Assessment For

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Assessment is an essential component of the teaching and learning cycle. Assessment
for, assessment as and assessment of learning are approaches that enable teachers to
gather evidence and make judgements about student achievement. These are not
necessarily discrete approaches and may be used individually or together and formally
or informally.

The principles of assessment for learning and assessment as learning strategies have
some common elements. Assessment for learning and assessment as
learning incorporate:

 self-assessment and peer assessment

 strategies for students to actively monitor and evaluate their own learning
 feedback, together with evidence, to help teachers and students decide whether
students are ready for the next phase of learning or whether they need further learning
experiences to consolidate their knowledge, understanding and skills.
Assessment for learning and assessment as learning approaches, in particular, help
teachers and students to know if current understanding is a suitable basis for future
learning. Teachers, using their professional judgement in a standards-referenced
framework, are able to extend the process of assessment for learning into the
assessment of learning.

 Assessment for learning

Assessment for learning involves teachers using evidence about students' knowledge,
understanding and skills to inform their teaching. Sometimes referred to as ‘formative
assessment', it usually occurs throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify
student learning and understanding.
Assessment for learning:
o reflects a view of learning in which assessment helps students learn better, rather than
just achieve a better mark
o involves formal and informal assessment activities as part of learning and to inform the
planning of future learning
o includes clear goals for the learning activity
o provides effective feedback that motivates the learner and can lead to improvement
o reflects a belief that all students can improve
o encourages self-assessment and peer assessment as part of the regular classroom
o involves teachers, students and parents reflecting on evidence
o is inclusive of all learners.

 Assessment as learning
Assessment as learning occurs when students are their own assessors. Students
monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what
they know and can do, and how to use assessment for new learning.
Assessment as learning:
o encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning
o requires students to ask questions about their learning
o involves teachers and students creating learning goals to encourage growth and
o provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and self-assessment to
help them understand the next steps in learning
o encourages peer assessment, self-assessment and reflection.

Assessment of learning
Assessment of learning assists teachers in using evidence of student learning to assess
achievement against outcomes and standards. Sometimes referred to as ‘summative
assessment', it usually occurs at defined key points during a unit of work or at the end of
a unit, term or semester, and may be used to rank or grade students. The effectiveness
of assessment of learning for grading or ranking depends on the validity and reliability of
activities. Its effectiveness as an opportunity for learning depends on the nature and
quality of the feedback.
Assessment of learning:
o is used to plan future learning goals and pathways for students
o provides evidence of achievement to the wider community, including parents,
educators, the students themselves and outside groups
o provides a transparent interpretation across all audiences.
Assessment is the broad name for the collection and evaluation of evidence of a
student's learning. It is integral to teaching and learning and has multiple purposes.
Assessment can enhance student engagement and motivation, particularly when it
incorporates interaction with teachers, other students and a range of resources.

Teachers should consider the effect that assessment and feedback have on student
motivation and self-esteem, and the importance of the active involvement of students in
their own learning.

 provides opportunities for teachers to gather evidence about student achievement in
relation to syllabus outcomes
 enables students to demonstrate what they know and can do
 clarifies student understanding of concepts and promotes deeper understanding
 provides evidence that current understanding is a suitable basis for future learning.

Assessment activities should:

 be based on syllabus outcomes
 be a valid instrument for what they are designed to assess
 include criteria to clarify for students what aspects of learning are being assessed
 enable students to demonstrate their learning in a range of task types
 be reliable, measure what the task intends to assess, and provide accurate information
on each student's achievement
 be free from bias and provide evidence that accurately represents a student's
knowledge, understanding and skills
 enable students and teachers to use feedback effectively and reflect on the learning
 be inclusive of and accessible for all students
 be part of an ongoing process where progress is monitored over time.
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 Support Materials K–10

 Assessment

 Standards Referenced

Standards-referenced assessment refers to the process of collecting and interpreting

information about students' learning. It uses syllabus outcomes as key reference points
for decisions about students' progress and achievement.

Syllabus outcomes:

 indicate the knowledge, understanding and skills expected to be acquired by most

students by the end of a stage as a result of effective teaching and learning
 are derived from the syllabus objectives
 present a sequence of learning for each stage and take into account prior and
subsequent learning of students.
Syllabus outcomes are used by teachers to:

 plan and develop learning and assessment opportunities

 monitor student progress throughout each stage
 assess and measure student achievement against intended learning at each stage
 report student progress and achievement during, and at the end of, a stage.
Standards-referenced assessment: Standards describe:

 
links the achievement of students to specified standards, what students are expected to know, unde
through evidence collected from a number and variety of and do at each stage, described in NSW s
activities and from observations over time through outcomes, content and stage state
 involves teachers gathering evidence of student  how well students have achieved.
achievement formally and informally, to make
judgements and to facilitate and monitor students'
progress using syllabus outcomes.

