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General Information: Date:

1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Alternating Current

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning experiments of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
/ hand-on- Values measuring Plan
learning the
of Learning
1.Understan 1.Introductio 1.AC •Electrical 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding n with Real- Waveform Engineering: Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Alternating Life Analysis: Use Explain the diagrams to Ask nt: Praise Participatio
Current (AC) Examples: an connection show AC questions students n: Ensure all
Basics: Begin with oscilloscope between AC waveforms, such as, who actively students
Students will examples or simulation principles RLC “What is the participate participate
learn the such as to show AC and the circuits, and difference in waveform in waveform
fundamental household waveforms, design of transformer between AC analysis, analysis,
concepts of appliances, allowing power operation, and DC?” circuit calculations,
alternating power students to systems, reinforcing and “How experiments and circuit
current, transmission measure transformers abstract does , and experiments
including its lines, and amplitude, , and circuit concepts resonance problem- , fostering
frequency, audio analysis, with visual solving, an inclusive
linking affect an AC learning
amplitude, equipment to frequency, physics to representati circuit?” building environmen
and phase, illustrate the and phase. engineering. on. confidence t.
and role of AC in 2.Worksheet in
understand everyday life. 2.Impedance •Environmen 2.Digital Exercises: understandi 2.Visual
the and tal Science: Simulations Provide ng AC Support and
difference 2.Use of Reactance Discuss the : Use exercises on concepts. Incremental
between AC Visual Aids: Activity: environment simulations calculating Guidance:
and direct Use diagrams Assign al impact of (like PhET) reactance, •Additional Use visual
current (DC). and exercises power for AC impedance, Support: aids and
waveforms where transmission circuit power Provide step-by-step
2.AC Circuit to explain AC students and the analysis, factor, and simpler guidance to
Components: concepts like calculate advantages transformer transformer examples support
Students will amplitude, impedance in of using AC operation, ratios, and one-on- students
explore how frequency, RLC circuits for efficient and allowing one who may
AC behaves and phase, at various long-distance resonance students to guidance for need
in resistors, and illustrate frequencies, transmission, to allow apply students additional
inductors, differences reinforcing linking students to theoretical who help with
and between AC the effect of physics to experiment knowledge. struggle abstract AC
capacitors, and DC. frequency on sustainabilit with with AC concepts.
understandi reactance. y. variables. 3.Activity calculations
ng concepts 3.Step-by- Observation: or circuit 3.Differentia
like Step 3.Resonance •Life Skills: 3.Laborator Observe analysis. ted
reactance Explanation Experiment: Develop y students as Instruction:
and of AC Set up a analytical Equipment: they analyze •Clarificatio Provide a
impedance. Behavior in series RLC thinking, Provide AC n Sessions: range of
RLC Circuits: circuit and problem- oscilloscope waveforms, Address activities,
3.Power in Walk have students solving skills, s, function measure common from basic
AC Circuits: students adjust and data generators, impedance, misconcepti AC
Students will through how frequencies interpretatio resistors, and adjust ons, such as waveform
understand AC behaves to observe n as students inductors, circuit confusing analysis to
the concept in resistor, resonance, measure, capacitors, frequencies reactance advanced
of power in inductor, and helping them analyze, and and for with circuit
AC circuits, capacitor understand calculate AC transformer resonance to calculations
including (RLC) the concept parameters s for hands- assess their and
average circuits, and practical in circuits. on understandi resistance or transformer
power, emphasizing applications experiment ng. understandi applications,
power factor, the concepts of resonance •Values: s. ng phase accommoda
and how of reactance in circuits. Encourage 4.Quiz: relationship ting diverse
these differ and curiosity, 4.Workshee Conduct a s, through learning
from power impedance. 4.Transforme respect for ts and quiz guided needs
in DC r Simulation: the science Flashcards: covering key examples within the
circuits. 4.Demonstra Use an online behind Prepare concepts, and class.
tion of simulation or power worksheets such as AC additional
4.Resonance Transformer real systems, and with fundamental practice.
in AC Operation: transformer an exercises on s, RLC
Circuits: Use a simple to show the appreciation calculating circuits,
Students will transformer relationship for the AC resonance,
learn about (if available) between engineering parameters, and
resonance in to primary and that enables impedance, transformer
series and demonstrate secondary modern resonance operation, to
parallel AC step-up and coils and conveniences frequency, evaluate
circuits and step-down voltage . and comprehens
understand transformati transformatio transformer ion.
the ons, showing n, reinforcing ratios, along
conditions how AC can the concept of with
for be used for power flashcards
resonance. efficient transmission. summarizin
power g key
5.Transform transmission. formulas
ers and and
Power concepts.
n: Students
work, their
role in
, and the
of AC in long-

s of AC:
Students will
explore real-
including in
systems, and

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 6-8
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Atoms

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understan 1.Introductio 1.Spectromet •Chemistry: 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding Atomic n with er Link atomic Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Models: Historical Experiment: structure to diagrams Ask nt: Praise Participatio
Students will Background: Use a chemical and charts questions students n: Ensure all
learn about Begin with a spectrometer behavior, to illustrate such as, who actively students
early atomic historical to observe explaining atomic “What are participate participate
models, overview of and analyze how models, the in in
including atomic spectral lines electrons and energy postulates of spectromete experiments
Thomson’s models, of elements, energy levels levels, and Bohr’s r ,
model and explaining particularly affect spectral model?” and observations discussions,
Rutherford’s how hydrogen, bonding and series, “How does , and model
nuclear scientific demonstratin reactions. reinforcing Bohr’s calculations, comparisons
model, understandin g the abstract model and , fostering
g of the atom explain the an inclusive
understandi evolved over principles of atomic hydrogen discussions, learning
ng their time. Bohr’s model. •Medical concepts spectrum?” building environmen
limitations. Science: visually. confidence t.
2.Use of 2.Energy Discuss 2.Worksheet in
2.Bohr’s Visual Aids: Level applications 2.Digital Exercises: understandi 2.Visual
Model of the Use diagrams Calculations: of atomic Simulations Provide ng atomic Support and
Hydrogen to illustrate Assign theory in : Use exercises on structure. Incremental
Atom: atomic exercises medical simulations calculating Guidance:
Students will models, where imaging (e.g., (like PhET) energy •Additional Use visual
understand Bohr’s orbits, students MRI and CT to visualize levels, Support: aids and
the energy calculate scans) and atomic spectral Provide provide
postulates of levels, and energy levels radiation transitions, wavelengths simpler step-by-step
Bohr’s spectral and therapy. spectral , and examples guidance to
model, series, transitions in series, and comparing and one-on- support
including helping hydrogen •Life Skills: energy atomic one students
quantized students atoms, Develop levels, models, guidance for who may
orbits, and visualize helping them analytical allowing allowing students need
learn how atomic understand thinking, students to students to who struggle additional
this model structure and quantized critical see Bohr’s apply with help with
explains the transitions. energy. observation, model in theoretical understandi atomic
stability of and action. knowledge. ng energy concepts.
the hydrogen 3.Step-by- 3.Model problem- levels or
atom and its Step Comparison solving skills 3.Laborator 3.Activity spectral 3.Differentia
spectral Explanation Activity: as students y Observation: calculations. ted
lines. of Bohr’s Divide analyze Equipment: Observe Instruction:
Model students into atomic Provide students •Clarificatio Provide a
3.Energy Derivations: groups to models and spectromet during n Sessions: range of
Levels and Walk research and apply atomic ers, spectromete Address activities,
Spectral students present on theory. discharge r common from basic
Series: through the different tubes, and experiments misconcepti atomic
Students will derivation of atomic • Values: power and model ons, such as model
explore energy models Encourage supplies for presentation confusing
energy levels (Thomson, curiosity, hands-on comparisons
in an atom, levels, Rutherford, scientific observation s to assess spectral to advanced
calculate the quantized Bohr) and inquiry, and of emission their series with calculations
energy of orbits, and their respect for spectra. understandi energy of spectral
various the limitations. evolving ng of atomic levels, lines,
levels, and calculation of scientific 4.Workshee structure through accommodat
understand wavelengths 4.Real-Life knowledge, ts and and spectral guided ing diverse
spectral in spectral Application promoting Flashcards: lines. examples learning
series such lines. Research: an Prepare and needs
as Lyman, Assign groups appreciation worksheets 4.Quiz: additional within the
Balmer, and 4.Demonstra to research for the with Conduct a practice. class.
Paschen. tion of applications contribution exercises quiz
Spectral of atomic s of early on covering key
4.Wave- Lines: Use a theory, such scientists. calculating concepts,
Particle spectrometer as in lasers, X- energy such as
Duality and or online ray machines, levels, atomic
de Broglie simulations and wavelength models,
Hypothesis: to show the spectroscopy, s, and energy
Students will emission and present spectral levels,
learn about spectra of their findings series, spectral
the wave- hydrogen, to the class. along with series, and
particle reinforcing flashcards real-life
duality of the concept summarizin applications
electrons of quantized g key of atomic
and energy formulas theory, to
understand levels. and atomic evaluate
de Broglie’s model comprehens
hypothesis. comparison ion.
of Bohr’s
Model and
to Quantum
Students will
limitations of
Bohr’s model
and be
to the basics
of quantum
and modern

