McElweeetal 2020JAppliedEcology
McElweeetal 2020JAppliedEcology
McElweeetal 2020JAppliedEcology
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DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13705
Pamela McElwee Abstract
Email: 1. There have been calls for greater inclusion of Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK)
Funding information in applied ecosystems research and ecological assessments. The Intergovernmental
Swedbio; International Indigenous Forum Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global
on Biodiversity; Forest Peoples Programme;
University of Helsinki; Helmholtz Centre for Assessment (GA) is the first global scale assessment to systematically engage with
Environmental Research; Finnish Ministries ILK and issues of concern to Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC).
of the Environment and Foreign Affairs
In this paper, we review and reflect on how the GA worked with ILK and lessons
Handling Editor: Helen Wheeler learned.
2. The GA engaged in critical evaluation and synthesis of existing evidence from
multiple sources, using several deliberative steps: having specific authors and
questions focus on ILK; integrating inputs from ILK across all chapters; organ-
izing dialogue workshops; issuing calls for contributions to identify other forms
and systems of knowledge; and encouraging IPLC to be key stakeholders and
3. We identify content areas where attention to ILK was particularly important for
questions in applied ecology. These include: (a) enriching understandings of na-
ture and its contributions to people, including ecosystem services; (b) assisting in
assessing and monitoring ecosystem change; (c) contributing to international tar-
gets and scenario development to achieve global goals like the Aichi Biodiversity
Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals and (d) generating inclusive and
policy-relevant options for people and nature. However, challenges in engaging
different knowledge systems were also encountered.
4. Policy implications. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment (GA) demonstrated the im-
portance of Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) to global biodi-
versity conservation and ecosystem management. Initiatives seeking to engage
Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) can learn from the experience of the GA.
Successfully bringing ILK into assessment processes and policy arenas requires a
deliberate framework and approach from the start that facilitates recognition of
different knowledge systems, identifies questions relevant at various scales, mobi-
lizes funding and recognizes time required and engages networks of stakeholders
with diverse worldviews. In turn, fostering inclusion of ILK and partnering with
IPLC can help future assessments understand how natural and cultural systems
co-produce each other, identify trends of change through diverse biocultural indi-
cators and improve sustainable development goals and policies.
biodiversity targets, ecosystem services, Global Assessment, Indigenous and local knowledge,
IPBES, monitoring, social-ecological assessments, sustainable development
BOX 1 Who are IPLC? Why are they important?
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
IPLC are ‘individuals and communities who are, on the
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is charged with conducting regu-
one hand, self-identified as Indigenous and, on the other
lar policy-relevant assessments on the status, trends and future of
hand, are members of local communities that maintain in-
biodiversity and ecosystems and their contributions to people. As
tergenerational connection to place and nature through
part of its mandate, IPBES has in its assessment processes worked
livelihood, cultural identity and worldviews, institutions
with Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK), defined as ‘knowledge
and ecological knowledge’ (IPBES, 2019). Using ILK and
and know-how accumulated across generations, which guide human
other forms of knowledge, IPLC have shaped the ecolo-
societies in their innumerable interactions with their surrounding
gies, conservation initiatives and resource economies of
environment’ (Thaman et al., 2013). IPBES has also encouraged
vast regions of the world, as IPLC either control, use, man-
Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLC) to be key stake-
age or co-administer an estimated ~38 million km2 (at least
holders and contributors across their products (which have so far in-
25%–28% of the world's land area; Garnett et al., 2018).
cluded methodological, thematic, regional and global assessments),
as they are creators and holders of ILK, as well as impacted by poli-
cymaking around nature (Hill et al., 2020; see Box 1).
