Radio Engineering Format
Radio Engineering Format
Radio Engineering Format
1, APRIL 2018 1
Radioengineering Journal:
Exemplary Document (Template) for a Paper
Dept. of xxxxxx, University of xxxxxx, xStreet 118, 612 00 xCity, xCountry
Dept. of yyyyyy, yyyyyy University, yStreet 2, 166 27 yCity, yCountry
1.3 Headlines of Sections between the abbreviation and the number (similarly when
referring to figures or tables, e.g. Fig. 1, Tab. 1, etc.).
Headlines of sections should be typed using the style
“Heading 1; Section”. Headlines of subsections are of the
style “Heading 2; Sub-section”. If those styles are used,
numbering of headlines is performed automatically. 2. Basic Text
Subsections of the third or even higher levels are NOT Typing the body of the text, the style “Normal; Basic”
RECOMMENDED. Please, put capital letters at the has to be used. If the basic text is interrupted by
beginning of all significant words in the headlines. an equation or by a figure, then the onward text can be of
Sections and subsections are referred to as Sec. 1, Sec. 1.2, the style “Continuing” (the paragraph is not indented) as
etc. Non-breaking spaces are recommended to be put shown e.g. below Fig. 1. Word division (hyphenation) is
not recommended; it could be done during the final table formatting in the whole paper must be consistent.
preprint editing if necessary. Lines in tables are 1 pt wide. For the text in the table, the
font Times New Roman 8 pt is used (the style “Table” is
recommended). Above the table, one blank line of the style
2.1 Figures and Tables “Gap” has to be inserted. Captions of tables are to be put
Figures (the style “Figure”), tables (the style below the table (not above), similarly as captions of
“Table”), and equations (the style “Equation”) are centered figures.
and usually put at the top or bottom of pages. Very large Height [m] Result1 Result2
objects (figures, tables, or even equations) may cover both 10 20 30
text columns as shown in Tab. 1. In such cases, please 40 50 60
check formatting and automatic numbering in the Tab. 2. Captions of figures and tables are of the same style.
following sections of the paper carefully. Instead of using
floating objects, a one-column section should be used.
In figures, the authors must consider good readability
2.2 Equations and Formulas
of all lines and texts. The Radioengineering journal Equations in the paper should be typed using the
encourages the authors to use vector graphics figures in style “Equation”: center-aligned tabulator, equation, right-
their submissions. If raster graphics is used, resolution of aligned tabulator, and numbering as shown in the
at least 600 dpi is required. In Word documents, please following example:
insert the figures as embedded images (.emf preferred). If
possible, avoid putting additional labels, descriptions or 2 B sin 2 A sin 2
2 . (1)
highlights as floating text fields in Word and embed the 10 g 2T A cos 2 B sin
final figure as a whole. In LaTeX projects, .pdf format of
graphics is preferred as the final paper is typeset with Periods or commas are preferred not to be included in
PdfLaTeX. Optionally, also .eps (will be converted with the equation itself, except for the case of very long
eps2pdf) or other LaTeX-compatible formats such as formulas at several lines. If units are part of the
.png, .jpg, .tiff, etc. can be used. expression, make sure they are written in upright font and
that there is a space between the value and the unit, e. g.
Please, keep in mind that figures will be printed in
color only if publication fee is paid for color pages; 1
otherwise black and white hard copy and color electronic g
version are published. For printing in black and [cm] (2)
white, 1
Equations are referred to only with their numbers in References should be given in the same order as
round brackets (1). If standing as a sentence subject, referred to in the paper. Examples of referring to one or
an appropriate word is to be used (equation, formula). more publications are as follows: [1], [2], [3, 4, 6], [1–4].
E. g. Equation (2) can be rewritten as follows … For range of pages or references, the sign – (long dash,
Ctrl+Num-) without any spaces should be used (e.g.
In the text, symbols are preferred NOT to be inserted
p. 1203–1205).
as Equation Editor’s objects but to be typed in the same
form as in the equations. Please, do not forget to put NAMES OF AUTHORS should be typed in capitals,
spaces (preferably non-breaking spaces) before and after the family name first, followed by a comma, and initial(s)
mathematical signs and use the right symbol for of first name(s), without “and”. If there are more than
subtracting, distinguishing between a minus sign (long three authors, the fourth and next authors’ names are
dash, –, Ctrl+Num-) and a hyphen (-, Num -). recommended to be substituted with …, et al.
Correct notation of numbers is 7 900 kgm-3 or Titles of Journals, Books or Proceedings are typed in
7.9 × 103 kgm-3. No central dots and italic characters are italics with the first capital letter of all significant words.
allowed either in numbers or units (an example of The titles of journals are preferred to be given in full.
incorrect typing: 7.9∙10 3 kgm-3). Greek prefixes in units Abbreviations can be used but uniform appearance and
must not be in italics (μ for micro-, e.g. μm, but in italics common understanding of them must be kept in mind.
μ for a variable, permeability). Grouping the digits in Please, note the upright font preposition In… before the
three-digit groups makes numbers easier to read (e. g. title of proceedings [3].
7 900).
The tittles of papers are similar to the basic text, i. e.
without capital letters at the beginning of all words. If the
2.3 Submitted Files cited item is not in English, its original language should
be indicated in round brackets, e g. (in Czech), but the title
In order to eliminate potential errors when moving itself should be given in English translation. Note that no
the document from one computer to another one with a quotation marks are used, neither with titles of papers nor
different configuration, the Microsoft-Word DOC version with those of journals or books.
of the paper should be accompanied by the PDF version of
the paper. Both versions must be the same. Preparing the Important: If the reference has its own Digital Object
paper, Acrobat Distiller is recommended to be set as Identifier its DOI must be given. Other identifiers (e.g.
a printer. This Exemplary Document may be continuously ISSN for periodical publications, ISBN for books) are
corrected and modified. The authors are required to use recommended to be given especially if no DOI is available.
always the up-to-date template available at the website No period is put after the last identifier. For journal papers, the following data should be
Finally, we would like to ask authors for keeping the given in the following form and order [1]:
following rules (the following paragraphs are of the style AUTHOR(‘S) NAMES. Paper’s title. Journal Title, 2014
“Item” which can be used also with numbering): (year, or month + year), vol. 10, no. 1, p. 1201–1210.
DOI: obligatory if available
The Radioengineering journal prefers American
English: we prefer color to colour, modeling to mo- For books [2]: AUTHOR(‘S) NAMES. Book Title.
delling, behavior to behaviour, etc. 1st ed. City (Country): Publisher, year. (Chapter can be
specified in parentheses.) ISBN xxx.
To prevent problems with final preprint editing,
For conference contributions published in the
authors are asked to minimize the number of frames
conference proceedings [3]: AUTHOR(‘S) NAMES. Title
and active links in the manuscript.
of the contribution. In Proceedings Title incl. the
Papers are submitted electronically. Extremely large Conference Complete Specification. Venue (Country), year
files should be submitted in a zip archive (doc + pdf). or month + year, p. 1201–1210. ISBN: if available. DOI:
obligatory if available
For authors preferring LaTex, a special template is
available at the website The submitted For electronically published information (datasheets,
zipped file must include all source files, figures, and tables programmes, reports, etc.) [4]: AUTHOR(‘S) NAMES. (or
together with the pdf version of the paper. company, or similar) Title of the Document. Number of
pages. [Online] Cited year-month-day. Available at: URL