Career Exploration and Self Assessment Summary Page Instructions

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Career Exploration and Self Assessment

Summary Page Instructions

Career Exploration and Self Assessment summary should not exceed 3 pages in length or 5 slides. Use this
outline with these headings, in this order, when preparing Career Exploration and Self Assessment
summary pages. Answers to these questions may be comprehensive and include data and resources for the

CAREER EXPLORATION (2 pages maximum):

1. What are the education path and qualifications necessary for a career in the education/training field in
which you are interested?

2. Please list a sample job description for your ideal education/training career.

3. What skills are needed for this career?

4. What is the current and future job outlook for this career?

5. Mentorship is a big component in education/training job sustainability. Who could be a mentor to you
and what other measures could you take to ensure a long, enjoyable, and successful career?

6. What are the entry-level positions and opportunities for professional advancements in this
career field?

SELF ASSESSMENT (1 page maximum):

1. Why are you personally interested in this career?

2. What personal skills and learning style do you have that indicate that you might be suited for this
career choice?

3. Describe what appeals to you about a career in education or training?

4. What other aspects of your self assessment have you considered?

Shadowing Reflection Summary Instructions
Senior and Occupational

Write a reflection on the shadowing experience of a best practices teacher or a corporate trainer. The
Shadowing Reflection Summary should not exceed 3 pages in length or 5 slides. Use this outline in this
order. Include this in the electronic or hardcopy portfolio.

I. Describe the shadowing experience, where, when, length of shadowing, why you chose this person to
shadow, and the setting and classrooms or trainings sessions you observed.

II. Observations:
1. What observations did you make about room management techniques?
2. What observations did you make about the content/curriculum being taught?
3. How did the teacher or trainer manage the lesson?
4. What evidence did you see of planning?
5. Discuss with the teacher/ trainer the following.
• The school’s or organization’s mission statement
• The curriculum standards or guidelines.
• The career of teaching/ training.
• Maintaining a professional motivation for the career.
• Their “best advice” to a new teacher/ trainer or a potential teacher/trainer.
• Why did they choose the presentation strategies methods that were used?
• How did they choose the activities?
• How did they accommodate diverse learning styles, or accommodations needed, learning
styles, language, cultural values, and ethical standards of teaching/ training?

6. Include other applicable observations.

III. Document evidence of prior presentations, including outcomes.
Lesson/Workshop Plan

Use this outline with these headings in this order when preparing lesson.
The lesson/workshop plan may not exceed two pages or three slides in length.

1. Presenter Name: Ms. Kristyn Lloyd

2. Lesson Title: Grains
3. Objective(s): 1. Identify and label the different parts of a seed of grain 2. Learn about the wide variety
of uses for grains 3. Become familiar with different legumes
4. Audience Description: FCS Foods class at an alternative school
5. Location of Presentation(s): Central High School
6. Length of Lesson: 30 mins

Activity Supplies,
Timing Content Instructional Methods Technology Resources, Handouts
Introduction Play game to write down different  Paper & pen
3 mins grain food products to get us all  Candy
thinking on the topic. Set up
partnerships. Winning group is the
one with the most items written
down- they will get a candy.
Lesson Power point attached as separate  External Hard  Water bottles filled
15 mins document- it will be on my thumb drive with grains
drive and ready to go. Information,  PowerPoint  Candy
different small activities, and presentation  Questions on cut
 Projector paper strips
questions are included on the PPT.
connected to
computer screen
7 mins Activity Water bottle flip game- questions
(each worth 2 points) on paper
strips to review information that
was presented. IF they get the
question right they can double
their points by flipping the water
bottle (filled with grains). The team
with the most points in the end
wins candy.

5 mins Conclusion Ask for any questions and clarify  Review “My
any confusion. Encourage learners Plate” dietary
to notice the different grains that guidelines online
they eat each day and compare 
that to the recommended dietary
guidelines online. (My plate)
Curriculum Standard or Corporate Strategy addressed: Idaho Teaching standard for Nutrition & Foods classes:
After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to: 1.0 Evaluate factors affecting food and nutrition

Describe how you would address these areas when presenting your workshop/lesson plan: cultural
differences, diverse learning styles, or accommodations needed, learning styles, language, cultural values,
and ethical standards of teaching/training.

 I knew that I would be teaching at an alternative school and needed to do something fun to keep the
children engaged in learning- that is why I used candy and games.
 I also made my presentation appeal to the visual learner with the drawing activity and the colorful
images in the PowerPoint presentation.
 I had a student that was blind in one eye and she was still able to participate in every learning activity
that I presented.
 We talked about different allergies that people might have when it comes to grains and legumes. This
made the students more aware to that situation.

Evaluation Methods of Audience:

A video recording was taken of my presentation so that I would be able to evaluate my own teaching and improve it in
the future. My advisor also reviewed the teaching video and gave me feedback.

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