The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit: Facilitating The Efficient Publishing of Biodiversity Data On The Internet
The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit: Facilitating The Efficient Publishing of Biodiversity Data On The Internet
The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit: Facilitating The Efficient Publishing of Biodiversity Data On The Internet
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The planet is experiencing an ongoing global biodiversity crisis. Measuring the magnitude and rate of change more
effectively requires access to organized, easily discoverable, and digitally-formatted biodiversity data, both legacy and new,
from across the globe. Assembling this coherent digital representation of biodiversity requires the integration of data that
have historically been analog, dispersed, and heterogeneous. The Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) is a software package
developed to support biodiversity dataset publication in a common format. The IPT’s two primary functions are to 1)
encode existing species occurrence datasets and checklists, such as records from natural history collections or observations,
in the Darwin Core standard to enhance interoperability of data, and 2) publish and archive data and metadata for broad
use in a Darwin Core Archive, a set of files following a standard format. Here we discuss the key need for the IPT, how it has
developed in response to community input, and how it continues to evolve to streamline and enhance the interoperability,
discoverability, and mobilization of new data types beyond basic Darwin Core records. We close with a discussion how IPT
has impacted the biodiversity research community, how it enhances data publishing in more traditional journal venues,
along with new features implemented in the latest version of the IPT, and future plans for more enhancements.
Citation: Robertson T, Döring M, Guralnick R, Bloom D, Wieczorek J, et al. (2014) The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit: Facilitating the Efficient Publishing of
Biodiversity Data on the Internet. PLoS ONE 9(8): e102623. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102623
Editor: Damon P. Little, The New York Botanical Garden, United States of America
Received October 9, 2013; Accepted June 20, 2014; Published August 6, 2014
Copyright: ß 2014 Roberston et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: All funding for the development and maintenance of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit was/is provided by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Work Program. All contributions have been commissioned by GBIF. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Email:
maintained. We also discuss near-term and longer-range community can be overcome only through network management by special-
needs that can be met in future IPT releases. ized, and usually remote, support experts. To make clear the
magnitude of the problem, many of the DiGIR providers on the
Methods GBIF network (111 of 161 when checked in June 2013) are no
longer responding within a one minute timeout period when
The need for an Integrated Publishing Toolkit queried, and are likely not functioning.
There are estimated to be greater than two billion specimens in For a small network, this complicated, distributed messaging
natural history collections worldwide [6], spanning thousands of system works, if imperfectly, but as the number of data publishers
collections and institutions. Although lacking physical vouchers, grows within a network, so do the number of connections, the
field-based observational datasets generated by citizen science number of queries to individual local databases, and the number of
efforts, such as eBird or iNaturalist, are quickly growing in size and sources to be aggregated on-the-fly by the central node.
scope, facilitated by the rapid adoption of mobile devices [7]. Eventually, speed and efficiency begin to deteriorate, increasing
Harder to quantify are datasets about species and their distribu- both user frustration and the cost of network maintenance.
tions generated by laboratories worldwide. These data sources are In an attempt to address these issues, the Global Biodiversity
often referred to as dark data [8] because they are largely ignored Information Facility (GBIF) began to harvest datasets from
in data curation efforts, and thus are particularly prone to loss. In distributed data sources to a local server and to index them to
the biodiversity domain almost all non-published data are dark in improve response times. Although response times for queries to the
this sense. network were faster, this new approach still had challenges: 1) it
The key solution to the challenge of enhancing discovery and could take weeks to gather and index all the data provided by
reuse of biodiversity data mirrors solutions in other domains, such publishers; 2) formatting datasets for the index was inefficient,
as molecular biology, where deposition and publishing of leading to high demand on the infrastructure; 3) data at the
sequences and genomic data to repositories such as GenBank sources often changed between harvest and indexing, making it
became both a social norm and a requirement [9]. Proper social difficult to know if the data had been indexed completely, and; 4)
and technical approaches can convert the dark data coming from the transfer protocols did not support the detection of record
individual museums, citizen science projects, and laboratories to deletions. The way to verify that a record had been deleted was to
the integrated data of big science, allowing new fundamental check differences between indexing runs on different dates, which
questions to be asked from aggregates that could be not be was an ever more daunting task as the volume of records grew.
