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ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25

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A conceptual framework for selecting environmental

indicator sets

David Niemeijer *, Rudolf S. de Groot 1

Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

article info abstract

Article history: In recent years, environmental indicators have become a vital component of environmental
Received 23 December 2004 impact assessments and ‘‘state of the environment’’ reporting. This has increased the
Received in revised form influence of environmental indicators on environmental management and policy making at
7 November 2006 all scales of decision making. However, the scientific basis of the selection process of the
Accepted 13 November 2006 indicators used in environmental reporting can be significantly improved. In many studies
no formal selection criteria are mentioned and when selection criteria are used they are
typically applied to indicators individually. Often, no formal criteria are applied regarding an
Keywords: indicator’s analytical utility within the total constellation of a selected set of indicators. As a
Indicator selection result, the indicator selection process is subject to more or less arbitrary decisions, and
Ecological indicators reports dealing with a similar subject matter or similar geographical entities may use widely
Environmental indicators different indicators and consequently paint different pictures of the environment. In this
Environmental assessment paper, a conceptual framework for environmental indicator selection is proposed that puts
Causal chain the indicator set at the heart of the selection process and not the individual indicators. To
achieve this objective, the framework applies the concept of the causal network that focuses
on the inter-relation of indicators. The concept of causal networks can facilitate the
identification of the most relevant indicators for a specific domain, problem and location,
leading to an indicator set that is at once transparent, efficient and powerful in its ability to
assess the state of the environment.
# 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ments and international forums. Environmental indicators, as

prime assessors of the pressures on the environment, of the
National and international environmental regulations are evolving state of the environment, and of the appropriateness
rapidly increasing in number, which has lead to a boom in of policy measures, have come to play a vital role in
environmental assessment reports (EEA, 1999; McRae et al., environmental reporting.
2000; Wascher, 2000; World Resources Institute, 2000; EEA, Environmental indicators have taken on such importance
2001; OECD, 2001; The Heinz Center, 2002; UNEP, 2002; EPA, because they provide ‘‘a sign or signal that relays a complex
2003; EEA, 2005b; Esty et al., 2005; World Resources Institute, message, potentially from numerous sources, in a simplified
2005). Environmental assessments have become common- and useful manner’’ (Jackson et al., 2000, p. vii). Environmental
place in planning and evaluation at all scales of decision indicators provide an important source of information for
making, from private enterprises to town councils, govern- policy makers and help to guide decision-making as well as

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 317 484812; fax: +31 317 419000.
E-mail addresses:, (D. Niemeijer).
Fax: +31 317 419000.
1470-160X/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25 15

