Sample HR Plan

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HR Functional Plan 1

Human Resources Sample Plan

Los Angeles Hyatt

August 8th, 20XX

Important Information:
It is important that you rely on the requirements in the HR Plan
Guidelines in BBLearn for directions on how to prepare your plan.
There will be deductions if your plan does not follow the
requirements/guidelines in BBLearn.

This is a sample plan that you can use to give you some GENERAL
guidance of what HR plans look like.

As you begin working on your plan, I will be happy to answer any

questions you may have and review your work.

Prepared by: Student’s Name

Human Resources Consultant

Northern Arizona University

School of Hotel and Restaurant Management


Human Resources, HA 345

Professor, Allen Z. Reich

HR Functional Plan 2

Executive Summary

This Hyatt is located in Los Angeles, California. This hotel is owned and operated by

Jackson Lodging and franchised through Hyatt. The hotel features 128 rooms, 56 king sized

rooms, 40 double queen sized rooms, 17 king sized suites and 15 double queen sized suites.

This hotel also features plenty of complimentary amenities; such as continental breakfast,

exercise room, airport shuttle, outdoor pool and spa, business center, and complimentary

high speed and wireless internet access throughout the property. During the past year, the

HR Department has achieved the majority of the 2010 objectives, with the exception of

management and employee communication. This has also led to a decrease in customer

satisfaction at times as well. The Hyatt plans to improve its hiring process, create a new training

program for both new and existing employees. Also, the Hyatt plans on focusing on new ideas

and policies that help increase communication throughout the staff, improve employee morale,

and find uses of down-time. Executing these strategies will help the Hyatt enhance customer

satisfaction, grow repeat clients and raise revenue through increased customer satisfaction.
HR Functional Plan 3

2. Internal Analysis

Human Resources (Note: You do not need anything for this title “Human Resources”. )

2.1.1. Planning

The management team meets Monday morning at 8:30 AM. While they

generally seem to recognize problems or issues that need to be addressed

and to develop plans to deal with them, their follow through could be better.

This is evidenced by the many areas that could use attention.

The goal of the Hyatt is to be the number one choice of guests when

traveling to the Downtown Phoenix/ Midtown Phoenix area and places its

main focus on the customer satisfaction scores. Without quality employees

providing outstanding customer service the Hyatt would have no guests. The

employees do not feel that they are paid fairly or that they receive good

benefits and perks. The current rating on this is 2.5 out of 5. However, the

training is slightly better at 3.5 out of 5 but still needs improvement as well

as communication between departments also at a 3.5 needing improvement.

However, the employees currently feel empowered to do what they need to

do to please the guests with a rating of 4.0 out of 5. The amount of time

provided for training is the problem with the training program currently.

Employees feel as though they are being rushed through the training

program and thrown into the position with little or no training. A checklist

with each of the training steps should be given to the employee so that he or

she can check them off as they feel comfortable with each item. The
HR Functional Plan 4

employee should also be given one on one time with a trainer so that the

training can be focused on one employee rather than 2 or more at once. By

improving the training and giving the employee more of a say in the training

program this will improve the training as well as the communication and the

empowerment (Barsky, J. D., 1996). Employees will have more confidence in

themselves and at the job. Communication can be improved with monthly

meetings that are held with all departments where employees can voice

their opinions and concerns. Then the employees should break off into their

own departments and discuss issues that relate to their department. These

meetings would increase the cooperation and knowledge throughout the

departments all working towards the same goal of an enjoyable workplace

and happy customers.

2.1.2. Values, morale and motivation

The employees at the Hyatt have good values and their motivation and

morale could be improved. The employees at the Hyatt need to feel more of

a family environment when they come to work. They need to be able to

participate in decisions that impact them (Ozen, Mesci, Comlekci, Sahin,

2012). This starts in the hands of the management who need to create this

feeling and pass it down throughout the staff. If the management is always

stressed and not pleasant this feeling will trickle down to the employees. The

management needs to show that they are not putting their own tasks onto

employees and that they value their employees. The employee morale and
HR Functional Plan 5

motivation is rated a 3.5 out of 5.0. This number can easily be increased just

with a positive attitude from management and positive reinforcement with

compliments and small rewards. The employees should also feel valued by

their coworkers and value their coworkers and really become a family.

Management should encourage employees to help each other out and praise

each other.

2.1.3. Compensation, benefits, and incentives

The compensation at the Hyatt is significantly lower than the average

compensation for hotel employees. Employees start at minimum wage and

will receive a pay increase if applicable at the time of their reviews. Reviews

are in place at 90 days and then 6 months after that and then every year

after that. Employees will receive a raise that the management sees fit based

on the scores of the assessment. Given the low starting pay and the small

wage increases compensation rates a 2.5 out of 5. If the Hyatt wants to

attract quality employees and decrease turnover they should increase their

starting pay and increase the percentages of which they base their raises off

of. The Hyatt does offer medical, dental, life insurance, vacation and 401k

benefits. Participation in medical, dental, life insurance and 401k is voluntary.

However, vacation and 401k does not apply until the employee has worked

there for a year. One great benefit of working for the Hyatt is that it is a

Hyatt brand hotel and with that you get the benefits of receiving employee

discounts at Hyatt hotels. This allows the employee to stay at all different
HR Functional Plan 6

brands of Hyatt for deeply discounted rates; even family members and

friends are allowed to receive discounted rates as well. Due to the

exceptional benefit of discounted hotels benefits and incentives rates 3.5 out

of 5. The Hyatt should look into giving benefits to employees sooner at 6

months and giving incentives to employees who are doing an exceptional

job; this would raise the 3.5 rating.