addressed from any one individual data source [10]. An equally vexing problem with the networks continues to be
Prototype development of biodiversity data-sharing networks at data quality. The data published to aggregators remain ‘‘noisy’’,
the turn of the millennium, such as the vertebrate biodiversity and requires cleaning to be truly useful for biodiversity analysis
sharing networks [11–13], Ocean Biogeographic Information [16–18]. One example of noisy data in all data provisioned by
System (OBIS) [14], and GBIF [15], not only proved technological GBIF, as of March 2013, is that there are 321 distinct values used
feasibility but showed that the demand was strong among users. in the ‘‘country’’ field for records for which the country code is
For example, the vertebrate biodiversity sharing networks (e.g., ‘‘US’’ (e.g., the top five in order are USA, United State, U.S.A.,
Mammal Networked Integrated System or MaNIS - http:// United States of America, and US.). This problem is not unique to, Ornithological Research Networked Information administrative units or controlled vocabularies. Many of the types
System or ORNIS -, HerpNET - of data described in Darwin Core, such as taxonomy, geospatial, and FishNet II - http://www.fishnet2. information sampling methods, and preparations face the same
net/, now collectively consolidated into VertNet - http://www. issues. served over 2 billion records between June 2012 and The previous network systems were not built to provide a
June 2013 to users hungry for biodiversity data. More than 650 constellation of support tools that could access these data, check
published works citing data from the VertNet networks have been for quality, and flag or cleanse the incorrect or questionable
published over the last decade. information. The full workflow of quality assessment and data
Biodiversity publishing systems were initially set up to be fully cleaning was, and still is, a challenging task [19]. Making data
distributed, with aggregators serving as central nodes helping to harvesting from publishers to aggregators more efficient could
facilitate data access, as opposed to serving the data directly pave the way to more centralized data cleaning tools that could
themselves. Distributed networks rely on each data publisher to help with fitness for use assessments across the network.
install and maintain the DiGIR, BioCASE or TAPIR middleware
on a local server that allows connections to the host database, Developing an Integrated Publishing Toolkit
thereby allowing communication between the database and the The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit was born from
aggregator, and in turn, the larger network. With these servers in rethinking how data publication should work in the biocollections
place, datasets can be queried and results aggregated on-the-fly at domain. The tool was based, in part, on the need for a simple,
a central portal and returned to the user. Figure 1 shows this general publishing solution that was platform independent, could
distributed network architecture for the vertebrate biodiversity be easily managed by institutions, and leveraged existing metadata
networks. tools and standards, such as Ecological Markup Language (EML)
Many distributed networks rely upon DiGIR, BioCASE or [20]. The solution was a simple web-based publishing toolkit
TAPIR middleware requests for data in the Access to Biological deployed as a Java application.
Collection Data (ABCD) and pre-standard Darwin Core formats The initial development of the IPT happened concurrently with
( The results are returned a related effort to reshape how records conforming to the Simple
to a portal in an XML format. These middleware packages are Darwin Core could be stored and shared by publishers in a
installed on each and every machine across the distributed common file format. This format, the Darwin Core Archive, was
network and are complicated enough that most installations are developed to provide a very simple mechanism to package and
beyond the technical capacity of the staff maintaining the servers. share data files. The specification for the structure of a Darwin
This has led to problems of sustainability and maintenance that Core Archive is given in the Darwin Core Text Guide (http://rs.