The IPBES Global Assessment (GA) is the first ecological as- assessment processes and policy arenas requires a deliberate frame-
sessment to systematically incorporate ILK at the global scale (Díaz work and approach that facilitates recognition of different knowledge
et al., 2019; IPBES, 2019). Therefore, experiences from the GA's at- systems.
tempts to bridge knowledge systems will likely be relevant to other
assessments. As authors who contributed to the GA, our goal in this
paper is to critically evaluate the successes and challenges of working 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
with ILK and the benefits of doing so. To do this, we discuss method-
ological steps taken for the GA and then outline key findings of the 2.1 | Developing an approach to ILK in the GA
report that were enhanced by ILK. We conclude with lessons learned,
particularly around methodological and epistemological challenges, There have been many calls to better incorporate ILK into global science-
while emphasizing the global relevance of ILK to ecosystem manage- policy processes (Ford et al., 2016; Turnhout, Bloomfield, Hulme, Vogel, &
ment and assessment. We highlight that successfully bringing ILK into Wynne, 2012; Usher, 2000), as well as concerns about the challenges and
McELWEE et al. Journal of Applied Ecology | 3
BOX 2 Questions related to ILK guiding the GA people. As in other assessments, the overall methodological approach
was based on critical evaluation, review and synthesis of existing evi-
1. What have been the contributions of ILK, practices and
dence from multiple sources, including both published scientific and
innovations to the sustainable use, management and
grey literature (e.g. I/NGO reports). This mandate lent itself to inclu-
conservation of nature and nature's contributions to
sion of ILK, as the GA was not restricted to peer-reviewed literature,
people at regional and global scales?
as other assessment processes have been (Ford et al., 2016). IPBES as
2. What are the most important features, pressures and
a whole has been working on a more systematic approach to ILK and
factors related to and/or enabling or constraining these
inclusion of IPLC across all their work products (Hill et al., 2020), and
contributions, as well as impacting present and future
the GA approached ILK through several steps, outlined below:
quality of life of IPLC?
3. What policy responses, measures and processes can
1. Setting up an ‘ILK Authors Liaison group’ at the first lead au-
contribute to strengthen and improve the institutions
thor meeting. These self-selected group members (27 in total)
and governance of nature and its contributions to peo-
were experts ranging across ecological and social disciplines
ple with regard to IPLC?
and were tasked with oversight of ILK content in each chapter
and links between chapters.
2. Devising key ILK-related questions to provide a common refer-
efficacy of doing so (Hill et al., 2020; Nadasdy, 1999). Reasons for including ence across chapters.1 The liaison group formulated 27 chapter-
ILK have included the need for more comprehensive data (Moller, Berkes, specific questions related to (a) the contributions of ILK to the
Lyver, & Kislalioglu, 2004) and as a mode for inclusion, participation and re- sustainable use of nature at different scales; (b) the pressures and
spect for IPLC (Maffie, 2009). However, both ILK and science come from challenges related to ILK and IPLC; and (c) policy responses to im-
distinct types of knowledge systems (or ‘the agents, practices and institu- prove nature governance with regard to IPLC (see Appendix S1).
tions that organize the production, transfer and use of knowledge’; Cornell 3. Developing a comprehensive and systematic literature review of
et al., 2013), which are often asymmetrical in terms of power and can be both peer-reviewed and other works, including identification of
incommensurable. Therefore, researchers have been encouraged to seek databases, keywords and additional contributing authors2 who
opportunities to collaborate and connect knowledge systems resulting in could write on specific issues related to ILK (see Appendix S2).
co-produced outcomes (Bohensky & Maru, 2011; Raymond et al., 2010; 4. Issuing a special online call for additional contributions, informa-
Tengö et al., 2017). tion, authors, networks and organizations to find other forms and
One solution proposed has been the multiple evidence base systems of knowledge. The call was issued after the assessment
approach, which explicitly recognizes the complementarities between of literature had begun, and was open for five months in English,
scientific evidence and ILK (Tengö, Brondízio, Elmqvist, Malmer, & Spanish and French and included a translation tool to facilitate
Spierenburg, 2014; Tengö et al., 2017). Both knowledge systems share wide diffusion. It was distributed through IPBES networks and
some characteristics, including observation of empirical changes in those of the lead authors (e.g. listserves). This resulted in the iden-
nature, collection of longitudinal data and use of experiments to test tification of 1,199 additional relevant documents in 16 languages
ideas (Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2000; Thornton & Scheer, 2012). Yet (including some indigenous languages, although about 83% were
at the same time, ILK emerges from very different epistemological in English); 20% of the documents were considered ‘grey litera-
contexts than formal science, which creates challenges for integration ture’ (e.g. reports, policy briefs, manuals) and there was wide geo-
and aggregation (Raymond et al., 2010). The GA made the assumption graphic distribution (Figure S1).