monitoring and evaluation (OECD, 1999), because they can forces and pressures to environmental impacts needs to be
provide valuable information on complex issues in a relatively covered.
accessible way. However, it is a major challenge to determine In this paper an enhanced DPSIR framework (eDPSIR in
‘‘which of the numerous measures of ecological systems brief) is used that does not consider individual causal chains
characterize the entire system yet are simple enough to be but, inspired by systems thinking (Odum, 1953), tackles the
effectively and efficiently monitored and modeled’’ (Dale and complexities of the real world by looking at causal networks in
Beyeler, 2001, p. 4). which multiple causal chains interact and inter-connect
In an earlier paper (Niemeijer, 2002), data-driven and (Niemeijer and de Groot, 2007). The concept of causal networks
theory-driven approaches to the development of environ- in itself is not new. Causal networks have been used in
mental indicator sets were examined. In the process of writing mathematics (Perl, 2001) and, referred to as causal webs, also
that paper, it was realized that while indicator reports and in the fields of health and environmental health (e.g., Kay
their use of indicators is undeniably useful, there is still et al., 2000). The idea of applying a systems approach to
considerable room for improvement in the indicator selection indicator selection is not new either (e.g., Bossel, 2001). What is
process. As Dale and Beyeler (2001, p. 6) observe, ‘‘lack of novel in the approach taken here is the integration of familiar
robust procedures for selecting indicators makes it difficult to concepts, such as the systems approach, causal networks and
validate the information provided by those indicators.’’ A the DPSIR framework in a systematic indicator selection
more rigorous and transparent indicator selection process will procedure that makes the inter-relation of indicators an
increase both the value and the scientific credibility of explicit part of the indicator selection process. The need for
environmental assessment reports and ensure they meet such a systematic, transparent and generally applicable
management concerns (Belnap, 1998; Slocombe, 1998; Dale indicator selection procedure was again underlined as a key
and Beyeler, 2001). Another benefit of a more structured finding in a recent report from the US National Commission on
indicator selection process is that it allows for proper Science for Sustainable Forestry (NCSSF, 2005, p. 28) that
conceptual validation of indicators (Bockstaller and Girardin, stated:
2003). It may also help in identifying indicators that can link
ecological dimensions with environmental, social and eco- ‘‘The bottleneck in effective selection and use of indicators
nomic dimensions, which is vital for good policy making is not a lack of good indicators or good science, but rather
(Niemi and McDonald, 2004). the lack of [. . .] a clear process for selecting indicators [. . .]
While a number of conceptual frameworks are used within The reliability of identified measures is frequently ques-
the context of environmental assessments (for example EPA tioned, at least in part because selection of indicators often
(1998) ecological risk assessment framework), the most has lacked transparency, social inclusiveness, and/or a
common frameworks used in indicator based studies are logical structured process of selecting indicators.’’
the driving force–pressure–state–impact–response (DPSIR),
pressure–state–response (PSR), or driving force–state– This paper consists of two parts. The first part begins with a
response (DSR) conceptual frameworks, which organize and brief introduction of the concept of environmental indicators
structure indicators in the context of a so-called causal chain and causal-chain frameworks. It then moves to a discussion of
(e.g., Hammond et al., 1995; OECD, 1998, 1999; Smeets and indicator selection and its impact on indicator reporting. The
Weterings, 1999; EEA, 2000; Wascher, 2000; Bridges et al., 2001; second part introduces the enhanced DPSIR framework and,
OECD, 2001). In the causal chain, social and economic using a concrete example, illustrates how this so-called
developments are considered driving forces that exert eDPSIR framework can lead to better and more transparent
pressure on the environment, leading to changes in the state indicator selection.
of the environment. In turn, these changes lead to impacts on
human health, ecological systems and materials that may
elicit a societal response that feeds back on the driving forces, 2. Environmental indicators and
pressures, or on the state or impacts directly (Smeets and their selection
Weterings, 1999, p. 6).
In this paper it is argued that these causal chain 2.1. Environmental indicators and the causal-chain
frameworks should be used to frame the indicator selection frameworks
process. In current practice, indicators are often selected
either based on historical practices and regulations or based Hammond et al. (1995, p. 1) describe an indicator as ‘‘some-
on ‘‘intuitive assessment of experts’’ (Bossel, 2001, p. 2) and thing that provides a clue to a matter of larger significance or
on the degree to which they meet a number of criteria makes perceptible a trend or phenomenon that is not
individually (e.g., NRC, 2000; OECD, 2001; EEA, 2005a), rather immediately detectable. [. . .] Thus an indicator’s significance
than on the basis of how they jointly provide an answer to extends beyond what is actually measured to a larger
our environmental questions. As Swart et al. (1995) argue, it phenomena of interest’’. To give an example, measuring body
is important to distinguish between criteria that apply to temperature not only gives the current temperature of the
indicators as a set, and those that apply to individual human body, but if that temperature is higher than normal
indicators. Conceptual indicator frameworks can potentially also provides a strong indication that the person is ill and
play an important role in the indicator selection process currently experiencing a virus or infection. So body tempera-
and in developing consistent indicator sets. This is especially ture is not just a temperature indicator, but also a human
true in situations where the whole range from driving health indicator.
16 ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25

Fig. 1 – The (a) PSR, (b) DSR, and (c) DPSIR frameworks.

Just like human body temperature is a human health between indirect driving forces such as social and economic
indicator, environmental indicators provide insight in the developments and pressures such as emissions that directly
condition of the environment. Environmental indicators influence the environment. It further distinguishes between
typically include physical, biological and chemical indicators the state of the environment (for example concentrations of
(Smeets and Weterings, 1999) and generally comprise indica- pollutants) and the impacts of (changes in) the environmental
tors of environmental pressures, conditions and (societal) state on human health, ecological systems and materials
responses (OECD, 1993). The latter categorization is used in the (Smeets and Weterings, 1999, p. 6).
three causal chain frameworks (shown in Fig. 1), pressure– So while there are some differences between these
state–response (PSR), driving force–state–response (DSR), and frameworks in terms of terminology and the degree of detail,
driving force–pressure–state–impact–response (DPSIR), which they are all based on the causal chain concept.
have a lot in common. In each framework a causal chain is
recognized whereby a distinction is made between (1) forces 2.2. Current indicator selection practice
that act on the environment, (2) changes that, as a conse-
quence, take place in the environment and (3) the societal The causal chain frameworks discussed in the previous
reaction to those changes. Where the frameworks mainly section help structure our thinking about indicators in terms
differ is in the degree in which they subdivide the steps in the of causality chains of cause and effect. However, indicator-
causal chain. based environmental reports such as EEA (1999), OECD (1998),
The first framework, the pressure–state–response (PSR) Wascher (2000) typically make use of these frameworks only
framework (Fig. 1a) divides indicators in pressure, state and for presenting indicators, not as a formal part of the indicator
response indicators through the following logic: ‘‘pressure on selection process. Instead, indicators are primarily selected on
the environment from human and economic activities, lead to the basis of individually applied criteria, not on how they are
changes in the state or environmental conditions that prevail inter-related through causality.
as a result of that pressure, and may provoke responses by Here are some examples. Schomaker (1997) suggests that
society to change the pressures and state of the environment’’ indicators should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable,
(OECD, 1999, p. 12). relevant and time-bound. This implies that an indicator
The second framework is the driving force–state–response should be clearly and unambiguously defined, be measurable
(DSR) framework (Fig. 1b). In this framework the ‘‘pressure’’ in qualitative or quantitative terms, be achievable in terms of
component is replaced with the concept of ‘‘driving forces’’. the available resources, be relevant for the issue at hand and
This concept, in the words of OECD (1999, p. 14), ‘‘recognises be sensitive to changes within policy time-frames. OECD (2001,
that agricultural activities can both produce beneficial impacts p. 203) offers just three selection criteria: policy relevance,
to enhance environmental quality [. . .] and also have harmful analytical soundness and measurability. One of the most
impacts on the environment.’’ The concept of driving forces extensive lists of criteria is offered by NRC (2000, pp. 52–59),
also accommodates ‘‘a broader coverage of the influences which provides the following evaluation criteria: general
affecting the environment in agriculture and sustainable importance, conceptual basis, reliability, temporal and spatial
agriculture, including farmer behaviour, government policies, scales of applicability, statistical properties, data require-
economic, social, and cultural factors’’ (OECD, 1999, p. 14). ments, necessary skills, robustness, international compat-
The third framework, the driving force–pressure–state– ibility, and finally, costs, benefits and cost-effectiveness. In
impact–response (DPSIR) framework (Fig. 1c) follows essen- other words, an indicator should bear on a fundamental
tially the same general pattern as the other two frameworks process or widespread change, have a strong scientific basis,
but distinguishes more steps along the way. It distinguishes have a proven track record, provide information at the right
ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25 17

