Murcia 2010
Murcia 2010
Murcia 2010
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cerro Machín is a dacitic tuff ring located in the central part of the Colombian Andes. It lies at the south-
Received 22 December 2008 ern end of the Cerro Bravo–Cerro Machín volcanic belt. This volcano has experienced at least six major
Accepted 18 September 2009 explosive eruptions during the last 5000 years. These eruptions have generated pyroclastic flows associ-
ated with Plinian activity that have traveled up to 8 km from the crater, and pyroclastic flows associated
with Vulcanian activity with shorter runouts of 5 km from the source. Today, some 21,000 people live
Keywords: within a 8 km radius of Cerro Machín. The volcano is active with fumaroles and has shown increasing
seismic activity since 2004, and therefore represents a potentially increasing threat to the local popula-
Pyroclastic flows
Volcanic hazard
tion. To evaluate the possible effects of future eruptions that may generate pyroclastic density currents
Cerro Machín Volcano controlled by granular flow dynamics we performed flow simulations with the TITAN2D code. These sim-
Colombia ulations were run in all directions around the volcano, using the input parameters of the largest eruption
reported. The results show that an eruption of 0.3 km3 of pyroclastic flows from a collapsing Plinian col-
umn would travel up to 9 km from the vent, emplacing a deposit thicker than 60 m within the Toche
River valley. Deposits >45 m thick can be expected in the valleys of San Juan, Santa Marta, and Azufral
creeks, while 30 m thick deposits could accumulate within the drainages of the Tochecito, Bermellón,
and Coello Rivers. A minimum area of 56 km2 could be affected directly by this kind of eruption. In com-
parison, Vulcanian column-collapse pyroclastic flows of 0.1 km3 would travel up to 6 km from the vent
depositing >45 m thick debris inside the Toche River valley and more than 30 m inside the valleys of
San Juan, Santa Marta, and Azufral creeks. The minimum area that could be affected directly by this kind
of eruption is 33 km2. The distribution and thickness of the deposits obtained by these simulations are
consistent with the hazard map presented by INGEOMINAS (Geological Survey of Colombia) in 2002.
The composite map of the simulated flow deposits suggests that after major explosive events such as
these, the generation of lahars is probable.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction in the Colombian Andes. Recent studies have improved the knowl-
edge of the eruptive history of the volcano (Pinilla and Pino, 2002;
Cerro Machín Volcano (CMV) is one of the most dangerous ac- Domínguez, 2003; Rueda, 2005) and lahar generation (Hurtado and
tive volcanoes in Colombia. Its hazard map was published by the Murcia, 2003; Murcia et al., 2008a). It is now clear that Machín Vol-
Geological Survey of Colombia (INGEOMINAS) in 2002 (Méndez cano has produced six major dacitic eruptions during the past
et al., 2002). This map is based on the results of many studies 5000 years and has generated lahars running out more than
(Cepeda et al., 1995, 1996, 1999a,b; Méndez, 1999, 2001, 2002; 100 km. The last eruption, that occurred 900 years ago, produced
Rueda, 2000; Cortés, 2001a,b) that mainly examine the detailed ash fall and pyroclastic flows around the volcano. The effects of
distribution of pyroclastic fall, surge and flow deposits, and lahars these eruptions are unknown by local villagers due to the absence
emplaced around the volcano during the past 10,000 years. With of historical activity. Recent shallow earthquake swarms reported
this hazard map INGEOMINAS has demonstrated the magnitude in April 2004 (GVP, 2004) accompanied by ground deformation,
of past and potentially future eruptions of a poorly-known volcano variations in temperature and cation composition of hot springs,
and radon outputs prompted scientists to consider the volcano in
* Corresponding author. Address: Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional a pre-crisis period (Londoño et al., 2007). Currently, CMV exhibits
Autónoma de México, Coyoacán 04510 D.F., Mexico.
hydrothermal activity, and since 2004, has increased its seismicity
E-mail addresses:, (H.F.