s of Atomic
Students will
explore real-
of atomic
theory, such
as in
, lasers, and
Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan
Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 10-12
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Current Electricity

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes for / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Experiential / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
Learning learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understand 1.Introducti 1.Ohm’s Law •Electrical 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ing Electric on with Experiment: Engineering: Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Current and Real-Life Have students Explain the diagrams Ask nt: Praise Participation
Ohm’s Law: Examples: set up a importance to questions students : Ensure all
Students will Begin with simple circuit of current illustrate such as, who actively students
learn the examples with a electricity in circuits, “What is the participate participate
basic concept such as resistor, designing Ohm’s law, difference in in circuit
of electric household voltmeter, circuits, series and between experiments, building,
current, circuits, and ammeter electronic parallel series and problem- measuremen
resistance, electric to verify devices, and resistor parallel solving, and ts, and
and Ohm’s appliances, Ohm’s law, power combinatio circuits?” circuit discussions
law, and and wiring measuring systems, ns, and and “How analysis, on
understand systems to how current linking Wheatston does building applications
their introduce changes with e bridge resistance in of electricity,
relationships. the voltage. physics to setups. affect understandi fostering an
relevance of engineering current flow ng current inclusive
2.Resistivity current 2.Resistor applications.
2.Digital in a circuit?” electricity. learning
and electricity. Combination Simulation environment
Conductivity Experiment: •Environmen s: Use 2.Worksheet •Additional .
of Materials: 2.Use of Provide tal Science: online Exercises: Support:
Students will Visual Aids: resistors and Discuss simulation Provide Provide 2.Visual
explore the Use circuit ask students energy s (like exercises on simpler Support and
concepts of diagrams to to create efficiency in PhET) to calculating examples Incremental
resistivity explain series and electric allow total and one-on- Guidance:
and Ohm’s law, parallel circuits, the students to resistance, one guidanceUse visual
conductivity, series and combinations, role of experiment applying for studentsaids and
including parallel calculate total
resistors in with Ohm’s law, who struggleprovide
how material resistor resistance, energy circuits, and solving with circuitstep-by-step
properties combinatio and verify conservation, resistor circuits calculationsguidance to
affect current ns, and their results and combinatio using or support
flow. Kirchhoff’s using a sustainability ns, and Kirchhoff’s understandi students
laws, multimeter. in electric application laws. ng who may
3.Combinatio helping devices. s of Kirchhoff’s need
n of students 3.Wheatstone Kirchhoff’s 3.Activity laws. additional
Resistors: visualize Bridge and •Life Skills: laws. Observation: help with
Students will current flow Meter Bridge: Develop Observe •Clarification circuit
understand and Set up problem- 3.Laborato students as Sessions: analysis.
series and potential Wheatstone solving, ry they set up Address
parallel drops. and meter analytical Equipment circuits and common 3.Differentia
combinations bridges for thinking, and : Provide measure misconcepti ted
of resistors, 3.Hands-On students to circuit- resistors, resistance, ons, such as Instruction:
calculate Demonstrat measure building ammeters, assessing the Provide a
total ion of unknown skills as voltmeters, their difference range of
resistance, Ohm’s Law: resistances, students power understandi between activities,
and apply Use a allowing them experiment supplies, ng of circuit voltage and from basic
these with and components current or resistor
concepts in simple to analyze Wheatston and understandi calculations
circuit setup with a understand electric e and principles. ng resistors to advanced
analysis. power the principle circuits. meter in different applications
supply, of balancing bridges, 4.Quiz: configuratio in
4.Kirchhoff’s resistor, in circuits.•Values: and Conduct a ns, through Wheatstone
Laws: and Encourage multimeter quiz guided bridges and
Students will ammeter to 4.Research curiosity, s for covering key examples household
learn demonstrat and systematic hands-on concepts, and circuits,
Kirchhoff’s e Ohm’s lawPresentation analysis, and experiment such as additional accommodat
current law in action, on respect for s. Ohm’s law, practice. ing diverse
(KCL) and showing theApplications: the safety resistivity, learning
Kirchhoff’s relationship
Assign groups measures in 4.Workshe resistor needs within
voltage law between to research electric ets and combination the class.
(KVL), and current, specific circuits, Flashcards: s, Kirchhoff’s
use them to voltage, and
applications, promoting Prepare laws, and
solve resistance.such as awareness of worksheet applications
complex electric fuses, responsible s with of current
circuits. 4.Explanati household electricity exercises electricity, to
on of wiring, or use. on evaluate
5.Wheatston Kirchhoff’s circuit calculating comprehensi
e Bridge and Laws in breakers, and resistance, on.
Meter Circuit present how applying
Bridge: Analysis: they relate to Ohm’s law,
Students will Use step- current and solving
explore the by-step electricity circuits
principles of examples to principles. with
the explain how Kirchhoff’s
Wheatstone to apply laws, along
bridge and KCL and with
meter bridge, KVL to solve flashcards
and apply complex summarizi
them to circuits, ng key
measure terms and
unknown reinforcing formulas.
resistances. problem-
s of Current
Students will
of current
electricity in
circuits, and
devices like
fuses and
Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan
Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources

Competency Feedback Inclusive
Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including
Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understandi 1.Introductio 1.Photoelectri •Chemistry: 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ng the Particle n with Real- c Effect Link wave- Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Nature of Life Experiment particle diagrams Ask nt: Praise Participatio
Light: Examples: Simulation: duality to of the questions students n: Ensure all
Students will Begin with Use an online atomic and photoelect such as, who actively students
understand practical simulation of molecular ric effect “What is the participate participate
the concept of examples of the structure, setup, photoelectri in in
the photon light’s photoelectric explaining wave- c effect?” simulations, simulations,
and how light particle and effect, how matter particle and “How discussions, calculations,
exhibits wave allowing waves are duality did and and
particle-like properties, students to fundamental concepts, Einstein’s calculations, discussions
properties, such as adjust light to and de explanation building on real-life
specifically in photoelectric frequency understandin Broglie of the confidence applications
in of wave-
the sensors and and intensity photoelectri understandi particle
photoelectric electron to observe g electron wavelengt c effect ng the dual duality,
effect. microscopes, electron configuration hs to support the nature of fostering an
to explain emission. s. reinforce particle radiation inclusive
2.Comprehen duality’s complex theory of and matter. environmen
ding the Wave importance. Broglie •Engineering concepts light?” t.
Nature of Wavelength and visually. •Additional
Light: 2.Use of Calculation: Technology: 2.Worksheet Support: 2.Visual
Students will Visual Aids: Assign Discuss how 2.Digital Exercises: Provide Support and
learn about Use diagrams exercises for duality Simulation Provide simpler Incremental
the wave to illustrate calculating de principles s: Use exercises on examples Guidance:
nature of light the Broglie apply in online calculating and one-on- Use visual
and how photoelectric wavelengths designing simulation photon one aids and
wave-particle effect, wave- of various electronic s (like energy, guidance for provide
duality particle particles (e.g., devices and PhET) for understandi students step-by-step
reconciles duality, and electron, imaging the ng the work who struggle guidance to
classical and the de proton) to technologies, photoelect function, with support
modern Broglie reinforce linking ric effect and calculations students
physics. wavelength, understandin physics to and matter calculating or who may
helping g of matter modern waves, de Broglie understandi need extra
3.Photoelectri students waves. engineering. allowing wavelengths ng the help with
c Effect and visualize students , allowing photoelectri abstract
Einstein’s abstract 3.Debate on •Life Skills: to explore students to c effect. concepts.
Explanation: concepts. Wave-Particle Develop duality apply
Students will Duality: critical principles theoretical •Clarificatio 3.Differentia
study the 3.Step-by- Organize a thinking, interactive knowledge. n Sessions: ted
photoelectric Step class debate analytical ly. Address Instruction:
effect, Explanation where abilities, and 3.Activity common Provide a
understand of Einstein’s students problem- 3.Laborato Observation: misconcepti range of
its Equation: discuss solving skills ry Observe ons, such as activities,
experimental Walk situations as students Equipment students confusing from basic
setup, and students where light analyze : If during frequency photon
learn how through
experimental available, simulations with calculations
Einstein Einstein’s behaves as a setups and provide and group intensity in to advanced
explained it equation for particle vs. a calculations photoelect activities to the applications
using the the wave, in dual ric effect assess their photoelectri of wave-
particle photoelectric encouraging nature apparatus understandi c effect, particle
nature of effect and deeper studies. and metal ng of dual through duality,
light. how it engagement plates to nature guided accommodat
supports the with the •Values: demonstra concepts examples ing diverse Broglie particle topic. Encourage te light’s and and learning
Hypothesis theory of scientific particle applications. additional needs
and Matter light. 4.Real-Life curiosity, behavior practice. within the
Waves: Application respect for practically. 4.Quiz: class.
Students will 4.Demonstra Research: pioneering Conduct a
learn de tion of the Assign work in 4.Workshe quiz
Broglie’s Photoelectric students to physics, and ets and covering key
hypothesis, Effect: Use a research and an Flashcards concepts,
which posits photoelectric present on appreciation : Prepare such as
that matter setup (if applications for the worksheet photoelectri
exhibits wave available) or of wave- evolving s with c effect,
properties, a simulation particle understandin exercises wave-
and calculate to duality in g of light and on particle
the demonstrate modern matter. calculating duality, de
wavelength the technology, photon Broglie
associated photoelectric such as energy, hypothesis,
with particles.effect, electron photoelect and
showing how microscopes ric applications
5.Applications photons and equations, in
of Wave- cause semiconducto and de technology,
Particle electron rs. Broglie to evaluate
Duality: emission wavelengt comprehens
Students will from a metal. hs, along ion.
explore with
applications flashcards
of duality in
such as summarizi
electron ng key
microscopy, formulas
quantum and
mechanics, concepts.
r devices.

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Electric Charges and Fields

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin ResourcesCompetency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes for / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Experiential / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
Learning learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understand 1.Introducti 1.Static •Environmen 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ing Electric on with Electricity tal Science: Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Charge and Real-Life Experiment: Link electric diagrams to Ask nt: Praise Participation
Its Examples: Have students fields to illustrate questions students : Ensure all
Properties: Begin with use combs, pollution electric such as, who actively students
Students will examples balloons, and control fields, field “What are participate participate
understand like static paper bits to devices, such lines, the in in
the basic electricity, explore as charge properties of experiments, experiments,
concept of lightning, charge electrostatic distributio electric calculations, calculations,
electric and interactions precipitators, ns, and charge?” and and and
charge, types electrostatic and explaining Gauss’s law “How does discussions discussions
of charge, precipitator understand their role in application the electric on electric on
and the s to explain attraction and s. force fields, applications
between of electric
fundamental the repulsion of reducing charges vary building fields,
properties of importance charges. emissions. 2.Digital with confidence fostering an
electric of electric Simulations distance?” in inclusive
charge, charges and 2.Electric •Engineering : Use online understandi learning
including fields. Field : Explain how simulations 2.Worksheet ng environment
quantization Mapping: Use electric fields (like PhET) Exercises: electrostatic .
and 2.Use of conductive are essential to allow Provide s.
conservation. Visual Aids: paper or an in designing students to exercises on 2.Visual
Use electric field electronic visualize calculating •Additional Support and
2.Coulomb’s diagrams to simulation to devices, electric electric Support: Incremental
Law: show help students linking fields, forces, Provide Guidance:
Students will charge visualize field physics to charge electric simpler Use visual
learn distribution lines and engineering interaction fields, and examples aids and
Coulomb’s s, electric calculate the applications. s, and field using and one-on- provide
law and be field lines, electric field line Gauss’s law one guidance step-by-step
able to dipoles, and at various •Life Skills: configurati to calculate for students guidance to
calculate the equipotenti points around Develop ons around fields for who struggle support
force al surfaces charged critical different various with students
between two to help objects. thinking, charge charge understandi who may
point students observation, setups. distributions ng need extra
charges, visualize 3.Electric and . Coulomb’s help with
understandin electric field Dipole analytical 3.Laborator law, electric abstract
g how the concepts. Demonstratio skills as y 3.Activity fields, or electrostatic
force varies n: Use small students Equipment: Observation: Gauss’s law. s concepts.
with distance 3.Hands-On spheres with explore Provide Observe
and charge Demonstrat opposite charge materials students as •Clarificatio 3.Differentia
magnitude. ion of Static charges on a interactions, for static they conduct n Sessions: ted
Electricity: stick to electric electricity static Address Instruction:
3.Electric Use demonstrate fields, and experiment electricity common Provide a
Field and materials electric dipole practical s, such as experiments, misconcepti range of
Field Lines: like behavior, applications. balloons, map electric ons, such as activities,
Students will balloons, including the plastic fields, and confusing from basic
understand combs, or field created electric field charge
by the dipole rods, fur, analyze with electric interaction
the concept plastic rods and its •Values: and combs, charge potential or experiments
of the electric to response to Encourage as well as interactions, understandi to advanced
field, demonstrat external curiosity, conductive assessing ng charge applications
calculate the e static fields. scientific paper for their interactions, of Gauss’s
electric field electricity inquiry, and electric understandi through law,
due to a and charge 4.Research appreciation field ng of charge guided accommodat
point charge, interactions and for the mapping. and field examples ing diverse
and visualize , showing Presentation applications concepts. and learning
electric field the on of electric 4.Workshe additional needs within
lines for attraction Applications: fields in ets and 4.Quiz: practice. the class.
different and Assign groups technology Flashcards: Conduct a
charge repulsion of to research and Prepare quiz
configuration charges. applications environment worksheets covering key
s. of electric al with concepts,
4.Step-by- fields in conservation. exercises such as
4.Electric Step technology, on Coulomb’s
Dipole and Explanation such as in calculating law, electric
Its Field: of Gauss’s electrostatic electric field, electric
Students will Law: Walk painting, air field dipole, and
learn about students purifiers, or strength, Gauss’s law
electric through the photocopying, force applications,
dipoles, application and present between to evaluate
calculate the of Gauss’s their findings charges, comprehensi
field due to a law with to the class. and on.
dipole at step-by- application
various step s of Gauss’s
points, and examples, law, along
understand particularly with
the dipole’s for flashcards
behavior in spherical summarizi
an external and ng key
electric field cylindrical formulas
. symmetry, and
to reinforce concepts.
5.Gauss’s problem-
Law: solving
Students will skills.
Gauss’s law,
apply it to
electric fields
of symmetry
in applying
Gauss’s law.

