Aviation Meteorology
Aviation Meteorology
Aviation Meteorology
Aviation Meteorology
Yashmitha Kumaran, N. Sumathi
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: - The purpose of this paper is to highlight the general atmosphere plays a major role in protecting the Earth‟s life
terms and definitions that falls under the ‘common set’ in the forms from the solar radiations, cosmic rays and meteoroids.
intersection of the sets Meteorology and Aerospace Engineering. It is also responsible for maintaining the Earth‟s global
It begins with the universal explanations for the meteorological temperature by insolation, reflection and circulation, and for
phenomena under the ‘common set’ followed by the the scattering of sunlight, which enables us to perceive
categorization of clouds and their influences on the aerial various colours.
vehicles, the instrumentation used in Aeronautics to determine
the required Meteorological quantities, factors affecting aviation, Oceans have a diurnal variation of just 2 to 3C and they
effects of aviation on the clouds, and the corresponding protocols consist of two separate layers of water, warm and cold. The
involved in deciphering the ‘common set’ elements. layer of separation is called thermocline. The upper (warm)
It also talks about the relation between airport construction and layer is a heat reservoir and is 150 to 200 meters deep. This is
Geology prior to concluding with the uses and successes of the cause for the genesis of several aquatic circulations like
Meteorology in the field of Aerospace. the cyclones, the hurricanes and the typhoons.
The Earth is at an average distance of 149,600,000 km from
I. INTRODUCTION the Sun. There is a misconception that the seasons are caused
due to the Earth‟s position from the Sun. But the perihelion or
M eteorology is the study of forecasting the changes in
weather due to a large scale atmospheric circulation. It
is also referred to as the interaction of the ocean with the
the aphelion does not govern the climatic changes: it is the
23.4 tilt of the Earth that impacts the climate.
atmosphere as a result of Sun‟s energy received in the form of Coriolis force is an inertial force acting on objects that move
radiation, resulting in the occurrence of all the weather relative to a rotating reference frame. It was discovered by the
phenomena. French Scientist Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis in 1835. He
The Earth’s Atmosphere covers an average altitude of 100 explained that the rotation of the Earth introduced a deflecting
km vertically above MSL (Mean Sea Level). The atmosphere force on winds and oceans such that the objects in the
comprises of various gases, dominated by Nitrogen, Oxygen, Northern hemisphere are deflected to the right and those in the
Argon, Carbon dioxide and substances like the Ozone, water Southern hemisphere are deflected to the left. Thus, the fluid
vapour, and other trace elements, with percentage patterns are clockwise in the North and anti-clockwise in the
compositions as shown in Fig.1. South.
Clouds are of three types: low, medium and high. Each type is
Fig. 1: Atmospheric Composition further classified depending upon the altitude at which they
2% Oxygen
76% Carbon
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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIIIS, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
Fig. 2 summarises these classing: Acute summer can create low density air pockets,
causing Clear Air Turbulence, which is an
Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy, and are composed of ice-
unpredictable aviation hazard not connected with
Cirrostratus clouds are translucent and white, and are capable When the downdraft begins, the surface wind exceeds
of forming Halos and Corona around the Sun or the Moon 90 km/h and lasts for a few minutes; this is called as
during cyclones. squall. Squall can delay take-offs and landings, and
can potentially damage smaller aircrafts on the ground
Cirrocumulus clouds contain tiny ice crystals and form a
that are improperly moored.
variety of shapes in the sky. They never precipitate.
Lightning produces a spectrum of electromagnetic
Altostratus clouds that cover the whole sky, are made up of waves that could block radio waves from an aircraft
water droplets mostly and can cause continuous rains. and disrupt communication; this is known as spherics.
