Organizational Structure.

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Board of Directors

Secretary Treasurer

President/GM Internal Audit

Internal Auditor

Auditor I Audit Clerk

Auditor II Auditor I Assistant

Auditor II Assistant

Hardware Clerk Internal Audit Clerk




 To make the system easier to understand and execute.

 To have an effective, efficient, and good control over the company’s
transactions and activities.

As shown in the organizational structure, the Board of Directors which is consist

of stockholders who own the biggest share in the company is at the top level where
the Secretary, Treasurer and the President/General Manager directly report. The
Internal Audit, the one responsible for the control of the whole business activities
and for checking the company’s policy, consist of an internal auditor, auditor I ,
auditor II, assistant auditor I, assistant auditor II, audit clerk, internal audit clerk and
hardware clerk. This department will be in such character that any information,
transactions and activities that they receive and give is very well checked.

Under the President/General Manager is the finance, production, marketing,

sales and human resource department which has different function


Finance Department

Accountant Finance Division Chief

Bookkeeper Budget Officer

Attorney Accounting Technician

Accounting Clerk

The Finance Department is headed by the Finance Department Manager who

manage and control the system within the department together with his subordinates,
the Finance Division Chief whose responsible for checking documents before it will
be checked and approved by the FDM, the Accountant, Bookkeeper, Budget Officer,
Accounting Technician, and Accounting Clerk will also responsible for securing and
making reliable information in the business financial activities assuring it conforms
and follow the process of the system.

Production Manager

Purchasing Division Assembly Division Finishing Division Inspection & Shipping

Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Division Supervisor

Purchasing Engineers Product Product

Assistant Warehouse Specialists Inspectors

Budget Officer Laborers Laborers Drivers

Production Department is headed by Production Manager that is responsible

for the overall control of production and ensure that the materials are provided and
made into finished goods. It has four divisions that help for the effective control of
its products; we have the Purchasing division manage by a Supervisor with its
subordinates the Purchasing Assistant, Budget Officer and Warehouse staffs that
concern for providing materials and inventory of its stocks. Assembly division
manage by Supervisor together with the engineers and laborers who assemble the
raw materials, after assembly the Finishing Division will take over for additional
improvement of materials. And lastly the inspection and shipping division that is
responsible in quality control and other necessary repairs, transferring the finish
products into designated branches and to make sure that it is safely arrived on time.

Marketing Manager

Advertising Supervisor Marketing Executive

Advertising Editor Advertising Designer Marketing Staffs

Marketing Assistants
Promotion Supervisor Promotion Executive

Advertising Staffs

Marketing Department manage by Marketing Manager together with its

subordinates Advertising Supervisor and Marketing Executive. The Advertising
Supervisor has Advertising Editor, Designer, Promotion Supervisor, and Promotion
Executive and Advertising Staffs working together for conducting promotional
campaign for its products to be known to the public they help the company’s image
to grow and the next one is Marketing Executive with its subordinates that deal with
monitoring products research for more improvements and customer service.
Under the Sales Department, we have the Sales Manager leading the other
staffs in controlling the sales of the company. The Sales Supervisor leads his team
in planning and handling the sales; with the Sales Representative who is often the
one who communicate with the costumers and at the same time, communicates his
observations and ideas to the sales team. Also, there are the Sales Engineer who were
assigned to plan and design ways on how will they improve the company’s sales
operations. On the other hand, the Distribution Supervisor leads the distribution team.
His task is to supervise the distribution of supplies from the home office to their
branch. With him, are the distribution staffs who were the ones to distribute the
merchandise and materials and the company driver who is in-charge of the
transportation. Although the delivery of merchandise and materials can be
outsourced, it is better if the company has their own to make sure that the goods are
well taken care of and will be delivered to the location at the exact time.
HR Department

HR Manager

Payroll Officer Training and Benefits and

Recruiting Staff Compensation Officer

The last department is the Human Resources Department. Under this, the
HR Manager holds three more persons who was assigned to do tasks. One of them
is the Payroll Officer who is assigned to compute the employees’ DTRs and the
monthly payroll. Second is the Training and Recruiting Staff who was assigned to
Orient and Train the new employees recruited/applied to the company; also, he is
the one who communicate with all the employees and reminds them of any
upcoming events or meetings. Last but not the least, the Benefits and Compensation
Officer. He is the one in-charge to update and take care of the employees’ benefits
including PhilHealth, SSS, insurances, etc.

Group #3:
De Leon, Jeannie Fe S.
Ordiniza, Jojie C.
Salvacion, Lean Angel Y.
Sumalbag, Regine A.

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