Using outcomes to develop assessment

This model for developing assessment activities emphasises:

 that outcomes are central to the decisions teachers make about teaching, learning and
 the importance of gathering evidence about student learning in relation to the outcomes
 how teachers use evidence to determine how well students are achieving in relation to
the outcomes
 the importance of teacher feedback and student reflection
 how evidence of student achievement informs future teaching and learning.
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 Support Materials K–10

 Assessment

 Recording evidence

Teachers may plan for and gather evidence about student achievement in a variety of
ways at key points during, and at the end of, a unit, a term or a semester. This evidence
can assist teachers in making professional judgements about a student’s progress and
achievement of syllabus outcomes, and provides feedback about how students can
improve their learning.

Evidence may include teacher observation, questioning, peer evaluation and self-
evaluation, as well as more formalised assessment activities, such as:

 gathering a range of students’ work samples at various stages of an activity, including

anecdotal records and students’ oral, written and multimedia work samples
 assessing students’ integrated use of knowledge, understanding and skills rather than
discrete facts and skills used in isolation
 providing students with an opportunity to present to an identified audience (real or
 providing students with authentic and contextual learning opportunities
 analysing the quality of student responses against criteria, including rubrics
 observing students during learning activities and participation in a group activity
 evaluating student achievement across time, including student portfolios
 facilitating student discussion or conferences
 reviewing student reflections about what they have learnt and how to improve.
Teachers can use this evidence to:

 evaluate student progress in relation to the syllabus outcomes and content being
 decide what needs to be taught next, and at what level of detail to assist students in
their learning
 determine any adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment
 form a judgement of student achievement at key points throughout the year
 inform students, parents and subsequent teachers of a student’s progress, strengths
and areas for improvement
 monitor the effectiveness of teaching and learning programs.
Recording evidence for assessment may take a variety of forms, including individual
comments or notations, marks, grades, conversations, digital recordings and/or audio or
visual representations. Recording evidence:
 needs to be manageable
 may be formal and/or informal
 should focus on student progress in relation to outcomes, particular strengths and areas
for improvement.
Students and teachers may decide together about the evidence of learning to be
gathered and how it should be recorded and organised. Students can use this
information, and teacher and peer feedback, to:

 reflect on their work

 make judgements about their learning
 make decisions with their teacher about the next steps in their learning.
Teachers may gather evidence and record:

 a student’s strengths and areas for improvement for one activity

 the performance of a particular student, class, group or cohort of students, across a
range of assessment activities and across a period of time.
Teachers can work collaboratively, including in the online environment, to develop a
shared understanding of syllabus standards. Working collaboratively can assist
teachers to:

 make consistent and comparable judgements of student achievement

 decide what to look for when determining the extent of student understanding.

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 Support Materials K–10

 Assessment

 K–6 strategies
NSW syllabuses and support materials promote an integrated approach to teaching,
learning and assessment. The purpose of assessment is to gather valid, reliable and
useful information about student learning in order to:

 monitor student achievement in relation to outcomes

 guide future teaching and learning opportunities
 provide ongoing feedback to students to improve learning.
The type of assessment activity and the way evidence of learning will be gathered will
vary, depending on the:

 outcomes being assessed

 evidence to be gathered
 teaching and learning activity
 context
 students’ learning needs.
Students should be provided with opportunities to demonstrate their learning through a
variety of assessment activities as part of an ongoing process. Whatever assessment
strategies are used, it is important that activities are accessible to all students.

A range of assessment strategies may assist teachers to:

 plan for and gather valid and reliable evidence of student learning
 consider a balance between informal and formal evidence.
A range of formal and informal strategies can provide opportunities for students to

 the extent of their knowledge, understanding and skills

 their learning using a range of resources and stimulus material, including ICT.
The following strategies include observations, collaborative activities and activities of a
reflective nature.

 Teacher observations
 Peer and self-assessment
 Collaborative activities

The following strategies include inquiry-based research and hands-on activities.