Altocumulus clouds merely comprise of water droplets, look
like cotton rolls and can indicate the onset of a storm. III. METEOROLOGICA L INSTRUMENTATION
Aviation extensively relies on the following instruments:
Nimbostratus clouds are thick swirls of dark clouds that
precede a thunder cloud, with heavy showers – common in i. Thermometer – to measure the temperature
subtropical areas. Mercury thermometer measures the maximum
Cumulonimbus clouds, or thunderclouds, are the common, but temperature of the day
dangerous form of giant clouds. Alcohol thermometer measures the minimum
temperature of the day
Stratocumulus, Cumulus, and Stratus clouds can give a mild ii. Barometer – to measure the atmospheric pressure
rain, shower and drizzle respectively. Altimeter – to measure aircraft altitude using
increasing or decreasing pressure
II. THUNDERCLOUDS AND ITS HAZARDS IN iii. Anemometer – to measure the wind speed
AVIATION iv. Hygrometer – to measure the humidity of the
Due to the conventional movement of hot air rising and cool surrounding air
air sinking, the vertical growth of (Cumulus) clouds from Psychrometer – to measure the relative humidity of air
10,000 ft. to 40,000 ft. leads to the formation of the v. Wind Vane – to indicate the direction of the wind
Cumulonimbus clouds. These thunderclouds keep growing vi. Rain / Snow Gauge – to measure the amount of
until they hit the tropopause. The top of such clouds spread rainfall / snowfall
around and develop into an anvil shape. The updraft of the hot Intensity rain gauge determines the rate at which rain
air currents at ~35 km/h cause friction between the air and the occurs at a particular period
water drops. This results in the accumulation of negative vii. Lidar – measures the distance and other parameters of
charges in the cloud‟s base and an equal amount of positive a distant cloud using a laser
charges at higher levels with temperatures around –20C. viii. Ceiling Projector – to measure the altitude of the
Hail and snow occurs if the water droplets at that altitude clouds at night
reach the triple point, while the thundercloud dissipates after a ix. Transmissometer – to measure the visibility range
downdraft at ~85 km/h and a shower. x. Weather Satellites – to measure and track large - scale
air movements.
Statistics reveal that ~40% of air accidents are due to adverse
weather and ~8% of them are due to thunderstorms. The Additionally, the following abet the aviation industry, as well,
following are the most common causes: for safety precautions:
Accretion of ice during a hailstorm can affect the Weather Balloon measures temperature, pressure,
wing aerodynamics of a plane. wind speed and wind direction simultaneously, at
Big hail stones can cause severe physical damage to high altitudes
the airplane body. Synoptic chart sums up the movement of pressure,
temperature and wind patterns
Since an aircraft is covered by an insulator, a
lightning does not affect it, by going around it‟s body; Wind rose diagam maps the wind speed and direction
at a location, graphically
this is known as Faraday’s Cage Effect. Although, in
METAR reports details such as current weather,
rare cases, the flight engines have caught fire during a
thunderstorm via the aviation fuel. cloud quantity, types and levels, visibility, etc. with a
Trend Forecast, that specifies if the weather
Thunderclouds induce zones of turbulence due to
erratic updrafts and downdrafts.
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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIIIS, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
conditions were improving or deteriorating, for every (Statistically, it is a variance density function that illustrates
thirty minutes to two hours. how the power of a signal is distributed across frequency).
Continuous gusts can be expressed mathematically with a
number of assumptions. The gust models approved by the
Visibility is usually defined as the distance at which an object Department of Defence and the Federal Aviation
can be seen clearly. When this reduces, it can be categorized Administration (FAA) assumes the continuous gusts to be:
≈ A Gaussian process: Observations occur in a
Haze, when the visibility is more than just a kilometre continuous domain
Thick mist, when the visibility is around one ≈ A stationary process: Statistical probability
kilometre parameters remain constant with time
Fog, when the visibility is less than one kilometre. ≈ Homogenous: Uniformity in composition or other
physical qualities is maintained
Fog is a suspension of tiny water droplets in air. It forms if the ≈ Ergodic: Behaviour of a system when averaged over
surface wind is calm, inversion (the phenomena of air time and space is the same
becoming colder near the surface during winter) of ≈ Isotropic: Independent of orientations
temperature occurs, and the surrounding air becomes saturated ≈ Variation of time is constant while variation of space
(holds maximum water vapor at that temperature). When is not.