that different types and dimensions of ILK, while locally based, are 5. Encouraging IPLC participation, including review of drafts and
manifested in regional landscapes and ecosystems, and thus can be through dialogue workshops. In total, eight different dialogues
globally relevant when assessed in systematic ways (Brondízio & Le were held and reached over 250 people at different stages of
Tourneau, 2016; Garnett et al., 2018). The GA approach accepted that, writing the assessment. The aim of the dialogues was to share in-
while some types of ILK can be synthesized and aggregated together, formation about the GA with IPLC representatives while it was
other types should be recognized as context-specific and place-based ongoing and receive guidance and feedback on the content of the
evidence on their own (Díaz et al., 2018). Three key questions on ILK assessment. Dialogues were organized as shorter side events to
and IPLC guided the GA throughout the process (see Box 2).
This was in contrast to the previous pollination assessment where one chapter was
dedicated to biocultural diversity, pollinators and their sociocultural values, much of
2.2 | Implementing the methodological approach to which was derived from ILK. IPBES Regional Assessments also used ILK across chapters
ILK in the GA and organized consultations with IPLC as part of the process (e.g. Roué & Molnar, 2017).
Contributing authors are volunteers who contributed specific texts to the GA and who
were recruited for their particular expertise. Lead authors on the GA were nominated by
The GA was conducted from 2016 to 2019 and aimed to critically as-
governments or other representative organizations and served throughout the writing
sess the state of knowledge on past (since 1970s), present and possible process.
4 | Journal of Applied Ecology McELWEE et al.
Key NCP Discussion of how ILK or IPLC relate Examples of ILK-derived indicators
NCP 2: Pollination ILK informs management practices that enhance pollinator Timing of flowering signals and honey harvest-times
and dispersal of activity can indicate pollinator health
seeds and other There are many totemic and/or spiritual relationships between Narratives of specific pollinators and the species
propagules people and pollinators represented in ILK they prefer can provide indicators for monitoring
ILK has helped revitalize practices of beekeeping in some areas. Pollinator behaviour and population size can be used
Many IPLC have introduced hives into agroforestry systems as indicators of ecosystem health
Lower use of pesticides among many IPLC fosters pollinator Nomenclature and vernacular taxonomy can inform
health about the diversity of pollinators
NCP 9: Regulation Many IPLC use ILK to predict extreme events and adapt to their Observation and monitoring of multiple factors to
of hazards and impacts, including using oral and other traditions to pass on anticipate extreme events, including behaviour of
extreme events knowledge about frequency, impacts and warning signs animals
Ways to manage ecosystems to reduce hazards
NCP 12: Food and Many food systems derive from long-standing crop selection Nomenclature and list of species (both wild and
feed and domestication of local landraces and varieties based on cultivated) that are important for diet and health
ILK Narratives and practices regarding cultivation
Knowledge transmission in ILK often includes the importance practices and techniques that enhance agrodiversity
of biotic interactions for producing food, such as connections Nomenclature and classification may provide clues
between plants, animals, fungi or soil microorganisms identifying species or varieties that are genetically
Food is produced and consumed through social networks and distinct
is influenced by cultural and spiritual dimensions in different Reference to specific species in narratives and oral
IPLC traditions in places where those species no longer
Quality and diversity of food available to IPLC is globally exist indicate extinctions and can be used to
decreasing because of changes in food systems monitor trends
NCP 14: Medicinal, ILK has helped identify and name new species Nomenclature, classification and lists of medicines
biochemical, and ILK has helped identify sources of new drugs for development indicate diversity of health practices and
genetic resources through bioprospecting biodiversity
ILK about place–based medical systems provides IPLC with Knowledge of plant distribution within ecosystems
locally available and effective products and landscapes
There have been trends towards a rapid rate of loss of medicinal Knowledge of threats and drivers of change (e.g.