s of Electric
Students will
explore real-
of electric
fields in
devices such
, electrostatic
and inkjet

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Electromagnetic Induction

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes for / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Experiential / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
Learning learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understan 1.Introducti 1.Magnet and •Electrical 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding on with Coil Engineering: Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Faraday’s Real-Life Experiment: Explain how diagrams of Ask nt: Praise Participatio
Law of Examples: Have students electromagn magnetic questions students n: Ensure all
Electromagn Begin with move a bar etic flux, such as, who actively students
etic examples magnet induction is induced “What does participate participate
Induction: like electric through a coil fundamental emf, and Faraday’s in hands-on in
Students will generators, connected to to electric circuit law state?” experiments, experiments
understand transformer a power layouts for and “How problem- ,
Faraday’s s, and galvanometer generation, generators does Lenz’s solving, and calculations,
law and how induction to observe transformer and law align discussions, and
changing cookers to the induced design, and transformer with the building discussions
magnetic explain the motor s to visually confidence
emf and how conservatio in on
fields induce practical its direction explain nn of understandi electromagn
an relevance of changes. operation, induction energy?” ng induction etic
electromotiv electromagn linking concepts. concepts. induction
e force (emf) etic 2.Induced emf physics to 2.Worksheet applications,
in a induction. Calculation electrical 2.Digital Exercises: •Additional fostering an
conductor. Activity: engineering. Simulations Provide Support: inclusive
2.Use of Assign : Use exercises on Provide learning
2.Lenz’s Law Visual Aids: problems •Environmen simulations calculating simpler environmen
and Use involving tal Science: (like PhET) induced emf, examples t.
Conservation diagrams calculations Discuss the to visualize magnetic and one-on-
of Energy: and of induced role of magnetic flux, and one 2.Visual
Students will animations emf for generators in flux mutual guidance for Support and
learn Lenz’s to explain various cases renewable changes, induction, students Incremental
law, magnetic (moving energy, such induction, allowing who struggle Guidance:
understand flux, conductor, as wind and and students to with Use visual
its direction Faraday’s rotating coil) hydroelectric Faraday’s apply calculating aids and
of induced and Lenz’s to reinforce power, and Lenz’s theoretical emf or step-by-step
current, and laws, and understandin linking laws, knowledge. understandi guidance to
how it aligns the process g of Faraday’s physics to allowing ng the support
with the of induction law. environment students to 3.Activity direction of students
conservation in loops and al studies. manipulate Observation: induced who may
of energy. coils. 3.Self- variables Observe current. need extra
Induction •Life Skills: and observe students as help with
3.Motional 3.Hands-On Experiment: Develop results. they conduct •Clarificatio abstract
emf and Demonstrati Use a problem- magnet and n Sessions: concepts of
Induced emf on of solenoid and solving, 3.Laborator coil Address induction.
in Different Induction: an ammeter analytical y experiments common
Situations: Use a simple to thinking, and Equipment: , and as they misconcepti 3.Differentia
Students will coil and demonstrate observationa Provide calculate ons, such as ted
calculate magnet self-induction l skills as coils, and analyze confusing Instruction:
induced emf setup to and how a students magnets, induced emf, Lenz’s law Provide a
in different demonstrate changing calculate and assessing with range of
scenarios, how movingcurrent in a experiment galvanomet Faraday’s activities,
such as in a magnet coil generates with ers, and their law, through from basic
moving through a an opposing induced emf. ammeters understandi guided emf
conductors coil induces
emf. for hands- ng. examples calculations
and rotating emf, • Values: on and to advanced
coils, illustrating
4.Research Encourage experiment 4.Quiz: additional applications
applying Faraday’s and scientific s on Conduct a practice. in
Faraday’s law in Presentation curiosity, induction quiz transformer
law. action. on respect for and Lenz’s covering key s and
Applications: the practical law. concepts, generators,
4.Self- 4.Step-by- Assign groups applications such as accommodat
Induction Step to research of physics, 4.Workshee Faraday’s ing diverse
and Mutual Explanation applications and ts and law, Lenz’s learning
Induction: of Formulas: of awareness of Flashcards: law, self- needs
Students will Walk electromagne the impact of Prepare induction, within the
understand students tic induction, energy worksheets mutual class.
the concepts through key such as in generation with induction,
of self- formulas, transformers, and exercises on and practical
induction including generators, efficiency. calculating applications,
and mutual those for and medical magnetic to evaluate
induction, calculating imaging, and flux, comprehens
including induced emf, present their induced ion.
how self- findings. emf, and
inductors induction, self-
store energy and mutual induction,
in magnetic induction. along with
fields. flashcards
g key
5.Application formulas
s of and laws.
Students will
explore real-
, generators,

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 6-8
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Electromagnetic Waves

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdiscipli Resources Competency Feedback and Inclusive

Learning Strategies oup activities nary (including Based Remedial Practices/
Outcomes for / Linkages and ICT) Assessment Teaching Plan Gender
Experiential experiments infusion of items for Sensitivity
Learning / hand-on- Life-skills, measuring
learning Values the
of Learning
1.Understand 1.Introducti 1.Electromag •Communica 1.Visual 1Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ing on with netic tion Aids: Use Questioning Reinforcemen ng
Electromagne Real-Life Spectrum Technology: diagrams to : Ask t: Praise Participatio
tic Waves: Examples: Research Explain the show the questions students who n: Ensure
Students will Begin with Project: role of EM structure of such as, actively all students
learn the examples Assign groups waves in EM waves, “What is the participate in participate
basic concept such as to research communicati their relationship experiments, in
of visible light, specific parts on, linking oscillating between calculations, experiment
electromagne radio of the EM physics to electric and electric and and s,
tic waves (EM broadcastin spectrum fields such magnetic magnetic presentations presentatio
waves) and g, (e.g., radio as fields, and fields in an , building ns, and
how they are microwaves waves, X- broadcasting the full EM wave?” confidence in discussions
formed by , and rays) and , mobile and “List
networks, electromagn on EM
oscillating medical present their and satellite etic some waves,
electric and imaging, applications, technology. spectrum. applications understandin fostering an
magnetic explaining benefits, and of X-rays g inclusive
fields. how safety •Medical 2.Digital and radio electromagne learning
different EM concerns. Science: Simulations: waves.” tic wave environmen
2.Maxwell’s waves are Discuss the Use concepts. t.
Equations used in 2.Polarization use of EM simulations 2.Workshee
and the Speed daily life. Experiment: waves in (like PhET) t Exercises: •Additional 2.Visual
of Light: Use polarized medical to visualize Provide Support: Support and
Students will 2.Use of filters or imaging (X- EM wave exercises on Provide Incremental
understand Visual Aids: sunglasses to rays, MRI) generation, calculating simpler Guidance:
how Use demonstrate and propagation the explanations Use visual
Maxwell’s diagrams to polarization, treatment , and wavelength, and one-on- aids and
equations illustrate helping (radiation properties, frequency, one guidance provide
predict the the students therapy), allowing and speed for students incremental
existence of oscillating visualize the connecting students to of EM who struggle guidance to
EM waves electric and transverse physics to manipulate waves, with support
and how they magnetic nature of healthcare. variables allowing understandin students
relate to the fields in EM light as an EM and observe students to g Maxwell’s who may
speed of light. waves, and wave. •Environme wave apply equations or need extra
charts to ntal Science: behavior. theoretical wave help with
3.Properties show the 3.Calculation Discuss how knowledge. properties. abstract
of electromagn Activity on EM waves 3.Laborator wave
Electromagne etic Wave are used in y 3. •Clarification concepts.
tic Waves: spectrum Parameters: remote Equipment: Activi Sessions:
Students will and the Have sensing, Provide ty Address 3.Differenti
understand wavelength students climate polarized Observation common ated
the s and calculate the monitoring, filters or : Observe misconceptio Instruction:
properties of frequencies wavelength, and studying polarizing students ns, such as Provide a
EM waves, of different frequency, environment sunglasses during confusing range of
including types of EM and speed of al changes. to polarization different activities,
their waves. various types demonstrat experiments types of EM from basic
and group waves or calculations
transverse of EM waves presentatio misunderstan to advanced
nature, speed using •Life Skills: e light ns to assess ding the applications
in a vacuum, 3.Explanatio provided Develop polarization their relationship and
and their n of values, critical as an understandi between research
ability to Maxwell’s reinforcing thinking, example of ng of EM wavelength projects,
carry energy. Equations their analytical EM wave wave and accommoda
(Simplified): understandin skills, and behavior. properties frequency, ting diverse
4.Electromag Give a g of wave observationa and through learning
netic simplified equations. l skills as 4.Workshee applications guided needs
Spectrum: overview of students ts and . examples and within the
Students will Maxwell’s 4.Presentatio explore the Flashcards: additional class.
learn about equations n on EM properties, Prepare 4.Quiz: practice.
the and their Wave applications, worksheets Conduct a
electromagne significance Applications: and with quiz
tic spectrum, in Students can calculations exercises on covering
including the predicting prepare a of EM waves. calculating key
various types EM waves, presentation frequency, concepts,
of EM waves linking on the • wavelength, such as the
(radio, theory to applications Values and electromagn
microwaves, the of EM waves : Encourage intensity, etic
infrared, existence in different appreciation and spectrum,
visible light, and speed fields, such as for scientific flashcards properties
ultraviolet, X- of light. communicati advancemen summarizin of EM
rays, gamma on, medicine, ts, curiosity g key waves,
rays) and 4.Hands-On and about the properties Maxwell’s
their Experiment environment invisible and equations,
applications. on Light al science. aspects of applications and
Polarization the natural of each part practical
5.Energy and : If available, world, and of the EM applications
Momentum in demonstrat awareness of spectrum. , to evaluate
EM Waves: e light the practical comprehens
Students will polarization and ion.
learn about to show the beneficial
transverse uses of EM
the energy, nature of waves.
momentum, EM waves,
and intensity reinforcing
of EM waves, the concept
including visually.
their practical