Figure 1. Design of the original vertebrate biodiversity networks, some of which are still active today, used a three-tiered system in
which portals are connected to a layer of servers using the DiGIR protocol. This architecture requires hundreds of individual servers and
hundreds more connections between them and the portal. The result is a network in which each element is a potential point of failure. The six portal
servers consisted of the four shown and two additional mirror portals for the Mammal Networked Information System (MaNIS). Key: M = MaNIS,
O = ORNIS, H = HerpNET, and F = FishNet II.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102623.g001 [21]. Darwin Core Archives 6. Register datasets with the GBIF registry (
consist of one or more delimited text files of data, an XML file to dataset) so they are discoverable and can be harvested for
describe the structure of and relationships between the data files, indexing by GBIF and others.
and a complementary metadata file to describe the dataset
contained in the archive, using Dublin Core or the richer
Ecological Markup Language [5]. Darwin Core Archives can be Simple Darwin Core and Extensions
seen as a Research Object [22] with all of the associated The IPT supports the publication of two types or ‘‘cores’’ of
ramifications for reproducible research, linking data, and the Darwin Core Archives. The first and most common type is the
publication process. Occurrence Core, which consists of occurrence records (e.g.,
The guiding design principles of the IPT were to support how museum specimens or observations). The second type is the Taxon
data publishers actually use their own databases, and to facilitate Core, which is used for checklists, and contains taxon records (e.g.,
the public sharing of datasets with the fewest possible obstacles. As a record of the occurrence of a species, as opposed to the
a result of these goals, the IPT was built to support simple occurrence of an individual organism of that species in nature).
publisher workflows, including the following feature and steps that Darwin Core Archives created for taxon checklists have the same
publishers need to complete: advantages as archives for occurrence datasets – easy mobilization,
aggregation, and interoperability.
1. Support multiple users with distinct permissions to administer The majority of occurrence and taxon data can be represented
the software and to manage the resources it hosts. as Simple Darwin Core (
2. Upload source data as a delimited text file or connect to a a flat file specification with rows and columns. Both the
database. Occurrence Core (
and Taxon Core ( are
3. Map the terms (e.g., fields or headers in a database or
Simple Darwin Core representations with their own subset of
spreadsheet) from the source dataset to the terms in the Darwin
Darwin Core terms.
Core standard (Figure 2).
However, the data are often richer than can be structured in a
4. Enter dataset metadata that specify scope, methodology, flat, Simple Darwin Core record, thus data publishers needed a
ownership, rights, etc. way to represent that richness. The mechanism in the IPT for
5. Produce a Darwin Core Archive and a publicly accessible web adding this richness to a Darwin Core Archive is known as an
page (Figure 3) that shows the metadata and links to the ‘‘extension’’. GBIF maintains a registry of such extensions (http://
archive and other documents that were created. that can be used in the IPT. Extension
records are meant to be related many-to-one to core records,
constituting a star ( in encode the terms in XML format so that they can be parsed by
Darwin Core Archives. In this way, data such as multiple images, vocabulary management tools that GBIF maintains, and 3) load
measurements, or identifications, can be associated many-to-one the extension into the GBIF resource registry. GBIF and the
with a single occurrence record. Information within a Darwin community of developers provide some oversight to assure that
Core Archive, from linked extension data all the way up to the extensions provide useful services. The most difficult part of the
metadata for the entire dataset, provide a semantically rich creation of a new extension is in the management of vocabularies
aggregation that lends itself well to the notion of a reusable and
and the assurance that terms used within extensions are developed
linkable Research Object [22].
according to best practices, such as the Simple Knowledge
Prior to Darwin Core Archives and extensions, related
Organization System (SKOS) framework (
information of this nature in Darwin Core (but not in other data
2004/02/skos/) for describing and resolving concepts and terms.
standards such as ABCD [23]), relied on multiple entries
concatenated into a single field. For example, Darwin Core offers
the term dwc:associatedMedia, in which links to all media Results and Discussion
associated with a specimen can be added, with each link separated Developing community training with the IPT
by a delimiter. Media objects themselves, however, are complex, The IPT was built to help simplify data publishing steps for
having their own title, description, and rights. For the example of publishers. The previous publishing systems provided insufficient
media, the Simple Multimedia Extension ( performance, were less scalable, and were hard to manage locally.
extension/gbif/1.0/multimedia.xml) now provides the means to The IPT simplifies these processes, but still requires some
share this richer information. In a Darwin Core Archive, this is specialized skills and knowledge to properly go from local
done by relating a key identifying field in the extension to the
databases to published Darwin Core Archives. When the IPT
unique id of a record in the core, whether an Occurrence Core or
was first released, the challenge was to get it adopted by the
a Taxon Core.