spatial scales and within appropriate time-frames, have Finally, EEA (2005a) gives nine criteria for their core set of
excellent statistical properties that allow unambiguous inter- indicators of which four are policy related: Policy relevance,
pretation, have manageable data requirements, not require progress towards policy targets, understandability of the
excessive data collection skills, be relatively insensitive to indicator, and part of EU priority policy issues. Four criteria
expected sources of interference, be compatible with indica- are data related: availability of routinely collected data, spatial
tors developed and used in other regions, and, finally, the coverage of data, temporal coverage of data, and national scale
benefits of the information provided by the indicator should and representativeness of data (allowing benchmarking). The
outweigh the costs of usage. last criterion is science-focussed, namely whether an indi-
Riley (2000) suggests that indicators should ideally have the cator is methodologically well founded. The EEA clearly has a
following properties: universality (applicable to many areas/ strong focus on practical and policy dimensions.
situations and scales of measurement), portability (repeat- Table 1 presents an overview of the indicator selection
ability and reproducibility), sensitivity to change, operation- criteria taken from the discussed sources. Similar criteria
ally simple, inexpensive, already existing with historical where grouped together under a single criterion to maintain
comparative data, and have wide (international) use. Dale some overview. In some cases multiple criteria as mentioned
and Beyeler (2001), focusing on ecological indicators, suggest by one source were grouped together in the table because they
that these should be easily measured, be sensitive to stresses all involved different aspects of the same basic issue. For
on the system, respond to those stresses in a predictable example, the guidelines listed under the ‘‘response varia-
manner, be anticipatory (signify an impeding change), predict bility’’ phase of Kurtz et al. (2001) are all in one way or another
changes that can be averted by management, be integrative related to the criterion of ‘‘statistical properties’’ and thus
(the full suit of indicators should cover the key ecological jointly added as a single count in that row of Table 1. As a
gradients), should have known responses to disturbances, consequence, the table provides an overview and does not
stresses and changes over time, and have low variability in cover all the nuances of the original publications.
response. CBD (1999), looking at biodiversity indicators, Even though the list in Table 1 is quite extensive with 34
suggests that indicators should: quantify information so that criteria, it is remarkable that only 3 of the listed selection criteria
its significance is apparent, be user-driven to be relevant for pertain to the inter-relation of indicators: ‘‘integrative’’, ‘‘link-
the target audience, be scientifically credible, be responsive to able to societal dimension’’ and ‘‘links with management’’.
changes in time and/or space, be simple and easily understood What is more, each of these is only mentioned by at most three
by the target audience, be based on information that can be of the eight publications. The most common criteria are mea-
collected within realistic capacity and time limits, and be surability, low resource demand, analytical soundness, policy
linkable to socio-economic developments and indicators of relevance and sensitivity to changes within policy time frames.
sustainable use and response. Pannell and Glenn (2000), Generally speaking, one can say that there are differences in
talking about sustainability indicators for agriculture, note emphasis and detail between the different studies, but the focus
that it is desirable that there is a high uncertainty about the is generally on criteria for individual indicators, not on criteria
level of the indicator to be monitored, a low uncertainty about that relate indicators to one another. There are some excep-
links between the indicator, management practices and tions, for example, Swart et al. (1995) mention three set-level
production (in other words if the indicator has taken on an criteria: (1) balanced coverage of the population, economic,
undesirable level the insight necessary to ‘‘fix’’ the problem is environmental and ecological subsystems; (2) cover pressure,
present), that the indicator can be measured reliably and state, impacts and responses; (3) be capable of measuring
accurately, and that the cost of monitoring the indicator at the progress towards policy goals. However, while these criteria
necessary scale are low. will help to ‘‘balance’’ an indicator set, they do not provide
Kurtz et al. (2001) take a slightly different approach than much of a handle to structure the selection process itself.
most of the other studies by focusing on hierarchical The consequence of the tendency to focus on individual
evaluation guidelines for indicators instead of selection indicators is that environmental reports typically provide
criteria. The idea is that unlike criteria, the guidelines provide information on the criteria they used to select individual
a framework to ask the right questions in a structured manner indicators but not on why a particular constellation of
without by themselves determining indicator applicability or indicators was chosen or why certain other indicators were
effectiveness. They recognize four phases, leading from considered irrelevant. Let us take an example. Two recent
conceptual relevance to feasibility of implementation to environmental indicator studies by international bodies, one
response variability and finally to interpretation and utility. by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Devel-
Each phase is composed of 2–5 guidelines leading to a total of opment or OECD (2001) and one by the European Environ-
15 guidelines. These are: relevance to the assessment, ment Agency or EEA (2000), looked at the problem of ozone
relevance to the ecological resource or function at risk, depletion. The OECD study selected indicators on the basis
feasibility of data collection methods, feasibility of the of policy relevance, analytical soundness and measurability.
logistics, feasibility of the information management, feasi- The EEA study selected indicators primarily on the basis of
bility of the quality assurance, feasibility of the monetary policy relevance and on the basis of data availability. There
costs, estimation of measurement error, within-season is clearly quite some overlap in criteria. Both studies
temporal variability, across-year variability, spatial variability, mention policy relevance, while measurability and data
discriminatory ability, data quality objectives, assessment availability typically coincide as both studies present
thresholds (for when to take action), and finally, linkage to currently available data sets. Only the OECD study mentions
management actions. analytical soundness, but it is unlikely that this criterion
18 ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25