2.1.4. Employment laws

All of Arizona state and federal laws are enforced at the Hyatt. All the policies

and codes of conduct are gone over with the employees at the time of hire

when they are filling out paperwork. Each policy and code is gone over

thoroughly and employees are encouraged to ask any questions or concerns

that they may have. The Hyatt is committed to providing a work environment

that is free of discrimination and maintains a strict policy prohibiting

unlawful harassment of any kind. While many feel that there is not much

chance for this to occur, it is still taking place in our industry (Brewster,

2012). This policy applies to all employer agents and employees and extends

to vendors, independent contractors and others doing business with the

employer. Any employee that believes they have been harassed is strongly

encouraged to report the violation immediately. The Hyatt believes that all

persons are entitled to equal employment opportunity and does not

discriminate again qualified employees or applicants. The Hyatt complies

with Federal immigration laws to verify the identity and legal ability to work
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of all individuals before they are hired. The Hyatt rates 4.9 out of 5 for its

fulfillment with employment laws.

2.1.5. Preparing Job Policies

The Hyatt’s job policies are very well thought out. Each Job Analysis goes

through a careful Job Design process prior to implementation, however, the

process does not stop there. For the creation of job policies at the Hyatt,

human resources would consult with the manager of the department that

the job relates to ensure that all tasks and duties are included in the Job

Analysis (which is subsequently located in the training manual for each

position). At the time of hire for a new employee the manager goes over the

duties and tasks of the individual’s position and has the employee sign to

ensure that they understand what is expected of them. Employees are

encouraged to alert management to any duties or tasks that are not included

on the Job Analysis that needs to be or something that needs to be removed.

The manager of each department is encouraged to constantly review the Job

Analysis and make changes as they see necessary as things in the hospitality

industry are always changing. If any changes are made, all current and new

employees are to be made aware of the changes and sign off that they

understand these changes.

The Job Descriptions are prepared from the Job Analyses. Job

Specifications are customized by corporate headquarters and subsequently

HR Functional Plan 8

by the Area and General Managers in each region. The Hyatt is given 4.7 out

of 5 for the preparation of Job Policies.

2.1.6. Recruiting

The Hyatt has a high turnover rate because of the nature of the hotel

industry and because of the low pay it offers. The Hyatt could do a better job

of recruiting new employees. Anyone who comes in person to apply is

welcomed to fill out an application; the Hyatt is always accepting

applications. When recruiting is necessary to find new employees the Hyatt

posts jobs on and The Hyatt also sends out e-

mails to Universities with related fields to send to possible students looking

for work experience. For example, the ASU Downtown campus is only 2 miles

away from the hotel and has a Tourism program. The Hyatt is rated a 3.8 out

of 5 for recruiting due to the lack of quality employees that it attracts. To

increase this number the Hyatt should increase the base pay to attract more

quality employees, they are putting up the job postings in all the right places

but they need to do this more frequently so there are always good quality

employees to hire on file and the recruitment does not become rushed.

2.1.7. Selection

The Hyatt needs to ensure that they are screening all applicants and only

interviewing the qualified applicants. Managers should make sure that they

are thoroughly interviewing the applicants and asking questions to get a real

sense of character of the applicant. All applicants should be interviewed

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twice, once by the assistant manager and then if they pass the first interview

then by the general manager. By having two different individuals interview

an applicant it gives them a chance to really get a good feel for the applicant

and make sure they are a good fit for the position. Background checks should

be strictly enforced and all past job references and personal references

should be checked before a job offer is made. The Hyatt has had an unusually

high turnover the past few months and has hired a few employees who have

lasted a few days to a month. The Hyatt needs to make sure that they are not

just hiring a warm body to fill a position rather than finding a quality

employee that is going to last. Due to the past few hires that have not lasted,

the Hyatt really needs to work on selecting their new hires better and rates a

2.5 out of 5 on the selection process.

2.1.8. Orientation

The Hyatt does orientation on the first day of hire. Since the Hyatt is a

smaller hotel orientation is not done with a group of employees it is done

with each employee individually upon hire with the assistant general

manager. Orientation generally takes about two days depending on how

much time the employee has available. Orientation starts off with the new

hire paperwork; the manager goes through all the paperwork with the

employee while the employee signs everything. Then the manager goes over

the job description and duties/tasks and the employee initials as they have

read and understood everything that is required of them. The employee is

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then required to watch a safety video and sign off on the safety checklist. The

last part of orientation is Hyatt’s Hyatt Confident Service Training where the

employee goes through a book and fills out their answers and then goes over

the finished book with management. The Hyatt rates 4.3 out of 5 on their


2.1.9. Training

The Hyatt has a training checklist that usually takes about three days to go

through. The first day the employee is given a property tour, completes the

person in charge training (pic), goes through the process of getting a log in

for Hyatt and Fosse, and completes Hyatt rewards training. The next day and

a half takes the new employee through practice Fosse where the employee

can practice and get used to the PMS system that they will be using.

Employees are trained on making reservations, checking guests in, checking

guests out, posting charges, room management and engineering. Employees

are taken through the daily checklist to ensure that they are comfortable

with all the steps that will be required of them. Employees are also trained

on phone etiquette and taught the steps of making a reservation with a guest

on the phone. The Hyatt uses Signature Worldwide to train employees on the

phone by having them call Signature and practice making a reservation with

them on the phone. Then on the third day after lunch is when the new

employee logs onto Fosse for real with management supervision. After the

initial three days of intense training the employee works two morning shifts
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and two evening shifts completing the checklists on their own but there is a

qualified employee there as supervision. Employees then are scheduled as

mid shifts or on shift with other qualified employees until they are ready to

work alone. Since the Hyatt has been so short staffed and has had trouble

finding qualified employees, new hires have been rushed through this

training process and forced to work shifts alone before they are ready.