 Inquiry-based research activities

 Practical activities
 Presentations
 Collections of student work

 Home

 Support Materials K–10

 Assessment

 K–6 strategies

NSW syllabuses and support materials promote an integrated approach to teaching,

learning and assessment. The purpose of assessment is to gather valid, reliable and
useful information about student learning in order to:

 monitor student achievement in relation to outcomes

 guide future teaching and learning opportunities
 provide ongoing feedback to students to improve learning.
The type of assessment activity and the way evidence of learning will be gathered will
vary, depending on the:

 outcomes being assessed

 evidence to be gathered
 teaching and learning activity
 context
 students’ learning needs.
Students should be provided with opportunities to demonstrate their learning through a
variety of assessment activities as part of an ongoing process. Whatever assessment
strategies are used, it is important that activities are accessible to all students.
A range of assessment strategies may assist teachers to:

 plan for and gather valid and reliable evidence of student learning
 consider a balance between informal and formal evidence.
A range of formal and informal strategies can provide opportunities for students to

 the extent of their knowledge, understanding and skills

 their learning using a range of resources and stimulus material, including ICT.
The following strategies include observations, collaborative activities and activities of a
reflective nature.

 Teacher observations
Teacher observations can provide information about student achievement in relation to
outcomes. Evidence may be gathered and recorded formally and informally, where:
o informal observation and feedback occur during teaching and learning activities
o formal observation involves planning for an opportunity to observe specific learning
Assessment activities may include:
o listening, viewing and response tasks (eg responses to texts including digital stories,
films, television programs, podcasts, vodcasts, documentaries and conferences)
o teacher/student discussions or conferences
o student participation in practical activities and demonstrations
o observation of students as they participate in and engage during learning activities,
such as listening to students’ use of language and application of skills to new contexts
and the integration of ICT
o strategic questioning to determine individual level of understanding
o student manipulation of materials to demonstrate conceptual understanding of key
When teacher observation is used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o explain ‘how or why’
o demonstrate their understanding of key concepts
o use appropriate language for discussing their learning experiences
o apply their understanding to new contexts and situations
o communicate effectively.
 Peer and self-assessment
Peer and self-assessment strategies can provide teachers with information to plan
teaching and learning opportunities for students. Peer and self-assessment strategies
can be formal or informal. Teachers may choose to incorporate peer and self-
assessment into teaching, learning and assessment to assist students to develop a
better understanding of themselves as learners. Peer and self-assessment can
encourage students to reflect on their learning in relation to the outcomes, and
recognise the next steps needed to improve their learning.
Peer assessment
Teachers should model the appropriate language and clarify expectations for activities
that incorporate peer feedback. Feedback may be oral, written or digital, and may
provide an opportunity for students to develop their social, collaborative and reflective
skills. Students may provide feedback to their peers about:
o what has been completed
o strengths and/or what aspects have been completed well
o suggestions to improve their work with reference to the learning and assessment
o alternative strategies to complete the activity.
Self-assessment and self-evaluation
Student self-assessment can help students to identify what they know, where they need
to be and how to get there in their learning. Gathering information about the way
students think and reflect on their learning can provide teachers with information to
inform future teaching and learning. Strengthening the skills of self-assessment may
enhance the ways students interpret feedback.
Self-evaluation encourages the development of metacognitive thinking as students
reflect on themselves as learners and identify their learning style and how they learn
best. It also encourages students to set learning goals in relation to syllabus outcomes,
identify what they have learnt and what they still need to learn, and act on feedback.
Portfolios, work samples and journals, including online journals, can support the
reflective process where students can set goals, reflect on their goals and monitor their
Self-evaluative questions may include:
o What will help me achieve this learning goal and why is it important to achieve this
learning goal?
o What do I already know about this topic?
o What other information could assist me in my understanding?
o How will I know when I achieve my learning goals?
o What do I notice when I compare my work to earlier samples?
o What helped me when something became difficult in learning to …?
o What do I need help with?
o Am I learning the best way for me? What learning strategies do I need to complete/learn
o What is really making me think?
o Did everyone stay on task in our group?
o What is a question worth asking for next time?
Prompts for students may include:
o Things I have learned are …
o I need to work on …
o My strength today was …
o My biggest improvement is …
o I would like to learn more about …
Assessment activities may include:
o creating portfolios or folders of work with negotiated content and reflections on the
learning processes used (eg portfolios, journals, personal goals)
o self-assessment of progress towards achieving outcomes during a series of activities or
an individual activity
o peer evaluation of a performance
o evaluating the contributions of individuals to a group task
o individual goal and target setting, including the use of learning logs and journals where
students track thoughts, questions, activities and any revisions made over the term
o reflections on the learning processes used, including portfolios, learning logs, blogs and
When peer and self-assessment and self-reflection are used for assessment purposes,
evidence can be gathered about students’ ability to:
o evaluate their own work and thinking, as well as the work of others
o develop learning strategies based on their evaluation
o critique their own work and the work of others against criteria.
 Collaborative activities
Collaborative learning activities occur as a result of interaction between students
engaged in the completion of a common task. Students work together, face-to-face and
in or out of the classroom. They may use ICT to enable group discussion or complete
collaborative tasks within their school, between schools, locally, nationally and
Assessment activities may include:
o evaluating and challenging views through group discussions
o cooperative group work, team assignments and investigations, including the allocation
of specific roles and responsibilities
o group-prepared presentations on a range of topics for a variety of purposes and
o group critiques/team challenges, including the use of technology to aid preparation,
delivery and student accountability (eg wiki, blogs)
o mixed-ability and differentiated group activities as appropriate
o paired tasks (think–pair–share, brainstorming, email sharing and forums)
o student question/answer sets, including students creating their own content in Learning
Management Systems
o student response partners, such as offering constructive feedback about student work in
relation to criteria.
When collaborative activities are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be
gathered about students’ ability to:
o work cooperatively as a team
o solve problems and make decisions with others
o take responsibility for individual and group learning
o think critically and creatively, and offer constructive criticism
o demonstrate cognitive skills, such as the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise
o understand the roles and responsibilities of individuals in groups, including the capacity
to communicate effectively within a small group.