plants for IPLC at the global level quantities traded and overexploited species)
NCP 15: Learning Nature has highly influenced artistic expression, education and Depictions of nature symbolized within art, theater,
and inspiration skills among IPLC language and other forms of artistic or cultural
Identity, learning and inspiration combine attention to natural expression
and cultural factors through concepts like sense of place Declines in transgenerational learning and language
Sacred sites are important both for learning and inspiration but losses
also for the conservation of biodiversity
Learning and inspiration contributes to resource management,
e.g. learning from songlines in Aboriginal Australia
Children's direct relationship with nature is crucial for learning.
Disruption of transgenerational learning processes among
IPLC is related to loss of languages, loss of co-produced
habitats and socio-cultural disruption
Note: References for the examples above can be found in Table S2.
biodiversity-related conventions such as the Ramsar Convention 3.4 | ILK in scenarios and pathways
and others. The analysis included documenting IPLC contributions to
achieving targets and how progress (or lack of it) might affect them. The GA made use of scenarios to understand changes to nature,
The review suggested that IPLC and ILK have made important contri- NCP and good quality of life, relying on two types of scenarios (ex-
butions, although these are not always acknowledged (Table 3). Given ploratory and intervention).3 However, in both cases, most global
the holistic nature of ILK, IPLC can aid in the identification of trade- scenario archetypes do not directly address ILK and IPLC. For
offs and synergies between goals, such as how expansion of terrestrial
protected areas (ABT11) may have unintended consequences on IPLC Exploratory scenarios examine a range of plausible futures, based on potential
trajectories of drivers, and are used for high-level problem identification and agenda
quality of life (SDG 3; Agrawal & Redford, 2009). However, despite setting. Intervention scenarios are those that evaluate alternative policy or management
the contributions noted in Table 3, evidence suggests there is a gap options, and can include either ‘target-seeking’ or ‘policy-screening’ analysis:
target-seeking scenarios are pathways to achieve one or more specific goals (e.g. ABTs or
between indicators defined in global policies and those that are locally
SDGs), while policy-screening (also known as ‘ex-ante scenarios’) are scenarios used to
important or derived from ILK (Zorondo-Rodríguez et al., 2014). evaluate the effects of alternative policy or management options (IPBES, 2016).
6 | Journal of Applied Ecology McELWEE et al.
Note: These indicators are locally based contextualized indicators that are often difficult to upscale;
references for the examples above can be found in Table S2.
ABT 2 Using ILK and IPLC worldviews, some Without recognition of ILK
(Biodiversity countries (e.g. Bolivia, New Zealand) values, IPLC rights may be
values) recognize the rights of ecosystems to violated
exist, reproduce and thrive
ABT 8 Local observations enable IPLC to monitor, IPLC remain largely
(Pollution) map and report pollution unsupported in their struggles
against polluting operations
and face challenges in
receiving compensation
SDG 14 (Life in ILK can identify marine species at risk Deterioration of marine
oceans) of extinction. IPLC have also enhanced ecosystems affects food
recovery, conservation and sustainability security and social and
of marine and freshwater fisheries and spiritual integrity of many
ecosystems IPLC
Note: References for the examples above can be found in Table S2.