s of
tic Waves:
Students will
explore real-
of EM waves
on, medical
sensing, and

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Magnetism and Matter

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understan 1.Introductio 1.Earth’s •Geography: 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding n with Real- Magnetic Link Earth’s Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforcem ng
Magnetic Life Field magnetic diagrams to Ask ent: Praise Participatio
Properties of Examples: Experiment: field show questions students n: Ensure all
Materials: Begin with Use a concepts to Earth’s such as, who students
Students will examples compass to compass use, magnetic “What are actively participate
learn about such as observe navigation, field, the participate in magnetic
different magnets, Earth’s and the magnetic characteristi in property
types of compasses, magnetic field behavior of field lines, cs of experiment tests,
magnetic and magnetic and discuss Earth’s hysteresis ferromagnet s, testing, compass
materials storage concepts like magnetic loops, and ic and experiments
devices to magnetic poles. magnetic materials?” problem- , and
explain the domains to and “How solving discussions,
(diamagnetic declination building
, practical and •Engineering visually fostering an
paramagneti importance inclination in : Discuss the reinforcedoes the inclusive
c, of relation to the applications abstract Earth’s confidence learning
ferromagneti magnetism. compass of magnetism magnetic magnetic in environmen
c) and readings. in designing concepts.field understandi t.
understand 2.Use of electric influence a ng
their Visual Aids: 2.Testing motors, 2.Digital compass?” magnetism. 2.Visual
properties. Use diagrams Magnetic transformers
Simulations: Support and
to illustrate Properties of , and Use online 2.Worksheet •Additional Incremental
2.Earth’s Earth’s Materials: magnetic simulations Exercises: Support: Guidance:
Magnetism: magnetic Provide storage, (like PhET) Provide Provide Use visual
Students will field, materials like linking for exercises on simpler aids and
understand magnetic iron, copper, physics to visualizing calculating examples provide
the concept dipoles, field and engineeringmagnetic magnetic and one-on- step-by-step
of Earth’s lines, and aluminum for fields. dipoles, field one guidance to
magnetic hysteresis students to magnetic strengths, guidance for support
field, loops to help test and •Life Skills: field lines, analyzing students students
including students categorize as Develop and hysteresis who who may
magnetic visualize diamagnetic, observationa hysteresis loops, and struggle need extra
declination, magnetic paramagnetic, l skills, effects. understandi with help with
inclination, concepts. or analytical ng magnetic understandi complex
and the ferromagnetic thinking, and 3.Laborator properties ng magnetic
horizontal 3.Demonstra . problem- y of materials. hysteresis, concepts.
component tion of solving as Equipment: magnetic
of Earth’s Magnetic 3.Hysteresis students Provide 3.Activity domains, or 3.Differentia
magnetic Properties: Loop Activity: explore magnets, Observation: Earth’s ted
field. Use magnets Use an iron magnetic compass, Observe magnetic Instruction:
and various core and properties various students as concepts. Provide a
3.Magnetic materials electromagne and metals (e.g., they conduct range of
Field Lines (e.g., iron, t to experiment iron, magnetic •Clarificatio activities,
and Magnetic aluminum) demonstrate with copper, property n Sessions: from basic
Dipole: to hysteresis, aluminum), Address tests of
Students will illustrating magnetic and tests, use
explore demonstrate how materials. electromag compasses, common magnetic
magnetic diamagnetic, ferromagnetic nets for and analyze misconcepti properties
field lines, paramagneti materials • Values: hands-on hysteresis, ons, such as to advanced
the concept c, and retain Encourage experiment assessing confusing applications
of a magnetic ferromagneti magnetism. scientific s. their magnetic in hysteresis
dipole, and c properties. curiosity, understandi dipole with and
magnetic 4.Research respect for 4.Workshee ng of electric magnetic
dipole 4.Hands-On and the natural ts and magnetism dipole, storage,
moment. Explanation Presentation magnetic Flashcards: concepts. through accommodat
of Hysteresis: on field of Earth, Prepare guided ing diverse
4.Magnetizat If possible, Applications: and worksheets 4.Quiz: examples learning
ion and use an Assign groups appreciation with Conduct a and needs
Magnetic electromagn to research for the exercises on quiz additional within the
Intensity: et and iron applications practical calculating covering key practice. class.
Students will core to of magnetism applications magnetic concepts,
understand demonstrate in everyday of magnetism dipole such as
magnetizatio hysteresis, life, such as in in modern moments, types of
n, magnetic showing the MRI technology. identifying magnetic
susceptibility residual machines, magnetic materials,
, and magnetism magnetic properties, Earth’s
magnetic and storage, and and magnetic
intensity, coercivity of electric understandi field,
and learn ferromagneti motors, and ng Earth’s magnetic
how these c materials. present their magnetic dipoles, and
terms findings. parameters, applications
describe along with of
material flashcards magnetism,
response to summarizin to evaluate
magnetic g key terms comprehens
fields. and ion.
and Magnetic
Students will
study the
concept of
domains, and
of the
loop in
c materials.

s of
Students will
such as in
ets, and

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 10-12
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject :Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Moving Charges and Magnetism