The following strategies include inquiry-based research and hands-on activities.

 Inquiry-based research activities

Students can develop their critical and creative thinking skills when they are provided
with opportunities to research, evaluate information, consider new ideas and make
connections. Students can develop their research skills as they use information drawn
from a range of sources, including the library, the internet, databases, spreadsheets and
other digital resources. Teachers may use ICT collaboration tools (such as wikis, blogs
and student moderated forum discussion) and graphic organisers to involve students in
active thinking about relationships and associations.
Assessment activities may include:
o inquiry and design (eg personal interest projects, investigations and learning contracts)
o explanations or evaluations
o strategic, open-ended and inquiry questioning
o comparing and contrasting
o written or spoken responses, which could be short or extended
o game-based learning opportunities.
When inquiry-based research opportunities are used for assessment purposes,
students may be assessed on their ability to:
o describe a valid problem to research
o compare information sources for accuracy and relevance
o choose appropriate information sources and work critically with them to provide
explanations and evaluations
o analyse findings and draw valid conclusions
o establish cause-and-effect relationships
o assess areas for improvement or further research
o present data and information using multimodal texts
o select appropriate digital, oral, written and other communication forms to present the
findings of their research.
 Practical activities
Practical activities can provide students with opportunities to pose questions,
investigate, make decisions, manipulate and make observations. Students may work
individually or in groups.
Assessment activities may include:
o discussion, debate or role play
o participation in hypothetical scenarios
o investigation and problem-solving activities
o rotation of students through a range of skill-based activities
o scriptwriting, filming and evaluating the process
o performance evaluation and review
o responses presented in a variety of ways and through a combination of modes
o manipulation of materials, including ICT, to demonstrate a conceptual understanding of
key ideas.
When practical activities are used for assessment purposes, students may be assessed
on their ability to:
o identify and investigate a problem
o make and record accurate observations
o use and construct models
o draw valid conclusions
o display a range of speaking and listening skills (eg prepared and impromptu oral
presentations, debating)
o use critical thinking skills to analyse data and information, to identify relationships and to
draw conclusions
o ask questions to clarify, reflect and take part in class or group discussions
o plan and carry out a procedure or response to stimulus
o select and use appropriate strategies, equipment and technology to convey ideas to an
 Presentations
Presentations provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding to
an audience. The format may be spoken or written, multimedia or a combination of
these. Presentations may be prepared or impromptu, depending on the activity
requirements. Peer and self-assessment may be used in conjunction with this
assessment strategy.
Assessment activities may include:
o prepared and impromptu presentations (eg role-plays, debates, dramatic presentations)
o presentations using ICT tools (eg preparation of a 20-second radio news bulletin,
podcast, vodcast, documentary filmed on location using green-screen technology)
o web publication of learning (eg learning blogs, student-created websites) and the use of
social technologies as a platform for presenting assessment activities and/or capturing
evidence of student performance
o observation of real or simulated performances
o storyboard reports
o poster presentation explaining what worked and what did not
o drawings, symbols and words to connect the ideas and relationships between concepts.
When presentations are used for assessment purposes, students may be assessed on
their ability to:
o identify, comprehend and evaluate sources
o use appropriate terms and concepts
o use appropriate forms to communicate their understandings
o present their findings using a variety of media
o combine visual and digital elements for a variety of audiences and purposes.
 Collections of student work
Assessment can enhance student engagement and motivation, particularly when it
provides opportunities for interaction with teachers, other students and a range of
resources. Collections of student work may be reviewed at specific points in the learning
process to inform future teaching and learning opportunities or as summative
assessment at the conclusion of a unit of work.
Assessment activities may include:
o diaries and journals
o student self-reflections and evaluations
o drafts and completed versions
o problem-solving activities and investigations
o composing a visual representation that emphasises a particular point of view (eg a
o directed reading strategies (eg cloze)
o composing a visual representation that emphasises a particular point of view
o research using a variety of print and multimedia, internet and electronic sources of data
and information
o pen-and-paper tests, including multiple choice, online quizzes and short response
o written activities (eg range of text types, including reports, letters, reviews, newspaper
articles, comments on an article’s perspective, student-produced overviews or
o organising and presenting learning in a variety of ways (eg crossword, dictagloss, mind
map, fact–opinion chart, true/false statements, fishbone, vocab bank, three-level guide)
o open-book tests, where appropriate
o pre-testing, mid-unit testing and post-testing.
When these strategies are used for assessment purposes, students may be assessed
on their ability to:
o use appropriate terms and concepts
o select effective strategies
o justify and support ideas
o develop effective arguments
o explain different contexts, perspectives and interpretations
o effectively communicate their understandings
o respond accurately to stimulus
o sequence events
o evaluate a range of sources, including ICT sources.


