Uts 7
Uts 7
Uts 7
two fixed porous, concentric spherical shells of radii κR and R. Note that the velocity is not zero at the solid
surfaces. Assume negligible end effects and steady laminar flow in the region κR ≤ r ≤ R.
c) Obtain the pressure profile P(r) in terms of PR and vR, the pressure and velocity at the sphere of radius R.
d) Determine the nonzero components of the viscous stress tensor for the Newtonian case.
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Since the steady laminar flow is directed radially outward, only the radial velocity component vr exists. The
other two components of velocity are zero; so, vθ = 0 and vφ = 0.
In spherical coordinates,
1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂vφ ∂
(r2 vr ) + (vθ sin θ ) + =0 ⇒ (r2 vr ) = 0 (1)
r ∂r
r sin θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ ∂r
On integrating the simplified continuity equation, r2 vr = f(θ, φ). There is no dependence expected on the angles
θ and φ from symmetry arguments. In other words, r2 vr = C, where C is a constant. This is simply explained
from the fact that mass (or volume, if density ρ is constant) is conserved; so, ρ (4 π r2 vr ) = w is constant and C
= w/(4πρ).
ρ = −∇p − ∇ . τ + ρ g (2)
The above equation is simply Newton's second law of motion for a fluid element. It states that, on a per unit
volume basis, the mass multiplied by the acceleration is because of three forces, namely the pressure force, the
viscous force, and the gravity force. For an incompressible, Newtonian fluid, the term −∇ . τ = μ ∇2v and the
equation of motion yields the Navier - Stokes equation. On noting that r2 vr = constant from the continuity
equation, the components of the equation of motion for steady flow in spherical coordinates may be simplified
as given below.
∂vr ∂p
r - component
ρ vr = − − ρ g cos θ (3)
: ∂r ∂r
1 ∂p
θ - component
0 = − + ρ g sin θ (4)
r ∂θ
φ - component
0 = (5)
Note that the modified pressure P may be defined as P = p + ρgh, where h is the elevation or the height above
some arbitrary datum plane, to avoid calculating the components of the gravitational acceleration vector g in
spherical coordinates. Here, P = p + ρg r cos θ giving ∂P/∂r = ∂p/∂r + ρg cos θ and ∂P/∂θ = ∂p/∂θ − ρg r sin θ.
Then, the components of the equation of motion in terms of the modified pressure are
∂vr ∂P
r - component
ρ vr = − (6)
: ∂r ∂r
θ - component
0 = (7)
φ - component
0 = (8)
Note that the equations (6) - (8) could have been directly obtained from the following form of the equation of
ρ = −∇P − ∇ . τ (9)
in which the modified pressure P includes both the pressure and gravitational terms.
From equations (7) and (8), P is a function of only r. Substituting P = P(r) and vr = vr(r) in equation (6) then
dP dvr
= − ρ vr (10)
dr dr
dP C2
= 2ρ (11)
dr r
Integration gives
ρ C2
P= − + C1 (12)
Since the pressure is P = PR and the velocity is vr = vR at r = R, the integration constants may be evaluated as C1
= PR + ρ C2/(2R4) and C = R2 vR . Then, substitution in equation (12) yields the pressure profile as
ρ C2 R 4 1 R 4
P = PR + 1− = PR + ρ vR 1 − (13)
2R4 r 2 r
For an incompressible, Newtonian fluid, the viscous stress tensor is given by τ = −μ [ ∇v + (∇v)t ]. Since the
only velocity component that exists is vr(r) = C / r2, the nonzero components of the viscous stress tensor are
Note that the shear stresses are all zero. The normal stresses in equation (10) are partly compressive and partly
tensile. Not only is the φ-component of [∇ . τ] directly zero, but the r-component and the θ-components are zero
too as evaluated below.
1 d τθθ + τφφ 4μC 4μC
[∇ . τ]r = (r τrr) −
= − + = 0 (15)
r 2 dr r r4 r4
Since [∇ . τ] = 0, viscous forces can be neglected in this flow and the Euler equation for inviscid fluids may be
directly used.