BPT Lesson Plan
BPT Lesson Plan
BPT Lesson Plan
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): In order to reach all students, I would have to interact with them. For
ELL students, I can create a word wall with corresponding pictures to make it easier for them to understand or
comprehend what words go to which pictures and that all of these words define the same word, that word
being sports. Word walls, pixwriter and boardmaker are just a few of the things that can help students excel
in creating their PowerPoint.
Lesson idea implementation: This project serves as an introduction to culture in health. Many people do not
see that there is culture within sports and through doing research, I hope that students will see that there is
culture amongst these sports. I will start off with asking students what their favorite sports are. Then I will
provide a word wall including sports they may have never heard of with corresponding pictures as we go over
them as a class. Then I will introduce the PowerPoint. It should take the student the class time for one (maybe
one and a half) class time(s). Students will be assessed in the sharing time afterwards. I will ask each student if
there was something interesting they found or something they found but did not already know. PowerPoints
can be all information or all pictures that represent something about the sport because every student will not
create it the same.
To extend learning, I will ask about the culture each sport comes from or maybe even the history of the sport.
Students can do further research about the sport and include summarized facts in their PowerPoints. To
conclude the lesson, I will enter a follow up lesson more about the culture regarding their beliefs about health
and less about the fun part of sports. Asking questions such as “why do we play sports?” “what is beneficial
about sports?” “What do people think about sports?” and other questions that lead towards the culture
aspect of sports
Reflective Practice: I believe that this activity allows students to practice their research skills as well as
answer questions based off of what they found. Students are working on solving “tough problems” and they
do this by doing the research and delivering what they know. Asking more questions will allow students to
think or, in a way, facilitate their own lesson. Allowing students to express their thought and feelings leads to
richer learning.
Spring 2018_SJB