Demonstration Cutting Veggies

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HFED 110

Demonstration Planning Sheet

Lab Partners’ Names: Kristyn Koch & Ashley Broines

Lab Time: Tuesday 9:00am

Materials Requested:

___Ingredients: apple, onion, garlic, carrot, mushroom, lettuce ______________________________________________

___Equipment: Chef’s Knife, paring knife, cutting board, paper towel, camera and screen. ________________________

Demonstration Title: Cutting Fruits and Vegetables

Time Materials What will be done & said Visual Person

Aids Responsible
1 min Paper towel, (Introduction) Camera & Kristyn
Cutting board, - *Show trick: Wet paper towel to keep Screen
Chef’s knife cutting board stable
- Introduce parts of knife (tip, center, heel)
- Teach how to hold knife

8 min (Body) Camera &

Screen Kristyn
Knives/ board. (Explain sizes, tricks, and purpose along while

Apple - Demonstrate to Peel an apple

Mushroom - Demonstrate to Slice a mushroom
Carrot - Demonstrate to Julianne a carrot

Onion - Demonstrate Dice an onion

Garlic - Demonstrate Mince Garlic Ashley

*Remind them to use separate cutting boards for

meat and for vegetables to avoid cross
1 min Conclusion-“Thank you. Does Anyone Have Any
Questions?” Ashley

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