Basic Steps For CFD Analysis Using FLUENT

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Chapter 3.

Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using FLUENT

Before you begin your CFD analysis using FLUENT, careful consideration of the following
issues will contribute significantly to the success of your modeling effort. Also, when you
are planning a CFD project, be sure to take advantage of the customer support provided
to all FLUENT users.

3.1 Steps in Solving Your CFD Problem

Once you have determined the important features of the problem you want to solve,
follow the basic procedural steps shown below.

1. Define the modeling goals.

2. Create the model geometry and grid.

3. Set up the solver and physical models.

4. Compute and monitor the solution.

5. Examine and save the results.

6. Consider revisions to the numerical or physical model parameters, if necessary.

Step 2 of the solution process requires a geometry modeler and grid generator. You can
use GAMBIT or a separate CAD system for geometry modeling and grid generation. You
can also use TGrid to generate volume grids from surface grids imported from GAMBIT or
a CAD package. Alternatively, you can use supported CAD packages to generate volume
grids for import into TGrid or into FLUENT (see the User’s Guide). For more information
on creating geometry and generating grids using each of these programs, please refer to
their respective manuals.
The details of the remaining steps are covered in the User’s Guide.

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Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using FLUENT

3.2 Planning Your CFD Analysis

For each of the problem-solving steps, there are some questions that you need to consider:

• Defining the Modeling Goals

– What results are you looking for, and how will they be used?
∗ What are your modeling options?
∗ What physical models will need to be included in your analysis?
∗ What simplifying assumptions do you have to make?
∗ What simplifying assumptions can you make?
∗ Do you require a unique modeling capability?
· Could you utilize user-defined functions (written in C)?
– What degree of accuracy is required?
– How quickly do you need the results?
– How will you isolate a piece of the complete physical system?
– Where will the computational domain begin and end?
∗ Do you have boundary condition information at these boundaries?
∗ Can the boundary condition types accommodate that information?
∗ Can you extend the domain to a point where reasonable data exists?
– Can it be simplified or approximated as a 2D or axisymmetric problem?

• Creating Your Model Geometry and Grid

FLUENT uses unstructured meshes in order to reduce the amount of time you
spend generating meshes, to simplify the geometry modeling and mesh generation
process, to allow modeling of more complex geometries than you can handle with
conventional, multi-block structured meshes, and to let you adapt the mesh to
resolve the flow-field features. FLUENT can also use body-fitted, block-structured
meshes (e.g., those used by FLUENT 4 and many other CFD solvers). FLUENT is
capable of handling triangular and quadrilateral elements (or a combination of the
two) in 2D, and tetrahedral, hexahedral, pyramid, wedge, and polyhedral elements
(or a combination of these) in 3D. This flexibility allows you to pick mesh topologies
that are best suited for your particular application, as described in the User’s Guide.
You can adapt all types of meshes (except for polyhedral) in FLUENT in order to
resolve large gradients in the flow field, but you must always generate the initial
mesh (whatever the element types used) outside of the solver, using GAMBIT, TGrid,
or one of the CAD systems for which mesh import filters exist.

c Fluent Inc. October 12, 2006
3.2 Planning Your CFD Analysis

The following questions should be considered when you are generating a mesh:
– Can you benefit from other Fluent Inc. products such as MixSim, Icepak, or
– Can you use a quad/hex grid or should you use a tri/tet grid or hybrid grid?
∗ How complex is the geometry and flow?
∗ Will you need a non-conformal interface?
– What degree of grid resolution is required in each region of the domain?
∗ Is the resolution sufficient for the geometry?
∗ Can you predict regions with high gradients?
∗ Will you use adaption to add resolution?
– Do you have sufficient computer memory?
∗ How many cells are required?
∗ How many models will be used?

• Setting Up the Solver and Physical Models

For a given problem, you will need to:
– Import and check the grid.
– Select the numerical solver (e.g., density based, pressure based, unsteady, etc.).
– Select appropriate physical models.
∗ Turbulence, combustion, multiphase, etc.
– Define material properties.
∗ Fluid
∗ Solid
∗ Mixture
– Prescribe operating conditions.
– Prescribe boundary conditions at all boundary zones.
– Provide an initial solution.
– Set up solver controls.
– Set up convergence monitors.
– Initialize the flow field.

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Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using FLUENT

• Computing and Monitoring Your Solution

– The discretized conservation equations are solved iteratively.
∗ A number of iterations are usually required to reach a converged solution.
– Convergence is reached when:
∗ Changes in solution variables from one iteration to the next are negligible.
· Residuals provide a mechanism to help monitor this trend.
∗ Overall property conservation is achieved.
– The accuracy of a converged solution is dependent upon:
∗ Appropriateness and accuracy of physical models.
∗ Grid resolution and independence.
∗ Problem setup.

• Examining and Saving Your Results

Examine the results to review solution and extract useful data.
– Visualization tools can be used to answer such questions as:
∗ What is the overall flow pattern?
∗ Is there separation?
∗ Where do shocks, shear layers, etc. form?
∗ Are key flow features being resolved?
– Numerical reporting tools can be used to calculate the following quantitative
∗ Forces and moments
∗ Average heat transfer coefficients
∗ Surface and volume integrated quantities
∗ Flux balances

• Revising Your Model

Once your solution is converged, the following questions should be considered when
you are analyzing the solution:
– Are physical models appropriate?
∗ Is flow turbulent?
∗ Is flow unsteady?
∗ Are there compressibility effects?
∗ Are there 3D effects?

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3.2 Planning Your CFD Analysis

– Are boundary conditions correct?

∗ Is the computational domain large enough?
∗ Are boundary conditions appropriate?
∗ Are boundary values reasonable?
– Is grid adequate?
∗ Can grid be adapted to improve results?
∗ Does solution change significantly with adaption, or is the solution grid
∗ Does boundary resolution need to be improved?

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Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using FLUENT

c Fluent Inc. October 12, 2006

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