IJSRSET Paper Template A4
IJSRSET Paper Template A4
IJSRSET Paper Template A4
Paper Title
First Author*1, Second Author2, Third Author2, Fourth Author3
*1Department, University/Institute/Company, City, State, Country
Department, University/Institute/Company, City, State, Country
Department, University/Institute/Company, City, State, Country
This document provides some minimal guidelines (and requirements) for writing a research paper. Issues related to
the contents, originality, contributions, organization, bibliographic information, and writing style are briefly
covered. Evaluation criteria and due dates for the research paper are also provided.
Keywords: Research Paper, Technical Writing, Science, Engineering and Technology
TABLE I Place figures and tables at the places where they needed.
FONT SIZES FOR PAPERS All tables should be in Classic 1 format with borders to
Font I. Appearance (in Time New Roman heading and subheading columns. Large figures and
Size or Times) tables may span across both columns. To do so select
Regular Bold Italic text above one column table and convert it in two
8 table caption (in reference column and then select text below one column table and
Small Caps), item (partial)
figure caption, convert it into two column. Figure captions should be
reference item below the figures; table heads should appear above the
9 author email abstract abstract tables. Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the
address (in body heading (also text. Use the abbreviation “Fig. 1”, even at the beginning
Courier), in Bold) of a sentence. We suggest that you use border for
cell in a table
graphic (ideally 300 dpi), with all fonts embedded) and
11 level-1 heading level-2
(in Small Caps), heading, try to reduce the size of figure to be adjust in one
paragraph level-3 column. Figure and Table Labels: Use 8 point Times
heading, New Roman for Figure and Table labels. Use words
rather than symbols or abbreviations when writing
Figure axis labels to avoid confusing the reader.
12 author name
18 title
C. Section Headings
No more than 3 levels of headings should be used. All
headings must be in 10pt font. Every word in a heading
must be capitalized except for short minor words as
listed in Section III-B.