Because of this the Hyatt rates 3 out of 5 on training, the training process at

the Hyatt would be good if it was properly implemented. The science of

measuring the results of training, essentially customer satisfaction, is quickly

improving (Sheng-Hsun & Wang, 2008).

2.1.10. Performance appraisals and discipline

The purpose of evaluations is to let employees know how well they are

performing their assigned job duties and whether they have any

performance problems. Performance evaluations are conducted in a private

meeting between the employee and their immediate supervisor(s).

Evaluations are conducted upon an employee’s completion of the 90-day

introductory period, six months following the 90-day evaluation, and

annually thereafter. During the evaluation employees are encouraged to

address any comments or concerns they may have and are able to see the

evaluations, sign after it is completed and then receive a copy. The Hyatt

follows a progressive discipline policy. The first violation is a verbal

counseling that is documented in written format. The second violation is a

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written counseling. The third violation is a 3-day, unpaid suspension. The

fourth violation only occurs if it is after 91-days from the return from

suspension (third violation) then the employee will be placed on a second

and final 3-day suspension. The fifth violation occurs if it is within the 90-days

of return from suspension or if the employee violated the policy at any time

after the second 3-day suspension. However, the Hyatt reserves the right, in

its discretion, to deviate from any formal system of discipline. For

performance reviews and disciplinary measures the Hyatt receives a 4.8 out

of 5.

2.2. Marketing (There is no need to go into great detail in the marketing section. It is

mainly to have information to provide broader information that will allow for a cross-

functional analysis.)

2.2.1. Products offered

The Hyatt is a full-service hotel that is open 24-7 and 365 days a year. The

hotel features 207 rooms, 98 king sized rooms, 92 double queen sized rooms,

10 king sized suites and 7 double queen sized suites. The décor of the

guestrooms and the lobby is southwestern. The spacious guest rooms

feature a well-lit work desk, telephone with free local calling, complimentary

high-speed Internet access and wireless, flat screen TVs, coffeemakers,

hairdryers, irons and ironing boards, safes, microwaves, mini-refrigerators

and comfortable bedding. The suites feature a separate sleeping and living

area, two flat screen TVs one in each area, a table and chairs, and a full-size
HR Functional Plan 13

sofa sleeper. The hotel also features plenty of complimentary amenities;

such as continental breakfast, free parking, exercise room, airport shuttle,

outdoor pool and spa, business center, and complimentary high speed

and wireless internet access throughout the property. For groups, the

Hyatt has two different meeting room spaces. There is also a market located

next to the front desk where guests can purchase snack items, ice cream,

frozen meals, and drinks.

All the guest rooms are constantly maintained by housekeeping and

maintenance performing preventative maintenance as necessary. All

problems are logged so that if there are reoccurring problems management

knows it is time to replace this item. The hotel did receive a renovation in

2007 however some of the furniture fixtures and equipment are starting to

age as is expected in hotels. Some of the chairs in the guest rooms need to

be replaced or reupholstered. All the TV’s in the hotel were replaced about 6

months ago from the old TV’s to the new flat screens. The hotel is currently

changing all the air conditioning panels in the rooms to automatically turn on

when a guest enters a room. The fitness center also has some outdated

equipment that could use replacing; the Hyatt is currently accepting bids for

a new treadmill. The décor of the lobby is somewhat outdated and gives

more of a homey feel rather than the new modern feel that guests are

looking for now. The parking lot is complimentary and not always monitored.

Every few months, or if the hotel is going to be sold out, the hotel will hand
HR Functional Plan 14

out parking permits for guest to display on their windshield and this will

deter the people who work across the street from parking in the lot.

Currently for the products offered the Hyatt rates 4.0 out of 5. This is mostly

due to the décor needing some updating as well as some furniture needing

to be replaced or reupholstered.

2.2.2. Prices

The Hyatt is a full-service hotel and the rates offered at the hotel stay

consistent with that concept. The concept of the Hyatt was created so guests

could find a hotel with Hyatt standards that offered a list of complimentary

amenities while staying reasonably priced. The regular room rate for a

standard room ranges from $79 in the summer to $159 in the winter and

spring. From May to August is the hotels off-peak season and all other

months are considered the peak months. The Hyatt offers negotiated rates

for corporate accounts and groups. The corporate rates are set for the

different months and become a contract signed by the hotel and the

corporation. However, the rates availability is not guaranteed and become

dependent on the number of rooms reserved and the volume produced.

Group rates are negotiated for a certain amount of rooms and room types on

certain dates. Some other discounted rates guest can ask for are rates such

as AAA, AARP, Senior Discount, hospital rates, government rates, etc. These

rates are also subject to availability and are not always available. Lower rates

may also be found on the Hyatt website and require the guest to advance
HR Functional Plan 15

purchase the room, requiring them to pay for the room immediately and

there are no changes or cancellations allowed. Another place to find lower

rates is on websites such as Expedia, and Priceline. The guests

are able to upgrade their standard rooms to suites for an additional $20 per

night based on availability. The Hyatt is always keeping an eye on their

competition in the surrounding area and trying to make sure their prices stay

aligned. The Hyatt offers a variety of complimentary amenities and does not

charge any additional fees. For the variety of prices that the Hyatt offers and

not charging any additional fees it rates 4.5 out of 5.