Murcia). which it is constantly monitored by INGEOMINAS.
0895-9811/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
162 H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170
In this paper we used the volcanic stratigraphy and the eruptive 2.1. Stratigraphic summary
dynamics of past eruptions of CMV (Rueda, 2005) to simulate gran-
ular flows with the TITAN2D code (Patra et al., 2005; Sheridan Rueda (2005), in the most recent study concerning the pyroclas-
et al., 2005; TITAN2D User Guide, 2007) and interpreted the results tic activity of the volcano, defined the following six units or erup-
to evaluate the direct effects around the volcano in terms of depos- tive events that occurred during the last 5000 years. In detail these
its thicknesses. Today, we have better information of the volcano units consist of: Espartillal (5000 years ago), P0 (4600 years ago)
(volume and distribution of the deposits) and we rely on a code and P1 (3600 years ago) fall, surge, and pyroclastic pumice flow
that is able to be applied with detailed and realistic electronic rep- deposits; El Guaico (2600 years ago) block-and-ash, and pyroclas-
resentations. The results of the simulations were compared with tic pumice flow deposits; P2 (1200 years ago) fall and pyroclastic
the boundaries shown in the hazard map of the volcano (Méndez pumice flow deposits; and the Anillo (900 years ago) fall, and
et al., 2002) as well as hazard areas defined previously (Obando block-and-ash pyroclastic flow deposits. The pyroclastic flow
and Ramos, 2003; Obando et al., 2003), using the FLOW3D code deposits associated with the Espartillal, P0, P1 and P2 events were
(Kover, 1995; Sheridan and Kover, 1996). produced by Plinian eruptions. In contrast the pyroclastic flow
deposits associated with the El Guaico and Anillo events were gen-
2. Cerro Machín Volcano erated by the destruction of summit lava domes during Vulcanian
activity. Each of these units, with the exception of the Espartillal,
CMV is located in the central part of the Colombian Andes (lat can be correlated with five lahars deposits emplaced tens of kilo-
4°290 N; long 75°230 W; 2750 m asl). It is situated 150 km southwest meters downstream from the volcano in the El Espinal and Guamo
of Bogotá, and 17 km northwest of Ibagué (Fig. 1A). CMV is located volcaniclastic fans (Cortés, 2001a,b; Murcia et al., 2008a). Table 1
at the intersection of the Cajamarca and Machín faults with N20°E shows some important characteristics of these pyroclastic flow
and N42°W trends, respectively (Rueda, 2005). Its edifice was built and surge deposits.
over metamorphic rocks belonging to the Cajamarca Complex
(Cepeda et al., 1995), and its origin is related to the subduction 2.2. Hydrography
of the Nazca Oceanic Plate below the South America Continental
Plate (Hall and Wood, 1985). The absence of an ice-cap and its CMV is drained by the Santa Marta Creek to the east, San Juan
low relief means that Machín is often overlooked as a minor edifice Creek to the north, and Toche River to the west and southwest.
in the Cerro Bravo–Cerro Machín volcanic belt. However, the vol- The drainage of the Toche River is captured by the Bermellón River
cano is considered one of the potentially most dangerous active after which it is called the Coello River (Fig. 2). The latter flows in a
volcanoes of Colombia, taking into account its high explosive po- NNW–SSE direction for about 88 km prior to the confluence with
tential, dacitic composition and magnitude of past eruptions the Magdalena River. Finally, the perennial flow of the Magdalena
(Cortés, 2001a). It has a 2.4 km wide tuff ring crater opened to River continues in a northward direction for at least 1400 km
the southwest that hosts a complex of dacitic lava domes (Fig. 1B). where it debouches into the Atlantic Ocean.