Table 1 – Common environmental indicator selection criteria

Criterion Count Description/explanation

Scientific dimension
Analytically soundness 4 Strong scientific and conceptual basis
Credible 1 Scientifically credible
Integrative 1 The full suit of indicators should cover key aspects/components/gradients
General importance 1 Bear on a fundamental process or widespread change

Historic dimension
Historical record 2 Existing historical record of comparative data
Reliability 2 Proven track record

Systemic dimension
Anticipatory 1 Signify an impending change in key characteristics of the system
Predictable 1 Respond in a predictable manner to changes and stresses
Robustness 1 Be relatively insensitive to expected source of interference
Sensitive to stresses 1 Sensitive to stresses on the system
Space-bound 1 Sensitive to changes in space
Time-bound 4 Sensitive to changes within policy time frames
Uncertainty about level 1 High uncertainty about the level of the indicator means we can really gain
something from studying it

Intrinsic dimension
Measurability 4 Measurable in qualitative or quantitative terms
Portability 1 Be repeatable and reproducible in different contexts
Specificity 1 Clearly and unambiguously defined
Statistical properties 3 Have excellent statistical properties that allow unambiguous interpretation
Universality 1 Applicable to many areas, situations, and scales

Financial and practical dimensions

Costs, benefits and cost-effectiveness 1 Benefits of the information provided by the indicator should outweigh
the costs of usage
Data requirements and availability 3 Manageable data requirements (collection) or good availability of existing data
Necessary skills 1 Not require excessive data collection skills
Operationally simplicity 2 Simple to measure, manage and analyse
Resource demand 5 Achievable in terms of the available resources
Time demand 1 Achievable in the available time

Policy and management dimensions

Comprehensible 2 Simply and easily understood by target audience
International compatibility 2 Be compatible with indicators developed and used in other regions
Linkable to societal dimension 1 Linkable to socio-economic developments and societal indicators
Links with management 3 Well established links with specific management practise or interventions
Progress towards targets 1 Links to quantitative or qualitative targets set in policy documents
Quantified 1 Information should be quantified in such a way that it significance is apparent
Relevance 4 Relevance for the issue and target audience at hand
Spatial and temporal scales of applicability 2 Provide information at the right spatial and temporal scales
Thresholds 1 Thresholds that can be used to determine when to take action
User-driven 1 User-driven to be relevant to target-audience

Source: Based on Schomaker (1997), OECD (2001), NRC (2000), Riley (2000), Dale and Beyeler (2001), CBD (1999), Pannell and Glenn (2000), Kurtz
et al. (2001), and EEA (2005a).