community. In order to develop a base of expert trainers, GBIF
Unlike the Simple Multimedia extension, which can be related
hosted two workshops to ‘‘train the trainers’’, which GBIF calls a
to either an Occurrence Core or a Taxon Core, some extensions
‘‘distributed helpdesk system’’ (more information on the work-
are specific to one core data type. The Germplasm extension
shops here:
(, for exam-
The success of efforts to develop a distributed helpdesk can be
ple, is a means to relate Darwin Core Occurrence records with
measured in part by adoption of the IPT (discussed below) and in
Multi-Crop Passport descriptors (http://www.bioversityinterna
part via anecdotal information from those early adopters and through a distinct vocabu-
experts. From the lens of projects such as VertNet (http://vertnet.
lary maintained by the plant genetic resources community. For
org) and Canadensys (, which are
taxonomic checklists, the IPT provides a set of extensions,
utilizing the IPT for its network of data publishers, the training
constituting the Global Names Architecture (GNA) profile
workshops paid immediate dividends. The initial workshops
(, which links species to
vernacular names, geographic distributions represented as ranges, helped to train expert-level IPT administrators who could then
type designations, and bibliographic references. Extensions allow a further disseminate knowledge and skills across the respective
specialized subset of the broader community to expand upon the networks through the development of step-by-step guides, such as
capabilities for biodiversity data sharing within their domain. the guide from Desmet and Sinou (
Endresen and Knüpffer [24] described the extension creation data-publication-guide) [25]. The rapid diffusion of knowledge has
process. The main steps are to 1) create initial vocabularies and resulted in a more capable set of local IPT users empowered to do
make terms available via the GBIF resource registry, 2) properly core publishing tasks.
The IPT further promotes community organization through resource can be configured to publish automatically on a schedule (e.g.,
expert-run IPT instances serving a community of users. Expert- annually, bi-annually, monthly, weekly, or daily). When automated
operated instances are less prone to maintenance problems over publishing is enabled, the publishing interval and next published date
time, and save resources (servers and technical expertise). A are clearly displayed. Finally, IPT v2.1.1 assures that each published
thematic example of this is VertNet, which supports publishers record has a unique occurrence identifier. If missing or duplicate
having their own IPT instances or allows them to use an VertNet- records are found during publishing, they are flagged and the
hosted instance ( Most publishing process halted. Transitioning to widespread use of stable
publishers have chosen to use the VertNet IPT for its sheer occurrence identifiers greatly simplifies tracking individual records
convenience. Canadensys and other country-level nodes are both within the GBIF network and as records propagate out of the
effectively building data publishing networks based on single network.
installations or constellations of IPTs, often with consistent The latest versions of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit also include
branding. a number of significant improvements over earlier versions. Since IPT
v2.0.5, versioning is supported for dataset metadata and optional
Growth of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit for data (more details here:
IPT has quickly become a widely used publication tool for GBIF providertoolkit/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes?tm = 6#Published_Release).
data publishers. The impact of the transformation in the data This allows publishers to republish a Darwin Core Archive without
publication workflow is readily seen in public statistics maintained by erasing previous versions and allows users to reference a specific version
GBIF on IPT installations ( IPT, as of of a dataset. Also new in that version of the IPT is that a resource can
April 2014, is supporting publication of 220 million records coming be configured to publish automatically on a schedule (e.g., annually, bi-
from 872 occurrence datasets served through 128 installations. annually, monthly, weekly, or daily). When automated publishing is
Although there are many factors that lead to a software implemen- enabled, the publishing interval and next published date are clearly
tation being successful, the IPT has clear advantages compared to displayed. In addition, if a dataset was previously published through
previous publishing approaches. First, the IPT finally allowed a one of the former publishing methods (DiGIR, TAPIR, etc.), the same
complete data mobilization workflow, from in-house data manage- GBIF registry entry can be maintained (though updated) to reflect the
ment systems to GBIF, all standardized and discoverable. Second, the IPT as the new publishing method. The current version of the IPT
IPT fills the role of a computer-aided guide, lowering the technical (2.1.1, as of April 2014) introduces data validation of record IDs
threshold for data publishing. Although IPT installations require some (occurrenceID or taxonID). If mapped by the user, the IPT now
technical skill and understanding of best practices and data standards, assures that each published record has a unique identifier. If missing or
they are practical to install and manage by local technical staff. duplicate record IDs are found during publishing, they are flagged and
Alternatively, many organizations (e.g., VertNet and Canadensys) the publishing process halted. Transitioning to widespread use of stable
provide technical hosting of an IPT for institutions who opt not to host occurrence and taxon identifiers greatly simplifies tracking individual
an IPT of their own. These hosted IPTs can support a multitude of records both within the GBIF network and as records propagate out of
institutions in a single installation. Third, the IPT decouples publishing the network, and allows additional features to be build upon these.