Fig. 1. (A) Location map showing the three groups of active volcanoes in Colombia. CMV is located in the northern group. (B) SPOT image showing the morphology of the
volcano with its crater and three internal domes (image base provided by Jair Ramirez – INGEOMINAS – Colombia). Solid arrows show the crater rim while dashed arrows
show the domes.
H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170 163
Table 1
Parameters of surge and pyroclastic flow deposits of Cerro Machín Volcano for the six eruptive units described during the past 5000 years (Rueda, 2005).
Eruptive unit Age (years ago) Length (km) Max. thickness (m) Area (km2) Volume (km3) Minimum pulses of pyroclastic flows
Espartillal 5000 8 40 2.8 0.11 2
P0 4600 7 50 1.7 0.1 4
P1 3600 6 100 18 1.8 6
El Guaico 2600 5 50 4.5 0.3 3
P2 1200 – 40 2.2 0.1 1
Anillo 900 – 1 19 0.02 2
Fig. 2. Shaded relief map of CMV and surrounding areas obtained with contour intervals of 50 m. Note the rivers, urban communities and roads. The main road, corresponds
to one of the most important roads in the country. (The yellow names represent small villages or hamlets, and the blue names are the names of the creeks; the most important
names in the area are in white).
2.3. Nearby population hosts the largest population with 19,789 people, according to the
last census of Colombia (DANE, 2005). The rest of the population
Some 21,000 people live within a radius of 8 km around CMV. is dispersed in small villages and hamlets including: Yerbabuena,
The largest town, Cajamarca, located 7 km to the SW of the volcano La Estrella, La Escarcha, El Copal, Toche, La Aurora and El Rodeo
164 H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170
to the north, El Guaico, El Paraiso, San Lorenzo Alto, San Lorenzo For the purpose of this study, we ran more than 200 simulations
Bajo, Chupadero y Las Violetas to the south, Santa Maria, La Aurora, in order to get the best correlations with the geological record.
El Pando and Tapias to the east, and Santa Ana y Aguacaliente to Here, we present the best results obtained in 16 simulations of
the west (Fig. 2). The largest city near the volcano is Ibagué which pyroclastic flows. To run the simulations, we use a DEM gridded
has 468,647 inhabitants (DANE, 2005) and lies at 17 km to the by 10 10 m cells produced from topographic contour lines every
southeast. 50 m. We varied the volume, initial speed, initial direction and
simulated time, and we kept constant the starting coordinates,
internal and bed friction angles, and minimum thickness.
2.4. Previous simulations
3.1.4. Internal friction angle collapse pumice flows in El Chichón Volcano, México. In our simu-
This parameter corresponds to the natural slope of the free-sur- lations, we also found that variation of the internal friction angle
face that would form if a cylindrical pile of the granular material did not influence the runout and final distribution of the deposits.
was placed on a flat plane and allowed to collapse under its own Thus, we used a constant value of 34° in all simulations, this value
weight (TITAN2D User Guide, 2007). Sheridan et al. (2005) showed being 1° higher than the natural angle of repose.
that simulations are not sensitive to this parameter, within a rea-
sonable range of values. However, a large range of values have 3.1.5. Bed friction angle
been used for the friction angle in different studies. For example, For different simulations, we found that the variation of this
Pitman et al. (2003) used a value of 30° to model granular flows parameter has a strong influence on the final distribution of the
on an inclined plane and over a realistic terrain, while Bursik deposits. This parameter corresponds to the minimum slope that
et al. (2005) used a value of 37° and Rupp et al. (2006) used values an inclined surface must obtain before the material placed on it be-
between 30° and 37° to model block and ash pyroclastic flows at gins to slide from its static position (TITAN2D User Guide, 2007).