played no role in the EEA selection procedure, even though it in terms of the member countries of the two organizations.
is not explicitly mentioned. So the criteria are quite similar, One likely factor is that the authors of these reports have
but as can be seen in Table 2, there is quite a difference started out with a different frame of reference. One noticeable
between the two studies in terms of the selected indicators. difference is that the OECD study relies on the PSR framework,
Even where both studies measure the same attribute (for while the EEA study relies on the DPSIR framework. But, how
example UV radiation), they use a different measure (i.e., the that would have affected indicator selection is unclear as
OECD uses ground level UV-B radiation versus increase in neither report presents a clearly outlined procedure that leads
UV radiation used by the EEA). In other cases the differences from criteria and/or framework to indicator set. Probably the
between the indicators are even larger and even an authors also had a different perspective on what the crucial
approximate match is not possible. Not in a single case factors are and how the different environmental problems
was the same indicator used. inter-relate. Given these differences, they are likely to have
The big question is of course why these indicator sets for followed different conceptual ‘‘frameworks’’ and followed
ozone depletion differ so much? Was it differences in data different logical paths to arrive at the indicators that were
availability? Perhaps, but then again, there are large overlaps eventually selected. However, because such considerations
ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25 19

Table 2 – Approximate match between stratospheric ozone depletion indicators used by the OECD and EEA
Position in causal chain OECD (2001, p. 20) EEA (2000, p. 53)

Driving force (EEA)/indirect – Radiative forcing of ozone depleting substances

pressure (OECD) Production/consumption of CFCs, Production of ozone depleting substances
halons and other ODSa
Index of apparent consumption of ODS –

Direct pressure (OECD) Release of ODSa –

State Atmospheric ODS concentrationsb Total potential chlorine and bromide

concentrations in the troposphere
Stratospheric ozone levels over selected cities Average ozone column in March
Ground level UV-B radiationa Increase in UV radiation

Response Existing CFC recovery ratesa –

– Contribution to multilateral fund to assist developing
countries to implement the Montréal protocol
Suggested, but not actually presented in this OECD (2001) publication.
Suggested in the chapter on ozone layer depletion, but present in the chapter on climate change of OECD (2001).

are undocumented, it is impossible to reconstruct the is well suited to provide conceptual guidance for indicator
indicator selection process behind these studies. selection. The enhanced DPSIR framework or eDPSIR for short,
Absence of a properly documented indicator selection is not based on the concept of the causal chain as used by the
process is not a minor issue. Which indicators are considered current causal chain frameworks, but on the concept of a
highly influences conclusions as to whether environmental causal network.2 Causal chain frameworks consider multiple
problems are serious or not, whether conditions are improving parallel causal chains leading from driving force indicators to
or degrading, and in which direction causes and solutions pressure indicators, state indicators, impact indicators and
need to be sought. It is therefore very important to have a well- finally to response indicators, with each chain covering a
defined and transparent procedure leading from problem specific issue. A causal network based framework includes the
definition to indicator set to interpretation of the indicator inter-relations between the various causal chains. A causal
values. This is contrary to current practice, which usually network therefore is able to more effectively capture the
involves expert panels selecting several ‘‘best’’ indicators that whole range of causes and effects and their inter-relations
together make up the indicator set to tackle a specific that typically involve a large number of environmental
environmental issue (Bossel, 2001; Bockstaller and Girardin, indicators and crosses the boundaries of individual environ-
2003). In our view, science and analytical soundness are much mental issues.
better served by working on the basis of a concrete framework A causal network is not unlike the flowcharts of the
that guides the selection of indicators through clearly outlined process-based simulation model used in environmental
procedures that direct indicator selection on the basis of systems analysis. Both are graphical representations of the
analytical logic rather than individual characteristics. Ideally, interconnections between different components and pro-
each indicator in an indicator set should have a particular cesses. The key difference is that for a causal network the kind
function in the analytical problem solving logic of the of detail that would be required to build a process-based model
environmental issues that are to be addressed with the use is not needed, nor do all relationships need to be fully
of indicators. It is with this idea in mind that we set out to quantified.
develop an environmental indicator selection framework that With the eDPSIR framework the concept of a causal
focuses on the set of indicators and not just on the individual network is used as a structuring mechanism to select
indicator. indicators. In our discussion of the use of the concept of a
causal network a number of other terms and concepts will be
introduced such as ‘‘abstract indicators’’, ‘‘pressure inter-
3. Use of the enhanced DPSIR framework face’’, ‘‘key nodes’’, ‘‘correction indicators’’, and ‘‘indicator
for indicator selection functions’’. Throughout this part of the paper we will be
drawing examples from a very much simplified nitrogen
3.1. An introduction to the causal network concept eutrophication problem.

In the previous sections, it was argued that indicator selection 3.2. Building a causal network
tends to be insufficiently grounded within a conceptual
framework and therefore overemphasises individual indicator The first step to working with a causal network is to build one.
characteristics as formal selection criteria rather than the Below the five main steps for building a causal network are
function of the indicators within an analytical problem solving outlined.
logic. More than the current casual-chain frameworks, the
enhanced DPSIR framework (see Fig. 2 for an example and 2
Note that we are not referring to the mathematical concept of
(Niemeijer and de Groot, 2007) for a more extensive discussion) causal networks (Perl, 2001) though there are clear similarities.
20 ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25

Fig. 2 – A sample causal network for our nitrogen example. Specific links are drawn with thin black arrows, general links
with large open arrows. The dotted lines indicate the different environmental and societal compartments.