2.2.3. Place

The Hyatt is conveniently located right off the 7th street exit just north of the

1-15. The cross streets are Miller Avenue and Virginia Avenue. The location

of the Hyatt is just two miles north of the heart of downtown which still close

to all the businesses, convention center and activities going on downtown

but avoids the traffic of the downtown area. The Hyatt is also located right

on the light rail line which can take the guests downtown, to the airport and

into the surrounding business districts. There are a few great restaurants

within walking distance from the Hyatt, Charlie’s being one of them which is

a 5-star steak restaurant located right across the street. The Los Angeles

International Airport is located 12 miles away and the entrance to the I-15

freeway just 2 miles away. The immediate surroundings of the hotel are safe

but some areas near the hotel being not the safest. The Hyatt has an airport
HR Functional Plan 16

shuttle that takes guests to and from the airport as well as within a 3-mile

radius. With the convenience of the light-rail line and the shuttle most guests

do not feel the need to rent a car. This section rates 4 out of 5 because of the

convenient location and amenities close by.

2.2.4. Promotions

The Hyatt does not run many promotions on its own the promotions are

generally run through Hyatt as a whole. The Hyatt does use different website

channels to sell rooms such as Priceline, Travelocity, Orbitz, and

The Hyatt website offers deals such as 20% off when you book a weekend

trip from June through September on your Hyatt Visa credit card. The Hyatt

is generally attended by business guests during the week this leaves the hotel

with low occupancy rates on the weekends. The Hyatt does offer discounted

rates on the weekends for guests. The Hyatt should work on coming up with

a few of their own promotions to encourage more guests to stay at the hotel.

For this section the Hyatt rates 3.5 out of 5.

2.2.5. Marketing management

The marketing department at the Hyatt is our sales department. Most of the

Hyatt’s advertising is done by Hyatt. The sales manager at the Hyatt focuses

on marketing towards groups and corporations to sell room blocks, negotiate

rates, and sell meeting rooms. The sales department is using social

networking sites like Facebook and TripAdvisor to advertise specials. The

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Hyatt could start doing more advertising on their own instead of relying on

Hyatt, for this reason the rating for this section is a 3.2 out of 5.

2.3. Operations

The general performance of the management at the Hyatt is average. There is a

general manager and an assistant manager. However, management needs to be

consistent when implementing new treatments or policies as far as making sure

everyone is on the same page. The lack of communication of information from

management to employees needs to be eliminated; when there is a change all

employees should be notified. The management tends to stay behind the scenes and

the employees do not always feel that they truly care about them. Management

needs to be more proactive in dealing with certain situations and not handing off the

situations to employees when they should be handled by management. The

managers at the Hyatt receive 3.5 out of 5. The product quality of the rooms at the

Hyatt is 4 out of 5. This is because some of the furniture and fixtures are becoming

worn and need to be updated. The look and feel of the lobby and the rooms needs

to have more of a modern feel rather than the homey southwestern feel that they

currently have. The service quality at the Hyatt is at 4.2 out of 5. The employees are

currently getting tons of positive comments and feedbacks and the surveys are

coming back with lots of 10’s and employees are always be recognized by name.

Employees still need to work on being more empowered to solve guest issues right

away without seeking the help of a manager. This would make the guest feel valued

and appreciated. All the equipment at the Hyatt is working in a proper, clean and
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efficient manner. The equipment would rate 4.8 out of 5. The functional layout of

the Hyatt is very good. As soon as the guest enters the lobby there is the front desk

area to the right and the business center to the left and a sitting area in the center. If

the guest continues to walk straight there is a breakfast area with plenty of tables

and chairs. The hotel is 4 stories high with an elevator located in the center of the

hallways and stairs on both ends. The hotel is very easy and quick to navigate

around. The layout rates 4.5 out of 5. The Hyatt has nightly security that walks

around the property from 10 pm to 5 am. During the day time management is on

property and so are many employees so there is no need for security during the day.

However, over night when there is only one employee on property working the front

desk it is imperative to have a security officer on site as well. All the staff is trained

to respond to all types of issues efficiently and properly. However there still are

bums in the area who can be found sleeping next to the dumpster at times and

there have been a handful of car break-ins. Every month the Hyatt has a safety

meeting required for all employees to attend and each month a different safety

topic is covered. Such has handing chemical properly, how to properly lift objects,

etc. These meetings are a great way to remind employees of the safety dangers and

how to handle each situation. The Hyatt rates 4 out of 5 on safety and security. The

cleanliness of the Hyatt is good. The housekeeping does a great job in keeping the

rooms clean and the lobby clean. The landscaping is done by an outside company

who comes about once a week to cut the grass and ensure that trees and bushes are

trimmed and dead plants are removed. The front desk does a good job of keeping
HR Functional Plan 19

the front desk area, business center, and outside trashes clean. The Hyatt is given 4

out of 5 for cleanliness. The purchasing and inventory systems in use could use some

work. The purchasing is good and the managers never over purchase. However,

whenever it comes time to do an inventory of linen there always seems to be over a

hundred missing. The front desk needs to make sure when stocking the snacks and

sodas in the marketing area that they are using the first in first out method so that

items in inventory don’t go bad and are unable to sell. Inventory should be done

twice a month instead of once a month to figure out where the entire missing

inventory is going. The Hyatt rates 3 out of 5 on purchasing and inventory systems in

use. The Hyatt is currently understaffed so it rates 3.5 out of 5 on employees

scheduling. The managers need to hire more quality employees so that they can

schedule the extra help when it is necessary rather than having one employee

completely swamped. Currently the employees’ performance according to policies

and standards is lacking and rates 3.5 out of 5. Employees need to make sure that

just because they are starting to feel comfortable does not mean they start slacking

on the quality of work that they are providing and that they are still following

appearance standards.