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes for / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Experiential / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
Learning learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understand 1.Introducti 1.Magnetic •Electrical 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ing Magnetic on with Field Engineering: Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Force on Real-Life Measurement: Explain how diagrams Ask nt: Praise Participation
Moving Examples: Have students principles of to questions students : Ensure all
Charges: Begin with use a magnetism illustrate such as, who actively students
Students will examples magnetic and moving the “What participate participate
learn about like electric compass or a charges are direction factors affect in in
the magnetic motors, Gaussmeter to fundamental of the magnetic experiments, experiments,
force magnetic observe and in designing magnetic force on a derivations, derivations,
experienced storage, and measure the motors, fields, moving and and
by a moving particle magnetic field generators, motion of charge?” and problem- discussions
charge in a accelerators around a and charges, “How does solving on
magnetic to highlight current- transformers, and the magnetic activities, magnetism
field vary
magnetic around a building applications,
field, the carrying wire, linking force solenoid?” confidence fostering an
including its applications loop, or physics to calculation in inclusive
magnitude of moving solenoid. engineering. s. 2.Worksheet understandi learning
and charges in Exercises: ng environment
direction. magnetic 2.Charged •Medical 2.Digital Provide magnetism. .
fields. Particle Science: Simulation exercises on
2.Biot-Savart Motion Discuss the s: Use calculating •Additional 2.Visual
Law and 2.Use of Experiment: If use of online magnetic Support: Support and
Ampere’s Visual Aids: possible, use magnetic simulation fields, force Provide Incremental
Circuital Use an electron fields in s (like on moving simpler Guidance:
Law: diagrams beam in a medical PhET) to charges, and examples Use visual
Students will and cathode ray imaging visualize current and one-on- aids and
understand visualizatio tube (CRT) to technologies, magnetic interactions, one guidance provide
the Biot- ns to observe the such as MRI, fields, allowing for students incremental
Savart Law illustrate circular connecting charge students to who struggle guidance to
and Ampere’s magnetic motion of physics to motion in apply with support
Circuital Law, field lines charges in a healthcare. magnetic theoretical understandi students
and how they around magnetic fields, and knowledge. ng field who may
are used to current- field. •Life Skills: the Biot- calculations need extra
calculate carrying Develop Savart 3.Activity or particle help with
magnetic conductors, 3.Force problem- Law. Observation: motion in magnetic
fields due to motion of Between solving, Observe magnetic field
current- charges in Parallel analytical 3.Laborato students as fields. concepts.
carrying magnetic Conductors thinking, and ry they
conductors. fields, and Activity: Set hands-on Equipment experiment •Clarification 3.Differentia
magnetic up two skills as : Provide with Sessions: ted
3.Magnetic forces. parallel students magnets, magnetic Address Instruction:
Field Due to a current- experiment wires, fields and common Provide a
Current- 3.Hands-On carrying wires with current- power current- misconcepti range of
Carrying Demonstrat to carrying supplies, carrying ons, such as activities,
Conductor: ion of demonstrate conductors compasses, wires, the direction from basic
Students will Magnetic the attractive and magnetic assessing of magnetic magnetic
learn how to Force: Use a or repulsive forces. and their force or force
calculate the simple force between Gaussmete understandi differences calculations
magnetic setup with them, •Values: rs for ng of between to advanced
field magnets reinforcing Encourage hands-on magnetic Biot-Savart applications
generated by and a the concept of
curiosity, experimen force and and in cyclotrons
a straight current- the force scientific ts on field Ampere’s and electric
conductor, carrying between inquiry, and magnetic generation. Law, through motors,
circular loop, wire to conductors. appreciation forces and guided accommodat
and solenoid. demonstrat for the field 4.Quiz: examples ing diverse
e the force 4.Research applications calculation Conduct a and learning
4.Motion of exerted by a and of magnetic s. quiz additional needs within
Charged magnetic Presentation fields in covering key practice. the class.
Particles in field on a on technology 4.Workshe concepts,
Magnetic moving Applications: and ets and such as
Fields: charge. Assign groups medicine. Flashcards magnetic
Students will to research : Prepare force, Biot-
understand 4.Step-by- specific worksheet Savart Law,
how charged Step applications, s with Ampere’s
particles Explanation such as exercises Law, and
move in of Key cyclotrons, on applications
magnetic Formulas: MRI calculating of
fields and Walk machines, or magnetic magnetism,
calculate the students electric force, field to evaluate
radius and through the motors, and strength, comprehensi
frequency of derivations present how and force on.
circular of magnetic they utilize between
motion. force, the principles conductors
magnetic of moving , along
5.Force field charges and with
Between strength magnetism. flashcards
Parallel calculations summarizi
Current- using Biot- ng key
Conductors: Savart and and laws.
Students will Ampere’s
learn about laws, and
the force particle
between two motion in
parallel magnetic
conductors fields.
current and
how this
leads to the
definition of
the ampere.

s of Moving
Charges in
Students will
explore real-
motors, and
in fusion
Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan
Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Nuclei

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understand 1.Introductio 1.Binding •Chemistry: 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ing Nuclear n with Real- Energy Discuss the Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Composition: Life Calculation role of diagrams Ask nt: Praise Participatio
Students will Examples: Exercise: nuclear of the questions students n: Ensure all
learn about Begin with Assign reactions in nucleus, such as, who actively students
the examples students chemistry, nuclear “What are participate participate
composition such as various such as forces, and the in in
of nuclei, nuclear isotopes and fission, radioactiv properties of calculations, simulations,
including reactors, have them fusion, and e decay nuclear simulations, calculations,
protons, radiation in calculate the the stability processes forces?” and and and
neutrons, medical binding of isotopes. to visually “How do you presentation discussions
and nuclear imaging, and energy per reinforce calculate the s, building on nuclear
structure, natural nucleon, concepts. binding confidence
radioactivity, reinforcing in applications,
and the to explain the the concept of •Environmen 2.Digital energy of a understandi fostering an
concept of importance nuclear tal Science: Simulation nucleus?” ng nuclear inclusive
atomic mass. of nuclear stability. Explain the s: Use properties learning
physics. implications simulation 2.Worksheet and decay environmen
2.Nuclear 2.Half-Life of nuclear s for Exercises: processes. t.
Size, Density, 2.Use of Simulation: energy and radioactiv Provide
and Binding Visual Aids: Use a radioactive e decay, exercises on •Additional 2.Visual
Energy: Use diagrams simulation or waste, half-life calculating Support: Support and
Students will to illustrate app that linking calculation nuclear Provide Incremental
understand nuclear models nuclear s, and properties, simpler Guidance:
the concepts structure, radioactive physics to nuclear half-life, and examples Use visual
of nuclear binding decay, environment binding radioactive and one-on- aids and
size, density, energy, and allowing al concerns energy, decay rates, one step-by-step
and binding the process students to and allowing allowing guidance for guidance to
energy, and of radioactive observe how sustainability students to students to students support
how these decay, half-life . observe apply who struggle students
properties helping works and nuclear theoretical with nuclear who may
affect nuclear students how the •Life Skills: behavior knowledge. decay need extra
stability. visualize decay Develop interactive calculations help with
abstract constant analytical ly. 3.Activity or abstract
nuclear affects the thinking, Observation: understandi nuclear
3.Nuclear concepts. rate of decay. problem- 3.Laborato Observe ng binding concepts.
Forces: solving skills, ry students energy.
Students will 3.Step-by- 3.Nuclear and data Equipment during decay 3.Differentia
learn about Step Forces interpretatio : If simulations, •Clarificatio ted
nuclear Explanation Discussion: n as students available, binding n Sessions: Instruction:
forces, their of Key Organize a calculate use a energy Address Provide a
characteristi Formulas: class decay rates, Geiger calculations, common range of
cs, and their Walk discussion on binding counter or and group misconcepti activities,
role in students the energy, and radiation discussions ons, such as from basic
holding through characteristic explore detector to to assess confusing calculations
protons and formulas for their atomic mass
neutrons calculating s of nuclear nuclear understandi with mass of nuclear
together in nuclear forces and properties. demonstra ng of nuclear number, properties
the nucleus. binding how they te natural physics through to advanced
energy, half- differ from •Values: radioactivi principles. guided discussions
4.Radioactivi life, and gravitational Encourage ty. examples on
ty and Its decay and scientific 4.Quiz: and radioactivity
Types: constants, electromagne curiosity, 4.Workshe Conduct a additional applications,
Students will ensuring tic forces, awareness of ets and quiz practice. accommodat
understand they promoting nuclear Flashcards covering key ing diverse
radioactivity understand conceptual safety, and : Prepare concepts, learning
and the types the understandin respect for worksheet such as needs within
of derivations. g. the potential s with nuclear the class.
radioactive and risks exercises composition,
decay (alpha, 4.Demonstrat 4.Research associated on types of
beta, and ion of and with nuclear calculating decay,
gamma Radioactive Presentation technology. binding nuclear
decay), along Decay on energy, forces, and
with their Simulation: Applications: half-life, applications,
characteristi Use a decay Assign groups and decay to evaluate
cs. simulation (if to research constants, comprehensi
available) to applications along with on.
5.Half-Life show how of nuclear flashcards
and Decay radioactive physics, such summarizi
Constant: elements as nuclear ng key
Students will decay over energy, terms and
learn how to time, carbon dating, formulas.
calculate the illustrating or medical
half-life and concepts like applications
decay half-life and of
constant of exponential radioisotopes,
radioactive decay. and present
materials their findings.
the concept
decay law.