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 Support Materials K–10

 Assessment

 7–10 strategies

NSW syllabuses and support materials promote an integrated approach to teaching,

learning and assessment.

The purpose of assessment is to gather valid, reliable and useful information about
student learning in order to:

 monitor student achievement in relation to outcomes

 guide future teaching and learning opportunities
 provide ongoing feedback to students to improve learning.
The type of assessment activity and the way evidence of learning will be gathered will
vary, depending on the:

 outcomes being assessed

 evidence to be gathered
 teaching and learning activity
 context
 students’ learning needs.
Students should be provided with opportunities to demonstrate their learning through a
variety of assessment activities as part of an ongoing process. Whatever assessment
strategies are used, it is important that activities are accessible to all students.

A range of assessment strategies may assist teachers to:

 plan for and gather valid and reliable evidence of student learning
 consider a balance between informal and formal evidence.
A range of formal and informal strategies can provide opportunities for students to

 the extent of their knowledge, understanding and skills

 their learning using a range of resources and stimulus material, including ICT.
The following strategies include collaborative activities, observations, and activities of a
reflective nature.
 Collaborative activities
Collaborative learning activities occur as a result of interaction between students
engaged in the completion of a common task. Students work together, face-to-face and
in or out of the classroom. They may use ICT to enable group discussion or complete
collaborative tasks within their school, between schools, locally, nationally and
Assessment activities may include:
o evaluating and challenging views through group discussions
o cooperative group work, team assignments and investigations, including the allocation
of specific roles and responsibilities
o group-prepared presentations on a range of topics for a variety of purposes and
o group critiques/team challenges, including the use of technology to aid preparation,
delivery and student accountability (eg wiki, blogs)
o mixed-ability and differentiated group activities as appropriate
o paired tasks (think–pair–share, brainstorming, email sharing and forums)
o student question/answer sets, including students creating their own content in Learning
Management Systems
o student response partners, such as offering constructive feedback about student work in
relation to criteria.
When collaborative activities are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be
gathered about students’ ability to:
o work cooperatively as a team
o solve problems and make decisions with others
o take responsibility for individual and group learning
o think critically and creatively, and offer constructive criticism
o demonstrate cognitive skills, such as the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise
o understand the roles and responsibilities of individuals in groups, including the capacity
to communicate effectively within a small group.
 Peer and self-assessment
Peer and self-assessment strategies can provide teachers with information to plan
teaching and learning opportunities for students. Peer and self-assessment strategies
can be formal or informal. Teachers may choose to incorporate peer and self-
assessment into teaching, learning and assessment to assist students to develop a
better understanding of themselves as learners. Peer and self-assessment can
encourage students to reflect on their learning in relation to the outcomes, and
recognise the next steps needed to improve their learning.
Peer assessment
Teachers should model the appropriate language and clarify expectations for activities
that incorporate peer feedback. Feedback may be oral, written or digital, and may
provide an opportunity for students to develop their social, collaborative and reflective
skills. Students may provide feedback to their peers about:
o what has been completed
o strengths and/or what aspects have been completed well
o suggestions to improve their work with reference to the learning and assessment
o alternative strategies to complete the activity.
Self-assessment and self-evaluation
Student self-assessment can help students to identify what they know, where they need
to be and how to get there in their learning. Gathering information about the way
students think and reflect on their learning can provide teachers with information to
inform future teaching and learning. Strengthening the skills of self-assessment may
enhance the ways students interpret feedback.
Self-evaluation encourages the development of metacognitive thinking as students
reflect on themselves as learners and identify their learning style and how they learn
best. It also encourages students to set learning goals in relation to the outcomes,
identify what they have learnt and what they still need to learn, and act on feedback.
Teachers may include strategic questioning to assist students to reflect on their
learning. For example:
o Do I understand the purpose of the activity?
o What do I already know about this topic?
o What other information could assist me in my understanding?
o What learning strategies do I need to complete/learn this?
o What are the criteria for improving my work?
o Do I understand the concepts I am learning?
o Can I explain the steps I took?
o Have I accomplished the goals I set for myself?
o What would I do differently next time?
o What is a question worth asking for next time?
Assessment activities may include:
o self-assessment of progress towards achieving outcomes during a series of activities or
at different stages of an activity
o peer evaluation of a performance
o evaluating the contributions of individuals to a group task
o individual goal and target setting, including the use of learning logs and journals where
students track thoughts, questions, activities and any revisions made over the term
o reflections on the learning processes used, including portfolios, learning logs, blogs and
When peer and self-assessment and self-reflection are used for assessment purposes,
evidence can be gathered about students’ ability to:
o evaluate their own work and thinking, as well as the work of others
o develop learning strategies based on their evaluation
o critique their own work and the work of others against criteria.
 Teacher observations
Teacher observations can provide information about student achievement in relation to
outcomes. Evidence may be gathered and recorded formally and informally, where:
o informal observation and feedback occur during teaching and learning activities
o formal observation involves planning for an opportunity to observe specific learning
Assessment activities may include:
o listening and viewing tasks
o teacher/student discussions or conferences
o student participation in practical activities and demonstrations
o active involvement in cooperative activities
o observation of students as they participate in and engage during learning activities,
such as listening to students’ use of language and application of skills to new contexts
and the integration of ICT
o strategic questioning to determine individual level of understanding
o manipulation of materials to demonstrate conceptual understanding of key concepts.
When teacher observation is used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o explain ‘how or why’
o demonstrate their understanding of key concepts
o use appropriate language for discussing their learning experiences
o apply their understanding to new contexts and situations
o communicate effectively
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 English