Steps to build a casual network: nitrogen fertilization on surface water ecosystems border-
ing agricultural land.
(1) Broadly define the domain of interest.  Step 2. Determining boundary conditions: Boundary conditions,
(2) Determine boundary conditions that can help determine such as whether a specific ecological system, climate, socio-
which aspects to cover and which to omit. economic context, etc. is concerned, need to be considered.
(3) Determine the boundaries of the system. In our example, we will be looking at a temperate climate
(4) Identify (abstract) indicators covering the factors and situation as found in The Netherlands.
processes involved.  Step 3. Determining the boundaries of the system: The bound-
(5) Iteratively map the involved indicators in a directional aries of the system need to be defined. In other words, what
graph: will be included and what will be considered just in terms of
(a) Organize indicators in terms of environment related outputs and inputs. In our example, we want to limit
indicators, society related indicators and those at the ourselves to the in situ situation and not extend the causal
pressure interface. network to processes occurring outside the research area
(b) Organize indicators in sub-categories such as economic (e.g., manufacturing of fertilizer, nitrogen emissions to
sectors or environmental compartments the sea).
(c) Draw the causal network with nodes connected with  Step 4. Identifying abstract indicators for the main factors and
arrowed arcs showing the cause-effect pathways. processes: One may identify concrete indicators or just
 Step 1. Defining the domain of interest: First, a particular issue or identify abstract indicators that are useful at a conceptual
problem to look at needs to be defined. The domain of level but not necessarily concrete enough to actually collect
interest may be very broad (e.g., the impact of agriculture on data for. A good example is ‘‘animal population’’. This is an
the environment), but if a clearly outlined specific issue is abstract indicator because it does not specify the kind of
already identified, that certainly helps in keeping the causal animal nor the way in which population should be defined
network small and manageable. In our example, the domain and measured (e.g., total population, species composition,
of interest will be defined as the ecological impact of average age). Generally speaking, selecting a concrete
ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25 21

indicator is best done after it has been established that this that it will become clear what parts need to be explored in
is the factor or component that should actually be more detail.
3.3. Using the causal network for indicator selection
At the stage of indicator identification, it is possible to go
into great detail, but it is equally possible to work along broad The causal network developed in the previous section can be
lines and consider only the most significant indicators, used as a starting point to answer a variety of research
processes and factors. It is even possible to work out certain questions. It is with an actual concrete research question that
processes in detailed sub-processes because they seem one can really start using the causal network. This research
particularly relevant for the research question at hand and question may be a broad-brush question (e.g., measuring
stick to the main processes for other aspects. There are no progress towards sustainability of a country) or a very specific
hard rules here and at any time (during subsequent steps) it is question (e.g., the impact of a specific intervention on fresh
possible to delve deeper or reduce detail. The DPSIR frame- water quality). The key point is that the better the questions or
work can be used to get a handle on all the different objectives are defined, the better the indicators can be selected
components that need to be considered. The best approach (NCSSF, 2005). This section focuses on how the causal network
is to start out with the pressures, as these are typically more can be put to use to select indicators for a specific research
concrete than the driving forces and then subsequently work question. There are again a number of steps to follow:
forward from pressures to state, impact and responses and
then backward from pressures to driving forces. At this stage (1) Define the research question:
there is no reason to be too much concerned about the (a) Determine the kind of available information.
category in which an indicator should be placed or to develop (b) Determine the scale at which to work.
an exhaustive list of indicators. This is merely an intermediate (c) Determine where in the DPSIR chain the focus lies.
step intended to facilitate getting started with mapping the (d) Determine whether an environment, or human-
causal network. Table 3 shows such a first selection of abstract centred perspective is required.
indicators for our nitrogen example. (2) Identify key-nodes in the causal network and explore
relevant sections of the causal network in more detail.
 Step 5. Iteratively mapping the indicators in a direction graph: (3) Select the best concrete indicators for the selected nodes.
Here we put together the actual causal network. First, the  Step 1. Define the research question: A research question needs
indicators listed in step four are organized into environ- to be defined that is as concrete as possible. This is an
ment related indicators, society related indicators and important step because there are no perfect indicator sets
those at the pressure interface of interest. The term that are relevant for all problems at hand (NCSSF, 2005). The
pressure interface refers to the economic sector or human relevance and utility of an indicator is largely determined by
activity that exerts a pressure on the environment. In the the research question(s) that are to be answered and by the
case of our example, crop production may be considered the combination of indicators that is used (Swart et al., 1995). To
pressure interface where society exerts pressure through answer a generic question, such as finding a good set of agri-
its use of nitrogen on the environment. Next, the indicators environmental indicators to measure sustainability in the
can be organized in sub-categories. The society related agricultural sector, a causal network can be used to find the
indicators could, for instance, be divided in those related to most generally useful indicators. However, while that set of
the role of the state, the commercial sector and the indicators will be useful to address a wide range of research
consumers. Environment related indicators might, for questions, it will not be as fine-tuned as a set selected just to
instance, be divided into the different environmental tackle one very specific environmental question or issue.
compartments: air, soil, water, as will be done for our
example. Fig. 2 shows a causal network for our nitrogen There are a number of sub-steps here. The kind of data that
example. is either available or can be collected needs to be considered.
Data use is often tied with the scale at which the work needs to
The causal network shown in Fig. 2 may be considered a be done. At the national level it will typically be necessary to
first approximation. Some parts are spelled out in detail, rely on statistics and would not be possible to either find
whereas other parts are relatively vague. It is at the next stage, detailed data or it would be to expensive to start collecting it
where the causal network for indicator selection is applied, for a whole country. If, however, the focus is on a specific