Colima Volcano, México. Widiwijayanti et al. (2007) and Hidayat Stinton et al. (2004) in an application to Little Tahoma Peak Ava-
et al. (2008) used values between 15° and 25° to model dome-col- lanches, USA, found that the distribution of the deposits changed
lapse pyroclastic flows in Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, greatly with the variation of the bed friction and demonstrated
while Macías et al. (2008) used a value of 30° to model column- the importance of using variable bed friction values, depending
Fig. 3. Shaded relief map showing the overlapped area and thicknesses resulting from eight combined TITAN2D simulations of pyroclastic flows formed by a 720 m Plinian
column-collapse, each one with a volume of 0.3 km3. The simulations were performed through 360° with initial directions separated by 45°.
166 H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170
on the substrate. Pitman et al. (2003) used a value of 15° for their netic energy, where the initial velocity is equivalent to 2gh, g
experiments although considered that a value of 25° would be the- being the acceleration due to gravity and h the height of collapse.
oretically more realistic. Bursik et al. (2005) and Rupp et al. (2006) Following this scheme we used initial velocity of 120 m/s to simu-
used values of 20° and 20–28° for Colima Volcano, Widiwijayanti late Plinian column-collapse and 50 m/s to simulate Vulcanian col-
et al. (2007) and Hidayat et al. (2008) used values of 5–12° for umn-collapse. These values correspond to column-collapse heights
Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, and Macías et al. (2008) used of 720 and 130 m, respectively. The values are supported, for
values of 10–12° for El Chichón Volcano, México. We used a value example, by reports of pyroclastic flow velocities during the Plinian
of 15° in all simulations because it was the most appropriate value eruption of El Chichón Volcano in 1982 (Macías et al., 2008), or by
for the flow volumes 108 m3 according to experimental data of direct observations, during the Vulcanian column-collapse of Souf-
GMFG and the distribution of pyroclastic flow deposits of Machín rière Hills Volcano between 1995 and 1999 (Druitt et al., 2002).
Volcano. The initial velocity of pyroclastic flows related to dome destruction
can be set at 0 m/s if they are generated by the gravitational col-
3.1.6. Initial speed lapse of the dome sensu stricto (that however, is not our case) or
The probable initial velocity of the pyroclastic flows was deter- higher if they are generated by sudden expansion of pressurized
mined by using a simple relationship between potential and ki- gases (e.g. Fink and Kieffer, 1993).
Fig. 4. Shaded relief map showing the overlapped area and thicknesses resulting from eight combined TITAN2D simulations of pyroclastic flows formed by Vulcanian
column-collapse with a 50 m/s initial velocity and a volume of 0.1 km3. The simulations were performed through 360° with initial directions separated by 45°.
H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170 167
3.2. Results lute cloud would likely impact it. The villages of Toche and Tapias
were affected directly. Fig. 3 illustrates the areas inundated by 1,
3.2.1. Plinian column-collapse pyroclastic flows 15, 30, 45, 60 and >60 m thick pyroclastic material around the vol-
In our simulations these pyroclastic flows were able to travel up cano in case of a 720 m high column-collapse. The minimum area
to 9 km from the vent, emplacing deposits thicker than 60 m in the directly impacted by this eruption was 56 km2.
Toche River valley. Thick deposits also accumulated in San Juan,
Santa Marta and Azufral creeks (>45 m), and Tochecito, Bermellón 3.2.2. Vulcanian column-collapse pyroclastic flows
and Coello Rivers (>30 m). Some pyroclastic flows were able to These pyroclastic flows were able to travel up to 6 km from the
overtop the 200-m-high ridge, Cuchilla de San Lorenzo, located vent, emplacing deposits thicker than 45 m in the Toche River.
west of the volcano. The 1-m deposit isopach did not affect the vil- More than 30 m of material was also deposited within the valleys
lage of Cajamarca, however thinner deposits and the associated di- of San Juan, Santa Marta and Azufral creeks. However, some valleys
Fig. 5. Shaded relief map showing pyroclastic flow hazard map, pyroclastic flow zone affected using FLOW3D and the distribution of the final deposits after a Plinian eruption
using TITAN2D in CMV.