s of Nuclear
Students will
explore real-
of nuclear
physics, such
as in nuclear
imaging, and

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 10-12
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources

Competency Feedback Inclusive
Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including
Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understan 1.Introductio 1.Mirror and •Biology: 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding n with Real- Lens Link the Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Reflection Life Experiments: principles of diagrams Ask nt: Praise Participatio
and Examples: Have students ray optics to of ray questions students n: Ensure all
Refraction of Begin with experiment the human paths, such as, who actively students
Light: examples like with concave eye’s mirror and “What is participate participate
Students will mirrors, and convex structure and lens Snell’s law?” in hands-on in
learn the lenses in mirrors and vision, setups, and and “How activities, experiments
laws of glasses, lenses to explaining optical does a ray diagram ,
reflection cameras, and observe how lenses in instrument convex lens analysis, and discussions,
and telescopes to image the eye form s to form an calculations, and
refraction, explain the formation, images. visually image at building presentation
measure focal different in s on optical
Snell’s law, significance lengths, and explain the object understandi applications,
and the of ray optics calculate behavior of distances?” ng ray fostering an
concept of in everyday magnification. •Engineering light rays optics. inclusive
refractive life. : Explain the and image 2.Worksheet learning
index. 2.Total role of optics formation. Exercises: •Additional environmen
2.Use of Internal in designing Provide Support: t.
2.Image Visual Aids: Reflection optical 2.Digital exercises on Provide
Formation by Use ray Demonstratio instruments, Simulation calculating simpler 2.Visual
Spherical diagrams to n: Use a prism linking s: Use focal examples Support and
Mirrors and explain or water tank physics to online lengths, and one-on- Incremental
Lenses: reflection, to engineering simulation image one Guidance:
Students will refraction, demonstrate fields such as s (like distances, guidance for Use visual
understand image total internal photography, PhET) for and students aids and
the formation, reflection and microscopy, ray magnificatio who struggle provide
formation of and optical calculate the and optical diagrams, n using the with ray step-by-step
images by instruments, critical angle. communicati mirror and mirror and diagrams, guidance to
spherical helping on. lens lens lens support
mirrors and students 3.Optical behavior, formulas. formulas, or students
lenses, visualize the Instruments •Life Skills: and optical the who may
including behavior of Activity: Develop instrument 3.Activity functioning need
real and light rays. Provide observationa s, allowing Observation: of optical additional
virtual simple l skills, students to Observe instruments. help with
images, focal 3.Demonstrat magnifying critical manipulate students as complex
length, and ion of Total glasses, thinking, and variables they •Clarificatio concepts.
magnificatio Internal microscopes, analytical and experiment n Sessions:
n. Reflection: or telescopes, abilities as observe with lenses, Address 3.Differentia
Show total allowing students results. mirrors, and common ted
3.Lens internal students to experiment optical misconcepti Instruction:
Formula and reflection observe and with ray 3.Laborato instruments, ons, such as Provide a
Mirror using a laser understand diagrams, ry assessing understandi range of
Formula: pointer and how these image Equipment their ng focal activities,
water tank, devices : Provide understandipoints or the from basic
Students will illustrating magnify formation, lenses, ng of ray behavior of reflection
apply the how light objects. and optical mirrors, optics and light at and
lens and reflects instruments. prisms, image boundaries, refraction
mirror within 4.Research microscop formation. through experiments
formulas to certain and •Values: es, guided to advanced
calculate mediums. Presentation Encourage telescopes, 4.Quiz: examples applications
image on scientific and light Conduct a and in optical
distances, 4.Hands-On Applications: curiosity, sources for quiz additional instruments,
object Explanation Assign groups respect for hands-on covering key practice. accommodat
distances, of Optical to research the experiment concepts, ing diverse
and Instruments: specific technology s. such as learning
magnificatio Use models applications behind reflection, needs within
n. or actual of ray optics, optical 4.Workshe refraction, the class.
instruments such as instruments, ets and total
4.Total (if available) cameras, and an Flashcards: internal
Internal to periscopes, or appreciation Prepare reflection,
Reflection demonstrate optical fibers, for the worksheet and the
and Its how and present science that s with working of
Applications: microscopes their findings. enables us to exercises optical
Students will and see and on instruments,
explore the telescopes understand calculating to evaluate
phenomenon work, the world. image comprehensi
of total including distances, on.
internal adjusting focal
reflection lenses and lengths,
and focusing and
understand light. magnificati
its on, along
applications with
in fiber flashcards
optics and summarizi
prisms. ng key
5.Optical and optical
Instruments: instrument
Students will parts.
study the
principles of
such as the
human eye,
about their
power and

s of Ray
Optics in
Real Life:
Students will
of ray optics
such as
and optical

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Semiconductor Electronics – Materials, Devices, and Simple Circuits