moist air from the sea moves into a colder land and cools
down, it forms advection fog. Smoke with fog is called smog. Defining, as longitudinal linear velocity component of the
Sometimes, thick fog reduces the visibility to less than half a
kilometre. In that case, the meteorological services involved as turbulence intensity
in aviation declare the visibility as NIL, and the aircraft is as turbulence scale length
diverted to a nearby airport.
as spatial frequency
Advection fog dominates in coastal areas, leading to mass
delays and cancellations . It can even block airports that are Power spectral density of longitudinal linear velocity
very close to the sea or are situated below MSL. component, is:
While smog is predominant in almost all the busy countries DRYDEN MODEL:
during winter, it can affect RVR (Runway Visibility Range:
horizontal visibility along the runway) requiring the airports
to employ LVP (Low Visibility Procedures), especially if
RVR is less than 400 metres.
On the other hand, aeronautics is used to disperse warm fog or
the fog emerging at temperatures above -4C:
Helicopters send dry air currents to mix with the fog
below; it clears small areas Length scale and turbulence intensity together determine the
Jet engines hurl heat over the runway approach zone, shape of . The choice of the models depends on the altitude,
thus, blowing away the fog. i.e. if it is low (less than 1000 feet above ground level) or high
(more than 2000 feet above ground level).
Winds that vary haphazardly are called continuous gusts or
stochastic gusts. Continuous gust models can represent the Clouds that appear due to aircraft engines‟ exhaust are
turbulence in the atmosphere. It is particularly useful in categorized as aviaticus clouds, and are called condensation
distinguishing Clear Air Turbulence in Summer and turbulent trails or contrails. Contrails are line shaped clouds composed
winds in storms. They develop from the turbulence due to of ice crystals. Persistent contrails can make the sky cloudier
frictional force, the shear force in the winds or the solar and are sometimes called cirrus aviaticus. It is said that it may
heating of the ground. They can destabilize aircrafts in a very affect the global climate significantly. When an aircraft flies
short span of time. To deal with this flight dynamics over a cloudy place, its warm engine exhaust can evaporate
applications, Dryden model and von Karman model is used. the water droplets in the clouds , thus, clearing a path through
The aircraft equations of motion interpret the velocity it and leaving a clear wake. This is called dissipation trails or
components of the gust models as a wind disturbance. Both distrails.
models define gusts in terms of Power Spectral Densities
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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIIIS, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
VII. GAFOR CODES After fixing the runway layout, exploratory drill holes are
punctured in the ground. These ~10-metre-deep drill holes are
General Aviation Forecast is a system that reports weather
spaced between 100 metres and 150 metres along the central
around an airport to the pilots or Air Traffic Control (ATC). It
line of the runway. Samples are then extracted from the drill
depends on all the factors mentioned thus far.
holes and tested in the laboratory to comprehend its physical
Codes: X Closed; M D Difficult; O Open. and chemical properties.
T ransmi O Oscar D Delta M Mike X X-ray.
Maintenance of runways is of vital importance. Meteoric
ssion: water may seep into the pavement through cracks or concrete
joints, occasionally by capillary action. This can result in an
increase in the moisture content of the original ground or
VIII. ROLE OF GEOLOGY IN RUNWAY subgrade materials. When the water content exceeds the
CONSTRUCTION plastic limit, it can deteriorate the subgrade‟s stability, which
Runways, taxiways and aprons are the main aspects of an in turn can decrease the runway‟s strength to withstand
airport. An aircraft weighing ~90,000 kg requires a taxiway maximum friction for wheel movement. This glitch is
that is 12 metres wide, and a runway that is 1800 metres long resolved by pumping out the accumulated water through
and ~35 metres wide. Larger aircrafts need a length of 2500 drains and sub-drains. Moreover, the potential expansion of
metres or more. To endure such a heavy aircraft at very high soil is retarded by using quicklime and anhydrous lime
velocities hitting the runway with extreme force, the pavement products with fly ash.
