Lead Time and Cost Reduction:: Ord's Research Staff Benefit From Advanced CNC Investment
Lead Time and Cost Reduction:: Ord's Research Staff Benefit From Advanced CNC Investment
Lead Time and Cost Reduction:: Ord's Research Staff Benefit From Advanced CNC Investment
ord's research staff benefit from advanced FORTRAN-based command-type system, specialised
CNC investment. systemfromtwo of Ford's established suppliers of controls
and a hybrid menu-language type program. These systems
worked reasonably well for flat surfaces but programming
of parts with complex contours was either impossible or
too difficult to attempt on company time. In contrast the
MasterCam system, was so easy to use that programming
could be done by people who had not even attended the
training class.
Lead Time and The Research Staff Machine Shop is responsible for
producing virtually any type of prototype part, although
Cost Reduction: the majority of its work involves engine components. The
shop is located inside Ford's primary research facility in
order to encourage close collaboration between the
A CNC Programming engineers and scientists who design the parts and the shop
personnel who program and machine them. Because of
System for Motor Vehicle the nature of their work, most of the people they deal
with have little machining experience. They know what
Prototypes they want but do not know how to get it, so they are
assisted by helping them select materials, tooling and
processes. Frequently a request is to take a rough concept
sketch and fine-tune the design as well as the
Jerry Fireman manufacturing process.