steps from downstream operations such as harvesting, aggregating,
and developing new access points to the data (Figure 4). Finally,
offering data in bulk and in a machine-readable format follows open The IPT and traditional scientific publishing
data publication best practices ( The IPT has not only supported open data publishing via the GBIF
how-to-open-up-data/make-data-available.html). network, but can also act as a repository for occurrence or checklist
data referenced in a paper. One such example is the published
description of a new species of leafcutter bee, Megachile (Mega-
Newest versions of the IPT
chiloides) chomskyi [24] in the journal Zookeys. The paper makes
Since the release of version 2.0, the IPT has been customizable
explicit reference to the new records provisioned via the IPT (http://
and available in multiple languages, currently including Portu- = megachile_chomskyi), in-
guese, French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and
cluding a digital object identifier (DOI) allowing the reader to simply
English. Customization provides the means to enhance the user
interfaces so that IPT instances can be branded by institutions that click the link ( and retrieve the data.
maintain the software and provide direct access to resources. In The main advantage over general data repositories, such as Dryad
the latest version of the IPT, customization has been further ( and Figshare (, is that the
simplified via a custom CSS file that overrides default look and IPT enforces the data to be standardized as a Darwin Core Archive,
feel. Excellent examples of such a customized IPT installations are which increases usability.
Canadensys ( and Sistema de Newer versions of the IPT (after version 2.0.2) help authors
información sobre biodiversidad de Colombia (http://ipt. move beyond archiving for publication, and into directly creating publications, such as ‘‘data papers’’ [27–28]. Data papers are
The current version of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (2.1.1, scholarly publications that simultaneously describe and provide
as of April 2014 also includes a number of improvements over access to datasets, providing a means for a dataset to be cited in
earlier versions. For example, past versions of the IPT did not the same manner as other literature contributions. Pensoft
include dataset versioning. One could republish a Darwin Core Publishers ( is a pioneer in this domain,
Archive, but each publishing event erased the previous one. In IPT and recently launched a new journal devoted to data publishing:
v2.1.1, versioning is supported for dataset metadata and optional The Biodiversity Data Journal (http://biodiversitydatajournal.
for data (more details here: com/). Chavan and Penev [27] discuss the process of generating
providertoolkit/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes?tm = 6#Published_Release). data papers in more detail, but the main feature the IPT provides
In addition, if a dataset was previously published through one of the is the means to export the dataset metadata into a rich text format
former publishing methods (DiGIR, TAPIR, etc.), the same GBIF that has most of the needed sections for a data paper manuscript.
registry entry can be maintained (though updated) to reflect the IPT as This manuscript can then be submitted for peer review to the
the new publishing method. Also new in the latest version of the IPT, a journal publisher. One example of such a data paper is Desmet
Figure 4. The current workflow for biodiversity data networks has multiple steps that separate the publishing of datasets from
downstream aggregation and enhanced discoverability. The IPT supports the creation and publication of Darwin Core Archives accessible for
download, with a publicly available summary web page. Aggregators harvest, process, and upload Darwin Core Archives into systems effective for
searching, filtering, visualization, and download.
and Brouillet [29], which describes a national checklist of vascular Published datasets in Canadensys, for example, now have DOIs
plants. issued by DataCite Canada.