Table 3 – A first selection of abstract indicators to include in the nitrogen causal network for our hypothetical example
Driving force Mineral fertilizer prices; market demand for fertilizer demanding crops; market demand for organic
crops (typically grown without mineral fertilizer)
Pressure Mineral fertilizer use; organic fertilizer use; N emissions
State N concentrations in air, water, soil; N run-off; N deposition; N leaching
Impact Algae population; plant population; dissolved oxygen; water transparency; insect population;
fish population; bird population
Response Fertilizer regulations; stimulation of organic crop production
22 ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25

catchment it may be possible to find detailed data for that that their associated indicators are also at the root of multiple
catchment or, at relatively low costs, set up a measurement processes. Indicators associated with key nodes with a large
program. There will typically be a tendency to rely on driving number of connecting arcs will typically be the most generally
force and pressure indicators for national or global level useful indicators since they are likely to have a bearing on a
analyses as these are often based on available statistical data large number of issues and research questions.
or can be relatively easily estimated with some inferences. For Returning to our nitrogen question, we may want to start
more detailed studies, data on state and impact indicators out by determining the water quality. If one is interested in
may be more readily available. If good data is available, or water quality as such, indicators at end-of-chain nodes would
measurement is a sensible solution, it may be necessary to be most useful, because these typically provide an overall
make a choice in terms of where in the DPSIR chain the focus picture of, in this case, water quality. However, such end-of-
should be. If the objective is to know how serious a problem is, chain nodes are less useful to isolate a particular cause
working with state or impact indicators is preferable, but if the because indicators associated with end-of-chain nodes are
objective is to know how best to control a situation, pressure typically influenced by multiple factors. This leaves two
and response indicators may be a more obvious focus. Finally, strategies, either (A) additional indicators will be needed that
it needs to be determined whether an environment or human- would provide evidence to exclude or correct for other factors
centred perspective should be taken. For example, if the causing changes in the end-of-chain indicator, or (B) one can
question relates to pollution, is the main interest the move backwards through the network in order to identify
consequences for ecological system functioning or, first of nodes that bring together only process which have the same
all, the consequences for human health? The perspective original cause. Below we will explore both strategies for our
taken will naturally affect indicator selection. nitrogen example.
Returning to our nitrogen example, we might, for instance, Strategy A: looking for additional indicators. If we start out with
want to answer the question what the impact of nitrogen an end-of-chain indicator we need to identify what factors, in
eutrophication by crop production is on water quality of addition to the factor of interest (nitrogen eutrophication by
nearby surface water. With such a question, appropriate crop production), influence this indicator. What other factors
indicators at the cause and effects ends are most relevant, would have to be taken into account if bird population is the
while remedies are less of a concern. For indicator selection it starting point? There would be factors such as bird nesting
would obviously also be in important to refine the water opportunities, or, in the case of migratory birds, problems
quality concept by defining it in either environmental or occurring in the summer or winter environments they spend
human health terms (or both). Based on the domain of interest their time in. These factors are external to the studied water
given in the previous section an environmental operationa- ecosystem and thus make bird population a less suitable
lization makes most sense in the context of our example. indicator to use for water quality. With fish population that
would be much less an issue, but even for that indicator there
 Step 2. Identify key-nodes: To use the causal network to help are other factors that affect the population outside of our
select appropriate indicators, it is necessary to start out by nitrogen eutrophication problem and that need to be explored.
locating key-nodes in the causal network. There are three To explore these factors, the water component of the causal
types of key nodes: root-nodes, central nodes and end-of- network should be worked out in more detail as is done in
chain nodes. Root nodes are those nodes that have many Fig. 3.
outgoing arcs (the arcs diverge from these nodes). Fig. 2, Fig. 3 shows that at least four other possible sources of
because of its focus on crop production and nitrogen alone, changes in the fish population should be considered: (1)
does not have an example of this type of node, but it is not namely P concentrations, which may also be affected by
hard to image manure use having such a role considering agricultural activities; (2) fine sediment load, which is related
that it is a source not only of nitrogen, but also of to erosion; (3) toxic substances, which may, for example, have
phosphorus and heavy metals. Central nodes are those an agricultural or industrial origin; (4) temperature regime,
nodes that have many incoming and/or outgoing arcs which is related to short-term and long-term climatic
(converging and diverging arcs). Examples from Fig. 2 are variations. Basically, this is the real-world complexity that
the N concentrations node for the water compartment and is typically insufficiently captured by the causal chain focus of
the N emissions node. End-of-chain nodes typically have the current PSR frameworks. If the goal is to find the most
multiple incoming arcs (the arcs converge at these nodes) effective indicator, this kind of complexity cannot and should
that bring together a number of longer chains. In Fig. 2, not be ignored. At this point, contextual information will be
insect, fish and especially bird population are typical end-of- needed to rule out certain factors and select correction
chain nodes. indicators for other factors. With the term correction
indicators, we are referring to indicators that are selected
Root nodes are important because their associated indica- not because they have a direct bearing on the studied issue,
tors typically provide information on the source of multiple but because they help correct for the influences of other
issues or environmental problems. Central and end-of-chain factors than the one(s) of primary interest. Following logical
nodes are important because the associated indicators will inference and using contextual information about the
typically allow gauging the impact of multiple processes or research setting and research question, we can rule out
issues at once. This is especially the case for end-of chain temperature regime and fine sediment load. Short-term
nodes, because they are located at the end of a series of cause- temperature fluctuations are not relevant if our study covers
effect chains. Central nodes further have the characteristic multiple years, and long-term fluctuations are likely to be so
ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25 23