McELWEE et al. Journal of Applied Ecology | 7
Type of scenario assessed Actual inclusion of ILK Potential benefit for scenarios from use of ILK
Exploratory Limited to sources used in meta-analysis ILK frequently embodies long-term social-ecological
knowledge and can be invaluable to informing,
interpreting and improving long-range projections
and future scenarios, as well as better understanding
of uncertainty
Target-seeking Limited to particular scenarios (e.g. 1 of 2 critical ILK includes approaches on how to share information
pathways for sustaining freshwater ecosystems is and adaptive practices to manage transitions,
through increasing groundwater recharge, wetlands including practices such as storytelling
and alternative storage techniques, some of which
employ ILK)
Policy-screening Some relevance at global level, but restricted to ILK can helpfully inform local policy development
specific policies like recognition of land tenure or pathways for sustainable future by providing
IPLC-managed protected areas indications of important local values
Note: References for the examples above can be found in Table S2.
Payments for Low to Medium Medium to High Higher involvement of IPLC in Latin
environmental Values for determining IPLC often highly engaged in America, with more secure tenure
services (PES) benefit-sharing benefit-sharing rights. Little involvement in Africa
Identification of key ecosystem
Reduced emissions Low to Medium Low to Medium Higher involvement of IPLC in Latin
from deforestation Community-based monitoring State recognition of IPLC land rights America
and degradation have led to some successful local
(REDD+) REDD + projects. Some IPLC
advocacy at global fora
Marine protected Medium Medium to High High involvement of IPLC in Oceania
areas Fishing quotas for recovery IPLC have been involved in and certain parts of the Arctic
Identification of key species policymaking for specific MPAs,
including based on customary tenure
Sustainable wildlife High Medium to High Mostly implemented in terrestrial
management Monitoring of populations (e.g. early IPLC have benefited from ecosystems in Africa and coastal/
detection of animal health) compensation policies marine ecosystems in the Arctic
Invasive Alien Low Low Mostly implemented in Australia,
Species removal Baseline and risk assessments IPLC prevent, detect and eradicate IAS Canada and New Zealand
policies in their territories but rarely included
in policy design
Ecological Medium Medium Involvement of IPLC in Southeast
restoration Culturally important species for IPLC have initiated or been involved in Asia, New Zealand and Mexico
programs restoration local restoration projects
Pollution reduction Low to Medium Medium Mostly implemented in the Arctic,
policies Monitoring of pollution impacts and IPLC have advocated for expulsion North America and some parts of
biomonitoring of polluting activities from their the Amazon Basin
Note: References for the examples above can be found in Table S2.
intervention scenarios, few exist at the scale and scope needed, so Regional and local exploratory scenarios that were analysed did oc-
the GA primarily used sustainability-oriented exploratory scenarios casionally incorporate information from ILK and IPLC; for instance,
as substitutes. These scenarios are global but are constructed on the Participatory Scenario Planning has been used to address and inte-
basis of meta-analyses of local studies and IPBES Regional grate the priorities of distinct stakeholder groups in local studies and
Assessments, relying primarily on expert knowledge, thus ILK and projects (Butler et al., 2016; Oteros-Rozas et al., 2015). Available
IPLC perspectives were incorporated in only a few examples. target-seeking and policy-screening scenarios to compare
8 | Journal of Applied Ecology McELWEE et al.
alternative policy options intended to alter the future state of nature and do not create new data, it is not possible to achieve a perfectly
and NCP also showed limited direct uses of ILK, although some did representative balance of evidence across all regions of the world, al-
include specific policies related to IPLC (Table 4). though it is a useful process to identify knowledge gaps. Future as-
sessments will need to pay attention to, and develop ways of dealing
with, the underrepresentation of ILK literature; in our case, the online
3.5 | Using ILK and IPLC involvement to generate call for additional resources did in fact generate evidence we had not
options for decision-makers found in the peer-reviewed literature.