2.4. Finance

Over the past few months the Hyatt has been exceeding the sales goal set by

corporate and exceeding the sales from the previous year. The Hyatt is in good

financial standing and is right where they need to be with sales, ADR and occupancy

percentage. Management has been doing a good job of using cost controls and
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limiting the amount of overtime allowed. If management works on controlling

inventory better, then it will see a decrease in revenue lost from the inventory that

was lost.

3. Environmental Analysis

3.1. Operating factors

3. 1.1. Human Resources

The expectations of potential employees are to have a competitive

wage/salary and benefits. Many of the employees in the hotel industry are

students who are looking for managers to be flexible with scheduling due to

school and additional jobs. Some other potential employees may need

flexibility due to family commitments or children. Potential employees want

to feel safe at work especially when arriving to work early in the morning or

leaving at night by themselves. Employees need to be treated equally no

matter how long they have been at the hotel; employees want to fit in and

have a family relationship with their coworkers and want to feel valued

(Vora, M. K., 2004). Employees expect to be trained efficiently and know

exactly what is expected of them and it must be done by someone qualified

to train. Employees don’t want to feel rushed through the training process

they want to make sure they are fully comfortable before being left alone.

Employees want managers who are fair and that they feel comfortable

talking to and asking questions. Potential employees want to work at the

Hyatt and get their foot in the door in the hotel industry and gain experience.
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Starting at a smaller hotel property lets potential employees get a good feel

for the hotel and become a part in all the different operations. Potential

employees know that the Hyatt is a Hyatt property and know the quality of

workplace that Hyatt properties provide. However, recently finding quality

employees capable of the job description and duties has been difficult. With

the Hyatt located in Phoenix there are a lot of potential employees around

but not quality employees. Most people live outside of the city in the suburbs

like Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, and Mesa and so it is a distance for them to

drive to Downtown Phoenix.

3.1.2. Customer Analysis

The Hyatt’s customer base is typically business people due to the location

and being near many corporate buildings and the convention center. During

the week is when the Hyatt’s occupancy percentages and prices are at their

highest. The Hyatt has a bunch of corporate accounts that have guests stay at

the hotel frequently because of the hotel’s location to the office and the

complimentary shuttle available to take the guests to the offices. The main

accounts are Dillards Department Stores, Collins consulting, U.S. Department

of Labor, the legal firm of Donaldson & Ribak, Xerox Corporation, the Bureau

of Indian Affairs, and the Maricopa County Attorney’s office. The hotel is also

very close to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Banner Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix

Children’s Hospital and the VA Hospital so the hotel offers discounted rates

for hospitals and gets a lot of business because of that. The Hyatt sees very
HR Functional Plan 22

few leisure guests; a few here and there because of the discounted weekend

rates that the hotel offers to attract new guests. The sales manager at the

Hyatt is constantly working to bring more leisure guests to the hotel by

bringing in groups such as wedding parties and tour groups. There is

potential to gain more leisure guests because of the Hyatt’s location and

being close to US Airways Center, Chase Field, Phoenix Art Museum, and

Comerica Theatre.

3.1.3. Competitor Analysis (Since you need to have at least 8 competitive factors in

your plan, I bolded them to stand out. In general, they should focus on HR factors.)

The Hyatt is in the select segment and the main competitors in close

proximity to the Hyatt are the Hampton Inn, the Holiday Inn Express, and

Quality Inn and Suites. The pay at each hotel is very similar. However, the

morale, training, opportunities for advancement, managerial quality, and

the physical working environment (reasonably up-to-date facilities and

always clean) at the Hyatt is anywhere from somewhat to significantly better

than our main competitors. Overall though, quality service is improving is

virtually every class of hotel (Lee, K. J., 2014).

In this particular market Holiday Inn Express is probably the strongest of

the three, primarily due to a very good General Manager. As in most Hyatt

Hotels, the values that underlie most every decision are strong and steadfast.

The fact that the General Manager of Hyatt strongly supports the values

and mission of the Hyatt corporation is probably one of the main points that
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differentiates the general satisfaction of our employees from those of our

main competitors.

(The following is extra information on Marketing that is not

required. It is however helpful in making HR decisions and would

be needed in a business plan because of the need to cover all

functional areas.) The Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn Express and Quality Inn

and Suites all offer similar amenities to the Hyatt’s. However the Hyatt’s

amenities are always one step above the competition. The shuttle service at

the Quality Inn and Suites only runs Monday through Friday from 8am to

4pm and only goes within the area. The Hyatt’s Shuttle service runs every

day 6am to 10pm and not only goes within a 3 mile radius but also picks up

and drops off people at the airport. The other competitors don’t even offer a

shuttle. All of the competition offers complimentary breakfast, an outdoor

pool, free wireless high-speed internet, business center, fitness area, free

parking, and laundry facilities same as the Hyatt. The Hyatt relies on their

shuttle and their exceptional customer service with competitive rates to

bring guests to their hotel rather than the competition. Trip advisor rates the

Holiday Inn Express 79%, Hampton Inn 93%, and Quality Inn & Suites 75%.

With the Hyatt’s rating of 82% this puts us right in line with our competition.

The Hyatt is always making sure to be competitively priced and continues to

strive to beat out its competition and create better guest satisfaction.
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3.1.4. Suppliers

The Hyatt does a great job of keeping supplies in stock for employees and

guests. The Hyatt orders from many places including Pepsi, Costco, HD

Supply, Office Solution, Office Max, Shamrock Foods, and Dairy Maid Foods.

There have been a handful of times where the hotel has had to run out and

buy a few items until the new items that were ordered come in but this is a

rare occurrence. The Hyatt has secured local backups for supplies for

situations like that. The Hyatt always makes sure to have a backup on hand

and as soon as the backup starts to be used the Hyatt orders more.