168 H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170
such as those of the Tochecito, Bermellón, and Coello Rivers were TAN2D (Patra et al., 2005), FLOW3D (Kover, 1995; Sheridan and
not reached. In this case, the pyroclastic flows were blocked Kover, 1996) and LAHARZ (Iverson et al., 1998; Schilling, 1998).
by the 200-m-high Cuchilla de San Lorenzo ridge. Fig. 4 illustrates Both existing CMV maps include a hazard zone showing areas
the areas covered by 1, 15, 30, 45 and >45 m thick deposits around that could be affected by pyroclastic flows (Méndez et al., 2002;
the volcano for initial velocities of 50 m/s. A minimum area directly Obando and Ramos, 2003) (Fig. 5). The first map was published
devastated by this kind of eruption was 33 km2. by INGEOMINAS as the official hazard map of the volcano (v. INGE-
OMINAS, 2003), while the second one was created as a result of a
Bachelor thesis by using FLOW3D simulations. In this work, we
3.2.3. Comparable historical eruptions show the final distribution of simulated pyroclastic flows by using
Large historical column-collapse eruptions, similar to those re- the TITAN2D code, taking into account two different types of erup-
ported for CMV, have been documented, for example, at El Chichón tions. We do not show a new hazard zone because that should in-
and Colima Volcanoes, México and Chaitén Volcano, Chile. Carey clude not only the final deposits, but also the areas covered by
and Sigurdsson (1986) reported that the 1982 eruption at El moving of pyroclastic flows prior to the deposition. Besides it
Chichón Volcano completely flattened ca. 100 km2 of jungle associ- should show thicknesses less than 1 m of pyroclastic flow deposits
ated with the emission of 1.1 km3 of magma. Similarly, Saucedo and the ash cloud surge deposit associated. However, these zones
(1997) reported a 0.45 km2 area affected by pyroclastic flows are in good agreement with the INGEOMINAS hazard map and
(0.012 km3) in the 1913 eruption of Colima Volcano. Recently, Lara Obando and Ramos (2003) hazard zone, although the deposition
(2009) reported ca. 4 km3 of material involved in the 2008 eruption area presented in this work is somewhat smaller (Fig. 5).
of Chaitén Volcano. Also, historical dome destruction eruptions As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the two different eruption types (in
with relatively small or without column-collapses have been doc- volume and magnitude) would likely accumulate thick deposits
umented, for example, at Unzen, Soufrière Hills and Colima Volca- in the surrounding valleys of CMV, threatening more than 20,000
noes. Nakada et al. (1999) reported <0.001 km3 of pyroclastic flow inhabitants. The larger magnitude pyroclastic flows produced dur-
deposits during the 1990–1995 eruption at Unzen Volcano. Druitt ing a Plinian eruption would likely affect the village of Cajamarca
et al. (2002) reported an average of 0.0019 km3 of pyroclastic flow and the hamlets of Tapias and Toche. Pyroclastic flows produced
deposits during the 1995–1999 Vulcanian eruption of Soufrière during Vulcanian eruptions would likely affect the Toche Hamlet
Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Saucedo et al. (2004, 2005) reported only. In addition, the sudden deposition of large amounts of volca-
<0.002 km3 pyroclastic flow deposits during the 1991–1999 erup- nic debris (P60 m in thickness) in the valleys of the Toche and Ber-
tion at Colima Volcano, México. CMV eruptions seem to be more mellón Rivers, would block the drainage producing temporary
similar to those occurred during the 1982 eruption of El Chichón lakes that would eventually fail after few days or months produc-
Volcano or during the 2008 eruption of Chaitén Volcano which in- ing destructive lahars, as was observed at El Chichón Volcano,
volved column-collapses. México, Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines, and Numazawako Volcano,
Japan (Macias et al., 2004; Arboleda and Martinez, 1996; Kataoka
et al., 2008). The lahars could reach the Magdalena River, as was re-
4. Discussion: hazard maps ported by Cortés (2001a,b) and Murcia et al. (2008a). Such scenar-
ios represent a hazard to more than 500,000 inhabitants that
Volcanic hazard maps are an important tool to portray the dan- include the towns of La Inspección de Policía de Coello, Carmen
ger posed by active volcanoes to the general public, and are very de Bulira, Payandé, Gualanday, Chicoral, Coello, Espinal, Flandes
useful for both local inhabitants at risk and local authorities for and Girardot. These potential scenarios are so far, the most hazard-
planning purposes. As it was mentioned in the introduction of ous events associated with Machín Volcano for which future simu-
the hazards map of El Chichón Volcano, México (Macías et al., lations and hazard delineation are needed.