It was also challenging to balance the need for large-scale synthe-
The GA was mandated with identifying policy options available to sis of ILK with the attention to contextualized knowledge, often rep-
achieve global targets and to improve management of nature and resented through specific local case studies. For example, in assessing
NCP. Literature reviews included assessments of how ILK has been indicators of ecosystem change, it was difficult to reconcile the gener-
used in policy formulation, which has varied widely, as well as how alizable indicators most used in scientific monitoring (often expressed
IPLC influence policy processes. For example, IPLC have managed to as percentages of population change or through spatial analysis) and
exert substantial influence in several state-centred policymaking pro- those derived from ILK, where data are often non-quantitative, devel-
cesses (Shawoo & Thornton, 2019), and increasingly some countries oped within oral traditions and based on interconnectedness (Berkes
and subnational governments are adopting biocultural approaches to & Berkes, 2009; Huntington et al., 2005; Turner & Clifton, 2009). This
policy that include ILK in the formation of ‘knowledge governance’ is why IPBES has stressed the need to use a gradient of complemen-
structures (Manrique, Corral, & Pereira, 2018). However, there is wide tary approaches, ranging from generalizing to context-specific through
variation in which policies incorporate ILK or involve participation of a multiple evidence base crossing spatial and temporal scales (Díaz
IPLC (Table 5). Moreover, IPLC still face numerous challenges and bar- et al., 2015, 2018). For the GA, this meant a variety of inputs, ranging
riers, including a lack of holistic planning approaches able to make use from systematic reviews of local case studies, regional consultations
of the multifaceted nature of ILK and lack of formal informational and with IPLC representatives and aggregated geospatial data at the global
participatory mechanisms (Cariño, 2005). level, among others.
Significant knowledge has been produced by both formal science Inclusion of ILK in assessments requires extra money and time, a
and ILK on varied aspects of environmental change, which combined commitment from the start (such as in conceptual frameworks and
lend multiple lines of evidence on the nature, scope and attribution methodologies) and use of networks to ensure engagement and sup-
of such impacts at local to global levels. However, seeking com- port from IPLC for elements that can be co-produced (e.g. see Hill
plementarities between multiple knowledge systems is not always et al., 2020). Yet the benefits of such investments can be large; for
straightforward or without problems. Below we discuss some of the example, ILK-based indicators about nature proved to be highly use-
key challenges, lessons learned and policy relevance of the use of ful to help link changes in natural systems with direct and indirect
ILK in the GA. drivers and impacts on local livelihoods, which has been a challenge
for science-based indicators alone (Caillon et al., 2017).
Improving future assessments requires expansion of the peer-
4.1 | Challenges to incorporating ILK in assessments reviewed literature, including more collaborative and co-produced
studies with IPLC (Reyes-García & Benyei, 2019; Tengö et al., 2014;
Even though the systematic literature reviews used by the GA were Thorton & Scheer, 2012). Mutual trust and collaboration are keys
open to multiple sources of evidence (Tengö et al., 2014), and on- to improving co-production of ecological research (Adams et al.,
line calls for references and case studies were useful for opening up 2014; Cámara-Leret & Dennehy, 2019) as is inclusivity and re-
the process beyond initial experts' knowledge, the GA still faced a flexivity in research design (Parsons, Fisher, & Nalau, 2016). In
number of challenges in ensuring that different knowledge systems other words, ILK and science can co-construct common research
were engaged in a transparent, equitable and legitimate manner (Hill agendas for the benefits of both nature and IPLC (Armitage,
et al., 2020). Understanding of the depth and breadth of ILK is still Berkes, Dale, Kocho-Schellenberg, & Patton, 2011). Examples of
insufficient, and there are major documentation gaps that may result this include the work of the NGO SwedBio, which has used the
in the exclusion of important ILK in peer-reviewed studies (Cámara- Pollination Assessment produced by IPBES in 2016 to engage IPLC
Leret & Dennehy, 2019). For example, there is considerable regional in thinking through lessons learned for agricultural management
unevenness in existing literature, with more ILK documented from (Malmer et al., 2019).