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdiscipli Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies oup activities nary (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes for / Linkages and ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Experiential experiments infusion of items for Teaching Sensitivity
Learning / hand-on- Life-skills, measuring Plan
learning Values the
attainment of
1.Understan 1.Introducti 1.Testing •Computer 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding on with Diode and Science and Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Semiconduct Real-Life Transistor Digital diagrams of Ask questions nt: Praise Participation
or Materials: Examples: Behavior: Electronics: p-n such as, students : Ensure all
Students will Begin with Provide Explain the junctions, “What is the who actively students
learn about examples of diodes and link between transistors, difference participate participate
intrinsic and electronic transistors semiconduct and logic between n- in circuit in circuit
extrinsic devices, for students ors, logic gates to type and p- building and building,
semiconduct such as to test using a gates, and visually type problem- testing, and
ors, the mobile multimeter, computer reinforce semiconducto solving discussions
concept of phones, reinforcing hardware, semiconduc rs?” and “How activities, on
doping, and computers, the integrating tor does a p-n building applications
the and LED differences physics with concepts junction confidence of
diode in
lights, to between digital and device function in understandi semiconduct
difference introduce forward and electronics. structures. forward and ng ors,
between n- semiconduc reverse bias. reverse bias?” semiconduct fostering an
type and p- tors and •Engineering 2.Digital or inclusive
type their 2.Building and Simulations 2.Worksheet electronics. learning
semiconduct importance. Simple Technology: : Use Exercises: environment
ors. Circuits with Discuss simulations Provide •Additional .
2.Use of Logic Gates: applications (like exercises on Support:
2.Junction Visual Aids: Have in CircuitLab calculating Provide 2.Visual
Diode and Its Use students engineering, or PhET) to the simpler Support and
Characteristi diagrams build basic where allow characteristic examples Incremental
cs: Students and models circuits using semiconduct students to s of diodes, and one-on- Guidance:
will to explain p- logic gates ors are design and transistors, one Use visual
understand n junctions, (AND, OR, essential for test circuits and simple guidance for aids and
the diode NOT) on a building digitally, logic gate students provide
formation of characteristi breadboard electronic exploring circuits, who incremental
a p-n cs, and to observe circuits, and diode, allowing struggle guidance to
junction transistor digital output explore their transistor, students to with device support
diode, its configuratio based on role in and logic apply configuratio students
characteristi ns, helping input communicati gate theoretical ns, such as who may
cs, and how students combinations on and behavior. knowledge. diode and need extra
it functions visualize . computing. transistor help with
as a rectifier. device 3.Laborator 3.Activity connections. complex
structures. 3.Diode •Life Skills: y Observation: circuitry
3.Working of Rectifier Develop Equipment: Observe •Clarificatio concepts.
Transistors: 3.Step-by- Circuit: Guide problem- Provide students as n Sessions:
Students will Step students in solving, diodes, they test Address 3.Differentia
explore the Explanation constructing analytical transistors, diode and common ted
working of Junction a half-wave thinking, and logic gates, transistor misconcepti Instruction:
principles of Formation: or full-wave circuit- multimeter behaviors and ons, such as Provide a
transistors, Explain the rectifier building s, and construct the role of range of
including formation of circuit, skills as breadboard logic gate holes in p activities,
circuits to -type from basic
types (NPN p-n observing students s for hands- assess their semiconduct testing of
and PNP), junctions how construct on circuit understandin ors or diodes to
and and the alternating and analyze constructio g of transistor advanced
understand behavior of current is basic circuits n and semiconducto configuratio circuit
their role as electrons converted to with diodes, testing. r applications. ns, through building
amplifiers and holes, direct transistors, guided with logic
and linking current. and logic 4.Workshee 4.Quiz: examples gates,
switches. theory to gates. ts and Conduct a and accommodat
practical 4.Application Flashcards: quiz covering additional ing diverse
4.Logic Gates device Research and •Values: Prepare key concepts, practice. learning
and Digital functionalit Presentation: Encourage worksheets such as needs within
Electronics: y. Assign scientific with semiconducto the class.
Students will groups to curiosity, exercises r types, p-n
learn the 4.Hands-On research and appreciation on junction
basics of Demonstrati present on for calculating behavior,
digital on of Diode real-life technology, diode transistor
electronics, Characterist applications and respect characterist configuration
including the ics: Use a of for the ics, s, and logic
functioning diode and semiconducto foundational transistor gates, to
of logic gates multimeter r devices, principles of configurati evaluate
(AND, OR, to show such as in electronics ons, and comprehensi
NOT, NAND, students solar cells, that enable basic logic on.
NOR), and how voltage LED lights, modern gate
their use in and current and devices. functions,
building characteristi transistors in along with
circuits. cs change, amplifiers. flashcards
demonstrati summarizin
5.Application ng the g key
s of diode’s concepts
Semiconduct rectifying and
or Devices: action. symbols.
Students will
ors in
their use in
and logic

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal
General Information: Date:
1. Name and Designation of the Teacher : 6. No. of Periods required : 8-10
2. Class & Section :Class 12, Section ___ 7. Date of Commencement :
3. Subject : Physics 8. Estimated Time Period from : to
4. Number of Enrolled Students : 9. Actual date of completion :
5. Name of the Lesson :Wave Optics

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Gr Interdisciplin Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies for oup activities ary Linkages (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes Experiential / experiments and infusion ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Learning / hand-on- of Life-skills, items for Teaching Sensitivity
learning Values measuring Plan
of Learning
1.Understan 1.Introductio 1.Young’s •Engineering 1.Visual 1.Oral •Positive 1.Encouragi
ding the n with Real- Double-Slit and Aids: Use Questioning: Reinforceme ng
Nature of Life Experiment Technology: diagrams of Ask nt: Praise Participatio
Light as a Examples: Simulation: Discuss how wavefronts, questions students n: Ensure all
Wave: Begin with Have wave optics interferenc such as, who actively students
Students will everyday students is applied in e, “What is participate participate
understand examples, observe fiber optics, diffraction, Huygens’ in in
the wave such as interference camera and Principle?” experiments, experiments
nature of rainbow patterns lenses, and polarizatio and “How calculations, ,
light and formation, using a laser display n to does and calculations,
recognize the polarized pointer and screens, visually interference discussions, and
difference sunglasses, double-slit linking explain produce a building discussions
between and setup, physics to abstract pattern of confidence on real-life
bright and
wave optics holograms, reinforcing optical wave dark in applications
and ray to explain the the concept of engineering. concepts. fringes?” understandi of wave
optics. relevance of interference. ng wave optics,
wave optics. • 2.Digital 2.Worksheet optics. fostering an
2.Huygens’ 2.Single-Slit Chemis Simulations Exercises: inclusive
Principle: 2.Use of Diffraction try and : Use Provide •Additional learning
Students will Visual Aids: Experiment: Material simulations exercises on Support: environmen
learn about Use diagrams Provide a Science: (like PhET) calculating Provide t.
Huygens’ and models single slit and Explain the to explore interference simpler
Principle and to illustrate a laser use of interferenc fringe width, examples 2.Visual
its wavefronts, pointer to polarized e and diffraction and one-on- Support and
applications interference observe the light in diffraction angles, and one Incremental
in explaining patterns, and diffraction studying patterns, understandi guidance for Guidance:
wavefronts diffraction, pattern and molecular allowing ng polarized students Use visual
and the helping measure the structures students to light, who struggle aids and
propagation students fringe width, and observe allowing with provide
of light visualize helping understandin wave students to concepts like step-by-step
waves. wave students g crystalline behavior apply interference guidance to
behavior. understand substances. dynamicall theoretical conditions support
3.Interferenc how light y. knowledge. or students
e of Light: 3.Demonstra behaves •Life Skills: diffraction who may
Students will tion of around Develop 3.Laborator 3.Activity patterns. need
understand Interference: obstacles. observation y Observation: additional
the Conduct a skills, Equipment: Observe •Clarificatio help with
phenomenon simple 3.Polarization analytical Provide students n Sessions: wave
of experiment, Experiment: thinking, and laser during Address concepts.
interference, such as using Give students problem- pointers, interference, common
including two slits and polarized solving double- diffraction, misconcepti 3.Differentia
constructive a laser, to filters to abilities as slits, single and ons, such as ted
and demonstrate experiment students slits, and polarization confusing Instruction:
destructive interference with light study polarizing experiments interference Provide a
interference, patterns. polarization, interference, filters for to assess with range of
observing diffraction, hands-on their activities,
and Young’s how light and experiment understandi diffraction, from basic
double-slit 4.Step-by- behaves polarization. s ng of wave through wavefront
experiment. Step when passed demonstrat optics guided observation
Explanation through •Values: ing wave principles. examples to advanced
4.Diffraction of Key polarizers at Encourage optics and calculations
of Light: Derivations: different scientific principles. 4.Quiz: additional in
Students will Walk angles. curiosity, Conduct a practice. interference
explore students systematic 4.Workshe quiz and
diffraction, through the 4.Real-Life observation, ets and covering key diffraction,
including derivations Application and respect Flashcards: concepts, accommodat
single-slit of Research: for Prepare such as ing diverse
diffraction, interference Assign groups understandin worksheets interference, learning
understandi conditions, to research g the natural with diffraction, needs
ng how light diffraction and present properties of exercises polarization, within the
spreads patterns, and on light, on and class.
when it polarization applications fostering an calculating applications
encounters concepts. of wave appreciation interferenc of wave
obstacles. optics, such for the e fringes, optics, to
as in physics diffraction evaluate
5.Polarizatio photography, behind patterns, comprehens
n of Light: polarimetry, everyday and ion.
Students will and optical technology. polarizatio
learn about devices. n effects,
polarization, along with
including flashcards
plane- summarizi
polarized ng key
light, and terms and
methods of formulas.

s of Wave
Students will
explore real-
of wave
optics, such
as in
and optical

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal

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