is usually rigid and is made of concrete or asphalt, or a
mixture of both. It is critical to ensure that the ground is even IX. CASE STUDY
without any humps. Consider the case of Sharjah International Airport between
25th December, 2016 and 1st January, 2017. Due to winter, fog
was common in almost all the airports in the United Arab
Emirates. But since it was a compact airport, with an aircraft
movement of more than 100,000 flights per year, the weather
conditions that prevailed put the passengers and the airport
authorities in a dreadful state. The following table summarises
the weather recorded in the airport at 6 a.m. every day during
the last week of December, along with the consequences that
followed, impacting thousands of air travellers and air
It is clear from the above table that the changes in weather helpless, the passengers grew furious as the delays continued /
conditions can have drastic impacts on air transport. In th is adjourned further, causing a bewildered airport atmosphere.
case of commercial airliner users, thousands of itinerants,
Despite the fact that the flights were delayed or cancelled due
especially transit passengers, were trapped in the airport for
to natural causes, the fuming passengers blamed the airport
hours, or even a day. Though the airport authorities were
authorities. With hundreds of passengers complaining at the
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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIIIS, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
same time and hundreds of officials working overtime to necessary directions and safety. Basic example for this is take-
mollify the passengers, the situation both inside and outside off and landing:
the airport was chaos.
Wind roses assist in deciding the orientation of runways by
Since this circumstance is prone to repeat every winter, specifying the direction of the head wind. Ascending against
certain measures can be taken by the airport authorities , rather the surface wind in that fashion produces aerodynamic lift
than waiting for the fog to subside, in order to either minimize after lift-off, and descending with the head wind (i.e. against
or eradicate such adversities, a few of which are listed below: the surface wind) slows down the airplane after touchdown.
As mentioned earlier, helicopters can be used to clear Since air transport is risky compared to the other modes of
low-level fog in small areas; this action is known as transport that involves a large number of human lives , it is
downwash mixing. crucial that all countries work together as one entity in the
If the occurrence of fog or haze is predicted skies, irrespective of the political or geographical boundaries
beforehand, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can and conflicts of the territories miles beneath it.
be launched, to eject alcoholic chemicals like
ATC has succeeded in achieving this task by dividing the
Hexadecanol and Octadecanol. These long-chain
entire globe into several FIRs (Flight Information Region).
fatty hydrocarbons are eco-friendly and also efficient
Each FIR is monitored and guided by ATC every minute. The
in clearing fog through the evaporation suppression
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) along with
WMO (World Meteorological Organization) co-ordinates all
Drones can be sent up with simple, weightless spray-
the regulations stated by the ATC and communicates the
systems that are capable of squirting saturated
information to the concerned officers with the help of TAFOR
Calcium Chloride solution droplets . Dispersing fog
(Terminal Airport Forecast) every six hours.
in this way, called seeding, is quite expensive.
Hot-air blowers can be fitted on either sides of the On the whole, meteorology and aviation are two distinct
runway; the initial investment for this proposal might branches of Science that, when co-existed, can establish a
be high, but it can subsequently bring down the loss sense of welfare for all the air travellers. Altogether,
due to flight delays and the corresponding passenger- meteorology – with its steady progress since 3000 BC – has
accommodation procedures. facilitated in amending the phrase, „Sky is the limit‟ to „Sky is
Scientists are working on increasing the feasibility of the lane!‟
dissipating fog using charged particles; sooner there
is a breakthrough in this research, faster will be the
decrease in discontinuities in the air transportation I would like to thank my faculty, Mrs. Sumathi, who was my
systems. lecturer for the course, “Introduction to Airport Management”,
for her meticulous support in this project as a teacher, a guide
The above-mentioned strategies may not be plausible for
application by every single airport in and across the world. and a mentor.
But, if the busy airports with million flight movements per REFERENCES
year can employ one or more such tactics, it can save a lot of [1]. Meteorology and Weather by C. Ranganathan
time, money and effort for passengers as well as airport [2]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Aviation_meteorology
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meteorology is its power house. Without the former, evolution [7]. Engineering Geology by Subinoy Gangopadhyay
of the aviation industry would have been impossible, and [8]. https://www.worldweatheronline.com/
[9]. https://www.timeanddate.com/
without the latter, air travel would be a nightmare, devoid of
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