3.2. Remote Factors

3.2.1. Political Regulations

The Hyatt is required by Federal immigration laws to verify the identity and

legal ability to work of all individuals before they be hired. Each new hire

must show documentation showing the person’s identity and legal authority

to work and they must attest to their legal authority to work on an I-9 form

which is provided by the Federal Government.

3.2.2. The Economy

The economy has been starting to show significant signs of improvement

which are evident looking at the beginning of 20XX and comparing it to 20XX.

The hotel industry was hit very hard with the economy with people not

having extra money to spend on vacations and business’s using more

conference calls and video chats instead of flying people places. This can
HR Functional Plan 25

happen again (Michels, J. 2002). However, being a midmarket hotel with

many complimentary amenities, companies who once paid for their

employees to stay at luxury resorts are now downsizing and choosing more

reasonable options making the Hyatt a desirable choice. The Hyatt has had

an increase in sales from the previous year and has been able to slightly raise

room rates from the previous year as well. The first half of 2011 is a great

indicator of what is to come and the Hyatt expects numbers to continue to

grow especially starting in 2012.

3.2.3. Societal Trends

Due to the poor economy over the past few years and the hesitation of

guests to make travel plans people are still being cautious and careful when

it comes to booking hotels. Being a midmarket hotel the Hyatt is in a great

position to pick up business as businesses and guests choose hotels with

cheaper rates and more complimentary amenities. Providing free services

seem to be a trend in midscale hotels (Marin, 2014).

3.2.4. Technology

The Hyatt operates on the Fosse PMS system. Fosse is always updating and

creating more options for employees to use. Fosse is difficult to get used to

at first but once an employee gets the hang of it, it is easy. Fosse is used

100% with a keyboard, no mouse is used. Fosse operates with Hyatt’s central

reservation system MARSHA. The use of in-room technologies is rapidly

HR Functional Plan 26

increasing, so we need to be aware of what is available and what others are

using (Jung, Kim, & Farrish, 2014).

HR Functional Plan 27

4. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
Open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, 24/7 Staff needed every day and at all hours of the
Complimentary amenities Lack of amount of time in training
Great job of following employment laws Rooms/lobby need redecorating
Good benefits Low Pay
Friendly staff/ high customer service scores Recruitment/Lack of quality applicants
Uniforms provided Lack of communication between departments
and management
Location Not a “family” environment for coworkers
Transportation services Customer satisfaction scores
Branding Selective Hiring
Orientation Employee morale
Business guests Use of down-time (Job Policies)
Performance reviews Training
Values Employee empowerment

Opportunities Threats
Outdated amenities/décor Customer satisfaction score/Trip Advisor rank
Leisure guests/group guests Similar Competitors
Complimentary amenities Business slow in the summer months
Location Short staffed
Recruiting Employee morale/value
Marketing/Advertising Competitors paying higher wages
HR Functional Plan 28

5. Key Factor Analysis

5.1. Weakness: Lack of communication between departments and management


Strength: Supportive of employment laws (reinforce this positive aspect)

5.2. Weakness: Employee morale (Values, Morale and Motivation)

5.2. Weakness: Empowerment (Values, Morale & Motivation)

5.3. Weakness: Employee Pay (Compensation)

5.4. Weakness: We do not discuss employment laws enough in recruiting, hiring or

orientations. (Employment Laws)

5.5. Weakness: Use of down-time (Job Policies)

5.6. Weakness: Recruiting

5.7. Weakness: Our interview process is weak (Hiring/selection)

5.8. Strength: Orientation is good, but the more information is needed (Orientation)

5.9. Weakness: Training

5.10. Weakness: Customer satisfaction scores (Performance Appraisals)

5.10. Threat: Trip Advisor ranking (Performance Appraisals)

HR Functional Plan 29

6. Objectives

6.1. Planning. Have monthly meetings with all departments where they can

communicate with each other and address issues and problems. Have a board next to

the time clock where all employees will see it where management will write down

announcements. Begin by January, 2011.

6.2. Values, Morale and Motivation. Management needs to praise employees when

applicable and have an open door policy for employees who have issues or concerns

that they wish to address. Also make time at each meeting for employees to praise each


Employees should be given a list of possible duties that they can do when they have

down time. Possible activities may be helping out other departments if possible, making

more key packets, organizing storage areas, etc. Begin within one month.

6.3. Compensation. The starting pay should increase by .50 cents and the raises at the

performance reviews should be more significant giving employees the incentive to work

harder to get the raise that they deserve. Implement by March 1, 2011.

6.4. Employment Laws. We do such a good job with supporting employment laws that

we could emphasize this in recruitment, hiring, orientation and training. Begin by June

1, 20xx.

6.5. Job Policies. Everyone needs to explicitly follow front desk agent policies and make

efficient use of down time beginning next week.

6.6. Recruiting. Recruiting of quality employees should be done more frequently to have

applications of quality employees on file at all times so that the warm body syndrome
HR Functional Plan 30

does not occur. Management should frequently send emails to colleges with Hospitality

programs in the area asking for students looking for experience to send in an

application. Begin by March 1, 20xx.

6.7. Selective Hiring. Develop a better interview process by April 1, 20xx

6.8. Orientation. All new employees should be taught on how to judge a situation and

how serious it is and what would be a possible solution based on the problem. If a guest

just had an issue getting in their safe and someone was sent up immediately to fix the

issue the employee would not want to comp their whole stay. However they may offer a

free beverage from the market area due to their frustration. Employees should be

taught how to gage the frustration of the guest and be able to figure out how to resolve

the issue. Begin within one month.