the Arctic and less from other major areas like sub-Saharan Africa and Co-production would be particularly useful in areas where the
Eastern Europe (although there was some literature found for every GA identified gaps in use of ILK, namely around scenarios and future
major region). Because assessments only review existing publications forecasts concerning nature, NCP and quality of life. Future global
McELWEE et al. Journal of Applied Ecology | 9
scenarios could incorporate more ILK through use of more local and cultural systems co-produce each other, identifying trends of
participatory target-seeking scenarios, and these could be used to change through diverse biocultural indicators and improving the
better formulate global goals, given that many of the existing tar- implementation of sustainable development goals and policies.
gets and goals do not necessarily reflect the heterogeneity of IPLC The process carried out in the GA has also contributed to side
and their priorities and worldviews. Yet to be effective, such partic- benefits of capacity building for authors and strengthening connec-
ipatory approaches must engage IPLC from the very beginning and tions between IPBES and IPLC networks. Further, acknowledging
throughout the process, construct scenarios that truly represent ILK different value systems in decision-making has the potential for im-
and local priorities and deal with power differences among stake- proving power asymmetries and equity issues in both science prac-
holders (Oteros-Rozas et al., 2015). tice and policy implementation. Lessons learned from the GA can
enable better future assessments and solutions through evaluation
of a diversity of often distinct knowledge systems and interlinkages
4.3 | Translating ILK into policy contexts between culture and nature, achieved through combining overall
synthesis with context-specific perspectives. The GA has shown
The GA demonstrated the global importance of IPLC to biodiver- the usefulness of a multifaceted and systematic approach to nature
sity and ecosystem management, particularly given how much of the assessments that not only identifies where ILK can inform existing
world's important conservation lands are under use, management, understandings of ecosystem health and human well-being, but also
and ownership by them (Garnett et al., 2018). However, the GA also identifies the challenges and opportunities for engaged knowledge
concluded that general trends of loss of ILK, declines in nature and production in the future.
NCP used by IPLC, and challenges to political rights and customary
lands have all challenged decision-making by IPLC (IPBES, 2019). Use AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
of multiple knowledge systems and engagement of IPLC are path- We thank all the representatives of IPLC who have contributed to
ways to improving ecological policy, but require convincing decision- enrich and strengthen the GA. We would also like to thank co-chair
makers that they can benefit from these inputs. Josef Settele, and the continued support of the IPBES Secretariat,
The evidence provided in the GA can help make the argument in particular Executive Secretary Anne Larigauderie and her team,
that inclusion of IPLC capabilities and social-cultural values are crit- the IPBES Task Force on ILK, the ILK TSU, the ILK Authors' Liaison
ical for both ecosystem assessments and achieving policy goals for Group and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and Bureau is appreci-
human well-being, such as the SDGs. For example, in one case study ated. We also thank institutions that funded and supported ILK
reviewed from Australia, customary management of tropical savan- Dialogues, including Swedbio, International Indigenous Forum
nas provided food and medicine, cultural practices and other NCP on Biodiversity, Forest Peoples Programme, the University of
that enabled the Indigenous traditional owners to maintain their Helsinki, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research and the
knowledge and skills, resulting in a wide range of benefits (healthy Finnish Ministries of the Environment and Foreign Affairs. P.M.
lives, early childhood development, pride and self-respect, ability thanks Dean Robert Goodman of the School of Environmental and
to pass on ILK to the next generation), but which were mostly ig- Biological Sciences for additional support for her involvement with
nored by natural resource policies (Sangha & Russell-Smith, 2017). IPBES.
The other numerous examples in the GA of positive benefits from
a biocultural approach, as well as negative examples of policies that AU T H O R S ' C O N T R I B U T I O N S
have failed to improve livelihoods or ecological health when IPLC All authors were involved in the GA, either as Co-Chairs, Coordinating
and ILK are ignored, were aimed at improving decision-makers' ev- Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Fellows, or Contributing Authors. P.M.
idence bases, given constraints on IPBES assessments making spe- led the writing team, with the help of A.F.-L. and E.S.B., and all au-
cific policy recommendations. thors contributed critically to the writing and gave final approval for
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