2008), the first efforts to delimit volcanic zones began after the
1919 catastrophic eruption of Kelut Volcano, Indonesia (Neumann
5. Conclusions
Van Madang, 1960), although systematic assessment of hazard
mapping started only in the 1960s (Tilling, 1989). In Colombia, a
Recently, CMV has shown signs of volcanic unrest as increasing
belated publication of the hazard map of Nevado del Ruiz Volcano
seismicity, ground deformation, chemical variations of hot springs
combined with difficulties in hazard communication during the
and radon emissions (GVP, 2004; Londoño et al., 2007; Ordoñez,
1985 volcanic crisis, prevented adequate dissemination of the vol-
2007, 2008). The geological record has shown that Machín has pro-
cano hazards knowledge to the public and Civic Authorities, which
duced Plinian and Vulcanian-type eruptions during the past
led to the loss of the lives of 23,000 people (Tilling, 1989). This
5000 years (Méndez, 1999; Méndez et al., 2002, 2003; Rueda,
event still represents today the second largest volcanic catastrophe
2005) with subsequent lahars that have traveled more than
of the 20th century. The important lesson learned by scientists was
100 km (Cortés, 2001a,b; Murcia et al., 2008a). TITAN2D simula-
that for any active volcano it is necessary to define its volcanic evo-
tion results illustrated in this paper indicate that future eruptions
lution with the identification of past eruptions, their type and mag-
may threaten ca. 1 million people. The results also fit the hazard
nitude, the distribution of the products and, if possible, to depict
zones published in the hazard map of the volcano and in earlier
scenarios of future eruptions with the aid of computer-assisted
simulations. Finally, we emphasize the need to maintain and im-
programs to finally construct hazard maps, prior to volcanic unrest.
prove the monitoring network in the volcano, educating the public,
Hazard maps should be illustrative and easy to read. Fortu-
and developing a preliminary plan of evacuation.
nately, INGEOMINAS has now published the hazard maps of Cerro
Bravo, Nevado del Ruiz, Nevado Santa Isabel, Nevado del Tolima,
Cerro Machín, Nevado del Huila, Puracé, Galeras, Cumbal, Chiles Acknowledgments
and Cerro Negro volcanoes, while current maps are being prepared
for Azufral and Sotará volcanoes, and Doña Juana Volcanic Com- This study was supported by NSF Grant 0711497 to Michael
plex. Among these maps, those of Galeras, Nevado del Huila, Puracé Sheridan, CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de
and Cerro Machín volcanoes have used computer simulations as a México) No. 47226 to José Luis Macías, and EHAZ program (Univer-
tool to aid in the delineation of hazard zones and to refine the con- sity Exchange Program in Earth Hazards – A North American
structed maps. The codes used for these simulations include TI- Mobility Project – México – USA – Canada) through Hugo Delgado
H.F. Murcia et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2010) 161–170 169
(UNAM – México). We are especially grateful to Keith Dalbey, Brett GVP (Global Volcanism Program), 2004. Smithsonian Institution. <http://>.
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– Italy), an anonymous reviewer and Eliza Calder (State University Hurtado, B.O., Murcia, H.F., 2003. Caracterización del depósito de flujo de escombros
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