 English K–10

 Support materials

 Assessment

 7–10 strategies

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Well-designed assessment is

central to engaging students and should be closely aligned to the syllabus outcomes
within a stage.

Years 7–10 Assessment Strategies

Teachers provide a range of assessment opportunities to gather and evaluate evidence
of a student's learning.

The following assessment for, as and of learning approaches are relevant to all learning

 collaborative activities
 peer assessment
 self-assessment
 teacher observations.
Detailed advice on these strategies is available in:

Years 7–10 assessment strategies.

Additional English Strategies
Some additional strategies that are particularly relevant to English include:

 Inquiry-based research activities

Inquiry-based research activities
Students may develop their critical and creative thinking skills when they are provided
with opportunities to research and evaluate information, consider new ideas and make
Assessment activities may include:
o extended research, composition and presentations (eg development of multimodal texts
and presentations)
o identification and analysis of components of texts, including multimodal texts (eg how
sound and visual components work together in a film)
o inquiry and design assignments (eg personal interest projects, investigations)
o research tasks using information drawn from the library, the internet, databases and
spreadsheets and other digital sources and presented in electronic portfolios and logs,
seminars, interviews and discussions
o reflective tasks (eg composing a written text, explaining the processes used to produce
the text, and self-assessing the text and reviewing this against specific criteria)
o oral and written critical responses to texts (eg explaining the strengths and weaknesses
of website designs and functions) and assessing balance and objectivity in texts
o written or spoken responses, which could be short or extended
o use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (eg quiz, wiki, student-moderated forum
o designing games
o recording thinking using graphic organisers
o strategic, open-ended and inquiry questioning
o developing questions, explanations or evaluations
o comparing and contrasting tasks
o devising learning contracts individually and in collaboration with the teacher.
When inquiry-based research opportunities are used for assessment purposes,
evidence can be gathered about students’ ability to:
o compare information sources for accuracy and relevance
o analyse findings and draw valid conclusions
o discuss areas for improvement or further research.
 Presentations and performance activities
Presentations and Performance Activities
Presentations and practical activities may provide students with opportunities to
demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills to an audience. These activities
may be oral or written, multimodal or a combination of these. Presentations may be
prepared or impromptu, depending on the requirements of the activity. Peer and self-
assessment may be used in conjunction with this assessment strategy.
Assessment activities may include:
o prepared and impromptu oral presentations (eg role-plays, debates, dramatic
o presentations using digital tools
o readings
o time-limited composition of texts in particular forms for specific contexts (eg preparation
of a 20-second radio news bulletin, podcast, vodcast, documentary filmed on location
using green-screen technology)
o audio/visual digital presentations, including multimodal presentations
o the use of social media technologies as a platform for presenting assessment activities
and/or capturing evidence of student performance
o web publication of learning (eg learning blogs, student-created websites)
o observation of real or simulated performances
o storyboard reports
o planning, creating and publishing ebooks
o speaking and listening in discussions and debates.
When presentations and performances are used for assessment purposes, evidence
can be gathered about students’ ability to:
o use appropriate terms and concepts
o select and use appropriate resources, including ICT tools, to communicate their
knowledge, understanding and skills
o identify goals and project stages, set deadlines, collate and edit material for
o display a range of speaking and listening skills (eg prepared and impromptu oral
presentations, debating)
o ask questions to clarify understanding during class or group discussions
o represent their interpretations of characters, themes and ideas after the study of a text
or performance.
 Collections of student work
Collections of student work
Assessment can enhance student engagement and motivation, particularly when it
provides opportunities for interaction with teachers, other students and a range of
resources. Collections of student work may be reviewed at specific points in the learning
process to inform future teaching and learning opportunities or as summative
assessment at the conclusion of a unit of work, term, semester or year.
Assessment activities may include:
o diaries and journals
o student self-reflections and evaluations
o reading tasks requiring skimming, scanning or close reading
o drafts and completed versions of written texts or representations
o editing texts to remove errors, improve style, shorten, lengthen or adjust for a different
purpose, audience and context
o directed reading strategies (eg cloze)
o imaginative re-creation or extension of a text (eg writing as a character, creating an
additional incident, interviewing the composer)
o composing a visual representation that emphasises a particular point of view (eg
o research tasks using information drawn from a variety of sources
o essays, short-answer and written tasks (eg essays, written reports, letter of advice or
recommendation, review, newspaper article, comment on an article’s perspective,
student-produced overviews or summaries)
o extended research, composition and presentation (eg development of multimodal texts
and presentations).
When collections of student work are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be
gathered about students’ ability to:
o use appropriate terms and concepts
o effectively communicate their understandings
o justify and support ideas
o respond accurately to stimulus
o evaluate a range of sources, including ICT sources.

 Home

 Mathematics

 Mathematics K–10

 Support materials

 Assessment

 7–10 strategies

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Well-designed assessment is

central to engaging students and should be closely aligned to the syllabus outcomes
within a stage.

Years 7–10 Assessment Strategies

Teachers provide a range of assessment opportunities to gather and evaluate evidence
of a student's learning.

The following assessment for, as and of learning approaches are relevant to all learning

 collaborative activities
 peer assessment
 self-assessment
 teacher observations.
Detailed advice on these strategies is available in:

Years 7–10 assessment strategies.

Additional mathematics Strategies

Some additional strategies that are particularly relevant to Mathematics include:

 Collections of student work

Collections of student work
Assessment can enhance student engagement and motivation, particularly when it
provides opportunities for interaction with teachers, other students and a range of
resources. Collections of student work may be reviewed at specific points in the learning
process to inform future teaching and learning opportunities or as summative
assessment at the conclusion of a unit of work, term, semester or year.
Assessment activities may include:
o written explanations of problem -solving approaches and/or mathematical processes, eg
writing a method to solve a particular mathematical problem
o summaries of concepts explored in a unit or work
o posing questions to extend mathematical problems and investigations
o formulating a set of questions (could include multiple-choice questions) that would be
used to assess the extent of students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to
a substrand/unit
o diaries and journals
o student self-reflections and evaluations
o pen-and-paper tests, including multiple-choice questions, online quizzes and response
questions including interdependent questions (where one part depends on the answer
obtained in the preceding part)
o open-book tests, where appropriate
o pre-, mid- and post-unit testing.
When work samples are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o use appropriate terms and concepts
o select effective strategies and compute calculations accurately
o effectively communicate their understandings
o justify and support ideas
o respond accurately to stimulus
o evaluate a range of sources, including ICT sources.
 Practical activities
Practical activities
Practical activities provide students with opportunities to pose questions, investigate,
manipulate, make decisions and make observations. Students may work individually or
in groups.
Assessment activities may include:
o investigations exploring the process of problem-solving tasks when Working
o participation in hypothetical scenarios where students apply their knowledge,
understanding and skills
o manipulation of data using ICT
o students’ manipulation of materials to demonstrate conceptual understanding of key
o scriptwriting, filming and evaluating (eg exploring understanding of perimeter and area)
o rotation of students through a range of skill-based activities
o hands-on activities, including the use of ICT (eg measurement activities that require
active thinking and involvement).
When practical activities are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o ask and devise questions
o identify and investigate a problem
o plan and carry out a procedure individually or in groups
o select and use appropriate strategies and equipment, including ICT
o make and record accurate observations
o draw valid conclusions
o effectively represent their findings.
 Inquiry-based research activities
Inquiry-based research activities
Students can develop their critical and creative thinking skills when they are provided
with opportunities to research and evaluate information, consider new ideas and make
Assessment activities may include:
o samples of students’ oral, recorded and written work
o inquiry and problem-solving projects (eg personal interest projects, investigations and
learning contracts)
o interpretation exercises (eg interpret information from the internet, media environment
and other sources that use numbers)
o comparing and contrasting tasks
o developing explanations or evaluations
o launching assessments within a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning
Management System (LMS) (eg quiz, wiki, student-moderated forum discussion)
o game-based learning opportunities
o graphic organisers to investigate questions and help students make their thinking visible
o the use of open-ended and inquiry questioning
o manipulation of concrete materials to demonstrate understanding.
When inquiry-based research is used for assessment purposes, evidence can be
gathered about students’ ability to:
o describe a valid problem to research
o accurately observe and/or collect relevant data and information
o analyse findings and draw valid conclusions
o establish cause-and-effect relationships
o make connections between related concepts
o evaluate strengths and weaknesses.
 Presentations
Presentations provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding to
an audience. The format may be spoken or written, multimodal, or a combination of