6.9. Training. Beginning immediately, the training program should cater to the new

hires needs. The new employees should be given a checklist of the job description and

duties and check off each one as they feel comfortable enough in each area. New

employees should be given a period after shadowing where they work alone but there is

another qualified employee there if any questions or problems arise.

6.10. Performance Appraisals. Customer service scores are already on the rise and went

from a 3.5 to a 4.0. The goal is to continue to increase this by making the guest the

number one priority and really going above and beyond for that guest. Beginning next

week, management should recognize the employees that get named on guest surveys

and comment cards and reward them.

HR Functional Plan 31

Performance Appraisals. Increase the Trip Advisor rating from an 82% to a 90% in

the next 6 months. Employees should encourage guests to give an email address so we

can email the guest surveys and have the general manager write a note thanking them

for their stay and asking if they please take the time to rate their stay on Trip Advisor as

HR Functional Plan 32

7. Strategies and tactics

7.1. Planning

7.1.1. Strategy

Develop a new way for management and employees to communicate with each other.

7.1.2. Tactics Action Plans

Develop a way for employees to communicate their concerns anonymously for


Find a way for management and employees to communicate on a regular basis. Policies

Have daily meetings within the department with the employees who are about to

leave and the new employees coming in for the day where employees and

management can update each other.

Have monthly meetings where departments can communicate with other

departments addressing issuing of the hotel as a whole.

7.2. Values, Morale and Motivation

7.2.1. Strategy

Develop a strategy to increase morale of the staff and improve motivation.

7.2.2. Tactics Action Plans

Develop a plan to communicate Hyatt’s values to employees.

Find out what other hotels are doing in this area.

HR Functional Plan 33

At the monthly meetings rewards employees that are following company values. Policies

Recognize exceptional performance on a daily basis.

Each week, focus on a different company value.

7.3.Compensation, Benefits and Incentives

7.3.1. Strategy

Develop an incentive program to reward employees who get perfect calls from signature

worldwide, get named in a guest comment card and do exceptional in the mystery shops by

Jackson and Hyatt.

7.3.2. Tactics Action Plans

Develop a list of employee incentives.

Develop an incentive plan within the next 60 days. Policies

Employees are rewarded for receiving 100% on perfect calls from signature worldwide and

receive $25.

For every time your name is mentioned positively in a guest comment card the employee

receives $5.

Employees will be rewarded with $50 for a perfect mystery shop by either Jackson or


7.4. Employment Laws

7.4.1. Strategy
HR Functional Plan 34

Communicate that we faithfully enforce employment laws.

7.4.2. Tactics Action Plan

Find areas where our enforcement of employment laws can be communicated.

Develop a plan to make sure that policies related to employment laws are up to date. Policies

During recruiting, hiring, orientation and training, review all major employment laws.

Ensure that policies are being checked every 4 months to verify that no new laws have been

made or no laws have been changed

Have management review employment laws to ensure that they are up to date.

Change and rewrite any policies that need to be updated.

If policies have changed, train management on the new policies

7.5. Job Policies

7.5.1. Strategy
Prepare a new job analysis, design, description, and specifications for Front Desk Agent. Focus
on having appropriate details and minimizing down time.
7.5.2. Tactics: Action Plans
Job Policies:
1. Guest Service Manager will be responsible for preparing the HOH-FSW’s
job analysis, design, description, and specifications.
2. Research for new job descriptions and specifications must be gathered that
highlight the latest developments concerning personality and effective verbal
interaction with guests
HR Functional Plan 35

3. The job descriptions and specifications should be completed and ready for
testing by June 27, 20XX. Policies
Job Analysis
Position: Front Desk Agent
Duties (number) and Tasks (letter):
1. Check-in with Lead
a. Make sure that you are in appropriate uniform when you clock in.
Check in with your Lead to see what your job is for the day.
b. If you are in correct uniform, you may begin to work on at the front desk.
2. Check-in Guest

1. Have guest complete a registration card (if information is not on computer).

2. Determine, record, and approve form of payment

3. Ask if there are any special needs during the guest’s stay.

4. Determine type of room desired and whether non-smoking or smoking is preferred.

5. Attempt to upsell higher priced room.

6. Assign guest room.

7. Provide room key, without mentioning room number.

8. Inform guest of hotel facilities (restaurants, specials such as a seafood buffet, exercise room,

9. Provide directions to room.

10. Offer assistance with baggage.

3. Guest Checkout …………………..

4. Be a team player, help others, minimize down time

HR Functional Plan 36

a. Work hard and be efficient. If you notice something running out on the line, be sure to stock
it as quickly as possible. Be safe, but don’t dilly-dally. Do whatever is needed to be done to
create magic for the Guests.
5. Let your Lead know when you are off
a. Make sure you let your Lead know when you need to go on breaks, lunches, and when it is
time for you to go home.
Job Design
Job Simplification:

There will be a separate phone number for reservations

Job Rotation:

GSAs will help housekeepers out when necessary.

Job Enlargement/Enrichment
GSAs will help marketing department as necessary.
Job Description
Position: Front Desk Agent
Reports to: Working FD Lead
Works closely with: housekeeping, maintenance, sales department, general manager
Rate of pay: Starting at $9.70 with potential annual raises
Job Summary: Safely, courteously, and efficiently checks guests in and out and makes sure the
front desk and lobby areas are clean and attractive.
Job Specifications
1. One year of previous foodservice experience, with more than one year at one or more
foodservice businesses
2. Outgoing personality, good interpersonal skills
3. Conscientious, service oriented attitude
4. Multi-tasking ability
5. Neat appearance
6. Team player
HR Functional Plan 37

7.6. Recruiting

7.6.1. Strategy

Start recruiting more frequently to have more qualified applicants on hand.

7.6.2. Tactics Action Plan

Research new options for recruitment

Look at the ways competitors are recruiting and compare.