Ad-hoc annotations are only one mechanism to improve data
Conclusions quality and fitness for use. Records from Darwin Core Archives
are well understood semantically and syntactically. Darwin Core
The Integrated Publishing Toolkit continues to evolve. Key Archives do not represent the data semantically in RDF, but it is
forthcoming improvements include 1) expanding to new types of an area of on-going research to create tools to translate data from
input data sources and, 2) simplifying installations and upgrades, Darwin Core Archives into RDF for use in semantic frameworks
which often require assistance from the GBIF Helpdesk. More such as Linked Open Data (
long-term improvements include: 1) providing the means to wiki/DwcRdfGuideProposal). They can be easily ingested, pro-
associate a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) with each dataset cessed, and rewritten, providing a means for immediate post-
during a publication event in order to facilitate tracking of usage publication data improvements. A future complement to the IPT
and impact; 2) setting up the means to annotate records from will be to build data quality tools that can be leveraged at multiple
Darwin Core Archives and have them populated back to the points in the publishing process. Adding data quality tools to the
source archive; 3) creating tools to validate and clean data within IPT remains a challenge. Network-wide cleaning approaches have
Darwin Core Archives during the IPT publishing process; 4) been attempted in the past [17] with limited success. For smaller
opening the IPT to more collaborative development; and 5) datasets, the IPT could be linked to tools that run simple checks for
ensuring that IPTs participate in networks that provide data outliers, non-standard values, including taxon name issues. For
redundancy – secondary copies of data will be stored for disaster larger datasets (e.g., eBird with over 150 million data records and
recovery purposes. growing), local cleaning processes linked to the IPT may be
Data publication is a growing domain in the life sciences [28], impractical. Another option would be to provide a set of pluggable
and one key area for further growth using the IPT will be to remote validation services that can access either Darwin Core
provide metrics of data use to the original publishers. This is a Archives or that might be usable within the GBIF portal (or other
difficult, multi-faceted endeavor with many possible solutions. Part portals). Those tools could report back to publishers and allow for
of the way forward may be to associate a Digital Object Identifier republication via the IPT once possible errors are checked and
(DOI) with the IPT summary page. The IPT already allows corrected.
resolvability of the dataset via a URL to the summary page, but The Integrated Publishing Toolkit has become a lynchpin piece
adding a DOI to this summary page would provide a resolvability of software, in a fast-growing distributed biodiversity network
mechanism using services well established in the publishing architecture, connecting publishers into the system and supporting
industry [30]. In addition, data consumers could make annotations essential functions such as updating and archiving previous dataset
about individual data records if they were resolvable. Such a versions. Sequential improvements, not just to the IPT, but across
mechanism, long discussed in biodiversity informatics (Filtered this architecture, continue to lead to a more robust, scalable and
Push,, would link downstream sustainable future for what is surely the largest globally distributed,
assertions directly to the original records, so that publishers as well consistently formatted and structured, biodiversity data sharing
as the rest of the community could track possible data initiative ever built.
improvements. Prototyping DOI assignment is already happening.
Acknowledgments (, a
guide for developer contribution (
The Integrated Publishing Toolkit was developed as part of the GBIF work providertoolkit/wiki/DevelopersGettingStarted), downloadable version of
program. We especially appreciate all who contributed to documentation, the application (, and
training, code development, and internationalization of the IPT, including customization information (
all colleagues of the GBIF secretariat, and in particular, Andrea Hahn, Jan customisations?tm = 6). Further updates on the IPT can be found on the
Legind, Burke Chih-Jen Ko, and Alberto Gonzaléz-Talavan for support, GBIF Developer Blog (
training, and monitoring of the IPT deployments. We thank developers
Daniel Amariles and Héctor Tobón for their significant contributions to
the early 2.x releases and we extend special thanks to Andrea Thomer for
Author Contributions
her review of this paper. More about the IPT can be found at GBIF, Conceived and designed the experiments: TR MD KB JW PD. Performed
including a main IPT page ( A Google code site the experiments: TR MD KB JW LR JO PD. Analyzed the data: TR MD
provides more information such as an IPT manual ( RG DB KB JO LR JW PD. Wrote the paper: TR MD RG DB KB JO LR
com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes), version history JW PD.
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