these. Presentations may be prepared or impromptu, depending on the requirements of
the activity. Peer and self-assessment may be used in conjunction with this assessment
Assessment activities may include:
o preparing audio/visual digital presentations and multimodal presentations about a new
concept or an investigation
o prepared and impromptu demonstrations and worked examples
o web publication of learning (eg learning blogs, student-created websites)
o observing real or simulated performance
o poster presentation explaining what worked and what did not
o drawings, symbols and words to connect ideas and relationships between concepts
o mini presentations applying mathematics to real-life situations using ICT.
When presentations are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o use appropriate terms and concepts
o use appropriate forms to communicate their knowledge, understanding and skills.


 Home

 Science

 Science K–10

 Support materials

 Assessment

 7–10 strategies

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Well-designed assessment is

central to engaging students and should be closely aligned to the syllabus outcomes
within a stage.

Years 7–10 Assessment strategies

Teachers provide a range of assessment opportunities to gather and evaluate evidence
of a student's learning.

The following assessment for, as and of learning approaches are relevant to all learning

 collaborative activities
 peer assessment
 self-assessment
 teacher observations.
Detailed advice on these strategies is available in:

Years 7–10 assessment strategies.

Additional Science strategies

Some additional strategies that are particularly relevant to Science include:

 Investigation and research

Investigation and research
Investigation and research may include:
o practical investigations, including open-ended investigations
o student research projects.
When these strategies are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o plan and conduct safe, ethical laboratory investigations, including fair tests and
controlled experiments
o work collaboratively to conduct fieldwork and surveys
o research using a variety of print and multimedia, including the internet and other
electronic sources of data and information
o use a range of strategies and technologies to collect and record data, including
appropriate use of digital technologies such as data loggers
o extract and reorganise information in the form of flowcharts, tables, graphs, diagrams,
keys, multimedia resources, spreadsheets and databases
o use and construct models
o use digital technologies such as animations and simulations to capture and analyse
data and information
o use critical thinking skills to analyse data and information, identify relationships and
draw conclusions
o evaluate claims using scientific evidence to support an argument
o present data and information using multimodal texts.
 Collections of student work
Collections of student work
Assessment can enhance student engagement and motivation, particularly when it
provides opportunities for interaction with teachers, other students and a range of
resources. Collections of student work may be reviewed at specific points in the learning
process to inform future teaching and learning opportunities or as summative
assessment at the conclusion of a unit of work, term, semester or year.
Assessment activities may include:
o developing questions that can be investigated
o planning an investigation such as fieldwork, surveys and controlled experiments, and
identifying risks
o safely performing hands-on laboratory/fieldwork investigations
o selecting appropriate equipment to collect data/information
o using appropriate representations to organise data/information, including using digital
o explaining ideas, findings and conclusions based on the evidence collected, using
appropriate scientific language
o student self-reflections and evaluations.
When work samples are used for assessment purposes, evidence can be gathered
about students’ ability to:
o use appropriate terms, concepts and scientific language
o effectively communicate findings and understanding
o apply the processes of working scientifically to answer questions and solve problems
o justify and support ideas and explanations
o evaluate a range of sources, including ICT sources.
Read more about practical experiences and student research projects.

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