Start recruiting more often at colleges with related degree programs

Start new methods of recruitment Policies

Ensure that recruitment is being done in the right places such as websites like hcareers that

relate to the hospitality field and colleges with tourism and hotel management degrees.

7.7. Selective Hiring

7.7.1. Strategy

Develop a new system to better review applications to hire the most qualified candidates.

7.7.2. Tactics Action Plan

Create questions that will allow management to see how potential employees will handle

situations that they will encounter.

Develop a training program for managers on interviewing skills.

Develop a list of ability and character traits that are required for the position to look for in

potential employees.
HR Functional Plan 38 Policies

Ensure that management is pre-screening applicants and checking all references past

employer and personal before interviewing.

All potential employees with be interviewed twice, once by the assistant general manager

and then if they pass that stage then by the general manager who has the ultimate say.

Ensure that an in-depth background check is done before hiring any new employee.

Always have management interview at least three possible candidates for the position and

then decide.

7.8. Orientation

7.8.1. Strategy

Develop an orientation with new orientation as close to their hire date as possible.

7.8.2. Tactics Action Plan

Find the best time for orientations and make sure that each new employee is given enough


Reevaluate the orientation to ensure that it is efficient and a good use of time for both

management and the new employees. Policies

All employees will have orientation within the first two weeks of their date of hire.

Employees will not be allowed to start training until their initial orientation with

HR Functional Plan 39

7.9. Training

7.9.1. Strategy

Have one manager who is dedicated to the training of new employees and ensure that the

training method is effective.

7.9.2. Tactics Action Plan

Have the assistant general manager take training classes to learn the best and most

effective ways for training employees.

Ask current employees to review the current training methods and make suggestions.

Consider having all new hires initial all of the different tasks and duties to ensure that they

feel properly trained before moving on. Policies

All employees must demonstrate that they know their job description and duties and tasks

and work efficiently.

New employees will not be allowed to work alone before they are capable of performing all

the tasks and duties required and they feel comfortable working on their own.

7.10. Performance Appraisals

7.10.1. Strategy

Develop a performance evaluation that includes both management and employees equally.

7.10.2. Tactics Action Plan

Find out what our competitors are doing.

HR Functional Plan 40

Discuss having management and employees review their evaluations and goals that were

set for the evaluation and create new goals for the next evaluation. Policies

Have formal performance appraisals of employees at 90 days, 6 months thereafter and 1

year thereafter annually.

Monitor the performance of employees and perform inform evaluation of new hires on a

weekly basis.

All goals must be agreed upon by management and employees

Make sure the employee is aware of all the disciplinary actions.

Have the employee sign the performance appraisal after it is given. Always ask and

encourage the employee to have questions.

HR Functional Plan 41

8. Controls

8.1. Training: The new training program will be monitored by having the new

employees rate the trainer. Employees will have a chance to give suggestion and

comments. Having multiple employees evaluate the new training program will be the

only way to ensure the success.

8.2. Recruiting: The way to monitor recruiting would be to compare turnover from

before to after the new recruiting plans have been put in place. Another way to tell is by

seeing how many qualified applicants there are on file ready to be interviewed at

anytime. Having more applicants on file will make it less likely for the warm body

syndrome to occur.
HR Functional Plan 42

9. References

Barsky, J. D. (1996). Building a Program for World-class Service. Cornell Hotel & Restaurant
Administration Quarterly, 17,17-33.

Brewster, Z. W. (2012). Racially Disciminatory Service in Full-Service Restaurants: The problem,

cause and potential solutions. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 4, 274-285.

Jung, S., Kim, J., & Farrish, J. (2014). In-room Technology Trends and Their Implemcations for
Enhancing Guest Experiences and Revenue. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Technology, 3, 210-228.

Lee, K. J. (2014). Attitudinal Dimensions of Professionalism and Service Quality Efficacy of

Frontline Employees in Hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 41,

Lee, S. K. (2014). Revisiting the Impact of Bed Tax with Spatial Panel Approach. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, 41, 49-55.

Marin, M. (2014). HAMA Releases Results of its 2015 Survey on Lodging Trends. Hotel Business,
23, 32-35.

Michels, J. TIA Outlook Forum Sees Glimmer of Hotel for Travel Comeback. Travel Agent, 310,

Ozen, K. R., Mesci, M., Comlekci, I., & Sahin O., (2012). Investigating Hoel Employee
Involvement in Strategic Human Resources Management. Tourismos, 7, 117-134.

Sheng-Hsun H.; Wang, Y. (2008). The Development and Empirical validation of the
Satisfaction Index model. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 4, 353-366.

Vora, M. K. (2004). Creating Employee Value in a Global economy through Participation,

Motivation and Development. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 15,
HR Functional Plan 43


Sales based on Guest Type for 2013

Sales based on Guest Type

Leisure Guests
Business Guests
Group Guests

Sales at the Fairfield from Dec 2021to March 2013





$60,000.00 Sales



December January February March
HR Functional Plan 44

Student’s Self-Grade Report


Cover Page-2 points 2

Grammer-5 points 5

References-5 points 5

Citation-5 points 5

Executive Summary-3 points 3

Internal Analysis-10 points 8

Environmental Analysis-10 points 9

SWOT analysis-5 points 5

Key Factor Analysis-5 points 5

Objectives-10 points 10

11.Strategies, tactics, and implementation 13

of tactics-15 points

12. Controls-5 points 5

13. Charts/Graphs-5 points 4

14. Overall quality-10 points 9

15. Grade sheet completed in an objective 5

manner and by comparing the requirements
in the project to the work in the project-5

Total Grade ## (out of 100)

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