Fig. 3 – The water component of our sample causal network in more detail.

gradual that they can probably be ignored for the purpose of role the indicator has in drawing the logical connections
our analysis. In our Dutch setting we can in most cases rule out between cause and effect or correcting for other factors,
fine sediment load as a factor because the flat landscape does should also be taken into account. It may in some cases be
not lead to excessive erosion and therefore high fine sediment better to select an indicator that scores a little lower in terms
loads. This leaves nitrogen and phosphorus induced algae and of the individual evaluation criteria (such as those in Table 1)
plant growth as well as toxic substances as primary factors but is a corner stone in our logical inference of cause and
affecting fish population. If not near an industrial area, all of effects.
these factors are related to agriculture and to be more precise
to mineral fertilizer use, organic fertilizer use and biocide use. By using the above approach indicators are selected such
This implies that if we want to isolate the nitrogen that each and every indicator has a particular function in
eutrophication cause for changes in fish population, we will telling the overall environmental story. Of course, indicators
need to have correction indicators for phosphorus, and are always selected to communicate a particular point or to
various sources of toxification. Strategy A will thus require analyze a particular environmental problem. However, what
us to work with a number of additional indicators. the causal network helps to do, is to emphasize the function of
Strategy B: moving backwards through the network. If we want the indicator and make it an explicit and key part of the
to keep our indicator set as small as possible, we will need to indicator selection process. This approach also makes explicit
follow strategy B and trace-back from our end-of-chain node that indicators only have relevance in conjunction with other
to one that only relates to nitrogen eutrophication. The node indicators and within the context of a specific set of research
associated with N concentrations in the water perfectly fits questions (Niemi and McDonald, 2004). Only as part of a
that bill as can be seen in Fig. 2. This central node brings consistent and comprehensive set, can an indicator be
together the cause-effects paths from crop production related interpreted effectively, without the risk of jumping to wrong
nitrogen emissions through water, air and soil and thus seems conclusions on causes and effects. An indicator by itself is like
to be a perfect water quality indicator for our particular a single data point in a graph, if there are no other data points
purpose. in the graph there is no way of knowing the direction of the
Now that we have taken a look at the effects-end of the slope.
equation, we can move to the nodes at the cause-end. Here N
fertilizer use would be an obvious choice requiring little
argumentation. And, in case organic manure is applied we will 4. Conclusion
also need an indicator for the amount of N spread over the
fields in this way. In this paper we have made two important critiques in relation
to the indicator selection process in most indicator studies.
 Step 3. Select the best indicators: Now that key nodes have been First, that the selection process of environmental indicators is
identified with associated abstract indicators we need to generally insufficiently systematic and transparent (Belnap,
identify the best concrete indicators to use for those nodes 1998; Slocombe, 1998; Dale and Beyeler, 2001; Bockstaller and
in the causal network. It is at this point that all the classic Girardin, 2003; NCSSF, 2005). Second, that when studies do
indicator selection criteria that were mentioned in Section provide insight into the criteria used for indicator selection,
2.2 can be applied. However, even here one should not they typically rely on criteria applied to individual indicators
blindly select the indicator that best meets these criteria. only and, with some exceptions, do not include criteria
The function of our indicator in analytical terms, that is, the pertaining to the inter-relation of selected indicators (e.g.,
24 ecological indicators 8 (2008) 14–25

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