uganda
Pig Market Outlets in Uganda
The ability to market pigs at the right time is a major determining factor to the success of commercial
pig production. A recent international conference on pig production in Nigeria identified marketing as
the number one constraint to increased commercial pig production. Small holder farm have not
problems as per marketing, but the commercial farmer have to put marketing a major issue determining
their success. Pig can be marketed using the following market outlets;
a. Private Sales: these involve selling of one or more pigs to the local consumer, other pig producers,
butchers or middlemen. The pigs are sold live and prices are normally subjected to bargaining. This
method is most common among rural small-scale producers. It has the advantage of being the simplest.
To ensure adequate prices for pig farmers, marketing cooperatives are recommended.
b. Public Sales: in these methods, pigs are taken to a central place, where they are sold by auction on
live basis to the highest bidder.
c. Direct Sales to Butcher: the pigs are sold to the butcher directly by producer without middle men. The
method is more applicable to the large scale producers. Fluctuations in prices can be serious problem in
this system of pig marketing.
d. Contract Sales: Under this system, contract is entered into with an abattoir to supply a certain
number of pigs over a period of time at a set price. This condition allows the producer to plan this
production strategy over a fairly long period of time. Fluctuation in input prices however, can be a
problem in this system.